Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space

Page created by Lisa Saunders
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Space saving designs
   for your home
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space

01 Introduction 		              06 Slyders
Climate Conscious          08   Cassius D.E.L.          88
Comfort by Day & Night     10   Cassius Ottoman         88
Design Values              07   Cassius Quilt Deluxe    80
Give back to Nature        09   Cornila Ottoman         66
The Designers              06   Frode                   74
5-Year Limited Warranty    11   Frode With Arms         76
                                Grand D.E.L.            90
02 Modular 		                   Grand Ottoman           90
Dublexo                    17   Magala Lounger          60
Dublexo Chair              16   Osvald                  64
Dublexo Frej               14   Otris                   68
Dublexo With Arms          20   Ran D.E.L.              84
                                Recast Plus             70
03 Compact                      Recast Plus With Arms   72
                                Salla                   62
Cubed 02                   28
                                Supremax D.E.L.         86
Cubed 02 With Arms         32
                                Supremax Ottoman        86
Eivor                      38
                                Tripi                   66
Killian                    36

04 Daybeds
                                07 Accessories,
Walis                      44   comfort & fabrics
Zeal                       42   Fabric Collection       97
                                Fabric Specifications   96
05 Unique		                     Inno Pillow Topper      92
Long Horn D.E.             54   Upholstery Comfort      94
Long Horn D.E. With Arms   56
Unfurl                     48
Unfurl Lounger             52
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Design Values
Per Weiss                                                 Flemming Højfeldt
Chief Design Officer                                      Founder of Innovation LivingTM
Innovation LivingTM Design Office
                                                                                            “Innovation Living™ is a Danish furniture company built
                                                                                               on the proud Danish tradition of furniture design.

                                                                                           We believe that form and function must go hand in hand
                                                                                            to create innovative durable designs for everyday use.

                                                                                             Since 1989 we have dedicated ourselves to the design
                                                                                           and development of multifunctional sofa beds, and today
                                                                                               we are proud to be able to call Innovation Living™
                                                                                                an internationally renowned sofa bed specialist.

                                                                                                   Please enjoy our 2020-2021 collection.”
Emil Højfeldt                       Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh
Product- & Production               Studio WeissKrogh
Development Manager
                                                                                                                 Per Weiss,
                                                                                                             Chief Design Officer

Jesper Elg                          Andreas Lund
Owner of v1 Gallery in Copenhagen   Industrial Designer
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Climate Conscious                                        Give back to Nature
                                                               We are putting our sustainable beliefs into action.
                                                               By planting at least 10,000 new trees every year we
                                                               contribute to the balance of the global ecosystem.

We have been flatpacking since 1989, enabling maintenance
 and replacement of parts, minimizing CO2 emissions during
transportation, and preparing for disassembly and recycling.
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
Comfort by Day                                        5-Year Limited Warranty
        Comfort by Night

                                                                     “Quality and durability are the center of
                                                                        our design and production process.
Design and comfort must go hand in hand. We strive to ensure     We offer a 5-year limited warranty on all designs.”
 that each sofa bed is equipped with the optimal comfort to
      give you the best sitting and sleeping experience.           See further information about the warranty.
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space

Sofas and chairs
designed to interact.

Dublexo Frej
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas Weisskrogh 2011, 2015

Bed size: 45” x 83”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Arms & Legs: Lacquered oak.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 527. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.
Scan QR-code for more product information.                   506   509   521   527

Dublexo Sofa Frej

                  32”          31”         22”         17”
       91”              39”          39”         45”
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space

Dublexo Frej & Chair
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas Weisskrogh 2011, 2015

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Arms & Legs: Lacquered oak.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 521. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                        506         509          521     527
Dublexo Sofa Frej                                            Dublexo Chair Frej                                  Dublexo Chair Eik

       79”                                                     32”                                                32”
                         21”                                                21”                                                 21”
                  32”          31”                                   32”          31”                                    32”          31”
                                           22”         17”                                    22”         17”                                           17”
       91”              39”          39”         45”          44”          39”          39”         45”           36”          38”          39”   45”
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space

