2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT

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2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women’s dress with
prototype development


                                                                   9886810692 / 9947594231

                                                                             virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
Amritha S
Necessity to introduce odd sizes in jeans

The project aims at introducing odd sizes in jeans in the current Indian
market by analysing various fit issues related to jeans. To study the need
of between sizes for jeans. To Study current product offerings from BARE
Denim. To conceptually use fit as a platform to develop a new concept
based product range at an affordable price to attract more customers. 9995552408
To suggest a new size ratio for the denim category.
                Understanding the need of the project A comparative
analysis of the brands that provide odd sizes globally To study bare brand
denim( brand architecture, products , price range) Conduct a visual fit
analysis Conduct store visits to know various fit issues and customer
feedbacks related to sizing issues Conduct consumer survey through
questionnaire Measurement analysis Developing a new measurement
chart which includes odd sizes Developing samples Fit trials Change of
ratio and size range implementation

                         – PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT WOMEN: GARMENT
CATEGORY DENIM JEANS Colour Black Fabric 90.2% cotton, 8.3%
polyester,1.5% Elastane Age category 18-35 Gender Women Proposed
MRP 999 MEN: GARMENT CATEGORY DENIM JEANS Colour Black Fabric                           Showcase
                                                                                        virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY       2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

  Anagha Sasidharan

Study  on Pre-season and In-season OTB planning in Retail
 The biggest challenge of fashion retail companies is to have the right product at the right store at the right time. This crucial step is only achieved with thorough planning. Open to Buy is
 a key tool used by retailers to attain their goals financially helping them create a strong plan. Open to buy is the budget amount a retailer has in hand to buy the exact amount of product
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Anagha Sasidharan
they can sell. This value is derived from strong financial background with the help of previous sales patterns, experience and a lot of logic. This project is an attempt to study the Open to
Buy Planning Process in various companies, the use of retail planning solutions and to build a standardised planning procedure that is expected to be universal for fashion retail companies
to follow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  +91 8086248089

    ●   Understanding various concepts like OTB, WSSI, Pre-season planning, In-season planning, inventory management and replenishment management.
    ●   Understanding the present system followed by Indian companies for Pre-season OTB and In-season WSSI processes.
    ●   Competitive analysis of major Open-to-buy planning software available in the market
    ●   Identify the problems faced by companies in the current planning methods
    ●   Analyzing the systems deeply to find the flaws and strengths of each company’s process and compare the methods to find the best practice.


    ●   Prepare the Literature Review going through articles available in the internet on concepts like OTB, WSSI, Pre-season planning, In-season planning, managing inventories and
        replenishments etc… And learn the steps involved in these processes.
    ●   Learn the capabilities of retail planning software.                                                                                                                                                     Graduation
    ●   Meet experts to study about the present systems followed by Indian companies for Pre-season OTB and In-season WSSI planning and collect primary and secondary data.
    ●   Brand study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                virtual edition
    ●   Draw comparison charts to find the best practice.
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY         2016 - 2020 NIFT Kannur


Higher productivity brings higher margin in a business. And increment in Production efficiency level reduces garment manufacturing cost. Hence factory can make more profit                  ANITTA ABRAHAM
through productivity improvement. The main issues in sewing section are:                                                                                                                     anittaabraham21@gmail.com
• Low efficiency of sewing lines.
• Unbalanced Line and low Production due to skill Gap.                                                                                                                                       9539158654

• No permanent allocation of operators on lines.
• No ownership of operators to supervisors which make it difficult to handle the operators.
The sewing section in a garment firm is a most problematic section as compared with other value chains. Most of the time, failure to meet delivery time is because of the sewing
section. Sewing operations (with respect to cutting and finishing) demands high skill in machine handling as well as material handling and more chances of producing defective
products. So we have to give more attention to stitching tasks than fabric cutting and other value chains of garment production.
Firstly, high WIP in traditional type of batch production is the major problem faced by industries. Due to high WIP, the throughput time as well as rework level is very high.

In some cases, even though the operator has completed the sewing operations, the garment cannot be packed because of high WIP. Also, the defective parts are hidden inside the
batches and it is very difficult to clear them while completing the final order quantity. This is the reason why garment professionals seem to work like fire fighters; because they are
always in hurry for searching the missing garment pieces all over the shop floor.

Secondly, in batch processing (Progressive Bundling system), flexibility towards the style change over cannot be achieved easily; which is the current demand (Decreasing order size
and increasing number of style) of retail industry. To meet this requirement, production layout should be designed in such a way that it should hold minimum WIP and should be
flexible enough to the changing need of order.

Thirdly, in batch process, since the operators are given specific jobs, they know one or few more operations only. Though he /she may have good skill and can work more efficiently
on one (allocated job only) operation; he /she cannot work immediately on some other operation. This is another need of today’s industry, because the fashion is changing frequently                 Showcase
and the work force should be capable enough to cope with this change. To achieve this operator should be multi-skilled; which can be served by regular training and converting
long assembly lines into small manufacturing cells.                                                                                                                                                   2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                       virtual edition
Workload fluctuation and process balancing among operators is another problem in batch processing, because one operator is given one operation at a time. So the operator who
is performing easier and low time consuming jobs can pile up a huge amount of WIP whereas in the critical operations (operations which need more time and skill) there is lagging
which causes unbalanced WIP between machines and the work load. This research tries to address all these problems of garment industry by implementing lean manufacturing
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY              2016 - 2020   NIFT Kannur

