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Analysis, Strategy, Realization AcTIVE MARKETING Quantifiable success in complex and dynamic markets CREATE MARKETS!
C O M PA N Y marketing verbund Our Ambition: Quantifiable success in turbulent times The goal-oriented Marketing Verbund has been a trustworthy and innovative partner our corporate maxims in the field of sales and marketing in the german market for more than 10 years. • Our actions are innovative and goal-oriented. From strategic consulting using market and • Our standards are set by the target group analysis for the design, pro- economic success of the customer. duction and distribution of advertising me- dia – Marketing Verbund offers everything • We make use of unconventional needed for the complete planning and rea- solutions. lization of marketing and sales campaigns. • Personal contact with the customer is the basis of our work. We determine the success of our work with quantifiable efficiency standards and offer directly measurable results through pillars of service: market success. Based on our innovative Market Intelligence methods, we also implement seemingly Target group analysis, geomarketing and impossible solutions together with our cus- data management tomers. Stuewe Consulting Through an intelligent network combining Marketing strategy, sales management, various areas of expertise, our specialists and management consulting are in the position to offer you integrated Dialogmarketing Direkt services all from one source. No matter Creation, media design and advertising which of our solutions you use: You only campaigns have one contact partner, who takes com- plete responsibility for you – active, reliable Verteilservice and with complete dedication. Lettershop, logistics and distribution The Marketing Association is not a loo- Colognetworx se network, but rather an independent, Web- and multimedia solutions, owner-operated corporate group with five E-Commerce, IT-Services 2 CREATE MARKETS
SERVICES PROVIDED BY MARKETING VERBUND Our approach: From strategy to geomarketing Markets in turbulent times don’t just sit tinguishes itself far more by its combination there – today’s markets are actively crea- of analysis and creativity. Accordingly, the ted. This process is highly complex and re- strategies and operative concepts develo- quires many factors that must be adjusted ped are also implemented through crea- to each other. tion and design on a multimedia basis. In accordance with your strategy, we provide The owner-operated Marketing Verbund e.g. brand engineering, individual adverti- offers these integrated sales and marke- sing media, or multi-stage campaigns. ting solutions through the coordinated ef- forts of its specialists. We combine creati- Production and application vity and analytics into innovative solutions After the directed creation and systematic with measurable success - interconnected, design of communication media, we bring strong in operation and efficient. these to the market. By thorough logistical and technological implementation of the Analysis and data management developed marketing strategies and geo- We offer you innovative methods of empiri- marketing concepts, we achieve measu- cal marketing analysis through competitive rable results. Within the framework of ap- and location analysis by means of market plication, Marketing Verbund also offers classification and segmenting. Our analy- marketing logistics services (e.g. letter- ses, however, do not apply only to the ex- shop) as well as innovative technological ternal market – in-house fields of analysis solutions (e.g. online communities). such as the evaluation of sales systems or brand analyses are processed by us and the analytical results are combined with ex- We combine creativity and ternal market potential. analytics into innovative solutions Strategic consulting and conception Marketing Verbund makes use of estab- Special industrial areas of expertise: lished conceptual knowledge and wide- Retail trade, mail order, consumer goods ranging practical expertise in strategic industry, telecommunications, fashion in- development and creation of operative dustry, logistics, transportation and dis- concepts. The spectrum of consultation tribution, furniture, heating and sanitary, offered includes the development of a mar- tourism, automobile industry and energy ket position through profiling strategies and generation. location concepts, geomarketing strate- gies, and customer value-controlled sales structures. Creation and design The competence of Marketing Verbund does not only apply to analysis and strate- gic development – Marketing Verbund dis- CREATE MARKETS 3
SERVICES ANALYSIS AND DATA MANAGEMENT Analysis on Business Market and target group analysis is the starting point for strong market develop- ment. Accordingly, Marketing Verbund of- fers innovative methods of empirical mar- ket analysis: from customer surveys and target group profiling to competitive and location analysis as well as market classifi- cation and segmentation. We offer innovative methods of Implementation of Analysis empirical market analysis Whether we conduct primary data coll- ection or secondary analytics, within the Efficient Analysis framework of our database-supported ana- We determine the data based on our ano- lysis methods, the sole focus is not simply nymous in-house database as well as the the accumulation of knowledge, e.g. with profiles of your existing customers and the regard to consumer behavior or site quality. current degree of market penetration, as well as new customer potential for target On the contrary, under the strict conside- group optimization or expansion. Through ration of data protection laws, we accele- the intelligent combination of market pe- rate the implementation of the analytical netration and market potentials, we deter- results into practice – we qualify and loca- mine your relevant market, divide it into lize your target group exactly to individual segments, and classify e.g. partial markets households in germany. Based on an em- or locations based on the empirical market pirical database as well as our innovative potential. methods of analysis, we are in the positi- on to directly measure the achievement of In the course of our analysis, we do not goals or goal potential in the german mar- only take the external market into account ket. In combination with (marketing) costs, – we also process the in-house fields of this results in a profit-oriented efficient per- corporate analysis, such as the evaluation spective based on which real market suc- of sales systems or brand analysis. cess can be forecast and measured exact- ly on a customer value basis. For this reason, we use the sales processes of a company directly as the basis of pro- fit-oriented market analysis. In the course of our analysis on business methods, the knowledge from market and sales analysis is translated directly into practical applica- tion, such as post-distribution. 4 CREATE MARKETS
