BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt

Page created by Ron Juarez
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
Subject to change, as of March 2021. Printed in Germany 3 / 21 / 2.5 EN
Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Postfach 15 02 10                                                                                            BE THERE AS AN
60062 Frankfurt am Main, Germany                                                                             EXHIBITOR.
Tel. +49 69 75 75-68 23                                                                                      11. – 14. 1. 2022
Fax +49 69 75 75-66 09
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
Get back to talking to people face-to-face, make
                                                              your products tangible and bring a smile to
                                                 LET’S MAKE   people’s faces. Feel textiles offline! At Heimtextil

THE HANDS-ON                                      THEM...     2022, visitors will be able to touch the fabrics live –
                                                              and experience the passion of the industry.

TRADE FAIR                                                    Heimtextil is the largest and most important
                                                              international trade fair for home and contract
                                                              textiles. At no other venue are so many products
                                                              and designs presented in such fascinating variety.
                                                              Showcase your products and do business with
Even if we have now become experts in virtual
                                                              international decision makers.
interaction, there is one thing that counts
above all else – real face-to-face encounters                  Naturally, we have developed a hygiene concept
where we can meet up again in person and                         to ensure your safety and that of your visitors.

speak directly to each other. We at Heimtextil
are particularly looking forward to this!
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
                             THAN CHATS
                            The varied programme of events
                            with renowned industry experts
                               offers visitors and exhibitors
                               alike a first-hand experience
                                of the huge and fascinating
SHOW   TREND   CONFERENCE    world of textile interior design.
                                               Be there live!
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
NETWORKING                         1                     2                       3                     4                       5                         6                       7
RATHER THAN                 Encounter
                           top decision
                                                     Win over                  Size
                                                                                                 Raise your
                                                                                                                              Be                      In the                    Set

INTERNET                     makers
                                                      buyers                  counts
                                                                                                                             seen                   vanguard                  trends

                           Architects, whole-       Meet your target      Present your offer    The whole industry    Trade visitors will find     Measure yourself      Showcase your latest
7 reasons why you should
                           salers, designers,      groups in person.     at the largest venue   comes to Frankfurt      a globally unique        against the big names   on-trend products and
be here as an exhibitor.   interior decorators,   Buyers from all over     for textile design   to network – and to     range of products         of the industry and         collections!
                           hospitality experts,   the world come here     and trends – with         meet you!         across 16 hall levels.      make a difference.
                           interior designers,     to find inspiration   countless networking
                             retailers, visual     and conclude the         opportunities.
                            merchandisers.        most important deals
                                                      of the year.
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
The internationally renowned Heimtextil
                                             Trend Space in Hall 4.0, which has received
Hall 4.0
                                             positive feedback from industry professionals,

HEIMTEXTIL                                   will be presenting the Trends 22/23 in a clearly
                                             visible and tangible manner. It offers a wealth

TRENDS 22/23                                 of inspiration and an opportunity for buyers to
                                             order directly at the fair.

The perfect setting for trendsetters.
                                             Would you like to showcase your innovative
                                             products and trendsetting designs?
                                             If so, you can send them in beforehand: The
                                             international Heimtextil Trend Council curates
How will colours, patterns and materials
                                             the best entries for the presentation in the
develop in the future? What are the trends   Heimtextil Trend Space.
of tomorrow and who will be setting them?
You as an exhibitor – and Heimtextil!        Another highlight in Hall 4.0:
                                             Exciting new ideas in textile design!
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
Exclusively for exhibitors:   Discover the latest new ideas – before anyone        The more you study the subject of sleep, the
                                  else! Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity   more multi-faceted and interesting it becomes,
 HEIMTEXTIL                       before the official start of the fair in Hall 4.0
                                  on Monday, 10 January 2022 and benefit from:
                                                                                       not only in terms of the textile products on
                                                                                       offer, but also as a result of new scientific
PREVIEW DAY                       • inspiring Trends 22/23 in the Heimtextil Trend

        Keep abreast               Space and                                           The Heimtextil Conference: Sleep & More
                                                                                                                                             Hall 11.0
                                                                                       brings you closer – through knowledge transfer,
   of current trends.             • the latest ideas from around 200 design
                                   studios for home and contract textiles.
                                                                                       exchange of experience and networking. The
                                                                                       conference focuses on four themed areas               WIDE AWAKE
                                                                                       around the future of sleep. Our internationally
                                                                                       acclaimed experts will certainly never tire of        RATHER THAN
                                                                                       surprising you!
                                                                                                                                             SLEEP MODE
                                                                                            INTERIOR DESIGN             SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                                                             Heimtextil Conference:
                                                                                            HOSPITALITY                 SCIENCE & RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                             Sleep & More
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
16                                                                   RATHER THAN
   %                                                                 FOLLOWER
of Heimtextil
trade visitors
                   Contract textiles with functional properties      Grow together with
                   are in demand more than ever before. And that’s
are interested
                   certainly the case at Heimtextil!
                                                                     the contract sector.
 in contract
                   Inspiring and informative events attract an
                   extremely interested audience of architects,
                   interior designers and hospitality experts.
                   Demonstrate your competence in this rapidly
  Trade visitors   growing area.
 Heimtextil 2020
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
NATURAL                                                                   AMBITIOUS COLLABORATION
                                                                               AND AMBITIOUS GOALS