 Ankit Shreyash Bhardwaj

The motive of the project was to reduces leadtime through suggesting virtual prototyping in AERIE .The project aims towards
finding the critical path method and monitoring the delays in lead time and crashing it later.The 3d prototyping also helps in
                                                                                                                                        Ankit Shreyash Bhardwaj
reduction of lead time line and sample development cost and reduces chances of defect and rework. 6.
Objective-- To investigate the supply chain for AERIE and find out the critical activities, suggest ways to improve and make change     +91 9430186274
if possible. In addition to this, Virtual 3d sampling will enable the company to save the cost of sampling as well as reduce the lead
time 7

.Methodology- The design of the research is conclusive in natureThis research is a type of conclusive research which is called
descriptive research. Primary data needs to be generated which is quantitative and qualitative in nature. First, personal interviews
with the experts and second is observational technique.Once the data are collected,critical path needs to be identified from the
network diagram so that the whole project can be monitored correctly and then crashed with 3d prototyping Similarly, comparative
study can be done between virtual 3D sampling and conventional method of sampling.After the analysis proper tracking of the
garment can be done and crashed. Virtual 3D sampling will enable us to reduce the lead time and find the most economical way
of sampling. 8.

Final deliverables- The result can tell us that the lead time and cost can be reduced if we can change the process or utilise better
technology .Virtual prototyping is a way to reduce lead time and can help in making work easier and more efficient with other
works such as fabric development in parallel to give more time to other critical or sub-critical activities. The outcomes of data
analysis fulfills the objectives of the research. Virtual 3D sampling enables us to reduce the lead time and find the most economical
$137.72 8 DAYS $1977.5 For 40 Styles in Aerie. Profit for first year(virtual samples) =$1880 Profit for second year(virtual samples)
=$4078(excluding depreciation).
                                                                                                                                                    virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY   2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

To study the scope of plus sizes in Shoppers Stop under private label
STOP for men’s wear (shirts and trousers)
                                                                                                                                                                                        ANUSHKA SARAF
The Menswear market in India transitioned from tailor-made to ready-made clothing due to the popularity of ready-made clothing among young and working Indian men. This
is not only for a regular sized man, but for those who are big and tall as well. The plus size men are being deprived of keeping up with fashion trends. This project was done so
as to analyse the scope of plus size clothing and the preferences of BIG and TALL men.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: • To study the scope and growth potential of formal and casual wear in the plus size category for men. • To compare the size charts of the
competitors and propose the same for brand STOP • To study various brands for men ( both private and non private) • To study customer behaviour and preferences. • To
understand offerings by competitors. • To understand the scope of the product. (plus size)

METHODOLOGY: • Study of Indian plus size market scenario, obesity rate, and Indian sizing and fit analysis. • Study of plus sized men’s clothing preferences with the help of a
questionnaire. • Study of sales data of STOP to understand market scenario and requirements of sizes according to the region. • Study of sales data of non-private labels and
their size ranges and product availability. • Study of competitors by understanding the options offered by MOB’S like Shoppers Stop. • Study of size charts of competitors and
proposing a size chart along with grading.

FINAL DELIVERABLES: • Following are the proposed size charts developed by comparison with size charts of mostly accepted brands and local tailor shops (to understand plus
size body shapes and measurements).

• By introducing new styles in the mint-fresh concept of plus-size clothing in India, Shoppers Stop can hope to cash in on the ignored segment of big people on the lookout for
fashionable, plus size men’s clothing. • With private label brands, Shoppers Stop can ensure profitability as there is no middle-man, control the price-points and decide whether
to discount or not, unlike others brands. • Plus-size fashion is very popular abroad. `The Big and Tall Stores' there address the oversized, but in India this concept has been
overlooked by our fashion industry despite the fact that one in every four people in the world today, according to research, is obese. So I hope shopper’s stop will be able to fill
in this unaddressed gap. KEY FINDINGS • The key finding of this project are : 1. Offerings by competitors 2. Consumer preferences and buying behaviour 3. Most acceptable                       Showcase
brands and their size charts 4. Proposed size chart for brand STOP 5. Grading for plus sizes
                                                                                                                                                                                                 virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY          2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur
                                                                                                      FASHION TECHNOLOGY      2016 - 2020     NIFT Kannur

Product Development is one of the techniques which enable us to create new products which can satisfy the customer needs
                                                                                                                                     DIVYANSHI KALRA
and also start a new trend for the fashion industry. Multifunctional garments are the future of fashion industry. These types of
garments have versatility to perform different functions according to the features imparted onto them. In major parts of the
world, Multifunctional garments have been become a new trend as the consumers are trying to find their money’s worth. In the          9759891568, 9870687501

US and China, these types of garments have already been available in the wide range of choices. Garments like Convertible
jackets, having Wearable technologies or a Multi-Styling Tube with the snap buttons or separating zippers with which they can
perform various functions, comes under the category of the Multifunctional garment.

As of now the Indian fashion industry needs a new trend and multifunctional garments can make that. It will help us to also cope
with the fashion trends set in the countries like US or China. The lack of choice in the segment of Multifunctional Garments does
not allow the trend of multifunctional garments to become popular in India. The company like Limeroad which wants to increase
its market and reach for the customers by opening a retail store with the brand name L.R. Classics, if start developing
multifunctional garments , which are detachable and convertible, will give an extra advantage to attract more and more
customers which will help in customer retention as well as increasing the sales.


