VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...

Page created by Jean Graham
VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
2019–2020 GIRL SCOUT


                            you need for
                            a successful
                            cookie season

                       UP THE

                       WOW      FACTOR with
                                  Remember to
                                  keep the new
                                  Lemon-Ups cookie
                                  confidential until
                                  January 7, 2020.
VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
                            Important Dates                                3
                            What's New This Year                           4–5
                            What You Need to Know
                            To Be a Super Seller                           6
                            Selling Strategies                             7
                            Five Essential Skills                          7
                            Troop Expenses and Activities                  8
                            Service Unit Bonus                             9
                            Troop Bonus                                    9
                            NEW Cookie Family Entrepreneur Pin             10

                            NEW S’mores Club                               10
                            NEW 4 For More Program                         10

                            Bling Your Booth Contest                       11
                            Cookie Pro 2020 Contest                        11
                            NEW ACH Procedure                              12
                            Money Matters                                  12–13

                            Council Gift of Caring
                            and Hometown Heroes                            14
                            Corporate Sponsors                             15

    NOW!                    Cookie Booths and
                            Booth Scheduler
                            Cookie Cupboard Guidelines
                            Cookie Booth Preparation

                            and Etiquette                                  18

                            Check out the back cover for helpful resources!

     There’s a reason the Girl Scout Cookie Program® is a celebrated tradition. It’s an
     amazing opportunity for girls to Wow the World and build lifelong skills!
     The largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world also offers an incredible
     opportunity for you as a volunteer. You get to see firsthand how girls grow, learn and
     come into their own. We give you the resources you need to guide girls in discovering
     hidden talents, uncovering new strengths and developing the entrepreneurial
     mindset that will serve them far beyond cookie season.
     Thanks for all you do for girls!

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...

December: Regional troop trainings

Jan. 2: Cookie program begins
Jan. 12: Troop Starting Inventory Order (SIO) and initial reward order due
Jan 14: Service Unit confirmation of SIO and initial rewards due by 11:59pm


Feb. 1-3: Starting inventory cookie order and reward pickup
Feb. 1: Girls begin Cookies on the Spot and can open their Lemon-Ups stands
Feb. 6: Cupboards open (hours of operation vary by location)
Feb. 14: Cookie booths begin! No booths (including mobile) can happen before this date
Feb. 14: Bling Your Booth contest begins
Feb. 19: First ACH sweep
Feb. 28–Mar 1: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

MARCH 2020
Mar. 2: Bling Your Booth contest ends
Mar. 4: Second ACH sweep
Mar. 5: Last day customer can choose girl delivery
Mar. 6: Last day to request adding girls to eBudde
Mar. 6: Cupboards close
Mar. 8: Cookie program ends (paper and online sales)
Mar. 13: Outstanding parent information due
Mar 13: Last day for troops to enter final rewards, enter troop-to-troop transactions
Mar 15: SU lock-out at 11:59 p.m., submit final rewards order
Mar 25: Final ACH sweep

APRIL 2020

April: Rewards sent to service unit for distribution to troops

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
Welcome!                               What’s New This Year!
             What an exciting year                  NEW Girl Scout Cookie!
            we have ahead. Our Girl                 • Introducing Lemon-Ups—our confidential new flavor
                                                     waiting for it’s big national debut on Jan. 7, 2020
         Scouts today have so many
          opportunities to share Girl               NEW Girl Scout Cookie pricing (and packaging):
        Scout Cookies® both in-person               •D
                                                      o-Si-Dos®, Lemon-Ups™, Samoas®, Tagalongs®,
           through door-to-door and                  Thin Mints®, Trefoils® are all $5
         booth sales and, of course,                 •G irl Scout S’mores® and Toffee-Tastic® are staying at $6
           online through the ever-                 NEW Troop finance procedures
       growing Digital Cookie platform.             • Automatic Clearing House (ACH) payments
         For decades, girls have used               •C redit card payments
            this program to develop                 NEW! Opportunity for girls and troop cookie volunteers
           The 5 Skills (see p.7) that              • E xclusive S’mores Club with great rewards
             power their Girl Scout
          experience. That will always              NEW Proceeds bonus for service units
       be an integral part, but that                NEW! Cookie Cupboard procedure changes
         doesn’t mean the Girl Scout
       Cookie Program can’t change.

        Check out some exciting new
       aspects to this 100+ year old
                American tradition!

Customers look forward to our cookies every year!
                              Girl Scout Cookies® are $5 per package for core varieties.
                              Specialty cookies are $6 per package.
               to keep th
    Remembemron-Ups cookie
     new Le ential until
        confid , 2020.
          Jan. 7

                                     Core Varieties                                         Specialty Cookies
                                     Do-si-dos®                                             Girl Scout S’mores®
                                     Lemon-Ups™                                             Toffee-tastic®
                                     Thin Mints®

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
                                          GIRL SCOUT COOKIES

                                                        Introducing Lemon-Ups™,
                                                        the newest addition to the
                                                        Girl Scout Cookie™ lineup!
                                                        Inspired by real girls in the Girl Scout
                                                        Cookie Program®, and created for all Girl
                                                        Scout Cookie lovers, these new lemon
                                                        cookies are positively fun. Just like
                                                        every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator,
                                                        Risk-taker, Leader),™ each cookie has
                                                        something bright and motivating to say.

                                                        I am a GO-GETTER

                                                                       I am an INNOVATOR

                                                        I am a RISK-TAKER

                                                                              I am a LEADER

                                                           I am BOLD

   Perfect for sharing          Remember to keep the                          I am CREATIVE
  Grab one that expresses        new Lemon-Ups cookie
your personality, or give one      confidential until     I am STRONG
        to a friend!                 Jan. 7, 2020.
                                                                                I am GUTSY

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...

What You Need
To Know to be
a Super Seller!

                                                                       Some customers
                                              Customers                may opt out or
                                              buy Girl Scout           buy fewer cookies
                                              Cookies® for two         because of diet
          The top reason why                  key reasons—       concerns, so be sure to
          customers don’t buy          they love the taste       promote the council’s Gift
          Girl Scout Cookies®          AND they want to          of Caring program or your
          is because no one            support the girls.        Hometown Hero if your
          asked them. Don't be         Always share your         troop selected one.
          afraid to ask!               goals and plans.

                                                                          Customers buy more
           Online                       Most customers prefer             boxes when the cookies
           customers                    to buy directly from a            are bundled. Some
           order an                     Girl Scout—whether                successful sellers
           average of                   you approach them in     will bundle with decorative
           six boxes             person or send them an invite   bows and different gift cards
           per order.            to your personal online page.   (like birthday, anniversary, or
                                                                 “just because”).

