Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview

Page created by Fred Erickson
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway

A Project Management Overview
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
• A growing problem

• Severe deformations at turning nodes

• So lets redo the nodes
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
When does Project Management start?
• Are we actually working the correct problem?

• Are there other problems we should be working?

• Are we solving it the correct way?
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
• The wearing course was used up

• So the answer must be a dense grade asphalt runway overlay?
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
Planning: First cut
                  December 2020
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
Planning: Refined
                    December 2019
Australia's first Stone Mastic Asphalt Runway - A Project Management Overview
Timings where brutal
• Council briefing late November 2019 (Budget increase)
• EOI to market 31 December 2019
• Council decision on 5 February
• RFT out around April calling for detailed designs
• RFT close in May
• Council approval of contract 11 June 2019
• Practical Completion 18 December 2019
Detailed planning
• Level of planning

• The things we planned

• Ran options on:
   • Construction costs of methods, areas, solutions, products etc.
   • Cost of operating the resultant infrastructure, maintenance life cycles and product life
     cycle cost
   • Timings

                                      Risk based
Contractor choice
• Did not choose the cheapest

• Considered life cycle total cost of the infrastructure

• Looked for a contractor that wanted/ needed the job

• Personal connections were very important in building the team
Project team
• GBA – general advisors, putting out fires, independent inspections
  and investigations


• Boral – Principal contractor

• Airport Pavement Engineers – technical advisors, independent
  reviewer, reviewing night reports etc.
The approach
• Got the right team

• Consensus

• Management focussed on member focus, team dynamic and

• The pavilion vs the scoreboard
•   I have my own survey thanks.
•   You want me to do what?
•   You want me to do it by when!
•   It is not done that way…
•   Why must I do that?
•   I am happy with it.
•   Why can I not do that.
•   You are going to stop me doing …!
•   I am done, I am going home.
•   Don’t worry about that, it is fine.
Special responses/ innovations
• We started at the top.
• Bespoke flanking mixes.
• Fill before you dig.
• Too much lime make it a lemon.
• Thicker soft stuff or thinner hard stuff.
• Skid control.
• Where do you think you come from?
End result - savings
• Significant savings, even though some parts required significantly
  more work because:
  •   Discuss once, decide once (at the last moment)
  •   All hands on deck
  •   You had one job!
  •   A numbers game
  •   It all adds up
  •   The good, bad and ugly
  •   What do you want to be famous for?
A short video from Boral
White, G. & Almutairi, H. 2020 ‘Laboratory and field performance comparison of dense graded and stone mastic asphalt as a runway surface’,
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, article-in-press.

And the more general ones about SMA as a runway surface:

Jamieson, S. & White, G. 2021, ‘Laboratory evaluation of the performance of stone mastic asphalt as an ungrooved runway surface’, Materials, vol.14, no. 502,
pp. 1-18.

Jamieson, S & White, G 2020, ‘Review of stone mastic asphalt as a high performance ungrooved runway surfacing’, Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 21,
no. 4, pp. 886-905.

Jamieson, S & White, G 2019, ‘Stone mastic asphalt as an ungrooved runway surface for Australian airports’, 18th AAPA International Flexible Pavements
Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 19-20 August.

Jamieson, S & White, G 2019, ‘Developing a performance-based specification for stone mastic asphalt as an ungrooved runway surface’, International Airfield and
Highway Pavements Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21-24 July.

White, G & Jamieson, S 2018, ‘Introduction of stone mastic asphalt to Australian runways’, 1st International Conference on Stone Matrix Asphalt, Atlanta, Georgia,
USA, 5-7 November.
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