"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW

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"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW
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                          “CONTINUITY IS
                          REQUIRED IN A
                          Birgit Huber, Head of Beauty
                          Care Department, IKW
                           p 56
"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW
Continuity in times of crisis
Challenges | Like the entire cosmetics industry, the IKW, short for
the body care and detergent industry association, has been severely                                      COVER-
affected by the effects of the pandemic in the past few months. We                                      INTERVIEW
talked to Birgit Huber about changes and perspectives.

            NN Birgit Huber,                        How long have you been at IKW            advise regarding cosmetics competent-
                 Deputy Director General, Head of   and what still inspires you?             ly. The fact that I can actively shape
                 Beauty Care Department, IKW,                                                processes inspires me every day.
                 Frankfurt am Main, Germany,        Since I have always been enthusiastic
                 www.ikw.org                        about cosmetics, I started working as    How did IKW react to the challeng-
                                                    a scientific assistant at IKW immedia-   es of the pandemic? How did the
                                                    tely after studying food technology.     association support cosmetics
                                                    That was more than 30 years ago.         companies during the pandemic?
                                                    And even today, I am still enthusias-
                                                    tic about the versatility of my tasks.   During the pandemic, the IKW core
                                                    I’m a member of various scientific       competencies were particularly in
                                                    and technical working groups, such       demand. As a valued contact and
                                                                                                                                      photo: REDPIXEL.PL/Shutterstock.com

                                                    as the Cosmetics Commission at the       interface between authorities, in-
                                                    Federal Institute for Risk Assessment,   dustry, consumers, and the media,
                                                    and in European committees, such as      IKW reacted very quickly to the
                                                    in the board of Cosmetics Europe, the    new challenges. For example, when
                                                    European umbrella organisation for       disinfectants were in short supply
                                                    cosmetics. It is one of my tasks to      at the beginning of the pandemic,
                                                    answer all questions to inform and       IKW successfully lobbied the

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"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW

                                          essential and could therefore con-        What role have cosmetics and
                                          tinue to produce during the               beauty routines played for con-
                                          lockdown.                                 sumers since the beginning of the
                                          How has the cosmetic and beauty
                                          care product market changed               Even if beauty routines have changed
                                          because of the pandemic?                  during the pandemic and people are
                                                                                    using certain products less – perso-
                                          The pandemic has hit the cos-             nal care and cosmetics are still very im-
                                          metics and beauty care market more        portant in the everyday life of German
                                          in some categories than in others.        consumers and contribute to their
                                          The greatest impact can certainly         well-being. This was confirmed by
                                          be traced back to the fact that           93% of respondents in a survey con-
                                          people had to reduce their social         ducted by Statista during the pande-
                                          contacts and increasingly worked          mic. We decided very early last year
                                          from home. This eliminated many           to carry out this survey because we
                                          occasions for which one would put         wanted to know more about people’s
                                          on make-up, hair style or apply           beauty routines and if they have chan-
                                          perfume. This is reflected in the         ged during the pandemic. The results
                                          sales figures for the product catego-     showed very clearly that beauty pro-
                                          ries that lost significantly in 2020,     ducts and beauty routines help to struc-
                                          such as decorative cosmetics and          ture everyday life, particularly in ti-
                                          women’s and men’s fragrances. In          mes of uncertainty. 61% of the respon-
                                          addition, there is the closure of         dents in the survey also say that their
                                          shops, such as perfumeries, and           appearance is just as important to
                                          the associated changes in shopping        them as it was before. And 77% say
                                          habits. Due to short-time work, some      they spend as much time in the bath-
                                          consumers also have less money            room as they did before.
                                                                                    How optimistically does the cos-
                                          Are there also winners in this            metics industry see the year 2021?
authorities and ministries responsible    sector? If so, how did they benefit?
in Germany to obtain a broader                                                      The pandemic is creating unprece-
exemption so that sufficient quan-        Yes, there are also products that         dented challenges for companies –
tities of disinfectants could also be     were particularly in demand due to        starting with difficulties in sourcing
made available to private consu-          their performance during the pan-         raw materials, production under dif-
mers in a short time. As a commit-        demic: soaps and syndets, for examp-      ficult conditions, through to closed
ted industry association, we also         le. As regular and careful hand           shops and reduced contacts. As it
stood by associated sectors in a spirit   hygiene is one of the effective me-       stands, many of these challenges
of partnership and, among other           thods in the fight against the Corona-    will continue for some time. Despite
things, supported hairdressers with a     virus, this category recorded a signi-    all this: A strong plus of the cosmetics
communication offensive during            ficant increase of 77% last year.         industry is that the companies are
the reopening after the first             Linked to this, there is another          very innovative and creative. The
lockdown.                                 winner: Since people used more            companies always strive to meet
Despite all the complexity, continuity    soaps and disinfection products,          customer’s needs and demands, for
is also required in a crisis. Despite     the need for hand cream also              example by developing new tech-
the massive restrictions on personal      increased. We know from a survey,         nologies and highly effective ingre-
contact, the association efficiently      conducted by Statista on behalf of        dients. At the same time, they react
continued established dialogues           IKW, that hand cream has become           extremely quickly to trends.
with stakeholders and the media and       one of the most popular products in the   Reduced customer communication
was always available with reliable        pandemic. Furthermore, manufac-           due to closed stores? I am sure, we
information about the industry’s          turers report that products high-         will see a lot more apps and
performance.                              lighting the eyes achieved a signifi-     online-services making knowledge
We were also a constant compa-            cant plus. This is very understan-        about products, ingredients, and
nion for our member companies             dable since Mascara and eyebrow           routines more easily available in the
when it came to assistance with           products are perfectly suited to give     near future. For 2021, we see the
questions about the pandemic,             your face more character and expres-      mood among the IKW member com-
e.g. whether our industry was             sion despite the face masks.              panies as cautiously optimistic.

