Business Review - School Settings Form B PowerSchool Student Information System
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Business Review - School Settings Form B PowerSchool Student Information System
Released Mar 13, 2008 Document Owner: Implementation, Project Management Group This edition applies to Release 5.1 of the PowerSchool Premier software and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or updates. The data and names used to illustrate the reports and screen images may include names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of the data and names are fictitious; any similarities to actual names are entirely coincidental. PowerSchool is a trademark, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. All trademarks are either owned or licensed by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Business Review - School Settings Form B Contents Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B ...................................... 2 School Information: Schools/School Info (Required)..................................................... 2 Scheduling ............................................................................................................. 4 Years and Terms (Required) ................................................................................ 4 Periods and Days (Required)................................................................................ 5 Next School (Required) ....................................................................................... 6 Attendance ............................................................................................................ 6 Attendance Preferences: Preferences (Required)..................................................... 6 Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) (Required) ............................................................... 7 Attendance Code Categories (Required) ................................................................ 8 Attendance Codes (Required)............................................................................... 9 Attendance Conversions (Required) .................................................................... 10 Meeting: Period Items.................................................................................. 11 Daily: Code Items ....................................................................................... 11 Minutes: Time Items.................................................................................... 12 Calendaring.......................................................................................................... 13 Bell Schedules (Required) ................................................................................. 13 Reporting Segments ......................................................................................... 14 General ............................................................................................................... 14 Activities Setup ................................................................................................ 14 Balance Alert ................................................................................................... 15 Fee Types ....................................................................................................... 15 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................. 16 Sub Login Settings ........................................................................................... 16 Grading ............................................................................................................... 17 Final Grade Setup (Required) ............................................................................. 17 Current Grade Display ...................................................................................... 18 Final Grade Entry Options .................................................................................. 18 Comment Bank ................................................................................................ 19 GPA Student Screens ........................................................................................ 19 Class Rank ...................................................................................................... 20 Honor Roll ....................................................................................................... 20 Graduation Sets ............................................................................................... 21 Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 1
Business Review - School Settings Form B Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B The following information is needed to complete Implementation Step 5b. The district and/or school’s primary implementation contact will enter the data collected on this form into your PowerSchool server during your School Setup call. (Complete a Form B for each school.) School Information: Schools/School Info (Required) Name of School School Abbreviation School Address School City School State/Province School Postal Code (Zip Code + 4) School Phone Number School FAX Number School Number (9 digit max) Enter state assigned school number (required if you are using PowerSchool for state reporting). If you do not report to the state, use any number. (e.g. 100, 200, etc) Exclude from State Reporting Yes No Grade Levels – Use 0 for kindergarten and -1 for - PreK. Historical Grade Levels (Enter grade levels for which - you want to generate GPA’s and/or transcripts.) Default Next School Number (Must be the school number of a school on your PowerSchool server.) Principal’s Name Principal’s Phone Number Principal’s E-mail Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 2
