Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online

Page created by Angela Fowler
Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
January and February 2022 Newsletter

Barberton Active Adult Center
  Happy New Year! We here at
   the Active Adult Center hope
    you had a wonderful holiday
  season and send our warmest
  wishes for a brand new year to
     you! We have some great
   things happening these next
      few months and hope to
     continue to return to some
        sense of normalcy.

               Hours of      Monday
                                            8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                                            8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
              Operation      Wednesday      8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                             Thursday       8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                             Friday         8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

             Membership      Adults aged 50 and older are welcomed to
                             join. Membership is $22 for Barberton
                             residents, $27 for non-residents. You may
                             pay your membership at any time and will
                             be registered for a full year from the date
                             of your payment.

           Program/Trip      Thursday, January 6, 2022      10:30 a.m.
             Sign Up Day
         Holiday Closures   Monday, January 17, 2022- ML King Day

                            Monday, February 21, 2022-President's Day

           500 W. Hopocan Ave.              330-861-7135.
Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
Upcoming             Mayor William Judge will be hosting the
                     annual New Year's party Friday, January 7,
Events               2022. Registration is open until filled (limit
                     100) or until January 3 2022, whichever
                     comes first. Entertainment will be provided
Mayor's New Year's   by Gerald Harris.
January 7, 2022
11:00 a.m.

                                 What do you call an old snowman?


                                 Where do penguins go to the

                                 The DIVE-in!

Cindy Miller

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
Health and Wellness
Did you know you may
use the Lake Anna
YMCA on Tuesday
mornings from 8:00
a.m. - 12:00 p.m.?
Please sign up with the
YMCA at their front
desk. Please bring your                                         Blood Pressure
Active Adult Center                                             Checks
card and a photo ID.
Call 330-745-9622 for
more information or                                    Stop in and have your blood
schedules.                                             pressure checked free of charge
                                                       courtesy of Angels Home Health
                                                       2nd Thursday of each month at
                                                       11:00 a.m.

                                                       January 13 & February 10, 2022

7 Superfoods for your Teeth-AARP
1.Tap water-Tap water should be your beverage of choice as much as possible, though you
should avoid the bottled variety as most don't contain fluoride.

2. Cheese-Milk and other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are rich in both calcium and
phosphates, which help replace minerals your teeth might have lost when you've eaten other
types of foods.

3. Fruits and Veggies-It realy doesn't matter what kind, they're all good for your chompers.
They're all high in water, which helps wash away harmful acid and debris in your mouth, and
they're rich in fiber which helps to balance the sugars they contain and helps to clean your

4. Lean proteins-Poultry fish, eggs and lean cuts of beef are all rich in phosphorus, a mineral
that helps stregthen your teeth by protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel.

5. Sugarless Gum-It's a saliva maker, which can help with remineralization. Why? The
increased flow adds more calcium and phosphate to your saliva,which will help strengthen
tooth enamel.

6. Nuts-They contain protein and the amino acid arginine, which has been shown to help reduce
the risk of cavities.

7. Green tea-It's rich in antioxidants such as catechin, which may reduce your risk of
developing gum disease. Minimize the sugary add-ons.

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
The following activities are volunteer organized
      programs offered to members of the Active Adult
      Center. Guests may visit once per month, with a
      maximum of three visits per year. After this period
      you will be asked to obtain a membership.

Two tables are available for
members during operating hours.
There is a $1.00 fee per week to
offset the cost of maintenance and
repairs. Pool tournaments are held
periodically throughout the year
with trophies awarded.

Enjoy socializing with friends, playing cards and
enjoying a snack. Prizes are awarded for the top
scores of each month.
Thursdays at 11:45 a.m. Cost: $2.00

Enjoy painting and socializing? Join the ceramics group as
they paint and fire bisque pieces. Bring your own piece to
paint or purchase one with instructor Louise Pace. Class
fees pay for paints, sprays and firing and dependent upon
the piece you choose.
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

All are welcome to this non-denominational bible study
which encourages group participation and discusssion.
Bibles are provided or you may bring your own.
Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

If you enjoy learning to work with wood and designing your own signs,
furniture or whatever your mind comes up with, join us! Instructor Ken
Gross can assist you with tools and saws to create a masterpiece.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m Cost: $3.00 per class
for members (571 W. Tuscarawas Ave., please press yellow bell for entry)

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
FUN IN FITNESS                                      ARTHRITIS EXERCISE
This class incorporates both       Join the Arthritis Foundation certified
aerobic and anaerobic exercises      exercise class with instructor Kathy
all to the beat of fun music. We       Fogle. You will enjoy a sitting and
use dumbbells, chairs, balls and           standing stretch routine, chair
mats on the floor. Prepare to                  exercises and a cool down.
have fun getting fit!            Tuesdays &Thursdays 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays                                 Cost: $1.00
10:00-10:45 a.m. Cost: $1.00

Currently this class is not meeting,
please check back in 2022.

