Page created by Warren Morales

Ten like-minded companies, with decades of
          combined experience giving you simple and
          streamlined access to the very latest industry
              has to offer, in terms of raw materials,
          formulation, processing, filling, transporting,
                                                                                      MACHINES, EQUIPMENT,
        sterilizing, loading, packaging and palletising…
         all of which can be tailored, developed, scaled
            and installed to match your precise needs.
                                                                                      SERVICES, PRODUCTS.
                           ALL THROUGH
                    A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT!                                        WET

million dogs and cats kept
                                               $102 BN
                                           Global revenue in 2021 predicted to be
      as pets globally

                                                     Volume growth of

   CAGR (2021-2025)
                                                     2.8% in 2022                                                  SECONDARY


              EXPERIENCE     KNOWLEDGE                                                                  MIXING      GRINDING   EXTRUDING


                                                                                    DRYING / COATING     PRIMARY   SECONDARY
                                                                                                       PACKAGING   PACKAGING
                                                                                           AND PROCESS PLANT
                                                                                           • Hammer mills: for grinding, shredding,
Headquartered in Graz, Austria,               and solutions for greenfield plants, which     and fluffing.
ANDRITZ is an international technology        are handled either in cooperation with       • Weighing systems: for precise and fast
group and a leading global supplier of        regional suppliers and contractors or as       weighing.
plants, equipment, and services for a         turnkey solutions.                           • Single and twin-screw extruders
wide variety of industries.                                                                  with preconditioning: for the
                                              The company’s experienced project              production of high-quality extruded aqua
With over 280 production sites and            managers, process engineers, and               feed pellets.Combi-zone dryer: optimum
service /sales companies and 27,232           experts from specialized functions ensure      drying of the extruded feed pellet.
employees worldwide, ANDRITZ                  that the performance will meet your          • Paddle mixers: fast and efficient mixing.
offers more than 180 years of industry        expectations.                                  Cooler: prevent pellet decay and prep for
experience.                                                                                  storage.
                                              The company focuses on providing             • Vacuum coater: add up to 15 individual
For the pet food industry, ANDRITZ            optimum pet food quality at the lowest         liquids.
offers a full range of processing             possible operating costs and with specific   • Pocket feeder: steady and uniform           A FULL-SERVICE
machines and equipment – from raw             attention to:                                  supply of material for the hammer mill.
material intake to finished feed bagging                                                   • Automation and process control:
– as single units or complete plant           • Precise feed composition                     highly
solutions.                                    • Highly consistent pet food pellet                                                        1. Full product and service portfolio
                                                                                           • advanced automated control systems for
                                                quality regarding size, shape,                                                           2. Feasibility studies
                                                                                             single machines and complete plants.
The individual process machines offered         surface, colour, and density                                                             3. Due diligence studies
                                                                                           • Air density separator: separate denser
are selected from the standardized            • Pet food pellets with a high rate of                                                     4. Pre engineering and rough design
                                                                                             materials from the grinding stream of the
and proven range of ANDRITZ product             absorption and retention of liquid fat                                                   5. Detailed engineering
                                                                                             hammer mill.
families.                                       and digest ingredients                                                                   6. Project management
                                                                                           • Rotary feed dressers: ensure proper
                                              • Consistent and uniform pellet dryness                                                    7. Project supervision and installation
                                                                                             cleaning and dressing of dry-mash feeds
ANDRITZ is the perfect partner for            • Processing with careful attention to                                                     8. Plant automation and controls
                                                                                             and soft feed ingredients.
the design, engineering, supply, and            retention of essential nutrients                                                         9. Process operator training
construction of your pet food process line    • Optimization of energy consumption                                                       10.Full documentation
and offers upgrades for existing facilities                                                                                              11. Technical competencies and access to
                                                                                                                                             experts to support you.
Pet Food Processors who choose ANDRITZ realize greater opportunities                                                                     12. Extensive global aftermarket service

