Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

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Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Bachelor of
   An innovative degree for
   Aboriginal and Torres Strait
   Islander students
Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
UTS acknowledges the Gadigal People of the
Eora Nation and the Boorooberongal People
of the Dharug Nation upon whose ancestral
lands our campuses stand. We would also like
to pay respect to the Elders both past and
present, acknowledging them as the traditional
custodians of knowledge for these lands.
Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Bachelor of Business Administration

Why UTS Business School
UTS Business School is an urban treehouse in the heart of the city.
The only Frank Gehry-designed building in Australia, it is more than just
a physical space, its unconventional design reflects our unique approach
to business education. At UTS, you’ll get a little something different.

                         STUDY BUSINESS WHERE IT                     WE’VE GOT THE RIGHT
                         HAPPENS                                     CONNECTIONS
                        Rub shoulders with the best – the            Industry expertise informs everything
                        Business School sits at the nexus of         we do. We work closely with leading
                        Australia’s leading business, creative and   practitioners and organisations to
                        entrepreneurial precincts.                   blend academic rigour with real-world
                                                                     application in all our courses. Live case
                         WE’RE ACCREDITED                            studies, guest lectures and collaborative
                        We’re one of just a handful of business      projects will bring your theoretical learning
                        schools to be accredited by the              to life.
                        Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
                        of Business – the highest standard of        Our Industry Advisory Board is comprised
                        achievement in our field.                    of entrepreneurs, company directors and
                                                                     leading executives who work with us on
                                                                     the strategic direction for the School.

                                                                     WE’RE KNOWN FOR TEACHING
                                                                     We’re great at teaching – but don’t just
                                                                     take our word for it. Our academic staff
                                                                     are at the top of their game, and we’ve
                                                                     received Australian Awards for Teaching.

                        The Jumbunna Institute for
                        Indigenous Education and Research
                        The Jumbunna Institute supports the          Jumbunna Student Support staff provide
                        academic aspirations of Aboriginal and/      services to help students achieve
                        or Torres Strait Islander students at        their educational goals. The Learning
                        UTS. Jumbunna’s vision is to create a        Development (LD) team provides one-to-
                        place where all Indigenous Australians       one and small group tutorials to assist
                        can access education, in a place that        students in their development of academic
                        recognises their social, cultural and        writing, referencing and presentation
                        emotional well-being.                        skills. These are delivered face to face
                                                                     during block and via email and Skype
                                                                     throughout the academic year.

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
UTS Business School

Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA)

                                                                     EMPOWERING A FUTURE CAREER PATH
Duration: 3 years (6 sessions)                                       The BBA builds upon your current skills and professionalism,
                                                                     enabling you to take responsibility for empowering your own
Teaching Mode: Intensive (3 x 1 week blocks per                      career paths, and to become exceptional managers, strong
session)                                                             leaders and change agents of the future within the wider
                                                                     Australian community.
Entry Requirements: Application via Jumbunna
Institute for Indigenous Education and Research                      The course will help enable you to:
Location: UTS city campus                                            –– Apply the technical skills necessary for professional practice
                                                                        in business
                                                                     –– Develop and employ an informed professional approach to
                                                                        business and the management of organisations, with extensive
                                                                        business knowledge across a broad range of positions in both
WHAT IS THE BBA?                                                        Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts
The BBA is an exciting away-from-base degree designed for            –– Acquire new skills in locating, designing, implementing
Indigenous Australian professionals wishing to gain a degree            and evaluating business opportunities and development
qualification whilst working in their home community.                   programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and
This applied project-based course recognises and builds upon
a participants’ current workforce expertise and Indigenous           –– Apply high level theory to practice in business and the
community knowledge. It is an ideal degree for those wanting to         management of organisations
further their careers in business, management and leadership.        –– Develop the personal capacity to be assertive in your approach
                                                                        to personal development
Students selected to participate in the BBA will be:                 –– Be knowledgeable of the rights and perspectives of Aboriginal
                                                                        and Torres Strait Islander People in relation to business
–– those currently employed within a range of sectors including         practice > Demonstrate high level communication and self-
   private, public and community based organisations from               reflection skills through the preparation of written and oral
   around Australia                                                     presentations to a variety of audiences
or                                                                   –– Develop an awareness of the social, cultural, environmental
                                                                        and financial obligations that guide ethically responsible
–– those with previous work or study experience with a
                                                                        decisions in business
   demonstrated commitment to learning.

