Page created by Walter Gallagher


Demand No. 10
Department of Commerce
Ministry of Commerce and Industry                                                                                 Demand No. 10
                                                      Department of Commerce

 1. Duty Draw Back Scheme (CS)
FINANCIAL                        OUTPUTS 2021-22                                              OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22         Output                 Indicators              Targets        Outcome               Indicators            Targets
                                                                 2021-22                                                    2021-22
  377.00      1. Enhancing     1.1. No of applications for 880             1. Effective          1.1. Total    value of 4,400
                 competitiven       which TED/DBK shall be                    implementation of       supply on which the
                 ess        of      paid                                      provisions      of      TED/DBK benefits
                 domestic                                                     foreign      trade      is reimbursed (in Rs
                               1.2. No.       of      exporters 320           policy for deemed       Cr)
                 industry viz-      reimbursed DBK /TED on
                 a-vis imports                                                exports
                                    inputs used in goods for
                 under              export production and
                 specified          supplied     to   specified
                 categories         categories
                               1.3. Total value of duty 450
                                    drawback claim credited
                                    into bank (in Rs Cr)

2. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) Limited (CS)
FINANCIAL                       OUTPUTS 2021-22                                             OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22           Output                Indicators         Target          Outcome                Indicator(s)             Target
                                                            2021-22                                                         2021-22
  260.00      1. To          provide 1.1. No. of  policies 6,000      1.   Insurance protection 1.1. Incremental value 1,00,000
                 adequate capital         issued                           to exporters against      of        exports
                 infusion so that 1.2. Net         premium 1,200           payment risks             supported (Rs in
                 insurance     cover      earned (Rs. in                                             crore)
                 could be provided        crore)
                 to all needy Indian 1.3. No. of new buyers 19,000
                 exporters                added

3. Market Access Initiative (CS)
FINANCIAL                        OUTPUTS 2021-22                                              OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22          Output                 Indicators            Targets        Outcome                  Indicators             Targets
                                                                2021-22                                                        2021-22
  200.00      1.   Support for 1.1. No. of Reverse Buyer 35               1.   Enhancement 1.1. Number of Indian exporters 3,500
                   export               Seller Meets (RBSM)                    of       export      participated in approved RBSM
                   promotion            organized in India                     accessing new
                   through         1.2. No. of Buyer Seller 200                market       or 1.2. Number of foreign buyers 3,500
                   participation        Meets organized and                    increasing           participated in approved RBSM
                   in trade fairs,      participation            in            share        in
                   buyer seller         exhibitions/trade     fairs            existing
                   meets,               abroad                                 market
                   exhibitions,    1.3. No. of Trainings or 50                                 1.3. Number of Indian exporters 8,000
                   capacity             capacity          building                                  participated in events abroad
                   building etc         exercises organized for
                                   1.4. No. of Market Studies 5                              1.4. Number of new international 50
                                        commissioned                                              destinations/explored

4. Coffee Board (CS)
FINANCIAL                                     OUTPUT 2021-22                                                                    OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
     2021-22             Output                         Indicators                    Targets                Outcome                            Indicators                 Targets
                                                                                      2021-22                                                                              2021-22
     180.00        1. Support for          1.1. Quantity      of     Coffee           3,35000      1. Enhancement       of 1.1. % increase in coffee 1.5%
                      enhancemen                Production (in MT.)                                   production,               production
                      t          of        1.2. Quantity of seed production           12              productivity      &
                      production,               (in MT)                                               quality,      export
                      productivity         1.3. No. of beneficiaries of               2,000           promotion        for
                      and quality               welfare support                                       achieving     higher
                      of coffee            1.4. Area developed (replanted /           3000            value returns for
                                                expanded)      in    coffee                           Indian Coffee
                                                growing regions in India
                                           1.5. No. FPO to be benefitted              6

                                           1.6. Quantity of coffee exported 3,30,000
                                                (in MT)

  Export quantity has been projected less due to low stock availability, continuous natural calamity during past 3 years, current pandemic situation and also decline in
 consumption/demand in major consuming countries.