COMPANY INFORMATION                                                                                   NEXT-GENERATION
Established in 1981, Cama Group is a rapidly       Supporting the industry for over 15 year,          TECHNOLOGY
growing and leading supplier of advanced           Cama has helped many companies across the
technology end-of-line packaging machines          globe absorb the impact of changing market         From a technology perspective, Cama’s
and robots.                                        dynamics, including the natural progression of     Breakthrough Generation (BTG) solutions are
                                                   packaging – starting with cans, onto trays,into    setting the standard in secondary packaging.
Continuously investing in innovative solutions,    pouches and back to cans again.
the Cama Group offers completely integrated                                                           The BTG approach comprises modular,
packaging lines, from primary packages             It has also addressed the multi-flavour issue      scalable frameworks that offer easy entry and
up to final packaging ready for palletizing,       thanks to tightly integrated and highly flexible   access, coupled to a hygienic machine design.
serving industries including food (bakery,         automation infrastructures and in-house-deve-
confectionery, coffee, ice cream, dairy, ready     lop robotic pick-and-place systems.                Within this framework, contemporary
meals, grocery & pet food) and non-food                                                               automation solutions, including advanced
                                                                                                      rotary and linear servo technology, can be
(personal, health & home care).                    The pet food industry is always laying down
                                                   packaging challenges that centre around the        tightly coupled to in-house-developed robotics,    PACKAGING SYSTEMS
The Group has six subsidiaries around the          need for flexibility coupled to efficiency.        to deliver the all-important flexibility and       FOR THE PET FOOD
world (U.S, China, Australia, France, UK and                                                          adaptability required by modern packaging
Northern Europe) and invests more than 5%          Cama has a unique portfolio of technologies        operations.                                        INDUSTRY
of its annual turnover into R&D, including the     that covers the breadth of packaging concepts
development of class leading Industry 4.0          and packaging formats.                             BTG machines are also based on a digital           Flexline for forming + top-loading delta robot
solutions, which include process virtualisation,                                                      platform that supports full industry 4.0           unit + closing machines for multi flavour
engineering and machine commissioning.             Thanks to this spread, it can offer best-fit       capabilities, including AR, VR and virtual         solutions
                                                   solutions, rather than a compromise based          testing, training and operation. Even those with
Cama is in the perfect position to help pet        on a limited offering. In fact, in many cases,     older machines, can benefit, as Cama’s AR          Wrap Around for single-flavour solutions
food companies – both large and small –            Cama can suggest two or three packaging            capabilities feed off the original 3D CAD data,    Cartoning for sideloading of single and
to realise greater efficiencies through the        concepts and then work with the customer to        which lives on its design servers.                 multi-flavour.
automation of packaging operations.                define the strategy and technology that fits
                                                   their needs precisely.

Multiple food styles, portions and formulations require ultimate flexibility from
secondary packaging machinery

COMPANY INFORMATION                                                                                  RECENT SUCCESSES
Established in 1987, Clevertech Group is          Clevertech’s focus on customer results is          SHOWCASE CAPABILITIES
headquartered at Cadelbosco di Sopra, in          supported by its mechanical, electrical
the Reggio Emilia province in Italy and is        and software modularity, coupled to high           Over the last two years Clevertech has
supported globally by other operations in         application customization, including fully         installed and commissioned several solutions for
North America, China, France, UK, and South       integrated upstream and downstream                 multinational and market leaders in the pet
Asia.                                             solutions, e-commerce solutions, single-layer      food industry.
                                                  palletizers, small-footprint technology and half
This year, the company is inaugurating a new      & quarter pallets.                                 The systems installed included basket/tray
plant in Italy, which will take the total plant                                                      loading-unloading, bulk palletization, bulk
size up to 29,000m², and will provide a new       Based on Industry 4.0 concepts, all machines       depalletization and palletization, pallet stretch
logistic and quality control area.                can be provided with digital documentation,        wrapper application. All units are designed
                                                  a spare parts app, customized videos,              for autonomous operation without any human
Clevertech’s experience makes it an ideal         diagnostics by area & by device and                operator intervention.
partner for the design of integrated solutions    preventive maintenance routines.
                                                                                                     Clevertech also specializes in production of pet
                                                                                                                                                         ECO VADIS BRONZE
for front and end of line; with a range of
solutions that covers the food & beverage,        The holistic approach makes Clevertech a           food packaging systems for pouches, including       MEDAL FOR
                                                                                                     depalletisers and complete end-of-line
home care, wine & spirits, pet-food and           single supplier that produces a full end-of-line
                                                                                                     palletization systems.                              SUSTAINABILITY
personal-care markets, where it meets the         solutions that are fully integrated in terms
requirements of all major manufacturers of        of interface, electric design, safety design,      Several applications were developed for
                                                                                                                                                         The assessment considers the company’s
consumer goods.                                   software pack ML design, programming and           multi-flavour packaging.
                                                                                                                                                         sustainability performance in four areas:
                                                  TPM design.                                                                                            Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics
The systems developed by Clevertech Group                                                                                                                and Sustainable Procurement.
can manage a broad range of packaging             The holistic approach comprises integrated
concepts, including PET bottles, pouches,         solutions for front and end of line (EOL),                                                             The analysis shows that Clevertech’s
full, bulk cans, ends, cases, and secondary       and includes palletizers, product conveyors,                                                           performance is better than the average of
packaging.                                        labelling machines, stretch wrapping                                                                   companies operating in the same sector.
                                                  machines, strapping systems, pallet conveyors                                                          This therefore constitutes grounds for further
                                                  and data-tracing system.                                                                               confidence for customers, and for those who
                                                                                                                                                         contact the company for the first time.
The company also designs and produces automated robots and shuttle systems for
feeding autoclaves for the loading and unloading of basket used for pasteurization.

