Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge

Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Hosts to America’s Biggest and Best Tournaments

Vol. 20 No. 3                                                                                                               July–September 2022

                                Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board
    Members of District 7’s unit             committees. “Some people might find              Barbara considers attitude and
boards voted the first two weeks of          bylaws dry and boring,” Barbara said,        enthusiasm among her strongest
June to elect Barbara Heller of              “but they are an important part of the       attributes. “I don’t like to dwell on
Knoxville, TN, to replace Mike               organization. They are what led to the       negative situations,” she says, “and I
Kovacich of Stone Mountain, GA, as           ACBL Board’s restructuring,                  think I can make something good out
the Region 6 representative on the           something long overdue, and I spent          of the bad. At this point, the league
ACBL Board of Directors.                     considerable time with former CEO            and bridge in general are having
    District 7 is one of three (of 25)       Robert Hartman and former ACBL               problems, and I plan to work as hard
that stands as its own Region,               board member and league president            as I can at turning any liabilities into
because of its membership (second            Jay Whipple on the Educational               assets. It’s going to take the help of
largest in the ACBL).                        Foundation’s bylaws when we                  my colleagues — and, most
     “I’m excited                            successfully broke away from ACBL            importantly, the membership. All of
about the                                    Board control and became an                  us need to think of new ways to help
opportunity, and I                           independent 501(c)3 organization.”           solve old problems.”
recognize that it is                             Although Barbara has spent many          Continued on Page 3.
going to take a lot                          years and hundreds of hours working
of hard work,”                               on the national level, she is best           ACBL Board Approves 20%
said Barbara, who                            recognized for her work within the
has been involved                            district. She is a former Gatlinburg
                                                                                          Bonus for Tournaments
on all levels of                             Regional chair; was a Mid-Atlantic               The ACBL Board of Directors
volunteering and bridge governance           Bridge Conference board member               recently   approved a 20% masterpoint
since 1983, three years after she            from 1986 until its dissolution in           bonus   in  overall awards at all
became an ACBL member. She                   2014, and has been on the District 7         regionals and sectionals for one year.
presently serves on the ACBL                 board since before then. She served              Take advantage of the upgraded
Educational Foundation, of which             both boards in multiple positions,           tournament       masterpoints by making
she is a former president, and is on         including president.                         plans  to  attend     a District 7 regional or
the league’s Advisory Council                    Barbara considers one of her top         sectional   today.
(formerly Board of Governors),               accomplishments with the district the            Additionally, members may pre-
where she had been 1st or 2nd                establishment of one of the first            register for upcoming tournaments by
alternate to the District Director for       goodwill committees patterned after          using Entry Express (
two decades.                                 the Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill
    “I spoke to (league president)           Committee, and Aileen and Barbara
Joann Glasson the afternoon after I          both were on hand when the ACBL
was informed I’d been elected,” said         celebrated its 50th anniversary the
Barbara, “and I basically will be            year of District 7’s inaugural, at the
taking over the committee positions          2005 Atlanta NABC.
held by Mike. That turns out well,               Today’s District 7
because they are areas that interest         president, Richard Brown,          Upcoming District 7 Tournaments ........................... 2
me and in which I have a good deal           since has become very              Masterpoint Milestones .......................................... 3
of background.”                              involved in both                   New Life Masters ..................................................... 4
    They are the high profile Bridge,        organizations, and has more        Message from Richard Brown, District 7 President . 5
Governance (chaired since 2017 by            or less been the face of the       Grand National Teams & North American Pairs ...... 6
former Mid-Atlantic colleague                district’s goodwill activities     Regional Recaps ....................................................... 7
Margot Hennings), and Bylaws                 over the past several years.       Sectional Recaps ...................................................... 9
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Upcoming District 7 Tournaments

Regional                                                                     Sectional
    For up-to-date information on regional tournament                            For up-to-date information on sectional tournament
status and hotel availability and pricing, see                               status, see the ACBL listing ( See all                                                         sectional fliers beginning on page 19.
¨ Non-Life Master Regional: Blue Ridge (Flat Rock)                                               2022 Sectional Tournaments
(July 28–31) – Mickey Brandstadter,                                          Jul 7–10     Durham NC          Gail King, Link:                                   Jul 28–31    Flat Rock NC       Jane Champion,
See page 18.                                                                                       
                                                                             Aug 4–7      Charlotte NC       Pam Rosen,
¨ Atlanta (Aug. 30–Sept. 5) – Renaissance Atlanta                            Aug 5–7      Macon GA           Tom Wight,
Waverly Hotel, 2450 Galleria Pkwy., (888) 391-8724. The                      Aug 12–14    Knoxville TN       Sylvia Waters,
Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel is walking distance                                              
from shopping, dining and entertainment including Truist                     Sep 9–11     Pinehurst NC       Jeffrey Chulay,
Park, home of World Champion Atlanta Braves, who will                        Sep 16–18    Wilmington NC      Sam Melton,
be hosting games Aug. 30–Sept. 4. Jack Feagin,                                                      Link:                                    Sep 16–18    Greensboro NC      Rich Peffer,
See pages 11 & 12.                                                           Sep 21–23    Loudon TN          Tom Paul,
                                                                             Sep 29–Oct 2 Raleigh NC         Alex Hudson,
¨ Charlotte (Oct. 24–30) – Hilton Charlotte University                       Sep 30–Oct 2 Chattanooga TN Richard Spangler,
Place, 8629 JM Keynes Dr., (704) 547-7444. Tournament                                              
site is conveniently located off I-85 close to great                         Oct 7–9      St. Simons Is GA Kathy Pennington,
shopping, dining, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Susan                                               
Lohr, Link:                             Oct 14–16    Abingdon VA        Auggie De Weerd,
See pages 13 & 14.                                                                                 
                                                                             Oct 14–16    Savannah GA        Tom Roush,
¨ North Charleston (Dec. 27–Jan. 2, 2023) – Embassy                          Nov 3–6      Knoxville TN       Rick Shipp,
Suites & Convention Center, 5055 International Blvd.,                        Nov 4–6      Hilton Head SC     Virginia Rotella,
(843) 747-1882. Schedule allows time to enjoy city’s                                               
renowned downtown restaurants. Tom Musso,                                    Nov 10–13    Durham NC          Chris Moll, Link:                                                       
See pages 15 & 16.                                                           Nov-11–13 Athens GA             Judy Bailie,
                                                                             Nov 18–20    Spartanburg SC     George Russell,
                     2023 Regional Tournaments
Feb 6–12      Hilton Head SC      Peggy Stehly,
                                                                              499er/Non-Life Master (Future Life Master) Sectional Tournaments
Apr 17–23     Gatllinburg TN      Peter Misslin,
                                                                             Sep 17–18    Gainesville GA     Sherry Anton,
Jun 5–11      Greenville SC       Jim Villanueva,
                                                                             Aug 5–7      Durham NC          Henry Meguid,
Aug 28–Sep 3 Charlotte NC         Susan Lohr,
Oct 9–15     Macon GA             Emory Whitaker,
                                                                             Aug 5–7      Pawleys Island SC Betsy Stanton,
Dec 27–Jan 2 Myrtle Beach SC      Blondelle Grant,
            2023 Non-Life Master Regional Tournaments                        Aug 26–28    Chattanooga TN Richard Spangler,
Jan 19–22     Pigeon Forge TN     Evelyn Jackson,
                                             District 7 entry vouchers with an expiration date of January
                                                                             2021 will be honored at regional tournaments through
STaCs (Sectional Tournament at Clubs)                                        January 2, 2023.
            Chair: Janet Case,
Aug 15–21      District 7; U219 (in District 9)

