Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -

Page created by Donna Salazar
Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
Tillamook County Fair 2021 1

Aug. 11-14, 2021

                                   Tillamook County

Headlight Herald
Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
2 Tillamook County Fair 2021     							                                   


                    BUILDING NUMBERS LIST

   1. West Gate Entry          18. Fair Acres         33. Public Parking A             ADMISSION PRICES
   2. Entry Lane               19. Open Class Dairy   34. Public Parking B
   3. 4-H Dormitory            Barn                   35. South Horse        Adult                                      $ 10.00/day
   4. Front Area               20. Courtyard Stage    Arena
   5. Main Gate Entry          21. Information        36 V
                                                          endor RV          Season Pass                                $ 30.00
   6. OSU Learning             Booth                     Parking &
  Garden                       22. TLC Stadium           Camping             Child (6-11)                               $ 6.00/day
   7. P
       remium                 23. Averill Arena      37. C
                                                                             Senior Citizens                            $ 6.00*
      Handicap                 24. Beer Gardens
      Parking                  25. Horse Paddocks         Superintendent     *Thursday Only & 62 and Older
   8. Premium Parking          26. 4-H/FFA                & Volunteer
   9. Carnival                 Livestock Barn             Parking
  10. Carnival                 27. Pavilion           38. Horse Stables

                                                                                            PARKING PRICES
  Restrooms                    28. Aufdermauer        39. Horse Trailer,
  11. Sheriff’s Booth          Arena                       Cattle
  12. Restaurant Row           29. Farm Machinery          Trailer &
  13. Convention               Area                        Demolition        Public & Handicap Parking                  $ 5.00/day
  Center                       30. Barn Parking
  14. Auditorium
                                                           Staging Area      Season Pass                                $ 60.00
                               31. Reserved
                               Parking                     (Participants
  15. Fair Office                                                            Premium Parking                            $ 15.00/day
                               32. Handicap                Only)
  16. Main Building
  17. Pioneer Building         Parking                40. Race Track         Premium Handicap Parking                   $ 15.00/day
Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -   Tillamook County Fair 2021 3
Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
4 Tillamook County Fair 2021      							                                                     

                               Tillamook County Fair Schedule
   Wednesday - August 11 -     REPTILES Demonstration–       Jamboree – Courtyard Stage   Credit Union
       OPENING DAY             Courtyard Stage                  Sponsored by                 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
   10:00 am – 10:00 pm             Sponsored by Pacific      Manzanita Lumber                Fair Acres Learning
   Tillamook County Fair       Seafood                         5:30 pm                    Center Featuring Brad’s
Officially Open                   Noon – 10:00 pm               PIG-N-FORD RACES –        World of Reptiles
   10:00 am - 10:30 am             CARNIVAL OPEN             TLC, a Division of Fibre        Sponsored by Werner
   Opening Ceremonies –           Noon – 12:45 pm            Federal Credit Union         Gourmet Meats & Pacific
Courtyard Stage                    Godfrey the Magician –       Stadium                   Seafood
   10:00 am – 1:00 pm          Courtyard Stage                 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm             10:35 am - 11:35 am
   Canned Food Drive               Sponsored by Werner          GOSPEL SING –                Birdsong Family –
   FREE ADMISSION-Kids         Gourmet Meats                 Courtyard Stage              Courtyard Stage
15 and under get in free          Noon – 4:00 pm                Sponsored by Local Area      11:40 am – 12:10 pm
with 2 cans of food                Dr. Fun and Dr. Good      Churches                        Willy’s Washboard
   10:00 am - 8:00 pm          Balloon Artists - Northeast     8:00 pm                    Jamboree – Courtyard Stage
   Entertainment on the        End of Grandstands               Thompson Square –            Noon – 10:00 pm
Courtyard Stage                    Sponsored by TCCA         TLC, a Division of Fibre        CARNIVAL OPEN
   Sponsored by TLC, a         Farm Store                    Federal Credit Union            1:05 pm – 1:20 pm             12:30 pm                 Gourmet Meats
Division of Fibre Federal         12:30 pm                      Stadium                      Street Drum Corps –            PARI-MUTUEL HORSE          5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Credit Union                       PARI-MUTUEL HORSE            Sponsored by Papé &       Courtyard Stage               RACING – TLC, a Division       Northwest Dance
   10:00 am – 8:00 pm          RACING – TLC, a Division      Sheldon Oil                     Sponsored by Lum’s         of Fibre Federal Credit     Academy – Courtyard Stage
   Fair Acres Learning         of Fibre                                                   Auto Center                       Union Stadium              5:30 pm
Center Featuring Brad’s            Federal Credit Union          Thursday - August 12 -      Noon – 4:00 pm                3:30pm – 4:15 pm            PIG-N-FORD RACES –
World of Reptiles              Stadium                              PIONEER DAY              Dr. Fun and Dr. Good           Ice Cream Tasting       TLC, a Division of Fibre
   Sponsored by Werner            3:00 pm – 3:30 pm             10:00 am – 10:00 pm       Balloon Artists – Northeast   Contest                     Federal Credit Union
Gourmet Meats & Pacific            Ice Cream Tasting            Tillamook County Fair     End of Grandstands                Sponsored by TCCA &     Stadium
Seafood                        Contest – Courtyard Stage     Officially Open                 Sponsored by TCCA          Tillamook County Dairy         6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
   10:30 am - 11:30 am             Sponsored by TCCA and        10:00 am - 8:00 pm        Farm Store                    Women                          Perry Gerber Band –
   Tillamook School of         Tillamook County Dairy           Entertainment on the         12:00 pm                      4:15 pm – 5:00 pm        Courtyard Stage
Dance – Courtyard Stage        Women                         Courtyard Stage                 Pee Wee Dairy Cattle           Godfrey the Magician
   11:30 am – Noon                3:30 pm – 4:00 pm             Sponsored by TLC, a       Showmanship Contest –         – Courtyard Stage
   Brad’s WORLD                    Willy’s Washboard         Division of Fibre Federal    Aufdermauer Arena                 Sponsored by Werner    n See SCHEDULE, Next page