Business Review - School Settings Form B Assistant/Vice-Principal’s Name Assistant/Vice-Principal’s Phone Number Assistant/Vice-Principal’s E-mail Bulletin E-mail (responses to posted bulletins will be sent to this address) Attendance Secretary’s E-mail Registrar’s E-mail E-mail copies of new discipline log entries entered by teachers to: (List E-mail addresses separated by a comma with no spaces.) County Name / County Number Fee Exemption Status – Which fees are students All Fees Course Fees exempt from by default? Not Exempt School Fees Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 3
Business Review - School Settings Form B Scheduling Years and Terms (Required) Define the school year and any terms in which you award grades or schedule classes. If a term is not used, leave it blank. List any additional terms other than semester, trimester, and quarter that your school uses. Recommended Best Practices for setting up Years and Terms: There should not be any date gaps between the terms. (e.g. if Semester 1 ends on the 10th and Semester 2 starts on the 13th enter the 12th for the Semester 1 end date). The term abbreviation is a combination of one letter and one number (e.g. “S1”). You may want to add additional day(s) at the end of the school term to allow for weather or emergency not in session days. Name (e.g. 2005 – 2006) Abbreviation. (e.g. 05-06) Full Year Start Date End Date Name Name Abbreviation (e.g. S1) Abbreviation (e.g. S2) Semester Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Name Name Name Abbreviation Abbreviation Abbreviation Trimester Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Name Name Name Name Quarters Abbr. Abbr. Abbr. Abbr. Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 4
Business Review - School Settings Form B Periods and Days (Required) Maximum periods scheduled per day: Number of unique schedule days: Examples of unique schedule days: Students attend same classes every day = 1 day schedule. Students attend one set of classes on a “Gold” day and another set of classes on a “Blue” day = 2 day schedule. Students with a M-W-F and a T-TH schedule = 2 day schedule. Students attend a different set of classes each day of the week = 5 day schedule. For elementary schools, define a period for each subject area that receives a grade on the report card (include a period for homeroom if teachers take attendance). For more information download the Elementary Best Practice guide from the following link: Define the period and day abbreviations and names that are used at this school. For example: “P1” = “Period 1,” “B” = “Blue Day.” (These abbreviations will be used in the sections data import template.) Period and Day Abbreviations can be 3 or fewer characters. Period Abbreviation Period Name Day Abbreviation Day Name Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 5
Business Review - School Settings Form B Next School (Required) List the other schools on your PowerSchool server that students may attend next year. Include the current school for students that are returning to this school next year. * Include “Graduated Students” only in schools that have students who are graduating from the district. School Name School Abbreviation School Number *Graduated Students GS 999999 Attendance Attendance Preferences: Preferences (Required) Select the following link to download an attendance method conversion tree to assist you in determining your attendance recoding method. Refer to your state reporting guide for additional information on attendance reporting requirements. Recording Attendance recording methods – must check Meeting Daily Meeting if teachers will record attendance. Audit attendance records – best practice “No.” Yes No Default attendance recording page Meeting Daily Enable multiple character attendance codes Yes No (e.g., VAC-vacation, ISS-in school suspension) One-way, section to daily attendance Meeting and daily attendance bridge Two-way, keep records in synch No restriction Number of school days teachers may alter attendance prior to current date 1-20 days ( ) (PowerTeacher and/or PowerGrade) Current date only Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 6
Business Review - School Settings Form B No restriction Number of school days teachers may alter attendance after the current date 1-20 days ( ) (PowerTeacher and/or PowerGrade) Current date only Show Saturday and Sunday on attendance Yes No views Calculation and Reporting Calculation Accuracy Decimal Places Count Meeting Attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school. (The schools where students are cross Yes No enrolled must have the same terms and periods in order for this feature to function correctly.) For reporting purposes, do you count absences or presents? In most cases it will be absences, but a few states such as California Presents Absences report presents. Number of periods present Number of periods absent Round or truncate attendance conversions Round Truncate Daily Attendance Calculations Enable ADA Periods and Passing Time Yes No Deductions No Deduct Passing Time Yes – All passing time Yes – After ADA excluded mtgs. only Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) (Required) FTE’s allow you to group students for purposes of calculating Average Daily Attendance (ADA) values. If you convert attendance in the same manner for all of your students, you need to define only one FTE. If you convert attendance differently for different groups of students, then you need to define more than one FTE. For example, in a K-8 school, Grade 1 – Grade 8 students might attend six sections a day for an ADA value of 1. Kindergartners typically attend fewer sections to earn the same ADA value of 1. In this scenario, you need two FTEs: one for the 1-8 grades and one for the Kindergartners. Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 7