                                                        Todd N. Collier
                                                        funeral director

                                                        566 West Park Avenue                    (330) 745-3161
                                                        Barberton, Ohio 44203

         4-E-5-5    For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                         14-1493

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
BOOK CLUB                                                                       We try to offer
Join your friends for a book                                             meaningful and useful
discussion. Books may be checked                                           presentations to our
out at the Barberton Public                                              members through our
Library.                                                                    generous partners,
Second Monday of each month                                                       however, any
1:00 p.m.                                                                presentation with less
                                                                               than 5 people is
January 10: An Elderly Lady is Up                                       subject to cancellation
To No Good by Helene Tursten                                            at the discretion of the
                                                                             isntructor. If this
*February 7: The Alice Network by                                        occurs, attendeed will
Kate Quinn (* not second Monday)                                        be notified 24 hours in
                                                                                 advance of the

          4-E-5-5   For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                14-1493

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
Programs and Activities
  The computer lab is available                     Meals & Movies!
  during center hours. Enjoy
  browsing the internet, email, play
  games or work on documents on
  one of the twelve computers. At
  this time, printing is not available.
  Members are welcomed and must
  abide by the rules and regulations              Members are invited for a light
  of the center. Please no food or             lunch and movie to follow. Please
  drink in the lab.                                     let us know of any dietary
                                              restrictions. Registration required
   LUNCH BUNCH                                 by Wednesday prior to the movie.
                                              **Movies are not pre-screened by
                                                the staff prior to viewing. Cost is
      Join us each month as we meet                                $3.00 per movie.
   friends at a local restaurant. We
will meet at 11:30 a.m., registration                          Lunch & A Movie
 is required by the Wednesday prior                       Doolittle (PG) 2020
                  to the Lunch Bunch.        Monday, January 24 11:30 a.m.
                                          A physician who can talk to animals
          Friday, January 14, 2022         embarks on an adventure to find a
 Dave's Diner 937 Wooster Rd. W.                legendary island with a young
                                            apprentice and a crew of strange
            Friday, February 4, 2022                                       pets.
    J.J.'s 1275 Norton Ave., Norton                        Sully (PG-13) 2016
    Members and Non-members are             Monday, February 28 11:30 a.m.
                          welcomed.               The story of Chesley "Sully"
                                              Sullenberger, an American pilot
                                          who became a hero after landing his
                                          damaged plane on the Hudson River
                                                   in order to save the flight's
                                                          passengers and crew
                 Active Adult Center Advisory Board
                   Committee-Position Available!
   Want to help make a difference around the center? Do you like to share
  your ideas with others, and make a plan to see those ideas put in motion?
    We have one opening available on the Barberton Active Adult Center
  Advisory Board. You must be a member in good standing and be willing to
  attend committee meetings every other month. Please contact Tammy at
                       330-861-7118 to find out more.

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
Programs and Activities
                                                 Valentine's Day
Puzzles and Pretzels                                Tea Party
                                          Monday, February 14     2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 11    1:00 p.m.                               Cost: $8.00
Love puzzles? Join your friends       Enjoy a presentation by Marty Gitlin
and put together a puzzle while          entitled: A Funny Program about
eating some delicious pretzels!            Funny Programs: The Greatest
members welcomed.                          Sitcoms of All Times along with
                                          afternoon tea and a light lunch.
                                                      Members welcomed.
  Tuesday, February 15    1:00 p.m.
                        Cost: $6.00
  Get your craft on with Kara. This
        month we will create a fun
      Valentine's Day themed craft.
              Members welcomed..
                                            Join us for a date in January and
                                          February to enjoy a sweet treat or
         Mocktail Hour                                                  drink!
                                                  Cookies and Hot Chocolate
                                                     Friday, January 21, 2022
 Wednesday, February 23, 2022 1:00 p.m.
      Need a mocktail? Sorry, no alcohol in                 Donuts and Coffee
  these fun drinks. Think back to the days         Friday, February 11, 2022
 of a Tequila Sunrise, Hot Toddy and enjoy
         a throwback to the old days when         Cookies and Hot Chocolate
                cocktails were made fancy!                 Friday, February 25
                            Cost: $2.00                   Members welcomed
                        Members welcomed

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
January 2022
       Monday               Tuesday              Wednesday                   Thursday              Friday
  3                      4                      5                      6
Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am   Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am
                                               Family Feud-1 pm

  10                   11                      12                       13                    14
Ceramics-9 am                                  Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am   Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
                       Woodworking-9 am                               Blood Pressure-11       Lunch Bunch-Dave's
Book Club- 1 pm        Bible Study-11 am       History of Barberton                           Diner
                                               Chicken-1 pm           Euchre-11:45
                       Puzzles & Pretzels-
                       1 pm

