Rennes OSU Analytical Common Centre (so-called CCA) - OSUR

Page created by Erin Vazquez
Rennes OSU Analytical Common Centre (so-called CCA)
Head: Aline Dia (+33 2 2323 5650 -

Table caption: laboratory/institution responsible for the analytical platform

         UMR ECOBIO
     UMR Géosciences Rennes
         UMR CReAAH
           UMR SAS

                                 Key words                    Analytical equipments                       Staff                          Applications
                         Carbon, nitrogen,              * CHN 2400 serie II Perkin Elmer        Nathalie LE BRIS (IE-       * Total element analysis in ecosystem
                         phosphorus sulfur              elemental analyzer (combustion          CNRS)                       pools: soils, vegetals, sediments – size
                         Microbiological activity       under O2, oxidation on Cu column,       Phone: + 33 2 2323 5079     level of sample : 40 mg maxi,
                         Nutrients                      separation and catharometric            Ecobio Office 223 Bât.14B   * Total element analysis in ecosystem
    PLAY (Analytical     Soils, waters, sediments       detection), (To be renewed)                                         pools: soils, vegetals, sediments – size
       Platform)                                        * CS LECO elemental analyzer (direct    Frédérique PALLOIS (T-      level of sample : 350 mg maxi,
                                                        combustion under O2, IR detection),     UR1)                        * Nutrient analysis in waters and soil
         Heads :                                        * Bran + Luebb AAIII continuous flux,   Phone: + 33 2 2323 6150     solutions: N et P,
     Nathalie Le Bris                                   Buchi mineralizer, Buchi distiller +    Ecobio Office 223           * N different species analysis, organic
                                                                                                                                                                       UMR 6553 -
   (+ 33 2 2323 5079),                                  titrator,                               Bât 14B                     and inorganic (Kjeldahl et Devarda
                                                        * Bioritech dissolved organic carbon                                methods) – solutions and solid samples,
       Hervé Colinet                                    Analyzer (95°C persulfate oxidation),   Marion CHORIN (IE-CNRS)     * Analyse carbone organique soluble et
    (+ 33 2 2323 6438)                                  * Corning 926 chlorimeter,              Phone: + 33 2 2323 5427     biomasse microbienne du sol,
                                                        * UV/Visible spectrophotometer          Ecobio Office 223 Bât.14B   * Organic and inorganic carbon analysis
                                                        * Visible Versamax µ-slate reader                                   in waters,
                                                        * µ-slate reader + SAFAS cuvettes:                                  * Choride analysis in waters,
                                                        Visible UV, fluo                                                    * Nutrients assay, enzymatic and
                                                                                                                            microbiological activities in waters and
                                                                                                                            soil liquid extractions

Microbial biomass and           * µ-GC SRA 3000 (Poraplot-U 6m,       Nathalie LE BRIS (AI-     * Gaseous release measurements linked
microbiological activity,       TCD),                                 CNRS)                     to biological activities and microbial
Organic matter                  * CP 9002 (Poraplot-Q 25m, FID),      Phone: + 33 2 2323 5079   communities in gases and waters (CO2,
decomposition,                  * µ-GC-MS (4 analysis paths TCD+MS)   Ecobio Office 223 Bât.14B H2S, DMS),
In and ex situ                                                                                  * Gaseous release measurements linked
expérimentations                                                      Frédérique PALLOIS (T-    to biological activities and microbial
                                                                      UR1)                      communities in gases and waters (CH4,
                                                                      Phone: + 33 2 2323 6150 PLFA),
                                                                      Ecobio Office 223 Bât 14B * Gaseous release measurements (C, N,
                                                                                                S) : organic and mineral compounds in
                                                                                                relation with soil and sediment
                                                                                                microbiological activities

Metabolites, pesticides         *GC-MS Thermo with combiPal           David Renault (MC-UR1) * Primary and secondary (sugars, amino
                                                                      Phone: + 33 2 2323 6627 acids, polyols, organic acids) metabolite
                                                                      Ecobio Office 238 Bât.14 analysis in various biological matrices
                                                                                               (fauna and flora)
                                                                                                                                           UMR 6553 -
                                                                                                  * Pesticides analysis in soil extracts