Business Review - School Settings Form B For districts with several schools sharing the server, it is suggested school abbreviations be used in the FTE Name. Examples: “RHSKG” = FTE Name, “Kindergarten” = FTE Description; “0-0” = Default grades “RHS1-8” = FTE Name, “Grades 1-8” = FTE Description; “1-8” = Default grades FTE Name FTE Description Default for these grades - - - - Attendance Code Categories (Required) Attendance Code Categories are used to group attendance codes by classification, beyond Present or Absent, for reporting purposes. For example: “TE” (Tardy Excused) and “TU” (Tardy Unexcused) may both be categorized as Tardy. “TE” can be categorized as Excused, and “TU” can be categorized as Unexcused Recommended Best Practices for setting up Attendance Code Categories: Excused, Tardy and Unexcused are required. Code Name Description Excused Excused Excused Tardy Tardy Tardy Unexcused Unexcused Unexcused Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 8
Business Review - School Settings Form B Attendance Codes (Required) Requirements for setting up attendance codes: "Present" must be listed first; leave the code blank. List other codes that teachers can assign next, followed by codes that only the office staff can assign. The following codes are reserved for PowerSchool internal use and cannot be used: Present Absent, ABS, *ABS Tardy, TAR, *TAR ALL, *ALL Excused Any code that you have defined as and Attendance Code Category Single Letter Codes -- The single-letter code should be a letter from A to Z, a digit from 0 to 9, or a blank (blank used only to denote Present). Do not use the same code for two different attendance codes. Capitalization is not taken into account; thus "A" and "a" are equivalent. For each attendance code defined, you will need to set up the following: Code – This is the code that teachers can see and may contain up to 10 characters. Best practice is to limit this to 3 characters Description – Enter description of the Attendance Code. Status – This code counts as Present or Absent. Code Category – Attendance Code Categories you want to associate to this code. Points - Points are used to withhold course credit due to excessive absences. If you choose this option, enter the number of attendance demerit points a student receives for this Attendance Code. Teachers Can Assign this Code – Y/N ADA Credit – This should always be “Yes.” ADM Credit – This should always be “Yes.” List the Attendance Codes you currently use in the table below. Both the Present and Tardy codes are provided as examples. Be sure to check your state reporting requirements to determine if you have mandatory Attendance Codes. Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 9
Business Review - School Settings Form B Teachers Code ADA ADM Code Description Status Points can Category Credit Credit assign Present Present Present Y Yes Yes Present, T Tardy Present 1 Y Yes Yes Tardy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attendance Conversions (Required) Attendance conversions are used to calculate average daily attendance (ADA) values. You can create multiple attendance conversions methods, such as Full Day, Half Day, etc. For each attendance conversion, specify the manner in which you will calculate ADA, either by period, by code, and/or by time in minutes. You will need at least one attendance conversion. How is attendance tracked for this Attendance Conversion Name conversion method? Period Code Time (in minutes) Period Code Time (in minutes) Period Code Time (in minutes) Period Code Time (in minutes) Period Code Time (in minutes) Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 10
Business Review - School Settings Form B Attendance Conversion Items (Required) For each Attendance Conversion defined above, you will need to set up Attendance Conversion Items for Meeting, Daily, or Minutes depending upon your recording methods. Meeting: Period Items If you are using Meeting attendance (period to day conversion), specify how many periods present (or absent) earn what ADA percentage under Period Items for each FTE. Specify a value for each period. Presents example: Absent example: 0 periods present = ADA value of 0 0 periods absent = ADA value of 1 1 periods present = ADA value of 0.5 1 periods absent = ADA value of 1 2 periods present = ADA value of 0.5 2 periods absent = ADA value of 1 3 periods present = ADA value of 0.5 3 periods absent = ADA value of 0.5 4 periods present = ADA value of 1 4 periods absent = ADA value of 0.5 5 periods present = ADA value of 1 5 periods absent = ADA value of 0.5 6 periods present = ADA value of 1 6 periods absent = ADA value of 0 If you are tracking meeting attendance complete the following table: FTE Periods Attendance Value Daily: Code Items If you are using Daily attendance (code to day conversion), specify the ADA values for each Attendance Code under Code Items for each FTE. For example: Present = ADA value of 1 Absent = ADA value of 0 Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 11
Business Review - School Settings Form B If you are tracking daily attendance complete the following table: FTE Attendance Code Attendance Value Minutes: Time Items If you are tracking attendance by the minute (time to day conversion), specify how many minutes count for what ADA value under Time Items for each FTE. For example: 400 minutes = ADA value of 1 200 minutes = ADA value of 0.5 0 minutes = ADA value of 0 FTE Minutes Attendance Value Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 12
