Automation in Acceleration - Four Areas for Investors in the Pandemic Environment - Baird

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Automation in Acceleration - Four Areas for Investors in the Pandemic Environment - Baird
Automation in
Four Areas for Investors in
the Pandemic Environment

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, automation is becoming
more influential and moving faster than ever before. Its influence on our lives
and the global economy is accelerating at a rapid pace. It’s also advancing
a number of trends that were already underway pre-pandemic, such as
the revolution unfolding in transportation, shift to e-commerce, workflow
digitisation and an increasing reliance on the Internet of Things (IoT), as well
as the rise of automation across healthcare.

We believe automation is a beneficiary of the COVID-19 environment. Business
leaders are responding in kind, adjusting operations, supply chains and
strategies to remain competitive in an increasingly automated environment.
In Baird’s view, the acceleration of automation is converging with other secular
trends to create powerful investment opportunities. Here are the four areas
we’re watching as we compose this piece in the back half of 2021.
Automation in Acceleration - Four Areas for Investors in the Pandemic Environment - Baird
Active safety, autonomous driving and air mobility

The global transportation sector is embracing automation, fueling the
development of new strategies and technologies that stand to lift the sector
into a new era. With the rise of new autonomous driving technologies and
business models, we see compelling investment opportunities:

When it comes to vehicle decisions, consumers are                                “Democratization”
shifting away from driving pleasure to technology                                 of ADAS Looming
and sustainability features. The appetite for in-car
technology, connected convenience features and                                 100%
                                                                                         9%        5%
non-fossil fuel vehicles is strong.
                                                          % of Light Vehicle

Safety is a critical concern in the transportation

market, and active safety features are growing in                                                 38%     L2
importance. The regulatory climate is helping to
drive adoption, as those bodies set standards for                                       68%
                                                                               25%                        L0
highly sought-after five-star safety ratings. A growing                                           34%
number of automakers are making active safety
a central part of their brand. Twenty automakers
                                                                                      2019-2020   2025E
– which account for 99% of the US auto market –
have voluntarily agreed to equip all new passenger         Source: Company reports, Baird analysis
vehicles with low-speed automatic emergency

Automation in Acceleration - Four Areas for Investors in the Pandemic Environment - Baird
braking that includes forward          applications such as content         for expansion. A few examples
collision warning by September         around sensors monitoring            noted by the Baird team: Google’s
20221. And, from May 2022, all         vehicle health, additional inputs    Waymo robotaxi service is already
new cars in the European Union         for automated decision-making,       active in the Phoenix market
will be required to carry advanced     steer-by-wire controls (HVOR         and recently expanded into the
safety features.                       applications), and inputs to         Northern California Bay Area.
                                       provide a better understanding of    Intel’s Mobileye announced that
According to Baird Senior              a vehicle’s environment like blind   it would be initiating a robotaxi
Research Analyst Luke                  spot detection and side-turn         service in Germany & Israel in
Junk, increasing regulatory            assist functionality.                2022. Motional, the joint venture
requirements are a tailwind                                                 between Aptiv and Hyundai, said
for advanced driver-assistance         AUTONOMOUS DRIVING                   that they plan to launch a robotaxi
systems, or ADAS, which is now         Increased technology in vehicles     service in select U.S. markets with
poised to ramp up significantly in     opens the door to increased          Lyft in 2023.
the next five years.                   autonomy in vehicles. Adoption
                                       of autonomous driving hinges         AIR MOBILITY
“We see this as a pretty               on cost, scalability and strong      There is an emerging ecosystem
fundamental shift, which will be       use cases with a high ROI. The       of companies focused on
noticeable to consumers in just        maturity of this technology,         revolutionising air transport,
the next few years. Technologies       coupled with regulatory              taking urban density and
like adaptive cruise control,          developments, will drive safe-use    topography along with it. Thanks
lane-keep assist, and autonomous       cases. So-called “Level 2+” (L2+)    to an increase in the energy
parking – these will find their        automation is in focus today.        density of batteries, the use of
way into vehicles rolling off auto     These vehicles can automatically     high-performance materials
lots, and in the not-so-distant        change speed and lanes, though       like carbon fiber, and powerful
future, we’ll all wonder how we        the driver must be in control.       onboard computing systems, new
ever drove cars without this type      While driverless testing with        modes of air mobility are poised
of automation. And automakers          L4 and L5 automation features        to enter the market and change
are all-in on these autonomous         is taking place in the U.S. and      how transportation happens
technologies, as safety sells.”        China, widespread adoption           in the air. While commercial
                                       likely remains years away. In the    deployment is some years away,
Junk is also quick to point out that   near term, consumers are more        we believe this is a meaningful
this Active Safety opportunity also    likely to experience autonomous      investment opportunity.
applies to the commercial vehicle      driving through the robotaxi         Significant investment dollars
market. He points to specific          market, which appears ready          are being put to work in a host