Pesticides, metabolites         * LC-MSMS Waters Acquity I Class      Nathalie LE BRIS (AI-     Pesticides and metabolites analysis in
                                Xevo G2 XS Q ToF + GC                 CNRS)                     complex matrices
                                                                      Phone: + 33 2 2323 5079
                                                                      Ecobio Office 223 Bât.14B

                                                                      Frédérique PALLOIS (T-
                                                                      Phone: + 33 2 2323 6150
                                                                      Ecobio Office 223 Bât 14B

Chemical analyses              Mineral chemical laboratory           Cécile LE CARLIER DE       Copper and bronze metallurgy
                           Metal (Copper, Bronze)         ICP-AES (Jobin Yvon 138 Ultrace)      VESLUD (IE-CNRS)           (Cu, Pb, Zn, Sb, Sn, Co, Ni, Bi, As, Ag, Fe,
                           Ore                                                                  Phone: + 33 2 2323 6716    Mn)
                           Soils, slags, ceramics                                               CReAAH office 18 Bât.24    Soil analyses (P, Fe3+/2+, Al3+, K+, Na+,
                                                                                                                           Mg2+, Ca2+)
                                                                                                Jean-Christophe Le
                                                                                                BANNIER (T-CNRS)
                                                                                                Phone: + 33 2 2323 5294
                                                                                                CReAAH office 223 Bât.24
 Mineral chemistry

Head : Cécile Le Carlier   Chemical analyses              Mineral chemical laboratory           Mikaël GUIAVARC'H (T-      Non organic samples. Elementary and            UMR 6566 -
      de Veslud            Metal (Copper, Bronze)         Portable X Ray Fluorescence           UR1)                       isotopic composition analysis.                  CReAAH
 (+ 33 2 2323 6716)        Ore                            (NITON XL3T 950 Godd+)                Phone: + 33 2 2323 5834    Source fingerprinting.
                           Soils, slags, ceramics                                               CReAAH office 223 Bât.     Composition group identification.
                                                                                                24                         Phosphorus concentration measurement
                                                                                                                           in soils.

                           Chemical analyses              Mineral chemical laboratory           Cécile LE CARLIER DE       Non organic samples. Elementary and
                           Metal (Copper, Bronze)         LA-ICP-MS                             VESLUD (IE-CNRS)           isotopic composition analysis. Source
                           Ore                            (ICP Agilent 7700)                    Phone: + 33 2 2323 6716    fingerprinting. Composition group
                           Soils, slags, ceramics         (Laser CETAC LSX 213 G2)              CReAAH office 18 Bât.24    identification. Ceramic manufacture

                           Laser granulometry             * Laser granulometer                  Mikaël GUIAVARC'H (T-   Archaeological material analysis
  Mineral sample           X ray Diffractometry           * X ray diffractometer (Rigaku        UR1)
   preparation             Mineral sample preparation :   Miniflex)                             Phone: + 33 2 2323 5834 Polish sections manufacturing of rocks,
                           rocks, sediments, ceramics,    * Mineral sample preparation (saws,   CReAAH office 223 Bât.  ceramics, etc.                                    UMR 6566 -
                           slags                          swindler, polish machine, etc.)       24                                                                         CReAAH
 Head: Guirec Querré
 (+ 33 2 2323 5916)