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"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW

The reduction in social contact and the frequent relocation of professional life to             But there are also winners: The sale of hand care
the home office has slumped sales in many areas of the cosmetics industry.                      products has increased significantly in recent months.

                In addition to the pandemic, what                  in this context: people are becoming        test based on our expertise, a high
                challenges will the cosmetics in-                  aware that living conditions as we          degree of flexibility and commitment.
                dustry have to face soon? What are                 enjoy them are not guaranteed. Due          In an increasingly complex world,
                the chances?                                       to their proximity to consumers,            the role of IKW as a reliable scientific
                                                                   cosmetics manufacturers are particu-        authority for companies and the
                One of the important issues for the                larly challenged to meet social             public will continue to gain in
                cosmetics industry continues to be                 demands and show a sense of respon-         importance.
                the influence of digitalisation on all             sibility, for example through new
                business processes. The pandemic                   technologies, resource-saving pro-          To what extent have the tasks of
                has once again accelerated this deve-              ductions, sustainable packaging, or         IKW changed because of globalisa-
                lopment and showed where there is                  the selection of ingredients. As active     tion and how will they continue to
                still a need to catch up. Internet and             co-creators of change, many cosme-          change in the near future?
                social media are the places where                  tics companies are already pursuing
                today’s consumers inform themselves,               ambitious sustainability program-           Most of our member companies are
                communicate with each other and                    mes and are exploring new ways to           very active internationally. The origi-
                buy their products – without online                reduce the ecological footprint of          nal aim of the association to help
                shopping almost nothing would have                 their products. This development will       member companies seize their
                been possible in the last few months.              continue to strengthen.                     opportunities in the “big European
                And this is of course reflected in the                                                         market” has long since been
                growth figures of e-commerce. Even                 What tasks does the IKW see in the          expanded to include other markets
                if consumers long to go back to the                coming years?                               around the world. And this means
                shops, the share of e-commerce will                                                            that the horizon of our activities has
                remain high in the post-pandemic                   The challenges for our member com-          also expanded. IKW supports its             photo: Andrey Popov/Shutterstock.com, photo: Andrei David Stock/Shutterstock.com
                period. So, if you want to be close to             panies are also the challenges by           members – many of whom are small
                the customer, you must invest in the               which our tasks are measured. The           and medium-sized enterprises –
                online shopping experience, in online              demands for safety, effectiveness and       through a variety of measures to
                communication with consumers and in                sustainability of products will remain      open up foreign markets. These
                the use of apps as digital service sup-            very high. At the same time, chan-          include, for example, providing
                plements to products.                              ging economic conditions, such as           market analyses, organising trade
                                                                   those triggered by trade conflicts, are     fairs abroad, accompanying busi-
                What influence does the pandemic                   creating more uncertainties. In ad-         ness initiation trips or issuing certifi-
                have on developments around sus-                   dition, there are changes in legal          cates of free sale. Even though the
                tainability?                                       regulations that can have an impact         possibilities in these areas are
                                                                   on production processes. Or sud-            currently very limited, IKW will
                Value-oriented action and environ-                 den global events, such as the              continue to support its members in
                mentally sound business practices                  pandemic now, for which we must             achieving growth abroad as well.
                are not new guiding principles for                 be prepared.                                But soon, the top priority for every-
                industry, but they have taken on a                 Covid-19 is an enormous effort for          one is that the economy picks up
                new significance because of the pan-               all of us. But it has also shown us         speed again and society returns to its
                demic. The pandemic acts as a catalyst             that we can withstand such a stressful      usual normality.                     Q

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"CONTINUITY IS REQUIRED IN A CRISIS" - FERMENTATION Nature's molecular machines p 22 - IKW
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