Bestätigung seines Wortes - www.der ...

Page created by Mathew Boyd
William M. Branham

                                          Bestätigung seines Wortes
                                                        Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags
                                                              Branham Tabernacle
                                                          Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

Prüft aber alles und das Gute behaltet.
          [1. Thessalonicher 5.21]

                                          DER WECKRUF                                  Übersetzer: EwaFra
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                          Wortes“ von William Branham ist: EwaFra

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                     William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

                  - Ende der Übersetzung -

                                                             Bestätigung seines Wortes

                                             W-1 Let us remain standing and            W-1 Wir bleiben stehen und beugen
                                             bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we are         unsere Häupter. Herr Jesus, wir sind Dir sehr
                                             grateful to Thee this morning for         dankbar für das Vorrecht, daß wir an
                                             the privilege of coming into Thy          diesem Morgen in Deinem Hause in Deine
                                             Presence in Thy house, where Thy          Gegenwart kommen dürfen. Dein Volk ist in
                                             people are gathered in Thy Name.          Deinem Namen versammelt. Alles ist Dein,
                                             And all is Thine, Lord. And we            oh Herr. Wir weihen uns Dir jetzt und sind
                                             commit ourselves to Thee now for          in großer Erwartung, daß Du in diesem
                                             the expectation we have in our            Gottesdienst diejenigen rettest, die noch
                                             hearts for a... a service for those who   ohne Christus sind, die Kranken heilst und
                                             are without God and without Christ,       die Heiligen segnest. Gewähre es, Herr. Wir
                                             that they’ll be saved, and the sick       wollen unsere Häupter dann in Demut
                                             will be healed, and the saints will be    beugen und Dich preisen für das, was Du an
                                             blessed. Grant it, Lord. And then at      diesem Tage getan hast. Wir bitten es alles
                                             the end, we will bow our heads in         im Namen Jesus. Amen! Ihr könnt euch
                                             humility and give Thee praise for all     setzen.
                                             that You do through us this day. For
                                             it’s in Jesus’ Name we asked it.
                                             Amen. You may be seated.
                                             W-2 I’m indeed grateful for the           W-2 Ich bin für das Vorrecht dankbar,
                                             privilege of being here again today,      heute wieder hier zu sein und ebenfalls für
                                             and for you people that’s traveled        euch alle, die ihr gekommen seid, diese
                                             so far to come for the Message, for       Botschaft zu hören. Ich weiß, ihr seid nicht
                                             the service this morning. I know you      gekommen, mich zu sehen oder zu hören.
                                             didn’t come just to see or hear me,       Ihr seid gekommen, dem Herrn Jesus zu
                                             you come to meet the Lord Jesus.          begegnen. Ich bin voller Zuversicht, daß Er
                                             And so I’m trusting that He will give     euch das Verlangen eurer Herzen geben
                                             to you the desire of your heart.          wird.
                                                Now I’m... am back, come back,           Ich bin immer froh, wenn ich mit den
                                             taking the family to Tucson and           Brüdern jagen und dabei ausspannen kann.
                                             returned. I’m tired and wore out.

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                     William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

And I’m been going all summer,                          Take the Name of Je-...
since last January, and now I’ve                        with you,
come to go down in Kentucky this                        Child of...
week, to go hunting with some                  Now shake          hands   with   one
friends, to try to relax a little. It        another
makes me nervous so much, you
know, so I’m... Billy and I both are
just about gone, so we... we pray                       It will joy...
that God will help us this week to             Turn around and shake hands
relax.                                       with somebody, say, “I’m happy to
W-3 The Lord willing, I want to be           be here with you, this morning.”
back here again next Sunday if the
                                                        Take It everywhere you
Lord willing. And I want a special
service next Sunday. Well, I want to
do something a little different than                    Precious Name, Oh how
ordinarily. Now, I give this out so                     sweet!
that the people who would... might             God bless you, Ben.
not be interested wouldn’t have to                      Hope of earth and joy of
come, but we always pray for the                        Heaven;
sick, the Lord willing, when the
people come. And next Sunday I                          Precious Name, Oh how
want to find out what’s on all your                     sweet!
hearts. I... I want you to write out,                   Hope of earth and joy of
today, when you leave, and lay it                       Heaven.
upon the desk, and Brother Neville             Now, listen to this now, now sing
will give them to Billy Paul, and he         this way:
to me, what’s on your heart. Just
                                                        Take the Name of Jesus
say... if it’s a Bible question, usually I
                                                        with you,
have it that way. I’m going to open
it a little further now, maybe there’s                  As a shield from every
some problem on your heart that...                      snare;
that you... you can’t get it through           Now listen close.
somehow, like that you got, oh,
                                                        When       temptations
maybe a domestic trouble. You
                                                        around you gather.
don’t have to sign your name to it,
but just, “My husband does so-and-                      (What do?) Breathe that
so and it hinders me.” “My wife does                    holy Name in prayer.
so-and-so.” “And... and there...                        Precious Name (precious
there’s a certain thing takes place in                  Name), Oh how sweet!
life,” or... or something, you know,                    Hope of earth and joy of
just what’s on your heart, something                    Heaven;
that’s troubling you. I think that
                                                        Precious Name...
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Bestätigung seines Wortes                   William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

            Because He first loved         would be good. Do you? Then just
            me                             find out there, and maybe you ask
                                           the question and I might answer for
            And     purchased       my     somebody else. See, they may have
            salvation                      the same trouble. And just what’s on
            On Calvary...                  your heart, make it just as brief as
W-150 Let’s just bow our heads.            possible, like, “I have a child that
Lord Jesus, I love this people. And I      seems to be going wrong, what
just hold them Lord, it wasn’t my          must I do?” “I have a... a husband
intention of doing this. But here,         that won’t come to church with me.
many of them with little children          He gets arrogant with me, what
waiting, they’re hungry, they don’t        must I do?” Or, a wife, the same
understand. But they just set right        way. Or... or, you know, “The Bible
here, because they know that man           says this in one place and this in
cannot live, only by the Word of           another place, I don’t understand it.
God. And then when the Word is             These, I’d like to know what It
being spoken, and then made                means.” “And should I, in the case of
known, made manifest, proven, then         a Christian, when I’m working at the
they know it can only be You. I pray       office and the boss says such-and-
for each one. Bless them, Father.          such a things, and he asks me to go
May they be healthy and strong for         with him to a party, and in this party
the journey that lays before us. Bless     they drink, what should I do?” See,
them through the week. And if it so        just, you know, things like is on the
be Your will, Lord, that we can meet       human mind. We want you to.
here again next Sunday, next               W-4 And, therefore, then I... I got
Sabbath, to come here and worship,         to go back then, after that, to
I pray, God, that You’ll strengthen        Arizona. And I thought I’d... would
them. Some of them may not, some           get a chance to kind of help you to
will have to go to their homes in          understand, and the best that I can.
different parts of the country,            I’d like to have as many as I could
maybe across the sea, or out of the        put on the pulpit today before you
States. We pray that You’ll be with        leave. Just write it and lay it up here,
them and help them. May we meet            and... and Brother Neville or one of
at Jesus’ feet, someday. Grant it,         them will give them to me. And this
Father. Help us now, as we love one        week, down in the mountain, I’ll
another, and believe in You, and           have a... a chance to study it and...
hoping someday that the tie that           and pray over it, and get the
binds our hearts together now will         Scriptural answer for you to
be the Eternal cord, let us live in that   everything that I can, to help you.
City that’s foursquare, for all            For that’s why we are assembled
Eternity. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. All        here, is to help one another. See?
right.                                     You help me as you pray for me,

