Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...

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Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Better opportunities.
       Bigger impact.

          An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Join our
community of…

scientists        Coming to RIT is
                  about getting access
artists           to opportunities
                  and people who will
innovators        support you and
                  challenge you to
                  be your best.
problem solvers   It’s about getting experiences
                  that will shape you and take
                  you where you want to go.
                  We are creating the most
researchers       powerful, successful network
                  of deaf and hard-of-hearing
                  professionals in the world.
creators          Join us and help move the
                  world forward.



Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Find your fit.
Connect with other students like you.

Diversity at RIT is about students,          meaningful connections with classmates,
faculty, and staff with unique identities,   faculty, and staff and find a sense of
experiences, and perspectives coming         belonging from the minute they step
together to collaborate, create, innovate,   on campus.
and thrive.
                                             At RIT you’ll find other students like you,
Here you can be who you are and explore      and you’ll discover more about yourself
who you want to be. This community           than you ever knew.
will welcome, support, and celebrate you.
Deaf and hard-of-hearing students make

RIT caters to both my general needs
and my specific needs as a deaf
student. All campus activities are
inclusive, and it’s incredibly easy to
develop as a person here. I found my
identity at RIT, and I have done things
I had never imagined were possible.

Environmental Science/Science,
Technology & Public Policy
Boston, Massachusetts
RIT Student Government
President, 2019-2020
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
At RIT, I’m surrounded by many other
             people just like me. I love that there is
             such a diverse group of deaf and hard-
             of-hearing people here. This university
             is so much more than a campus. It’s a
             community that I truly feel a part of.

             VICKY MOREL
             Applied Liberal Studies/Criminal Justice
             Cornwall, New York

I decided to travel across the country to RIT
because it offered the right resources to
help me be successful. I like the mainstream
environment. I get access to full communication,
I’m involved in many different clubs and
organizations, and I feel comfortable here.

3D Graphics Technology
Hayward, California

                  RIT bridges the gap between the
                  deaf and hearing worlds, so I can
                  grow in both, and it challenges
                  me to step out of my comfort
                  zone and try new things.

                  MICHAELA MULLIN
                  Computer Aided Drafting Technology
                  Alameda, California
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
From here
			 to anywhere.
No matter what you’re planning next, you can hit the ground running
with an RIT degree. Pursue the degree program that suits you best.
And if you’re unsure about what you’d like to study, we’ll work with you
to discover your passions and unleash your potential.

Jump Start Your Career                     to a real-world job before you           Each year, more than

You can engage in internships,             graduate. Your co-op can offer you
undergraduate research, study abroad,      paid professional experience and is a
service learning, and more to gain         great way to develop connections and
                                                                                    RIT students complete
leadership experience, global awareness,   relationships that can help advance        work assignments
and marketable skills that set you apart   your career, add depth to your resume,       with more than
                                           and make you more marketable.

in your career or graduate study.

With RIT’s cooperative work                RIT’s co-op partners include Apple,
                                           Boeing, Google, Microsoft, and many        employers around
experience program, you’ll apply
                                                                                         the world.
what you’re learning in the classroom      other Fortune 500 businesses.
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Individual Career Guidance                   NCE staff network with employers across
Employment specialists in the NTID           the country to develop opportunities for
Center on Employment will work with          deaf and hard-of-hearing students and
you throughout your time at RIT. Services    graduates. Two campus-wide career fairs
include employment advising and              are held annually, including one specifically
assisting with job search preparation.       to recruit deaf and hard-of-hearing students
                                             for co-ops and permanent jobs.

                                            Finding a mentor while mastering microbes
                                            RIT/NTID student Samuel Lum and                  that led to identifying the genes
                                            his faculty mentor, Robert Osgood,               most likely responsible for hospital-
                                            share a passion for research. Lum’s              associated catheter infections. Their
                                            background in mechanical engineering             working relationship and involvement in
                                            technology and Osgood’s microbiology             different research projects at RIT
                                            expertise in studying biofilms were              set Lum on his career path.
                                            the perfect multidisciplinary approach
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
Hit the ground running

Abraham Glasser credits his co-op            Nicole Pannullo, a biochemistry major,     Joan “Jo” Bempong is thankful
experiences at Microsoft and NASA            is the first hard-of-hearing RIT student   she transferred to RIT, and credits
for helping him determine that he            to be named a Barry Goldwater Scholar.     her three co-ops as well as access
didn’t want a typical 9-to-5 job. Instead,   It is the highest undergraduate award      to deaf-oriented researchers and
he realized that a career developing         of its kind in the natural sciences,       mentors for becoming the person
accessible technologies for deaf and         math, and engineering fields. As an        she is today—a leader, entrepreneur,
hard-of-hearing people would fulfill a       undergraduate research fellow at the       and researcher. Texas Instruments
passion for research. His participation in   National Eye Institute, she learned how    was so impressed with this computer
the National Science Foundation-funded       to think independently as a researcher     engineering student’s skills during
Research Experience for Undergraduates       and gain the confidence in both her        her co-op that the compnay
helped him home in on his passion.           technical and intellectual skills. Her     permanently hired her after
Glasser earned the 2018-2019 Outstanding     career goal is to pursue a Ph.D. and run   she graduated.
Graduate Award in the bachelor’s degree      her own lab in the future.
category and is continuing his education
in RIT’s computing and information
sciences doctoral degree program.
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
when you graduate.