–– build upon your current workforce expertise and Indigenous
   community knowledge
–– gain the skills to manage enterprises and organisations of the
   future taking into account Indigenous perspectives, cultural
   diversity and ethical standards
–– benefit from the intensive mode of delivery, enabling you (with
   your employer’s support), to maintain full-time employment
   while studying
–– learn in a supportive, cohort-based study environment and
   collaborate with other Indigenous people who are business
   administrators, managers and leaders in their own right

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
UTS Business School

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

                                          COURSE STRUCTURE                             EXIT POINTS
                                          Students complete 6 modules, each            Exit points have been designed for
                                          comprising 4 subjects. The course            students who may be unable to complete
The BBA is structured as an intensive     incorporates project subjects in each        the full bachelor’s degree. Upon
based program with students               of the modules which are designed to         successful completion of the first 3
attending classes at UTS three times      challenge, consolidate and thoroughly        modules, students may exit the program
per session for a week at a time. It is   deepen students’ understanding of            with a Diploma in Business Administration,
expected that students will be highly     the core business functions, how they        or with successful completion of the
independent and self-motivated            all interrelate, and are applied in the      first 4 modules, students may exit with
learners able to maintain their study     workplace or business settings.              an Advanced Diploma in Business
commitments while away from UTS.                                                       Administration.
                                          Module 1
                                          The first module, Integrating Business
                                          Skills, introduces the various core
                                          business disciplines including accounting,
                                          finance, economics and marketing,
                                          in an interdisciplinary setting. The
                                          objectives of this module are to introduce
                                          students to the business landscape,
                                          the interrelationships of the various
                                          business functions and the contributions
                                          to the value of the firm and society more
                                          broadly. The module also introduces the
                                          development of generic skills, including
                                          written, oral communication and team
                                          work skills.

                                          Modules 2-5
                                          These modules develop business
                                          management skills that align directly with
                                          the core functions of an organisation,
                                          –– the management of the organisation
                                             and organisational structure;
                                          –– the management of people and the
                                             development of human capital;
                                          –– the management and oversight of the
                                             organisation’s financial resources
                                             including sources of funding; and
                                          –– the management of its operations
                                             and supply chain including the
                                             consideration of financial and other
                                             operational risks an organisation may
                                             typically be faced with.
                                          Module 6
                                          The final module, Managing Innovation,
                                          brings together the knowledge developed
                                          throughout the course in the context of
                                          new venture creation and entrepreneurial

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Bachelor of Business Administration

  SESSION              MODULE                Subjects                                        Exit point                             Exit point                                      Exit point

  YEAR 1               Module 1:             Principles of Money and Finance
  Session 1            Integrating
                       Business Skills
                                             The Business Environment

                                                                                               Diploma in Business Administration
                                             Principles of Marketing

                                                                                                                                      Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
                                             Contemporary Issues in the Indigenous Context

  YEAR 1               Module 2:             Managing People and Work
  Session 2            Managing People
                                             Negotiations : Theory and Practice

                                             Performance Management Theory
                                             and Practice

                                                                                                                                                                                      Bachelor of Business Administration
                                             People Management (PROJECT)

  YEAR 2               Module 3:             The Economic and Social Landscape
  Session 1            Managing
                       Financial Resources
                                             Accounting for Managerial Practice

                                             Investment and Financing Decisions

                                             Resource Development (PROJECT)

  YEAR 2               Module 4:             Understanding Organisations
  Session 2            Managing
                                             Advocacy and Social Change

                                             Sustainable Value Creation

                                             Government, Community and
                                             Organisations (PROJECT)

  YEAR 3               Module 5:             Operations Management
  Session 1            Managing
                                             Supply Chain Management