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                  William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

and I hope I can help you. Now,           says, “Praise the Lord.”]
then, don’t forget, that’ll be next                   I love Him...
Sunday morning.                              Don’t forget your little question,
W-5 And now, today, we’re... are          lay it up. If you don’t get it today,
visitors with us, as usually. And how     bring it Wednesday or Sunday.
many’s from over a hundred miles
                                                      Cause He first loved me
away, raise your hand? That’s
ninety-nine      percent      of    the               And purchased...
congregation. Few Sundays ago, I            Was you all in the prayer line,
said, “How many’s from so-far             prayer line?
away,” or something, and I couldn’t
get no hands from Jeffersonville.
Huh! Next day I got it, though, they                  On Calvary’s tree.
said, “Brother Branham, all the           W-149 Think how sweet He is to
visitors come in,” and said, “we just     us, now. Just think, He proves His
let them take our place in the            Word! See? Now see, if I could heal,
church.” So said they come,               it would be different, see, but He’s
hundreds come by and couldn’t get         the One that’s already done it. See?
in, said, “Because we seen the            So He just proves His Presence here,
visitors, see.” Now, that’s nice of the   “I am He that was dead, and alive
Jeffersonville people around here.        for evermore.” There was no man
We... we’re... we’re grateful for that,   ever like Him. He was a Man all to
Jeffersonville and New Albany, and        Himself. He was God. See? There
the people around about. We’re            was never a man that lived like He
grateful for that. How many’s from a      lived. There was never a man born
thousand miles away? My! How              like He was born. There was never a
many’s from over a thousand away,         man that could do what... like He
raise your hands? Oh, goodness!           did. There was never a man that
That’s fine. That’s...                    died like He died. There was never a
W-6 Last Sunday, was a week ago,          man that raised from the dead like
I spoke on the subject, The Future        He did. “Oh,” you say, “wait a
Home Of The Bride And Groom, and          minute, Brother Branham, others
I think we were from fifteen              was raised from the dead.” Yeah,
hundred square miles around. And,         but they died again. But He’s alive
it happened to be, that was exactly       for evermore. See? Never a man
the measure of the City I was             raised like He did. He rose from the
speaking about, fifteen hundred           dead, for evermore.
square miles. I’ve been feasting on          [Brother Branham hums "I Love
That ever since, knowing that when        Him".] Let’s just sing it to Him now.
this life is over, I’m going to that                  Oh, I love Him, I love
City. I’m bound for that City, and                    Him
nothing else matters. What if the

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                  William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

quieten her. We all know what she         sun doesn’t shine today, or
suffers, Lord, and we pray that You’ll    tomorrow never comes, what
make her well. As I lay my hands on       difference does it make? We got a
her with all the faith, I, too, have an   Home, a resting Place. Tired or not
attack right now, weary, Satan,           tired, we still have that resting Place.
overworked, nerves going bad.             You say, “That’s an old man’s
Leave her, Satan. I lay my hands          dream.” No, it isn’t. It isn’t. It’s the
upon her with all the faith that I got,   Bible Truth.
leave her, in Jesus’ Name. You go,        W-7 One night after speaking
believing in Him.                         here, there was a man rushed
W-147 That’s what you wanted              around behind the platform here, as
me to do.                                 I went out the door, was trying to
    I don’t know you, you’re a            get me out to the car. And this
stranger to me. That hernia, if you’ll    young fellow said, “I want to just say
believe, it’ll get well. And another      one word to you.” Billy and some of
thing, you got arthritis. If you          the brethren trying to take me on to
believe, you’ll be well. Your back        the car. He said, “Can I just say the
trouble’s left you. Go, believing.        one word?”
    Do you believe with all your             I said, “Say on, sir.”
heart? Here, that... how many... Is          And he said, “You was talking
that all of them in the line? Is there    tonight, about bawling them
any much the rest of the line? You        women out, the way they were
all pass right by here so I can lay       dressing, wearing them clothes.”
hands upon the sick. Let’s bow our        Said, “A man of your age would
heads just a minute, it’s after one       think that, but if you was my age
o’clock. Dear God, I lay hands upon       you’d think different.”
my sister, while the anointing of the        I said, “How old are you?”
Holy Ghost is here. Make her well, in        He said, “I’m twenty-seven.”
Jesus’ Name. Dear Heavenly Father,           And I said, “I was ten, fifteen years
I lay hands upon my brother... [Blank     younger than you, I was preaching
spot on tape. Brother Branham             the same thing.” See? I said, “It’s
continues praying for the sick.]          what’s in your heart, boy. Your eyes
...believe.                               see through your heart.” And he just
W-148 Oh, you didn’t get prayed           dropped his head and walked away.
for, brother? [Blank spot on tape.]       I guess there’s no more answer to, you know what he did?         that. See, it depends on what’s in
He’s an old deer hunter. He said he       here is what’s going to come out
had a rifle he always hunted deer         through here and here. See, Jesus
with, said he was too old now to go       said, “If you say different from
hunting. He wanted to bring the           what’s in here, then you become a
rifle and give it to me. Amen. Let’s      hypocrite.”
say, “Praise the Lord.” [Congregation     W-8 I’m glad this morning,

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                                                                     William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