“We see this as a pretty fundamental shift, which will
 be noticeable to consumers in just the next few years.”
 Luke Junk
 Senior Research Analyst

Automation in Acceleration - Four Areas for Investors in the Pandemic Environment - Baird
of technologies with a goal of           management system, integration
taking cost out and shortening           of the air mobility services with
the transport times for people and       other mobility services, and the
goods. As cost comes down and            necessary physical and digital
transport times decline, demand          infrastructure.”
for services will materially increase.
According to Peter Arment, Baird         Arment concludes that all of
Senior Research Analyst, there           these areas may offer significant
are 167 different Electric Vehicle       opportunity for investment in
Aircraft (EVA) currently under           parallel, as product development
development globally, with over          is on one track and infrastructure/
$6 billion invested in EVAs over         operational are on another track.
the past five years. Arment is           Certification by regulators of
quick to point out the benefits          EVAs or other hybrid air mobility
of this increasing investment:           vehicles will be the biggest
“The vertical takeoff and landing        challenge for the industry with
(VTOL) and electric vertical             many targeting mid-decade
takeoff and landing (eVTOL)              for certification. Achieving this
technologies being developed             timeline will be key and the
offer an alternative means of            winner of capturing the most
transportation and propulsion            share within air mobility will need
technology, which would offer            to develop a vehicle that offers
us meaningful ways to address            the lowest cost per mile.
climate change. We also see              CONTINUE TO HYGIENE INSIGHTS 
some players in the space looking
to incorporate autonomous
technologies as well. There’s a
lot of promise.” But Arment also
acknowledges the hurdles that
might require more time and
patience. “In order for EVAs to
become a normalized part of
our flying experiences, there are
operational needs that need to be
addressed such as a certified fleet
of vehicles, an efficient air traffic

In a world reshaped by COVID-19, cleanliness no longer cuts it. Consumers
are now acutely aware of the difference between cleaning (on one hand) and
disinfecting and sanitizing (on the other). According to a recent Baird survey,
95% of people are more or just as likely to evaluate a product’s ability to
sanitize and disinfect, versus merely clean.

COVID-19 has accelerated the use     Global Consumer Investment            trial and adoption since the
of automation and technology         Banking group. “There is a strong,    pandemic began. Market leaders
to disinfect and sanitize. We are    strong appetite from business for     like Surfacide are not only
seeing rapid adoption of new         products and services that sanitize   supplying robotic disinfecting
methods of disinfection such         and disinfect. We believe there’s     units to hospitals, but also to
as the use of UV lights, robotics,   additional runway for product         schools, hotels, and even to
touch-free solutions, integration    innovators who are embracing          London’s St. Pancras International,
of IoT into hygiene dispensing       innovations like hands-free           one of the largest train stations
systems, and remote cleaning         solutions, manufacturing              in the city. “We are the first train
training using online software       high-efficacy products, and           station to bring this type of
solutions.                           infusing technology into their        technology in because we want
                                     lineup with offerings like robotic    to allow people to use a train
“The shift to hygiene started        floor cleaning machines and           station with confidence, use our
before the pandemic, but             IoT-driven systems.”                  retail units with confidence, and
COVID-19 really accelerated                                                slowly get back to a normal way,”
the trend,” says Nick Pavlidis,      Robotic UV disinfection in            said Jay Newton, Head of Stations
Managing Director in Baird’s         particular has seen accelerated       Engineering and Operations for