Oct 17–23

Dec 5–11        District 7; U219 (in District 9); District 10

  District 7 News                                                      –2–                                                       Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Masterpoint Milestones
Bill Burgess Achieves Platinum Life Master Status
    Bill Burgess began playing bridge     course, we constantly modify                “Every so often, as a BOSS
in the late 1960s, after he graduated     understandings hoping for an             member and wanting to get some
from college and began working at         improved approach. Bill and his          laughs, I'll go to the file and read our
Tennessee Eastman Company in              partners are expected to remember        many awards.”
Kingsport, Tennessee. He hadn’t           everything that's in the file. Bill,        Bill’s partners have nothing but
played before, and                        being the scribe, almost never forgets   good things to say about him and his
initially learned                         what's in the file, but he is always a   contributions to bridge. Bill says, “I
the Kaplan-                               pro when one of us messes something      have been very fortunate in having
Sheinwold (KS)                            up. That's why we like to play with      many excellent partners over the
bidding system. A                         him—because he is such a gentleman       years as well as playing against the
few years later he                        at all times at the table.”              very best. The partners who helped
added the                                     Bill is an invaluable member of      me earn most of my points are Jim
Precision bidding                         the Eastman Bridge Club in               Crowell (KS), Steve (Precision),
system.                                   Kingsport. He has been the general       Jerry (Precision), Lee Davis
    He got his Life                       manager for several years, has           (Precision and 2/1), and John
Master rank in the early 70s, but quit    mentored players, and taught both        Mahoney (Precision and 2/1).”
playing for about 10 years—not a          EasyBridge and more advanced
single hand of any kind of bridge.        bridge lessons. He has been a club       Heller Elected
One of his partners, Lee Davis talked     president, a sectional tournament        Continued from Page 1.
him into resuming bridge sometime         manager, and president of Unit 165.          Mike Kovacich, who died of a
in the early 80s and he’s played ever         “Bill always likes to make it fun    heart attack Feb. 26, served as
since.                                    when we play,” says Umberger.            District 7 Director for three years and
    “I never did learn Standard           “Over the years, he has documented       had just been elected Region 6
American, but picked up enough of it      many of the bad results that occur.      Director. Barbara will serve the
to muddle through with a partner if       Bill's file is famously called our       remainder of his three-year term,
needed. When 2 Over 1 emerged, I          BOSS (Bridge Oh S*#! Situations)         officially beginning July 11 at the
seriously focused on learning it. I’ve    awards. Currently, that file has more    Providence NABC meetings and
always had a strong interest in           than 55 stories accumulated over the     ending Dec. 31, 2024.
bidding theory, bidding systems, and      years. Bill makes these stories as           “We were all deeply saddened by
conventions. Over the time period of      funny as possible, even if they’re       the sudden and untimely passing of
50+ years that I have played, I have      somewhat embarrassing to the victims     our Mike Kovacich” commented
seen enormous improvements in             who earned the BOSS award.”              Richard Brown, District 7 President.
bidding systems. I take some pride in         Some BOSS awards for their team      “His death left a void that will be
having introduced local players to        include the following:                   hard to replace. However, in the spirit
several new bidding concepts and          ¨ Worst Swiss Team Effort (0 wins        of carrying on his work for bridge in
practices.”                                    and 8 losses)                       our district, four candidates gave up
    Steve Quisenberry, who started        ¨ Lowest % Game (20% in a club           their time and volunteered to share
playing with Bill in the early 70s,            game)                               their visions of how to continue
says, “Bill is an accomplished            ¨ Highest Telephone Number               bridge in District 7. Although the
player—and a fine gentleman—who                (-4600 in a club game and -2600     election was, by necessity, on rather
always maintains his composure in              in a regional game)                 short notice it was handled in a very
any situation. He is a pleasure to play   ¨ Worst Fit for a Contract (playing      orderly manner. Congratulations to
with.”                                         a 1-1 fit in a club game)           the winner, Barbara Heller, and our
    “If you play seriously with Bill,”    ¨ Most Bids Out of Turn (two             thanks to the other candidates,
said Jerry Umberger, another long-             times in a KO match against         Nicholas Hammond (Alpharetta,
time partner, “he wants to document            Wold/Passell)                       GA), Myra Reneau (Chattanooga,
any understandings that we have.          ¨ Worst Finesse (finessing into a        TN), and Alan Smith (Southport,
After reaching an agreement with               known void)                         NC), and for their interest and
certain approaches, Bill is so            ¨ Worst KO Performance in a              dedication to bridge and the issues
dedicated that he places agreements            Regional (in six days—total of      facing bridge in our district.”
into a computer file. His Precision            27.7 MPs—average of 0.322 per
file is now around 100 pages. Of
  District 7 News                                          –3–                                                Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Becoming a Life Master is a goal for most duplicate bridge
                                                                        players. District 7 News welcomes short bios of new Life
                                                                        Masters. They are printed as information is received and
                    New Life Masters                                    space permits.

    Yvonne (Lainie) Adams, Greensboro, NC – Mary                        Faye Downing, Loudon, TN – In 1998 we left
Leger introduced me to duplicate after many years of                Tennessee when my husband took a job in Pennsylvania. I
playing old Goren. I have had partners who also helped:             felt I was too old to start another career so I didn’t work.
Chris Shepard, Elaine Simmons, Jim Brackett, Bob                    But I needed to establish some connection with new
Voorhees, Diane Pusch, Jo Hazzard, and Judy Hellen (who             friends, so I took a bridge class at an adult night school.
has done a lot of mentoring). I also have wonderful                 Our instructor encouraged us to join the ACBL. I did—so I
support from my husband.                                            was grandfathered in with the 300 points for Life Master.
    Leigh Broadway, Chattanooga,                                    After we moved back to Tennessee in 2010, I played in
TN – I learned to play bridge at                                    social groups until my husband and I took Jim Ricker’s 2/1
Arizona State University in a night                                 class. I began to go to Knoxville on Wednesdays with
course. A director from the local bridge                            Nancy Mitchell and Diane Carter and I went to several
center taught the course and offered                                bridge tournaments and did quite well, which enabled me
some coupons to play at the bridge                                  to build my points. My current partner, Kay Martin, and I
center after completing the course.                                 play in our local club in Tellico Village. I feel I have made
That’s how my journey started and,                                  quite an accomplishment in my old age to reach this goal.
through the years, I’ve made lifelong                                   Clive Gillon, Cumming, GA – I have to thank the
friends and been able to play with my mom, who is 95                three partners who really put up with me over the past
years young, at her bridge center in El Paso. Bridge has            seven years: Sandy Moose (Alpharetta), Kaaren Dolinsky
enhanced my life in so many ways and I would encourage              (Roswell), and David Embury (Waterloo, Canada). We
anyone even remotely interested to go for it.                       spent many hours at bridge tables (some painful) and even
    Meg Canfield, Hilton Head, SC – I played social                 more hours on the phone reviewing our mistakes.
bridge infrequently before our retirement and liked the                 Some tidbits of advice for others aspiring to be Life
game, but couldn’t seem to find time for it. After moving           Masters: 1. Don’t go overboard loading up your
to the Hilton Head area, I was exposed to duplicate bridge          convention card, focus on play of the hands and good
and loved it. My husband was interested in tennis and golf,         defense; 2. Always try to identify overtricks that can be set
but we wanted to have interests to do in common. So I               up with minimal risk; 3. Remember it’s called duplicate
learned to play golf for him and he learned to play bridge          because other pairs will get their chance to mess up exactly
for me. We took lessons at the Hilton Head Bridge Club              the same hands.
from Fred Ferguson and Kathy Walsh and were hooked. I                   Sue Jackson, Atlanta, GA – I must
want to thank my partners through the years, as this is a           begin by thanking my extraordinary
partnership game, but especially my current partner, who            team. At an "in person" game at BCA, I
played many games to help me achieve this goal.                     was talking with my friend, Beth
    Beverly Craig, Chapel Hill, NC – Many years ago I               Demers Burks, and she asked if I had
was asked to play bridge with someone without knowing it            thought about going to Gatlinburg. In
was not a social game and the expectations involved!                two days she called and had our KO
Shock—when the director tapped me on the shoulder and               team organized. On our team were
sternly and loudly informed me, “You will be quiet!” I              Beth, William Burks, Rich Overholt
swore I’d never play in another duplicate game again!               (my super partner), Lynne Ricketts, and Terry Koil.
    After retiring and having access to lessons (mainly             Everyone played their hardest to help me get those last few
Chris Moll, who has greatly expanded my knowledge, and              gold. Thank you, thank you, Beth for making LM a reality.
a few from Henry Meguid), I learned more about duplicate                A long time ago, legendary teacher, Fred Strickland
and changed my tune. I’ve enjoyed the game and people—              encouraged our class to join ACBL and we would get a
while being quiet during play. Although I enjoy playing             newsletter with bridge tips. I never knew it would lead to
with different partners, I really enjoy playing with my             hours of pleasure and making many new friends. I have to
husband (Howard) through ups and downs.                             thank other teachers who encouraged me—Priscilla Smith,
    My focus has always been (and continues to be) to               Sam Marks, Patty Tucker, and Janice Ripley.
learn to play the game better—not on the MPs. I’ve really               Bill Leaf, Cary NC – I returned to active bridge about
appreciated the helpful insights from my mentors (Dave              six years ago after a layoff of almost 50 years, playing at
Streifford, Larry Calhoun, and Ed Fuller) and others at             Queen of Hearts and nearby tournaments. I'm now playing
local games.                                                        about five days a week and looking forward to more face-
                                                                    to-face games.

