Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario

Page created by Connie Morgan
Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Year in Review
Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Our Vision
Earn public trust in Ontario food and farming.

               Our Mission
  Proactively work with Ontario farmers and
   food partners to ensure public trust and
       confidence in our food system.

           B   Y E A R   I N   R E V I E W   2 0 2 0
Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Bonnie den Haan
What a year it has been. Our board last met in     back six months, recognizing that until we             they believe in our organization’s mandate
person in early March of 2020, never realizing     had a sense of the timelines and scope of              whole heartedly. They’re not only strong
that that would be the end of face to face         the pandemic’s effects on our industry and             directors but most are members and active
meetings for a long time to come. At that time,    country, it was going to be difficult to do any        volunteers. In particular, I’d like to express my
most of us had never given COVID a thought,        long term planning for the organization.               appreciation to outgoing board members
or heard of Zoom and now both are part of our      That process was restarted in November under           Christine Schoonderwoerd, nominated by
every day reality.                                 the leadership of committee chair Jordan Fois          Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.; Jim Gowland,
While the pandemic certainly required us           and has so far included an online member               nominated by Ontario Bean Growers; Heather
to shift much of our 2020 business plan –          survey; invitations to all voting members              Hargrave, nominated by Trouw Nutrition
specifically in the area of events and public      for phone interviews and a board strategic             Canada Inc. and Chris Cossitt, nominated
outreach activities, I’m pleased to have           planning session. We will have a draft plan            by Ontario Pork. All have contributed an
witnessed the creativity that the staff showed     out to our members later this spring for review        enormous amount to FFCO and will be missed.
in creating new ways of engagement – both          and input before it is approved. Through the           As we finish the first quarter of 2021 and
with our members and our urban audiences.          interviews I did, it was great to speak with key       vaccination programs ramp up, there’s lots
It is with an enormous amount of gratitude that    members directly and get their feedback on             of reasons to feel optimistic – for ourselves,
I thank our staff team for their commitments       the work we’re doing. While no organization            for our families, for our member organizations
to our organization and to working from            is perfect and there are areas to be improved          and for the future of Farm & Food Care’s return
home in some less than ideal settings. Early       upon, it’s clear that member satisfaction has          to more normal programming. Thank you for
in the pandemic, the majority of the staff team    increased dramatically since our last strategic        being part of our work – work that benefits all
volunteered to take a significant pay cut for      planning process in 2017.                              of Ontario agriculture.
four months to help with budget uncertainties.     I am pleased to be completing my first year as
For that, we’re grateful and appreciative. Their   chair of Farm & Food Care and appreciate the
selfless gestures helped to ensure our viability   confidence that the Board of Directors showed
through the challenging times.                     in electing me to this position. I’d like to express      Thank you for being
                                                   my sincere appreciation to my fellow board
2020 was also to be the year when we
                                                   members whose passion for this organization
                                                                                                             part of our work
completed a new strategic plan. When COVID                                                                   – work that benefits all of Ontario
hit, our board decided to push that process        is key to its success. Without exception,

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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Executive Director’s
Kelly Daynard
I think we’ll all look back on 2020 for years to       communications team was already working        4.	Relationships: Strengthened relationships
come and wonder if we really did live through          on a revised schedule that included virtual        and alliances with like-minded organiza-
that! It was on March 16, 2020, that our staff         events for Local Food Week, Ontario                tions and sister groups are key. Regular
team left the office and told each other that          Agriculture Week and a series of live farm         communications and collaboration with the
we’d be back in a couple of weeks, when the            tours hosted on social media throughout            teams at Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan
threat was over. How little we realized then           the season that drew audiences of tens of          and Prince Edward Island, with the Cana-
about the year ahead.                                  thousands – likely larger audiences than if        dian Centre for Food Integrity, with 4-H
But despite the complications, there were so           we’d been able to proceed with our planned         Ontario, AgScape and Agriculture in the
many things to be grateful for – and which             activations.                                       Classroom Canada have benefitted us all.
have helped to contribute to the viability of       3.	Government funding took two very different        All of these organizations work with limited
FFCO during COVID and beyond:                           forms in 2020:                                    budgets and it’s important to continually
                                                                                                          ensure that we’re supporting – but not
1.	The support of our members and partners.           a.	
                                                          Federal funding from AAFC through               duplicating – each other’s work.
    Not once did we have a call with the news             the AgriCompetitive and AgriDiversity
    that a membership or project partnership              programs doubled our budgets for some       I’m optimistic about the road ahead. In the
    was being reduced due to COVID. One silver            public trust initiatives including The      last four years since our last strategic plan
    member actually called to say that Covid              Real Dirt on Farming, FarmFood360,          was completed, we’ve become more financial
    required them to make drastic reductions              Faces Behind Food and our food              stable, have successfully received our
    in their budgets for the year – but that              influencer outreach program. When           Canadian charitable status, have embarked
    maintaining their level of membership in              COVID required the cancellation of tours    on many new areas of programming and have
    FFCO was a board priority. Having large               for influencer groups, AAFC staff was       added numerous new members to our list of
    online and print initiatives already planned          extremely accommodating in allowing         supporters.
    for the year – like three new Virtual Reality         us to shift funding to online conferences
    tours (with partners Beef Farmers of                  and webinars for our target audience.
    Ontario, Chicken Farmers of Ontario and            b.	The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy
    Turkey Farmers of Ontario) and a new
    edition of The Real Dirt on Farming with
                                                           program and the Canadian Rent Subsidy         Our success is
                                                           program were also great supports in a
    industry support from across Canada were                                                             your success.
                                                           time of need, enabling the organization
    great projects in a complicated year.                  to continue working with almost a full
                                                                                                         Thank you for being part of this
2.	A creative and committed staff team: Within            staff contingent.                             movement.
    days of staff moving to their homes, our