   •   To develop two multifunctional garment for women's and travelers for brand L.R. Classics as a market opportunity and
       attract new customers.
   •   To develop garments/apparel that can serve/perform more than one functions and reduce the wardrobe space.
   •   To check the feasibility and demands in multifunctional garments.
   •   To make the customers feel that they are getting two garments in the price of one.
   •   To discover the opportunity in the market where the brand can increase its sales.                                                     Graduation
   •   To conceptually use multifunction as a platform to develop a new concept based product to attract more customers.
                                                                                                                                              virtual edition
Steps Followed:-
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY          2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

 Diya Sara Baby
 Necessity to introduce odd sizes in jeans

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: The project aims at introducing odd sizes in jeans in the current Indian market by                     Diya Sara Baby
analysing various fit issues related to jeans.                                                                            diya.baby@nift.ac.in

SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: • To study the need of between sizes for jeans. • To Study current product offerings
from BARE Denim. • To conceptually use fit as a platform to develop a new concept based product range at
an affordable price to attract more customers. • To suggest a new size ratio for the denim category.

METHODOLGY: • Understanding the need of the project • A comparative analysis of the brands that provide
odd sizes globally • To study bare brand denim( brand architecture, products , price range) • Conduct a visual
fit analysis • Conduct store visits to know various fit issues and customer feedbacks related to sizing issues •
Conduct consumer survey through questionnaire • Measurement analysis • Developing a new measurement
chart which includes odd sizes • Developing samples • Fit trials • Change of ratio and size range implementation

8.3% polyester,1.5% Elastane Age category 18-35 Gender Women Proposed MRP 999 MEN: GARMENT CATEGORY DENIM JEANS
Colour Black Fabric 90.2% cotton, 8.3% polyester,1.5% Elastane Age category 18-35 Gender Men Proposed MRP 999 CHANGE OF
RATIO: Size ratio 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 Women’s denim 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Men’s denim 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38

Size ratio 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1

                                                                                                                                 virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY        2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

The Indian online apparel market has become more competitive these days and the competition is getting more and tougher with every single day passing. To understand the
merchandising process of an online apparel brand and suggest ways to standardize it so that the problems like merchandise stock outs and late response time, and eventually,
the percentage of order cancellations and return to origin (RTO) orders can be minimized. The Athleisure market is gaining popularity at an exponential rate in the Global as well
as Indian market, and the Company needs to keep pace with it. Competitive analysis had made it apparent that various e-commerce websites have already launched a significant                       FARID THASHFIN
range of Athleisure products. Therefore, planning a range of products to be included under the Athleisure trend. A background research of Athleisure showed that the trend has
seen a massive growth in the past 5 years, since its inception in 2015. These garments were studied as per the different fabrics and trims that are being used for each category
for different leading brands.

Objective : There are 2 parts to this project. The objective of the project is to achieve standards in the merchandising process in the company. The sub-objectives of the project
are as follows: To improve the forecasting of different types of orders. To improve tracking of the orders, so that it reaches at a correct time. Developing a range of products
under the Athleisure (comfortable active wear) for ladies. The products include: T-shirt, tank top, tights and joggers. The sub-objectives of the project are as follows: Brand analysis.
Market visit. Measurement chart. Costing.

Methodology : Merchandise process • Analysis and understanding about the working of the company; the processes and process flow in the company. Each and every process
was studied and understood. • Detailed analysis of the role of the merchandisers in the company and the merchandising process. • The secondary data was collected with the
help of review of available literature online on the internet and with help of the industry mentor, journals, books, etc. • Primary data on Purchase Orders, order completion, late
responses and order cancellations due to unavailability of stock, information about forecasting and planning methods and schedule were taken and analyzed. • Identification of
loop-holes in the process. Range planning Studying Athleisure’s inception, market size, trend forecast for SpringSummer ’20, and factors affecting the trend. • Articles • Market
and Trend Reports • Fashion Blogs Brands’ analysis to infer what the leading brands are providing in terms of their fabrics and finishes in each category • E-Commerce portal of
different brands. Understanding the costing of fabrics and the most commonly used fabrics for Athleisure in terms of their composition and GSM. • Vendor Interaction • Market
Study Forming a measurement chart for each garment • Measuring the garments of each brand under study and comparing them with the ASTM standards for a body
measurement to calculate the ease given in each category. Devising a cost sheet for each garment containing all details related to fabric, trims, Cut-and-Make Charges, freight
cost and margin Compiling all data in the form of a techpack containing fabric and trims detail, silhouette of the garment, measurement chart, stitch and seam                                            Graduation
                                                                                                                                                                                                           virtual edition
2020 Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women's dress with prototype development - NIFT
FASHION TECHNOLOGY          2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

Product Development is one of the techniques which enable us to create new products which can satisfy the customer
needs and also start a new trend for the fashion industry. Multifunctional garments are the future of fashion industry.
                                                                                                                           GOURI SHARMA
These types of garments have versatility to perform different functions according to the features imparted onto them.
In major parts of the world, Multifunctional garments have been become a new trend as the consumers are trying to           gaurigs1998@gmail.com

find their money’s worth. In the US and China, these types of garments have already been available in the wide range
of choices. Garments like Convertible jackets, having Wearable technologies or a Multi-Styling Tube with the snap
buttons or separating zippers with which they can perform various functions, comes under the category of the
Multifunctional garment.