Business Review - School Settings Form B Calendaring Bell Schedules (Required) A Bell Schedule is associated to each calendar day, and indicates which periods are in session on a given day. Each Bell Schedule is associated with an attendance conversion. Only one Bell Schedule may be assigned to a given day. At least one period must be checked for Counts for ADA. Any time the length of a period changes in a day; you may need a corresponding Bell Schedule. If this is an elementary school, review Elementary Best Practice Guide for more information on how to setup Bell Schedules. Define below the Bell Schedules that your school will use this year. (e.g., “normal,” “early- release,” “AM Assembly,” etc.) For each Bell Schedule, indicate each period’s start and end time. Use the Period abbreviations defined in the “Periods” section. Attach additional bell schedules if necessary. Bell Schedule Name: Period Counts for ADA Start Time End Time Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 13
Business Review - School Settings Form B Reporting Segments If you need to run reports for a period of time other than the terms setup under years and terms you may define Reporting Segments. Be sure to check your state reporting requirements to determine if you have mandatory reporting time segments. Segment Name Start Date End Date - - - - General Activities Setup Define extra-curricular activities such as sports, teams, or clubs. Once a student is assigned to an activity, you can search for, send letters to, and compare grades for students in each activity. The Activity Name can contain spaces but the Student Field Name should not contain any spaces. Please list the different activities that you track for students at this school. Typically students’ participation in activities is tracked for the current year only; the information is generally cleared as part of the year-end process. If you have multiple schools using one PowerSchool server, it is recommended that all schools agree on the names of activities. This prevents duplicate field names or slightly different field names for the same activity. For example: Activity Name = “Chess Club” and Student Field Name = “Chess_Club” Activity Name Student Field Name Activity Name Student Field Name Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 14
Business Review - School Settings Form B Balance Alert In Balance Alert Setup, you define thresholds for students' lunch account balances and fee account balances. If students' account balances go over or under a set threshold, an alert appears on the student page and will trigger an email to parents selecting the option to receive balance alerts. Do you want to use a Balance Alert? Yes No For the student’s lunch balance if using PowerLunch, define the dollar amount (between –80 and 80) that triggers the alert message display: For the student’s fee balance, define the dollar amount (between –100 and 100) that triggers the alert message display: What message do you want to display for the alert? NOTE: This message will be displayed if either balance reaches the cutoffs you specified above. _______________________ Fee Types Fee Types serve as the second tier within the Fees Management structure. For each fee category created at District level, you can then associate (create) fee types. Fee types created using the fee category of School are school enrollment fees and automatically assessed at the school level when students enroll in a school. Fee types created using the fee category of Course are course enrollment fees and are automatically assessed at the course level when students enroll in a course. Fee types created using fee categories other than School or Course are student fees and are assessed manually. Fee Type Fee Category Description Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 15
Business Review - School Settings Form B Miscellaneous E-mail teachers the academic records of students newly enrolled in their classes. This function is driven by course numbers and is limited to Yes No students moving from/to sections with the same course number. Email addresses of teachers must be set up as well. Shortest Possible Default term level -- This option controls the Quarter default term view admin users and teachers will Semester see when logging into the web portion of PowerSchool. Trimester Full Year Show student photo on student screens Yes No Allow public access to school bulletin. The Daily Bulletin can be made accessible to public users without requiring a login and is set on a school- Yes No by-school basis. The URL is: http://server IP or hostname/bulletin/school number/. Student/Teacher Schedule Matrix Preferences: The options below can be shown on the student or teacher schedule matrix. Check the items you want to see. Course Name Student Teacher Course Number.Section Number Student Teacher Teacher Name Student Room Student Teacher Expression Term Student Teacher Enrollment Teacher Sub Login Settings Substitute teachers at your school can use PowerSchool Substitute to enter attendance and lunch counts for the classes they are covering. Define the password you will provide to substitutes so they can access PowerSchool Substitute. _________ Include current date: For example, if the password is sub, and today is September 3, then the password would be 3sub if you included the current date. Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 16
Business Review - School Settings Form B Grading Final Grade Setup (Required) Final Grade Setup is used to define grading terms. Grading terms must be defined for each course length offered. For example, if a section is associated to the full year and the students in that section receive semester and quarter grades, then each semester and quarter must be defined at the full year level. If a section is associated to a semester and the students in that sections will receive only 1 semester grade and 2 quarter grades, then those 3 grading terms must be defined at the semester level. A tutorial on this subject is available at: For example: If you have students enrolled in a full year class and you give grades at each quarter and each semester, set up the following terms: Q1, Q2, S1, Q3, Q4, and S2 under the full year. If you have students enrolled in semester length classes then set up Q1, Q2, and S1 in Semester 1 and Q3,Q4, and S2 in Semester 2. 2005-2006 School Year Full Year [New] __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S1 S2 Semester [New] [New] __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ T1 T2 T3 Trimester [New] [New] [New] __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 [New] [New] [New] [New] Quarter __ __ __ __ Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 17