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Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -                                                                                                                   Tillamook County Fair 2021 5

Tillamook County Fair Schedule contd.
    Sponsored by                   Sponsored by TCCA &            CARNIVAL OPEN
Manzanita Lumber Co.           Tillamook County Dairy            Noon – 4:00 pm
   6:30 pm                     Women                              Dr. Fun and Dr. Good
    Milk Chug a Lug               4:45 pm – 6:00 pm           Balloon Artists - Northeast
Contest - Aufdermauer              Tillamook School of        End of Grandstands
Arena                          Dance – Courtyard Stage            Sponsored by TCCA
   7:30 pm                        5:30 pm                     Farm Store
    Dairy Heifer                   PIG-N-FORD RACES –            12:30 pm
Replacement Sale –             TLC, a Division of Fibre           PARI-MUTUEL HORSE
Livestock Show Ring -          Federal Credit Union           RACING – TLC, a Division
Pavilion                       Stadium                        of Fibre Federal Credit
   8:00 pm                        6:00 pm - 8:00pm            Union
    Molly Hatchet – TLC, a         Music by “The Shift” –         Stadium
Division of Fibre Federal      Courtyard Stage                   12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Credit Union Stadium               Sponsored by                   Northwest Dance

                                                                                            Serving Tillamook County for 51 Years
    Sponsored by Les           Rosenberg Builders Supply      Academy – Courtyard Stage
Schwab Tire Center of             6:00 pm                        1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Tillamook                          4-H/FFA Market Animal          Contest TBA –
                               Sale – Livestock Show Ring     Courtyard Stage
      Friday - August 13 -     – Pavilion                        2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
   TILLAMOOK COUNTY               8:00 pm                         Ice Cream Tasting
     MERCHANT’S DAY                Frankie Ballard – TLC, a   Contest
   10:00 am – 10:00 pm         Division of Fibre Federal          Sponsored by TCCA &
    Tillamook County Fair      Credit Union Stadium           Tillamook County Dairy
Officially Open                    Sponsored by Tillamook     Women                                                                                          Don Burden 1970
   10:00 am - 8:00 pm          County Creamery                   4:30 pm – 4:45 pm
    Entertainment on the       Association & TLC, a               Contest TBA –
Courtyard Stage                Division of Fibre              Courtyard Stage
    Sponsored by TLC, a            Federal Credit Union          5:30 pm
Division of Fibre Federal                                         PIG-N-FORD
Credit Union                       Saturday - August 14 -     CHAMPIONSHIPS – TLC, a
   10:00 am – 8:00 pm                 CLOSING DAY             Division of Fibre Federal
    Fair Acres Learning           10:00 am – 11:00 pm         Credit Union                            Burden’s Muffle & Towing Service is a
Center Featuring Brad’s           Tillamook County Fair           Stadium                             third generation Tillamook business.
World of Reptiles              Officially Open                   6:00 pm                                       We began serving the area when our dad,
    Sponsored by Werner           10:00 am – 8:00 pm              Closing/Thank You                          Don Burden, opened shop back in 1970 at the
Gourmet Meats & Pacific           Entertainment on the        Ceremony – Averill Arena                      north entry to downtown Tillamook where the
Seafood                        Courtyard Stage                   7:30 pm                                    recently torn down Shell station was located.
   10:00 am - 11:15 am            Sponsored by TLC, a             DEMOLITION DERBY –                                   Back then it was a Texaco.
    Oregon Coast Dance         Division of Fibre Federal      TLC, a Division of Fibre                        Dad still works at Burden’s with our mom,
Center – Courtyard Stage       Credit Union                   Federal Credit Union
   Noon – 10:00 pm                10:00 am – 8:00 pm          Stadium                                         Linnea, and their son, Rick, and daughter        Linnea Burd
    CARNIVAL OPEN                 Fair Acres Learning             Sponsored by Headlight                   Sylvia, as well as grandsons Jeremy and Justin.
   Noon – 4:00 pm              Center Featuring Brad’s        Herald, Pelican Brewing
    Dr. Fun and Dr. Good       World of Reptiles              Company & Clatsop
Balloon Artists - Northeast       Sponsored by Werner         Distributing
End of Grandstands             Gourmet Meats & Pacific            Company
    Sponsored by TCCA          Seafood                           11:00 pm
Farm Store                        10:00 am – 11:00 am             Tillamook County Fair
   12:30 pm                       Tillamook School of         Officially Closes
    PARI-MUTUEL HORSE          Dance – Courtyard Stage
RACING – TLC, a Division          Noon – 10:00 pm
of Fibre Federal Credit
   1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
    Northwest Dance
Academy – Courtyard Stage
   2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Courtyard Stage
   3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
    Willy’s Washboard
Jamboree – Courtyard Stage
    Sponsored by
Manzanita Lumber
   3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

    Ice Cream Tasting
Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
6 Tillamook County Fair 2021      							                                                      