  District 7 News                                             –4–                                                    Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Imy Rach, Gainesville, GA – My story is different
from most. I play bridge for fun with several partners.
They live in California, Colorado, Florida, New York, and               Richard’s Thoughts With a Rhyme or Reason
Georgia! My thanks go to Linda Burstein, Linda Loye,                              By Richard Brown, District 7 President
Kathy McBrine, Debe Nelson, and Aileen O'Meara. Joe
Rach got the ball rolling when he told me I should learn to              We are now going into the summer season. After two
play. The senior center in Alpharetta, GA, had a wonderful            years of staying at home for the most part, for many it will
teacher we lost too young. She taught me the basics of the            be a time of vacationing, outdoor activity, and keeping
game and to persevere.                                                grandchildren during their time off from school. You can
    Donna Rait, Macon, GA – I first learned bridge in                 enjoy these activities and still make time to visit your local
college, became enamored, and quit attending classes.                 bridge club, play bridge, and have fun. Most of all, enjoy
After college, I played some social bridge, but stopped               yourselves but stay safe. See you at the bridge table.
because of life circumstances. Thirty years later, in 2016, I         Summer is upon us and the temperature’s starting to rise
started duplicate bridge lessons and have been addicted               And our excuses for not being at bridge seem to increase
ever since. All the players in my club (Macon Duplicate)                  likewise
are so gracious and encouraging. I must thank my long-                Everyone needs to take a vacation once in a while
time partner, Sissy Macfie; my mentors and partners,                  If only to help prevent us from going senile
Wanda Moorman and Mary May; and my teachers, Tom                      But once you return and you get back to your normal
Wight and Joel Haywood. I look forward to many more                       routine
years of playing the game I love with my wonderful                    Remember what fun awaits at your local bridge scene
partners. See you at the table!                                       Your local bridge club offers you competition and fun
    Carol Ann Rhoads, Clemmons, NC – I have been                      Playing live with your friends, each and every one
playing duplicate bridge since 2004, so you see it took me            In July a Non-Life Master Regional in Flat Rock
a long time to achieve Life Master. I unfortunately did not           With summer in the foothills, guaranteeing fun for all is a
get to many tournaments, so did not have my gold points.                  lock
When I arrived in North Carolina six years ago, I was                 Then after a two-year absence, the Georgia capital's main
greeted by an active bridge community and Cindy Wright                    event
helped me find partners.                                              Labor Day week in Atlanta will be a time well spent
                        Thanks to three of my mentors: Anne           In between there are several sectionals and even a STaC
                     McKiernan, Susan Williford, and Jan              All to prove that face-to-face bridge is back
                     Baisden, who helped me improve my                Over the past two years we've lost many friends to us all
                     game. I needed about 19 gold points              And others who no longer can make a tournament's
                     when I arrived in NC. At the Hilton                  opening bell call
                     Head tournament in February, with                So it's up to those of us who are able and still can
                     Anne, Cecily Murray, Sarah Hargrove,             To keep bridge alive by following a simple plan
                     and Susan from Pinehurst, I earned 10            To get out and play and encourage others to do the same
                     gold. At Gatlinburg in April with                To have fun and share our love for this wonderful game.
Warren Kasper, Cam Matthews, and Debbie Elston, I
earned 7.8 gold, which gave me what I needed. Thank you
Unit 169 for being so welcoming to new people coming                           Coming October 17–23
into play bridge.
    Dick Swanson, Hartsville, SC – I started my journey
five years ago in Florence, SC. They had no limit games,
so I started out in a small open game. Jack Gurley, the
director, would beat me up on a hand, then graciously
explain how he had done it. Jack gave me a good start
towards Life Master, captaining me to 22 gold                          District 7 News editor: Karen Brown,
masterpoints in my first hundred.                            
    Just before COVID hit, I started playing with Kathy                District 7 News is published quarterly by District 7 of the
Belknap, and we pursued our goal of becoming Life                      American Contract Bridge League. It is posted to
Masters together. Without COVID, and the ability to get       and distributed via an email message to
colored points online, I would have never been able to                 all members. Contents of this publication may be reproduced
afford the trips to regionals and sectionals required to               in full with proper citation. Mention of any product or
achieve Life Master. And thanks to my other regular                    service does not constitute endorsement by District 7. We
partner, Jane Quick, for nursing me along to get those last            reserve the right to reject any editorial or advertising
11 red and gold.                                                       material.

  District 7 News                                               –5–                                                    Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Grand National Teams &
                                         North American Pairs
                                             D7 GNT Coordinator: Brian Hingerty
                                              D7 NAP Coordinator: Lee Webb.