Gas chromatography -          * Organic chemistry laboratory          Ramiro MARCH             Identification and quantification of
                        Mass Spectroscopy             * Gas Chromatography (HP 6890)          CR-CNRS                  organics: Fire and culinary technical
                        Organic Mater/                * Gas Chromatography (HP 6850) +        Phone: + 33 2 2323 5629 history, tool manufacturing technics
                        Geochemistry                  MS (5975B)                              CReAAH office 201 Bât.24
 Organic chemistry
                                                                                                                       Anthropic and natural organic matter
                                                                                                                                                                 UMR 6566 -
                                                                                              Jean-Christophe Le       transfer (hydrocarbons, acids, sterols,
 Head: Ramiro March     Organic components (acids,                                            BANNIER T-CNRS           cetones, etc.)
 (+ 33 2 2323 5629)     hydrocarbons, sterols,                                                Phone: + 33 2 2323 5294
                        cetones, etc.)                                                        CReAAH office 223 Bât.24 Taphonomy and conservation of organic
                                                                                                                       matter: chemical and isotopical
                        Wood                          * Dendrochronology laboratory           Chantal LEROYER (IR-     Dating, environmental context
                        Charbons de bois              * Xylology laboratory, anthracology     MCC)                     restitution, organic material use,
                        Pollens                       * Malacology and archaeozoology         Vincent BERNARD (CR-     livestock and food
                        Shells and other marine       laboratory                              CNRS)                    Dendrochronology
                        animal remnants               * Palynological extraction laboratory   Véronique GUITTON (IR- Xylology
                        Terrestrial animal bone                                               INRAP)                   Anthracology
                        remnants                      - Biological Optical microscopes        Catherine DUPONT (CR-    Palynology
                                                      - Stereomicroscopes                     CNRS)                    Archaeozoology : mammals and marine
                                                      - Dendrochronological measurement       Anna BAUDRY (IR-INRAP) invertebrates
                                                      bench                                   Cécile BRUN (MCF-
vegetals and animals                                  - Image analysis                        Nantes)                                                            UMR 6566 -
                                                                                              Delphine BARBIER (IR-                                               CReAAH
Head: Chantal Leroyer                                                                         INRAP)
 (+ 33 2 2323 5623)                                                                           Laurent CHARRIEAU (T-
                                                                                              Hélène SEIGNAC (IE-
                                                                                              Nancy MARCOUX (IE-
                                                                                              David AOUSTIN (IE-UR1)

Rock preparation               → Diamond board chain sawing set       Xavier LE COZ (T-UR1)      Preparation of:
                       Thin petrographic slides       → Accutom 50 Struers-Isomet1000        Phone: + 33 2 2323 5914    -rock thin slides for petrographic studies
                       Microprobe preparation         Buhler precision saw                   Géosciences Rennes,        -polished slides for microprobe chemical
                       NanoSIMS preparation           → PM5A Struers lapping group           Office 001 Bât 5           analyses                                     UMR 6118 -
                       Vacuum condition               → 20 Postes Brot grinding machine                                 -thick slides for fluid inclusions study     Géosciences
                       impregnation                   → Tegrapol 25/Tégraforce5 polisher                                -nanoSIMS analysis -dedicated samples          Rennes
                       Thick slides                   system                                                            -BEM analysis-dedicated samples
                       Polishing                      →Vaccum impregnation set – epoxy
                       Rock crushing                  → Fritsch et Henri breaker crushers    To be recruited (T-UR1 )   Sawing and préparation of mineral
                       Sawing                         → Henri roll crusher                   Phone:                     samples
                       Sieving                        → Bico disc crusher                    Géosciences Rennes         20 to 1000µm sieving
Geomaterials: rock     Powders for chemical           → Fritsch planetary crusher            Office Bât 5               Powder preparation for chemical              UMR 6118 -
   preparation         analyses                       → Diam 600 diamond chain saw                                      analysis                                     Géosciences
                                                      → Diam 300 diamond saw                                            Sand preparation for mineral separation        Rennes
                                                      → Rotap column siever                                             (geochronology)
  Heads: Marc Jolivet
(+ 33 2 2323 6746) and                                →Fall dispatcher
     Xavier Le Coz                                    →D'Abiche mortar
  (+ 33 2 2323 5914)   Mineral separation             →Shaking table                         Yann LEPAGNOT (T-CNRS) Mineral separation for geochronology
                                                      → Frantz isomagnetic separator         Phone: + 33 2 2323 5789 and thermochronology
                                                      → Carpco magnetic separator            Géosciences Rennes
                                                      → Densitest heavy mineral              Office 125 Bât 15
                                                      →Mineral separation by heavy liquids                                                                           UMR 6118 -
                                                      (bromophorme, diiodomethane)                                                                                   Géosciences
                                                      → DP-U Struers polisher                                                                                          Rennes
                                                      → Minor Endescotts siever
                                                      → Olympus SZ60 binocular
                                                      → Olympus BH metallographic