                                                  Courtyard schedule 2021
   Wednesday - August          Entertainment                  Sponsored by Local               Sponsored by Lum’s        Seafood                        Tillamook School of
  11th - OPENING DAY              Sponsored by Loren        Area Churches                   Auto Center/Toyota              11:45 am - 12:30 pm      Dance
                               Parks                                                           1:25 pm – 1:55 pm            Godfrey - Magician          11:15 am - 12:00 Noon
   10:00 am - 8:00 pm             2:00 pm - 3:00 pm           Thursday - August                Brad’s WORLD                 Sponsored by Werner         Godfrey - Magician
   Entertainment on the           Justin Lepard – Cellist   12th - PIONEER DAY              REPTILES Demonstration       Gourmet Meats                  Sponsored by Werner
Courtyard Stage spon-          & Violin                                                        Sponsored by Pacific         12:30 pm - 1:00 pm       Gourmet Meats
sored by TLC, a Division          3:00 pm – 3:30 pm            10:00 am - 8:00 pm           Seafood                         Willy’s Washboard           12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
of                                Ice Cream Tasting            Entertainment on the            2:00 pm – 3:00 pm         Jamboree                       Northwest Dance
   Fibre Federal Credit        Contest                      Courtyard Stage spon-              Robert Meade –               Sponsored by             Academy
Union                             Sponsored by TCCA &       sored by TLC, a Division        Musical entertainment        Manzanita Lumber Co.           1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
   10:00 am - 10:30 am         Tillamook County Dairy       of                                 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm            1:15 pm – 2:30pm            Willy’s Washboard
   Opening Ceremonies –        Women                           Fibre Federal Credit            Willy’s Washboard            Northwest Dance          Jamboree
National Anthem/ Flag             3:30 pm - 4:00pm          Union                           Jamboree                     Academy                        Sponsored by
Raising                           Willy’s Washboard            10:00 am – 10:30 am             Sponsored by                 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm        Manzanita Lumber Co.
   10:30 am - 11:30 am         Jamboree                        “Quiet Time” with Mike       Manzanita Lumber Co.            CONTEST- TBD                1:30 pm- 2:00 pm
   Tillamook School of            Sponsored by              Breed                              3:30pm – 4:15 pm             Sponsored by                CONTEST- TBD
Dance                          Manzanita Lumber Co.            Sponsored by                    Ice Cream Tasting         Tillamook Fair                 2:00 pm -- 2:30 pm
   11:30 am – 12:00 noon          4:00 pm – 5:00 pm         Tillamook County Fair           Contest                         3:00 pm – 3:30 pm           Brad’s WORLD
   Brad’s WORLD                   Justin Lepard – Cellist   Staff                              Sponsored by TCCA &          Willy’s Washboard        REPTILES Demonstration
REPTILES Demonstration         & Violin                        10:35 am - 11:35 am          Tillamook County Dairy       Jamboree                             Sponsored by
   Sponsored by Pacific           5:00pm – 5:30pm              Birdsong Family              Women                           Sponsored by             Pacific Seafood
Seafood                           Godfrey - Magician           11:40 am – 12:10 pm             4:15 pm – 5:00 pm         Manzanita Lumber               2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
   12:00 noon -12:45 pm           Sponsored by Werner          Willy’s Washboard               Godfrey - Magician           3:30 pm – 4:00 pm           Street Drum Corps
   Godfrey - Magician          Gourmet Meats                Jamboree                           Sponsored by Werner          Ice Cream Tasting           Sponsored by Lum’s
   Sponsored by Werner            5:30 pm – 6:30 pm                  Sponsored by           Gourmet Meats                Contest                     Auto Center/Toyota
