BCom Honours in Investment Management - Department of Finance and Investment Management - UJ
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FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL SCIENCES Department of Finance and Investment Management BCom Honours in Investment Management Invest in Yourself – Think FINANCE
Table of Contents 1. Rules of access 2 2. Skills-assessment opportunity 3 3. Closing date for applications 4 4. Application and selection process 4 5. Registration and fees 5 6. Commencement of lectures 6 7. Curriculum 6 8. Language medium 7 9. Lectures and programmes 7 10. Prescribed material 7 11. Assessment 7 12. Composition of marks 7 13. Application procedures 8 14. Bridging Programme 10 15. Enquiries 10
BCom Honours in Investment Management The primary purpose of the BCom Honours (Investment Management) programme is to strengthen the applicant’s knowledge and comprehension in the disciplines of investment management. The required to write a skills-assessment programme is comprised of a broad- during November and all applications based curriculum to prepare the post- are subjected to a selection process. graduate student for a wide range of investment-related specialities. The An applicant that completed the curriculum includes eight topic areas Bridging Programme in Finance and ranging from quantitative investment that would like to apply for the BCom analysis to equity investment, Honours (Investment Management) financial engineering and portfolio programme must obtain an average management. The programme of 65% for all nine modules, with no emphasises application, analysis and module with a result of below 55%, in evaluation within each topic area as order to qualify to apply. Applicants well as the application of integrity and that completed the Bridging ethics in a professional environment. Programme in Finance MUST also write the skills-assessment. Rules of access Applicants that have not completed Applicants in possession of (a) a their BCom (Finance) or related BCom (Finance) or BCom (Investment qualification may not register for Management) qualification OR the BCom Honours (Investment any related qualification with a Management) programme even if programme specific minimum NQF they are provisionally accepted based level 7 competency with Investment on the selection process. This is an Management as a major subject or academic rule as per the UJ Academic (b) any Bachelor’s degree together Regulations (available on the UJ with the appropriate bridging website). programme results. Participation in Meeting the minimum admission the CFA® Programme or the CAIA® requirements does not assure Programme may also be taken into acceptance into the programme as consideration when a student does not all applicants will be subjected to a conform to the requirements set out selection process as determined by the in (a) and/or (b) when applying to the Department of Finance and Investment Department of Finance and Investment Management. Management. Applicants will be 2
Skills-assessment • Alternative investments; opportunity • Foreign exchanges and As part of the selection process for • Derivatives acceptance into the BCom Honours The total assessment is 3 hours in (Investment Management) programme length; please ensure to be at the a skills-assessment opportunity has venue before the starting time as been scheduled for all applicants indicated below. that apply. The skills-assessment Applicants do NOT need to study opportunity is one of the tools used specifically for the skills-assessment to select applicants for admission opportunity as it will assess into the BCom Honours (Investment embedded knowledge of the above Management) programme. Applicants topics at an undergraduate level. If must please note that the writing of applicants would like to prepare for the skills-assessment is compulsory the assessment opportunity, they for all applicants (there will be no could revise the fundamental aspects exceptions). of the above topics covered in the An English language proficiency undergraduate syllabus. As the BCom assessment forms part of the skills- Honours (Investment Management) assessment opportunity. programme is only offered in English, Applicants that do not write the skills- the skills-assessment opportunity can assessment will not be considered only be written in English. for the BCom Honours (Investment Applicants must write the skills- Management) programme. Applicants assessment for both their first and will NOT be granted a second or second choice in case they are not special opportunity to write the skills- successful in either one application. assessment opportunity at a later date. Applicants should bring proof of Two dates have been scheduled to identity (ID or student card), writing write the skills-assessment opportunity. materials (pencil, sharpener and Applicants may select either date to eraser) and a financial calculator write, but may write only once. to the assessment opportunity. The skills-assessment opportunity will Applicants must know their student consist of multiple choice questions at number, as only your student number third year level (which is at CFA level and surname will be written on the 1), addressing the following topics, answer sheet. Paper will be provided. of relevance relating to the BCom The details of the skills-assessment Honours (Investment Management): opportunity are as follows: • Current news; • Mathematics and financial calculations; • Equity; • Fixed income; • Portfolio management; • Corporate finance; 3