High Speed 1 Channel Tunnel             Restroom Solution” as a tool to      tools that give consumers a solid
rail link2. The technology is also      use smart data insights to make      confidence of cleanliness. Pavlidis
being put to work at stateside          informed decisions, control waste,   emphasizes this imperative,
venues, including Boston’s famed        understand visitor flow and make     saying, “Whether we’re talking
Fenway Park. In announcing              “patrons feel confident that you     about hospitals, airlines, hotels,
their partnership with Surfacide        have a high-quality building that    restaurants, sports stadiums or
in March 2021, Red Sox VP of            cares about well-being.” These IoT   food processing facilities, the
Facilities Management Jonathan          solutions integrate data about       use of these various hygiene
Lister commented, “With a               visitor flow and product usage,      technologies is becoming one of
hospital-grade UV technology            allowing immediate notification      the most important marketing
product like this, we are able to       that dispensers need to be           messages to end-consumers and
ensure our ballpark is ready to         refilled and the optimization        employees. These businesses
safely receive fans throughout the      of cleaning schedules.               realise that their investment in
2021 regular season3.”                                                       these technologies is not only
                                        Often, upgrades to                   about utilising better hygiene,
Hands-free solutions, such              technologically-advanced hygiene     but also about proving to
as touchless hand sanitizer             solutions are being funded by        end-consumers that their chosen
dispensers and automatic toilet         government. As an example, Sloan     venues are disinfected properly.”
flushers, have been present             Valve (the makers of many of the     CONTINUE TO E-COMMERCE &
for over a decade, but go into          aforementioned touchless flushers    WEARHOUSING INSIGHTS 
office buildings, restaurants,          and faucets) highlights the
schools and other non-residential       Consolidated Appropriations
venues today and you will see an        Act (CAA), and the American
increasing number of touch-free         Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), both
faucets, soap dispensers and even       COVID-19 relief acts of 2021, as
hands-free door openers.                a potential source of billions of
                                        dollars that could be used by
Additionally, increasingly Baird        commercial venues to spend on
sees the integration of IoT             automated solutions.
(Internet of Things) technology
into hands-free dispensing              Government funding is not only
systems. An example of this             fueling investment in these new
according to Pavlidis is GOJO,          technologies but also the ability
the maker of Purell®, which             of commercial businesses to
markets its Onvation® “Smart            promote those cutting-edge

“The shift to hygiene started before the pandemic,
 but COVID-19 really accelerated the trend.”
 Nick Pavlidis
 Managing Director
 Baird Global Consumer Investment Banking

E-commerce and Warehousing
COVID accelerated the in-progress, decades-long secular shift toward
e-commerce, and we expect relevant developments to linger long after the
pandemic winds down in the so-called “new normal.” Precautions around
in-store shopping drove shoppers online, driving dramatic changes in
consumer behavior that will likely persist for many years.