                                                   When                  Customers want to get
           Girl Scout Cookie                       customers             the best value for their
           customers are loyal                     are asked             money so offer the
           and they tend to buy                    to buy                recipe cards available
           every year. Keep a list          multiple times,       at LittleBrownieBakers.com.
    of customers each year so you           they often buy
    can return to them.                     multiple boxes.

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
Selling Strategies
Girl Scouts have a number of options to reach customers during the Girl Scout Cookie Program®:

Cookies on the Spot (In-Person Orders)
After girls receive their cookie inventory, they can visit family members, friends and neighbors and sell cookies
right then and there. Want to get a jump on it? You can use your paper order card to take preorders. Once the
cookies arrive in February, you deliver the preorders and collect payment.

Girl Scout Cookie Booths
Troops obtain cookies from a cupboard (locations across the council supplied with cookie inventory) and sell them directly to customers,
often at booths in high-traffic areas such as grocery stores, malls, or sporting events. Booth sale times and locations are either organized
by our council or approved by the Service Unit Cookie Manager.

Digital Cookie®- Direct Ship
Girls create a customized webpage and send emails with a personalized message to family and friends asking
them to buy Girl Scout Cookies®. Customers purchase cookies through the webpage and they are shipped
directly to their home (shipping and handling charges apply). Orders appear automatically in eBudde and girls
can track their progress and send follow up messages.

Digital Cookie®- Girl Delivery
Girls who have customers that are local and wish to offer them the ease of shopping online without the adding costs of shipping, can
recommend the “Girl Delivery” option. For the initial sale, Girl Delivery orders should be added to the in-person orders by the leader so they
will be delivered with your other Cookies on the Spot. (Verify with parent if order card includes girl delivered packages.)

Girl Delivery orders after the initial order period can be fulfilled through cupboard transactions along with orders for Cookie Booths or
goal-getter sales. Instruct your girls to notify you when they have Girl Delivery sales so you can have adequate inventory on hand. You will
schedule the transaction in eBudde, pick up with your other transactions, or delegate to the parent or other troop volunteer when to pick
up the order and where.

                                      The Girl Scout Cook
                                 Program teaches

                              SKILLS that will la
                                                       5 ESSENTIAL
                                                  st a lifetime and he
                                         girls develop an
                                     entrepreneurial m


 1: GOAL SETTIN                                                               AKING
                                                         2: DECISION M
                            set goals and
         Girls learn how to                                                                on their own
                            ach them.                                       e decisions
         create a plan to re                              Girls learn to mak
                                                          and as a team.

         MA         NAGEMEN
3: MONEY                                                        L   E SKILLS
                            create a bu
                                        dget            4: PEOP                                    fidence
             Girls learn to                                                    ice a n d build con
                          money.                                      their vo                s.
             and handle                                     Girls find tomer interaction
                                                                      u s
                                                            through c
                                                                                                           ES          S ETHICS
                                                                                                  5: BUSIN                                     th
                                                                                                                                        lly, bo
                                                                                                                   lea rn to act ethica
                                                                                                                          s and life.
                                                                                                             in busines
VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
Troop Expenses                                                     Troop Proceeds
And Activities                                                   Troop proceeds are based on a per-girl-average (PGA) basis
                                                                 with a chance for troops to earn greater proceeds with a
The Girl Scout Cookie Program® is a girl-led program.            higher PGA. Troops must have a minimum of two participating
The amount of leading, of course, depends on the grade           girls in the cookie program to receive troop proceeds. Troops
level of the troop. Troop cookie proceeds can support the        with only one participating girl are not considered a troop and
cost for much, if not all, of a troop’s activities, uniforms,    the girl will receive council credits only (see the Juliette Cookie
supplies, and materials.                                         Program Guide for more information.)

To help support your troop’s expenses and activities at          eBudde™ will automatically calculate troop proceeds, adjusting
the beginning of the cookie program, start by determining        for PGA. Troops must enter total cases of cookies picked up
all troop expenses for the upcoming year. Through girl-led       into eBudde for troop proceeds to be determined correctly.
girls will develop their ability to set goals, make decisions,   Troop (PGA) Per Girl Average
and learn how to manage money. Some important
questions for girls to consider include:                          Troop PGA                         Troop Proceeds
    • Will we need any new uniforms or any new pieces            Less than 200                     $0.82/box
      of uniform?                                                 200–274.99                        $0.84/box
    • Is there a need for new journeys, badges or patches?
                                                                  275 or more                       $0.87/box
    • Do we have a service project picked out?
    • Do we want to go camping?
    • What supplies or materials do we need for this            Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador level troops
      year’s projects?                                           can opt-out of rewards to receive additional proceeds. All girls
    • Will we raise funds for Early Bird registration           in a J/C/S/A troop must agree as a whole troop to opt-out
      next year?                                                 of rewards. While troops who opt-out will not receive general
    • Do we have any other expenses?                             rewards, they can still earn patches, and rewards for starting
                                                                 inventory orders (SIO), Digital Cookie and Gift of Caring sales,
Once the troop's expenses are established, girls can
                                                                 as well as the Top-Seller reward. Multi-level troops with girls
determine how many boxes of cookies they need to sell
                                                                 below Juniors do not qualify to opt-out of rewards.
by considering their proceeds per box. For example, if
the troop determines they need $1,300 for uniforms,              Troop Proceeds For J/C/S/A
camping, and earning badges and/or patches, the troop
must sell 1,586 boxes of cookies, from which they'll             with Rewards Opt Out
earn $1,300—82¢ per box at the lowest potential troop             Troop PGA                         Troop Proceeds
proceeds level.
                                                                  Less than 200                     $0.87/box
Girls participating in booth sales will also reduce the           200–274.99                        $0.89/box
quantity needed to be sold by Girl Scouts on an individual
                                                                  275 or more                       $0.92/box
basis. Cookies sold at booths are done as a group and
should be applied to each girl individually at that booth        *Proceeds earned belong to the Girl Scout troop and do not
sale. Troops divide total number of boxes sold at the booth      become the property of individual members.
by the number of girls who helped at that cookie booth.
More information on troop finances and budgeting can be
found in Volunteer Essentials, Managing Group Finances.