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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Communications &
Public Outreach

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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario

                                                                                                    1   The Real Dirt on Farming in the Classroom

                                                                                                  Educators’ guide developed with Agriculture in the
                                                                                                  Classroom Canada

2020 marked the launch of the fifth edition of    The new edition includes new topics to reflect            created in partnership with Agriculture in the
The Real Dirt on Farming, which addresses         advances in science, global events and                    Classroom Canada and Farm Credit Canada,
common questions and misconceptions about         changing consumer preferences, as well as a               is being distributed in 2021 to classrooms
Canadian food and farming in the areas of         significant focus on careers across Canada’s              across Canada.
food security, animal welfare, food safety, the   agri-food system. A new, interactive website              In total, more than 25 companies and agri-
environment and much more. Information in         will provide opportunities for digital learning           businesses across Canada supported the
the resource has been revised and updated         and content sharing, and can be updated to                development of the fifth edition. This project
using a wide variety of credible sources, and     reflect advances in science, global events                was also funded, in part, through the Agri-
was reviewed by subject matter experts from       and changing consumer questions over time.                Competitiveness program of the Canadian
across Canada.                                    A supplementary Educators’ Guide entitled                 Agricultural Partnership, a federal, provincial,
                                                  The Real Dirt on Farming in the Classroom,                territorial initiative.

                                                                                                                        The 60-page publication, educator
                                                                                                                        resource, as well as a digest and
                                                                                                                        French translation of the publication
                                                                                                                        are available at


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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
FarmFood360° virtual reality farm tours allow       views in 2020, a 1222 per cent and 470
Canadians to tour real, working farms and food      per cent increase over 2019 respectively.
processing facilities on tablets and desktop        New tours of beef, turkey and chicken farms
computers, as well as through mobile phones         were released in 2020 due to partnerships
and VR (Virtual Reality) devices. These tours
were a natural fit for the thousands of teachers
                                                    with Beef Farmers of Ontario, Turkey                   over 835,000
                                                    Farmers of Ontario and Chicken Farmers of                       users
and students transitioning to online learning       Ontario. To supplement the 360° tours, 12
and agricultural organizations seeking to           additional videos feature interviews with the
connect with consumers virtually in 2020.           farm families, veterinarians and nutritionists
As a result, FarmFood360° welcomed over             explaining their roles in caring for animals on
835,000 users and 2.95 million page                 these farms.

   New                  Beef, Chicken and Turkey
                        VR farm tours released.
                                                                                                            2.95 million
                                                                                                               page views in 2020

                                                   The growing library
                                                   can be accessed at
                                                                              1222 per cent
                                                                                                         and 470 per cent
                                                                                                        increase over 2019 respectively.

      CHICKEN FARM                                            BEEF FARM                               TURKEY Farm

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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Virtual Food and
Nutrition Forum                                                                      Dr. Sara Place         Melissa Joy Dobbins       John Jamieson
                                                                                     Elanco Animal Health   Registered Dietitian      Canadian Centre for Food Integrity

FFCO’s long-running farm tour program was suspended in 2020 to               audience. The event featured speakers Dr. Sara Place of Elanco Animal
ensure the safety of the farmers and many food writers, bloggers, chefs,     Health on livestock and sustainability; American Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitians, culinary instructors and students and professional    Melissa Joy Dobbins, a panel discussion with farmers from across
home economists that look forward to these events each year. Instead,        Canada and the public launch of Canadian Centre for Food Integrity’s 2020
FFCO partnered with the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Farm & Food          research. The success of this event inspired an online national speakers’
Care Saskatchewan and PEI to host a virtual version of the annual Food &     series that began in March 2021.
Nutrition Forum and connect with 250 attendees from the same target