E-COMMERCE                             around the Amazon ecosystem,        can’t-miss channel – but it comes
The sharp rise in online shopping      with a focus on helping brands      with complex challenges,” said
created unprecedented demand           navigate the complexities of        Eric Winn, Managing Director
for order fulfillment, expedited       selling on the world’s foremost     in Baird’s Global Technology &
shipping and mobile technologies.      e-commerce platform. Hundreds       Services Investment Banking
Moreover, categories of retail         of companies have emerged,          group. “There’s a growing need
that were once assumed to              many of which offer automation      for solutions to alleviate the pain
have limited opportunity online,       solutions focused on categories     points associated with selling on
including grocery, B2B, vehicles       including product listings and      Amazon, and we’re seeing strong
and used/pre-owned products,           pricing, inventory and order        growth in an emerging ecosystem
are now rapidly shifting online.       management, warehousing,            of tech & services companies
We see meaningful investment           shipping and advertising, both on   dedicated to helping brands
opportunities in these areas:          Amazon and on other platforms.      optimize their presence on the
                                                                           Amazon platform.”
Amazon Marketplace Service Providers   “Amazon is the dominant player
A growing industry of technology       in the global e-commerce            Winn points to a recent Baird
and service providers is forming       marketplace. For brands, it’s a     transaction as a case study

“Amazon is the dominant player in the global e-commerce
  marketplace. For brands, it’s a can’t-miss channel – but it comes
  with complex challenges.”
Eric Winn
Managing Director
Baird Global Technology & Services Investment Banking

illustrative of this dynamic. The         adoption of software and services      toward an “ambient Internet,”
firm recently advised a company,          that help retailers capitalize         which means accessible anytime,
reCommerce, in securing a growth          on their physical footprint and        anywhere, as the number of
equity investment from Topspin            strong partner relationships           connected devices and input
Consumer Partners. reCommerce             with brands. “While e-commerce         mechanisms expands. Moreover,
combines its proprietary in-house         growth has been tremendous,            “next gen” computing platforms
technology platform with creative,        the physical store is often cited      including AR/VR and “metaverses”
marketing, data analytics, brand          as the best defense retailers have     will undoubtedly include
protection, and logistics services        in competition with Amazon,”           e-commerce as part of core
to drive the growth of leading            says Winn. “Their stores are           functionality. “We see this already
brands on Amazon. Positioned              closer to the customer and can         with different technologies that
as the leading tech-enabled               meet critical customer demand          allow consumers, for example, to
selling partner of brands through         for convenience and instant            use augmented reality to enhance
Amazon, reCommerce received a             gratification of receiving one’s       the shopping experience for
lot of investor interest.                 purchase today. This is a primary      home décor and apparel. You can
                                          reason why Amazon acquired             virtually try on a dress or check
E-commerce-Enabling Technology            Whole Foods and continues to           how a new dining table would fit
Omnichannel brands will seek              invest in new retail storefronts       in a specific room,” says Sebastian.
investments in technologies               and distribution locations, to
that allow them to seamlessly             get closer to the customer. Any        Convergence of Social and Visual
merge their physical stores and           technology that helps retailers        Platforms Around E-Commerce
e-commerce presences. Examples            connect their physical stores          Online platforms including
include BOPIS (buy online, pick           to their e-commerce sites or           Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok
up in store) and home delivery            mobile applications will be in         and Snap continue to add
technologies. We continue to              high demand for the foreseeable        more shopping/e-commerce
see news headlines reinforcing            future, to better enable unified       functionalities, joining Google
this concept, including Sephora’s         commerce.”                             in the race to capture one of
recently announced long-term                                                     the most lucrative areas of
partnership with European                 AI-driven User Interfaces              online advertising. Enabling
lifestyle e-commerce platform             Voice platforms of Amazon,             platforms such as Shopify and
Zalando and acquisition of                Google and Apple will continue         BigCommerce are also helping to
European online beauty retailer           to add more transactional              facilitate this shift by contributing
Feelunique.                               functionality, leveraging advanced     product catalogs and integrating
                                          machine learning to fulfill            transaction flows from merchants
Over the course of the pandemic,          consumer requests for products         and brands via APIs. Likewise,
multiple emerging technology              and services. According to Baird       commerce platforms such
leaders have sought investment            Senior Research Analyst Colin          as Amazon, eBay and Wayfair
to capitalize on accelerating             Sebastian, this is part of the shift   now offer advertising services,