As of now the Indian fashion industry needs a new trend and multifunctional garments can make that. It will help us
to also cope with the fashion trends set in the countries like US or China. The lack of choice in the segment of
Multifunctional Garments does not allow the trend of multifunctional garments to become popular in India. The
company like Limeroad which wants to increase its market and reach for the customers by opening a retail store with
the brand name L.R. Classics, if start developing multifunctional garments , which are detachable and convertible, will
give an extra advantage to attract more and more customers which will help in customer retention as well as increasing
the sales.


   •   To develop two multifunctional garment for women's and travelers for brand L.R. Classics as a market
       opportunity and attract new customers.
   •   To develop garments/apparel that can serve/perform more than one functions and reduce the wardrobe space.
   •   To check the feasibility and demands in multifunctional garments.
   •   To make the customers feel that they are getting two garments in the price of one.
   •   To discover the opportunity in the market where the brand can increase its sales.                                          2020
                                                                                                                                   virtual edition
   •   To conceptually use multifunction as a platform to develop a new concept based product to attract more
FASHION TECHNOLOGY        2016 - 2020   NIFT Kannur

EXPLORATORY RESEARCH ON HIMALAYAN NETTLE FOR                                                                                                                             HITESH RIKHI


The Global fashion industry is searching for substitutes to be more sustainably conscious and this research is focused on one such naturally occurring fiber known as
Himalayan Nettle (Girardina Diversifolia) which is abundantly present and also possess many useful properties. The research also talks about the commercial use of
Himalayan Nettle as alternative in the fashion industry and the necessary measures to spark the interest of consumers.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT : • Research on Himalayan Nettle to do prototype designing for the handloom products • To check the feasibility and demands in nettle
apparel products.

METHODOLOGY • Prototype Designing based on the consumer survey, interviews, journals and trends research from WGSN. • Create a difference & design innovative
products which usually are considered as un-worn • To introduce an eco-friendly alternative

FINAL DELIVERABLES: The data was collected by targeting a age group about their preferences, choices, buying power & shopping frequency and on the basis of that
the garment was constructed according to the parameters identified in the research.

                                                                                                                                                                                  virtual edition
FASHION TECHNOLOGY      2016 - 2020   NIFT Kannur

   Product Diversification for the Brand
    Raymond MTM was started in 2014 August as a luxurious brand, targeting thepremium customer by providing customized Garments in Men’s Apparel wear. They are well
    known for the best Quality and fit and various choices of fabrics and trims they provide. The ultimate objective is to provide the customer the new line of products and value

    addition to their products, by creating a sustainable wear and by providing the functional finishes of their choices to the garment they purchase. Being the successful Made       Manasa.ck@gmail.com

    to Measure brand in INDIA and in European countries having a very less competitors in the business, the new products and extra values addition to the garment always

    attract the educated customers and maintain the premium customers. Hence creates the benchmark in the apparel business by being the First Brand to Provide Customized

    Sustainable Blazer and Customized Functional Finishes to the available product.

From a practical view point, a strategist needs to be able to live in the fast growing fashion market. The strategist needs to understand the situation as the growth of men’s

apparel is rapidly increasing by 5.9% CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) see it and to analyse it so as to know what actions will maximize their outcomes to be able to

calculate the actual financial and personal outcomes of the individual strategic choices.

The sustainable Blazer
   -   The sustainable Blazer Reduces the fashion victims i.e. the animals that are killed for their fur, hair and other materials. Will be reduced.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    virtual edition
   -   Annually 1 billion sheep’s are killed for their fur hence we developing can reduce a small amount of animals. Hence start Ethical fashion in our industry.
FASHION TECHNOLOGY         2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

    Implementation Of Smart Production Management
The System
    study is regarding tracking the operators real time production output with the help of smart solutions. The concept of the smart solutions is to make use of current technology
Internet of things which has brought the fourth revolution in Industries and came up as Industrial Internet of things for industry based application. SPMS is meant to collect and
distribute real time data of events on the production floor. This data must be understandable and useful for decision making. Monitored data should help the production team to
respond timely on the events that may affect the desired result. Such a system should also alarm and inform respective departments concerning all recognized faults. SPMS is not
just display boards that show production data, it also has a reporting and administration module, where stored data can be analysed to find trends, estimations and projections for       Manvi Grover

easier decision making and production planning. Proactively detected faults will decrease wasted time and improve overall equipment effectiveness. SPMS benefits the company by          manvi.grover153@gmail.com
capturing the real time data which generates accurate sewing operator reports, live production reports and efficiency reports to the management. It also gives accurate downtime          807775854
reports along with the defects at the end of each section. Real time data reports help to inform decision making and rework analysis.

Project Objective • To capture the real time data of each work duration on the production floor. • To track and solve the issues/problems in the machine breakdown through preventive
action. • To identify and reduce the rework of the garments through training the operators on that particular operations where the rework is more. • To track the unplanned
absenteeism before the operator buses reach the factory. • To avoid labour idleness and improve productivity by balancing the line by smart solutions.

Primary Research (Observational research) Secondary Research Problem Identification Brainstorming Providing the solution Development of the software Training and Trail Run (
professional training to the worker) Implementation Troubleshooting Comparison of Data Costing and ROI (Return Of Investments) Analysis Final Data Compilation Material
implementation at the work stations Implementation at workstations Implementation of Dashboard Conclusion SPMS is designed for capturing the production real time data enables
to continuously acquire data from the floor with regard to efficiency, malfunctions and productivity. This leads to improved production capacity and cost efficiency, helps to achieve
desired production goals. The problem statement describes the problem that occurs and leads to this study. While the project objectives, set the purpose of this study and why this
project is done. Finally, the project scope involves the scope of the study, the boundaries and the assumption made.