5. Rubber Board (CS)
FINANCIAL                              OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                  OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)

  2021-22          Output                     Indicators                Targets          Outcome                  Indicators           Targets 2021-
                                                                        2021-22                                                             22
  190.00      1. Increase          1.1. Quantity     of    Rubber      7,60,000   1. Enhancement of 1.1. %        Increase        in   11.8%
                 rubber                 Production (Tonne)                           production   and      production of rubber
                 production,                                                         productivity  of
                 productivity      1.2. New planting/ replanting       15,000        rubber           1.2. %       increase       in   2.3%
                 enhancement,           (ha)                                                               productivity of rubber
                 promotion of      1.3. Tribal        Rehabilitation   53537                          1.3. % Increase in Planted       0.8%
                 extension              Planting (ha)                                                      area
                 activities etc.   1.4. Production of hybrid seed      350
                                   1.5. Supply of buds of nucleus      5,000                             1.4. % Decrease in Rubber     14.7%
                                        planting material of new                                              Imports
                                        clones (No.)
                                   1.6. No. of Participants in         50,000
                                        Farmer            Education
                                   1.7. No. of Participants in         4,000
                                   1.8. No. of labour beneficiaries    14,000

                                   1.9. Quantity of rubber imports     2,90,000

6. Tea Board (CS)
FINANCIAL                          OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                  OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22           Output                   Indicators              Targets            Outcome                   Indicators          Targets
                                                                     2021-22                                                          2021-22
  375.00      1.   Increase           1.1. Quantity      of    tea 1,390       1.   Increase in production 1.1. % increase       in 0.72%
                   production,             production (M. Kg.)                      &     productivity,   in      production
                   encourage small 1.2. Area provided under 1,108                   efforts          towards 1.2. % Increase     in 0.91%
                   tea growers in          replacement planting/                    doubling the farmers          productivity
                   collectivization        replanting (ha.)                         income                        (yield/ha)
                   and formation
                   of         SHGs,
                   providing          1.3. Area provided under 275
                   incentives      to      Rejuvenation (ha.)
                   exports,           1.4. Number       of    new 2            2.   Product diversification 2.1. Increase       in 1.82%
                   supporting              factories setup for                      to meet the export           Orthodox     tea
                   welfare                 production of green                      target and market            production (%)
                   measures for the        tea, orthodox tea and
                   benefit of tea          specially tea.
                   garden workers     1.5. No of Self Help 30                  3.   Growth in Tea Exports 3.1. % increase of tea 0.78%
                   improve quality         Groups                                   from India                 exports
                   and         value       (SHGs)/farmer
                   addition      and       Producer           Orgs
                   change         the      formed
                   product mix for 1.6. No         of     Research 3
                   producing more          activities under R&D
                   orthodox teas.     1.7. No.      of     welfare 5,762
                                      1.8. Quantity      of    tea 260
                                           exported (M. Kg.)

7. Marine Product Export Development Authority (CS)
FINANCIAL                         OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                 OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22          Output                 Indicators               Targets        Outcome                Indicators                  Targets
                                                                   2021-22                                                           2021-22

  110.00      1. Market           1.1. No of trade       fairs 3             1.   Increased   1.1. Percentage   increase   in 5%
                 promotion             participated in                            export           export

                                  1.2. No. of trade fairs 1
                                  1.3. No. of Buyer Seller 3
                                       meets organised
              2. Technology       2.1. Increase in number of 5               2.   Increase    2.1. Percentage increase in value 2%
                 development           units for value added                      Indian           added product export
                 for     specific      fish products                              value-
                 value-added                                                      added
                 product s        2.2. Increase in number of 2                    products
                                       handling units for                         exports
                                       chilled and dried
                                       marine products.
              3. Certification    3.1. No.     of     Shaphari 25            3.   Developme 3.1. Percentage     increase  in 5%
                 for      export       certified units                            nt        of   export-oriented aquaculture
                 traceability of                                                  export-        production
                 wild        and 3.2. No.        of     cluster 30                oriented
                 farmed                developed by NaCSA                         aquaculture
                 products                                                         leading to
                                  3.3. No.      of     capacity 180               increased
                                       building        sessions                   exports
                                       organised            for
              4. Export           4.1. Number of seeds 15                    4.   Enhanceme 4.1. Percentage     increase   in 3%
                 oriented              supplied             for                   nt       in    production      of    export-
                 aquaculture           diversified species (in                    production

FINANCIAL                        OUTPUTS 2021-22                                              OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22           Output              Indicators            Targets          Outcome              Indicators                Targets
                                                              2021-22                                                         2021-22

                   technology       million)                                   of export-     oriented species
                   incubation                                                  oriented
                                 4.2. Number of brooders 50,000           5.   Improveme 5.1. Percentage Reduction in 5%
                                      supplied                                 nt       in    rejection      of    exported
                                 4.3. Number               of 2.5              quality of     seafood cargo on account of
                                      brooders/PPLs                            aquaculture    antibiotic residues.
                                      quarantined (lakhs)                      produce
              5.   Improvement   5.1. Residue        control- 5,000
                   in quality          Samples subjected to
                                       monitoring      under
                                       National      Residue
                                       Control         Plant