effectively increasing the costs        expectations narrowing                 Warehouse Management, Control and
for merchants and brands to             delivery times will require more       Execution Software (WMS)
access the most compelling              urban centres, giving added            Offering a range of sophisticated
marketplaces.                           consideration to space constraints.    functionalities, warehouse
                                        The pandemic environment               management software (WMS)
Blurring the Lines Between E-Commerce   has complicated warehouse              typically controls inventory in and
and Digital Payments/Fintech            operations. Merchants are still        out of the warehouse. Baird Senior
“We expect significant innovation       navigating labor shortages, supply     Research Analyst Rob Mason
in bridging online commerce             chain disruptions, and health          describes WMS: “Consider these
and digital payment services,           and safety concerns for their          systems to be the nerve centre of
including the integration of social     workforces.                            a warehouse – vitally important.”
networking and messaging with                                                  Warehouse control systems
digital wallets,” says Sebastian. He    Warehousing has been, in many          (WCS) manage the flow of goods
notes that shopping platforms           ways, a slow-to-evolve space.          as they travel on various types
such as Shopify are building            According to a recent analysis by      of automated warehouse and
out more advanced payment               consulting company LEK4, roughly       material-handling devices as well
capabilities, while digital payment     60% of warehouses today use “no        as through pick/pack/sort stations.
companies such as PayPal and            to low levels of automation” and       Finally, a warehouse execution
Square are blending shopping            another 30-35% only use basic          systems (WES) is a newer type of
and other “super-app” capabilities      mechanical aids, e.g. conveyors.       solution and often considered a
within their platforms.                 Given the demands being placed         more all-inclusive solution, making
                                        on distribution infrastructure         it well suited for small or medium
Video and Livestreaming Extending       combined with productivity             sized operations, that includes
E-Commerce Beyond the Stores            limitations of traditional operating   both inventory management and
With shopping as entertainment          methods, Baird sees warehousing        control capabilities. However, large
an increasing theme, there is           poised for an automation               operations may also still require
also a notable ramp in the use          revolution. Automation                 advanced capabilities of WMS.
of video platforms (such as             technologies can help businesses
YouTube) to drive e-commerce            meet the demands of the market’s       Machine-to-Machine Technology (M2M)
transactions, as well as platforms      growth dynamics. Specific              M2M enables direct
including Amazon and                    opportunities we see include:          communication between devices
Alibaba using live streaming to                                                and can be applied to equipment
merchandise products. Together                                                 like packing machines, pallet
with the increasing adoption of                                                machines, autonomous mobile
connected TVs (and OTT content                                                 robots (AMRs) and conveyors.
distribution), we see many new          “These technologies                   And since the average cost of
opportunities for e-commerce             will become practically               downtime at a distributor can
to expand onto the “big screen”                                                reach approximately $10,000 per
and engage with consumers
                                         essential to efficient                hour5, M2M is a huge opportunity
well beyond the desktop and              DC functionality                      when applied to traditional
mobile devices.                          as the physical scale                 warehouse tasks (receiving/
                                                                               picking/storage), as well as
                                         and complexity of
WAREHOUSING                                                                    predictive maintenance. Mason
The acceleration in e-commerce           warehouses increases.”                points out that the combination
is having a profound effect                                                    of M2M with WMS is a particularly
on warehousing/distribution               Rob Mason                            powerful blend of automation
                                          Senior Research Analyst
and fulfillment infrastructure.           Baird
                                                                               functionality. But he also notes
However, changes in consumer                                                   that there’s more potential to