Gourmet Meats                     Ronni Kay – Musical       Manzanita Lumber Co.               5:00 pm - 6:00 pm            Sponsored by TCCA &         2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
   12:45 pm - 1:00 pm          Entertainment                   12:15 pm – 1:00 pm              Northwest Dance           Tillamook County Dairy         Ice Cream Tasting
   Street Drum Corps              Sponsored by Loren            Godfrey - Magician          Academy                      Women                       Contest
   Sponsored by Lum’s          Parks                           Sponsored by Werner             6:00 pm – 8:00 pm            4:00 pm - 4:45 pm           Sponsored by TCCA &
Auto Center/Toyota                6:30 pm - 8:00 pm         Gourmet Meats                      Perry Gerber Band            Godfrey - Magician       Tillamook County Dairy
   1:00 pm – 2:00pm               GOSPEL SING -                1:05 pm -1:20 pm                Sponsored by                 Sponsored by Werner      Women
   Ronni Kay - Musical         Courtyard Stage                 Street Drum Corps            Manzanita Lumber Co.         Gourmet Meats                  3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
                                                                                                                            4:45 pm - 6:00 pm           Oregon Coast Dance
                                                                                                                            Tillamook School of      Center
                                                                                              Friday - August 13th -     Dance                          4:30 pm – 4:45pm
                                                                                             TILLAMOOK COUNTY               6:00 pm – 8:00 pm           Whipped pie & Bubble
                                                                                               MERCHANT’S DAY               Music by “The Shift”     contest could be BEARD
                                                                                                                            Sponsored by                4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
                                                                                               10:00 am – 8:00 pm        Rosenberg Builders             Godfrey - Magician
                                                                                               Entertainment on the      Supply                         Sponsored by Werner
                                                                                            Courtyard Stage spon-                                    Gourmet Meats
                                                                                            sored by TLC, a Division        Saturday - August 14th      5:15 pm - 5:45 pm
                                                                                            of Fibre Federal Credit        - RECOGNITION DAY            Willy’s Washboard
                                                                                            Union                                                    Jamboree
                                                                                               10:00 am - 11:15 am          10:00 am – 8:00 pm          Sponsored by
                                                                                               Oregon Coast Dance           Entertainment on the     Manzanita Lumber
                                                                                            Center                       Courtyard Stage spon-          6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                                                               11:15 am - 11:45 am       sored by TLC, a Division       Music Entertainment
                                                                                               Brad’s WORLD              of Fibre Federal Credit
    Let our Experienced and Friendly Staff                                                  REPTILES Demonstration
                                                                                               Sponsored by Pacific
                                                                                                                            10:00 am - 11:00 am