COMPANY INFORMATION                                                                              PETFOOD PRODUCT
FTNON is a business unit of John Bean          Pet Food Technology                               PROCESSING PORTFOLIO
Technologies Corporation (JBT), a leading
global technology solutions provider to        Over 50 years JBT-FTNON has built up              Product hoppers with pump systems
high-value segments of the food processing     vast experience in the field of wet pet food      • 1 or 2 mono pumps
and air transportation industries.             technology.                                          (depending on color and recipes)
                                                                                                 • Open system with easy cleaning method
With more than 50 years of experience,         With a wide range of installations, its systems
JBT-FTNON is a well-known brand. With a        have been used very satisfactorily by many        Color dosing systems
global coverage (both sales and customer       leading pet food manufacturers worldwide.         • Direct injection
care) it can serve customers in all kinds of                                                     • Fluent integration in total line
ways, with local presence and local build.     Thanks to its advanced pet food technology
                                               its customers have improved efficiency and        Extruding
JBT FTNON equipment and process                optimized the quality of their products.          • Open hopper or pressure head
solutions are based on:                                                                          • Frequency controlled and custom-made dies
                                                                                                 • Easy access for cleaning and maintenance
• In-depth knowledge of the challenges food
                                               JBT-FTNON offers the most economical
                                               and effective way of processing, through          • Automatic lubrication system                WHATEVER YOUR NEED,
  processing companies face                    steam technology. In combination with meat                                                      JBT PROVIDES THE
• A strong in-house project and engineering    preparation, mixers, emulsifiers, breakers,       Steaming
  team developing turnkey solutions            hoppers, extruders and color injection,           • Steam tunnels with stainless steel belt     SOLUTION
• High-end manufacturing and assembly of       FTNON is the high-end partner in the industry.    • Steam tunnels with Teflon coated Kevlar
                                                                                                    belt                                       Pet owners want the very best for their furry
  production lines and stand-alone machines
                                                                                                 • Steam tunnels, type DCC                     friends and JBT delivers.
  for food processing
• Proven R&D with patented robotics and
                                                                                                 Cooling tunnels                               Our experience in designing, manufacturing,
  process technologies
                                                                                                 • Closed systems                              and installing processing lines formoist wet pet
                                                                                                 • Open systems                                food is second to none.
“It all leads to the optimal condition of the end product.”
                                                                                                 • Different kind of ventilators (f.e. SS304
                                                                                                   executions)                                 JBT has a solution for your Pet Food
                                                                                                                                               production needs.
                                                                                                 Cutting units
                                                                                                 • Regular and Irregular chunks                •   Preparing
                                                                                                 • Angle of from 0 to 45°.                     •   Steaming
                                                                                                 • Up to 10 exchangeable cutting knives        •   Cooling
                                                                                                 • Easy access for cleaning and maintenance    •   Cutting
                                                                                                                                               •   Filling and closing
                                                                                                                                               •   Pasteurizers & Sterilizers
                                                                                                                                               •   High Pressure Processing
                                                                                                                                               •   Sealing solutions
                                                                                                                                               •   Total solution integrator