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
Cookie Rookie Patch
 Rewards                                                                     The Cookie Rookie patch is for first time
                                                                             cookies sellers ONLY. Parents, troop cookie
Rewards are based on an individual girl’s sales. All rewards and             chairs, troop leaders or Cookie Captains
patches are cumulative except for the Extreme Team Rewards.                  help new cookie sellers learn all about
GSWCF reserves the right to substitute rewards based on                      the cookie program while having fun. All
availability. For a full list of rewards, please go to see girl order card   cookie rookies who complete the program
or GirlScoutCookieTime.com.                                                  will earn this patch. For full details go to
Council Dough                                                                Cookie Captain Patch
Council Dough can be used as payment for any Girl Scouts of                  This program is designed specifically
West Central Florida programs, camps, memberships, events,                   for Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes,
or Girl Scout Destinations, as well as purchases at the Girl Scout           Seniors and Ambassadors who
Stores (Leadership Center and Camp Wildwood), Saturday Shops                 want to use their years of cookie
or camp trading post locations.                                              program experience to help younger
                                                                             girls succeed. Girl Scout Daisies and
NEW THIS YEAR! Service Unit Bonus                                            Brownies look up to older girls, so
Service Units will receive a share of the proceeds of $0.05/                 there's no one better to teach them the cookie program!
box sold in their service unit. This will provide service units with         Participating in this program is easy! Become a Cookie Captain
additional funds that they can use to serve the girls and volunteers         by participating in any of the activities below. You can do any
in their region. These critical funds can be used towards any                activity more than once, but you must work with different
support initiatives for the members of each service unit from                troops. For example, help Daisy Troop 12345 at a cookie booth
funding encampments to providing start-up money to new troop                 as well as Brownie Troop 67890, which counts as completion of
leaders to community-sponsored events and more.                              two requirements met. However, if you help Daisy Troop 12345
                                                                             at a cookie booth twice, it would count as completion of
Troop Bonus                                                                  one requirement.
Troops who excel in the 2020 cookie program by meeting the                   Activities Required for Cookie Captain:
following requirements will receive an additional $0.02 per box sold:        • A Cookie Rally. When your service unit holds its cookie rally,
• Must hold a parent meeting.                                                   pitch in and take ownership of a cookie rally station. Plan an
• Must set a troop goal and enter into eBudde.                                  activity (it can be a game or a craft) that will help girls learn
• Troop must have a minimum of two girls participating                          more about the cookie program, prepare the supplies needed,
• Must have at least 75% of registered girls selling                            decorate your activity site and then help girls at the rally with
• Have a PGA of girls selling:                                                  your game or project.
         D/B/J: 250                                                          • Find a troop that has a lot of first time cookie sellers.
         C/S/A: 280                                                             Ask your troop cookie chair about the Cookie Rookie patch
• Troop participation in Gift of Caring/Hometown Heroes with 48                 requirements and help Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies become
  boxes or more donated                                                         Cookie Rookies. Show them the Cookie Rookie video and
• Must have three cookie booths with sales recorded in eBudde                   complete at least two activities.
• Must have all ACH sweeps done on time with no deferments
                                                                             • Be their Cookie Captain when booth sales start. Cookie
Troops who believe they qualify for the troop bonus                             Captains can join the troop at their cookie booth to provide
must complete the online notification form at                                   selling tips, product information, help make change, and be an
GirlScoutCookieTime.com. The Product Program department will                    example of how Girl Scouts should treat their customers and
verify those troops who submit the form and those who qualify for               their cookie booth location.
the bonus will receive the funds via ACH direct deposit into their           Complete one activity: You'll receive the Cookie Captain patch.
troop account by end of April 2020.
                                                                             Complete two activities: You'll receive the Cookie Captain patch
                                                                             and $10 council dough.
  2020 patches                                                               Complete three activities: You'll receive the Cookie Captain
                                                                             patch and $25 council dough (awards are not cumulative)
Cookie Crossover Patch                                                       Go to gswcf.org/cookiecaptain for more details and application.
Did your troop participate in the 2019 Fall
Product Program? Girls who sent at least
15 emails in the Fall Product Program
can earn this personalized Crossover
Patch by also selling 270 packages of
cookies during the 2020 Girl Scout
Cookie Program.

VOLUNTEER GUIDE 2019-2020 GIRL SCOUT - WOW - Girl Scouts of West Central ...
      The S’mores Club is exclusively for GSWCF girl members and adult
      product program volunteers who excel in both the 2019 Fall Product
      and 2020 Girl Scout Cookie programs.

      Girls and volunteers who earn a place in the S’mores Club during the
      2019-2020 membership year receive a special S’mores Club patch and
      an exclusive sterling silver bracelet with uniquely designed charms.

      To qualify for the S’mores Club, girls must sell:
      • 70 items during the 2019 Fall Product Program, and
      • 400 packages during the 2020 Girl Scout Cookie Program

      To qualify for the S’mores Club, product program volunteers* must:
      • Have a minimum of two girls in their troop who participate in both the 2019 Fall
        Product Program and the 2020 Girl Scout Cookie Program
      • Have total sales of at least $2,000 in the 2019 Fall Product Program
      • Have a PGA of 350 packages during the 2020 Girl Scout Cookie program (based on girls participating)

      * Only the troop fall product manager (TFPM) and the troop cookie manager (TCM) are eligible for rewards.
        If the TFPM and TCM are the same person, only one reward will be given.

                                                                             NEW! 4 FOR MORE
                                                                              get more + give back!
                                                                        4 For More is a new sales incentive to help girls/troops
                                                                        increase their cookie sales by encouraging customers to
                                                                        spend a minimum of $20 when they make a purchase from
                                                                        one of our Cookie CEOs. This is a replacement for the 5 for
                                                                        5 Program and now includes a give-back component that
     NEW! COOKIE FAMILY                                                 supports either Gift of Caring or the troop’s designated
                                                                        Hometown Hero. With 4 For More, a customer will be given a

     ENTREPRENEUR PIN                                                   receipt with a unique code for every four boxes purchased.
                                                                        This code lets them enter into a contest where they could
     Earning the year-by-year Cookie Entrepreneur Family
     Pin is the best way to make the Girl Scouts Cookie
     Program a family affair! The simple, age-specific
                                                                           get more + give back
                                                                        win three cases of their favorite Girl Scout Cookie AND give
                                                                        back by donating an additional three cases to either our Gift
                                                                        of Caring Program or a troop’s designated Hometown Hero
                                                                        (where applicable.) Be sure that your girls write their troop
     guidelines have been tailored for girls' developing
                                                                        number on each receipt. Get details at gswcf.org/4formore.

     skill set, making success easy. Plus, Girl Scouts at
     every level—from Daisies to Ambassadors—can earn
     badges representing proficiency in skills ranging from
     financial management to business planning and
     more. Learn more about the badges a girl can earn                                           for
     by selling cookies.

     For more information and to download all level
     criteria, go to GirlScoutCookieTime.com and look
     for Badges & Resources under the "For Cookie
     Sellers" page.