Option 1 Option 2 Date: Friday 20 November 2015 Date: 21 November 2015 Time: 08:00 – 12:00 Time: 08:00 – 12:00 Venue: D1 Lab 208, APK Campus Venue: D1 Lab 208, APK Campus All students that are accepted into the Failure to submit all the required Honours in Investment Management documentation or submitting your have to be at a compulsory pre- application late will result in your orientation meeting on Wednesday application not being considered 2 December. The information on the for the BCom Honours (Investment session will be communication via Management) programme. email closer to the time. All prospective applicants will be NOTE: Applicants can ONLY attend subjected to a selection process. The and write the skills assessment once, selection process includes the skills- either the 20st or the 21nd. Ensure assessment opportunity which will take to be at the venue 15 minutes prior place during November 2015 (dates to the starting time (i.e. at 7.45am). stated above) and is compulsory for all applicants. The date and time of Closing date for the skills-assessment will be confirmed applications with applicants via the e-mail address The closing date is the last Friday of provided on their application (Please October at 12:00 annually for foreign ensure that you provide the correct (i.e. non-South African resident) email address when submitting your applicants and for South African application). Prospective applicants resident applicants for study in the must please note that there will only following academic year. All foreign be one round of skills-assessments applicant’s (i.e. international applicants) opportunities. applying should consult with the International Admissions Office at the University of Johannesburg on 011 559 4517 or visit: http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/STUDYATUJ/ INTERNATIONAL/Pages/home.aspx Application and selection process Applicants can be done in one of two ways, either online or manually via a paper based application form. More information regarding the application process is available from: http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/ StudyatUJ/StudentEnrolmentCentre/ ApplicationProcess/Pages/home.aspx 4
All applicants who wish to apply Sciences at A Ring 2. A registration for the BCom Honours (Investment deposit must be paid in early January Management) programme are required each year. The exact cost of the BCom to submit, along with their application Honours (Investment Management) forms, a short written motivation (not programme will be communicated in longer than one page) as to why they the acceptance letter. plan to enrol for the BCom Honours The programme fees for the (Investment Management) programme, 2015 BCom Honours (Investment and why they should be selected. Management) programme were Applicants that are not successful R3 040 per module (there are 8 in their application for the BCom modules). Please note that the Honours (Investment Management) R3 040 is only an indication as the fees programme will be routed to the for 2015 will only be communicated Bridging Programme in Finance. to successful applicants in their Please consult the information acceptance letter. document regarding the Bridging Full time applicants will register for all Programme in Finance. of the eight modules in 2016, while Registration and fees part-time applicants will register for the eight modules over a two year period. Registration details for the 2016 BCom Honours (Investment Management) The above course fees excludes a programme will be communicated to 2016 non-refundable registration fee successful applicants by the second and a non-refundable ICT levy, as Friday in December 2015. Please well as residence fees and prescribed do not contact the department textbooks. regarding your application status More information regarding the fees as the department does not deal (excluding the specific module fees) with administration of applications is available from: http://www.uj.ac.za/ and registrations. Application and EN/StudyatUJ/StudentFinance/Fees/ registration admin is dealt with by the Pages/home.aspx Faculty of Economic and Financial 5
Commencement of Curriculum lectures The BCom Honours (Investment BCom Honours (Investment Management) programme is presented Management) lectures will commence on a full-time basis over one year and the first week of February 2016. on a part-time basis over two years. Successful applicants will be supplied All modules offered in the evenings with a detailed programme, timetable only for both full-time and part-time and booklist when they receive their students. Applicants have to pass acceptance letters via email. all eight modules independently to graduate with the BCom Honours (Investment Management) degree. Module information: *Module Code Semester If Part-Time Equity Investments BLB11X7 1 Year 2 Quantitative Investment Analysis BLB10X7 1 Year 1 Forex Exposure Management BLB09X7 1 Year 2 Research Methodology BLB18X7 1 Year 1 Retirement Finance BLB18X7 2 Year 1 Interest-bearing Investment BLB15X7 2 Year 1 Portfolio Management BLB05X7 2 Year 2 Financial Engineering BLB14X7 2 Year 2 *The module and module content for the 2016 programme may be amended. Any 2016 modules and module content changes will be communicated in the acceptance letter. For detailed module outcomes please consult the Faculty of Economic and Financial Science 2016 year book on curricular programmes. 6