                                                                                                                                               Main Benefits of our systems
                                                                                                                                               • Highly efficient systems
                                                                                                                         • Low utilities consumptions
                                                                                                                                               • Improved and constant
                                                                                                             • product quality
                                                                                                                                               • Customized solutions
Our knowledge is working for you:                Product Development:
Take benefit from the collective scientific      JRS excels because of its fully outfitted
knowledge, global innovation networks,
industry experience, and market and
                                                 commercial pet food lab that allows “real          INNOVATIVE DIETARY
                                                 world” product testing.
regulatory expertise across the JRS group.                                                          FIBER INGREDIENTS
                                                 Quality Assurance:
Our application experts collaborate with your    JRS supports its products with advanced            Longstanding expertise in fibers
product developers; our product managers         quality assurance that runs from sales and         At JRS, we´ve been making high-quality fiber
share consumer insights with your marketing      customer service through manufacturing to          ingredients for humans and pets for more than
staff; our sustainability experts share          transportation and delivery.                       60 years.
information and ideas with yours to reduce
impacts.                                         Laboratory Services:                               All natural and sustainable
                                                 In addition to assuring that products are made     JRS sources exclusively from approved raw
Much of our success can be attributed to an      to precise specifications, in-house laboratories   material suppliers with sustainability initiatives
exceptional infrastructure employing industry    at all manufacturing locations provide             and environmental policies that include              A SERVICE
experts and outstanding processes and            research capabilities to assist with customer      sustainable forest management and efforts to
procedures.                                      product development efforts.                       use fewer resources.                                 BEYOND TODAY
Technical Support:                               Customer Service:                                  Function meets nutrition                             At JRS we truly believe that we need to fully
JRS technical service personnel find solutions   Our most important mission is to provide           JRS understands how to bring out the best            understand the value of our products for
to customers’ complex scientific problems,       complete customer satisfaction. We know            qualities from each plant and offers a               customers and pets around the world.
clarify customer opportunity areas as they       that we will be judged as a company not            comprehensive product range with various             Our Technical Competence Center can run
emerge, and respond rapidly when technical       just by our products and services, but also        types of plant-based dietary fibers.                 comprehensive testing on current future
issues arise.                                    by our organizational performance and                                                                   customer products.
                                                 responsiveness to customer needs.                  Proven dietary fibers for pet health
                                                                                                    and well-being                                       Beyond that, we have established a place
The value we offer you goes far beyond supplying high quality fiber ingredients                     JRS develops and produces fibers that support        where new or current customers can convert
                                                                                                    the well-being of pets. Clinical studies prove       innovative ideas and technologies into
                                                                                                    that our fiber-based solutions work more             products without the limitations of current
                                                                                                    effectively than many other traditional fiber        production. For more than 60 years, JRS is a
                                                                                                    sources.                                             strong partner for the pet food industry.

                                                                                                    Your edge is our goal                                This long-term relationship has formed our
                                                                                                    JRS has strengthened its position as one of          philosophy around customer satisfaction and
                                                                                                    the top innovators in fiber-based ingredients        health.”
                                                                                                    for the global pet food industry. We use state-
                                                                                                    of-the-art technologies to precisely meet your       Torsten Trampe, Head of Technical
                                                                                                    needs for ingredient optimization.                   Application.