                                             Enterprise Risk Management

                                             Business Operations and Risk
                                             Management (PROJECT)

  YEAR 3               Module 6:             Opportunity Recognition and Ideation
  Session 2            Managing
                                             Innovation and Entrepreneurship

                                             Competitive Positioning

                                             Business Model Generation (PROJECT)

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
UTS Business School

     Aboriginal Workforce Development Consultant
    – NSW Health
     2016 BBA Intake
    “The block release is an ideal way in balancing work
     and study commitments. Rather than undertaking a
     degree online I’ve found it far more effective in attending
     UTS and being exposed to hands on and face-to-face
     interaction. As a mature aged intake, everyone has
                                                                         ILANA FOSTER
     different experiences and a wealth of knowledge to which            Project Support Officer -
     we can all share. My experience with UTS and the lecturers          Torres Strait Regional Authority
     delivering the training so far has been fantastic. Coming           2016 BBA Intake
     from a regional town in the Northern Territory, with limited
                                                                        “I definitely appreciate the size of the group. It makes it
     employment and education, UTS has set the foundation
                                                                         easier to have that one-on-one relationship with your
     for greater career opportunities. My ambition is to be
                                                                         lecturers. It also makes it more personal, getting along
     a role model for my family, the greater community and
                                                                         with you classmates – we’re pushing each other and
     anyone seeking in undertaking a business degree.”
                                                                         supporting each other to get through it. And the content
                                                                         is interesting. I don’t really face these types of subjects
                                                                         in the work that I do, so I’m learning quickly. I would

                                                                         definitely recommend the BBA. Just from working through
                                                                         the first few blocks, it’s become lot more apparent to
                                                                         me how unique this program is for Indigenous people.
                                                                         I’m just really glad I have the opportunity to take part in
                                                                         this course!”

                                                                    MALCOLM LYNCH
                                                                    Indigenous Outreach Officer – UTS
                                                                    2018 BBA Intake
                                                                    “I have a strong interest in Business, especially within sport
                                                                     and communities. The opportunity to further my business
                                                                     knowledge in these areas and more broadly, along with the
                                                                     block study mode meant the BBA was a great course for me.
                                                                     It’s definitely challenging, however having a small cohort
                                                                     means there are greater opportunities for interaction and
                                                                     collaboration with both other students and academic staff.
                                                                    The best part of the degree is being able to apply what we
                                                                    learn in the classroom to what we’re doing at work. If you’re
                                                                    willing to put in 100% and are keen to give back to the
                                                                    community, this is definitely the degree for you.”

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Bachelor of Business Administration

Our graduates
                                                                     CHRISTIAN HAMPSON
                                                                     Manager – Heritage Near Me Program
                                                                     Office of Environment and Heritage
                                                                    “If you’re a person that wants to challenge yourself to do
                                                                     something for your community, but also has the motivation to
                                                                     learn new skills, you need to do this degree. The coursework
                                                                     is challenging, but very practical and relevant. Because of
                                                                     my job as a manager already I was able to bring things I learnt
                                                                     back into my workplace. That’s what I liked about it – it was
                                                                     relevant to what I was doing at the time and where I wanted to
                                                                     be in the future.”

    Business Analyst – Macquarie Group
   “The cohort is great because you find people from different
    areas, and the experience they bring with them is amazing,
    because you get to learn from what they have. Whether or
    not they’re younger or older, they have all these different
    experiences that they bring to the class. I really do believe
    that we had a support network between each other. If a
    student was struggling, then they knew that they could               CLARENCE SLOCKEE
    turn to another student for help. I like a challenge, and the        Team Leader – Barangaroo Delivery Authority
    best thing is knowing that I was capable of undertaking
    full time work and uni. It may be a struggle, but I know that       “I was looking for something that would help me get to a
    I was strong enough to be self-disciplined and do what I             higher managerial role, and the way that the course is
    had to do.”                                                          designed, and the fact that it is a cohort group on block
                                                                         mode was the appealing thing for me.
                                                                         The knowledge that you pick up through the BBA only
                                                                         serves to better where you are now, or where you want to
                                                                         be in the future. I can’t speak highly enough of it.”