Grand National Teams Finals                                           2022 GNT Results
    Participation in the District 7 GNT finals took a beating         Championship
this year, the first face-to-face competition since 2019.             1. Wayne Stuart (Raleigh NC); Jon Rice (Apex NC); Jerry Helms (Charlotte NC);
Only Flight C remained online, with the Championship                     Samuel Marks (Atlanta GA); Dwight Meredith (Greensboro NC); George
                                                                         Woltman (Blowing Rock NC)
and Flights A and B contested as part of the sectional May            2. Larry Harding (Hampstead NC); Emory Whitaker (Macon GA); Olin Hubert
14–15 at the West Columbia Leisure Center.                               (Atlanta GA); Peter Boyd-Bowman (Greensboro NC)
    The face-to-face play obviously agrees with at least one          Flight A
team, as the winners this time duplicated their success               1. Nicolas Hammond , Steve Callaham (Alpharetta GA); Edward Foran (Acworth
from three years ago. The six-person squad of Wayne                      GA); Glen Anderson (Raleigh NC)
                                                                      2. Chris and Lee Webb (Columbia SC), Betsy Stanton (Hartsville SC), Jill Stirgnolt
Stuart–Jon Rice, Jerry Helms–Sam Marks, and Dwight                       (Murrells Inlet SC)
Meredith–George Woltman defeated Larry Harding–
                                                                      Flight B
Emory Whitaker and Peter Boyd-Bowman–Olin Hubert.                     1. Tatyana and Vladimir Stemkovski, John Kirby (Raleigh NC); Jui Wang
All of the finalists are from North Carolina or Georgia.                 (Morrisville NC)
    Only five teams entered the district championships                2. Rick Whitehead, Clerk Shaw (Knoxville, TN); Simon Sellers (Burnsville NC);
                                                                         Glenn Reider (Louisville, TN)
(there were 10 three years ago), even though club                     3/4. Martin Causley (Chapel Hill NC); Fran Tewkesbury, Richard Peffer, Martin
qualification was waived. There was a full-day round robin               Friedman (Greensboro NC)
on Saturday, and the top two teams faced off in a day-long            3/4. Martha Meyer, Mark Meyer, Susan Mann (Winston-Salem NC); Susan
match Sunday. They advance to an NABC+ event in                          Williford (Clemmons NC)
Providence in July.                                                   Flight C
    Flight A drew only two teams, and Nicolas Hammond–                1. Ron Niu , Ja Mi (Alpharetta GA); Wufeng Luo (Suwanee GA); Terry Wu (Duluth
Ed Foran and Steve Callaham–Glen Anderson outlasted                   2. Robert Sill (Winston-Salem NC); Sydney Cardone (Greensboro NC); Jim
Chris and Lee Webb (the tournament hosts) and Betsy                      Brown, Sarah Hargrove (Pinehurst NC); Butch Johnson (High Point NC)
Stanton–Jill Stirgnolt in a daylong match Saturday.                   3. Tom Meleney, Ellen Tobin, Veronica Tri, Kathy Thomas (Charlotte NC)
                                                                      4. Melissa Waldron (New London NC); Sandra Schulte (Charlotte NC); Andy
    Flight B drew 10 teams (compared with 22 in 2019 and                 Symmes, Chandler Dickerson (Greensboro NC)
30 online last year), and two round robins Saturday led to a
4-team KO Sunday, with Tatyana and Vladimir
Stemkovski teaming with John Kirby and Jui Wang to
                                                                      North American Pairs Finals To Start
defeat Rick Whitehead–Simon Sellers and Clerk Shaw–                      The flier with detailed NAP information is on page 17.
Glenn Reider in the finals. Both teams advance to                     See for Conditions of Contest.
Providence.                                                              Play for A and B pairs is in a single location, the
    Flight C, which drew an eye-opening 35 teams on-line              Spartanburg Sectional, November 19 and 20.
one year ago, attracted 14 this year, and the top two teams              Finals for C, however, is in four locations, starting in
advance. Ron Niu–Ja Mi and Wufeng Luo–Terry Wu                        September:
finished first and the five-bagger of Robert Sill, Sydney             ¨ 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 17, Greensboro,
Cardone, Jim Brown, Butch Johnson, and Sarah Hargrove                     NC, in conjunction with Piedmont Triad Fall
placed second in a day-long Swiss teams online April 30.                  Sectional.
    Several B and C players have enjoyed considerable                 ¨ 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 5, Charleston,
success recently in Grass Roots events. The Stemkovskis                   SC. Pre-registration is required.
earned a Flight B trip to the North American Pairs in Reno,           ¨ 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 5, Knoxville, TN,
Jui Wang also advanced in that event. Ron Niu and Ja Mi                   in conjunction with Knoxville Fall Sectional.
likewise earned a trip to Reno, but it was in Flight B.               ¨ 9:30 a.m. & TBA, Sunday, Nov. 20, in conjunction
Butch Johnson was the district’s Flight C NAP champion.                   with the Spartanburg Sectional.
    Teams traveling and
participating in the NABCs
receive a minimum of $3,600,
courtesy of the district’s Grass
Roots Fund.

  District 7 News                                               –6–                                                                    Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge

Gatlinburg/April 18–24                    and District 7), and two professional         Gatlinburg Results
    The annual tournament bridge get-     teams arguably had the best weeks:            All Players
together in the Great Smokies this        Sylvia and                                      1 Jacek Kalita, Warsaw                 165.42
spring did not look much like any of      Brad Moss,                                        Michal Nowosadzki, Wejherowo         165.42
                                          Joe Grue,                                       3 Gary Donner, Bluffton SC             160.68
the past 20-plus years, but there is an                                                     Kevin Dwyer, Jacksonville FL         160.68
excellent chance that Gatlinburg will     Roger Lee,                                        Shan Huang, Palm Beach Gardens FL    160.68
retain its banner of “America’s           Jacek Kalita,                                     Cecilia Rimstedt, Jacksonville FL    160.68
                                          and Michal                                      7 Joe Grue, New York NY                159.00
Favorite Regional.”                                                                         Brad Moss, Denver CO                 159.00
    With players slow to return to        Nowosadzki; Joe Jones, ACBL Executive           9 Roger Lee, Las Vegas NV              141.79
                                          and Gary         Director & Jane Champion,
face-to-face competition—especially                                                         Sylvia Moss, Boca Raton FL           141.79
                                                                  D7 Secretary
those in the Gold Rush and non-LM         Donner,                                        11 Richard Chan, Markham ON             134.37
                                                                                            Ming Sheng, Los Altos CA             134.37
ranks—after battling the COVID            Cecilia Rimstedt, Kevin Dwyer, and             13 Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC          132.20
pandemic for more than two years,         Shan Huang. The Moss team won the              14 Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON       131.36
attendance plummeted to 3,108             first and biggest KO along with a              15 Gary Cohler, Delray Beach FL         127.74
                                          round robin teams, tied for first in the          David Milton, Myrtle Beach SC        127.74
tables, or 43.5 percent of the most                                                         Stan Schenker, Woodbridge VA         127.74
recent tournament in April 2019.          Sunday Swiss, and was second in
                                          another round robin. The Donner               District 7 Overall
There were 1,359 players, all but 34                                                      1   Gary Donner, Bluffton SC           160.68
of whom won masterpoints.                 team finished first, second, and                2   Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC        132.20
    All figures were the lowest logged    third/fourth in KOs, was first in a             3   David Milton, Myrtle Beach SC      127.74
                                          round robin teams, and tied in the              4   Bob Heller, Knoxville TN           100.56
in Gatlinburg since 1989, when                                                            5   Richard Maybin, Asheville NC        67.18
                       players dealt      Sunday Swiss.                                   6   William Boynton, Asheville NC       64.88
                       with three             Alex Hudson of Morrisville, NC,             7   Nicolas Hammond, Alpharetta GA      62.17
                       sites—two          with Jonathan Steinberg of Toronto,             8   Hugh Brown Jr, McCormick SC         61.62
                                                                                              Robert Fendrick, Marietta GA        61.62
                       hotels and the     won a round robin teams, placed                10   Steven Huhman, Alpharetta GA        59.79
                       old Mills          second in another, second in two               11   David Shepler, Knoxville TN         59.65
                       Auditorium, a      others, fourth in yet another and won               Brad Vander Zanden, Knoxville TN    59.65
                                          the Saturday open pairs. David                 13   David Schulman, Atlanta GA          57.38
                       smoking venue.                                                    14   Larry Harding, Hampstead NC         57.28
 Pete & Julia Misslin, The Convention     Milton of Myrtle Beach, playing with                Richard Smith, Spartanburg SC       57.28
Gatlinburg Co-Chairs Center was up        longtime partner Stan Schenker of
                                                                                        District 7 — 0–2500 MPs
and running in 1990, as was a surge       Woodbridge, VA, was on teams that               1 David Schulman, Atlanta GA            57.38
in attendance.                            won a KO, was third/fourth in                   2 John Scheuermann, Loudon TN           50.66
                                          another, won a round robin teams,                 Elizabeth Wellington, Loudon TN       50.66
    Nonetheless, scores of folks found                                                    4 Phyllis Murray, Knoxville TN          49.01
a good time and plenty of success at      and placed third in another. Their              5 Glenn Reider, Louisville TN           45.34
the tables and around town, where six     teammates were Gary Cohler, Jay                 6 Linda Owen, Cary NC                   40.71
of the seven days had nice spring         Whipple, and Bob Heller.                        7 Clerk Shaw, Knoxville TN              35.92
                                                                                          8 Mitchell Riley, Morehead City NC      35.81
weather. Tournament chairs Pete and           As usual, about two-thirds of all
                                                                                          9 Jim Ricker, Knoxville TN              33.30
Julia Misslin still had to work and       participants traveled from outside                Patti Ricker, Knoxville TN            33.30
organize as hard as ever, and they had    District 7, although that percentage           11 Carol Stephens, Greensboro GA         33.07
                                          (65.5) was the lowest in many years.           12 Debbie Scott, Atlanta GA              31.99
significant help from Clifford Kent                                                      13 Stephen Gould, Aiken SC               31.30
(who aided in the set-up and tear-                                                       14 Larry McCormick, Knoxville TN         30.20
down of equipment), with an assist                                                       15 G Michael Morgan, Crossville TN       30.05
                                                                                            Linda Morgan, Crossville TN           30.05
from Bob King, and in the less-
heaving-lifting department from                                                         Continued on next page.
Karen Brown and Larry Harding,
who handled a lot of administrative                                                    Jerry Tinsley, Larry Harding, Richard
                                                                                       Potter, Richard Smith, & Richard Maybin
work and the print and on-line daily                                                   (not shown) won the Tuesday bracketed
bulletins.                                                                             round robin teams. Front, Betty Potter,
    The most successful players can                                                    non-playing captain.
be found atop the MP lists (overall