                                                                                                                                                                                               virtual edition
FASHION TECHNOLOGY      2016 - 2020 NIFT Kannur

     Mayank Singh Bani
Range Planning by Competitor Analysis and SOP development for Product Development
Issues such as what merchandise to purchase and in what quantity, are of strategic significance to every retailer.  For every industry, its product range and varieties are the best way
to attract and retain customers.  The retailer must make decisions regarding the merchandise offered depending on the sales targets and financial objectives of the store. Sizes,
colors, makes and quality.                                                                                                                                                                  Mayank Singh Bani

Objective 1- To develop the Standard Operating Procedures for Product Development department for understanding the pre-season planning.                                                     mayank.bani@nift.ac.in

Objective 2- To plan the range from all the products developed during Product Development by considering-  In-season performance of the Indigo Nation.  a competitor analysis             7019651020
with major brands and provide feasible solutions to boost the performance. 

Methodology- The data required for achieving the above objective were as follows:  Time taken for sampling, interaction with the vendors, and interaction with the designers is noted
and to maintain a track sheet of all the sampling activities for the given brand.  Understanding the steps involved in sampling keeping a track of all the processes and analyzing the
cause of delays.  Delays in Sampling Process  There were several delays in receiving the sample from the sampling team of the vendor. The same is showed below into Fishbone
Diagram- 

Final Deliverables-  Delays in Sampling-  The Product Development Team must have sufficient data regarding the samples to be made before conducting the meeting with the
sampling team of the vendor  As many as possible fabric samples must be given along with the pictures.  The pictures must be large enough in size to be interpreted with ease. 
Proper notes must be made during the meetings.  The Product Development team must make it a point to keep a check on the progress daily .  If possible, frequent visits to be made
to the vendors.  To keep a track of the samples, number of days must be allotted within which the styles must be made. The number of days depends upon the nature of style.  The
number of samples given to one particular vendor must depend upon the reliability and efficiency of the vendor  Comparative Mapping-  Indigo Nation should increase number of
options for core categories.  The starting price point of Shirts of Indigo Nation is more than its competitors.  More design elements can be included so that the value is at par with
the money  They can try to bring down their shirt exit price  The price of Basic Tee is much higher than the competitors  A lot of deviations are observed in the starting price point
of Indigo Nation’s woven bottoms whereas its competitor ZARA is providing all bottoms at the same starting price point  Indigo Nation's colored denims are very much more
expensive(2499, 3499, 3999) as compared to its competitors (starting price for UCB, ZARA and Mango).  Sell Through  More efforts must be paid towards the fit of the garment                Graduation
The store staff must be trained enough so that they are able to provide correct guidance and assistance to the customer, if need be. (Like in the case of the knit playsuit where the          Showcase
customers had difficulty while wearing it)  Trend spotting  The apparel category sections should have a proper communication channel.  Only those styles that suit the demography
must be included. Conclusion  The following were achieved by the end of the project:  A formal SOP was developed  A time and action calendar for the same was developed using
                                                                                                                                                                                                 virtual edition

Gantt chart  Delays in the receiving the samples in house were identified and recommendations were given for improving the same  A comparative study was done between the
FASHION TECHNOLOGY     2016 - 2020       NIFT Kannur

Pragya Gunjan
                                                                                                                                                                                  Pragya Gunjan
operators’ workload distribution to increase the efficiency of floor                                                                                                               9570645499

• This project is done to increase the efficiency of floor. Efficiency improvement is very much important to apparel manufacturer. • The different technique
to increase efficiency are by reduction in wastage of resources like men, material, machine, time, space, capital etc. • When cost of manufacturing is reduced,
efficiency will be high • Efficiency% = (SAM * production) / (total manpower * working minute)

objectives of the project • To increase efficiency of floor • To improve productivity of floor • To reduce manpower • To remove bottleneck • To release
floaters from line

. FINAL RESULT • It is observed that efficiency is continuously increasing after giving proper training to low efficiency operators, removing bottle neck
operation, absenteeism coverage, proper manpower allocation, line balancing & floaters release plan. • The company has increased the efficiency of the
production line to 65 percent till month of March, reduced 1 manpower from each line so total 5 manpower is reduced is from floor. • It is observed that in
month of March the line efficiency of:

                                                                                                                                                                                 virtual edition
                                                                                                         Domain                                      Host Firm
                                                                                                                                                     Criti Designs
                                                                                                         Retail experience design
FASHION TECHNOLOGY       2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

 Rahul M
The fabric consumption for each style will be given by the merchandiser in Bill of Materials (BOM) while releasing the Purchase order along with uploading it in the
ERP software. Fabric store issues fabric according to the issue slip given by the merchandiser for this particular Purchase order quantity. Since the production is 23
happening in-house it is possible to edit the purchase order quantity after production. Because of this, purchase order quantity decreases significantly after
                                                                                                                                                                                 Rahul M
production thus increasing the fabric consumption per garment. So unexpected fabric wastage is happening either because of quality issues in fabric or by increased
end bits formation which is also not recorded in ERP software for costing and re-use. Fabric store should be able to stop defected fabric rolls from issuing it for
cutting. Measures should be taken to reduce end bit formation. End bits data should be recorded and entered into the ERP software for issuing it for re-use.                     7012470299