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Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -                                                                                         Tillamook County Fair 2021 7

                                         Grandstand Entertainment
                      Wednesday Aug. 11
   W      ith romantically
          charged #1 hits
 like “Are You Gonna Kiss
                                dently released in 2018.
                                The title track, about
                                their son Cooper, is the
                                                                them taking skillful con-
                                                                trol of their acclaimed
                                                                musical bond.
 Me Or Not” and “If I           definition of their mas-           Brought together by
 Didn’t Have You,” as well      terpiece. An artist’s best      love and undeniable tal-
 as the energetic, top 5,       work, and what they’d           ent, Keifer and Shawna
 CMT video award win-           want to be known for            each moved to Nashville
 ning “I Got You”, the          when they leave this            separately, but soon met
 playful “Everything I          world. Reflecting on the        while competing against
 Shouldn’t Be Thinking          creative satisfaction           one another in a local
 About” and “Glass”,            behind the duo’s third          singing competition.
 multi-platinum interna-        studio album they               They formed Thompson
 tional success, and hon-       explain, “When we’re 80         Square as complete
 ors as Vocal Duo of the        years old and we look           unknowns, taking the
 Year from both the ACM         back, we want to be able        Country scene by storm
 and CMA Awards, the            to say we’re really proud       with an organic vocal
 Grammy nominated               of everything we did.”          blend that harkens back
 Country duo Thompson           Working independently           to the duets of icons like
 Square admit they have         for the first time, the         Johnny Cash and June
 been infinitely blessed.       widely diverse                  Carter.
    Masterpiece, their lat-     Masterpiece arrived at a        As always, entry to the con-
 est and most personal          tipping-point moment            cert is free with your paid
 project was indepen-           for the duo – and found         Fair admission.

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Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
8 Tillamook County Fair 2021        							                                                              

                                            Grandstand Entertainment
               Thursday Aug. 12, 8 p.m.
  R   ocking the Fair
      Thursday August
12th, Molly Hatchet is a
                                 living fast through intense
                                 touring. During this time,
                                 they were on the road
                                                                     Molly Hatchet contin-
                                                                   ues their worldwide tour,
perfect mixture of English       with Aerosmith, Bob               performing classic hits
invasion rock, blues,            Seger, The Rolling Stones,        such as “Flirtin’ with
country, and gospel.             and many others.                  Disaster,” “Devil’s
   Molly Hatchet firmly                                            Canyon,” “Gator Country,”
cemented their place in             In 1979, Molly                 “Whiskey Man,” and
music history in the late        Hatchet’s second album            “Dreams I’ll Never See.”
seventies. They stood            Flirtin’ with Disaster was
alongside other iconic           released, and it also                The band’s current
Southern rock bands out          quickly achieved multi-           lineup consists of long-
of Jacksonville, Florida,        platinum status. It sky-          time members Bobby
such as Lynyrd Skynyrd           rocketed the band into            Ingram on lead guitar and
and the Allman Brothers.         the stratosphere and per-         John Galvin on keyboards,
                                 forming an average of two         as well as Tim Lindsey on
   They were the hardest         hundred and fifty shows           bass guitar and Shawn
hitting of the Southern          per year kept them busy.          Beamer on drums, with
rock bands at the time                                             Jimmy Elkins on vocals.
when, in 1978, Epic                 Molly Hatchet next             Molly Hatchet continues
Records released Molly           released Beatin’ the Odds         to honor the legacies of
Hatchet’s self-titled debut      (1980), followed by Take          those members who
album. It reached multi-         No Prisoners (1981), No           passed away (including
platinum status, and the         Guts… No Glory (1983)             Danny Joe Brown, David
band established their           The Deed Is Done (1984)
reputation of working            and Double Trouble Live
hard, playing tough and          (1985).                          n See CONCETTS, Next page

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Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -                                                                                                Tillamook County Fair 2021 9

                                                                                                 Free Estimates!
 n Concerts                    in both Germany and
                               Switzerland on the SPV/
                               Steamhammer label and
                                                               album, and we would
                                                               record them. Some of
                                                               these songs have never
                               featuring cover art by          been recorded on a live
 Continued from Page 8         famed artist Paul               stage before, and we were
                               Raymond Gregory (Dio,           honored and proud to be
Hlubek, and Phil               Uriah Heep, Saxon),             able to perform them for
McCormack) by keeping          Battleground has gar-           many generations of past,
the music alive, perform-      nered rave reviews by           present, and future
ing across the United          their loyal fans, as well as    Southern rock fans.”
States, and throughout         the national and interna-          After forty plus years