somewhere in the congregation, to                                                            In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our
have a... a very precious friend of                                                          brother go and be normal and well,
mine, brother, Reverend Eddie                                                                for the glory of God. Amen.
Byskal and his wife and children. I                                                             Finally happened. You that’s
suppose they got into the meeting                                                            sitting there, crying, do you believe
this morning. Eddie, are you here?                                                           them hemorrhoids are going to
I... I thought you... Well, maybe he                                                         leave you? He stayed right here for
didn’t get to come. Brother, oh, yes,                                                        the last half hour, looked like, right
way... Now, that’s not the “amen”                                                            before me, He’s standing right
corner, Eddie. You’re welcome up                                                             beside this man. You’ve been
here on the platform with us, the                                                            believing, haven’t you? You believe
ministers, if you want to come. And                                                          with all your heart, and you can go
then we’ve been on...                                                                        back down to Texas and be well. I
W-9 Brother Eddie was along                 W-9 Der Herr hatte mir in einer Vision           never seen the man in my life.
when the Lord gave me the vision            gezeigt,      daß     ich    einen      Karibu      Do you believe that little back’s
about the bear and the caribou.             [nordamerikanisches       Rentier],    dessen    going to get well and you’re going
The... How many remembers that              Geweih 42 Zoll lang sein würde und               to be ready to be healed? Lord
when I told you? All right, he was          ebenfalls einen silbergrauen Grislybär           Jesus, touch the little thing and heal
there. He was the young fellow had          erlegen würde.                                   it, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.
on the checkered shirt, Brother                Ich erzählte den beiden Brüdern, Br.          Believe it with all your heart.
Eddie Byskal. And he stood there            Suthwick und Br. Byskal, von dieser Vision,      W-146 Now that Spirit draws
where... and asked... I... I asked them     in der ich eine kleine Hand mit einem            near, It’s all over the building. Hard
if they had a checkered shirt, any of       Zollstock sah, die das Geweih eines Karibus      to tell where that may have come
them. “Nope,” no one had it. I said,        maß.                                             from, nervous. Let me show you
“Well, it might... It’s got to be a            Als wir dort über die Berge gingen und        something. How many’s nervous,
checkered shirt. There’s going to be        uns im Herrn erfreuten, sah ich von ferne        out there, raise your hand. See, it’s
a... a big silver-tip grizzly, and... and   ein Tier. Ich sprach zu Br. Byskal, der neben    hard to say which is which. But God
some kind of an animal that’s got           mir stand: "Dort ist das Tier." Er nahm das      knows all about it, all your desires.
forty-two inches over its horns, like       Fernglas und sagte: "Es ist ein großes,          You’ve tried all, hard, to overcome
this, looked like a deer.” And that         männliches Karibu."                              them. Many things in life you try to
was about six months, I said here,             Ich hatte vorher nie ein Karibu               give up, and you want to serve God
you know, before it happened; long,         geschossen. Alles war so, wie es mir in der      with everything that’s in you. Looks
about this, oh, earlier than this in        Vision gezeigt wurde, nur der Mann mit           like it’s always been something
the year.                                   dem karierten Hemd fehlte.                       holds you back. Do you believe it’s
    Then I was invited up there to this                                                      going to happen right now, this
man, to go hunting. I never been                                                             morning, you’re going to be made
back in that country, back there                                                             free from these things? Will you
where we went, and I said it. But the                                                        believe it?
little trail, that’s way up on the                                                              Our Heavenly Father, so that
Alaskan highway, where there’s                                                               these others might see that Thou art
nothing but woods and mountains                                                              the Christ, the Son of God, heal this
and animals. And that night at the                                                           dear woman standing here, Father,

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Do you believe that? All right, that’s    trailer when I was telling Brother
all you have to know, believe with        Byskal back there and... and Brother
all your heart.                           Southwick, he said, “Well, I... I...
   Being that you had the same            We’re going up in sheep country,”
thing, just go on and believe with all    said, “it won’t be up there.”
your heart, too.                             And I said, “Yes,” and I said, “it
W-144 It’s okay, bring the lady on.       was one of the little fellows was with
How do you do? Pretty little girl,        me had a checkered shirt on.”
she’s awful little to have female         Nobody had a checkered shirt,
trouble. Do you believe Jesus will        Brother Byskal didn’t have one,
make you well of that? Dear God,          none of the rest of us had one.
this little girl, I curse this enemy      W-10 Second night up, we had
while in the Presence of Jesus Christ,    seen, spotted a ram way up above
may it leave her, may she be well. In     timber line. Now, that’s way up
Jesus’ Name. Amen. Bless you              where timber don’t even grow,
honey, you’ll be all right.               where’s there’s nothing but caribou
   Do you believe? Now a dark             and sheep, and we had spotted
shadow moves up, death. A cancer          some way away. And on the road
is not... God can heal cancer and         down that afternoon, Brother Byskal
make it well. Do you believe that         had stumbled into some water and
with all your heart? Do you believe       gotten wet.
He’s going to make you well of it? In        The next morning we got up early
the Name of Jesus Christ, I curse this    and started after the rams that we
cursed thing under that crossed           thought we were going to get. And
fishes, may the Cross of Christ take      on his... We got up there and we
it away. Make it go, in Jesus’ Name.      was... had eaten our dinner, and we
Don’t doubt, go, believe with all         couldn’t find the rams, and Brother
your heart. “If thou canst believe, all   Byskal had just shot a caribou. So
things are possible.”                     then I, looking around, and we went
   How do you do? Course, your            up, Brother Southwick said to me,
arthritis will go, and you’ll be made     said, “I believe we’ll... if you want to
well if you believe. You believe that     walk right good, Brother Branham,
you’ll be so you can walk around          we’ll go over this mountain, down in
again and be all right? The Lord          that draw, them rams might have
bless this dear sister, and make her      went over there,” which is a long
well, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Go,         walk. But it don’t get dark maybe till
believing with all your heart.            real late, it’s maybe ten or eleven
W-145 Do you believe the same             o’clock sometimes.
thing can happen to you? Well, I          W-11 And it’s a good long walk
believe it has. You’re going... If you    over them rocky mountains. So I like
believe that you’re healed right now.     to walk, and so we just standing
I believe it’s gone from you, myself.     there with our arms around one

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                                                             William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

another, both of our beards turning                                                  receive It. Amen. You’ll receive It,
gray, with our arms around each                                                      sister. God bless you. Give Him
other, crying and knowing, I said,                                                   praise and glory.
“Brother Bud, I hope someday, in                                                         You believe? What about you out
the Millennium, I can walk all them                                                  there, do you believe, too? “If thou
mountains there.”                                                                    canst believe, all things are
   He said, “I hope I’m with you,                                                    possible.” Look very sincere about
Brother Branham.” And we was                                                         that, do you believe that blood clot
standing there, just rejoicing in the                                                can leave, too? Sitting right there
Lord. And I love the mountains so                                                    with the green-looking shirt on.
well!                                                                                Raise up your hand if you believe
   And then we went down. That’s                                                     it’ll leave, it will. I never seen the
when Brother Byskal there shot the...                                                man in my life, a total, absolute
the... the caribou. That, he’s a                                                     stranger to me. I’ve never seen him.
missionary to the Indians, and he                                                    W-143 Do you believe it, the rest
wanted to feed this to his Indians.                                                  of you, audience? Now, don’t you
So we went down, ate our dinner,                                                     see, it’s got to be Him?
and dressed the caribou out and                                                          Cancer is no bad thing for God to
come back.                                                                           heal. He can make it well, can’t He?
W-12 Bud and I were going up                                                         Do you believe He will? All right,
across the mountain, and when we                                                     then go, receive it, in the Name of
happened to look over, and in the                                                    Jesus Christ. Just believe with all
distance, with my glasses, I spotted                                                 your heart.
this animal that I had saw, just in a                                                    Hi, honey. You know, Jesus shed
panoramic, like I told you here.                                                     His Blood, that... that your blood
Brother Byskal there, standing right                                                 could be right. Do you believe that?
by our side. And so I said, “There is                                                Dear God, I bless this child, and may
that animal.”                                                                        she have a blood transfusion from
   And he put the glasses on, and                                                    Calvary. Take all the sugar away,
said, “It’s a great big, old, mammoth                                                Lord, and let her be well, in Jesus’
bull caribou.”                                                                       Name. God bless you.
   And I said, “I never seen, I                                                          How do you do? Do you believe
thought they had panel horns.” But                                                   He can heal that back and make it
this one had spikes, he was an odd-                                                  well? [The brother says, “I know He
looking fellow, just like I saw in the                                               can."] All right, go, believe it, have
vision. I never shot caribou before.                                                 faith. Let’s just lay hands on you so
   “So, well,” he said, “if the Lord’s                                               you request it. God bless you,
give him to you,” said, “that would                                                  brother.
just...“                                                                                 Do you believe? He made food to
W-13 I said, “Yes, that’s bound to       W-13 Doch dann fiel Eddi Biskal, dessen     eat, He made a stomach to digest it.
be it. The only thing I’m wondering      Frau heute hier ist, ins Wasser und mußte   And when something gets wrong in
about is that checkered shirt.” And I    seine Kleidung wechseln. Er zog ein         that stomach, He’s the Healer of it.