Dublexo Eik & Chair
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas Weisskrogh 2011, 2015

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Legs: Lacquered oak.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 527. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. Se all fabric options on page 96.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                             506           509           521          527
Dublexo Sofa Eik                                            Dublexo Chair Frej                                           Dublexo Chair Eik

      79”                                                     32”                                                         32”
                       21”                                                 21”                                                          21”
                32”          31”                                    32”          31”                                             32”          31”
                                                      17”                                      22”           17”                                                17”
      83”             38”          39”      45”              44”          39”            39”           45”                36”          38”          39”   45”
Collection 2020-2021 | Expand Your Living Space
18                                                                                                                            19
MODULAR                                                                                                                  MODULAR

Dublexo Dark Wood & Chair
Design by Per Weiss 2011

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 506. The shown fabrics are in stock in
the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                           506         509         521   527
Dublexo Sofa Styletto                                     Dublexo Chair Styletto

      79”                                                   32”
                       21”                                               21”
                32”          31”                                  32”          31”
                                                  17”                                                  17”
      83”             36”          39”      45”             36”         36”          39”   45”
20                                                                                                                            21
MODULAR                                                                                                                  MODULAR

Dublexo Dark Wood With Arms & Chair
Design by Per Weiss 2011

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 527. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                         506          509          521   527
Dublexo Sofa Styletto With Arms                                Dublexo Chair Styletto

       79”                                                       32”
                          21”                                                 21”
                  32”           31”                                    32”          31”
                                            24”         17”                                                 17”
       95”               36”          39”         45”            36”         36”          39”         45”
22                                                                                                                        23
MODULAR                                                                                                              MODULAR

Dublexo Stainless Steel & Chair
Design by Per Weiss 2011

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Legs: Stainless steel.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 509. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                           506     509         521   527
Dublexo Sofa Stainless Steel                            Dublexo Chair Stainless Steel

      79”                                                   32”
                       21”                                               21”
                32”          31”                                  32”          31”
                                                  17”                                              17”
      83”             35”          39”      45”             36”         35”            39”   45”
24                                                                                                                            25
MODULAR                                                                                                                  MODULAR

Dublexo Stainless Steel With Arms & Chair
Design by Per Weiss 2011

Bed size: 45” x 83”. Chair/lounger size: 45” x 35”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Frame: Matt black steel. Legs: Stainless steel.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 521. The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                        506          509           521   527
Dublexo Sofa Stainless Steel With Arms                        Dublexo Chair Stainless Steel

       79”                                                     32”
                          21”                                               21”
                  32”           31”                                  32”           31”
                                            24”         17”                                                17”
       95”              36”           39”         45”          36”         35”           39”         45”

Ideal for small living spaces.

Design by Per Weiss 2019

Bed size: 63” x 77”.
Comfort: Dual memory, see page 95.
Shown in fabric: 565.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.
                                                        565   579

Killian Sofa 160

       63”               24”               77”

                  30”                24”         22”
       85”              40”                80”

Cubed 02 Alu
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2009, 2019

Bed sizes: 55” x 79” & 63” x 79”.
Comfort: No-zag Spring, see page 95.
Legs: Aluminum. Features: Auto-fold legs and
integrated storage space. Shown in fabric: 550.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                  521         527         550
Cubed Sofa Alu 140                                Cubed Sofa Alu 160

     55”             20”             79”                63”          20”          79”

             31”                                              31”
                           18”             15”                             18”                15”
     58”            38”              80”                66”         38”           80”
30                                                                                                                 31
CO M PA C T                                                                                                CO M PA C T

Cubed 02 Dark Wood
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2009, 2015

Bed sizes: 55” x 79” & 63” x 79”.
Comfort: No-zag Spring, see page 95.
Legs: Dark lacquered oak. Features: Auto-fold legs
and integrated storage space. Shown in fabric: 527.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                   521         527         550
Cubed Sofa Alu 140                                    Cubed Sofa Alu 160