FIBRES RATHER               Sustainable production and trading are becoming
                            more important than ever for our future.           A particular highlight again in 2022: With its Texpertise
                                                                               Network, Messe Frankfurt supports sustainable
  THAN PIXELS               Heimtextil has focused on this area for more
                            than 10 years. The fair identifies pioneer         development goals worldwide as part of a collabora-
                                                                               tion with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the
                            companies and provides a stage for green
    Thinking sustainably,   thinkers. What about you?                          United Nations Office for Partnerships.

   means thinking ahead.                                                       At its international textile events – including Heimtextil –
                            The Green Village is the first point of call for
                            sustainability. Quality mark organisations and     Messe Frankfurt provides an information platform for

                            certification bodies will be here providing        the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: We

                            first-hand information about their services.       present examples that demonstrate socially and
                                                                               environmentally responsible textile production for
                                                                               more sustainable global development, the promotion
                                                                               of the circular economy and the creation of fair
                                                                               working conditions.
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
                           WE ALSO OFFER
                           SUPPORT IN THE
                                                          TARGETED CAM-
                                                          PAIGNS TO ATTRACT            SERVICE RATHER
                                                                                        THAN SERVERS

We offer numerous          Stand construction, stand      We invest in eye-catch-
promotional materials      technology, rental furniture   ing, international                     Our support
that you can use to        and equipment, trade           publicity campaigns to
                                                                                               for exhibitors.
inform your partners and   fair seminars, publications,   attract the right visitors
customers and invite       technical guidelines,          for you, e.g. with
them to the fair.          logistics, passes and          advertisements
                           tickets, travel information,   in trade magazines,
                           accommodation and much         online marketing, PR,
                           more.                          direct marketing and
                                                          social media activities.
                           Please contact us if you
                           would like advice on
                           hygiene standards and
BE THERE AS AN EXHIBITOR.- 14. 1. 2022 - Messe Frankfurt
BOOK                    TYPES OF STAND
                                                       Stand rental prices
                                                                              Stand rental prices
                                                                                                            Stand rental prices
                                                                                                            EARLY BOOKING
                                                                                                                                             MINIMUM STAND
                                                                                                                                                                         REGISTER NOW!
                                                                                                                                                                         We look forward to hearing from you at

                                                                                                            PRICE* valid until 30. 4. 2021                     
                                                                                                                                             Because of current
                              1 side open              € 224.00 / sqm         € 199.00 / sqm                € 193.00 / sqm
                                                                                                                                             restrictions, the           FOR EARLY BOOKERS
      NOW                     2 sides open

                              3 sides open
                                                       € 233.00 / sqm

                                                       € 240.00 / sqm
                                                                              € 207.00 / sqm

                                                                              € 214.00 / sqm
                                                                                                            € 201.00 / sqm

                                                                                                            € 207.00 / sqm
                                                                                                                                             minimum stand size
                                                                                                                                             for individual Heimtextil
                                                                                                                                                                         Would you like to be here in 2022? If so,
                                                                                                                                                                         don’t delay. Benefit from our early booking
  At Heimtextil from          4 sides open             € 246.00 / sqm         € 219.00 / sqm                € 211.00 / sqm                   2022 exhibitors is          price (available up until 30 April 2021).
                                                                                                                                             18 square metres.
      11. – 14. 1. 2022       Upper storey area        € 122.00 / sqm         –                             € 118.00 / sqm
                                                                                                                                                                         SUPPORT FOR INNOVATIVE START-UPS:
                                                                                                                                             Stands in the Textile       Are you a newcomer to the textile industry?
                                    Plus:   • Environmental levy € 3.90/sqm       • Media Package € 585.–
                                            • AUMA charge € 0.60/sqm              • Plus VAT
                                                                                                                                             Designer area are           If so, we have a very special offer for you.
                                                                                                                                             exempt from this            Talk to us!