Farm to
A move to online learning sparked a partnership
between FFCO and AgScape to offer a series of
Facebook Live farm tours throughout 2020. Farm to
Facebook allows viewers, including students and teach-
ers, to connect with farmers in real-time. A total of 17

tours were hosted by farmers and agri-businesses of all
types from across the province and attracted upwards
of 93,429 views. FFCO and AgScape will continue to
offer these tours throughout 2021.                                                                                          views

                                                       Y E A R   I N   R E V I E W         2 0 2 0
Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Faces Behind Food continues to highlight the diversity of people and career
                                                         opportunities within the Canadian agri-food system. A total of 134 people
                                                         were profiled on Instagram, Facebook and at in
                                                         2020, including many essential workers. Faces Behind Food also received
                                                         recognition at the Best of CAMA awards with a Certificate of Merit in the
                                                         category “Social Media Campaign Directed at the General Public”.

The campaign’s social media presence continues to grow, with a 2,600 per cent increase
in followers and 4,767 per cent increase in engagement on Facebook, as well as
increases of 257 and 267 per cent on Instagram.

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Year in Review 2020 - Farm & Food Care - Ontario
Followers increased
                                                                          significantly in 2020:

                                                                                  UP   2%     311
                                                                                              new followers

                                                                                  UP   32% 2239
                                                                                           new followers

 Social Media
                                                                                  UP   49% 1538
                                                                                           new followers                   

 23,617      54,770              9,114                   19,659                835,875          2,951,093
   users      page views          users                   page views              users            page views

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FFCO supports member groups, farmers and the
                                                                                  broader agricultural industry through a variety of
                                                                                  speaker services, training and workshops that are

Training and
                                                                                  designed to help participants effectively engage with the
                                                                                  public (in-person and online), prepare for complicated

                                                                                  conversations at events or on their own farms and speak
                                                                                  with the media about issues affecting their industry. In
                                                                                  2020, this included 36 presentations and 15 virtual
                                                                                  Speak Up and media training courses to farm audiences
                                                                                  across the province and Canada. FFCO also established
                                                                                  regular cross-commodity staff meetings in response to
                                                                                  a need for greater communication around shared and
                                                                                  individual COVID communication strategies.

Issue-Specific Communications
Members can depend on issue-specific communications support from FFCO.
One of the most dominant issues in the horticulture sector in 2020 was the
impact of COVID-19 on food security and labour. FFCO partnered with the OFVGA
and other horticulture stakeholders on a proactive media campaign around the
role of seasonal workers in our food system and why access to these skilled
workers at critical times is imperative for food security. The work continued
with safely-conducted interviews and photography sessions with both Seasonal
Agricultural Workers and Temporary Foreign Workers to learn and share their
stories with the broader public, highlighting the benefits of the program to both
workers and Ontario farmers.

Farm Environmental and
Farm Animal Care Councils
In 2020, three Farm Animal Care and Farm Environment Advisory Council meetings provided a helpful space for cross-commodity
dialogue, especially as COVID realities landed across the industry and impacted food processing and access to essential Seasonal
Agricultural Workers/Temporary Foreign Workers. These meetings, currently virtual, provide FFCO’s Platinum, Gold and Silver
level members an open forum for dialogue, ideas and proactive thinking on farm animal welfare and on-farm environmental
issues. Input from both councils gives direction to the issue-specific work that FFCO is doing in those areas.

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Animal Care Projects
& Initiatives

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Livestock Emergency                                                                                    Special
   and Farm Fire                                                                                          Interest
   Awareness Projects                                                                                     Groups
                                                                                                          In 2020, FFCO participated in numerous
                                                                                                          meetings, consultations and discussions related
                                                                                                          to the activities of Special Interest Groups at work
                                                                                                          in Ontario. FFCO conducted a number of speaking
                                                                                                          engagements and coordinated several industry
                                                                                                          workshops offering advice on how to protect farms
                                                                                                          and businesses from potential threats. FFCO will
                                                                                                          continue to provide specialized and individualized
                                                                                                          support to its members on related issues.

                                                                                                          Bill 156
                                                                                                          Bill 156, Security from Trespass and Protecting
                                                                                                          Food Safety Act, 2020, was a key area of interest
                                                                                                          for the agricultural community in 2020. FFCO
                                                                                                          worked alongside livestock commodity groups
                                                                                                          and general farm organizations to review the
                                                                                                          regulations. In 2021, FFCO will support the
   In 2019, FFCO developed and launched               were trained throughout four online workshops       development of “Animal Protection Zone” signage
   a Livestock Emergency Training course              in the fall of 2020. In addition, FFCO worked       for distribution to select livestock farms across
   designed to give first responders a better         with a videographer to film two instructional       the province.
   understanding of animal behavior and               videos detailing the mechanics of livestock
   management during livestock emergencies –          trailers and proper extrication techniques to be
   such as truck rollovers and barn fires. FFCO       used in future training sessions.
   moved to continue offering this service to first   FFCO also continues the FLIR (heat sensing)
   responders in 2020, online. The workshops          equipment lending program, where farmers
   are facilitated by Victor MacPherson, an expert    can inspect their farms for potential risks,
   in Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue         including corrosion in receptacles, plugs and
   with over 25 years experience as an emergency      panels in livestock barns which can lead to
   responder.                                         barn fires. Contact FFCO for details.
   60 first responders from different regions, plus
   veterinarians and other livestock stakeholders