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got a... a growth in your side. That’s   looked around, and Brother Eddie,           kariertes Hemd an, wie es mir gezeigt
right, isn’t it? You want me to tell     his wife must have put it, she was          wurde.
you what side it’s in? It’s in your      there with him, must have put it in            Als ich das Karibu erschossen hatte, sagte
right side. That’s exactly right. Now    his duffel bag. When he got wet the         Br. Suthwick zu mir: "Das Geweih sieht viel
go on your road and believe it, and      day before, he had changed shirts,          größer aus als 42 Zoll." Doch ich sprach: "Es
you’ll get well.                         and there was the checkered shirt. I        sind 42 Zoll."
   You believe? Absolutely, it’s the     said, “This is it.”                            Darauf sagte er: "Aufgrund dessen, was
Truth. Do you believe that the Son          When I got over and got the              du uns erzähltest, wirst du einen
of God, Son of man, has come down        caribou, he, Bud, said to me, said,         silbermelierten Grislybär töten, ehe wir
through the ages as He promised?         “Now, Brother Branham, you say              zurück gehen." Ich sagte: "Das stimmt. Das
But, just, do you believe the world is   these horns are forty-two inches?”          ist 'So spricht der Herr'."
in a Sodom condition, ready to be           I said, “That’s what they’ll be.”           Er antwortete: "Bruder Branham, woher
destroyed by the fire, like Sodom           He said, “Looked to me like about        soll er kommen? In dieser Gegend halten
was? Sodomites were Gentiles,            ninety-two.”                                sich keine Bären auf. Weit und breit ist
remember. But down in there, in             I said, “No. They’re forty-two           keine Spur von ihnen."
Sodom, was some righteous people,        inches.”                                       Ich antwortete: "Der Herr ist immer noch
God sent a messenger to call them           He said, “Now, according to what         Jehova-Jireh." Der Herr kann es bereiten. Er
out; some of them come, some             you told me, before we get back to          kann Eichhörnchen ins Dasein rufen - Er
didn’t, most of them stayed in. But      that boy down there with the                kann einen Widder ins Dasein rufen.
there was a group sitting up on the      checkered shirt on, Eddie,” (where          Genauso kann Er einen Bär beschaffen.
mountain, Abraham, and there was         they was going to meet us down
a Messenger came to him to show          below the mountain, couple miles),
him what was going to happen. He         said, “you’re going to kill a grizzly
wasn’t going to be in it, anyhow. But    bear.”
then the world is in that same              I said, “That’s THUS SAITH THE
condition today, and Jesus Christ is     LORD.”
the Son of God, Son of man, Son of          He said, “Brother Branham, where
David, and He come to manifest           is he coming from? I can see for fifty
Himself.                                 miles around.”
W-142 I just noticing something             I said, “He’s still Jehovah-jireh. The
happening to the woman. She’s            Lord can provide for Himself, see.
here for a great cause. She isn’t here   He can make squirrels come into
for sickness. You know what she          existence. If He can make a ram
wants to ask me? “Lay hands on”          come into existence, if He has spoke
her, she’ll “receive the baptism of      it about a bear, a bear can come
the Holy Ghost.” See? See? Isn’t that    into existence.”
right? Raise your hand up if that’s      W-14 Us trying to pack this heavy           W-14 Während         wir      den    Karibu
right. See? See, she has a great         caribou down, the trophy, down the          heruntertrugen, sagte ich zu Br. Suthwick:
thing. Dear Heavenly Father, give        mountain, and I packed the rifle part         "Ich glaube, du zweifelst immer noch."
this child of Yours the desire of her    of the time, and then he would pack           Er antwortete: "Bruder Branham, mein
heart, may she receive the baptism       the rifle, and vice versa. And when         Bruder hatte seit Jahren epileptische
of the Holy Ghost. So shall she          we got almost to a big glacier, why,        Anfälle.   Schon    bei     unserer  ersten

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we got under there. It was kind of         Begegnung hast du mir genau gesagt, wie       to the fullness of His Word, to            Wort geoffenbart worden.
hot, we get in the glacier of ice, and     mein Bruder aussieht. Wie könnte ich jetzt    manifest the fullness of His Body.
sit down there a while to cool off.        noch zweifeln, nachdem die Heilung und        That’s the Word, then, that’s the
He said, “You know, Brother                Befreiung, gemäß der Vision, die der Herr     spoken Word made manifest by the
Branham, we’re not over about a            dir gegeben hatte, geschah?"                  Word, reveal the Word.
mile from where Eddie and Blaine,                                                        W-140 Now, if God can tell me              W-140 Wenn Gott, der Dich geschaffen
them two boys, be standing. That                                                         what your trouble are, is, rather... He    hat und alles über Dich weiß, mir sagen und
old bear better be showing up.”                                                          made you, He knows all about you.          offenbaren kann, was Du hast - Du siehst
   I said, “Bud, I believe you’re                                                        And if He can reveal it... You look        gesund aus - wenn Er mir etwas offenbaren
doubting it.”                                                                            like a healthy person. But if He can       wird, so wirst Du selber entscheiden
   He said, “Brother Branham, my                                                         reveal it to me, you’ll know whether       können, ob es wahr ist. Wirst Du es
brother had epileptic fits for so                                                        it’s the truth or not. Will you accept     annehmen? Schau mich bitte an! Du trägst
many years. And you told me once,                                                        it? Now look right at me. Of course,       eine Brille. Du mußt sie tragen. Doch
the first time up here, when we went                                                     you’re wearing glasses, you’ve had...      deswegen bist Du nicht hier. Das kann ich
down to another place, told me                                                           had to wear them. That really isn’t        sehen. Du bist hier wegen eines
what that boy looked like.” And                                                          what you’re here for. I can see that       Blutgerinnsels. Glaubst Du, daß Er mir sagen
Eddie was riding right by my side                                                        It moved right back, see. Now,             kann, wo es ist? In Deinem Bein. Glaubst
there, on a horse, when the Lord                                                         you’re here because a blood clot.          Du, daß es Gottes Tun ist? Glaubst Du, daß
gave the vision. I told them what to                                                     See? See? Do you... do you believe         Gott mir mehr über Dich sagen kann? Ich
do with the boy; fits stopped. And                                                       He can tell me where they’re at?           möchte noch ein wenig zu Dir sprechen.
now he said, “I can’t doubt it.”                                                         Your legs. Do you believe that to be       Glaubst Du, daß Er mir sagen kann, woher
W-15 I said, “Bud, I don’t know            W-15 Ich sagte: "Bruder Suthwick, ich         God doing that? Do you believe             Du bist? Du kommst aus Gary, Indiana.
where the bear is coming from.” But        weiß nicht, woher der Bär kommen wird,        God can tell me more about you?            Glaubst Du, daß Er mir sagen kann, wer Du
I was about fifty, I’m fifty-five now,     doch niemals erlebte ich, daß eine Vision     Huh? It’s all right that you’re a          bist? Fräulein Ogden. Das ist wahr. Nun
so that’s been about three years           sich nicht erfüllt hätte. Gott wird mir den   stranger, and I just... talk to you a      kannst Du nach Hause gehen. Du bist
ago. I was about fifty-two or fifty-       Bären geben, ehe wir die anderen Brüder       minute. Do you believe He can, do          geheilt im Namen Jesu Christi.
three. I said, “I’ve never seen It fail.   treffen."                                     you believe He can tell me where             [Hier hört die englische Predigt auf,
God will give me that grizzly bear            Als wir fast am Ende unseres Weges         you’re from? You’re from Gary,             obwohl Br. Branham weiter für die Kranken
before I get to them boys.” And we         waren, meinte er: "Der alte Bär sollte sich   Indiana. Do you believe He can tell        betet.]
was almost down to where the small         bald irgendwo zeigen." Ich sagte: "Sei        me who you are? Mrs. Ogden. That’s
spruce and timber started in.              unbesorgt, er wird dasein." Er antwortete:    true. Now you go back home and
   A little lower down the hill, we        "Ich kann die ganze Umgebung übersehen."      get well, in the Name of Jesus
was almost into the timber, he sat            Ich erwiderte: "Doch ich schaue auf die    Christ. See?
down. He was the one that was              Verheißung, die Er mir gegeben hat." Ich      W-141 How do you do? We are
packing the trophy then, I had the         fuhr fort: "Bruder Suthwick, was siehst du    strangers to each other, too. I don’t
rifle. And he said, “That old bear         dort?"                                        know you, see. But you believe that
better be showing up, hadn’t he?”             Er antwortete: "Tatsächlich, ein großer,   the Lord Jesus can reveal to me your
   I said, “He’ll be there. Don’t you      silbergrauer Bär."                            trouble? [The sister says, “I know it."]
worry.”                                                                                  You know it. Thank you, sister.
   He said, “I can see every hill.”                                                      That’s very fine. All right, being that
   I said, “I... But I see the promise!”                                                 you know that, then, that hernia will
See? See, He promised. I said, “Ever                                                     get all right. And you got... and you