BLING YOUR BOOTH                                                  COOKIE PRO
The Bling Your Booth content is back! Follow the steps
below to enter the Bling Your Booth contest. A good time
to bling your booth is National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend         Girls will have an opportunity
(Feb. 28–Mar 1).                                                  to enter for a chance to win an
                                                                  exciting trip to Orlando for a once-
Bling Your Booth Rules:                                           in-a-lifetime Cookie Entrepreneur
Choose a theme and design a cookie booth that shows off           Experience including full VIP access
your G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™         to G.I.R.L. 2020, the largest event
glitz and glam. Your booth should be original, creative, and      for girls in the world!
showcase your troop’s marketing genius.
                                                                  Who is eligible to participate?
To enter into the contest, complete the online                    Registered Girl Scout Cookie Program participants who are
entry form between Feb. 14 and Mar. 2, 2020 at                    selling cookies during the 2019-2020 season.
                                                                  When can girls enter? Feb. 1–Mar. 31, 2020
The following information is needed to complete your entry:
• A picture of your blinged-out booth                             How do girls participate? By submitting a complete entry
• Your booth’s theme                                              at girlscouts.org/cookiepro, which will include answering a
• Date and location of the booth                                  set of required questions and uploading a personal photo.
• Leader’s name and address
                                                                  What will girls win? 24 girls nationwide (four per Girl Scout
• 5-digit troop number
                                                                  grade level) will win an exciting trip to sunny Orlando for
Once you submit your entry, we will upload the picture of         the Cookie Entrepreneur Experience of a lifetime at G.I.R.L.
your booth to the Bling Your Booth album on the GSWCF             2020! The 24 lucky winners will get an opportunity to:
Facebook page. Be sure to share the album with your family
                                                                  • Travel to Orlando for an epic Cookie Entrepreneur
and friends, because at the end of the contest, the three
                                                                    Experience with their parent/guardian
booths with the most likes will be selected as the winners! All
                                                                  • Enjoy full VIP access to all G.I.R.L. 2020 activities
troops who submit a photo will receive a marketing patch for
                                                                  • Have breakfast with GSUSA CEO and Council CEOs
each girl in their troop. One entry per troop.
                                                                  • Embark on epic adventures at a local amusement park
First, second, and third place winners will be                    • Attend a Girl Scout alums coaching session to build
announced on Mar. 11, 2020 via GSWCF Facebook and at                entrepreneurial skills
GirlScoutCookieTime.com.                                          • Get recognized on the EXPO Hall main stage and through a
                                                                    featured story at the Entrepreneurship Pavilion
First Place winner will receive a cookie cart, table cloth,
apron and a $75 GSWCF gift certificate.
Second Place winner will receive a cookie cart, table cloth,
apron and a $50 GSWCF gift certificate.
Third Place winner will receive a cookie cart, table cloth,
apron and a $25 GSWCF gift certificate.

                         If some of the
         Fun Fact        faces and places
        of the girls featured in this
                                      na   l
        and many of our promotio
        materials this year look fam
        it’s because they are! Lit  tle
        Brownie Bakers selected Gir
                                al Flo rid   a to
        Scouts of West Centr
                                        sh   oot
         be the home of their photo
         for this year’s program ma
                                   ou ts  from
         featuring actual Girl Sc
         throughout our council.
Troops not making their bank deposit on time is not an acceptable

 ACH Procedure                                                        reason for a deferment. Deferment forms submitted after posted
                                                                      deadlines will not be accepted.
GSWCF is moving to banking to make the Product Programs easier
through the use of Automated Clearing House (ACH), a network
for electronic payments either to debit or credit a troop’s bank
account for funds due for product programs.
                                                                        ACH FAQ's
                                                                      Does my troop have to use ACH sweeps?
How will ACH work?                                                    Yes, troops must use ACH sweeps to participate in the Girl
• Troop Leaders (the signor on troop bank account) must complete     Scout Cookie Program®. Each troop must enter their troop
   the “ACH authorization” section included in the Troop Product      bank account information into eBudde system. Troops do not
   Manager Agreement.                                                 enter troop banking information will not be able to pick up their
• Troop orders will not be placed without troop bank account         ordered cookies.
   information being added into eBudde system.
• GSWCF accounting department will use troop bank account            What if my troop does not place a starting initial order?
   information that is entered into eBudde by the leader (signor on   If no initial order is placed by the troop, the first planned order
   the troop’s bank account) to initiate ACH withdraw (or “sweep”)    will become the Initial Order. The first ACH sweep will apply to
   of the “Amount due to Council” on set dates.                       this order.

ACH Sweep Info                                                        What if my troop has an overpayment to council?
GSWCF Accounting Department will conduct three electronic             All overpayments of $5 or more will be refunded via ACH sweep
transfers from troop bank accounts to the council account. See        on Mar. 25.
ACH Due Dates below for when amounts are to be withdrawn.             FAQ’s can be found at GirlScoutCookieTime.com.
*Please allow 24–48 hours to process.

ACH Due Dates*
• Feb. 19: First ACH Sweep, 25% of Initial order (SIO) or first        Money Matters
   cupboard pickup
• Mar. 4: Second ACH Sweep: 50% of remaining balance of initial      Be sure to communicate with parents regarding Girl
   order (SIO) or first cupboard pickup                               Scout Cookie Program expectations and the dates when
• Mar. 25: Final ACH Sweep, ALL remaining balance owed to            money is due to the troop.
   council minus outstanding parents**
                                                                      • Set up specific dates for parents to meet with you throughout
Troops may ask for a one-time one week deferment for the
                                                                         the cookie season to collect money.
first or second sweep ONLY.
                                                                      • Until you are comfortable with parents' payment patterns, a best
What is a deferment?                                                     practice is to limit the amount of cookies taken.
A deferment is a one-week postponement of the ACH sweep and           • Collect some payment for outstanding balance before issuing
can be requested only one time during the cookie season.                 more cookies to parents.