  District 7 News                                           –7–                                                          Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
District 7 — 0–750 MPs                          Thursday and Sunday; the (mostly)             Raleigh Results
 1   Glenn Reider, Louisville TN        45.34   Carolina-based squad of Kay and
 2   Stephen Gould, Aiken SC            31.30                                                 All players
 3   Larry McCormick, Knoxville TN      30.20   Randy Joyce, Tom Rutledge–Bill                  1 David Bakhshi, London                  110.77
 4   Flora van Dijck, Saluda NC         26.70   Wisdom, and Jerry Helms–Ed                        Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA           110.77
                                                                                                  Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA       110.77
 5   Richard Overholt, Tyrone GA        25.12   Schulte; and another pro team, Gary
 6   Bob Bost, Hendersonville NC        20.75                                                     Ron Smith, Chicago IL                  110.77
     Mo Turcotte, Hendersonville NC     20.75
                                                Donner, Cecilia Rimstedt, Kevin                 5 Tom Rutledge, Charleston SC            104.24
 8   David Newcomer, Macon GA           20.54   Dwyer, and Shan Huang.                          6 Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC              103.82
 9   Ellen Papera, Lenoir City TN       20.35      The Joyce team finished a close              7 Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC              102.62
10   Dennis Brindley, Seneca SC         20.17                                                   8 Kay Joyce, Chapel Hill NC              102.27
                                                second in masterpoints, with one first,           Randy Joyce, Chapel Hill NC            102.27
11   Rose Kennedy, Knoxville TN         18.92
12   Doris Klobuchar, Indian Land SC    18.39   two seconds, and a second/third in             10 Ed Schulte, Tampa FL                    99.83
13   Sue Miller, Loudon TN              17.64   major events. The Donner squad won             11 Gary Donner, Bluffton SC                98.26
14   Lynn Ricketts, Atlanta GA          17.26                                                     Kevin Dwyer, Jacksonville FL            98.26
                                                one KO, was third/fourth in two                   Shan Huang, Palm Beach Gardens FL       98.26
15   Teresa Moffitt, Fuquay Varina NC   16.23
                                                others, and was second and                        Cecilia Rimstedt, Jacksonville FL       98.26
                                                second/third in the two Swisses.               15 Paul Benedict, Pikesville MD            85.22
Raleigh/May 23–29                                                                                 Lynn Jones, Timonium MD                 85.22
     One of District 7’s successful,                                                          District 7 overall
longstanding venues, the Raleigh                                                                1   Tom Rutledge, Charleston SC          104.24
                                                                                                2   Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC            103.82
(North) Hilton, hosted a regional for                                                           3   Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC            102.62
the first time in four years. Those                                                             4   Kay Joyce, Chapel Hill NC            102.27
who attended, unfortunately, were                                                                   Randy Joyce, Chapel Hill NC          102.27
reminded of the reason for the 18-                                                              6   Gary Donner, Bluffton SC              98.26
                                                                                                7   Lance Shull, Raleigh NC               85.44
month shutdown of face-to-face                                                                  8   Audrey Shull, Raleigh NC              78.09
tournaments.                                                                                    9   Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC           72.12
     Attendance totaled 958 tables, 45                Raleigh Tournament Co-Chairs             10   Clay Hamner, Chapel Hill NC           69.90
                                                     John Marriott & Barbara Hudson            11   Peter Boyd-Bowman, Greensboro NC      68.00
percent of the last visit here, but the
                                                                                               12   Larry Harding, Hampstead NC           67.18
number likely would have exceeded                   Locals Audrey and Lance Shull,             13   Karen Callihan, Raleigh NC            58.98
1,000 had there not been numerous               who frequently find success here,              14   John Cobb Jr, Morrisville NC          55.45
players testing positive for COVID                                                             15   John Marriott Jr, Cary NC             52.28
                                                won a second-bracket KO, were third
throughout the regional. The good               in a top bracket, and won an open             District 7 — 0–2500 MPs
news: No one was reported seriously                                                             1   Clay Hamner, Chapel Hill NC           69.90
                                                pairs game.                                     2   Glenn Reider, Louisville TN           47.77
ill, and the experienced tournament                 Among mid-flight and lower                  3   Clerk Shaw, Knoxville TN              47.58
chairs, Barbara Hudson and John                 bracket players from D7, some of the            4   Jui Wang, Morrisville NC              43.79
Marriott III, made sure that CDC                week’s better results were: Clay                5   Leo Kuffel, Wilmington NC             39.86
                                                                                                    Sam Melton, Wilmington NC             39.86
guidelines were followed and anyone             Hemner of Chapel Hill, NC (69.90                7   Robert Dunas, Raleigh NC              37.48
entering the area had proof of full             MPs), Glenn Reider of Louisville, TN            8   Gary Zadjeika, Durham NC              34.95
vaccination.                                    (47.77), Clerk Shaw of Knoxville,               9   oyce Jenzano, Durham NC               33.81
     There also was outstanding                                                                10   Collins Williams, Raleigh NC          33.52
                                                TN (47.58), and Jui Wang of                    11   Kimberly Exum, Wilmington NC          33.33
hospitality just outside the playing            Morrisville, NC (43.79).                            Sarah Van Rens, Wilmington NC         33.33
area.                                               Here is how Raleigh attendance             13   Fran Tewkesbury, Greensboro NC        31.33
     Meanwhile, players did have a              fared against other Memorial Day
                                                                                               14   Marc Goldberg, Durham NC              30.86
                                                                                               15   John Dayton Jr, Fayetteville NC       30.39
fine time and good success. The top             regionals (all compared with 2018):
three teams for the week were the pro                                                         District 7 — 0–750 MPs
                                                ¨ Denver, 1144 tables (61 percent)              1   Glenn Reider, Louisville TN           47.77
team of Reanette Frobuck, David                 ¨ Minneapolis, 573 tables (49 percent)          2   John Dayton Jr, Fayetteville NC       30.39
Bakhshi, Ron Smith, and Billy Cohen             ¨ Cleveland, 451 tables (47 percent).           3   Renee Getz, Cary NC                   23.01
(victories in a KO, a round robin               There were six regionals that week              4   Leslie Blair, Raleigh NC              22.74
teams and open Swiss teams on                                                                   5   Nancy Sparks, Cary NC                 21.50
                                                four years ago and four this year.              6   Ellen Hertz, Clemmons NC              19.18
                                                            The district’s late                     Sharla Slappey, Lewisville NC         19.18
                                                        spring/early summer regional            8   Melissa Skiver, Cary NC               17.82
                                                                                                9   George Broderick, Apex NC             16.95
                                                        returns to Greenville, SC, in
                                                                                                    Gary Davis, Cary NC                   16.95
                                                        2023, June 5–11.                       11   Sharyn Brunk, Cornelius NC            16.61
                                                                                               12   James Potter, Clio SC                 16.49
                                                                                               13   Ashok Mendiratta, Raleigh NC          16.47
                                                          Bill Wisdom, Jerry Helms, Kay        14   Wesley Branch, Fayetteville NC        15.60
                                                          Joyce, Tom Rutledge, Randy Joyce,    15   David Finholt, Raleigh NC             14.76
                                                          & Ed Schulte won Wed/Thurs KO;
                                                          2nd Mon/Tues KO; Saturday round
                                                          robin teams—more than 100
                                                          masterpoints for the week.

