Avalon House - Thompson Health Care

Page created by Russell Mitchell
Avalon House - Thompson Health Care
Avalon House

Welcome to the Spring 2021 edition of our newsletter. On behalf of the RAO department we would like to
welcome all our new residents and families. We would also like to welcome Lisa and Cait who recently
joined our team at Avalon House. Over the month of August they enjoyed being a part of Avalon
House’s activities including word games, trivia and poetry reading. The Olympics formed a major theme
to our August activities which our residents really enjoyed participating in. We matched past Olympic
Host countries’ flags. In one activity we used the alphabet to match Olympic sports such as A- Archery
B- Basketball, and an absolute favourite of the residents was where they make as many words as they
can from a letter of the alphabet trying to beat the number from the last attempt!
Poetry reading has been a popular educational activity for our residents where-by we share poems
together and take requests. This was wonderful as we all had different favourite poets and were able
to hear poems that we hadn’t read for many years, as well as learning some new poems. We then
discussed how as a group we would like to enhance poetry reading and it was suggested we have a
little biography of the poets before we read a few of their poems. This has been a wonderful addition
and loved by all! We also had a small study session of poets Dame Mary Gilmore, Banjo Patterson, and
Dorothea Mackellar and we are all thoroughly looking forward to continuing our study of Australian
Poetry since 1788.

-From the RAO Team-

International Beer Day
Stephen Hopcraft, one of the newer
residents at Avalon House, gave a
most interesting talk recently on The
Art of Brewing and Beer Production.
The audience was very receptive and
thoroughly enjoyed the interest it
Trust Tree Brewing, The local brewery
in Avalon, donated a case or two of
their fine beers the IPA and their
LAGER, an aged stored beer. The
audience were invited to a generous
tasting of both these beers and voted
the very fine Lager as the best.
As soon as we come out of our
Covid quarantine lockdown we will
definitely pay a visit to the
Brewery! Thank- you RAOs and
Stephen for such a fun afternoon.
Avalon House - Thompson Health Care
September 2021                     [AVALON HOUSE NEWSLETTER]

                                                       We have also restarted the aromatherapy Day
Sip & Crunch & Stretch                                 Spa, where we soak the residents’ feet in warm
At Avalon House we have introduced a new               water with rose petals and Epsom salts,
activity – Sip & Crunch & Stretch – which              followed by a gentle massage, whilst enjoying a
combines stretching and tasting! So far, each          morning of chat and delicious morning tea.
week the focus has been on a different fruit           Another aspect of my role as an Aromatherapist
which is on display during our activity.               is that I have been facilitating weekly
The activity begins with some gentle stretching        meditation sessions for staff. As I’m sure you all
and deep breathing sitting tall in our chairs. After   agree it is so important, we care for our Carers,
our stretch and relaxation we then discuss the
                                                       and the meditation sessions have proved to be
Fruit of the Week – the nutritional value, history
                                                       very popular as it allows the staff to relax and
and any interesting facts are shared with the
residents. Some lively discussions have taken          reset for a short time.
place about the merits of particular fruit and
residents share their likes, dislikes and also ideas   Helen Mascall - Aromatherapy Coordinator
on how to prepare and eat each fruit.

                                                       Gentle Exercises & Relaxation
                                                       Every week at Avalon House, the residents take
                                                       part in gentle seated exercise and relaxation.
                                                       This is a great way to start the day as it gives the
                                                       residents an opportunity to move their body
                                                       and relax their mind. At the end of the exercise
SPA DAY & Aromatherapy Talk                            routine, the residents follow a guided
I am pleased to tell you that we still have our        meditation. We love to see the residents being
full staff of Aromatherapists, RN massage              involved in this activity.
therapists and Physiotherapists attending to
our residents each week, a service that we all
feel is so essential during these difficult
times. A massage is a lovely way to assist
with pain management or relaxation, and it
gives the opportunity to spend quality one-
on- one time together and also provide a
gentle touch.                                          Armchair Travel – Ferragosto Day
In addition to the massage, I recently hosted          We celebrated Ferragosto day at Avalon House,
an aromatherapy information session with               the residents enjoyed the importance of this
the residents, a wonderful tactile experience          holiday in Italy. We sang songs, listened to
where we smelt different plants such as                Italian music, and watched a documentary on
lavender, oranges and eucalyptus and we                the beautiful sites of Italy. To finish the day off –
discussed the plants and the oils and                  the residents had Italian bruschetta with their
reminisced about what these aromas mean                afternoon drinks at happy hour. It was a fun
to people, for example eucalyptus reminded             afternoon enjoyed by all.
some residents of trips to the Blue
Mountains and many people grew lavender
in their own gardens.
Avalon House - Thompson Health Care
September 2021                   [AVALON HOUSE NEWSLETTER]

Congratulations Odessa                 Carpet Bowls
On your 104Th Birthday                 Competition Olympic
                                       Theme Day

                                         Moments During the months of restrictions residents
                                         have continued to participate and enjoy in various group and
                                         one- on- one activities. Theses include the following: Arts &
                                         Crafts, Board Games (Scrabble), & Knitting.

Communication with our
loved ones!
Facetime, Skype, and Phone Calls
is our connection to you all at the
moment, please book with the
Email :
Avalon House - Thompson Health Care
September 2021                      [AVALON HOUSE NEWSLETTER]

Message from our
DON, Hayley Bonnici
Welcome to Spring, the team at Avalon House
would like to thankyou all for your patience and
understanding over the last few months of lock
It has been a tough year for us all facing the same
challenges as last year, however, our residents       Upcoming Events for
remain positive, as do our staff.

The residents are enjoying the in-house activities
and are looking forward to the warmer weather.
We hope to see you all very soon, please feel free    September
to arrange a care conference with me at any time.     16th   Spring Party
                                                      4th   Labour Day
Email : avalonhouse@thc.net.au                          th
                                                      8     Octoberfest
                                                      27    Nepalese Day
                                                      31st Grandparents Day
                                                      2nd    Melbourne Cup
Best wishes,                                          11th   Remembrance Day
Hayley Bonnici
Director of Nursing                                   Spring Entertainment Via Zoom
                                                       Leyla; Ross Hamilton; David & Jack
                                                       Keff McCulloch; Andrew Dyce

                                                      End of month Birthday Celebrations

                                                      As always, we are looking forward to the next season of
                                                      fun activities and wish you all the best until our next

                                                      from the RAO Team!
                                                      Maria, Kylie, Lisa & Cait
                                                      Email : rao_avalonhouse@thc.net.au
Avalon House - Thompson Health Care Avalon House - Thompson Health Care Avalon House - Thompson Health Care Avalon House - Thompson Health Care Avalon House - Thompson Health Care Avalon House - Thompson Health Care
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