     55”             20”             79”                 63”           20”         79”

             31”                                                31”
                           18”             15”                               18”               15”
     58”            38”              80”                 66”          38”          80”
32                                                                                                                 33
CO M PA C T                                                                                                CO M PA C T

Cubed 02 With Arms
Design by Per Weiss 2009, 2015

Bed sizes: 55” x 79” & 63” x 79”.
Comfort: No-zag Spring, see page 95. Legs: Matt black metal.
Arms: Upholstered. Features: Auto-fold legs and
integrated storage space. Shown in fabric: 527.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                    521        527         550
Cubed Sofa With Arms 140                             Cubed Sofa With Arms 160

     55”              20”               79”               63”           20”              79”

              30”                 25”                           31”
                            18”               15”                              18” 25”         15”
     61”            41”                 83”               69”         41”                83”
34                                                                                                                   35
CO M PA C T                                                                                                  CO M PA C T

Cubed 02 Chrome
Design by Per Weiss 2009

Bed sizes: 55” x 79” & 63” x 79”.
Comfort: No-zag Spring, see page 95.
Legs: Chromed steel. Features: Auto-fold legs and
integrated storage space. Shown in fabric: 521.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                    521          527         550
Cubed Sofa Chrome 140                               Cubed Sofa Chrome 160

     55”             20”            79”                 63”           20”           79”

             31”                                              31”
                           18”             15”                              18”                  15”
     57”           41”               83”                65”         41”              83”
36                                                                                      37
CO M PA C T                                                                     CO M PA C T

Design by Per Weiss 2019

Bed size: 63” x 77”.
Comfort: Dual memory, see page 95.
Shown in fabric: 579.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                          565   579


       63”63”               24”24”                77”77”

                  30”30”                 24”24”            22”22”
       85”85”              40”40”                 80”80”
38                                                                          39
CO M PA C T                                                         CO M PA C T

Design by Per Weiss 2017

Bed size: 63” x 77”.
Comfort: Dual memory, see page 95.
Shown in fabric: 565.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.              565   579
Eivor Sofa 160

     63”                                77”
                              17” 24”          22”

     70”                40”             83”

Designed for multipurpose.
They can be placed against a
wall or float freely in the room.

Zeal Dark Wood
Design by Per Weiss 2013

Bed size: 28” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94. Legs: Styletto legs in
dark stained wood. Included: Cushion & back support.
Features: Three step elevation in both sides.
Shown in fabric: 216. The shown fabrics are in stock in the
USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                    216   525   554
Zeal Styletto

               24”              30”
     70”               79”            28”
42                                                                                   43
DAYBEDS                                                                         DAYBEDS

Zeal Dark Wood
Design by Per Weiss 2013

Bed size: 28” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94. Legs: Styletto legs in
dark stained wood. Included: Cushion & back support.
Features: Three step elevation in both sides.
Shown in fabrics: 525 (left) & 554 (right).
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.
                                                              216   525   554
     Stylettofor more product information.

               24”                30”
     70”                79”             28”
44                                                                       45
DAYBEDS                                                             DAYBEDS

Design by Per Weiss & Emil Højfeldt 2019

Bed size: 31” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Features: Auto-fold legs in matt black steel &
integrated storage box. Shown in fabric: 538.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.              538   578
Walis Sofa

      79”              31”     51”

Designer sofas
with an attitide

Unfurl Dark Wood
Design by Andreas Lund, Flemming Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2004

Bed size: 47” x 79”. Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 688*. The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA
warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.
                                                                     507         521          612          688*
Unfurl Sofa

                32”          30”
                                                   16”               *688 Geo Desert is a limited edition fabric, only available for Unfurl.
      79”             37”          39”       47”
48                                                                                                                                                   49
UNIQUE                                                                                                                                           UNIQUE

Unfurl Dark Wood
Design by Andreas Lund, Flemming Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2004