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like Jesus did at the well, said, “Bring   aufzunehmen, wie Jesus es tat mit der Frau       what He...“ I said, “Bud, what is that
Me a drink.” Now, I believe... I don’t     am Brunnen." Er sprach: "Gib mir zu              setting right there?”
believe I ever seen you, I believe         trinken!" "Ich glaube nicht, daß ich Dich            He looked, said, “It’s a big silver-
you’re a stranger to me. Is that           jemals gesehen habe. Du bist mir fremd.          tip grizzly.” Said, “That’s him.” When
right? If that’s right, raise up your      Stimmt das? Wenn dem so ist, erhebe              we got the grizzly and come back... I
hand so the audience can see. I            Deine Hand, damit die Versammlung es             remembered in the vision I told you,
don’t know the lady.                       sehen kann. Gut, ich kenne Dich nicht.           I was scared about the rifle. It was a
   This is genuine healing, it’s              Hier geht es um echte Heilung, echten         little bitty .270, small bullets, you
genuine faith, genuine Scripture, the      Glauben und echte biblische Belehrung. Das       see. It’s on tape.
unadulterated Word of God made             unvermischte Wort Gottes ist geoffenbart.        W-16 And I got the bear, just               W-16 Ich habe ihn dann aus einer
manifest and proved that He’s not          Es ist bewiesen, daß Er nicht tot ist. Er lebt   about five hundred yards, like It           Entfernung von ca. 500 m mit einem kleinen
dead. He’s alive for evermore. “And        für immer. Er sprach: "Wer an mich glaubt,       said. Bud said, “You better shoot           Gewehr erlegt. Gemäß der Vision traf ich
he that believeth on Me, the works         wird die Werke tun, die ich getan habe."         that bear in the back.” He said, “Did       genau ins Herz, und so erfüllte sich alles.
that I do shall he also, and this          Solche Gläubigen können ihre Hände auf           you ever shoot a grizzly before?”
believer will lay hands upon the sick      die Kranken legen und es wird besser mit             I said, “Nope.”
and they shall recover.” Oh, how can       ihnen. Wie könnt ihr daran zweifeln? Er              He said, “Oh, they don’t know
you doubt it? See? Now, He knowed          wußte, wer es annehmen und wer es                what death is!” I learned that a little
who would and who would not, I             ablehnen würde. Ich weiß es nicht. Es liegt      later. So he said, “They don’t break
don’t. That’s up to Him.                   alles bei Ihm.                                   up from shock,” said, “you better
W-139 But now if this lady be a            W-139 Diese Frau ist mir fremd. Ich              shoot him.”
stranger... I don’t know her, never        kenne sie nicht. Niemals habe ich sie                I said, “According to the vision, I
seen her in my life. She’s a young         gesehen. Sie ist wesentlich jünger als ich.      shot it in the heart.”
woman, much younger than... than           Gesehen habe ich sie nicht. Sie muß zu               He said, “Well, if that vision said
me. But I... I have never seen her.        einem Zweck hier sein. "Frau, glaubst Du,        so, I’m going to stand by you.”
And she’s here for some purpose.           daß diese Dinge, die ich aus der Bibel               And I said, “Here we go.” And we
Do you believe that these things           gelehrt habe, die Wahrheit sind? Glaubst         got a little closer, and when I raised
that I’ve taught in the Bible, lady, to    Du, daß sie wahr sind? Nimmst Du es an,          up, the bear saw me. That was what
be the Truth? You believe they are         nicht weil ich es sagte, sondern weil Gott es    he wanted, to make a charge. And
the Truth. And do you accept It, not       gesagt hat?                                      I... I shot the bear, it didn’t seem like
because I said It, because God said           Glaubst Du, daß wir in den letzten Tagen      it even hurt him. Here he come! And
It?                                        leben, wenn der Menschensohn sich                before I could get another bullet in
   You believe we’re living in the last    offenbart; daß jetzt das gesamte Wort, das       the gun, the bear died about fifty
days when the Son of man was to            durch Luther, Wesley, die Baptisten und die      yards from him.
be manifested? That would be all           Pfingstler gegeben wurde, bis hin zur                Bud was white around the mouth,
the Word that’s gathered up                gesamten Offenbarung, zusammengefaßt             he said, “Brother Branham, I didn’t
through Luther, Wesley, Baptist, and       wird?" Der siebte Engel sollte das               want him on my lap.”
all that, and the Pentecostal, all         Geheimnis       der     Siegel   offenbaren,         I said, “I didn’t either.”
gathered up to the revelation of           zusammengefaßt in dem Dienst des                     Said, “I’m glad that vision said you
what it’s all been. The seventh angel      Menschensohnes. Seine Zeit ist erfüllt, in       got him.” He said, “Now, if that, if
was to open the six-seal mystery. It’s     der die Fülle Seines Wortes in der Fülle         them horns are forty-two inches, I’m
all to be gathered up in the Son of        Seines Leibes geoffenbart wird. Das ist das      going to have a...“ I’ll say it the way
man, His fullness of time has come         Wort. Durch das gesprochene Wort ist das         he did, said, “I’m going to have a