  District 7 News                                                 –8–                                                            Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Sectional Recaps
    Sectional tournament players are              Highlands/May 5–7                             estate of longtime player Nadia Lamb
returning to face-to-face competition                 Jim Stogner of Atlanta (17.69) had        covered the cost of Friday and
at a greater rate than those who prefer           a first, two-thirds and a fourth-place        Saturday lunches. Further,
regionals, based on District 7                    finish, and Barbara and Bob Heller of         tournament director Carol Bond
tournament attendance in the second               Knoxville (17.33) won one pairs               donated her time and duplicated all of
quarter of the year.                              event, the Sunday Swiss, and placed           the boards. Attendance was 55
    Although Charlotte struggled to               in two other pairs games.                     percent of three years ago.
draw only 40 percent of its crowd                  1 Jim Stogner, Atlanta GA            17.69    1 Joe Rickman, Maryville TN             34.59
from three years ago, that was a huge              2 Barbara Heller, Knoxville TN       17.33    2 Bob Heller, Knoxville TN              29.49
tournament then, with 433 tables. The                Bob Heller, Knoxville TN           17.33    3 Brooks McNeely, Knoxville TN          28.30
                                                   4 Robert Fendrick, Marietta GA       16.14    4 David Shepler, Knoxville TN           26.90
remaining sectionals (excluding Non-                                                               Brad Vander Zanden, Knoxville TN      26.90
                                                   5 Claudia Feagin, Atlanta GA         15.66
LM tournaments) drew from 54                         Lee Parham, Highlands NC           15.66    6 Barbara Heller, Knoxville TN          23.19
percent to 61 percent of their pre-                7 Len Perkins, Highlands NC          14.58    7 Robert Pardue, Knoxville TN           20.68
                                                                                                   Jim Ritts Knoxville TN                20.68
COVID figures, except for                            Bob Marett, Athens GA              14.58
                                                   9 Cecil Hines, Highlands NC          12.96    9 Rose Kennedy, Knoxville TN            13.91
Highlands, NC, which attracted 48                    Juha Kokko, Cashiers NC            12.96      Larry McCormick, Knoxville TN         13.91
percent over Mother’s Day weekend.                   Nancy Kokko, Cashiers NC           12.96
                                                     Samuel Murray, Griffin GA          12.96   Greensboro/May 20–22
Charlotte/April 7–10                                                                                Peter Boyd-Bowman (25.44 MPs)
    Debra Eaves and Jerrold                       West Columbia/May 13–15                       finished second in two pairs events
Grossman, of the greater Detroit area,                South Carolinians Martin Johnson          and won the Sunday Swiss, all with
won two pairs events and also placed              and Paul Wright won two pairs                 Alex Hudson. He placed in the other
second and third, worth 33.45 MPs.                games and finished third in the               two pairs games. The tournament
They were followed by Kay and                     Sunday Swiss (17.76), and local               totaled 54 percent of its 2019 crowd.
Randy Joyce of Chapel Hill, who had               player Jay Shahani won the other two
                                                                                                 1 Peter Boyd-Bowman, Greensboro NC      25.44
a first, a second, and a third in pairs           pairs games and was second in                  2 Alex Hudson, Raleigh NC               18.74
and won the Sunday Swiss (28.62).                 another (17.45). The tournament,               3 Catherine McLeod, Eden NC             17.33

 1 Debra Eaves, Northville MI             33.45
                                                  which included Grand National                  4 Tom May, Greensboro NC                15.82
                                                                                                 5 Aaron Jones, North Bethesda, MD       14.95
   Jerrold Grossman, Rochester Hills MI   33.45   Teams district finals, drew 61 percent         6 Robert Hale, Greensboro NC            13.97
 3 Kay Joyce, Chapel Hill NC              28.62   of its sectional crowd from 2019.              7 Donald Folger, Clemmons NC            13.29
   Randy Joyce, Chapel Hill NC            28.62                                                  8 Kay Joyce, Chapel Hill NC             12.86
 5 Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC              25.72    1 Martin Johnson, Folly Beach SC     17.76
                                                     Paul Wright, Mount Pleasant SC     17.76      Randy Joyce, Chapel Hill NC           12.86
 6 Mark McLaughlin, Charleston SC         19.47                                                 10 Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC             12.80
   Susanne McLaughlin, Charleston SC      19.47    3 Jay Shahani, Columbia SC           17.48
                                                   4 Darcy Parker, Hendersonville NC    11.65      Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC             12.80
 8 Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC              19.29
                                                     James Parker, Hendersonville NC    11.65
 9 Peter Shwartz, Fort Mill SC
10 Hugh Brown Jr, McCormick SC
                                          16.14    6 Bernetha Henry, Hopkins SC         11.64   Hilton Head Island NLM/April 1–3
                                                   7 William Charlwood, Greenville SC    9.97    1 Manson Hill, Hilton Head Is SC         5.93
   Richard Brown, Easley SC               16.14
                                                   8 Dick Arnold, Knoxville TN           8.55      Doug Luba, Hilton Head SC              5.93
                                                                                                 3 Gillian Spooner, Hilton Head SC        5.42
St. Simon’s Island/April 8–10                        Brian Hingerty, Knoxville TN        8.55
                                                                                                 4 Elizabeth Quindlen, Hilton Head SC     4.19
                                                  10 Betsy Stanton, Hartsville SC        7.62
    Floridians John Brady and Patricia                                                           5 Martha Grote, Hilton Head Is SC        4.15
Dovell won two events, were second                Oak Ridge/May 19–21                            6 Tom Paskins, Hilton Head Is SC         3.95
                                                                                                 7 Peggy Luey, Hilton Head SC             3.85
in another, and fourth in two others,                 Joe Rickman of nearby Maryville            8 Gail O'Kane, Hilton Head SC            3.83
worth 19.56 MPs. The sectional drew               totaled 34.57 MPs, topping all                 9 Allen Quindlen, Hilton Head SC         3.74
65 tables, 56 percent of 2019.                    sectionals during this period, the            10 Lynda Bator, Bluffton SC               3.62
                                                                                                   Vickie Imhoff, Bluffton SC             3.62
 1 John Brady, Jacksonville FL            19.56   result of winning two pairs games,
   Patricia Dovell, Gainesville FL        19.56   the Saturday night Swiss party game,          Durham NLM/April 7–10
 3 Leonard Gellman, Valdosta GA           16.47
                                                  and finishing second in the Sunday             1 Russell Schoudt, Durham NC             4.23
 4 Ward Schaumberg, Saint Simons Is GA    14.42                                                    Cathy Simon, Raleigh NC                4.23
 5 Mark Webb Rome GA                      11.03   Swiss. His partner, Bob Heller,
                                                                                                 3 Dave Dolan, Cary NC                    3.06
 6 Jack Carter Jacksonville, FL           10.97   finished with 29.49, and Brooks                  William Leaf, Cary NC                  3.06
   Craig Hemphill Jacksonville, FL        10.97   McNeely, also on the Saturday night            5 Mark Francis, Cedar Grove NC           2.29
 8 Jeffrey Young Saint Simons Is GA       10.06
 9 Lynn Goldblatt Saint Simons Is GA       9.89   and Sunday teams, was at 28.30. The              Dan Snedecor, Durham NC                2.29
                                                                                                 7 Fran Milberg, Cary NC                  1.99
10 Diane Altenbach Saint Simons Is GA      6.96   tournament announced two                         Jeffrey Milberg, Cary NC               1.99
                                                  significant gifts from donors who              9 Cynthia Hinshaw, Raleigh NC            1.80
                                                  wished to remain anonymous, and the              Anne Roush, Raleigh NC                 1.80