                                                                                                      Home Repairs • New Builds
the world.                     tional press.                   Molly Hatchet is still wor-
   Molly Hatchet cele-            According to Bobby           kin’ hard, playin’ tough,
brated their 40th anniver-     Ingram, “In recording this      livin’ fast, and Flirtin’
                               album, we compiled a            with Disaster!!!
                                                                                                           Home Remodels
sary with a world tour
and the release of the         four-decade long catalog           As always, entry to the
double CD and triple           of songs that our friends       concert is free with your
vinyl live album titled        wanted to hear. They            paid Fair admission.
Battleground. Recorded         would tell us what songs
                               they wanted on the                                                     Custom Projects • Windows
                                                                                                        Decks • Siding • Roofs
   Nehalem Bay Ready Mix
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                                                                                                                  build, we are happy to come and talk with
                                                                                                                  you…always FREE estimates.
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Aug. 11-14, 2021 - Tillamook County -
10 Tillamook County Fair 2021    							                                                

                                       Grandstand Entertainment
                  Friday Aug. 13, 8 p.m.
   C   oming to the Fair
       Friday, August
 13th, Frankie Ballard
                                album sales of over
                                450,000 to date and over
                                150 million total streams
                                                             Country Airplay songs of
                                                             2015, “Young & Crazy.”
                                                             He has performed on
 continues to be a country      across all streaming plat-   national television
 music stand-out, mixing        forms, Ballard continues     including Today, Live
 an American heartland          to be a country music        with Kelly, and Jimmy
 rock sound with tradi-         stand-out, mixing an         Kimmel Live. Ballard has
 tional country and blues.      American heartland rock      performed and toured
    Country-blues-rocker        sound with traditional       with Luke Bryan, Keith
 Frankie Ballard released       country and blues.           Urban, Bob Seger, Kenny
 his latest album El Rio to     Frankie Ballard’s previous   Chesney, Sugarland, Big
 critical acclaim and was       album, Sunshine &            and Rich as well as at fes-
 selected by Rolling Stone      Whiskey, produced three      tivals such as
 as one of the 25 Best          consecutive number one       Summerfest, Tortuga
 Country and Americana          singles–the platinum-        Music Festival, CMA Fest
 albums of 2016 and The         certified “Sunshine &        and many more.
 Tennessean as one of the       Whiskey,” the gold-certi-       As always, entry to the
 best 16 Nashville albums       fied “Helluva Life,” and     concert is free with your
 of 2016. With combined         one of the Top 3 Billboard   paid Fair admission.

             This section is also available online @

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                            Good luck at                                                    801 Main, Tillamook, OR 97141 • (503) 842-8411
                           the 2021 Fair!                                         H63929
                                                                                                                                                          H63883   Tillamook County Fair 2021 11

12 Tillamook County Fair 2021     							                                                

                                        Grandstand Entertainment
 Pig-N-Ford Races starting at 5:30 p.m. each day                                      Demolition Derby Saturday, starting at 7:30 p.m.

  T    he annual Pig-N-
       Ford races are
world famous and have
                                add these
                                ing and
                                                                                      C     apping-off another
                                                                                            great Fair this year will
                                                                                    be the Demolition Derby,
been a part of the              exciting
                                                                                    hosted by Havoc
Tillamook County Fair           races to your
for the past 97 years.          must-see
                                                                                        This year marks the 22nd
This event always fills         events at the
                                                                                    time Havoc has put on this
the Averill Arena/              fair!
                                                                                    event and it continues to
Grandstands to capaci-             The
                                                                                    draw a very large crown on
ty!                             Tillamook
                                                                                    Saturday night. Come smell
    There are two races         County Fair
                                                                                    the exhaust and hear the
Wednesday, Thursday,            would like to             Tillamook, S-C Paving,    engines rumble in this fun
Friday and Saturday,            thank all of the Pig-N-   Tillamook Country         for the whole family event!
starting at 5:30 pm each        Ford Sponsors: Bud        Smoker, Tillamook         Don’t forget earplugs for the
day. Winners of each            Elgin Concessions, Greg   Motor Company, Les        little ones.
race will compete in the        & Teresa Hubert with      Schwab Tires of               Sponsored by Headlight
Championship Finals             Red Robin, Tillamook      Tillamook, and Boyd’s     Herald, Pelican Brewing
Saturday, immediately           PUD, TLC, A Division of   Implement Service,        Company, and Clatsop
following the two quali-        Fibre Federal Credit      LLC.                      Distributing Company
fying races. Be sure to         Union, Pepsi-Cola of