8. Spices Board (CS)
FINANCIAL                             OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                    OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs In Cr)

  2021-22            Output                      Indicators               Targets       Outcome                  Indicators               Targets
                                                                          2021-22                                                         2021-22
  100.00      1. Assistance    to 1.1. Small cardamom growing             1,500     1. Enhancement 1.1. % increase in production     of 10%
                 growers      for      area to be replanted (ha)                       of production      small cardamom
                 increasing   the 1.2. Large cardamom growing             2,000        and           1.2. Increase in productivity   of 5%
                 production and        area to be replanted (ha)                       productivity       small cardamom (kg/ha)
                 productivity of                                                       of cardamom
                 cardamom (small 1.3. No. of large cardamom               200          small     and 1.3. % increase in production   of 10%
                 & large)              curing houses                                   large              large cardamom
                                  1.4. No. of small cardamom              100                        1.4. Increase in productivity   of 5%
                                       curing houses                                                      large cardamom (kg/ha)
                                      1.5. No. of planting material       200       2. Reduction in 2.1. % Reduction in number of         30%
                                           production    of   small                    Export            export rejections
                                           cardamom (in lakh)                          Rejection

                                      1.6. No. of planting material       200       3. Increase   in 3.1. % increase in export value of   7%
                                           production     of  large                    Exports            spices
                                           cardamom (in lakh)

               2. Export              2.1. No. of sample parameters       90,000
                  promotion,               tested
                  Quality control
                                      2.2. No. of export-oriented         5
                  and assistance to
                                           spice processing units in
                  exporters     for
                  increasing    the
                  export of spices    2.3. No. of international trade     12
                  and         spice        fairs organised/participated
                  products            2.4. No. of Buyer Seller Meets      10

9. Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CS)
FINANCI                           OUTPUTS 2021-22                                               OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs In Cr)

 2021-22              Output                    Indicators         Targets     Outcome                  Indicators              Targets
                                                                   2021-22                                                      2021-22
   5.00      1. Financial assistance for 1.1. No. of member 20               1. Enhancem 1.1. Increase in volume of export of 150
                cashew         processor      exporters supported               ent      of     cashew and allied products (MT)
                exporters for process                                           production
                                         1.2. Amount            of 0.05
                mechanization         &                                         and
                                              financial    support
                automation of cashew                                            exports of 1.2. Increase in value of export of 10
                                              given (in Rs. Cr)
                processing units                                                cashews         cashew and allied products (Rs. Cr)

10. Gems & Jewellery Sector
FINANCIAL                                       OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                     OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. in crore)
  2021-22                     Output                          Indicators             Targets       Outcome                    Indicators               Targets
                                                                                     2021-22                                                           2021-22
       5.00          1. Establishment of 1.1. Number         of                 CFCs 2         1. Increase     in 1.1. No.        of       Registered 150
                        Common Facility        established                                        productivity         beneficiaries with CFC
                        Centre    (CFC),                                                          and
                        Technology        1.2. No.       of       training 6                      improvement     1.2. No. of SMEs utilizing the 100
                        transfer and Re-       programmes conducted                               in quality of        services offered by CFC
                        skilling       of      in CFCs for Artisans                               finished goods
                        existing artisans 1.3. No.       of       Artisans 120                    of SMEs of 1.3. Quantity            produced      / Targets
                        for Gems &             beneficiaries          who                         Gems         &       processed        at     CFCs   not
                        Jewellery Sector       attended     training    in                        Jewellery            (Diamonds,     Gold,   Silver, amenable2
                                               CFCs                                               Sector               metal, etc.)