For more than 70 years, KARL SCHNELL has          KARL SCHNELL employs around 300 men
been synonymous worldwide for innovative          and women in the two plants in Germany and
products from Germany.                            the subsidiaries in France, the USA, Russia
                                                  and Romania. They are distinguished by
The basis of all our work is a cooperation        their above-average qualifications and their
in partnership. This ensures that customer        commitment.
requirements can be combined optimally with                                                          CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS
KARL SCHNELL’s technical and technological        As an ISO 9001 certified company, increasing
expertise. All machines and plants are            the efficiency and longevity of our machines
                                                                                                     FOR A VARIETY OF
subject to constant adaptation to new specific    and systems is our top priority. With modern       APPLICATIONS!
challenges of a hygienic, product-, process-      products and our innovative process solutions,
and quality-related nature.                       we support our customers in working more           KARL SCHNELL can supply systems in the
                                                  resource-efficiently and achieving their own       appropriately designed size for manufacturers
The product portfolio is almost completely        sustainability goals.                              of any production volume.
developed, designed and built in-house. It
ranges from machines for raw material intake,     KS benefits from its international positioning:
through mincing and fine emulsifying solutions,   the countries in which our company is
                                                                                                     Individual wishes, special space requirements,     TAILOR-MADE TO
                                                                                                     etc. are taken into account thanks to our high
to filling systems. In addition, we use our       represented already cover a large part of the      flexibility.                                       YOUR NEEDS
knowledge and the technology transfer from        global economic output.
the other areas of food processing for the                                                           Every customer gets a tailor-made solution!        Solution for Pâté & Chunks
diverse applications in the petfood sector.       So far, our specialists have installed thousands                                                      (OFM or natural):
                                                  of integrated systems for a clientele that         Pet food is usually produced in large              Our product range covers pre-mincing, recipe
Complex systems are created from individual       includes both small companies and global           quantities. Nowadays there is also a trend         dosing & mixing through to emulsifying.
machines - depending on the task at hand          corporations that are active in a wide range       towards smaller production quantities with         We supply formed-meat-chunk OFM systems,
- that can process and manufacture a wide         of industries, including the fast-growing          rapidly changing recipes. Our customers            including emulsification, and pâté systems,
variety of products.                              pet food industry. We focus our innovative         can also rely on the particularly robust and       including or excluding emulsification.
                                                  strength on “Quality is our passion!”.             reliable machine park from KARL SCHNELL for
Due to the high level of vertical integration,                                                       these complex applications.                        Solution for CIG / CIJ:
KARL SCHNELL ensures production,                  We see considerable economic opportunities                                                            These lines provide a very high level of
independent of the market.                        in holistic, intelligent solutions. Because they   Our know-how and experience supports our           product quality together with reliable and
                                                  require not less, but more technology              customers not only with technical solutions, but   cost-effective operation, coupled to solid
                                                                                                     also with technological assistance to optimise     construction, long lasting high performance
Flexibility meets technology                                                                         their processes.                                   and low maintenance costs.

                                                                                                     KARL SCHNELL offers turnkey solutions for all      Solution for dry petfood:
                                                                                                     areas of wet petfood production:                   Fully automatic mincing systems produce
                                                                                                                                                        the finest emulsions from almost any
                                                                                                     • Pâté & Chunks / Chunks-in-loaf CIL               starting material. Afterwards, the fine and
                                                                                                     • Chunks-in-gravy CIG / Chunks-in-Jelly CIJ        homogeneous emulsions are delivered for
                                                                                                     • A unique emulsifying solution for meat           subsequent treatment in the dry pet food
                                                                                                       addition to the dry food process.                process.