Business Review - School Settings Form B Current Grade Display Current Grade Display controls what grades (current and historical) are displayed on the Quick Lookup student screen and what parents see when they use the Parent Portal. This page displays up to 6 grades. These should be the same abbreviations as defined in Final Grade Setup, such as Q1, Q2, S1, etc. Column Store Code Column Store Code Number Term Abbreviation Number Term Abbreviation 1 4 2 5 3 6 Final Grade Entry Options Use this option in addition to Final Grade Setup to setup and enable the PowerTeacher Final Grade and Final Standards Grade entry screen. For example, some elementary schools might not use PowerGrade to track attendance, assignments, and assignment grades. Teachers can instead use PowerSchool Teacher for final grade entry. Global Settings are also used to determine terms that standards grades can be entered. Teacher Final Grade Entry Options – Global Settings Enable teacher final grade entry screens Yes No Final grade columns to display __ __ __ __ __ __ Allow entry for these final grades __ __ __ __ __ __ Number of days prior to end of term that grades may be entered (leave blank for no restriction) Number of days after end of term that grades may be entered (leave blank for no restriction) Combine Traditional and Standards-based Grade Yes No entry on same page Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 18
Business Review - School Settings Form B Teacher Final Grade Entry Options - Traditional Grading Settings Enable Final Grade (Letter) entry Yes No Enable Final Grade (Citizenship) entry Yes No Enable Final Grade (Percentage) entry Yes No Enable Final Grade (Points) entry Yes No Enable Final Grade (Total Points) entry Yes No Comment Bank The school can create a predefined set of comments for teachers to use in their grade books. Teachers can use either predefined comments, enter their own comments, or both. Teacher comments can be viewed by the parents and printed on report cards. For each comment, define a comment code, comment text and, optionally, a comment category. Comment codes must be unique throughout the district. It is also possible to import comments. For example: Code: “01” = “Student is frequently unprepared for class.” Comment Code Comment Category Comment Text GPA Student Screens The GPA Student Screens controls what will be displayed on the student Cumulative Information page as well as the GPA listed on the Student Quick Lookup page. There are 12 different rows of information that can be setup. Typically a school will use this page to list Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 19
Business Review - School Settings Form B results for class rank, honor roll, cumulative GPA, GPA for a specific term. Check the options you would like to have listed for this school. Class Rank Yes No Honor Roll Yes No Cumulative Weighted GPA Yes No Cumulative Simple GPA Yes No Cumulative Credit Hours Yes No GPA for specific terms (Please list the terms) Class Rank Define the class ranking method(s) in use at your school. Class Rank Description GPA Calculation Name Used (Weighted, Simple) GPA result is Numeric Text Only include grades that count in class rank Yes No Exclude students that are excluded from class rank Yes No Include early graduates Yes No Early graduation exit code Cumulative Grades Is your class rank calculated based on: Current Grades Honor Roll PowerSchool allows you to specify one or more Honor Roll methods. Upper and lower levels may be defined within each honor roll method. (e.g. Your school calculates 2 levels of Honor Roll results; High Honors and Honors. Both use the same GPA calculation method but they have different criteria. High Honors requires a minimum 3.75 GPA and no failing grades. The level Honors requires a minimum 3.00 GPA and no failing grades. In this scenario, you would set up one Honor Roll Method with two levels.) How often do you award an Honor Roll? (i.e. Q1, Q2, S1, etc.) Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 20
Business Review - School Settings Form B Honor Roll Method Name: First Honor Roll Level Name (level with the strictest requirements) First Honor Roll Level requirements (Example: minimum GPA of 3.75 with no failing grades) Second Honor Roll Level Name (next level based on requirements) Second Honor Roll Level requirements (Example: minimum GPA of 3.0 with no failing grades) Third Honor Roll Level Name (next level based on requirements) Third Honor Roll Level requirements (Example: minimum GPA of 3.0 with one failing grade) Graduation Sets If using graduation requirements, you will need to set those requirements up in PowerSchool Graduation Sets. Graduation Requirements are typically used at the high school level. Check with your Guidance Counselor and your State Reporting Guide for the current and future graduation requirements for your school. To add graduation requirements in PowerSchool, you will need to know the courses that pertain to each requirement (both core and elective) and/or course credit types. Your Implementation Project Manager will assist you with understanding of the graduation sets structure prior to your courses being imported into your PowerSchool Application. Business Review – School Settings Implementation Form B 21
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