  17                   18                      19                     20                      21
Martin Luther King     Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am    Fun in Fitness-10 am
Day-Center Closed      Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am                                                       Cookies & Hot
                                               Open House-1 pm                                 Chocolate

  24                   25                      26                     26                      27
Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am    Fun in Fitness-10 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am   Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am
Lunch & A Movie                                Let Me See Your
Doolittle-11:30 am     Bowling Tournament-     Casserole-1 pm
                       1 pm

Ceramics-9 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am

Barberton Active Adult Center - Parishes Online
February 2022
      Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday                   Thursday              Friday
                       1                         2                     3                       4
                       Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
                       Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am                                                      Lunch Bunch-11:30
                                               Chain Reaction-1 pm                            am J. J. "s Norton

  7                     8                       9                       10                    11
Ceramics-9 am                                  Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am   Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Fun in Fitness-10 am
                       Woodworking-9 am                               Blood Pressure-11       Donuts & Coffee
Book Club-1 pm         Bible Study-11 am

 14                        15                  16                     17                      18
Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am    Fun in Fitness-10 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am   Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am
Valentines' Tea-2 pm                           Winter Bingo-1 pm
                       Craftuary-1 pm

 21                    22                      23                     24                      25
President's Day        Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am   Ceramics-9 am          Arthritis Ex.-9:30 am    Fun in Fitness-10 am
Center Closed          Woodworking-9 am        Fun in Fitness-10 am   Euchre-11:45
                       Bible Study-11 am                                                       Cookies & Hot
                                               Mocktails-1 pm                                  Chocolate

28                                                   March 2
Ceramics-9 am
Fun in Fitness-10 am                           AARP Driver Safety
                                               Course-1 pm
Lunch & Movie
Sully-11:30 am

Programs and Activities
    History of Barberton Chicken
       "Which is Best Taste Test"
   Wednesday, January 12, 2022
   1:00 p.m.                                  Open House
   Register for this presentation and          Wednesday, January 19, 2022
   learn about Barberton's friend chicken      1:00 p.m.
   history and taste your favorites!           Everyone is welcomed to enjoy the
   Members welcomed.                           Active Adult center. Already a
                                               member? Bring a friend! Enjoy
                                               some goodies while you are here
                                               and maybe register for a program.
  1950's Themed Wii Bowling
                                                     Game         Time!
         Tournament                            Family Feud
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 1:00 p.m.            Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Bring out the kid in you and your              1:00 p.m.
clothes , and sign up for our bowling
tournament video game style. One               Chain Reaction
winner will emerge and claim the               Wednesday, February 2, 2022
rights to the trophy!                          1:00 p.m.

                                               Winter Bingo
                                               Wednesday, February 16, 2022
                                               1:00 p.m.
   Let Me See Your Casserole!

      Wednesday, January 26,2022
      1:00 p.m.
      Love casseroles? Sign up to
      bring your own casserole and
      recipe, and try others also!
      Members welcomed

                    AARP Driver Safety
                     Refresher Course
                            Wednesday, March 2 1-5 p.m.
                      AARP Members ($20), Non-Members ($25)
                   Register here, pay day of program (cash or check)
   Presented by a trained AARP volunteer, Sally Dyer, this classroom based driver
  safety refresher course is geared towards drivers over 50 looking to fine tune or
 improve their driving skills. Using a combination of discussion and short videos, a
  variety of topics important to safe driving will be covered. After completing the
 class, you will receive a certificate that may entitle you to an insurance discount.
Space is limited to 25 participants and is open to the public. A light snack and drinks
                                     will be provided.

Van Trips-There are no scheduled trips in
             January and February.
           Trip and Program Sign Up Date: Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 10:30 a.m.
  Registration is done in person on this date. Tickets are passed out to all in attendance and
  called randomly. As a ticket number is called, the participant may sign themselves and one
 other member for trips/programs, only if that person is not in attendance. Payment must be
   made at time of registration. Checks, cash or credit cards accepted. Please make checks
payable to: City of Barberton. All trips leave from the parking lot across Hopocan Ave, unless
                                        otherwise noted.

                                        The Barberton Active Adult Center will close if
                                      Barberton City Schools have cancelled for the day.
                                        This policy was put into effect in 2014 by the
      Weather                          Barberton Active Adult Center Advisory Board.
      Reminder                       Please call the front desk, 330-861-7135, to check
                                           the message, which will be updated with
                                                    cancellation information.

                                 How to Drive Safely On Winter Roads
                                      by James R. Healey, AARP
                                Here are some basics to keep you safe when the roads aren’t.