                                                                                                       COMMITTED TO OFFER
COMPANY INFORMATION                                                                                    OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS
MIAVIT GmbH is a family-owned company,             Gelling & thickening agents                         AND COMPREHENSIVE
founded in 1964, and now already operating
in the 3rd generation. The name MIAVIT is an
                                                   Highly functional tailor-made blends of gelling
                                                   agents and thickeners based on carrageenan,
abbreviation for all important minerals, amino     locust bean gum or cassia and even complete         With a global team of experts, MIAVIT has
acids and vitamins that are contained in our       compounds, including very effective                 three production sites worldwide. Beside the
pre-mixtures.                                      palatability enhancers for all different kinds of   headquarter in Essen (Oldb.) – Germany,
                                                   wet pet food like chunks in gravy/jelly, pâté       MIAVIT produces high-quality products in
As a competent partner in the field of             or all meat products.                               Spain and Vietnam as well.
technological and nutritional feed additives,
MIAVIT offers a high-quality and diverse           Antioxidants                                        • Sales in over 80 countries
range of products - in powdered form, in           Very effective liquid and powder formulations,      • Export quota of over 50%
pastes, liquids and tablets as well as extensive   containing natural and/or synthetic
service and support.                               antioxidants like tocopherol and rosemary           MIAVIT´s diverse and multidisciplinary team
                                                   extracts, BHA, BHT, propyl gallate as well as       provides full service & support in all fields of
The MIAVIT pet food solutions cover                chelators to protect feed materials and final       the pet food production, including:                GREAT PRODUCTION
                                                   feed from oxidative changes.
Premixes                                                                                                                                                  CAPACITY & FLEXIBILITY
                                                                                                       • Technological consultancy (set-up
Customized and easy to handle premixes of          Private label supplements                             machinery and production lines)                  At the headquarter in Essen (Oldb.) Germany,
vitamins, minerals or functional ingredients       Tailor-made complementary feed and special          • Technical consultancy (production                MIAVIT takes up 18 ha with in total 20,000 m²
for dry and wet pet food to create nutritional     supplements in different application forms like       processes and product applications)              production area:
balanced complete feed.                            powder, tablets, liquids or pastes.                 • Nutritional consultancy (recipe design,
                                                                                                         feed formulation, nutritional requirements       Five powder production facilities, comprising
Category 3 blends                                  Preservatives                                         and physiologies)                                numerous production lines for different powder
Blends, containing dry animal by-products          Customized solutions for long-lasting microbio-     • Feed legislation & declaration                   products, are offering a production capacity of
derived from category 3 material, being            logical product stability, especially for prone     • Lab support (comprehensive incoming              more than 150,000 tons/year.
produced on a dedicated mixing line, which is      semi-moist products, treats and snacks.               goods control, vitamin stability, shelf life
completely separated from other production                                                               studies, evaluation of jelly/gravy product       Besides that, MIAVIT owns further production
lines, providing our customers more freedom        Raw materials                                         performance)                                     plants that are dedicated for:
and flexibility with regards to storage and        Our customers can benefit from our diverse
dosing capacity at their production facilities.    portfolio of feed additives and functional
                                                                                                                                                          • Liquid production in feed quality
                                                   ingredients, giving the opportunity to take
                                                                                                                                                          • Liquid and powder production in food
                                                   advantage of our one-stop-service.
                                                                                                                                                          • Fluidized bed for encapsulated active
No compromises, but only investments in quality!                                                                                                            ingredients
                                                                                                                                                          • Choline chloride production in white &
                                                                                                                                                            brown quality (only European sourced
                                                                                                                                                          • Vitamin E powder production

Since its founding in 1908, Waldner has
taken giant steps – from the Allgäu region of
Germany – out into the world.

From a metalworking company into many            CAPABILITIES
diverse industries, including pharmaceuticals,   + STANDARDS
chemicals, research, education, medicine,
food, animal nutrition, analytics, automotive,   = QUALITY RESULTS
industry and biotech.
                                                 The development of perfectly coordinated,
The successful transformation into a global      balanced and appealing animal nutrition
technology company is driven by people with      is a philosophy in itself today. And tough
strong innovative skills. 1,300 people in our    competition. You know it only too well.
headquarters in Wangen alone.                                                                     FULL-SERVICE
                                                 This sector is forever coming up with new
256 patents and over 110 years of experience     creations and looks. Whether jelly, gravy,
is in our DNA. We are currently implementing     pieces or dried food, served in plastic,         We have
solutions for more than 10 industries,           aluminium, pouches or cans: we would be          • Rotary machines up to 6 lanes
developing and producing on an area of           happy to pack your individual ideas in future.   • Inline machines up to 12 lanes
65,000 m² and generating sales of over €260                                                       • End of line packaging
million per year.                                Do you produce pet foods and are looking for
                                                 innovative dosing, filling or packaging forms?   We fill
Individual solutions for filling technology      Do you want to set new trends, try out other     • Cups (plastic, alu)
                                                 containers or sealing techniques? Or do you      • Pouches (with or without spout)
                                                 attach particular importance to a longer shelf   • Cans
                                                 life and an attractive look? Waldner looks       • Glass/ jars
                                                 forward to discussing your requirements.
                                                                                                  For products that are
                                                 Waldner offers:                                  • Chunks, gravy, jelly
                                                                                                  • Pâté
                                                 • Processing and hygiene standards focus on      • Petfood in loaf
                                                   the food industry
                                                 • The most diverse containers (pouches,          Capacity
                                                   plastic, aluminium & cans)                     (Depending on the product and
                                                 • All consistencies (jelly, gravies, small       Containment)
                                                   pieces, dry food, etc.)                        • Pouches up to 30.000 Pouches/ hour
                                                 • Hot sealing or ultrasonic sealing              • Cups up to 30.000 Cups/ hour
                                                 • Different seals (sleeve lid, spouts, etc.)     • End of line packaging
                                                                                                  • Cans up to 48.000 Cans/ hour