     This can be confirmed post feasibility study of clusters and preparation of DPRs

11. Trade Infrastructure for Export Schemes (TIES) (CS)
FINANCIAL                             OUTPUTS 2021-22                                              OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs in Cr)
  2021-22           Output                   Indicators                 Targets    Outcome                   Indicators            Targets
                                                                        2021-22                                                    2021-22
   75.00      1. Financial            1.1. No. of units supported Targets not 1. Creation        of 1.1. No.     of   projects Targets not
                 support        for        for         infrastructure amenable   infrastructure for      finished              amenable
                 setting up of             support                               enhancement of
                 new         trade    1.2. Amount        of     funds 75         export trade
                 infrastructure            disbursed to units (in
                 and upgradation           Rs. Cr)
                 of          trade    1.3. No.      of      approved Targets not
                 infrastructure            projects                    amenable

12. Centre for Research on International Trade (CRIT) (CS)
FINANCIAL                            OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                  OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. In crore)
  2021-22              Output                   Indicators           Targets            Outcome                       Indicators           Targets
                                                                     2021-22                                                               2021-22
    30.00        a. Centre for Trade and Investment Law (CTIL)
                 1. Responding        to 1.1. Number       of   legal 300      1. Improved      participation 1.1. No. of disputes/foreign 8
                    specific requests         opinions/advisory                   and timely and active            investigations
                    from             the      opinions / vetting of               response in India's WTO          (defended/filed/avoide
                    Department        of      documents/ comments                 dispute settlement and           d)
                    Commerce and              /Notes/discussion                   trade              specific
                    other          line       Papers          /Legal              investigations in other
                    Ministries        on      scrubbing                           Countries.
                    economic       law 1.2. Drafting               of 03       2. Timely decision-making 2.1. Revision/review/            8
                    matters, covering         Legislations/    rules/             on vital trade issues        finalization of dispute
                    trade in goods,           regulations.                        including the planning       settlement submissions
                    trade in services                                             and implementation of
                    disputes                                                      trade promotion schemes,
                    resolution, etc.                                              trade     specific     laws,
                                                                                  schemes, etc.
                                        1.3. Stakeholder/inter-    10          3. Projection of a clear 3.1. WTO           Submissions/ 30
                                             ministerial                          position of India on         FTA          negotiations
                                             consolations on draft                critical and sensitive trade documents/draft
                                             texts/legislation.                   issues             including Papers/Position
                                                                                  awareness of their legal     Papers/ Non-Papers,
                                                                                  ramifications.               etc. For participation
                                                                                  Accordingly, inclusion of    in           WTO/Trade
                                                                                  precise language in the      including FTAs such
                                                                                  negotiating     texts     of as India-US, India-UK,
                                                                                  India’s ongoing trade        India-Canada, etc) for
                                                                                  negotiations to address      legal analysis. This
                                                                                  India's concerns.            list is only illustrative.

FINANCIAL                            OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                    OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. In crore)
  2021-22               Output                   Indicators           Targets              Outcome                      Indicators           Targets
                                                                      2021-22                                                                2021-22
                                                                                 4. Influencing the national    4.1. No. of books authored 2
                                                                                    and            international     which cover vital
                                                                                    discourse on the current         issues of international
                                                                                    and emerging issues of           trade law with a
                                                                                    trade and investment law         specific focus on the
                                                                                    by writing books and             Indian perspective
                                                                                    journal articles.            4.2. International citations 20
                                                                                                                      of the work of
                                                                                                                      CTIL/CTIL staff
                 2. Creation         of   2.1. No.     of   Research 20          5. India’s     capacity    to 5.1. Participation from GoI 200
                    awareness      and         papers/Publications/Ar               participate in discussions      including DoC, line
                    dissemination of           ticles                               and     negotiations    in      ministries and other
                    knowledge             2.2. No.                 of 10            International Trade and         government agencies.
                    pertaining       to        Studies/Reports/projec               Investment Law.
                    current          &         ts
                    emerging issues
                    of international      2.3. Hosting/co-hosting      15
                    economic law.              Events
                 3. Demonstration of      3.1. Number               of 100
                    keen interest and          interns/students who
                    enhanced                   have       successfully
                    understanding of           completed           the
                    various trade law          internship programme
                    issues,       both
                    current        and
                    emerging, among       3.2. No. of students trained 10
                    various        law         in trade lab clinics
                    students     from
                    India’s premier
                    law schools.