ACH Deferment Request Due Dates                                       • Without exception, parents/guardians must sign a permission
                                                                         form for every participating girl. Do not give sales materials to a
• Feb. 14: 1st ACH Sweep Deferment Request
                                                                         girl if the parent has not signed a parent permission form.
• Feb. 28: 2nd ACH Sweep Deferment Request
                                                                      • Customers pay when the product is delivered. Unless they are
Deferment request forms are located at GirlScoutCookieTime.com
                                                                         ordering online, they should not be asked to pay for product
under “Forms, Activities and Other Resources.” Deferments
                                                                         before it’s delivered (except for Gift of Caring/Hometown Heroes
must be submitted by the above deadlines and will be
                                                                         items, which can be paid for when ordered if customer is not
reviewed and approved by Trish Hemenway, Director of Product
                                                                         ordering delivered cookies).
Programs. Troops will be notified if their deferment request was
not approved.                                                         • Girls/parents/guardians should never be asked to pay for product
                                                                         when picking it up from the troop. Exceptions may be considered
The following are acceptable reasons for                                 if there is a prior history of outstanding debt. In this case, please
deferment request:                                                       contact Trish Hemenway, Director of Product Programs at
• Parents not paying in a timely manner                                  813-262-1838.
• Booths canceled by store location
• Checks returned for non-sufficient funds                            • NEW this year, the troop must decide if they will accept checks
• Stolen products/money (must be accompanied by a                       and communicate this to the parents. If accepted, checks should
   police report)                                                        be made out to the troop and deposited into troop account.
• Counterfeit bills received

• NEW this year, troop leaders accept responsibility for fees
   associated with checks returned for non-sufficient funds. Troop
                                                                          Outstanding Parent Balance
   funds are not allowed to pay for fees.                                 Troop cookie managers must notify parents in writing regarding
                                                                          shortages in funds making sure to include the due date for all
• ACH invoices will be emailed to the troop leader and troop cookie      outstanding funds.
   manager one week before the ACH sweep date.
                                                                          If parent money is still outstanding at the end of sale, the troop
• Troops are responsible for entering troop-to-troop transfers in        cookie manager must complete the online Outstanding Balance
   eBudde system in a timely manner since they will affect your           form located at GirlScoutCookieTime.com on the Cookie
   troop’s financial obligation to council.                               Volunteers tab and upload pictures of the following:

• Troops should allow time for the deposits into their troop bank        • Signed parent permission and responsibility form
   account to clear to avoid nonsufficient funds (NSF) fees. All NSF      • Receipts signed by parent for products received
   associated fees will be the responsibility of the troop leader.        • Copy of receipts for funds paid
                                                                          • Copy of the delinquent notification letter or email
• Troop leaders are responsible for any fees associated with             These items MUST be received via the online form no later
   declined withdrawals or insufficient funds. Troops authorize           than Mar. 13.
   GSWCF to repeat electronic (ACH) payments that fail for any
   reason within five business days.                                      Counterfeit Bill
• Use receipts every time a girl/parent picks up cookies and/or          If the bank notifies you that your deposit had a counterfeit bill
   turns money in to the troop. Troops should provide parents with        when you made your troop’s cookie deposit, please request that
   a receipt for cookies issued and the amount of money received.         they provide you with a counterfeit bill report. Send a copy of this
                                                                          report to the product program department as soon as possible.
• Outstanding parent balance paperwork is due to the Product             The amount of the counterfeit bill will be deducted from the
   Program department by Mar. 13. Late paperwork will not be accepted.    amount due to council. Please note that the bank will retain the
                                                                          counterfeit bill and deduct the amount from your deposit.
• Troops must have all funds in the troop bank account by ACH
   sweep dates. An invoice for the amount of the ACH sweep will be
   emailed to the troop leader one week prior to ACH sweep date.
                                                                          Stolen Product or Money
                                                                          Troops should take measure to ensure the safety and security of
• A one-time one week deferment for the first or second ACH              product and funds. In the case that funds/products are stolen,
   sweep may be asked for but not the final ACH sweep.                    you must provide a copy of the theft documented by a police
                                                                          report. Report the incident to your homeowner's or car insurance
• The final ACH sweep/withdrawal from the troop account for              company to make a claim. The troop's volunteer/parent remains
   the amount due to council, minus outstanding parent balances           financially responsible for funds due.
   submitted on time, will take place on Mar. 25. No exceptions will
   be made.
                                                                          Storage of Cookies
• Failure to have sufficient funds for the final ACH sweep date does     IMPORTANT: Do not store cookies in a car, direct sunlight, a
   not grant a troop extension from GSWCF. Unpaid funds troops            garage, on a cement floor, porch, patio, or in any warm place as
   will be subject to collection efforts which may include collection     well as a location where animals, bugs or water can get to them.
   agencies. Troop cookie managers with unpaid balances will not          Remember, you are responsible for these cookies, even if they get
   be allowed to volunteer until full payment is made.                    wet, melt from heat, or otherwise cannot be sold.
• If a credit is due to a troop, GSWCF will use the banking
   information provided to credit or return any monies due to the
   troop on Mar. 25.                                                                                                  Troop/Service Unit
                                                                                                                      Proceeds & Girl
                                                                                                              21%     Rewards

                                                     Cost of Goods
                                                     (Cookies, Packaging,

                                                                          27%                                                     Properties
                                                     Warehouse,                                                           19%
                                                     Trainings, Program                                                           & Program

                                                     Materials, etc.)

          We've covered troop and service
          unit proceeds, but what about the
          rest of the cost of cookies? Here's           Membership Services                                            Member
                                                                                     17%                       16%
          a breakdown of how the funds are              (Outreach, Retention,                                          Support
          distributed per box.                          Recruitment, Admin.)
Council Gift of Caring (GOC)
 Council Gift of Caring                                               • Gift of Caring is the council-led program.

 and Hometown Heroes                                                  • All cookies given to Gift of Caring are paid and counted under the
                                                                        GOC column but the girl/troop does not physically have the box
                                                                        of cookies. Council will fulfill and arrange delivery of the Gift of
                                                                        Caring Cookies.
The Council Gift of Caring (GOC) program is a Girl Scout
community service project that provides donated Girl Scout            • Girls will collect the money and turn it in to pay for the box
Cookies® to active overseas military men and women through              of cookies.
Support the Troops, Inc. In addition, GSWCF also disburses some       • The number of purchases should be recorded under the
of the donated cookies to Feeding Tampa Bay.                            GOC column.
The Hometown Heroes (HTH) program is a community service              • All online GOC cookies will be recorded automatically under the
opportunity where troops/girls choose a local organization to           GOC column.
receive donated cookies. Recipients can be “heroes” in the            • The Product Program Department will ensure delivery of cookies
community such as non-profit organizations, shelters, firefighters,     donated to the GOC program.
police departments, blood banks or food banks. Girls should
contact the selected organization for their approval prior to         Hometown Heroes (HTH)
collecting cookie donations.                                          • Troops can choose a local organization to donate cookies to.
                                                                        These cookies will come from the troop’s physical inventory to
How the program works:                                                  deliver to there HTH.