                                                                                         Visit our store in Tillamook for all of your appliance needs!
                                                County                                       100% FAMILY OWNED
                                             FFA and 4-H
                                                                                           Sales • Service • Parts • Reconditioned

         Thanks to the Tillamook County Fair Board
           and Staff, Open Class Superintendents,
          the Exhibitors and all the Volunteers and
             Supporters who together, make the
           Tillamook County Fair such a success!                                                           503-842-2211
                       State Senator Betsy Johnson                                                   2111 Third Street, Tillamook
           PO Box R, Scappoose, OR 97056 (503) 543-4046                                             
                                                                                                                          CCB #202914              H47721
                                                                           H43944                                                        CCB #202914                                                                                                        Tillamook County Fair 2021 13

                                   Grandstand Entertainment
                                   Pari-Mutual Horse Racing 1 p.m. post time each day

                                                                           P  ari-Mutuel Horse
                                                                              Racing will be pro-
                                                                         viding fun, excitement,
                                                                                                            ing HUB funds, allowing
                                                                                                            the Tillamook County
                                                                                                            Fair the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                         al purse money that will
                                                                                                                                         be distributed amongst
                                                                                                                                         the 4 race days.
                                                                         and a chance to wager              host the Pari-Mutuel            An excellent field of
                                                                         during the Tillamook               race meet                    horses to wager on is
                                                                         County Fair. The 2021                 - the Oregon              expected for this year’s
                                                                         Tillamook County Fair              Thoroughbred Owners          Race Meet and Jockeys
                                                                         is thrilled to offer 33            & Breeders Association       will again be competing
                                                                         races in 4 days of live            (2 stakes races for          for bonus money from
                                                                         horse racing action,               $1,000 each)                 the Oregon Racing
                                                                         with eight races on                   - the Oregon              Commission for partici-
                                                                         Wednesday (8/11),                  Horseman’s Benevolent        pating in the Race Meet.
                                                                         Thursday (8/12), and               Protective Association          Special thanks to
                                                                         Friday (8/13), and nine            ($500 per race, and an       Chinook Winds Casino
                                                                         races on Saturday                  additional $1,000 stakes     and Resort for sponsor-
                                                                         (8/14). Post time will be          race)                        ing the halter and lead
                                                                         1:00 pm each day.                     - the Oregon Quarter      ropes for this year’s
                                                                            Horsemen will be                Horse Racing                 Race Meet, and
                                                                         vying for over $100,000            Association ($500 per        Tillamook County Fair
                                                                         in purse money thanks              Quarter Horse race)          for sponsoring blankets
                                                                         to the support from:                  - local businesses and    to the winners.
                                                                            - the Oregon Racing             families have contribut-
                                                                         Commission for provid-             ed $12,000 for addition-

                                                                                                              It’s A Time To Shine
Stop by and pick up everything                                                                                at the Tillamook County Fair.
      you need to have a                                                                                          Hey! It’s also time to have
    great time at the Fair!                                                                                       your home or office shine!
                                                 Come see our F-14 Tomcat,                                    We’re here to help you get your paper clutter
                                                 a movie star from the 1986 film Top Gun!                    cleaned up just in time for the busy fall season.
                                                                         • Aircraft collection                     MEMBER - TILLAMOOK CHAMBER
    2500 Main Street N, Tillamook, Oregon                                • Exhibit hall
                                                                                                                                OF COMMERCE
               503-815-1400                                              • Theater
                                                                         • Gift Shop
                                                                         • Kid’s Play Area
                                                                                                                                          Sight Unseen

          Now Hiring                             503-842-1130
                                                     6030 Hangar Rd.
                                                                         • Event & Meeting Space                                         Shredding, LLC
                                                  Tillamook, OR 97141
               Contact HR at our                                                                                                    Document Shredding
               Tillamook Store or
         visit                                                                                    Call Patrick for details & pricing
                                                                                                                               (503) 457-3089