                                                                                                  Special features
                                                                                                  • Over 70 years of experience
                                                                                                  • Various sterilization & cleaning methods
                                                                                                    (depending on customer/product needs)
                                                                      • The latest servo technology
                                                                          • Remote machine servicing
                                                                                                  OF YOUR PET’S
                                                                                                  FAVOURITE FOOD
                                                                                                  OPEM has a long tradition in packaging
COMPANY INFORMATION                                                                               systems for dry food of small and medium
                                                                                                  particle size.
OPEM has always challenged itself to             In 2014 the company achieved an important
find innovative solutions to improve the         milestone – moving to a new 16,700 sqm           Within its comprehensive choice of well-e-
performance and enhance the quality of its       factory in Parma, located in a large green       stablished machines to package products in
systems.                                         area, and equipped with research and             a variety of ways, OPEM identified one that
                                                 development laboratories. Thanks to the          it could customize into a specialty machine in
This business philosophy brought OPEM to         functional and compact nature of the facility,   order to bring a smarter solution to the dry
the highest levels of technology, capable of     OPEM has been able to achieve high levels of     pet food market: a vertical flexible film pouch
meeting the production developments the          efficiency and pursue continuous development,    packaging machine with application of screw
market demands, while maintaining detailed       making it competitive on the global market.      cap under a protective process.
attention to its products.
                                                 Customised solutions                             This packaging option is unique in that the cap
Continuous demand for new weighing and           OPEM offers advanced systems for pods in         can be used to open it and re-close it.            SMART SOLUTIONS FOR
packaging solutions drove the company to         filter paper, systems for capsules, vacuum                                                          DRY PET FOOD MARKET
design and develop new systems, and the          packaging systems, vertical packaging            Another interesting fact is that this cap can be
arrival of pods and capsules in the booming      machines, filling systems for tins and jars      applied to all the films commonly used in the      Ongoing research
coffee market further boosted the company’s      as well as special, customised packaging         market today to package powder products.           Every day, in a cutting-edge laboratory,
growth. Over the years, OPEM has patented        machines.                                        Needless to say, the capped pouch ensures a        research and development experts examine
many of its solutions, the most recent being     When designing and developing systems,           her­metic seal for longer product preservation.    solutions and materials that will be behind the
the machine for coffee pods in aluminium foil    OPEM works according to each customer’s          In its design OPEM made sure the cap can           technology of tomorrow.
compatible systems (Nespresso Pro®), and the     specific needs, offering to make a highly        also be applied on the new recyclable and
bag with a re-sealable cap application for the   efficient industrial system – a customised       compostable materials that will soon be            Every solution can handle compostable and
petfood, both introduced in 2017.                solution.                                        required by law.                                   recyclable materials and all the machines
                                                                                                                                                     are developed with a view to maximising
Innovation and environmental responsibility: the choices that makes the difference                                                                   efficiency, since they require very little

                                                                                                                                                     Green policy
                                                                                                                                                     Green thinking starts with the factory, which
                                                                                                                                                     is a modern, zero-impact building that uses
                                                                                                                                                     smart systems to reduce consumption through
                                                                                                                                                     eco-friendly high-tech features.

                                                                                                                                                     Thermal insulation with rainscreen cladding
                                                                                                                                                     and Low-E windows that minimise heat loss
                                                                                                                                                     while providing ideal lighting conditions and
                                                                                                                                                     the best visual comfort; radiant underfloor
                                                                                                                                                     heating, and a large solar panel roof with a
                                                                                                                                                     total capacity of more than half a gigawatt,
                                                                                                                                                     which actually exceeds the facility’s energy
                                                                                                                                                     requirement, allowing OPEM to resell energy.