FINANCIAL                           OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. In crore)
  2021-22              Output                  Indicators          Targets           Outcome                       Indicators           Targets
                                                                   2021-22                                                              2021-22
                 4. Enhancing         4.1. Number of Training 10
                    domestic               program             for
                    preparedness for       government officials
                    participation in
                    discussion    and
                    negotiations on
                    Trade         and
                    Investment Law
                 b. Centre for Regional Trade (CRT)
                 1. Enhancing         1.1. Number               of 36      1. India’s     capacity    to 1.1. Number       of     GOI 185
                    domestic               Stakeholders’                      participate in discussions      officials     including
                    preparedness for       Consultations/National             and     negotiations    in      DoC, Line Ministries
                    participation in       &         International            International        Trade      and other government
                    discussions and        Webinars/Training of               enhances.                       agencies (as per the list
                    negotiations on        GOI Officials                                                      provided by DoC)
                    International                                                                             whose capacity is built
                    Trade                                                                                     up in the area of
                                                                                                              Market Access under
                                                                                                              comprehensive Trade
                                                                                                              and           Economic
                                                                                                              Partnership Agreement
                                                                                                         1.2. Number of exporters 115
                                                                                                              covered         through
                                                                                                              outreach activities
                                       1.2. Number of Notes and 348                                        1.3. Number      of    Joint 4
                                            Advisory opinion to                                                 Feasibility     Studies
                                            DoC and Number of                                                   completed      on     a
                                            Research                                                            possible
                                            Studies/Reports/Public                                              PTA/FTA/CEPA/CEC

FINANCIAL                           OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. In crore)
  2021-22              Output                 Indicators           Targets            Outcome                     Indicators           Targets
                                                                   2021-22                                                             2021-22
                                           ations/   Unpublished                                                A by CRT serving as
                                           Reports                                                              the Nodal Point on
                                                                                                                behalf of DOC GOI,
                                                                                                                with countries e.g.
                                                                                                                Colombia,        Brazil,
                                                                                                                Mexico, Taiwan, etc.
                                                                                                           1.4. No        of      CRT 300
                                                                                                                inputs/studies       on
                                                                                                                various chapters on
                                                                                                                FTA negotiations and
                                                                                                                subjects     such    as
                 c. Centre for WTO studies
                 1. Enhancing         1.1. Number               of 15        1. India’s     capacity    to 1.1. No. of inputs provided 3
                    domestic      and      Stakeholders                         participate in discussions      through meetings and
                    international          Consultations/                       and     negotiations    in      research from CWS to
                    preparedness for       Training programmes                  International        Trade      WTO disputes utilized
                    participation in       (domestic)                           enhanced.                       by the Department of
                    discussions and                                                                             Commerce
                    negotiations on 1.2. Number                 of 7                                       1.2. No. of inputs provided 8
                    International          international meetings                                               through meetings and
                    trade issues.          and            training                                              research from CWs to
                                           programmes                                                           utilized     by     the
                                                                                                                Department           of
                                                                                                                Commerce            for
                                                                                                                interventions at WTO
                                                                                                                and other international

FINANCIAL                 OUTPUTS 2021-22                                OUTCOMES 2021-22
(Rs. In crore)
  2021-22        Output           Indicators         Targets   Outcome                Indicators             Targets
                                                     2021-22                                                 2021-22
                            1.3. Number of Notes and 40                        1.3. No.      of    trainings 75
                                 Advisory opinion of                                conducted on issues
                                 DoC                                                related to international
                                                                                    trade      and     WTO
                            1.4. Number of research 15                         1.4. No.       of    persons 150
                                 papers         and                                 facilitated          for
                                 publications                                       participation         in
                                                                                    international meetings
                                                                                    and             training

13. Agriculture and Processed Food Export Promotion Scheme of APEDA (CS)
FINANCIAL                         OUTPUTS 2021-22                                                 OUTCOMES 2021-22
 (Rs In Cr)
  2021-22          Output                   Indicators              Targets          Outcome                   Indicators           Targets
                                                                    2021-22                                                         2021-22
   85.00      1. Development      1.1. Number of samples            15,000    1. Export promotion for 1.1. Percentage increase in 10%
                 of     markets,       tested for water, soil,                   achieving higher value    value of exports for
                 infrastructure        residues of pesticide,                    return                    scheduled products
                 up-gradation          veterinary         drugs,
                 and      quality      hormones,         toxins,
                 improvement           heavy               metal
                 of agricultural       contaminants,
                 exports.              microbial count etc.
                                  1.2. Number       of     fairs/   20                                 1.2. Per cent share of export 45 %
                                       events/ buyer- seller                                                of scheduled products in
                                       meets /reverse buyer                                                 total agricultural exports
                                       seller meets trade
                                       delegations,          etc.
                                       participated in during
                                       the year.
                                  1.3. Establishment           of   1                                  1.3. India’s share in export 1%
                                       virtual mandi platform                                               of    processed     food
                                       for organic products.                                                products    (only     for
                                  1.4. No. of labs which have       20                                      scheduled products)
                                       been            provided
                                       assistance             for
                                  1.5. Per cent decrease in         5
                                       volume of import of
                                       sugar vis-à-vis last

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