                                        H43963                                                               License #20-480                                   H63789
14 Tillamook County Fair 2021    							                               

  Stop by our booth at the
   Tillamook County Fair                                                                                                            Photo by Jarett Juarez

                                                                                 Brad’s WORLD REPTILES
        Tillamook Country Smoker has                                     Brad’s WORLD REPTILES will be returning to exhibit zoo-
                                                                         quality displays of up to 40 varieties of animals in the building
     IMMEDIATE OPENINGS                                                  across from the Pioneer Building in the courtyard. Fairgoers will
                                                                         have the opportunity to learn about, view and even touch some
                                                                         of the most beautiful and unusual animals on our planet. Stop by
        WORK IN OUR PLANT, WHICH IS FOLLOWING                            Brad’s WORLD REPTILES exhibit and see such show stoppers
     ALL CDC GUIDELINES TO KEEP TEAM MEMBERS SAFE                        as a four foot American Alligator, a giant Burmese Python,
                                                                         beautiful parrots, huge live insects and many other fascinating
       • All Shifts:              • All Departments                      creepy crawlies and animal artifacts! Animals will be available
         Weekday/Weekends            o Manufacturing                     for touching or handling. Wildlife interpreters will be there to
                                                                         answer questions, provide information, or give presentations.
          o Day                      o Smokehouse                        There will also be demonstrations on the Courtyard Stage
          o Swing                    o Quality Assurance                 twice a day to allow a more hands on experience. Brad’s
          o Night                                                        WORLD REPTILES will train a few volunteer handlers from the
                     Please call Maggie Halsey                           community to help educate the rest of the public.
                     at 503-374-0724, ext. 419

                                                                      Unlimited Ride Wristbands online this year
                500 Hiring Bonus                                       Unlimited Ride Wristbands                    Wristband at the Carnival ticket
                                Apply Today!                         early discount pricing: https://
                                                                                                                    booth during Fair. As a reminder,
                                                                                                                    several Tillamook County Library
                                                                     com/1.30/90c069/                               branches offer public computer
                                                                       Unlimited Ride Wristbands are                and printer usage. Online pur-
     APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT OUR BAY CITY OFFICE:                  for one day use only.                          chases subject to service and
                   8335 North Hwy 101, Bay City, OR 97101              Wristband purchase does not                  handling fees.
                                                                     include Fair admission.                          Ride Wristbands are $40 onsite
                  DROP OFF APPLICATIONS AT:                            Ride Wristbands will only be                 during the Fair.
           TILLAMOOK COUNTRY SMOKER OFFICE IN BAY CITY               available for purchase online this               The Carnival is open noon-
                         OR EMAIL TO:                                year. You will need to print out or            close each day of Fair.
                                 show your receipt on your mobile                 No exchanges or refunds.
                                                                     device to exchange for a
                             Se Habla Español
                       EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER           H63942                                                                                      Tillamook County Fair 2021 15
                                                                                      8 • Tillamook County Fair 2013

                                                                                       Thank You Farmers!
                                                                                                    • Tires • Tubes
                                                                                                     • Retreading
                                                                                                  • Repairing • Farm
                                                                                                • Off Highway Service

The Perry Gerber Band will play the Courtyard stage on Thursday Aug. 12 from
6 — 8 p.m. Sponsored by Manzanita Lumber Co.

                                     T.C.C.A. Farm Store
                                      Front & Ivy Street • Tillamook
                                        Open M-F 8:00-5:30, Sat. 8:00-4:00
                                          Highway 101 • Cloverdale
                                        Open M-F 9:30-5:00, Sat. 8:30-4:00

                                                                                        TILLAMOOK TIRE


                                                Headlight Herald
                                                                                          SERVICE, INC.
                                                                                         2108 11th St. • PO Box 278, Tillamook, OR
                                            After a year off we’re
                                                                                                   (503) 842-4852
                                            back at the Fair and                                     After Hours Call:
                                             excited to see you                                     (503)842-4253
                                                                                                  (503)    842-9249or
 We are offering fair goers $18.88 discount                                                         (503) 842-8381
                                                                                                   (503)   842-7987
  + spin the wheel for more savings there at our booth

16 Tillamook County Fair 2021   
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