Farm Animal Care Helpline
The Farm Animal Care Helpline is a confidential “farmer helping farmer” approach of advice and
referral on animal care; concerned farmers and community members can report situations where
they feel farm animals require better care, or where farmers themselves can call should they require
help. FFCO received 11 calls in 2020, and worked with farmers, experienced staff and commodity
groups to investigate reports. The service allows intervention before situations reach a critical point
or need the attention of the provincial authority. The helpline is operated in partnership with all
major commodity organizations, and in conjunction with the Ontario Animal Protection Call Centre.

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Environment Projects
& Initiatives

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Soil Health Project
 During 2020, with funding from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership program,
 FFCO has been working on an ambitious project to develop a 12-part video series
 on attributes of soil health, how it is measured, and practices that are important,
 such as erosion management and compaction reduction. Six case studies were
 written to examine how farmers in different areas of the province approach soil
 health on their farms. The project also featured an additional six-part video series
 on the economics, logistics, technology and environmental benefits of strip-
 tillage systems. The videos were released in early 2021 alongside eight additional
 case studies.

                                                                                                            BENEFITS OF MANURE TO
                                                                                                              THE ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                                                BUILDS SOIL
                                                                                                                                ORGANIC MATTER

and Peer to Peer
Timing Matters, funded by the Canadian               or snow covered fields. In 2020, 29 incidents          REDUCES SOIL EROSION
Agricultural Partnership program, is an FFCO-        were reported in the Lake Erie Basin. Interviews
administered initiative between farm organizations   suggested that a wet fall in 2019 left farmers
and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food        unable to spread nutrients before the winter. The
and Rural Affairs. It works to promote a better      Peer to Peer will continue to consult farmers and
                                                                                                                               ORGANIC NITROGEN
understanding of manure’s value, manure              help identify practical alternatives to spreading                         STABILITY
storage options, application equipment and           manure on frozen or snow covered ground in an
timing. A multimedia communications strategy         effort to use nutrients more effectively and reduce
was launched in 2020, which included the             the environmental risks to water bodies.
development of seven infographics and a video        Work continues in 2021 supported by the Canada-
animation, nine published articles and a growing     Ontario Great Lakes Agreement and will include         ENERGY CONSERVATION
social media presence.                               a farmer survey that measures the frequency of
A subgroup, the Peer to Peer Network, focuses on     winter manure spreading, as well as attitudes and
raising awareness about the potential for nutrient   contributing factors to the practice.
run-off when manure application is made to frozen                                                                                    Visit our website:


                                                                                                              This project was funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership,
                                                                                                                       a five-year federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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Harvest Gala
        Since 2008, FFCO has gathered farmers, agribusiness professionals and other supporters for
        the annual Harvest Gala – an evening to celebrate Ontario food and farming and all of those who
        work hard to make it possible. The event also raises funds for FFCO’s public outreach initiatives.
        With in-person events not possible in 2020, FFCO, along with the help of generous partners,
        used creative thinking to welcome 230 of agriculture’s finest for the first-ever virtual Harvest
        Gala in November.
        The evening kicked off with an interactive cook-along hosted by Professional Home Economist
        and cook book author Jennifer Mackenzie and professional chef Jay Nutt. Later, Cowbell
        Brewing’s Phil Main and Dan McLaughlin walked guests through a tasting of their signature
        craft beers.
        The sold-out Gala-in-a-Box experience included all-Ontario snack items and gift items, a secret
        recipe for a delicious phyllo-wrapped herbed pork tenderloin, a lineup of craft beverages from
        Cowbell Brewing and Ardiel Cider, as well as a copy of the newest edition of The Real Dirt on
        Farming which was unveiled that evening. Other highlights from the gala included the Live
        Ontario Tourism Auction and the presentation of the Paul Mistele Memorial Award and Food &
        Farming Champion Award to Dylan Sher.