  District 7 News                                                     –9–                                                      Jul–Sep 2022
Barbara Heller Elected to ACBL Board - District 7 Bridge
Pinehurst NLM/June 3–5                             Opening Lead? What Do You Say?
 1 Audrey Larkin, Pinehurst NC              6.49
 2 Paulette Clayton, Pinehurst NC           6.16
                                                        The following information comes from Lynn Yokel, Tournament Director
 3 Sue Griggs, Pinehurst NC                 6.13   and Ruling the Game (in the Bridge Bulletin) associate.
   Patsy Rhody, Pinehurst NC                6.13        The procedures for making an opening lead are covered in Law 41A & B.
 5 Sally Felton, Whispering Pine NC         5.72
                                                   Make your opening lead face down and allow for a clarification period (the time
 6 Betty Austin, Pinehurst NC               4.87
   Richard Walsh, Southern Pines NC         4.87   between when the lead is placed face down and any questions or clarification
 8 Christopher Brown, Southern Pines NC     4.68   are offered.) There is nothing in any Law or Regulation that says anything about
 9 Arnold Lipson, Seven Lakes NC            3.97   what opening leader should or should not say when making the face-down
10 Nancy McNally, Pinehurst NC              3.78
                                                   opening lead. So as long as no unauthorized information is given, opening
Knoxville NLM/June 3–5                             leader may say "Questions, partner?," "May I lead?," "Is it my lead?," and so on
 1 David McCollum, Townsend TN              8.93   with impunity.
   Doug Wilson, Knoxville TN                8.93        It is imperative that the opening leader pause a beat before facing the lead to
 3 Bill Leonard, Kingsport TN               7.16
   Claudia Leonard, Kingsport TN            7.16   allow time for the declaring side to clarify whether there have been any missed
 6 Carol Dodson, Gatlinburg TN              6.73   alerts or incorrect explanations before the opening lead is faced. For that reason,
   Philip Watson, Knoxville TN              6.73   it's definitely a good idea for the opening leader to say something to make sure
 7 Judy Monen, Chattanooga TN               5.30
   Margie Moses, Chattanooga TN             5.30
                                                   everyone is aware he or she is about to face the lead.
 9 John Bergen, Rossville GA                5.20        In fact, when placing your opening lead face down, saying something such
   Jerry Golden, Chattanooga TN             5.20   as “My lead? or "May I lead?”—most importantly—directly asks for
                                                   confirmation that it is, indeed, your lead, thus avoiding a potential lead out of
STaC/June 6–12 – D7 Overall
                                                   turn. Saying "Questions, partner?" often elicits a response of "no," at which
    This Sectional Tournament at
                                                   time you make an out of turn opening lead with no one speaking up to stop you!
Clubs was hosted by District 10, our
                                                        When the opening leader says something like "May I lead?," it brings
neighbors to the west, to benefit its
                                                   attention to the fact that the opening lead has been made face down and allows
upcoming Spring NABC in New
                                                   the declaring side to clarify any issues with missed alerts or mis-explanations
Orleans. The top masterpoint winner,
                                                   before the opening lead is faced. This allows the declaring side to stop the lead
by a large margin, was Robert
                                                   if clarification is required.
Shearer of Diberville, MS (48.52).
                                                        Partner should be aware of the right to ask questions, so it is not necessary to
District 7, however, contributed
                                                   ask “Questions, partner?” Because the dummy will come down after the
considerably more tables to the
                                                   opening lead is made, and partner will have an opportunity to clarify any
cause—1101 of the 1721 total. The
                                                   declarer partnership agreements before playing to the first trick, it's generally
leading D7 players were Mike and
                                                   best if they hold their questions until that time—some, in fact, may be clarified
Sharon Grodsky of Bluffton, SC, who
                                                   by the appearance of dummy. Additionally any question may give partner
had one first, one second and one
                                                   unauthorized information about where their interests lie. Thus, it is not a good
third overall award, totaling 25.38
                                                   idea to ask partner whether he or she has any questions before facing the
MPs. Courtney Stephens of
                                                   opening lead—but it is not disallowed.
Greensboro, GA, won 21.22, the only
                                                        Here's a link to the Laws of Duplicate Bridge:
other district player to reach 20 MPs.
 1   Mike Grodsky, Bluffton SC             25.38
     Sharon Grodsky, Bluffton SC
     Courtney Stephens, Greensboro GA
                                                                             Don’t miss the next

 4   John Eskew, Townsend TN               19.62
 5   Robert Beverley, Indian Land SC       19.62
 6   Bruce Miller, Athens GA               18.32
 7   David Lee, Lenoir City TN             18.25
 8   Martin Hershey, Chattanooga TN        17.53
 9   Jan Puschaver, Moreland GA            17.15
     Steve Puschaver, Moreland GA
     David Vine, Chattanooga TN
                                           16.28      …and your opportunity to earn Silver Points!
                                                                             August 15–21
12   Ginger Thomas, Jekyll Island GA       14.46
13   Judee Brooks, Saint Simons Is GA      14.29
14   Rick Runyan, Saint Simons Is GA       13.98

                                                             District 7; U219 (in District 9)
15   Susan Mattingly, Saint Simons Is GA   13.74
16   Chuck Mitchell, Fort Mill SC          13.57
17   Stuart Chagrin, Isle of Palms SC      13.34
     Merle Gaaskjolen, Cornelius NC
     Joan Gaaskjolen, Cornelius NC
                                                         Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaCs)
20   Jan Bruce, Bristol TN                 12.65
                                                      provide bridge players with the opportunity
                                                        to win Silver Points at their local clubs.

  District 7 News                                                   – 10 –                                                Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 11 –   Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 12 –   Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 13 –   Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 14 –   Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 15 –   Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 16 –   Jul–Sep 2022
Flight A: Open – 10 & 2:30 Saturday, Nov. 19, Spartanburg, SC
                          Flight B: 0–2500 MP – 9:30 & TBA, Sunday, Nov. 20, Spartanburg, SC
                             • Qualified Flight B players may enter Flight A District finals
                             • Flights A and B in conjunction with Spartanburg Sectional
                                 St. Nicholas Hellenic Center, 701 Asheville Highway. Spartanburg 29303
                          Flight C: Non-Life Masters < 500 MP – May play at only one of these four sites
                             • 10:00 & 2:30 Saturday, Sept. 17, Greensboro, NC in conjunction with
                                 Piedmont Triad Fall Sectional at Bur-Mill Country Club at 5834 Bur-Mill Club Rd.,
                                 Greensboro, NC 27410 Call Rich Peffer to pre-register, (336) 402-5367
                             • 10 & 2:30 Saturday, Nov. 5, Charleston, SC
                                 Charleston Bridge Center, 1740 Ashley Hall Rd., Charleston, SC 29407
                                 Pre-registration required: Call (843) 766-5712 or email:
                             • 10 & 2:30 Saturday, Nov. 5, Knoxville, TN in conjunction with
                                 Knoxville Fall Sectional, 7400 Deane Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919
                             • 9:30 & TBA, Sunday, Nov. 20, in conjunction with Spartanburg Sectional,
                                 St. Nicholas Hellenic Center, 701 Asheville Highway, Spartanburg, SC 29303
                          Top C pair at each of the four sites guaranteed entry to the NABC final in New Orleans
                          March 18–19, 2023. If a pair in flight C drops out, the pair from all 4 combined sites with the
                          highest percentage will attend the Nationals and this will repeat if additional pair(s) drop out.
                          Qualified Flight C players remain eligible to enter Flight A or Flight B District finals.