                          *This price is available to companies that are exhibiting at Heimtextil 2022 themselves and whose
                           non-binding declaration of intention to exhibit at Heimtextil 2022 has been received by Messe Frankfurt
                           Exhibition GmbH by 30 April 2021.
Miriam Bleuel                                  Olga Drexler                                      Sibylle Krug
                                                           Hall 4.0: Textile Design                       Hall 11.0: Smart Bedding                          Hall 9.0: Beautiful Living
                                                           Hall 10.0: Asian Selection                     Hall 12.0: Bed & Bath Fashion                     Hall 12.1: Bed & Bath Fashion
                                                                                                          (Brands)                                          (Private Label)
                      We’re here for you!
                                            +49 69 75 75-64 16                             +49 69 75 75-63 70                               +49 69 75 75-66 65


      SALES TEAM                                           Sandra Neumann
                                                           Hall 4.2: Decorative &
                                                                                                          Verena Beck
                                                                                                          Hall 6.1: Asian Excellence
                                                                                                                                                            Lisa Latin
                                                                                                                                                            Halls 10.1, 10.3: Asian Selection
                                                           Furniture Fabrics                              Hall 8.0: Wall Decoration                         Hall 10.2: Asian Excellence

                                            +49 69 75 75-64 26                             +49 69 75 75-58 59                               +49 69 75 75-60 31
    Do you have any questions about             

your participation or the organisation
of your trade fair presence? Our Sales                     Petra Mertens                                  Sabine Voigt
                                                           Hall 8.0:                                      Halls 6.0, 6.2: Asian Selection
Managers would be delighted to help.                       Window & Interior Decoration,
                                                           Textile Technology
        Simply phone or e-mail them.
                                            +49 69 75 75-54 10                             +49 69 75 75-55 58
Window & Interior Decoration                                 Smart Bedding                                              Decorative & Furniture Fabrics
                                                                                                                                                                Curtains, decorative and furniture fabrics,                  Duvets and pillows, mattresses, bedding              4.1   Manufacturers and wholesalers for decorative,
                                                                                                                                                          8.0   ­drapery and curtain hardware, textiles editeurs,     11.0   systems, fibres and yarns, tools and ­machinery            furniture and contract fabrics, fabrics for bed
                                                                                                                                                                 visual covers and sun protection systems, carpets           for textile processing and Heimtextil C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ­ onference:   4.2   linen, furniture leather and artificial leather,

                       LIVE IN FRANKFURT                                                                                                                         and tools and machinery for textile processing              Sleep & More                                               fibres and yarns

                                                                                                                                                                Beautiful Living                                                                                                        Asian Excellence
                       11. – 14. 1. 2022                                                                                                                  9.0
                                                                                                                                                                (Brands & Private Label)
                                                                                                                                                                Lifestyle products: table and kitchen linen, coated   12.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bed & Bath Fashion (Brands)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Branded companies with bed linen and                 6.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Selected manufacturers from Asia with home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        textile products such as: decorative and
                                                                                                                                                                table cloths, bedcovers, blankets, door mats,                ­bathroom textiles                                         furniture fabrics, decorative cushions, curtains,
                                                                                                                                                                decorative cushions and home accessories                                                                                carpets, sun ­protection systems and wallpapers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Asian Selection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bed & Bath Fashion                                         Individual presentations and national pavilions

                                                                                                                                                                Media                                                        (Private Label)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with manufacturers from Asia with home textile
ving                                                                                                                                    Asian Selection

                                                                                                                                                     Gal. 0
                                                                                                       Congress Center

tion                                                                                                                                    Textile Design          Associations, institutes and publishers                      Private label suppliers of bed linen and             6.2   products such as: decorative and furniture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ­bathroom textiles                                         fabrics, decorative cushions, curtains, carpets,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sun ­protection systems and wallpapers
ence                                                                                                                                     Digital Print

ding                                                   Torhaus                                                                          Wall Decoration
                                                                                                                                                                Asian Selection

                                                                                                                                                                Individual presentations and national pavilions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wall Decoration

ashion                                       Torhaus                                                                                     Decorative &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Heimtextil Trends 22/23
                                                                                                                                       Furniture Fabrics

                                                                                                                                                                with ­manufacturers from Asia with household
                                                                                                                                       Asian Excellence
                                                                                                                                                                textile products such as: duvets and pillows,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.0    Latest colour, design and material trends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8.0   Wallpapers, wall decoration, painting and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ­decorating accessories, colours and varnish
                                                                                                                            Entrance                 10.3
                                                                                                                                       Window & Interior
                                                                                                                                                                bed linen, bathroom textiles, table and kitchen
                                                                                                                                                                linen, blankets and decorative cushions

                                                                                    Entrance                                                                    Asian Excellence                                                                                                        Textile Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Textile Design
                              Cargo Center                                          Hall 3

                                                                                                                                                                Selected manufacturers from Asia with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.0                                                               Digital print machines and accessories,
                                                                                                                                                         10.2   household textile products such as: duvets and               Design studios, style bureaus, colour code           8.0   machinery for textile ­processing and software
                                                                                                                                                                pillows, bed linen, bathroom textiles, table and             systems and CAD/CAM systems
                                                                                                                                                                kitchen linen, blankets and decorative cushions                                                                         solutions
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