Champion Award recipient Dylan Sher

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                              Board of Directors
                              Farm & Food Care is governed by a dedicated group of volunteers with a passion for helping
                              to build trust in food and farming in Ontario. The 2020/2021 Board of Directors included:

                       Richard Blyleven        Josh Boersen                Janelle Caldwell             Crispin Colvin               Chris Cossitt              Bonnie den Haan
                       Christian Farmers       Grain Farmers of Ontario    Egg Farmers of Ontario       Ontario Federation of        Ontario Pork               Dairy Farmers of Ontario
                       Federation of Ontario                               (Second Vice Chair)          Agriculture (Vice Chair)                                (Chair)

                       Jordan Fois             Brian Gilroy                Jim Gowland                  Heather Hargrave             Joe Hickson                Christine Schoonderwoerd
                       Chicken Farmers of      Ontario Fruit & Vegetable   Ontario Bean Growers         Shur-gain/Trouw Nutrition Ontario Seed Growers’         Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.
                       Ontario                 Growers’ Association                                     Canada Inc.               Association (Treasurer)

                                                                               Ex Officio:
                                                                                                        Jason Leblond                Gordon Stock               Steven Vanderzanden
                                                                                                        Beef Farmers of Ontario      Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Turkey Farmers of Ontario
                                                                                                                                     Growers’ Association        Chair, Farm Animal Care Council
                                                                                                                                     Chair, Farm Environment
                                                                                                                                     Advisory Council


Alicia Becker          Rachel Coles            Kelly Daynard               Tamara Hamilton               Bruce Kelly                  Elaine McDougall            Madeline Rodrigue Jean Tucker
Community Engagement   Marketing Coordinator   Executive Director          Communications                Program Manager              Finance Manager             Communications              Administrative Assistant
Manager                                                                    Coordinator                                                                            Manager

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FFCO staff work under the direction of the Farm Environmental Care Council and the Farm Animal Care Council. Comprised of representatives
from Farm & Food Care Ontario’s platinum, gold and silver members, the councils provide an open forum for input, ideas and dialogue on farm
environmental and animal care issues.

2020 Farm Animal Care and Farm                  Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario,           L.H. Gray & Son Limited / Gray Ridge Egg
Environmental Care Advisory                     Richard Blyleven                                   Farms, Janelle Caldwell
Council attendees
                                                Commonwell Mutual Insurance,                       L.H. Gray & Son Limited / Gray Ridge Egg
All Platinum, Gold and Silver members           Alice VanVught                                     Farms, Scott Brookshaw
are invited to attend. This list includes the
                                                Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd., Colleen Roehrig       Libro Credit Union, Cory Wozniak
attendees in 2020:
                                                Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd.,                       Libro Credit Union, Dave Vanos
Farm Animal Care Council Chair - Steven
                                                Lisa Wormsbecher                                   Meat & Poultry Ontario, Daphne Nuys-Hall
Vanderzanden, Turkey Farmers of Ontario
                                                Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Bonnie den Haan          Meat & Poultry Ontario, Franco Naccarato
Farm Environment Advisory Council Chair
- Gordon Stock, Ontario Fruit and Vegetable     Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Chantel Crockett         New-Life Mills Ltd., Caitlin Woolcott
Growers’ Association                            Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Heather MacGregor        Ontario Apple Growers’ Association,
                                                Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Sharon Laidlaw           Kelly Ciceran
Alltech Canada Inc., Arin Douglas               EastGen, Christa Ormiston                          Ontario Bean Growers, Jennifer Mitchell
Beef Farmers of Ontario, Jason Leblond          EastGen, Tim Henshaw                               Ontario Bean Growers, Jim Gowland
Beef Farmers of Ontario, Katherine Fox          Egg Farmers of Ontario, Tonya Haverkamp            Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick
Burnbrae Farms Ltd., Helen Anne Hudson          Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc., Cary Gates          Commission, Bill Van Heeswyk
Burnbrae Farms Ltd., Laura Bowers               Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd., Ove Hansen        Ontario Federation of Agriculture,
                                                                                                   Cathy Lennon
B-W Feed & Seed Ltd., Dave Bender               Gay Lea Foods Co-operative, Roger Boersen
                                                                                                   Ontario Federation of Agriculture,
Canada Mink Breeders Association,               Grain Farmers of Ontario, Brendon Byrne            Crispin Colvin
 Tom McLellan and Rob Bollert
                                                Grain Farmers of Ontario, Dave McEachren           Ontario Federation of Agriculture,
Chicken Farmers of Ontario, Jordan Fois
                                                Grain Farmers of Ontario, Mike Buttenham           Drew Spoelstra
Chicken Farmers of Ontario, Kathryn Goodish
                                                Grand Valley Fortifiers Limited, Ashley Delarge    Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’
Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario,                                                           Association, Brian Gilroy
John Bos                                        Grand Valley Fortifiers Limited, Rick Fernandes
                                                                                                   Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers,
Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario,        Greenbelt Fund, Kathy Macpherson                   Justine Taylor
Paul Bootsma                                    Kirkton Veterinary Clinic, Reg Clinton