OBJECTIVESS OF THE PROJECT: Primary Objective: The Primary Objective of the project is to reduce the direct material cost incurred to the company. Secondary
Objectives: • To improve the quality of fabric being issued for cutting, hence reduce the fabric wastage. • Standardize the process of roll allocation for spreading
based on shades to help splicing. • Create SOP and new material flow for recording End-bit data in ERP software. 2 • To reduce the manufacturing cost of the
product and therefore impacting the final selling price for the goods

METHODOLOGY: Problem is identified as lack of supervision and update in BOM (Bill of materials) therefore Research is carried out in DMAIC form: The problem is
defined as wastage of fabric in the form of end bits 6 months End bit data on Work order & Article level for Scrap & End Bits was collected to support the facts and
the research carried out Upon studying the data further problems were identified and root cause analysis for the same was done Implementation was to be in 3
stages: I. Changes in the data collection method II. Providing the necessary changes on the SAP platform III. Training the SAP based employees Finding the cost
reduction s and benefit to the company after the implementation

FINAL DELIVERABLES: • System for shade segregation of rolls in each lot • System to store and reuse scrap and scrap data • New material flow to accommodate
changes OVERALL COST EFFECT Difference Due to End-Bits: As observed from the above data: An average of 2,500 kg of fabric is going in end-bits (reusable) each
month which is booked as scrap in SAP. Average cost for fabric = ~350/kg Average cost for scrap =~10/kg Therefore, Actual valuation of fabric, 2500kg*Rs.350/kg =
Rs. 8,75,000 Currently booking at: 2500 kg*Rs 10/kg = Rs. 25,000 Hence monthly difference in booking = Rs. 8,75,000-Rs. 25,000=Rs. 8,50,000 3 “Rs. 8,50,000 worth
material can be saved. Therefore, not incurring the cost on the Product” Difference Due to Incorrect Booking of Rib Weight: As the rib scrap was getting booked with
the cut panels therefore difference in the booking was observed: 99 Average scrap generated from rib : 380kg Actual booking on SAP : 0Kg Avg. cost of Rib:
Rs.390/Kg Therefore Current Booking : 380kg*Rs.390/kg = Rs.1,48,200 This 380 kg of Rib should be booked at Rs.10/Kg Therefore, Actual Cost. = 380Kg*Rs.10/kg =
                                                                                                                                              Host Firm
Rs.3800 Difference =Rs 1,48,200-Rs 3800=Rs. 1,10,200 “This cost can be reduced from the garment”    Domain
                                                                                                                                                                               virtual edition
                                                                                                                                              Criti Designs
                                                                                                    Retail experience design
FASHION TECHNOLOGY    2016 - 2020     NIFT Kannur

This research is a description of the procedures that an apparel or fashion entrepreneur would undergo if he wants to build an apparel manufacturing industry in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    RISHABH NAYAK
east Indian state of Odisha.This research talks about the pros of investing in Odisha and shows the various policies of the state government that are in place for
facilitating apparel industries that are coming up at a very fast rate in this state. It also compares the different states’ government policies and incentives that they
offer to the apparel industry sector in their state with that of Odisha.

objectives of the project ● To study the development of apparel industries in Odisha and set up an industry. ● To study to what extent Odisha government’s intervention
has been useful in the development of the apparel sector. ● To provide the template for upcoming apparel industries that are about to be set up in Odisha by creating
an optimised apparel industry under prevalent rules and regulations in the Apparel Park in Bhadrak, Odisha.

Methodology ● Study of different government policies and incentives of the Government of Odisha. ● Study different government policies of 12 different states which
have apparel manufacturing units. ● Study of apparel manufacturing units already set up in Odisha; survey the perception of workers already working there, perception
of the top management of the company being set in Odisha. ● Setting up apparel manufacturing unit complying with the norms and regulations of the government in
the given area.

FINAL DELIVERABLES It was found after carrying out intensive research that setting up of an apparel industry in Odisha is not only easy in comparison to other states
but also it is more beneficial due to new policies and norms on incentives and benefits given by the Government of Odisha to encourage the textile and apparel industry.
Odisha has a single window clearance called GOSWIFT through which the new industry can get permissions in within 3 months, which is 2.5 months earlier than the
nearest competitor state of Bihar. This alone boosts the morale of the new entrepreneurs to invest in Odisha. Final result CRITERIA/YEAR PRODUCTION COST: ₹
1,26,79,76,806 SALES: ₹1,83,69,47,491 NET PROFIT: ₹ 56,89,70,685 NET PROFIT MARGIN % : 31.0 MARKUP %: 44.87

                                                                                                                                                    Host Firm
                                                                                                                                                                               virtual edition
                                                                                                             Retail experience design               Criti Designs
FASHION TECHNOLOGY       2016 - 2020              NIFT Kannur

Clothing helps to build and enrich the personality of the wearer, being the main source of forming first impression for others. Clothes render on

individual a distinct identity. Most of us don’t think a lot about getting dressed, we do care about the style but the actual way of putting on the clothes             RIYA ANTONY
like buttoning a shirt or pulling pants is as automatic as breathing. Have we ever thought of how a disabled person gets dressed up? That is where
adaptive clothing is of great help for the differently abled.

Adaptive clothing is specially designed clothing to help make it easier for people who have difficulty in dressing. Adaptive clothing offers benefits to

the wearer that include independence, conformity to culture, concealment of the disability, comfort, psychological contentment, safety, and durability.