Bachelor of Business Administration - An innovative degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
UTS Business School

                                                               DEAN JARETT
                                                               Casual Academic
                                                               “I teach Managing People and Work as well as
                                                                the Capstone subject People Management.
                                                                The BBA offers mature aged Indigenous
                                                                people an opportunity to collectively
                                                                learn and contribute to critical business
                                                                and management concepts. This for me
                                                                is very exciting, because in my subjects,
                                                                students are encouraged to inspire each
    TOM EVANS                                                   other to create new and innovative ways to
    Manager Indigenous Programs                                 tackle issues and challenges, not only for
                                                                themselves, but for their workplaces and
    “The BBA has been designed specifically for
                                                                their home communities as well.”
     Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and
                                                               Dean is a researcher and PhD Candidate at UTS. He is a
     delivered with the Indigenous experience                  proud Aboriginal man with strong kinship connections
     in mind. The block mode delivery provides                 with Gumbaynggirr, Gurreng Gurreng and Boonthamurra
     impact learning and gives students flexibility            peoples. His research focus is on comparatively
     between work, family and community                        considering relational trends in supplier diversity for
     commitments.                                              Indigenous Australian and Native American businesses.
                                                               He was awarded the 2015 Fulbright Scholarship,
     The course encourages students to bring                   Indigenous Postgraduate to support his research
     their workforce knowledge and experience                  while being hosted at the American Indian Studies
     into the classroom so it can be shared with               Department at the University of Arizona in 2016. Dean
                                                               is a Director with consulting firm, Global Professional
     other students. This collaborative approach
                                                               Services International and has around 15 years’
     drives discussion and sharing of knowledge                experience working within third sector organisations in
     which in turn helps the individual build                  middle and senior management roles.
     capacities within their communities.”
    A Business School alumnus, Tom graduated from the
    Master of Management in 2013. He has extensive
    experience in managing an Aboriginal & Torres Strait
    Islander not-for-profit organisation. He has experience
    working in partnership with Corporate Australia and
    Government (local, state and federal) in developing and
    engaging with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander youth.
    Tom has worked throughout Australia delivering sporting
    and personal development programs for Aboriginal &
    Torres Strait Islander children.

Bachelor of Business Administration

How to apply
                         Admission to the BBA takes place
                         through the Jumbunna Pathways Program,
                         administered by the Jumbunna Institute in
                         collaboration with UTS Business School.

                         APPLICATION                                   MORE INFORMATION
                         The Pathways Program offers prospective       For any further information please visit:
                         students an opportunity to demonstrate, or contact:
                         their capability for tertiary study through
                                                                       Thomas Evans
                         an assessment and interview process.
                                                                       Indigenous Programs Manager
                         Selection is also based on life experience,
                                                                       UTS Business School
                         prior education and professional work
                                                                       (02) 9514 4020
                         experience. Motivation to study and
                         commitment to complete a tertiary degree
                         is also taken into account.                   APPLICATION DATES
                         Application forms can be found online at      Application are online and conducted
                                               through the Jumbunna Institute for
                                                                       Indigenous Education and Research.
                         Please note that an ATAR or completion        Applications open May and close in
                         of year 12 is not a pre-requisite.            October each year.
                         AWAY-FROM-BASE STUDY
                         To be eligible for enrollment for Away-
                         from-Base study, students must be in
                         receipt of regular Abstudy payments or        Disclaimer: The information in this brochure
                         eligible to claim the incidental allowance    is correct as of June 2018. Changes in
                         (non – means tested). Please refer to the     circumstances after this date may alter the
                                                                       accuracy or currency of the information. UTS
                         Commonwealth Government’s Abstudy             reserves the right to alter any matter described
                         website for the eligibility criteria at       in this brochure without notice. Readers are
                            responsible for verifying information that
                         services/centrelink/abstudy                   pertains to them by contacting the university.

UTS Business School

       UTS CRICOS 00099F
       UTS: MCU / JOB 22246 / JUNE 2018
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