                                                  18    Y E A R   I N   R E V I E W      2 0 2 0
Ontario Hatcheries Association,                 Gray Ridge Egg Farms                              Human Resources Committee
Susan Fitzgerald                                Andrew Campbell, Fresh Air Media,                 Janelle Caldwell, L.H. Gray & Son Ltd., Gray
Ontario Mutual Insurance Association,           Bellson Farms                                     Ridge Egg Farms
John Taylor                                     Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario         Crispin Colvin, Ontario Federation of
Ontario Pork, Chris Cossit                                                                        Agriculture
                                                Arin Douglas, Alltech
Ontario Pork, Mike Mitchell                                                                       Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
                                                Deanna Hutton and Gordon Stock, Ontario
Ontario Pork, Stacey Ash                        Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association
                                                                                                  Joe Hickson, Ontario Seed Growers’
Ontario Pork, Tara Terpstra                     John Maaskant, Chicken Farmers of Ontario
Ontario Pork, Eric Hartemink                    Steve McCabe
                                                                                                  Christine Schoonderwoerd, Wallenstein Feed
Ontario Pride Eggs Inc. / Nutrigroupe,          Christine Schoonderwoerd, Wallenstein Feed        & Supply
Stephen Woodthorpe                              & Supply
                                                                                                  Finance Committee
Ontario Sheep Farmers, Tom Lewis                Nadine Schwandt, New-Life Mills Ltd.
                                                                                                  Janelle Caldwell, L.H. Gray & Son Ltd.,
Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association,    Christine Wilkinson, Ontario Agricultural         Gray Ridge Egg Farms
Eleanor Renaud                                  College
                                                                                                  Crispin Colvin, Ontario Federation of
Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association,    Executive Committee                               Agriculture
Les Nichols
                                                Janelle Caldwell, L.H. Gray & Son Ltd.,           Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Association,         Gray Ridge Egg Farms (Second vice)
Steve Holmes                                                                                      Joe Hickson, Ontario Seed Growers’
                                                Crispin Colvin, Ontario Federation of             Association (Chair)
RBC Royal Bank, Jackie Hedges                   Agriculture (First vice)
                                                                                                  Christine Schoonderwoerd, Wallenstein Feed
RBC Royal Bank, Lorna McKercher                 Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario         & Supply
South West Ontario Veterinary Services,         (Chair)
Christine Pelland                                                                                 Strategic Planning Committee
                                                Joe Hickson, Ontario Seed Growers’
The Clark Companies, Brad Mandryk               Association (Treasurer)                           Janelle Caldwell, L.H. Gray & Son Ltd.,
                                                                                                  Gray Ridge Egg Farms
Trillium Mutual, Mike Brine                     Christine Schoonderwoerd, Wallenstein Feed
                                                & Supply (Past chair)                             Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc., Chelsea Gordon                                                       (Ex Officio)
Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc., Heather Hargrave   Governance Committee
                                                                                                  Christine Schoonderwoerd, Wallenstein Feed
Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc., Kevin Weppler      Richard Blyleven, Christian Farmers Federation    & Supply
                                                of Ontario
Veal Farmers of Ontario, Kendra Keels                                                             Jordan Fois, Chicken Farmers of Ontario
                                                Crispin Colvin, Ontario Federation of             (Chair)
Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd., Christine       Agriculture (Chair),
Schoonderwoerd                                                                                    Brian Gilroy, Ontario Fruit & Vegetable
                                                Chris Cossitt, Ontario Pork                       Growers’ Association
York Region Federation of Agriculture,
Kim Empringham                                  Bonnie den Haan, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
                                                (Ex Officio)
                                                Jum Gowland, Ontario Bean Growers
Marketing Committee
                                                Heather Hargrave, Shur-gain/Trouw Nutrition
Laura Bowers, Burnbrae Farms                    Canada Inc.
Janelle Caldwell, L.H. Gray & Son Ltd.,         Jason Leblond, Beef Farmers of Ontario

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2020 Members and
Farm & Food Care Ontario’s success is a direct result of the breadth, diversity and collective support of its members. As membership increases,
so does the effectiveness of our collective outreach initiatives. Farm & Food Care Ontario would like to thank the 182 member commodity groups,
businesses and individuals for their support in 2020.