A differently abled person means that he is different physically, mentally and with social characteristics, so they also deserve garments that meet

their needs and comforts. Also, the demand for stylish adaptive clothing is rising as such clothing, apart from providing solutions to disabled people,

also provides a stylish look.


   •   To study the clothing problems encountered by Cerebral Palsy Kids

   •   To construct special garments for these children according to their needs

   •   To study about the awareness of adaptive wear in people and their acceptance to it
METHODOLOGY:                                                                               Domain
                                                                                                                                        Host Firm
                                                                                                                                                                     virtual edition
   •   The clothing needs of cerebral palsy kids under the age of 5-15 were evaluated      Retail experience design                     Criti Designs
FASHION TECHNOLOGY    2016 - 2020        NIFT Kannur

                                                                                                                                                                                         S K MALAR VIZHIE
Presently sustainability of fashion in the worldwide is the major considerable issue. The much talked concern is for the favor of fashion's sustainability around the world.             malarnithi7@gmail.com
Many organizations and fashion conscious personalities have come forward to uphold the further extension of the campaign of good environment for tomorrows. On                            9047325016
the other hand, fashion for the morality or ethical issues is one of the key concepts for the humanity and sustainability point of view. The project is about developing a
unisex garment with banana fabric.

OBJECTIVIES OF THE PROJECT: • To understand the importance of sustainable fabric in a daily use. • To understand the usage of banana fabric in various ways. • To
identify potential suppliers of eco-friendly fabrics. • To spread the awareness about sustainable in unisex clothing. • To analyze the acceptance of banana fabric in the
market. • To analyze the consumer attitude towards banana fabric in unisex clothing.

METHODOLOGY:  Identification of design criteria - develop a new idea on sustainable fabric, Alternate solution from other natural fabrics, customer satisfaction,
commercially available, Affordable for customer, Sourcing of raw materials, product is to be for CLIFEX brand, Market survey on banana fabric for unisex clothing to
consumers.  Idea analysis  Concept genesis  Prototyping  Product development

FINAL DELIVERABLES: • The product designs were successfully selected by the company. • These products are going to be launched by the CLIFEX brand as a new
product, so customers will like it for its sustainability and its innovation. • From the review done with the help of Questionnaire by targeting each group of people we
came to know that around 70% of people are being relatable to sustainable fashion and 62% people are interested in buying our sustainable banana product which is
unisex garments. • The cost analysis done for all three garments were: o Garment 1 (Tshirt) : Rs. 549/- o Garment 2 (Tshirt): Rs. 542/- o Garment 3 (Sweatshirt) : 972/-


                                                                                                                                                      Host Firm                  virtual edition

                                                                                                             Retail experience design                 Criti Designs
FASHION TECHNOLOGY   2016 - 2020    NIFT Kannur

Abhinav Ashish, S Tejasvini
Fit analysis & measurement standardisation of women’s dress with prototype development
In today’s era when fashion plays a pivotal role in conveying one’s status and personality, everyone is looking for the trendiest

of clothes with the best of quality, more often than not, meaning branded clothes. But what do consumers really mean when

they say they are looking for clothing with good quality? Quality could mean many things. It differs from person to person and

is dependent on their personal taste. Some consider fabric with a soft feel as good quality as it could be the right type and           Abhinav Ashish, S Tejasvini
                                                                                                                                      - Abhinav783521@gmail.com ,
content of fabric they are looking for in clothes. Some people might consider a unique or attractive design as good quality           tejasvinisatish@gmail.com

and some may feel that clothing with the right fit is good quality. Often a combination of any two or all of these could mean        9886810692 / 9947594231(Abhinav),

good quality to a consumer. What is often observed now is that a person would prefer buying something that ―fits them

well as opposed to what just ―looks or ―feels right; or at least something that is perceived as well fitting. Consumers’

perception of garment fit is often influenced by traditional cultural characteristics and also depends on the economic,

technological and social conditions.

Fit issues in ready to wear apparel causes for retailers and consumers alike. Retailers must strive to better understand their
consumer’s perceptions of themselves in order to help them purchase properly fitting clothing. Retailers of apparel must
understand their fit preferences, fit issues, and diversity of the body sizes.


Objective 1:To compare the difference between the prevailing model measurements with the average measurement collected
after survey
Objective 2:

                                                                  Domain                                        Host Firm
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Preparing standardized/revised measurement for women’s shirt dress                                              Criti Designs
                                                                    experience design
FASHION TECHNOLOGY     I 2016 - 2020 I NIFT Kannur

 Simran Bansal
                                                                                                                                                                                            Simran Bansal
Reducing Customer Returns at Limeroad.com                                                                                                                                                simranbansal3011@gmail.com

• Most of the sellers (vendors who selling highest units of products on Limeroad market place) had return percentage ranging from 12% to 25%, in certain some rare                           8077939213
circumstances returns percentage go more than 30% which is quite high. • With total return percentage amounting to more than 15%.The returns percentage for
fashion clothing was reported above normal in Limeroad marketplace, a number of issues relating to size, color, quality issues etc. were found. • The return acted as
a yield killer for the profits of the company often amounting to more than 20-30% in terms of profit impairment and thereby causing a loss in customer’s trust. So
the project aimed to reduce the number for women’s wear section by modification of size chart templates and eradication of other factors responsible for the returns.