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screaming fit.”                                                                         God bless you, sister. Go, be happy
   I said, “Well, you just have it right                                                now, don’t doubt at what He said.
now, because that’s what it’s going                                                     W-137 How do you do, sister? I... I       W-137 Wie geht es Dir, Schwester? Ich
to be.”                                                                                 don’t believe I know you. We’re           glaube nicht, daß ich Dich kenne. Wir sind
W-17 When we got down to                                                                strangers. Now, here’s a woman that       einander fremd. Hier ist eine Frau, die ich
Brother Eddie, I said to Brother                                                        I don’t know. I don’t know you. I         nicht kenne. Ich weiß nicht, wer Du bist.
Eddie... We tied the horses off,                                                        have no way of knowing you. But do        Glaubst Du, daß Gott es mir offenbaren
they’re scared of a bear. And, oh,                                                      you believe that God could reveal to      kann, gemäß Seinem Worte, wie Er es
my, they’d had to smell it. We                                                          me, by His Word, ’cause, see,             verheißen hat? Glaubst Du, daß Er mir etwas
couldn’t skin him out, it was too                                                       because He promised it? You               über Dich zeigen kann? Würdest Du es
late; had to come back the next day.                                                    believe He could tell me something        annehmen? Du wüßtest, daß nicht ich es
And then we broke up the string                                                         about you? And that would make            bin, als Dein Bruder, sondern daß Er, Dein
about ten times, and horses running                                                     you accept it, is that right, knowing     Erlöser es wäre. Glaubst Du das? Du stehst
everywhere. So then when we got                                                         that it wouldn’t be me, your brother,     vor einer Operation. Dir ist gesagt worden,
down there, he said... Went and got                                                     it would be He, your Saviour. Do          daß Du Dich operieren lassen mußt. Glaubst
the tape measure out of his saddle                                                      you believe that? You’re pending an       Du, daß Er mir sagen kann, um welch eine
bag, said, “Blaine.”                                                                    operation. You’ve been told you           Operation es sich handelt? Sie sollte am
   I said to Brother Eddie, I said,                                                     have to have an operation. Do you         Magen und Darm sein. Das stimmt. Du
“Watch that little hand now,                                                            believe He can tell me what the           möchtest dem entgehen. Glaubst Du jetzt,
according...“ I thought it might have                                                   operation is for? It’s in the stomach,    während der Geist Christi über uns ist? Du
been Billy Paul, little bitty hand hold                                                 and in the bowels. That’s exactly         weißt, etwas hat es mir gesagt, denn ich
the tape measure around the horn. I                                                     right. You want to escape it. Do you      kenne Dich nicht. Glaubst Du, daß durch
said, “Watch that little hand,”                                                         believe now, with this Spirit here,       das Händeauflegen der Glaube Dir
punched Brother Eddie. We stepped                                                       the Spirit of Christ all around us and    zuströmen und mit Deinem Glauben sich
back. He put it right up like that,                                                     standing upon me... ? You know            vor Gott, unserem Vater, vereinigt, damit
exactly on the nose, forty-two                                                          something had to tell you, ’cause I       Du geheilt wirst? Herr Jesus, ich befolge
inches. See, just exactly. Jesus never                                                  don’t know you. Do you believe, by        Deinen Auftrag, wie Du gesagt hast: "Diese
fails! That Word will never fail as                                                     laying hands, that would transmit         Zeichen werden denen folgen, die da
long as it comes from God.                                                              the faith that I believe in, with you     glauben. Wenn sie ihre Hände auf die
W-18 I just spotted in our midst,          W-18 Nun möchte ich alle, besonders die      with your faith, and before God, our      Kranken legen, wird es besser mit ihnen."
Brother and Sister Jackson from            Auswärtigen, herzlich grüßen. Darf ich       Father, you’d be healed? Then, Lord       Laß unsere Schwester geheilt sein zur Ehre
South Africa. I guess they had been        darum bitten, daß Br. und Schw. Jackson      Jesus, I obey Your commands, when         Gottes. Im Namen Jesus, Amen. "Gehe,
introduced. And... and have you,           aus Südafrika, aufstehen. Wir freuen uns,    You said, “These signs shall follow       denke nicht daran, sondern glaube von
Brother Jackson? This morning,             euch in unserer Mitte zu haben. Der Herr     them that believe. If they lay hands      ganzem Herzen.
stand up, you and Sister Jackson. I’d      segne euch. Wir werden heute für die         on the sick, they shall recover,” let
just like for them to see. My brother,     Kranken beten.                               our sister be made well for the glory
Eddie, here is an old hunting partner        Ich wünschte, ich könnte allen Predigern   of God; in Jesus’ Name, amen. Now
from South Africa, too, way down.          Zeit einräumen, hier zu predigen. Wir sind   go on, don’t, just forget about it,
The Lord bless you, Brother Jackson        so froh, euch alle hier zu sehen.            see, go on believing it with all your
and Sister Jackson, so glad to have                                                     heart.
you here with us. And all of the                                                        W-138 How do you do? I say that           W-138 Wie geht es Dir? Ich spreche mit
ministers in the building raise up                                                      just to contact your spirit, lady. Just   Dir, um die Verbindung mit Dir