 Christopher Caulfield, a web and        Miko Arayata traveled more than 8,000        Sara Blick-Nitko earned an associate
 mobile computing graduate, began        miles from home to get a degree from a       degree in laboratory science technology
 his career at Microsoft AI in Seattle   college that specializes in working with     and a bachelor’s degree in biomedical
 as a program manager in the Cloud       deaf students. As a design and imaging       sciences. She also completed three co-ops
 & Artificial Intelligence Division.     technology major, he did a co-op where       at an environmental science laboratory.
 Caulfield credits his success to the    he worked as a multimedia designer,          Blick-Nitko decided to further her
 RIT community that continuously         photographer, and videographer. The          education in the science field, and enrolled
 encouraged him to push his goals.       courses in his major applied directly to     in RIT’s Bridges to the Doctorate program
“RIT had the overall package…academic    the work he did, and his co-op helped        to gain additional research experience
 support, accommodations, vibrant        him build a strong portfolio of original     and take advanced scientific courses. She
 social atmosphere, and research         work that is sure to help him land a job     recently graduated with a master’s degree
 opportunities, so I could develop       upon graduation. Coming to RIT has given     in interdisciplinary/professional studies
 a strong foundation for success.”       Arayata the opportunity to return home       with a focus on biology, health systems
                                         with a degree he wanted and the skills       administration, and bioinformatics.
                                         necessary to pursue a successful career in   She now is pursuing a Ph.D. program in
                                         graphic design.                              pathology at the University of Rochester.
Better opportunities. Bigger impact - An overview for deaf and hard-of-hearing students - Rochester Institute of ...
keyboard                               file5
      in-house interpreters
                                                real-time captionists
                                                                                                trained notetakers

      35,664                                                              hours
      hours                                                               outside
      outside                                                             classroom

                                             82,576                                                              20,501
                                             hours in                                                            hours in
                                             classroom                                                           classroom

     118,000+ 21,000+interpreting hours                                               captioning hours

Access your future.
Access Services and Support               § printed/visual aids                         If you take courses in the other eight
RIT provides one of the most accessible   § web-based instructional materials           colleges of RIT, you can request access
education communities in the world for                                                  services and can choose from among:
                                          § individual tutoring
deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
                                          In cases where a faculty member’s             § sign language interpreting
If you take courses at NTID, faculty      communication strategies do not               § FM systems
members will communicate directly         appropriately meet your needs, you            § real-time captioning services
with you using a variety of strategies,   can request access services from              § notetaking
which may include:                        the Department of Access Services.
                                                                                        You also will have access to a unique
§ sign language with voice                An assigned counselor will work closely       system of educational support services
§ sign language without voice             with you to help you plan your collegiate     such as tutoring by experienced faculty
§ spoken language                         experience and provide you with               tutors, personal and career counseling,
  (FM systems are available)              personal, social, career, and academic        and academic advising.
                                          advising and counseling services.
§ fingerspelling
Audiology and Speech/                      § FM/Roger loans                            § speech intelligibility
Language Services                          § speechreading and/or listening training   § grammar and technical/professional
You don’t have to leave campus for         § hearing aid and cochlear implant            vocabulary and practice
audiological and speech/language             adjustments                               § communication strategies for work-
services. RIT/NTID in-house audiologists                                                 related interactions/job interviews
                                           § troubleshooting, repairs, and upgrades
and speech-language pathologists
                                                                                       § presentation skill development
are certified by the American Speech-
                                           An additional advantage is discounted         and practice
Language-Hearing Association and are
                                           pricing for new hearing aids and            § use of current mobile applications as
specifically trained to work with deaf
                                           accessories. You also can purchase            communication tools
and hard-of-hearing individuals.
                                           batteries, custom sound/swim plugs
                                           and earmolds, and other supplies.           The Speech & Language Center offers
                                                                                       equipment and software that provides
The Audiology Center offers a variety
                                           Speech/Language                             visual feedback for production and
of free services including:
                                           The Speech & Language Center offers         facilitates conversational practice.
                                           individualized services, and can focus
§ hearing tests                            on a variety of areas, such as:    
§ consultations
An investment
        that pays.
When it comes to helping deaf and hard-of-hearing students graduate
and get jobs, there is no better place than RIT.