Objectives Of the Project: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE • To reduce customer returns happening in women western wear in Limeroad Internet private Ltd by improving size
charts. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE • Improving the current customer feedback mechanism. • Standardize Limeroad vendors size chart.

Methodology: • Analysis of sales & return data • Identification of weak areas • Creation of seller report card and feedback form • Implementation and Analysing the
results • Recommendation for Future Improvements

Final Deliverables • Women’s Western Wear Clothing returns for exclusive brands were reduced from an average of 22% for 3 months to 19% for the month of July ,
making a difference of 3% with the annual profit of Rs 7,20,000. • Size chart is uploaded for top sellers giving a difference not only in returns, but also in sales. The
returns due to fit and size for sellers under study were reduced. • Basic guidelines for seller to help them reduce returns due to fabric quality. The key reasons for
return due to fabric quality were detected. Also suggestions were given to the sellers regarding the product specific detailed description. • Changes were suggested
in return feedback form. This will help analyze the fabric quality return data in future also.                                                                                   Graduation
                                                                                                                                                                                    virtual edition
                                                                                                                                                  Host Firm
                                                                                                            Retail experience design              Criti Designs
FASHION TECHNOLOGY      I 2016 - 2020 I      NIFT Kannur

Study on Scope of Developing Hemp Jeans

The purpose of this research is to develop and design new products which would embark upon innovation within the menswear denim
category in the brand. Consumers are constantly evolving which means their tastes and preferences change with them. In recent years
                                                                                                                                                        SLOKA SAJEEV
the consumer’s interests towards sustainable products have shown a hike. The idea was introduced to develop jeans from sustainable
hemp fabric and attract more customers which will help in customer retention as well as increasing the sales.Market survey was done to            slokasajeendranath@gmail.com

encapsulate the trend across various categories. The product was developed for the brand Wrangler which is a pioneering brand in denim                 9605774490, 9605022271
industry and they always make sure to launch innovative and stylish denim wear. People are becoming aware about the sustainable trends
and are ready to experiment on new fabrics.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • To discover the opportunity in the market and introduce a product, where the brand can increase its sales
• Comparison of various properties of hemp and other fabrics. • To know the customer’s demand. • The project aims at introducing a new
fabric to the regular 5 pocket jeans, by gaining an understanding of the men’s denim market, exploring fabric innovations and introducing
a new product within the brand.

METHODOLOGY • Study of denim industry and market. • Study of customers and their demands. • Opportunity identification and selection
• Concept generation and evaluation • Product concept development and consultation with product and design team • Data collection •
Sourcing of fabric • Sample development • Cost analysis • Consumer feedback

FINAL DELIVERABLES • Introduced a new fabric to the brand which is more sustainable when compared to the already existing fabric. •
The fabrics test results supported that cotton denims can be replaced with hemp denims and can be the future of denim industry. • The
product costs more than cotton denims due to the commercially less availability of fabric. • The product was developed for the brand
Wrangler and the surveys conducted shows that most of the consumers are awaiting for the launch of new sustainable denims.                   Graduation

                                                                                                               Host Firm
                                                                                                                                               virtual edition
                                                                         Retail experience design              Criti Designs
FASHION TECHNOLOGY   I 2016 - 2020 I NIFT Kannur

Study on Scope of Developing Hemp Jeans

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this research is to develop and design new products which would embark upon innovation within the menswear denim category in the brand. Market
survey was done to encapsulate the trend across various categories. People are becoming aware about the sustainable trends and are ready to experiment on new fabrics.                  SONA ALPHONSA BENNY
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • To discover the opportunity in the market and introduce a product, where the brand can increase its sales • Comparison of various
properties of hemp and other fabrics. • To know the customer’s demand. • The project aims at introducing a new fabric to the regular 5 pocket jeans, by gainingan
understanding of the men’s denim market, exploring fabric innovations and introducing a new product within the brand.

METHODOLOGY • Study of denim industry and market. • Study of customers and their demands. • Opportunity identification and selection • Concept generation

and evaluation • Product concept development and consultation with productteam.

FINAL DELIVERABLES • Introduced a new fabric to the brand which is more sustainable when compared to the already existing fabric. The fabrics test results

supported that cotton denims can be replaced with hemp denims and can be the future of denim industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                    virtual edition
                                                                                                                                                  Host Firm
                                                                                                                                                  Criti Designs
                                                                                                             Retail experience design
FASHION TECHNOLOGY   I 2016 - 2020 I      NIFT Kannur


Competition Analysis and Product Development Kidswear (Girls)

A close study of the evolution of the kid’s market shows that retailers dealing in juvenile products have an edge over their competitors,                            AYSHU SAKKIR HUSSAIN
which eventually leads to a sustainable competitive advantage. The Indian retailers in this segment mainly target children up to pre their                     Ayshu56sakkir@gmail.com
pre-teens. On one hand where parents are trying to select the right merchandise for their kids, the retailers have already started laying
hands on understanding the kid’s preferences by providing a greater variety of assortment in each category.

To study the opportunity loss of sleepwear for kids’ girls

To analyze different competitive brands of Easy buy in sleepwear category

To Develop a product in sleepwear category based on customer preferences to boost the



Consumer survey followed by flat sketch development and prototype development.


Based on the consumer survey a reversable sleepwear for kidswear (girls) was developed. Techpack and cost sheet for the same was developed.


                                                                                                                               Host Firm
                                                                                                                                                            virtual edition
                                                                                   Retail experience design                    Criti Designs
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