Bed size: 47” x 79”. Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 688* (left) & 507 (right). The shown fabrics are in
stock in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.
                                                                       507         521          612          688*
Unfurl Sofa

                32”          30”
                                                    16”                *688 Geo Desert is a limited edition fabric, only available for Unfurl.
      79”              37”         39”        47”
50                                                                                                                                                  51
UNIQUE                                                                                                                                          UNIQUE

Unfurl Dark Wood
Design by Andreas Lund, Flemming Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2004

Bed size: 47” x 79”. Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 521 (left) & 612 (right). The shown fabrics are in
stock in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.
                                                                      507         521          612          688*

Unfurl Sofa

                32”          30”
                                                    16”               *688 Geo Desert is a limited edition fabric, only available for Unfurl.
      79”              37”         39”        47”
52                                                                                     53
UNIQUE                                                                             UNIQUE

Unfurl Lounger Dark Wood
Design by Andreas Lund, Flemming Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2017

Bed size: 55” x 79”. Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood.
Frame: Matt black steel. Included: Two back cushions.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabrics: 517 (left) & 595 (right). The shown fabrics are in
stock in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                             517   595
Unfurl Lounger Sofa

                29”           28”
     79”              48”            48”        55”
54                                                                               55
UNIQUE                                                                       UNIQUE

Long Horn D.E.
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2008, 2015

Bed size: 55” x 83”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Stainless steel legs & castors. Included: Two cushions.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 565. The shown fabrics are in stock in
the USA warehouses. See all fabric options, see page 96.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                       527   565

Long Horn Sofa
                  31”           30”
      83”               45”           50”         55”
56                                                                               57
UNIQUE                                                                       UNIQUE

Long Horn D.E. With Walnut Arms
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2008, 2015

Bed size: 55” x 83”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Stainless steel legs & castors.
Arms: Walnut veneer. Included: Two cushions.
Features: Back with three step elevation.
Shown in fabric: 527. The shown fabrics are in stock in
the USA warehouses. See all fabric options, see page 96.
                                                                 527   565
Scan QR-code for more product information.
Long Horn Sofa With Arms
                  31”           30”           22”          15”
       96”              45”             50”         55”

Stylish sofas that smoothly
convert into large size beds
well suited for every day rest.

Frode Dark Wood With Arms
Design by Per Weiss 2018

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood.
Frame: Matt black steel. Arms: Upholstered. Shown in fabric: 565.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                          531   565
Frode Sofa With Arms

                 33”           25”          19”
       85”             41”           55”
60                                                                               61
S LY D E R S                                                            S LY D E R S

Magala Lounger
Design by Per Weiss 2019

Bed size: 55” x 83”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94. Legs: Matt black metal.
Arms: Upholstered. Frame: Matt black metal. Lounger: Left/Right
reversible. Features: Auto-fold legs in matt black steel.
Shown in fabric: 578. The shown fabric is in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                        578

Magala Corner Sofa
     55”       28”          22”

                     25”                               15”

       91”                  63”              80”
62                                                                               63
S LY D E R S                                                            S LY D E R S

Design by Emil Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2019

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: No-zag Spring, see page 95.
Arms: Upholstered. Features: Integrated storage space.
Shown in fabric: 528 (left) and 521 (right).
The shown fabrics are in stock
in the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                  521   528

Salla Sofa
       79”                22”          55”


       87”              42”           57”
64                                                                                                 65
S LY D E R S                                                                              S LY D E R S

Design by Emil Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2018

Bed size: 59” x 79”. Cornila Ottoman: 30” x 30”; see page 66.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94. Frame: Matt black steel.
Sofa features: Auto-fold legs in matt black steel & integrated
storage box. Ottoman features: Gas spring lifting mechanism
& integrated storage box. Shown in fabrics: 538 (left) & 578( right).
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.
                                                                              538   578
Scan QR-code for more product information.
Osvald Sofa                                         Cornila Ottoman

                                        17”                             18”
      79”            41”        59”                   30”        30”

Tripi & Cornila Ottoman
Design by Emil Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2018