Deaf and hard-of-hearing RIT alumni thrive in          Selected national and international
all economic sectors                                   companies that have hired RIT/NTID
                                                       students and graduates:
                                                       > BNY Mellon              > Solar Turbines

building8 briefcase building9 book5 building7          > Caterpillar, Inc.
                                                       > Defense Finance and
                                                         Accounting Service
                                                                                   Tesla Motors
                                                                                   Texas Instruments
                                                       > Dow Chemical Company    > Tufts University
Business and         Education and      Government     > General Electric        > U.S. Department
Industry             Non-Profit                        > Google                    of Defense

77 %                 16%                7%
                                                       > IBM                     > Whirlpool
                                                       > Lockheed Martin         > Yahoo!
                                                       > Merck
                                                       > Microsoft
                                                       > Monroe County Medical
                                                         Examiner’s Office
                                                       > NASA
                                                       > National Institutes
                             Deaf and hard-of-           of Health
Each year, on                hearing RIT grads         > Naval Supply
average, more than           are in demand.              Systems

180 95
deaf and hard-of-hearing
                             of students who seek
students complete            jobs after graduation
cooperative work             find one within a year.
assignments with
employers throughout
the country.
Higher career earnings
                According to a study conducted with the Social Security Administration, deaf and hard-of-
                hearing RIT graduates had higher career earnings than their deaf and hard-of-hearing peers
                who attended other postsecondary institutions.

                                                                                 Median Salary

                       178                       %
                                                                                 at Age 50*
                                                                                *Median salary at age 50 according
                                                                                 to a study conducted with the Social
                                                  more                           Security Administration.

           %   more

                                                                                 Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing RIT Graduates

Average                                                                          Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing RIT Graduates
 Salary                                                                          (Associate)

                                                                                 Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Graduates of
                                                                                 Other Postsecondary Institutions

                Research shows that deaf and hard-of-hearing students who attend
                RIT are significantly more likely to earn a degree than deaf and hard-
                of-hearing students who attend other postsecondary institutions.†
               † 44% of deaf and hard-of-hearing RIT/NTID students from the incoming classes of 2010-2012 earned a
                degree. Of deaf and hard-of-hearing students who considered RIT, but chose to enroll at other mainstream
                postsecondary institutions in the same time period, only 28% earned a degree.
                                                                                                     deaf and hard-of-
                                                                                                    hearing RIT alumni

Because RIT receives                                            2021-2022
                                                           Tuition Comparison
special federal support,
students who are deaf
or hard of hearing pay
less than one-half of
RIT’s regular tuition rate.
In addition to the tuition reduction, you’ll
have a full array of financial aid options
                                                        $52,030             $18,330
to help you cover the cost of education,
                                                         RIT tuition      RIT tuition for deaf
including scholarships, grants, loans, state-                            and hard-of-hearing
based Vocational Rehabilitation support, and                           students enrolled in any
Supplemental Security Income assistance.                               undergraduate program
                                                                          (U.S. citizens only)

By the numbers
 $    19,429 90
          average financial aid
                                                of undergraduate deaf and
                                                                                      $     20.8m
                                                                                        in financial assistance last year
          per domestic deaf or                   hard-of-hearing students                 from all sources for deaf and
         hard-of-hearing student                    receive financial aid                   hard-of-hearing students
Don’t just take our word for it.
Each year, RIT is        § U.S. News & World Report: Ranked 33rd
                           among “Best Value Schools (2021).”

recognized by several    § Princeton Review: Named among “Best
                           Value Colleges for 2021.” Only just over
external guides and        1 percent of four-year colleges qualify for
                           the annual list.
rankings for its value   § Money Magazine: Named among “The
                           50 Colleges that Add the Most Value.”
and affordability.
First Class Mail
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Rochester Institute of Technology
                                                                                                     Rochester, N.Y.
NTID Office of Admissions                                                                            Permit 626
Lyndon Baines Johnson Hall
52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623-5604

Orange is going to
		 look good on you.
To really experience what RIT is like, come for a visit.

Schedule Your Visit
Take a deeper dive into our academic
programs, vibrant campus life, inclusive
community, and brilliant faculty.
Experience the extraordinary
that RIT offers.

Ready to apply?

Get in touch                               @ritntid

Phone: 585-475-6700, toll free in                     RIT does not discriminate. RIT promotes and values diversity
the U.S. and Canada at 866-644-6843,                  within its workforce and provides equal opportunity to all
                                           @ritntid   qualified individuals regardless of race, color, creed, age, marital
or by videophone at 585-743-1366                      status, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity,
Email:              @ritntid   gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability.
Web:                                     © 2021 Rochester Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.
Fax: 585-475-2696                          @ritntid   RIT and NTID are registered trademarks of Rochester
                                                      Institute of Technology. 15M-P2774-6/21-QMC-AGL
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