Language medium formal lectures, class discussions, the Internet (including BlackBoard) and Lectures and examinations will only be your own research. presented in English. The reading of financial books, Lectures and programmes magazines, daily and weekly All first year applicants both full- newspapers, e-reading and following time and part-time, must attend a daily news and business news and compulsory 4-day summer school in events on television has proven to be January 2016 (Dates will be provided of great value in the past. The creation once acceptance letters are sent to of a reading ethic outside of the BCom successful applicants). The purpose of Honours (Investment Management) the summer school is to ensure that curriculum is of critical importance in all applicants start at the same level being a successful student and future of required knowledge. Assessments employee. may be written during the summer school. The summer school assessment Assessment results must be seen as a benchmark Students will complete a number of of required knowledge vs. actual assessments throughout the duration knowledge. Any registration and of each module. Assessments may administrative problems will also be take the form of written assessment addressed during the summer school. opportunities (i.e. tests), as well as class assessments, assignments and/or Lectures will be presented by full- projects. A last assessment opportunity time academics and occasional guest in the form of an examination will be lecturers. Accepted applicants are completed at the end of each module. expected to attend lectures regularly and an attendance register may be Composition of marks taken at each class. The programme is not suitable for distance learning or Your studies are your responsibility. correspondence applicants. Although the lecturers share that responsibility with you, you will In addition to lectures, there will also determine how well or poorly you be tutorial classes to assist students perform in each subject and your with the material covered in the degree. You have to ensure that you lecture. Details of the tutorial classes prepare for, and attend classes, make will be communicated by the lecturer use of consulting hours and set up at the start of each module. appointments to discuss subject matter that is not clear, study and write Prescribed material assessments throughout the academic The prescribed textbook for each year. module will be communicated Each module lecture will publish to successful applicants in their their module mark calculation in acceptance letters. The prescribed the module work programme at the textbook is by no means sufficient to commencement of the module on pass each specific module. Various uLink (https://ulink.uj.ac.za/index.html) sources of information will have to be and in the module work programme. combined to pass each module, i.e. Please note: You may be expected to 7
write unannounced class tests during Application procedures the semester. Your final module mark Applications for the 2016 academic will be calculated as follows: year will close on last Friday in October. • A module mark of at least 40% The selection process will take place is required for admission to the during November and students will last assessment opportunity (examination) be advised of the outcome during December. • Students that do not obtain a module mark of 40% and above, No late application will be will not be allowed to write the last considered. Each student needs to assessment opportunity. submit a completed application form • Module marks will count 50% via the UJ online application portal towards the final mark available at: http://www.uj.ac.za/apply • The final assessment will carry a Online applications are preferred, weighting of 50% towards the final however manual applications will module mark also be considered. • A final mark for each module of 50% or above must be achieved to pass All prospective applicants that wish a module to apply to study the B.Com Honours • A student passes a module with (Investment Management) MUST distinction if he/she obtains a final submit the following documents before mark of at least 75% the above deadlines: If a combined average of 75% is • Certified copy of identity document obtained for all modules in the BCom (or passport if foreign student); Honours (Investment Management) • Certified copy of your Grade 12 programme. The degree BCom (matric) certificate; Honours (Investment Management) will • Certified copy of your degree be awarded Cum-Laude. certificate (if you have already completed your undergraduate Assessment activities such as degree); written assessments (i.e. tests), class assessments, assignments, and/or projects will constitute the module mark, as outlined above. 8
• Certified copy of an official • SAQA evaluations certificate if your academic record and certificate highest academic qualification was of conduct issued by your not obtained at a South African undergraduate university (if you university; are currently completing your • Status applications form (if your undergraduate studies, then your highest academic qualification most recent academic record). The was obtained from an institution academic record and certificate of other than UJ or the former RAU or conduct submitted MUST include TWR). The status application form all courses taken by a prospective is available from: http://www.uj.ac. student (i.e. not only a list of courses za/EN/Faculties/ecofin/application/ passed). Failure to submit a full list Pages/default.aspx of courses taken may disqualify a prospective student; If all the above documentation is • A short written motivation as to why not submitted before the last Friday you think you should be selected of October applications will not be for the BCom Honours (Investment considered Management) programme; 9
Bridging Programme Enquiries Candidates that are interested in For general departmental information doing the BCom Honours (Investment please consult the departmental Management) degree but did not website: complete Investment Management http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/Faculties/ as a major subject or did not meet ecofin/fininvestman/Pages/default.aspx. the minimum admission requirements in their undergraduate degree can All enquiries related to the above complete the Bridging Programme content should be addressed to: in Finance. Details’ regarding the dfiminfo@uj.ac.za bridging programme is available from: http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/ Faculties/ecofin/fininvestman/ coursesandprogrammes/Pages/ default.aspx 10
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