Bed size: 59” x 79”. Cornila Ottoman: 30” x 30”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94. Frame: Matt black steel.
Arms: Upholstered. Sofa features: Auto-fold legs in matt black steel.
Ottoman features: Gas spring lifting mechanism & integrated storage
box. Shown in fabric: 538. The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA
warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                       538   578

Tripi Sofa                                               Cornila Ottoman
      79”                  20”

                 32”             25”
                                                   17”                     18”

      89”                42”           59”                 30”       30”
68                                                                                                       69
S LY D E R S                                                                                    S LY D E R S

Design by Emil Højfeldt & Per Weiss 2019

Bed size: 59” x 79”. Cornila Ottoman: 30” x 30”; see page 66.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Sofa features: Auto-fold legs in matt black steel. Arm features:
Adjustable arms. Ottoman features: Gas spring lifting
mechanism & integrated storage box. Shown in fabric: 578.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.
                                                                             538          578
Scan QR-code for more product information.
Otris Sofa                                                            Cornila Ottoman
      79”               79”              22”

                                                                17”                 18”

      92”               106”           41”           60”               30”    30”
70                                                                                                71
S LY D E R S                                                                             S LY D E R S

Recast Plus Dark Wood
Design by Per Weiss 2011

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Storage space. Shown in fabrics: 552 (left) & 506 (right).
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                             506   515   552

Recast Plus Sofa

      79”              39”      55”
72                                                                                          73
S LY D E R S                                                                       S LY D E R S

Recast Plus Dark Wood With Walnut Arms
Design by Per Weiss 2011, 2015

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Arms: Walnut veneer.
Frame: Matt black steel. Features: Storage space.
Shown in fabric: 515. The shown fabrics are in stock in
the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                       506   515   552

Recast Plus Sofa With Arms

                 30”          23”         16”
       88”             39”          55”
74                                                                             75
S LY D E R S                                                          S LY D E R S

Frode Dark Wood
Design by Per Weiss 2011, 2018

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood.
Frame: Matt black steel. Features: Storage space.
Shown in fabric: 565. The shown fabrics are in stock in
the USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                531   565
Frode Sofa

      79”              41”       55”
76                                                                                        77
S LY D E R S                                                                     S LY D E R S

Frode Dark Wood With Arms
Design by Per Weiss 2018

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Arms: Upholstered. Features: Storage space.
Shown in fabric: 531. The shown fabrics are in stock in the
USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                           531   565

Frode Sofa With Arms

                 33”           25”         19”
       85”             41”           55”
78                                                                                        79
S LY D E R S                                                                     S LY D E R S

Frode Dark Wood With Walnut Arms
Design by Per Weiss 2018

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual, see page 94.
Legs: Styletto legs in dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Arms: Walnut veneer. Features: Storage space.
Shown in fabric: 531. The shown fabrics are in stock in the
USA warehouses. See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                           531   565
Frode Sofa

       88”             41”       55”

Cassius Quilt Deluxe Chrome
Design by Per Weiss 2005, 2013

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Chromed steel. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Storage space. Shown in fabric: 509.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.              509   527   531

Cassius Quilt D.E.L. Sofa Chrome

                 27”         24”
       91”             37”           55”
82                                                                                 83
S LY D E R S                                                              S LY D E R S

Cassius Quilt Deluxe Wood
Design by Per Weiss 2005, 2013

Bed size: 55” x 79”.
Comfort: Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Dark stained wood. Frame: Matt black steel.
Features: Storage space. Shown in fabrics: 531.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.              509   527   531

Cassius Quilt Wood


                 27”         24”
       91”             37”           55”
84                                                                                      85
S LY D E R S                                                                   S LY D E R S

Ran D.E.L.
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2016

Bed size: 63” x 79”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Arms & Legs: Walnut veneer. Frame: Matt black steel.
Shown in fabric: 527. The shown fabrics are in
stock in the USA warehouses. See all fabric
options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.             527   528   538   578
Ran Sofa