Mass spectrometry                 CO2 laser probe coupled to an 39Ar-       Dominique BAVAY (AI-      39
                                                                                                                                 Ar-40Ar Geochronology
                      Rare gases                           Ar low background (inox) gas           CNRS)
Rare gas spectrometry 39 40                                                                                                                                          UMR 6118 -
                        Ar- Ar                          extraction line and to a magnetic         Phone: + 33 2 2323 3854
  Head: Gilles Ruffet                                                                                                                                                Géosciences
                      Dating                            sector mass spectrometer dedicated        Géosciences Rennes
  (+33 2 2323 5666)                                                                                                                                                    Rennes
                                                        to rare gas analysis (MAP 215             Office 104 Bât.15
                                                        equiped with a Nier source)
                        Mass spectrometry               * VG SIRA 10 gas source mass              Dominique BAVAY (AI-    Isotopic geochemistry: isotopic analyses
  Gas source mass       Stable isotopes (O, H, C)       spectrometer                              CNRS)                   of rocks and fluids in geological and
                        Fluid-rocks interactions        * OPTIMA gas source mass                  Phone: + 33 2 2323 3854 environmental studies
spectrometry (stable
                        Environmental analyses          spectrometer                              Géosciences Rennes
      isotopes)                                         * O extraction line for oxides and        Office 104 Bât.15
                                                                                                                                                                     UMR 6118 -
Heads: Anne-Catherine                                                                                                                                                Géosciences
                                                        * O and C extraction line for
  Pierson-Wickmann                                      carbonates                                                                                                     Rennes
(+33 2 2323 5056) and                                   * H extraction line for minerals, rocks
   Philippe Boulvais                                    and waters, as well as of C in organic
  (+33 2 2323 6179)                                     matter
                                                        * Extraction line for fluid inclusions
                        Solid source mass               Finnigan Mat 262 multicollector solid     David VILBERT (T-CNRS)  Concentrations and isotopic ratios
                        spectrometry (TIMS)             source mass spectrometry                  Phone : +33 2 2323 6508 determination, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb
  Solid source mass
                        Isotopic tracing                multicollector + clean rooms for          Géosciences Rennes      methods on rocks, minerals,
    spectrometry        Geochronology                   sample preparation                        Office 104 Bât.15       archaeological items, bioindicators
(radiogenic isotopes)   Radiogenic isotopes                                                                               (lichens,etc.) and waters.
                                                                                                                                                                     UMR 6118 -
                        Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd, U-Pb                                                        Dominique BAVAY (AI-    U-Pb geochronology on single grain and     Géosciences
  Heads: Marc Poujol    Rocks, minerals, waters                                                   CNRS)                   Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb dating on             Rennes
  (+33 2 2323 6208)                                                                               Phone: + 33 2 2323 3854 minerals and whole rocks
                                                                                                  Géosciences Rennes
                                                                                                  Office 104 Bât.15

Thermochronology(*) Low-T thermochronology           Zeiss M1m microscope                    David VILBERT (T-CNRS)   Rocks dating by fission tracks and U-Th-
                         Datation                    Imaging system/Fission track counting   Phone : + 33 2 2323 6508 He
Heads: Kerry Gallagher   Fission tracks              Sample preparation                      Géosciences Rennes
  (+ 33 2 2323 6208),    U-Th-He                     He extraction line/                     Office 104 Bât.15
      Gilles Ruffet      Geomorphology               High résolution mass spectrometer                                                                               UMR 6118 -
(+ 33 2 2323 6085) and   Rocks                                                               Dominique BAVAY (AI-                                                    Géosciences
      Marc Jolivet                                                                           CNRS)                                                                     Rennes
  (+ 33 2 2323 6746)                                                                         Phone: + 33 2 2323 3854
        (*) ongoing                                                                          Géosciences Rennes
       development                                                                           Office 104 Bât.15

                         U-Th-Pb Geochronology       ICP-MS quadripôle Agilent 7700          Marc Poujol (MCF)         U-Th-Pb datation of minerals (zircon,
     U-Th-Pb             LA-ICP-MS                   équipé d’un pompage de l’interface      Tél : + 33 2 2323 6208    monazite, xenotime, beddeleyite,
  Geochronology                                      renforcé.                               Géosciences Rennes        titanite, rutile) by laser ablation coupled
                                                     Excimer 193 nm ESI laser                Office 108/1 Bât.15       to ICP-MS « LA-ICP-MS ».                      UMR 6118 -
                                                     (NWR193UC) entirely driven by
        Head:                                                                                                                                                        Géosciences
                                                     computer and equipped by a                                        European Union (FEDER) partly funded
     Marc Poujol                                                                                                                                                       Rennes
                                                     Coherent laser.                                                   this equipment.
  (+33 2 2323 6208)