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One you could have faith in, is the                                                        your hand, all that’s in the ministry.
Son of God. The Purchaser is                                                               Well, that’s fine and dandy, good.
standing here. See? Is that right?                                                         The Lord bless you. We’re glad to
The Purchaser’s here.                                                                      have you all here. I’m going to have
W-136 Now, you know me as a               W-136 Du kennst mich als Prediger und            a prayer line in a few minutes, so I...
brother, a minister, and I know you       Bruder. Ich kenne Dich als Schwester. Ihn        I don’t... I wish I could have you all
as a sister. We know Him as God.          kennen wir als Gott. Wenn Er, der                to stand up and come up and
Now, if that unseen Person, by a gift     Unsichtbare, sich durch eine Gabe kundtut,       preach for me. We’re so glad to
that I have to make myself get out        indem ich mich selber zur Seite stelle, damit    have you, every one of you.
of the way, can tell me, tell you         Er durch mich reden kann, so sieht Gott          W-19 When, I think of your                W-19 Ich denke an eure Treue, die ihr
through me, my lips, see. Now,            nicht mich, wenn ich bete. Er hört meine         loyalty, and... and coming across the     von weit her kommt, um vom Herrn Jesus
when I’m praying, God don’t see           Stimme durch das Blut Jesu. Er schaut nicht      nation, and so forth, to hear me          zu hören; und an euer Vertrauen, daß Er
me, He just hears my voice through        auf mich. Er hört meine Stimme. Das Blut         speak about that lovely Lord Jesus,       meine Gebete erhört. Vor einigen Minuten
the Blood of Jesus. See, He don’t         spricht für das, worum ich bitte. Er hört        your confidence that you have that        sprach ich zu einer Mutter, die
see me, He hears my voice. And that       meine Stimme, indem Er das Blut sieht. Er        He hears my prayers. I was talking        gebrochenen Herzens war. Sie gehört
Blood there is to represent what I        sieht mich gereinigt unter dem Blute. Das        just a few moments ago on private         dieser Gemeinde an. Als ich gerade etwas
ask. See? Then He hears my voice,         Blut reinigt, es steht zwischen uns und Gott.    interview to a certain member of          zu dieser Frau sagen wollte, kam dasselbe
but He sees only the Blood. See, He       Er hat verheißen: "Was immer ihr den Vater       this church, not over forty-five          Licht, das ihr auf dem Bilde seht. Dann war
don’t see me, so I can’t be dirty         bittet in meinem Namen, das werde ich            minutes        ago,     brokenhearted     alles vorüber. Sie ging froh von dannen. Wir
when I’m under the Blood. The             tun." Glaubt ihr das alle?                       mother. And just as I started to say      sind heute so froh, daß wir in diesem
Blood cleanses. See, He’s the                Könnt ihr sehen, was vor sich geht? Könnt     something to the woman, (I don’t          wechselhaften Zeitalter, in dem wir fast kein
bumper between me and God, and            ihr sehen, wie das Licht, vom Feuer              know whether she’d want me to say         Vertrauen in irgend etwas setzen können,
promised, “Ask the Father anything,       durchdrungen, hereinkam und sich hier            who she was or not), there came           ein     unwandelbares,       unvergängliches
I’ll do it.” Do you believe that to be    bewegt?                                          that same Light that you see in that      Königreich haben. Unser Glaube ruht nicht
true?                                        Jetzt könnte sie nichts verbergen, auch       picture. It was all over, she went        auf dem Felsen von Gibraltar, sondern ist
    Now, if everybody... looks like...    wenn sie wollte. Du bist hier, weil etwas mit    happy. We’re so glad, today, in this      verankert in dem Felsen der Ewigkeit, in
Can you see that what’s happening?        Dir     geschehen       war.    Du     hattest   shifting age that we’re living in,        Jesus Christus, dem unbeweglichen Felsen
Look, coming in here, a Light,            Lungenentzündung          und    warst     im    where       you    can    hardly   put    des Heils.
amber, moving right around.               Krankenhaus. Du warst unter einem                confidence in anything, we have a
    Now she couldn’t hide it if she       Sauerstoffzelt und leidest noch jetzt an den     Kingdom that cannot shift, cannot
had to. No, no. You’re here from the      Folgen. Du wirst gesund sein. Jesus Christus     move. The Unmovable! Not the rock
results      of   something      that’s   macht Dich gesund. Gehe und glaube es,           of Gibraltar, but our faith can rest
happened to you. You’ve had               Schwester Eagan. Ich möchte Dir noch im          solemnly upon the Rock of Ages,
pneumonia, and you’ve been in the         Namen Jesu meine Hände auflegen. Gott            upon Jesus Christ, the unmovable
hospital. You’ve been under an            segne Dich, Schwester. Gehe, sei fröhlich        Rock of salvation.
oxygen tent. And you’re suffering         und zweifle nicht!                               W-20 I want to thank the sister
from the results of it. You’re going                                                       that brought the little triune box
to be well. Jesus Christ is going to                                                       with a Bible in it for my wife that’s
make you well, I see that. Go on,                                                          here. She had made a covenant to
believing it. Go on, believing it,                                                         the Lord about this little box. She
Sister Agan. I’m going to lay my                                                           had cherished it. It’s got some... like
hands upon you, in Jesus’ Name.                                                            pictures of old times on it. And she

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asked the Lord... She had cherished                                                   confidence is in the vision. But what       und euren Glauben in Tätigkeit zu setzen.
the box a little too much, perhaps.                                                   about the Word? Lay hands on her            Doch derselbe Glaube in Tätigkeit ohne
Just an ordinary little box in the                                                    with the same faith. The vision’s           eine Vision wird das gleiche bewirken. Es
shape of a pyramid. And she                                                           only given to motivate my faith and         gibt Menschen, die großen Glauben haben,
brought it with a Bible to my wife.                                                   your faith. With the same faith             andere haben diese Art von Glauben nicht.
Thank you, sister. Every one of your                                                  without the vision, it’ll work just the     Sie sehen Visionen, damit ihr Glaube
little gifts and things that you give                                                 same. Some people are given great           gestärkt wird. Es wären die gleichen Hände
Billy Paul and those, they get to me.                                                 faith. Some don’t have that kind of         und die gleiche Person.
I’m grateful for everything. God be                                                   faith, they’re given visions to give
with you.                                                                             them that faith. See? Now, see, it’d
W-21 Don’t forget now, next                                                           still be the same dirty hands, be the
Sunday morning. As soon as service                                                    same person, but just laying hands
is over today, write out your                                                         upon them.
question. If you can’t, bring it next                                                 W-135 Now, let the Holy Spirit              W-135 Möge der Heilige Geist jetzt Seine
Sunday morning. I’ll come a little                                                    confirm His Presence, confirm His           Gegenwart und Sein Wort, das Er verheißen
early, then let them bring it to the                                                  Word that He promised. Now, I               hat, bestätigen. Mir ist entfallen, wie Du
room, so I can have time to give it a                                                 forgot what your name was. What is          heißt. Was ist Dein Name? Eagan. Er hätte
Scriptural background. And we’ll                                                      your name, now? Agan. Well, He              es mir sagen können, doch ich hatte es ja
answer the questions next Sunday                                                      could have told me that if He had           gesagt, daß ich Dich irgendwie kenne. Frau
morning, the Lord willing.                                                            wanted to, see, but I just saying that      Eagan, komm etwas näher! Hier stehen
    Now, there’s many handkerchiefs                                                   I... I know I know you. Now, you just       Menschen, die im Gebet sind. Ich habe als
laying here. And I push them back,                                                    come right here just a minute, a            Knecht Christi das Wort gepredigt, von dem
just in order to get my... my notes                                                   little closer, there’s people standing      ich glaube, das es die Wahrheit ist. Glaubst
down here, and my... also my Bible,                                                   there praying, you see. That’s... Now,      Du das? Wärst Du in finanzieller Not, so
so, or my Bible and my notes, rather,                                                 Mrs. Agan, if I... if I be the servant of   könnte ich Dir vielleicht ein wenig helfen.
so that I can have a little room. But                                                 Christ, and I have preached the             Ginge es darum, mit Deinem Mann oder
I’m... I pray for each one.                                                           Word which I believe to be the              Deinen Kindern zu sprechen, so wäre ich
W-22 I’ll scripture my notes down,                                                    Truth, do you believe that? [Mrs.           dazu bereit. Wenn Du aber Heilung
I have just a short time. I won’t keep                                                Agan says, “Yes."] You believe it.          benötigst, kann ich sie Dir nicht geben. Es
you like I did the last time I was                                                    Now, if you have a need of                  ist schon alles erkauft. Durch die Gabe
here, around four hours. I made                                                       something, I could not give it to           könnte ich Dir helfen, es zu erkennen; wenn
myself a promise, if I taped anymore                                                  you, because I don’t have it to give;       Du Glauben hast, daß es bereits durch den
like that, I’d tape them by myself                                                    ’less it’s maybe a little money or          Sohn Gottes, den Alleinigen, in den Du
here, or something other, so I                                                        something, or I could go talk to            Deinen Glauben setzen kannst, erkauft ist.
wouldn’t have to hold you so long.                                                    your husband or children or loved           Er ist gegenwärtig. Das stimmt. Der es
W-23 Is Dr. Lee Vayle in this            W-23 Ist Dr. L. Vayle heute hier? Dann       ones or something, I could. But if          erkauft hat, ist hier.
morning? I wanted to ask if Dr. Lee      hebe deine Hand! Ich möchte nämlich, daß     you needed healing, I couldn’t give
Vayle... Are you here, Brother Vayle?    du die Darlegung der Offenbarung über        it to you, that’s already purchased.
Raise up your hand if you are. Is he     den Samen der Schlange in das erste          But through a gift, I can make you
in the back? All right, thank you,       Zeitalter [Ephesus] hineinbringst. Niemand   recognize, if you have faith, that
Brother Roy. And I want you to be        vermag etwas gegen die Offenbarung des       that’s already purchased, because
sure to check those notes, Brother       Samens der Schlange einzuwenden, denn        the One Who purchased it, the only