                          D7 NAP coordinator: Lee Webb, (803) 331-6894, or email:

                          Players must qualify in a club-sanctioned NAP game in June, July or August 2022
                          Recorded Masterpoints as of June 1 (earned by May 6) determine flight eligibility
                             • The top three pairs in Flight A advance to the NABC National final in New Orleans,
                                Spring NABC, March 8-9, 2023. District 7 final participation and table counts will
                                determine if a fourth pair will also be selected
                             • Four pairs in Flights B (Spartanburg) and Flight C (one from each site) qualify for the
                                NABC final on Saturday-Sunday, March 18-19
                             • Players who travel to New Orleans and compete in the NABC final will receive
                                $900 per person stipend

                                            DISTRICT 7 ON THE WEB: WWW.DISTRICT7BRIDGE.ORG

 NAPP Tourq 2022.indd 1                                                                                                       6/23/2022 12:28:49 PM

District 7 News                                                     – 17 –                                                      Jul–Sep 2022
District 7 News   – 18 –   Jul–Sep 2022
Charlotte Fall Sectional August 4-7, 2022
                            + Charlotte Bridge Association + 510 East Park Avenue +
                                                        Tournament Co-Chairs
                                               Pam Rosen,
                                              Elaine Camp,
                                                          Partnership Chair
                                               Veronica Tri,

                                       Stratified Open (Open, 3,000, 1,000)
                                    & Stratified 499er (100, 300, 499) Games
                                       $12 per person/$24 per pair
                                               Thursday: 1 p.m.
                                    Friday & Saturday: 10:30 a.m. & 3 p.m.
                               Afternoon Games on Friday & Saturday are Regionally rated. More Points!
                                         Free Greg LeBlanc Lesson between Saturday Games!

                                Stratified Sunday Swiss Teams: 10 a.m.
                                              $120 a team
                                         $8 Box Lunch available for order before
                                            morning games Friday & Saturday
                                      List of area restaurants will also be provided

                                               Proof of Vaccination Required

                                              Hilton Garden Inn, $125 a night
                                           4808 Sharon Road, 704-227-1802 (Casey)

                               Come on back to Face-to-Face Bridge!

District 7 News   – 19 –                                                      Jul–Sep 2022
                                                      Middle Georgia Sectional
                                                     Henry Tift Bridge Center

                                                        1070 Southshore Place,
                                                              Macon, GA
                                                              August 5–7, 2022
         Durham, NC
                               Friday, August 5                           Tournament Chair
                               1:30 Stratified Open Pairs                     Tom Wight
                                     299er Stratified Pairs                  478-747-1096
                               7:00 Stratified Open Pairs       
                                     299er Stratified Pairs
                                     Jimmy Turner Handicap KO                 Sissy Macfie
                                     Teams                                   478-808-6575
                                     Continues 9:30 a.m. & 2:00
                                     p.m. Sat.
                               Saturday, August 6                               Host Hotel
                               9:30 Stratified Open Pairs                       Wingate
                                     299er Stratified Pairs              100 North Crest Blvd
                               2:00 Stratified Open Pairs                   $99 bridge rate
                                    299er Stratified Pairs             Ask for Macon Sectional
                               Sunday, August 7                        Bridge August Rate
                               9:30 Forester Little Open Stratified
                                    Swiss Teams                        • COVID vaccine required
                                    299er Stratified Swiss Teams       • COVID protocols apply
                                    (100/200/300)                      • Lunch breaks Sat & Sun
                                    Two sessions with lunch break

                               Open Stratification: 0-750, 750-2000, 2000+ (averaged)
                               299er Stratified Pairs 0-50, 50-100, 100-300 (averaged)

District 7 News       – 20 –                                          Jul–Sep 2022
Volunteer State
                           Pawley’s Island, SC
                       Silver on the Strand Sectional
                                             NLM                                                                                                                                     Sectional
                                   August 5 – 7, 2022                                                                                                                            Knoxville, Tennessee
 ACBL Tournament – Silver Points                           Pawleys Island Bridge Club
                                                                                                                                                                              August 12–14, 2022
 0-50/100-300/300-500 NLM                                      13088 Ocean Highway                                        Friday, August 12
 (Stratification and averages at                                                                                                                                                               Knoxville Bridge Center
                                                             Pawleys Island SC 29585               Bracketed Compact K/O……………………..…………….10:00/2:15
                                                                                                                                                                                                 7400 Deane Hill Drive
 Director's discretion)                                                                            Stratified Open Pairs ............................................10:00/2:15
                                                                       843-318-6391                                                                                                               Knoxville, TN 37919
                                                                                                   Stratified Mid-Flight Pairs ....................................10:00/2:15
                                  ♠♠♠♠♠♠                                                           Stratified 499er Pairs (NLM) ................................ 10:00/2:15
Directions: Ocean Highway (RT 17) North or South, turn East at South                                                                                                                            For directions and more:
                                                                                                   Stratified 99er Pairs .............................................10:00/2:15
Litchfield into Litchfield Shopping Plaza II. Enter interior under BRIDGE                          Stratified 49er Pairs ....................................................... 2:15
CLUB sign.                                                                                         Single Session Bracketed Swiss Teams .......................... 2:15                              Food & Drink
                                                                                                                                                                                                Hospitality includes free
                                                                                                                       Saturday, August 13                                                       drinks and light lunch
                                     Playing Schedule                                              Stratified Open Pairs ............................................10:00/2:15                   provided during the
 Friday, August 5                   Saturday August 6           Sunday August 7                    Stratified Mid-Flight Pairs ....................................10:00/2:15                        tournament.
                                                                                                   Stratified 499er Pairs (NLM) ................................ 10:00/2:15
                                                                                                   Stratified 99er Pairs .............................................10:00/2:15                      Host Hotel
 10:00 am Stratified Pairs          10:00 am Stratified Pairs   10:00 am                           Stratified 49er Pairs ....................................................... 2:15          Holiday Inn Express Suites
 2:00 pm Stratified Pairs           2:00 pm Stratified Pairs    Two Session Swiss Team             Single Session Bracketed Swiss Teams .......................... 2:15                            6325 Papermill Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Knoxville TN, 37919
                    Refreshments and Lunch Provided Daily                                                                Sunday, August 14                                                      865-824-9030, I-40 West,
                                                                                                   Two Session Bracketed Swiss Teams ................ 10:00 & TBA                             Exit-383, turn right to hotel.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Discount rate of $119+ tax.
                                    Tournament Chairs                                              Open games ............................................. 5000+, 5000-3000,3000-0
                                                                                                                                                                                               Reservations available until
                                                                                                                                                                                               7/11/22. May cancel by 24
      Betsy Stanton                                                 Karen Galleher                 Mid-Flight games ............................... 2500-1500, 1500-750, 750-0                  hours in advance prior to
      843-339-7395                                                   843-318-6391                  499er games .............................................. 500-300, 300-200, 200-0
                                                                                                   99er games ........................................................ 100-50, 50-20, 20-0
                                                                                                                                                                                              reservation without penalty.                                                 49er games .......................................................... 50-20, 20-10, 10-0    5 mins from Bridge Center.

                                                                                                                     Stratification based on pair average                                     Ask for the KABC Bridge Rate.
                                                                                                         Stratifications may be changed at the Director’s discretion
        Entry Fees                                                     Partnership
       $11/session                                                   Blondelle Grant               Sylvia Waters, Tournament Chair ........................., C-865-599-9357
                                                                                                   Barbara Winzurk, Partnership Co-Chair (Open)......., H-865-584-9040
       $15 unpaid                                                     843-240-5236                 Joan Reid, Partnership Co-Chair (NLM) ...................... C-865-789-0590
     $25 Swiss Team                                                   Leslie Little, Hospitality Chair ................................, C-865-804-6642
                                       Play More Bridge
                                            ♠♠♠♠♠♠                                                 All players must have an ACBL Member Number* to purchase an entry. Entry fees are $11 per
                                   Accommodation Available                                         session for current ACBL Members. Non/unpaid ACBL Members add $4 per session.
                                                                                                   *Free guest memberships available for players who have never joined the ACBL.
 Hampton Inn                                                    Best Western
 843-235-2000                                                   800-528-1234
 150 Willbrook Blvd                                             11445 Ocean Highway
 Pawleys Island SC 29585                                        Pawleys Island SC 29585

                       District 7 News                                                    – 21 –                                                                                      Jul–Sep 2022
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