                          24”          63”
                  26”           22”           16”
       89”              46”           67”

Supremax D.E.L. & Ottoman
Design by Per Weiss 2008

Bed size: 63” x 79”. Ottoman size: 26” x 26”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Chromed steel. Frame: Matt black steel.
Shown in fabric: 528. The shown fabrics are in
stock in the USA warehouses. See all fabric
options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                           527   528   538   578

Supremax D.E.L. Sofa Bed                         Supremax D.E.L. Ottoman

                                           16”          16”

      79”             46”          63”            26”         26”
88                                                                                                         89
S LY D E R S                                                                                      S LY D E R S

Cassius D.E.L. & Ottoman
Design by Per Weiss 2008

Bed size: 63” x 79”. Ottoman size: 26” x 26”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Chromed steel. Arms: Upholstered.
Frame: Matt black steel. Shown in fabric: 538.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.

Scan QR-code for more product information.                                527   528   538   578

Cassius D.E.L. Sofa                                   Cassius D.E.L. Ottoman


                  27”          26”
                                                16”           16”

       91”              37”            63”              26”         26”

Grand D.E.L. & Ottoman
Design by Per Weiss 2015

Bed size: 63” x 79”. Ottoman size: 26” x 26”.
Comfort: Excess Pocket Spring, see page 94.
Legs: Black stained wood. Arms: Upholstered.
Arm tray: Walnut Veneer. Included: Two arm trays.
Frame: Matt black steel. Shown in fabric: 578.
The shown fabrics are in stock in the USA warehouses.
See all fabric options on page 97.
                                                                          527   528   538   578
                more product information.
                                                       Bifrost D.E.L. Ottoman

                    26”           21”                         16”
        110”               45”          65”             26”
92                                                                                                           93
I N N O P I L LO W TO P P E R                                                                         XXXXXXXXX

Inno Pillow Topper

Inno Pillow Topper                                   Storage Wrap
47” / 55” / 63” x 79”. A 2” durable and reversible   The Inno Pillow Topper comes with a wrap
pillow topper with a core of 55 lbs polyether        for storage when not in use. The wrap helps
foam that provides an even and supportive            minimizing the volume of the topper for better
resting surface on all adjustable sofa beds.         storage.
Cover is 100% polyester which is breathable,
removable and machine washable at 140˚F /
94                                                                                                                                                                                                     95
U P H O LS T E R Y CO M F O R T                                                                                                                                            U P H O LS T E R Y CO M F O R T

The good comfort
– how it is designed

Pocket Spring                                                                     No-zag Spring
The individual pocket coils in these models ensure that                           The No-zag Spring provides an even and soft comfort
pressure is applied to each individual spring for better    Fabric                ideal for sofa seats and backrests. The thick layer of high
                                                                                                                                                Non woven
support in seating as well as resting position. The high    Non woven             resilient foam enhances the comfort of the spring to
resilient foam casing contributes to a breathable                                 ensure a great resting experience as well.                    Fiberfill
structure while providing soft top comfort.                                                                                                     High resilient foam
                                                            High resilient foam   The following models come with this comfort:
                                                                                                                                                Non woven
The following models come with this comfort:                Pocket spring 7"      Cubed 02 & Salla.
                                                                                                                                                No-zag spring
Cassius Quilt Deluxe, Magala Lounger, Recast Plus,          Non woven
                                                                                                                                                Non woven
Unfurl, Unfurl Lounger & Zeal.                              Metal mesh
                                                                                                                                                Massive wood frame
                                                            Rigid metal frame

Pocket Spring Dual                                                                Dual Memory
The Pocket Spring Dual comfort share the general                                  The Dual Memory mattress features two comforts in one
                                                            Non woven
composition of the Pocket Spring models apart from the                            as the mattress is reversible with one side consisting of
extra layer of hyper soft foam that gives these sofa beds   Fiberfill             an 3 1/4" high density foam whilst the other side consists
                                                            High resilient foam                                                                 Fiberfill quilted fabric
an extra soft feel. This extra layer of luxury provides a                         of 1 1/2" Oeko-Tex certified memory foam. Whether you
soft seating as well as resting comfort recommended for     Non woven             prefer soft or firm comfort this mattress offers both.        Memory foam 1 1/2"

everyday use.                                               Fiberfill             Further, the cover is removable and can be washed at          Density foam 3 1/4"