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Bestätigung seines Wortes                                                                   William M. Branham • Sonntag, 16.08.1964, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

woman, that limb would get well.         würde ihr die Hände auflegen und sagen:           Vayle. You’re somewhere in the           gestern hat es der Herr mir noch einmal
There’s no doubt about that. But,        "Tochter, sei gesund!" Er gab uns jedoch          crowds back there that I can’t see,      aufgetragen.
you see, we are human beings with        den Auftrag. Ich meine, das hat Er klar           or in the hall. We have to watch,           Wie empfange ich eine Botschaft?
dirty hands. His hands is holy, God a    genug herausgestellt.                             can’t let too many stand, the fire       Zunächst bewegt mich etwas. Sobald ich
vindicated Him. He was the Word.                                                           marshal won’t let us do that, you        weiß, daß es von Gott ist, folge ich dem
You believe that? Sure, He had no                                                          see, and so we are. I want you to        Gedanken in der Heiligen Schrift. Niemals
doubt. He would lay His hands upon                                                         check my revelation on Serpent’s         habe ich erlebt, daß es nicht richtig
her, say, “Daughter, be well,” and                                                         Seed, to be injected into the first,     gewesen wäre. Es stimmt von 1. Moses bis
she’d get well. But then He                                                                Ephesian Church Age that he’s            hin zur Offenbarung überein, ungeachtet
commissioned us to do the same                                                             writing, regrammarizing it for me.       dessen, was Menschen darüber denken. Seit
thing. I think He’s clearly identified                                                     Beautifully done! And I want you to      Öffnung der Siegel ist alles noch mehr
it.                                                                                        check that and let somebody say          bestätigt    worden.   Das    war    eine
W-134 Now, what if He would              W-134 Würde Er mir eine Vision geben,             something against the Serpent’s          entscheidende Zeit. Der Herr segne euch
give me a vision, and tell this          so daß ich der Frau sagen könnte, was sie         Seed now (whether it was right, or       alle reichlich, während wir uns hierin
woman something to do? That, well,       zu tun hat, so glaube ich, daß ich ihr die        not)! So the Lord just gave it to me     vertiefen.
I believe then if I laid my hands        Hände auflegen könnte, und sie geheilt            yesterday, see. Oh, it’s beyond! How
upon her, she’d get well. Do you         wäre. "Glaubst Du das?" Wenn Er mir aber          I get a message, I’ll be going along
believe that? But what if He didn’t      keine Vision gibt? Was bewirkt eine Vision.       and Something strikes me. Then...
give the vision? What would the          Sie gibt nur Glauben, so daß mein Glaube          And if I know it’s God, I’ll take it
vision do? Only give me faith.           die unsichtbare Kraft Gottes in Tätigkeit         over and find it in the Scripture.
Transmitting my faith, the unseen        setzt. Würdet ihr alle in diesem Augenblick       Then I have... It’s never failed, but,
power of God. See? Now, if you,          sterben, so verließet ihr eure Leiber. All eure   from Genesis to Revelation, run true,
every one of you die right this          Fähigkeiten und alles was ihr seid, wären         no matter what people think about
minute, you’d never see your you         dahin. Doch würdet ihr das Verlassen eures        It. And it’s been more so than ever
leave your body. All your mental         Seins, die Kraft, die eure Hände bewegt,          since those Seven Seals. See, that
faculties, all that you are would        usw., nicht sehen. Das ist eine Kraft. Die        did it that time. So the Lord bless
leave, but you’d never see it go.        Kraft, die mich denken läßt, die mich             you now as we study. Now in
See? It’d be an un-... The force that    predigen läßt, die Kraft, die mich am Leben       respects to the Word...
makes me move my hands, that’s a         erhält und alle Handlungen bewirkt. Diese         W-24 And I believe somebody,             W-24 ...
force, isn’t it? The force that could    Kraft, die euer ganzes Dasein bestimmt und        the engineer, ever who it is on, it’s      Aus der Heiligen Schrift möchte ich zwei
make me think, the force that makes      beeinflußt, würde euren Leib verlassen,           getting a little rebound here on the     Abschnitte    lesen.  Einen    aus    dem
me preach, the force that makes me       ohne daß ihr es seht. Es ist eine unsichtbare     acoustics. Now can you hear in the       Markusevangelium 5, 21-43 und 1. Könige
live, act, that same force that can      Kraft. So ist es mit dem Glauben. Versäumt        back, all right? Raise up your hands     10, 1-3. Wir wollen dazu aufstehen.
motivate this body would leave it        es nicht! Es ist Glaube. Jesus sagte: "Sie        if you can. Fine!                          ...
and you wouldn’t see the force           werden ihre Hände auf die Kranken legen..."          Now let us turn in the Bible, to
leave. It’s an unseen force. So is       Hätte ich eine Vision und legte der Frau          two places in the Scripture, and I’ll
faith! Don’t miss this. Faith! And       meine Hände auf, würde ich glauben, daß           try to get the message out and get
Jesus said, “They shall lay hands on     sie gesund wird, weil ich die Vision sah.         out on time, if the Lord willing. And
the sick.” Now, see, if I went and had   Mein Vertrauen wäre in der Vision                 now let’s turn to Mark, the 5th
a vision and laid hands on her, I        begründet, doch wie steht es um das Wort?         chapter, and to the 1 Kings, the 10th
believe that she’s going to get well,    Legt Hände auf mit demselben Glauben!             chapter; Mark, the 5th chapter; 1
’cause I saw the vision, my              Eine Vision wird nur gezeigt, um meinen           Kings, the 10th chapter.

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