                                                                                                       PRIDE IN SUPPLYING
                                                                                                       HIGH QUALITY
                                                                                                       SOLUTIONS TO PET
                                                                                                       FOOD PRODUCERS
Celebrating its 100th year in 2020, FAWEMA        FAWEMA achieves this by following four
is a global market leader in the design and       key principles. Discover, Define, Design and         WORLD-WIDE
manufacture of bag packaging machines for         Develop.
                                                                                                       FAWEMA delivers the best results for primary
dry pet foods and cat litter products alongside
                                                                                                       packaging for the dry petfood segment for
other key markets in flour, sugar and tea.        By following these steps, FAWEMA fully
                                                                                                       both small- and large-format packs in the
                                                  understands the customer’s needs, defines the
                                                                                                       range of 500g to 20kg.
FAWEMA is one brand within The Packaging          best technology fit, delivers proof of concept,
Group, which also includes HDG and Wolf.          therefore assuring the best quality solution.
                                                                                                       These formats can be enhanced with a variety
As a group, The Packaging Group has four
                                                                                                       of additional technologies, handling the most
manufacturing sites, seven regional offices and   FAWEMA will rise to the challenges of
                                                                                                       complex and demanding bag solutions.
more than 400 employees dedicated to one          tomorrow, designing and d  ­ eveloping new
                                                                                                       Using unique continuous-motion technologies
thing: PERFECTION.                                technologies and continuing to deliver on its
                                                                                                       and ‘low-touch’ changeover, high and
                                                  commitment to produce outstanding quality
                                                                                                       sustainable throughputs and efficiencies are
The Packaging Group has one of the broadest       products required for the increasing industry
range of machines for packing pet food            challenges of the 21st century.
                                                                                                       easily achieved.                                 SMART SOLUTIONS FOR
products into flexible packs. With over 150
                                                                                                       In the TPG group, FAWEMA’s leading               DRY PET FOOD MARKET
years of combined experience, FAWEMA,             As a company that has delivered thousands
                                                                                                       technologies are complimented with VFFS
HDG and Wolf have the expertise to deliver        of packing lines across the world, it is a                                                            From a few grams to 20 kg and beyond, we
                                                                                                       and HFFS solutions from Wolf and HDG
your packaging machinery needs for all pet        dedicated partner after the delivery of your                                                          have a machine for the pack style and size
foods and treats.                                 machine, too. Its efficient after-sales service                                                       your market demands.
                                                  team will be on hand to help and guide you at
                                                                                                       We always seek solutions that are kinder to
For the petfood industry, we have a dedicated     all times whenever the need might arise.                                                              Key to delivering the right machine for
                                                                                                       our planet and have the capability to deliver
team delivering excellence in primary                                                                                                                   the job, is an in-depth knowledge of the
                                                                                                       machinery that is not only energy efficient,
petfood packaging, with a sharp focus on          With a global presence and a loyal customer                                                           market requirements and trends, combined
                                                                                                       but also designed to work with the very latest
performance, quality and reliability. We speak    base FAWEMA understands the commitment                                                                with creating true partnerships with many
                                                                                                       mono-material and recyclable packaging.
your language.                                    that is needed to keep the machines it builds                                                         customers all across the globe. From
                                                                                                       Everything, Perfectly Packed.
                                                  working long into the future. It will achieve this                                                    multinational to family owned, you can be
Pet food manufacturers partner with FAWEMA        now and in the future by having a dedicated                                                           sure of our capability to deliver a tailored
for primary packaging solutions safe in the       after sales team on hand to deal with all                                                             solution.
knowledge that their products and brand will      eventualities.
be presented to the market Safely, Sensibly                                                                                                             Utilising our local market resources from our
and Sustainably.                                                                                                                                        locations around the globe, combined with
                                                                                                                                                        expertise placed in our four manufacturing
Entrepreneurship, network and expertise for the global packaging market                                                                                 facilities, you can be sure of the best fit for
                                                                                                                                                        packaging machinery.
                                                                                                                                                        We take pride in our after-sales support,
                                                                                                                                                        offering our customers the personal touch, no
                                                                                                                                                        matter where they are in the world.

Senior coordinator and technology expert for
         wet and dry pet food PCN
       Mobile: +49 (0)151 16245823
        Hungarian: +36 70 6767419

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