For various reasons, some customers may not want to buy cookies       • Troops are responsible for delivery of HTH cookies to their
for themselves. Through the Gift of Caring and Hometown Heroes          chosen organization.
programs, they have a chance to give to others while supporting       • In eBudde, enter the number of boxes of the Hometown Hero
Girl Scouting at the same time.                                         cookies under the HTH column under the girl orders tab in
While taking regular orders, girls communicate to customers that
they can purchase cookies to donate to troops (through Gift of        • HTH cookies are taken out of troop inventory ($5 cookies only)
Caring) or to the chosen Hometown Hero. Using the Gift of Caring/       but will still show under the bottom see picture as the varieties
Hometown Heroes poster, girls explain that this is a Girl Scout         difference but the will reflect in the Total cookies assigned to girls.
community service program, which will send Girl Scout Cookies®          (Please see image below.)
not only to active overseas military personnel and veteran’s          • If troop do not have enough inventory to cover HTH cookies, use
organizations but also to local non-profit organizations.               the cookie exchange in eBudde to transfer cookies into your
                                                                        troop from another troop ($5 cookies only) to get the cookies
                                                                        needed for HTH.
     • Girls who get a minimum of 12 or more GOC/HTH orders
        earn the Gift of Caring patch.                                • You must get the cookies added into your troops inventory in
                                                                        order to assign them. The system will not allow you to assign
     • For 30 or more GOC/HTH orders, girls also receive the           more cookies than your troop has.
        Butterfly Pouch
     • For 50 or more GOC/HTH orders, girls also receive             Gift of Caring AND Hometown Heroes
        a Butterfly Tapestry                                          • Cookies sold via Digital Cookie for GOC cannot be moved to HTH.
     • For 75 or more GOC/HTH orders, girls also receive             • Each girl will collect the money for Gift of Caring or Hometown
        a Butterfly T-Shirt                                             Hero cookies from customers at time of purchase. REMEMBER,
                                                                        Hometown Hero donations must be delivered by the troop.
                                                                      • Donated Gift of Caring and Hometown Hero cookies count as
                                                                        eligible purchases toward the 4 For More program.
                                                                      • Make sure when you input GOC and HTH purchases in eBudde, to
                                                                        enter them into the correct boxes GOC (for Gift Of Caring) or HTH
                                                                        (for Hometown Heroes).

     The HTH cookies will still show at the bottom but they are assigned from your troop's total cookies.

Corporate Gift of Caring Sponsors

Through the Gift of Caring Corporate Sponsorship program,           A Girl Scout with corporate sponsorships totaling
girls ask businesses to become a Gift of Caring sponsor.            $1,000–$1,499.99 receives:
Depending on their level of sponsorship, companies receive          • Engraved item from Things Remembered
various benefits. Girls who obtain these sponsorships receive
credit for the total number of packages sold in eBudde. Girls who
receive $500 or more in sponsorships will earn a surprise gift.
                                                                    $1,500 Gold Corporate Sponsor
Complete information and a Gift of Caring Corporate Sponsorship     300 boxes of cookies donated
program form can be found at GirlScoutCookieTime.com.               The sponsor receives:
                                                                    • Seventy-five 4 For More coupons
Gift of Caring sponsors can choose to support council GOC or the
                                                                    • Company name listed on website cookie section
HTH program, or both. Forms must be received by Mar. 8.
                                                                    • Office plaque
$500 Bronze Corporate Sponsor
                                                                    A Girl Scout with corporate sponsorships totaling
100 boxes of cookies donated
                                                                    $1,500–$2,499.99 receives:
The sponsor receives:
                                                                    • Engraved item from Things Remembered
• Twenty-five 4 For More coupons
• Company name listed on website cookie section
                                                                    $2,500 Platinum Corporate Sponsor
A Girl Scout with corporate sponsorships totaling                   500 boxes of cookies donated
$500–$999.99 receives:                                              The sponsor receives:
• Engraved item from Things Remembered                              • One hundred twenty-five 4 For More coupons
                                                                    • Commemorative brick paver at Camp Wai Lani and an
$1,000 Silver Corporate Sponsor                                       office plaque
200 boxes of cookies donated                                        • Company name listed on website cookie section
                                                                    • Presentation by GSWCF product program department
The sponsor receives:
• Fifty 4 For More coupons                                          A Girl Scout with corporate sponsorships totaling
• Company name listed on website cookie section                     $2,500 or more receives:
                                                                    • Brick paver installed at Camp Wai Lani or Camp Wildwood with
                                                                      message of their choice
                                                                    • Engraved item from Things Remembered
Cookie Booths                                                       Cookie Booth Scheduler
  & Booth Scheduler                                                 Troops can reserve council level booth locations via the
                                                                    eBudde system. Booth locations are available throughout our
                                                                    eight county jurisdictions.
Cookie Booths
There are two levels of cookie booths: Council and Service Unit.    How do booth scheduler rounds work?
Council level booths include the following locations (store         • Prior to opening day of booths, troops can preview locations
particpation may vary): Sam’s Club, Walmart/Walmart                   uploaded into eBudde.
Neighborhood Markets, Publix, Winn Dixie, Harvey, Fresco y Mas,     • On opening day of selections, troop cookie chairs should have a
Joann’s Fabrics, and Dunkin' Donuts and any other location with       list of booth locations they are interested in written down before
national or council level agreements.                                 they begin making their selections. Having this will help you select
                                                                      other options quickly if the location you wanted is not available.
Council will manage all of the above locations. Service unit and
troop cookie managers are not to contact these businesses.          • If you find out that you will not be able to man the booth after you
                                                                      have made a selection, you are required to release that time slot.
Service unit cookie managers will manage all other locations        • On occasion, changes occur at booth locations and a booth
such as gas stations, school events, farmers markets, home            could be removed from eBudde. Product program team will notify
improvement stores, local restaurants, etc.                           you via phone or email if this occurs at which time you will be
                                                                      able to pick another location. We apologize in advance for any
• Grocery stores                  • Movie theatres
                                                                      situations that occur that are out of our control.
• College campuses                • Dollar stores
• Hardware stores                 • Pet supply stores              Cookie Booth Scheduler Dates and Times
• School events                   • Banks                                                                  Number Of Booth
• Places of worship               • Retirement centers             Start Date, Time End Date, Time
                                                                                                             Sign-Ups Per Troop
• Farmers markets                 • Bowling allies
                                                                     Jan. 27, 7 p.m.     Jan. 28, noon       Two Sign ups
• Sporting goods stores           • Gas stations
• Cookie drive-through            • Local restaurants              Jan. 28, 7 p.m.     Jan. 29, noon       Two Sign ups
                                                                     Jan. 29, 7 p.m.     Jan. 30, noon       Three Sign ups
Possible service unit sites include:                                 Jan. 30, 7 p.m.     Jan. 31, noon       Three Sign ups
Service units will allow troops to choose booths that they           Jan. 31, 7 p.m.     Feb. 1, noon        Three Sign ups
have confirmed.                                                      Feb. 1, 7 p.m.      Mar. 8–7 P.M.       Open until end of sale