    Check: Batteries weaken in cold. After three winters, yours might need replacing. Turn on the
headlights, then start the engine. If the lights brighten when the engine is running, your battery’s weak.
                 Make sure windshield washer fluid and engine antifreeze levels are full.

 Be ready: Winter gear should include battery jumper cables, snow brush/ice scraper, cat litter or sand
    to put under slipping wheels if you’re stuck, small shovel, flashlight and batteries, phone charger,
drinking water and snacks. Consider taking a container for bathroom use in case you get stuck inside the
   car. Keep plenty of fuel in the tank in case you must run the engine to stay warm during delays. All-
            season tires will handle light snow. For heavier snow, use snow tires or tire chains.

 See: Clean the inside and outside of the windshield and rear window. Defrost and deice the windshield
before you drive instead of hoping the defroster will handle it as you drive. Wipe snow and slush off your

    Be seen: Keep your brake lights and turn signals as snow-free as possible. Use your headlights in
   daytime to make your vehicle stand out from the drab winter background. Have reflective triangles
            and/or a reflective vest to wear if you get stuck and need to exit the car for help.

 Go gently: Trying to start too quickly, even with all-wheel drive or traction control, can leave you stuck
         in place. Abruptly changing speeds — up or down — can cause the tires to slip and spin.

Stop properly: Your car or truck probably has antilock brakes (ABS). They keep the wheels from skidding
 under hard braking. That lets you keep steering while stopping. If you were taught to pump the brakes,
forget that with ABS. Safety folks preach, “Stomp, stay, steer.” Stomp, hard, on the brake pedal. Stay on
   the pedal, hard, despite vibrations or kickback. Steer around the danger instead of crashing into it.

 Avoid skid row: If the back end of the car or truck begins to slide sideways on a slippery surface, turn
the steering wheel the same direction as the back end is moving. If it’s dancing out to the left, turn the
wheel to the left; if right, turn right. Otherwise you’ll turn the skid into a spin. Antiskid control, common
                         on most cars, helps, but it can’t prevent all slick-road skids.

 Pack heat: Blankets or small candles in containers can warm the inside of the car if you’re stranded. If
  you use candles, open a window slightly because candles consume oxygen and emit poisonous carbon
dioxide. If you keep the engine running to stay warm, also open a couple of windows a bit for fresh air in
       case there’s an exhaust-system leak — also poison — that could seep into the car’s interior.


    Barberton Parks & Recreation Travel Programs 2022
For more information on these trips and group travel, please contact
            Tammy Simmons at 330-861-7118 or email: All charter trips are open to the

                       Southern Harmony
                  February 13, 2022Tour Rates:
                         6 Days! $2,395

                      Cape Cod & the Islands
                       June 18, 2022Tour Rates:
                          7 Days!$2,975

               Canadian Rockies & Glacier Nat’l Park
                    July 27, 2022Tour Rates:
                          7 Days!$3,675

                    August 9, 2022 Tour Rates:
                         9 Days!$5,675

                  Great Trains & Grand Canyons
                   October 2, 2022Tour Rates:
                          6 Days!$3,045

                    Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
                    October 7, 2022Tour Rates:
                          6 Days!$3,000

              Nat’l Parks & Canyons of the Southwest
                    October 16, 2022Tour Rates:
                            6 Days!$2,375

          Desert Oasis & Southern California Nat’l Parks
                  November 6, 2022Tour Rates:
                          8 Days!$3,095

Around the Center

AAC members enjoyed the Halloween
 Bingo Party playing games, enjoying
      treats and spooky decor!                                    Pictured in their Halloween costumes are
                                                                     Betty Boyd, Theresa Leporis, Shirley
                                                                  Teitsworth, Alice Rogers and Kara Lysenko

                       William E. Cox   Timothy J. McNulty
                       Katy M. Wilson     Betsy M. McNulty

                           222 Norton Avenue
                          Barberton, Ohio 44203

         4-E-5-5   For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                          14-1493

Around the Center

We honored our veterans with a lunch,                   Souper day was a fun day of friends and
  pinning ceremony anda treat bag                       food. Members brought in their favorite
courstesy of Crossroads Hospice and                     soup recipe to share and taste the other
     Blind & Sons. THANK YOU!                                            soups.

                                 Please Support
                                    Our Local Business Partners
                                                                                       TAX SERVICE
                                                                               MARY K. TIMURA, CPA • LAURA THOMAS, EA, CPA
                                                                                   617 Wooster Rd W    (330) 745-8324
                                                                                 Barberton, OH 44203
                         Contact Jayne Pandy to place an ad today!
                                  or (800) 477-4574 x6401


         4-E-5-5   For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                   14-1493

Barberton Parks and Recreation   PRESORTED STANDARD
500 W. Hopocan Ave.                   US POSTAGE
Barberton, OH 44203              BARBERTON, OH 44203
                                     PERMIT NO. 3
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