                                                        Platinum Members

Gold                                             DCL Nutrition                                     Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers
Burnbrae Farms Ltd.                              EastGen                                           Ontario Hatcheries Association
Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario          Exceldor                                          Ontario Mutual Insurance Association
Conestoga Meat Packers                           Floradale Feed Mill Ltd.                          Ontario Plowmen’s Association
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd.                  Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc.                     Ontario Potato Board
Grain Farmers of Ontario                         Furst McNess Company of Canada                    Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers
Growmark, Inc                                    Grand Valley Fortifiers Limited                   Ontario Seed Growers’ Association
Hensall District Co-operative Inc.               Grape Growers of Ontario                          Ontario Sheep Farmers
L.H. Gray & Son Limited / Gray Ridge Egg Farms   Grober Nutrition Inc.                             Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association
New-Life Mills Ltd.                              Heartland Farm Mutual Insurance                   Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Association
Ontario Pride Eggs Inc. / Nutrigroupe            Hendrix Genetics                                  Oxford County Federation of Agriculture
Piller’s Fine Foods                              Kirkton Veterinary Clinic                         RBC Royal Bank
Sargent Farms Ltd.                               Libro Credit Union                                Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture
Semex Alliance                                   London Ag Commodities                             South West Ontario Veterinary Services
The Clark Companies                              Lucknow District Co-op                            The Agromart Group
Turkey Farmers of Ontario                        Masterfeeds Inc                                   The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group
Zantingh Direct Inc.                             McKinley Hatchery                                 Trillium Mutual
                                                 Meat & Poultry Ontario                            Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc
                                                 Moonfleet Poultry                                 Valent Canada Inc.
AGRIS Co-operative Ltd.
                                                 Mushrooms Canada                                  Veal Farmers of Ontario
Alltech Canada
                                                 NatureFresh Farms                                 Veldale Farms
Archer’s Poultry Farm Limited
                                                 Ontario Apple Growers                             Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.
Argyle Farms
                                                 Ontario Bean Growers                              Western Fair District
Association of Ontario Chicken Processors
                                                 Ontario Broiler Chicken Hatching Egg Producers    York Region Federation of Agriculture
Avonbank Ag Solutions
                                                    Association                                    Supporter
Brian’s Poultry Services Ltd.
                                                 Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg & Chick Commission   A W Topp & Sons Ltd.
B-W Feed & Seed Ltd.
                                                 Ontario Canola Growers Association                Anonymous
Canada Mink Breeders’ Association
                                                 Ontario Goat                                      Art Griffith Farms Inc.
Cargill Animal Nutrition

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Bellson Farms                                     Middlesex Federation of Agriculture              Bradi Farms
Berry Growers of Ontario                          Midnight Acres Inc.                              Brant Cattlemen’s Association
Brant Agricultural Awareness Committee            Mitchell Veterinary Services                     Peggy Brekveld
Brant County Federation of Agriculture            Anonymous                                        Alvin Brunsveld
Peggy Brekveld                                    Nighthawk Orchards                               Bruce Christie
Bruce County Federation of Agriculture            Northumberland Cattlemen’s Association           Kelly Ciceran
Canadian National Exhibition Association          Northumberland Federation of Agriculture         Crispin Colvin
Clarence & Debbie Coke                            Norwell Dairy Systems Limited                    Christa Cowell
Collins Farm Produce Inc.                         Oegema Turkey Farms Inc.                         Keith Currie
Conlee Farms Inc                                  Ontario Ginseng Growers Association              Kelly Daynard
Cronin Farms Ltd                                  Ontario Tender Fruit Growers                     Terry & Dot Daynard
Donald Frew & Sons Ltd.                           Oxford County Junior Farmers                     Bonnie den Haan
Donkers Family Goat Farm                          Persall Fine Foods Co.                           Clair & Kathryn Doan
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture           Perth County Federation of Agriculture           Dufferin-Wellington Christian Farmers Association
Eberts Fur Farm Incorporated                      Perth County Pork Producers Association          Don Gordon
Elgin Beef Farmers                                Peterborough County Cattlemen’s Association      Charlie Gracey
Essex County Federation of Agriculture            Prince Edward County Federation of Agriculture   Sara Harper
Flew The Coop Ltd.                                R & B McIntosh Egg Farms Ltd.                    HC Coaching & Training
Georgian Bay Fruit Growers Inc                    R.B.R. Fur Farms Limited                         Craig Hunter
Glacier FarmMedia Inc - Canada’s Outdoor Farm     Reid Drainage Inc                                Huron County Christian Farmers Association
   Show                                           RFW Farms Ltd                                    Ashley Knapton
Jim & Judy Gowland                                Rosendale Farms Limited                          Quentin Martin
Grey County Federation of Agriculture             Samis Farms                                      Dianne McComb
Huron County Federation of Agriculture            Schoonderwoerd Bros. Concrete Ltd.               Jayne Miller
JJ Maaskant Farms Ltd.                            Nadine Schwandt                                  Jennifer Mitchell
JSE Farms                                         Sheldon Creek Dairy Inc                          Gregory Morrison
Kahntact                                          Murray and Sandra Sherk                          Vicky Morrison
Bruce Kelly                                       Simcoe County Beef Farmers                       Niagara Christian Farmers Association
Kenpal Farm Products Inc.                         Snyder Heritage Farms                            Les Nichols
Kent & Essex Mutual Insurance Company             Gordon Stock                                     Katy Noftall
Kidd Farms                                        Stormont Federation of Agriculture               Roger Pelissero
Jack & Liz Koetsier                               Sweet Ontario                                    Radiant Global Logistics (Canada) Inc
Lactanet                                          Vanmar Farms Limited                             RBC Foundation
Lambton Cattlemen’s Association                   Sally & Mike VanStraaten                         Karen Renwick
Lambton Mutual Insurance                          Vickhaven Farms                                  Christine Schoonderwoerd
Lindsay Agricultural Society                      Nick & Joan Whyte                                Nadine Schwandt
Manitoulin Northshore Federation of Agriculture   Wilmot Orchards                                  Meghan Scott
Dr. June Matthews                                 Woodrill Farms                                   Lois Turk
Jim Maw                                                                                            Wenrob Poultry Farm Ltd.
                                                  Individual Members and Donors
McIntosh Family Farm Inc                                                                           Keith Wettlaufer
                                                  Agri-Nutrient Solutions
McLean Berry Farm                                                                                  Cory Wozniak
                                                  Alicia Becker
Middlesex Cattlemen’s Association                 Rob Black
Middlesex Egg Farmers                             Kim Jo Bliss