STRATEGIC CONSULTATION AND CONCEPTION Create active markets and gain customers efficiently Our consultation principal is: Create mar- cludes the standards of marketing and sa- kets. Markets do not exist sui generis – les as well as innovative themes, such as just the opposite: Markets must always consumer spaces. be created first. Building on the results of market analysis, we create results-orien- New Locations for Consumption ted sales and marketing strategies for your By consumer spaces we mean the new re- company based on which new markets can gional, virtual, ritual, and social locations of be defined and actively created and custo- the consumer, where the consumers of to- mers can be won efficiently. day meet, where they communicate, con- sume and network. Value Units Accordingly, our consultation goal is the Building on the strategic guidelines deve- development of new profit-optimal value loped, we create functional location con- added units (Value Units) for our custo- cepts, market-oriented sales systems, or mers. We define Value Units as a systema- a target group-appropriate marketing mix. tically combined package consisting of a qualified and localized target group, a tar- get group-appropriate fascination strategy and a suitable marketing mix. target group The strategic consulting services of Mar- in keting Verbund are based on established w mers cu st g o ai mers conceptual knowledge and wide-ranging n st o cu practical experience in strategic develop- competition ment and in the formation of concepts. b r a nd From the development of brand or corpo- de tom rate positioning to the composition of pro- cu ve op i s n ta s filing and fascination strategies as well as l re m er er o the design of innovative business models s st cu – the spectrum of strategic consultation in- of f e r CREATE MARKETS 5
SERVICES CREATION AND DESIGN Productive combination of analysis and creativity However, the competence of Marketing Verbund does not only apply to market analysis and strategic development – we distinguish ourselves far more by a com- bination of analysis and creativity. We stay on board when the time comes for the im- plementation of strategies and concepts. From B-W concept to fascination Within the framework of creative applica- tion, we implement our analytic and strate- gic work functionally and create fascinating and simultaneously efficient communica- tions from black and white concepts. Crea- tivity and efficiency thereby have the same weight. We understand creativity as a me- ans to an end, in order to obtain the best relationship between the cost of commu- nication and the endpoint of your market goals. Multimedia Creation According to the individual wishes of our customers, the strategies and concepts developed are visualized with our creative and design services and are implemented on a multimedia basis. From a singular ad- vertising medium to a multi-level campaign – we organize and create e.g. market or- chestration, catalogs, mailings or an online presence that realizes your strategic gui- delines precisely. If the situation requires it, we can also de- velop completely new methods and unique solutions – such as e.g. the Print2Web- Medium Katajet®, success-oriented com- munity platforms or the innovative mailing concept Target Letter® - let us surprise you with our creativity. 6 CREATE MARKETS
PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION Marketing logistics and innovative technological solutions However, the directed creation and syste- bution methods as well as complete value matic design of communications media still added chains in physical dialog marketing. does not guarantee success in sales and marketing. Only the logistical and tech- Innovative Software nological implementation of a marketing Our innovative software solutions put you strategy or a geomarketing or sales con- in the position to use our services on-site in cept will lead to measurable results. your company and apply them yourselves to your own market and customers without Marketing Logistics the necessity of technical programming IIn this sector, Marketing Verbund offers knowledge and expertise. marketing logistics (e.g. lettershop) and innovative software solutions (Target- GroupScout) as well as online technologi- Software Solutions for cal solutions (e.g. platforms). operative Marketing Within the framework of marketing logistics Based on our online technological com- services, we offer everything from the ma- petence, we can offer individual platform nufacturing and personalization of media to solutions or provide you with decentralized the optimization and configuration of distri- access to our services. In addition, we assume complete project management for complex sales and mar- keting projects. Our decision-oriented pro- ject management system (DPM) assures you of the smooth and efficient progress of your projects. Therefore, you can achieve quantifiable success in the turbulent mar- kets of today. CREATE MARKETS 7
Analysis, Strategy, Realization CONTACT Marketing Verbund Vertriebs GmbH Schneiderstr. 6 40764 Langenfeld GERMANY PO Box 400415, 40244 Langenfeld Phone: +49(0)2173-98 48 00 Fax: +49(0)2173-98 48 06 Mail: Web: CREATE MARKETS! Markets in turbulent times don’t just sit there - today’s markets are actively created. This process is highly complex and requires many factors that must be adjusted to each other, such as strategic development, target audience profiling, media design and channel selection. The owner-operated Marketing Verbund offers these integrated sales and marketing solutions through the coordinated efforts of its specia- lists. We combine creativity and analytics into innovative solutions with measurable suc- cess - interconnected, strong in operation and efficient. We look forward to an exciting collaboration with you, in which we would be pleased to set up a meeting in person with you in order to provide you with our service portfolio. © 2009 Marketing Verbund Vertriebs GmbH
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