They may post them in eBudde or coordinate the                      • Troops are only allowed one sign up per store location
sign up themselves.                                                    during each scheduling round. For example, during a round
                                                                       with two sign ups, you can choose one slot at Publix #1234 and
Service unit cookie managers must turn into the product program
                                                                       one slot at Publix #1445, but not two slots at Publix #1234 during
department, the provided booth spreadsheet with a listing of the
                                                                       the same round.
location/date/time and troop selected along with signed store
agreements.                                                         Mobile Booth Sales
                                                                    • Mobile cookie booths can be a decorated car, van, truck, or even
Service units are encouraged to communicate with other                a wagon filled with delicious Girl Scout Cookies®. Be creative and
service units to offer any booths that are unclaimed if not           visit events happening in your community. Mobile booth sales
posted into eBudde.                                                   can be a troop activity or by individual girls with their parents.
Occasionally, businesses will cancel cookie booths for different    • Remember that “mobile” means mobile. You may not bring
reasons. If contacted, the product program department will advise     tables, chairs, or tents. Mobile cookie booths are limited to no
that troop of any changes. If you have scheduled a booth that has     longer than 30 minutes at each location. Girls and troops cannot
been canceled the council or your service unit cookie manager can     approach any high-traffic locations (such as grocery stores, malls,
help you to find another booth opportunity.                           and universities) or any location where there is a cookie booth
                                                                      set up or planned. Mobile booths may not be held until Feb. 14.
Troops may not solicit businesses for cookie booth space without
the assistance of their service unit cookie manager.                Lemon-Ups™ Stand
                                                                    • Girls can set up a simple stand similar to a classic lemonade stand.
                                                                    • Stands may only be set up on residential property where the girl
                                                                       or close family member (grandparents, aunts, uncles) resides.
                                                                    • Stands must adhere to local city/government ordinances
                                                                       and/or HOA approval.
                                                                    • Never leave cookies and/or money unattended at a stand.
                                                                    • A parent/adult must be present to supervise.
                                                                    • Lemon-ups stands begin on Feb. 1.
Cookie Cupboard Guidelines                                                What if a troop over-ordered product?
                                                                          If you have over-ordered product, notify your service unit cookie
New this year, GSWCF cookie warehouses/cupboards are going
                                                                          manager or the product program department immediately. If
paperless. All troops, regardless of chosen cookie warehouse/
                                                                          you wait until the end of the sale, it is much more difficult to find
cupboard pick up location, are required to enter a pending order
                                                                          someone that needs the product and it is most likely too late for
for all additional cookie pick ups. Cookie warehouses/cupboards
                                                                          anyone to help.
will no longer use QBI paper tickets. All troop pick ups will be
signed for electronically via eBudde login credentials.                   • Post on eBudde under the Cookie Exchange Tab.
Troops must submit a pending order for all additional cookie              • Encourage your girls to set a higher goal (booth and additional
pick ups. To submit a pending order:                                        sales, door to door, etc.).
Step 1: Log into eBudde™.                                                 • Set up additional booths to sell the inventory. Troops can even
                                                                            set up booths after the end date of the sale. Booths after the
Step 2: Click “Transactions” tab.
                                                                            end date are not permitted at Sam’s Club, Walmart/Walmart
Step 3: Click “Add a Transaction” and complete the required steps           Neighborhood Markets, Publix, Winn Dixie, Harvey, Fresco y Mas,
on the Cookie Transaction form:                                             Joann Fabrics, and Dunkin' Donuts locations, and any other
• Date                                                                      location with national or council level agreements.
• Pick up: Select date and time of pickup
                                                                          • Contact other troops in your area to see if they need extra
• Type: Select Normal
                                                                            product or would be willing to swap inventory.
2nd Party:
• Select "Cupboard" (the system defaults to Cupboard.)
Product Movement:
• Select "Add Product" (the system defaults to Add Product.)                Cookie Cupboard Locations
Variety:                                                                    A full listing of all cookie cupboard locations (including
• Enter the desired quantities of cookies in cases only.                    dates and hours of operation) can be found at
Step 4: Review order, make any changes (Even though eBudde                  GirlScoutCookieTime.com.
totals the information, verify for accuracy.)
Step 5: Double check "pending transaction" is showing under the
“Transactions” tab.
How far in advance do troops need to enter pending orders?
• 4 (5) Main warehouse/cupboard locations: Troops must enter
                                                                            Cookie Exchange
   pending orders at least one hour before pick up.
                                                                          What is cookie exchange tab?
• Floating cupboard locations: Troops must submit pending
  order by noon on the day before scheduled pick up in order to           The cookie exchange tab is a great way to post extra cookies you
  be processed and added to truck.                                        have to offer in eBudde as well as see what cookies other troops
                                                                          have that you may need.
Troops can add any adults to eBudde that will be picking up
cookies from a cupboard to eBudde. The Troop Cookie Pickup Only           If posting extra cookies
User can be a parent or other adult in charge of picking up product       • Enter the number of packages (boxes) of the varieties you have
from a cupboard. Troop cookie managers and troop leaders with               to offer.
eBudde access can also record.
                                                                          • Click “Update Pkgs to Exchange.”
To add “Troop Pick Up Only Users”:
                                                                          • Remember to update after you transfer cookies to other troops.
1. Click on "Settings" tab.                                                 Or, if you nolonger have any to offer, click “Remove My Offering.”
2. Click “Edit Settings.”
                                                                          If you are looking for cookies
3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the “Troop Cookie Pickup
Only Users” section.                                                      • Click on the drop down arrow to the side of the cookie variety to
                                                                            see the Troop #, how many they are offering, their service unit
4. Enter email, first and last name of “Troop Cookie Pickup Only User.”     name and contact email info.
5. Click “Update.”
Please Note: A Troop Cookie Pickup Only User can be a parent or
other adult in charge of picking up product from a cupboard. Troop
                                                                             Damaged Cookies
Leaders and Cookies Chairs should NOT add themselves to this user            Boxes of damaged cookies must be exchanged at one of the
type. This user can ONLY sign for cookies received at a cupboard.            damaged cookie cupboard locations. Full cases of damaged
                                                                             cookies should be exchanged at one of the main cupboard
  Cookie Swap Day!                                                           Damaged cookie cupboard locations will be available at a
  Returning for one day only! Stay tuned for details on eBudde               later date.
  toward the end of the cookie program.