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2020 Project Partners
The Real Dirt on Farming                                       General                                                        RBC Royal Bank
Champion                                                       Alberta Farm Animal Care                                       Semex
Canada Beef                                                    JWA Group                                                      Livestock Emergency Project
Canola Eat Well                                                RBC Royal Bank                                                 Niagara Federation of Agriculture
Cargill Canada                                                 Education                                                      Farm to Facebook
Croplife Canada                                                Agriculture in the Classroom Canada                            (Local Food Week and Ontario Agriculture Week)
Farm Credit Canada                                             AgScape                                                        Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.
                                                               FarmFood360°                                                   Ontario Apple Growers
Partner                                                        Beef Farmers of Ontario                                        Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Burnbrae Farms Ltd.                                            Chicken Farmers of Ontario                                     Turkey Farmers of Ontario
Dairy Farmers of Ontario                                       Turkey Farmers of Ontario                                      Virtual Food & Nutrition Forum
Egg Farmers of Ontario
                                                               Faces Behind Food                                              Canada Beef
L.H. Gray & Son Limited / Gray Ridge Egg Farms
                                                               Canola Eat Well                                                Canola Eat Well
Ontario AgriBusiness Association
                                                               New Life Mills Ltd.                                            Egg Farmers of Ontario
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
                                                                                                                              Mushrooms Canada
British Columbia Agricultural Council                          Gala-in-a-Box
Canadian Animal Health Institute                               Burnbrae Farms Ltd.
Canadian Centre for Food Integrity                             Conestoga Meat Packers
Certified Crop Advisors                                        Grain Farmers of Ontario
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan                                  Haldimand Hazelnuts
Valent Canada Inc.                                             Kent & Essex Mutual Insurance Company
                                                               L.H. Gray & Son Limited / Gray Ridge Egg Farms
                                                               Libro Credit Union
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture
                                                               New Life Mills
Farm & Food Care Prince Edward Island
                                                               Ontario Apple Growers
Furst McNess
                                                               Ontario Bean Growers
Ontario Apple Growers
                                                               Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Niagara North Federation of Agriculture
                                                               Ontario Hazelnut Growers
Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
                                                               Ontario Mutual Insurance Association

Farm & Food Care appreciates the support of the AgriCompetitiveness program of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal, provincial, territorial initiative, for the following projects
and initiatives:
The Real Dirt on Farming
Faces Behind Food
Food Influencer outreach
Speak Up training

                                                                  22      Y E A R     I N    R E V I E W      2 0 2 0
Building public trust in food
and farming in Ontario
         Join us at the table
         Now, more than ever, it is critical that we work together with one voice to
         respond to consumer need for information about food and farming. This
         work belongs to all of us and there is a seat at the table that is right for
         you. Come together with FFCO partners across commodities and shape
         the path forward in one of the following ways:

         Become a Member - Leverage                    Share our resources – Follow
         key benefits like employee training           us on social media sign up for
         opportunities, provide key support            our monthly newsletter to share
         for cross-commodity initiatives and           opportunities for your non-farming
         build the strength of your team through       friends to connect to learning and
         networking and volunteer support              experiences that connect farm gate
         of Farm & Food Care’s events and              and dinner plate for Ontario food and
         committees.                                   farming.

         Donate – Help get The    Real Dirt            Invite your network – Help
         on Farming into the hands of more             connect us with the experts and
         Canadians this year and build capacity        champions in your community.
         for more consumer outreach through
         a donation of $20 or more to receive a
         charitable tax receipt.
                                                                     Apply for your membership,
                                                                     or make a donation
                                                                     today at:
          23   Y E A R   I N   R E V I E W   2 0 2 0
660 Speedvale Avenue W. Unit 302
Guelph, ON N1K 1E5

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