Organic matter fingerprinting Gas chromatography - Mass               Emilie JARDE (CR-CNRS)   Qualitative and quantitative analysis of
Gas chromatography
                      in recent environments        spectrometer (GC-MS)                    Phone: +33 2 2323 5620   the lipidic and macromolecular fractions
  coupled to mass
                      Molecular caracterisation                                             Géosciences Rennes       of environmental samples
   spectrometry       Biomarker quantification                                              Office 306/2 Bât.15
                                                                                                                                                                UMR 6118 -
 Head: Emilie Jardé                                                                                                                                             Géosciences
                                                                                            Marine LIOTAUD (IE-
 (+33 2 2323 5620)                                                                          CNRS)                                                                 Rennes
   Marine Liotaud                                                                           Phone: +33 2 2323 5620
 (+33 2 2323 5620)                                                                          Géosciences Rennes
                                                                                            Office 306/2 Bât.15
                      Present-day and fossil        Frontier Lab pyrolyser coupled with a   Laurent JEANNEAU (CR-    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of
                      macromolecule molecular       GC-MS                                   CNRS)                    macromolecule composition of different
                      compositions                                                          Phone: +33 2 2323 3969   environmental matrices (such as waters,
                                                                                            Géosciences Rennes       soils, sediments, etc.) and fossil ones
                                                                                            Office 327 Bât.15        (such as ambers, woods, etc.)              UMR 6118 -
  Laurent Jeanneau
 (+33 2 2323 3969)
                                                                                            Marine LIOTAUD (IE-                                                   Rennes
   Marine Liotaud
 (+33 2 2323 3969)
                                                                                            Phone: +33 2 2323 5620
                                                                                            Géosciences Rennes
                                                                                            Office 306/2 Bât.15

Atomic absorption             Atomic absorption Flame/Furnace            Patrice PETITJEAN (IE-    Major and trace element analysis in
                         Major and trace elements      (Solaar M6 THERMO)                         CNRS)                     environmental studies
                         Waters                                                                   Phone: +33 2 2323 6087
                                                                                                  Géosciences Rennes
                                                                                                  Office 303 Bât.14B

                   Dissolved organic carbon            Carbon analyzer (TOC 5050 Shimadzu) Patrice PETITJEAN (IE-           Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and
                   (DOC) and inorganic carbon          and ASI 5000A sampler               CNRS)                            inorganic carbon (DIC) measurements in
   Elemental and   (DIC) concentration                                                     Phone: +33 2 2323 6087           fresh solutions
     Molecular     measurements                                                            Géosciences Rennes
Geochemistry (GEM) Waters                                                                  Office 303 Bât.14B

Heads: Mathieu Pédrot
(+33 2 2323 6083) and    Ion chromatography            Ion chromatography                                                   Major and trace inorganic anion assay    UMR 6118 -
Martine Bouhnik-Le Coz   Major and (trace) élément      (DIONEX DX 120)                                                                                              Géosciences
  (+33 2 2323 6082)      concentration assay
                         Colorimetric assay Fe (II)    UV/Visible (Uvikon XS- Biotek)                                       Colorimetric assay (190 à 900 nm) (Fe
                         Waters                        spectrophotometer                                                    (II), phosphates…)

                         Titrations/ Alkalinity        4 automatic titrators (2 Titrino 719S, 1                             Diverse titrations and alkalinity
                                                       Titrino 702SM, 1 Titrino 794 Basic)                                  measurement

                         ICP-MS solution mode          ICP-MS (Agilent technologies - 7700                               Trace and nanotrace multielement and
                         Quantitative analysis         serie ICP-MS)                                                     some major cation analysis in
                         Trace elements                                                                                  environmental studiesl:
                         Major cations                                                            Martine BOUHNIK-LE COZ - fresh natural waters
                         Fresh waters                                                             (IE-CNRS)              - solution extraction during interaction
                                                                                                  Phone: +33 2 2323 6082 experimentation under controlled
                                                                                                  Géosciences Rennes     conditions (Soil/Water/Bacteria)
                                                                                                  Office 302 Bât.14B
                                                                                                                         On specific request for environmental
                                                                                                                         and geological studies : vegetals, gems,
                                                                                                                         minerals, biogenic materials, etc.