                                                            Foam casing           140˚F / 60˚C.                                                 Fiberfill quilted fabric
The following models come with this comfort:
                                                            Pocket spring 7”
Otris, Walis, Dublexo, Frode, Osvald & Tripi.                                     The following models come with this comfort:
                                                            Non woven             Eivor & Killian.
                                                            Metal mesh
                                                            Rigid metal frame

Excess Pocket Spring
The higher coils in the Excess Pocket Spring models
provide a softer sofa comfort. In combination with the      Fabric
core foam casing, the Excess structure has a higher         Non woven
absorption of pressure on each spring for a more            Fiberfill
comfortable rest.                                           High resilient foam

The following models come with this comfort:                Pocket spring 10”
Cassius D.E.L., Long Horn D.E., Supremax D.E.L., Ran        Non woven
D.E.L. & Grand D.E.L.                                       Metal mesh
                                                            Rigid metal frame
96                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           97
FA B R I C S P E C I F I C AT I O N S                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FA B R I C CO L L E C T I O N

We place high value on ensuring that our fabrics all match the high quality of the                                                       Important!                                     Fabric options with approx.                    Fabric options from US warehouse:
design as well as durability of our sofa beds. All fabrics are enhanced with additional                                                  Please note that the printed presenta-         12 week’s delivery time:                       Shown next to the various products.
backing for extended lifetime and undergo rigid testing by independent accredited                                                        tion of the fabric texture and colors may      We will be happy to produce your
laboratories to meet the high standards we impose on our designs and production.                                                         vary from the actual fabric. All fabrics are   Design It Yourself version of any product.
In accordance with our Planet Promise we ensure that an increasing selection of                                                          shown approx. 1:1.                             Choose your preferred fabric below and
fabrics are Oeko-Tex® certified.                                                                                                                                                        combine it with your favorite design.

Name                            Composition                        Colour fastness        Colour fastness to    Martindale   Oeko-Tex®
                                                                   to light (scale 1-5)   rubbing (scale 1-5)

Blida                           80% Polyester / 20% Linen          4-5                    4-5                   >100.000

Bouclé                          100% Polyester                     5                      4-5                   27.000
                                                                                                                                         216                    217                     506                   507                      509                            515
Corduroy                        90% Polyester / 10% Nylon          5                      4                     >100.000                 Flashtex, Dark Grey    Flashtex, Light Grey    Elegance, Paprika     Elegance, Burned Curry   Elegance, Anthracite Grey      Nist, Blue

Elegance                        100% Polyester                     4-5                    4-5                   60.000
                                80% Polyester / 17.5% Leather /
Faunal                                                             4-5                    4                     56.000
                                2.5% Polyurethane
Flashtex                        100% Polyester                     4-5                    4                     >100.000

Geo Desert                      80% Polyester / 20% Linen          4-5                    4-5                   37.000                   517                    518                     519                   521                      525                            527
                                                                                                                                         Elegance, Light Grey   Elegance, Green         Elegance, Petrol      Mixed Dance, Grey        Mixed Dance, Light Blue        Mixed Dance, Natural
Kenya                           100% Polyester                     5                      4-5                   >100.000

Melange                         100% Polyester                     5                      4-5                   33.300

Micro Check                     100% Polyester                     5                      4-5                   27.000

Mixed Dance                     100% Polyester                     4-5                    5                     85.500

Nist                            96% Polyester / 4% Linen           4-5                    5                     >100.000                 528                    531                     532                   538                      550                            552
                                                                                                                                         Mixed Dance, Blue      Bouclé, Off White       Bouclé, Light Grey    Melange, Grey            Fanual, Black                  Soft, Pacific Pearl
Soft                            100% Polyester                     4-5                    5                     100.000