Cookie Booth
• Have each parent sign a parent
  permission slip for their girls.
• Have a complete Health History Form for all girls.
• Take a card table and chairs (for adults only).                           • Store managers may cancel booths for any reason.
• Keep booth times age appropriate.                                         • If a store manager asks booth attendees to leave the store
• Take a money box and change (about $100 in change).                         location, do so immediately. Politely thank the store manager and
                                                                              notify the SU Cookie Manager or Product Program Department.
• Take an adequate supply of best selling cookies. We recommend
  at least two–three cases of Thin Mints®, Tagalongs®, Samoas® and          • Do not ask the store location to make announcements regarding
   maybe one–two cases of the other varieties. Your local service unit        booth sales.
   volunteers can also provide guidance on amount of cookies to bring.      • Girls should allow entering/exiting customers to approach them
• Display posters of their service project goals.                             and never approach customers as they enter or exit the store.
• “Bling Your Booth” to attract customers to your booth and enter          • Girls are in charge of selling of the cookies. Adults are there to
   the contest.                                                               provide guidance and handle money for younger Girl Scouts.
• Bring general supplies including trash bags, pens, tape,                 • Donation jars are not allowed anywhere on or near your booth.
   calculators, and a first-aid kit.                                        • “Bling Your Booths” with posters and other items to attract
• Count packages and money BEFORE and AFTER the cookie booth                 customers; no graffiti.
   begins and ends.                                                         • Do not allow girls to write on store property (walls, garbage
• Use the Cookie Booth Sale Worksheet form to maintain accurate              cans, etc.).
   information on your booth, available at GirlScoutCookieTime.com.         • Girls must remain close to their booths at all times; no running
• Remember to keep money and money box out of sight at                       around or approaching people inside the store location.
   all times.                                                               • Girl Scouts are polite and should never yell to customers
                                                                              to attract sales, block access to store entrance, or employ

  Cookie Booth Etiquette Rules                                                aggressive sales techniques.
                                                                            • Eating and smoking are not permitted at booth locations.
                                                                            • Keep cell phone usage to a minimum and focus on
All Girl Scouts must follow the rules and guidelines listed on the
                                                                              customer engagement.
Parent Permission and Responsibility Agreements, Girl Scout
Cookie Family Guide, and Cookies on the Spot Guide. The rules               • Remove all trash, including empty cookie boxes with you. Store
and regulations are designed to ensure girl safety, excellent                 trash receptacles are not for public trash or recycling.
customer service, and promote a successful, fair, fun and safe              • Before leaving the location, one girl and one adult should thank
cookie season.                                                                store location.
• A minimum of two registered and screened adults and at least
   one registered girl must be present at booths. Siblings or tag-a-        Consequences
   longs may not attend.                                                    If girls and/or troops (to include troop parents) are not
• Arrive and leave on time. Please pack up five minutes before end         participating within the established rules and guidelines, they may
   of shift in order to allow arriving booth participants time to set up.   be penalized in the following ways:
• Booths should be set up a minimum of 15 feet from doors or               First offense: Verbal counseling regarding any offense outlined in
   remain in the location designated by store.                              the guidelines.
• Booths at Publix locations must conclude by 7 p.m.                       Second offense: Removal from troops next scheduled Council
                                                                            Level booth location.
• Store locations cannot grant permission to stay any later than
   the allotted time as GSWCF has agreements with corporations for          Third offense: Girl/troop will not be allowed to hold any further
   specific times/dates.                                                    cookie booths for the season.

We hope you have an
  exciting season and we
 are always here for you
                                  Resources                                                      Go to www.gswcf.org/cookiecaptain for mo

                                                                                                                                        Cookie R
if you have any questions.        Council Website
                                  Visit GirlScoutCookieTime.com to find                                            forms,  m
                                                                                   Go to www.gswcf.org/cookiecaptain  for mo
                                  procedures, forms, manuals and other                                             www.gs
                                  helpful information.                                                            Cookie R
                                                                                                                   Baker W
                                  Baker Website                                                                     Counci
                                                                                                                   Scout   C
                                                                                                                   ideas,   m
                                  The website of our official Girl Scout Cookie
                                                                                                                   to help g
                                  baker. For girls there are activities, marketing
                                  ideas, cookie facts, program resources and clip                                   Baker W
                                  art to help girls prepare for the cookie program.                                 Scout C
                                  Adults can find support through Cookie VIP                                        ideas,
                                                                                                                   Girl Scoc
                                  eTraining with everything a volunteer might                                       to help
                                  need to know including answers to FAQs                                            www.litt
      Patricia Hemenway
                                  about cookies and great selling ideas all at                                                            24/7 ww
  Director of Product Programs                                                                                                            Cookie
                                  LittleBrownieBakers.com.                                                                                Girl ScoC
    Phone/fax: 813-262-1838                                                                                                               Digital
    productsales@gswcf.org        Digital Cookie
                                  Join the fun at gsdigitalcookie.com/gswcf                                                               Cookie
                                                                                                                                          24/7 ww
                                                                                                                                          cookie b
                                  Cookie Locator                                                                                          Digital
                                  Help friends locate the closest
                                  cookie booth with our app,                                                                              eBudde
                                  cookielocator.littlebrownie.com                                                                         devices.
                                                                                                                                           cookie b
                                                                                                                                          right in.
                                  NEW! eBudde Troop App Plus                                                                              www.littl
                                  The eBudde Troop App Plus helps busy
                                                                                                                     Girl Sco
                                  volunteers stay on top of troop cookie sales—                                       devices
                                  anytime, anywhere! Now the power of eBudde                                          right in.
                                  technology is as close as a mobile phone or                                         www.litt
         Jessica Hadley           tablet. Volunteers can use the app to:
                                  · Stay in the know from a single dashboard Insert new graphics                      Girl Sco
  Product Program Administrator
                                  · Track and submit girl orders                                                      Program
     Phone/fax: 813-262-1839      · Monitor troop sales                                                               www.gir
     productsales@gswcf.org       · Receive delivery confirmation               What’s in a Box
                                  · Stay on track with the at-a-glance checklist
                                  · Get help easily with built-in help resourcesWhen
                                                                                      you new graphicsGirl Scout Cookies, you
                                                                                          buy delicious
                                                                                power new, unique and amazing experiences     2
                                   Get it at LittleBrownieBakers.com
                                                                                             experiences that broaden their worlds, help them l
                                  Girl Scouts of the USA                                      What’s in a Box
                                                                                             life skills, and prepare them to practice a lifetime of

                                  Locate info on the Girl Scout Cookie ProgramWhen
                                                                                     you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you
                                  and national cookie badges and pins at      power new, unique and amazing experience
                                  GirlScoutCookies.org                        experiences that broaden their worlds, help them
                                                                                              life skills, and prepare them to practice a lifetime o

        Esther Rivera
  Product Program Coordinator
    Phone/fax: 813-262-1763
    productsales@gswcf.org                  The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all other associated trademarks
                                            and logotypes, including but not limited to the Trefoil Design, are owned
                                            by Girl Scouts of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensee.
                                            Copyright ®, TM, © 2019 Kellogg NA Co.
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