Ion Chromatography: major     Dionex ICS 3000                        Yannick FAUVEL (AI-INRA) major anions, cations and trace
                        anions, cations and trace    Ion Chromatography (Rennes)             Phone: +33 (0) 223 485   elements in water samples
                        elements                                                             667
                                                                                             INRA Centre, Rennes                                                   UMR SAS
                                                                                                                                                                  1069 - INRA
                                                                                             Béatrice BLAIZE (TR-INRA)                                              Rennes-
                                                                                             Phone: +33 (0) 223 485                                                Quimper
                                                                                             INRA Centre, Rennes

                        Colorimetric analysis        Continuous Flow Analyzer Bran Lubbe     Maryvonne LEROY (TR-        Nitrogen and phosphorous mineral
                        nitrogen, phosphorous        (Quimper)                               INRA)                       forms in environmental samples (waters
                                                     Continuous Flow Analyzer Alpkem RFA     Phone : +33 (0)298 959      and soils)
                                                     300 (Rennes)                            965
                                                     UV/Visible Spectrophometer Lamda        INRA Centre, Quimper
Analytical department
                                                     20 Perkin Elmer (Rennes)
                                                     Digesteur and distiller Buchi (Rennes   Laurence CARTEAUX (TR-                                                UMR SAS
 Head: Yannick Fauvel                                et Quimper)                             INRA)
  (+ 33 2 2348 5667)                                                                                                                                              1069 - INRA
                                                                                             Phone +33 (0) 223 485
                                                                                             INRA Centre, Rennes                                                   Quimper

                                                                                             Yannick FAUVEL (AI-INRA)
                                                                                             Phone +33 (0)
                                                                                             223 485 667 INRA
                                                                                             Centre, Rennes

                        Atomic absorption:           3100 Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorption     Maryvonne LEROY (TR-        Major cation analysis in environmental
                        major cations                (Quimper)                               INRA)                       samples (waters)                          UMR SAS
                                                                                             Phone: +33 (0)298 959                                                1069 - INRA
                                                                                             965                                                                    Rennes-
                                                                                             INRA Centre, Quimper                                                  Quimper

Total carbon and nitrogen       Elemental analyzer Flash EA 1112     Béatrice BLAIZE (TR-INRA) Elemental analyzer C et N (soils and         UMR SAS
                          analysis                        Thermofinnigan (Rennes)              Tél : +33 (0) 223 485 665 vegetals)                                   1069 - INRA
                                                                                               INRA Centre, Rennes                                                     Rennes-
                          Fluorescence spectroscopy,      LS55 Perkin Elmer Fluorescence       Anne JAFFREZIC (MC-        Organic matter qualitative analysis in
                          Fingerprint, organic matter     spectrometer (Rennes)                Agrocampus)                environmental analysis
                                                                                               Tél : +33 (0)223 485 420                                               UMR SAS
                                                                                               Rennes                                                                1069 - INRA
                                                                                               Armelle RACAPE (TR-                                                    Quimper
                                                                                               Tél : +33 (0)223 485 424
                          Soil thin sections              Production line for soil sections    Vincent HALLAIRE (CR-      Soil sections making of undisturbed soil
                                                          making: water/acetone exchange,      INRA)                      samples                                     UMR SAS
                                                          resin impregnation, sawing and       INRA Centre, Rennes
                                                                                                                                                                     1069 - INRA
                                                          abrasive polishing (Logitech LP50)
                                                                                               Yannick BENARD (TR-
Soil micromorphology                                                                           INRA)                                                                  Quimper
                                                                                                INRA Centre, Rennes
Head : Vincent Hallaire   Porosity, image analysis        Microscope, stereoscope, image       Vincent HALLAIRE (CR-      Morphological characterization of soil
(+33 (0) 2 2348 5429)                                     analyser                             INRA)                      sections using image analysis               UMR SAS
                                                                                               INRA Centre, Rennes
                                                                                                                                                                     1069 - INRA
                                                                                               Yannick BENARD (TR-
                                                                                               INRA)                                                                  Quimper
                                                                                                INRA Centre, Rennes

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