be gained out of these systems.        and deep learning technologies to      “This is a very technologically
“The pace of high-speed ethernet       scan hard-to-reach locations.          demanding application,” says
/ 5G adoption – which enables                                                 Mason. “It’s possible because of
machines to communicate directly       Additionally, we are observing         advancements in cobot dexterity,
and transmit data back to cloud        businesses adopting Real Time          gripping, machine vision, flexibility
management systems at the pace         Location Systems (RTLS), which         and lower material costs. We
necessary to enable automation         allows warehouse operators             believe that cobots still have
and prevent mistakes – is a key        to monitor inventory, material         room for improvement in being
factor for M2M. Additionally, as       handling equipment and people          able to replicate the full range of
chip efficiency improves and           in real-time for not only presence/    tasks performed by humans, but
software developments continue,        absence, but to also determine         the technological advancements
we should see improved edge            location – in turn, increasing         and continued demand for
computing abilities of machines        safety, efficiency and awareness       the technology will allow that
like AMRs and picking robots.          of pending issues.                     evolution to continue.”
And the end result of all of this
is a lower cost, safer warehouse       Robotics and Robotic Process           High density Automated
environment that provides              Automation (RPA)                       Storage and Retrieval Systems
higher throughput.”                    A myriad of robotic technologies       (AS/RS) is another important
                                       are now playing an important           warehouse application. AS/RS
Real-Time Tracking                     role in warehouse environments.        can deliver improvements in
Effective supply chain                 Automated guided vehicles              facility throughput, boost labor
management and omnichannel             (AGVs), which have a longer            efficiency and improve safety.
strategies in particular are reliant   history in industrial application,     Meanwhile, robotic process
on high levels of real-time            are still increasing in usage but      automation (RPA) technologies
inventory accuracy and visibility      are ceding ground to AMRs.             apply artificial intelligence (AI),
to execute a flawless customer         AMRs generally embed artificial        machine learning and analytics to
experience. Moreover, historical       intelligence and can generate          manual tasks – allowing workers
studies of inventory accuracy,         their own path based on                to focus less on mundane tasks
whether among retailers or             pre-loaded maps, or routes the         and more on high-value work. For
otherwise, has illustrated wide        unit teaches itself, and incorporate   example, automated inventory
discrepancies. Manual counts           data from cameras and sensors          management systems now use
are labor intensive and episodic.      to respond dynamically to the          barcode or RFID scanners to log
Increasingly RFID is being             environment. Perhaps best known        packages/goods entering and
deployed to allow inventory to         are Amazon’s Kiva robots that now      exiting a facility, taking over a
be automatically counted and           number over 200,000 operating in       low-value added and potentially
inform real-time accuracy of           its fulfillment center network.        error-prone human task. “These
items on hand and available to                                                technologies will become
order/promise/ship. Decreases          Additionally, AMRs mainly reside       practically essential to efficient DC
in individual RFID costs are also      in the category of collaborative       functionality as the physical scale
enabling RFID to be more widely        robots (cobots) because they           and complexity of warehouses
deployed to improve inventory          can work safely in conjunction         increases,” says Mason.
visibility. Augmenting the             with and in close proximity            CONTINUE TO HEALTHCARE INSIGHTS 
adoption of RFID are counting          to humans. As Mason points
robots that can scan RFID tags         out, warehouse cobot arms
from as far as 25 feet away, while     and various types of AMRs are
drones can use optional sensors        beginning to penetrate actual
                                       item-level picking applications.

Long encumbered by complex decision-making, dated technologies
and seemingly endless paperwork, the healthcare industry is embracing
automation. Not only do automated technologies have the potential to
revolutionize workflows across healthcare – they stand to improve patient
outcomes. We see a number of compelling, relevant opportunities across
the space:

ROBOTIC PROCESS                      illustrate how RPA is impacting           with ways to update and enhance
AUTOMATION (RPA)                     healthcare:                               their processes amid COVID,
In an industry known for a great                                               these technologies and tools are
volume of highly manual,             • Nuance Communications (NUAN)           becoming more in demand.
time-consuming administrative          offers voice-based technology
work, robotic process automation       to automate the clinical               TELEMEDICINE AND
(RPA) could automate a myriad          note-taking process, a notoriously     TELEHEALTH
of workflows across the healthcare     time-consuming process for             Automation can also be leveraged
industry and free up workers’          healthcare providers. Microsoft is     to enhance care delivery, and
time for patient care. RPA             acquiring NUAN for $19.7 billion       we are observing this trend
can automate appointment               in a transaction that is expected to   across the telemedicine and
scheduling, streamline claims          close by the end of 2021.              telehealth markets. In our view,
management processes and                                                      while automated solutions and
enhance clinic workflows.            • Phreesia (PHR) provides patient       technologies can complement
                                       intake solutions designed to           patient care and experience, they
Members of Baird’s Healthcare          improve operational efficiency for     will never fully replace
Research team point to a couple        providers and care experience for      human-delivered care.
of noteworthy platforms that           patients. And as providers grapple
In the telehealth sphere,             and consumers, or data assets          more proactive interactions and
automation can be leveraged           – there are many prospective           care, which patients need to live
to generate insights on patients      buyers that stand to benefit from      healthier lives.”
that can inform clinical              that technology and those assets.
decision-making. Meanwhile,           And those prospective buyers           Pavlik highlights the compelling
AI can be leveraged to enhance        aren’t necessarily other or larger     potential of such solutions, like
patient diagnoses and inform          healthcare players.”                   those offered by Baird Capital
next steps for the practitioner.                                             portfolio company Upfront
Automated software solutions          Baird expects the consolidation        Healthcare, to enable more
can power tools such as chatbots,     to continue moving forward as          personalized and automated
which can field simple questions      companies attempt to broaden           interactions across a variety of
from patients, and support remote     portfolios and achieve scale,          use cases, including appointment
patient monitoring for individuals    making themselves more relevant        reminders and scheduling,
who are battling illness or           within this broader trend of           medication adherence, referral
recovering in their home.             automated care.                        management and new patient
                                                                             enrollment and onboarding.
According to Baird Senior             PATIENT ENGAGEMENT
Research Analyst Vikram               As consumers increasingly expect       To discuss these themes, their
Kesavabhotla, these platforms are     and demand digital-based               implications for your business
so compelling that it’s prompting     interactions with their merchants      or other topics, email
a healthy level of acquisitions.      and service providers across 
Kesavabhotla points out that          industries, health systems have
there have been over 21 publicly      been expanding their investments
disclosed transactions in the space   in automated digital outreach
in the last six years, including      and patient communication
Teladoc’s $18.5 billion acquisition   solutions to address this change
of Livongo, which provides            in consumer preference, improve
remote patient monitoring             patient engagement and lower
services for diabetes and other       operating costs. “Automation is
chronic conditions.                   really transforming how patients
                                      interact with the healthcare
Kesavabhotla expects the              system,” says Jim Pavlik, Partner
consolidation trend to continue.      with Baird Capital. “Real life can
“There is tremendous strategic        get in the way of sticking to a care
value to be realized in many          plan or staying on top of annual
of these platforms. Whether           medical appointments. Emerging
it’s a target’s end-customer          patient engagement technology
relationships, access to physicians   solutions can open the door to

“Emerging patient engagement technology solutions
 can open the door to more proactive interactions and
 care, which patients need to live healthier lives.”
 Jim Pavlik
 Partner, Baird Capital

Per a commitment initially negotiated in 2015 by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. National Highway Traffic Safety

 Administration, “NHTSA-IIHS Announcement on AEB,” December 21, 2017. Accessed via
 Reuters, “Robots target coronavirus with ultraviolet light at London train station.” Accessed via

 Per a March 16, 2021, press release entitled “Boston Red Sox Enlist Surfacide® UV Disinfection Robots To Help Safely Reopen Fenway Park.” Accessed via

 LEK Executive Insights, “The Evolving Warehouse Automation Market and the Implications for Investors,” September 15, 2020.

 Honeywell Intelligrated, “Unleash the Power of DC Connectivity,” summer 2019. Accessed via

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