Twist                           100% Polyester                     4-5                    5                     36.000

                                                                                                                                         554                    558                     565                   576                      577                            578
                                                                                                                                         Soft, Mustard Flower   Soft, Indigo            Twist_Granite         Kenya, Bordeaux          Kenya, Dark Grey               Kenya, Taupe

Cleaning advisory:                                                Flammability:
All fabrics are dry clean only.                                   Innovation Living™ products meet the flam-
                                                                  mability requirements of California Bureau
Please visit
                                                                  of Household Goods and Services, Technical
for further information.
                                                                  Bulletin 117-2013 and 16 CFR 1632.                                     579                    590                     612                   595                      596
This is only advisory, please consult a                                                                                                  Kenya, Gravel          Micro Check, Grey       Blida, Sand Grey      Corduroy, Burnt Orange   Corduroy, Dark Grey
                                                                  No added flame retardant chemicals/toxins
professional dry cleaner with any cleaning
                                                                  known to the State of California to, or strongly
                                                                  suspected of, adversely impacting human
                                                                  health or development have been used in our
Design for                             Global presence                                    People
                                                                                                                                  compact living                                 We are a local,                          We believe in living
                                                                                                                                We Expand Your Living Space                    community business                         up to our promises

                                                                                                                           We want to offer furniture that makes     Personal comfort by design is an          The founding value of the company is
                                                                                                                           a difference in everyday life. Good       underlying principle behind               respect. Respect towards colleagues,
                                                                                                                           design that combines style, comfort       Innovation Living. Being present in       customers, and the environment.
                                                                                                                           and functionality. Innovation Living is   more than 88 countries, we know           We believe that happy employees
                                                                                                                           not just a name, it’s what we do! Good    that people enjoy different tastes and    in combination with a professional
                                                                                                                           aesthetic design must go hand in hand     preferences. For this reason we offer     working environment is the key to
                                                                                                                           with great functionality and good         a wide range of space optimizing sofa     success. This is why we aim to give our
                                                                                                                           comfort. That is why our focus has        bed designs and accessories. But also     employees the best possible working
                                                                                                                           always been on creating long-lasting      the reason why we offer a deep selec-     conditions. We engage in developing
                                                                                                                           design with a contemporary appeal.        tion of customizable options such as      local communities by actively hiring
                                                                                                                                                                     different upholstery styles, legs, arm    minorities and support the training of
                                                                                                                                                                     and not least different comforts.         refugees and students.

                                                                                                                                   Family owned                      5-Year Limited Warranty                           Environment
                                                                                                                                 We are a story about family             We believe in quality – that lasts        We always try to produce at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  better price, but not at any price!

                                                                                                                           Since our founding in 1971 we have        We set high quality standards. That is   We value a good and lasting
                                                                                                                           been an independent, family owned         why we have made it easy to service      environment - in its broadest
                                                                                                                           company. This independence has            and update our sofa beds. If some-       definition. Hence, all recyclable waste,
                                                                                                                           sustained our ability to live out our     thing is not as expected visit www.      like cardboard, plastic, iron, and
                                                                                                                           founding philosophy that still satu- or call our local   metal, is separated and used in other
                                                                                                                           rates the company culture around          Customer Service — and we will do        productions. Residual, combustible
                                                                                                                           the world. Our company creed is           our utmost to assist you. Please visit   waste is incinerated in low pollution
                                                                                                                           anchored in the Danish culture where      our website to find further informa-     plants. Packaging is reduced to the
                                                                                                                           everyone is valued and equal regard-      tion about our warranty.                 minimum needed for safe transpor-
                                                                                                                           less of background or position.                                                    tation. As an international company,
Innovation LivingTM INC.   Innovation LivingTM A/S   Innovation LivingTM Ukraine   Beijing Innovation Furniture CO. LTD.                                                                                      we see it as our duty to contribute
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to better working conditions and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cleaner environment for all.
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