Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension

Page created by Harvey Ross
Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension
2020-2021 p.1

         Douglas County
            2020-2021 4-H
             Dog Project

           Rules & Guidelines
  The dog project is designed for youth who are
interested in learning more about dog, how to care
    for a dog, and how to train a dog in basic or
            advanced commands. From

Prepared by Kirsten Cowan
CSU Extension in Douglas County

Extension programs are available to all without discrimination
Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension
2020-2021 p.2

Douglas County Visual Model of Colorado 4-H Code of Conduct

                    Colorado State 4-H:
Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension
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         IMPORTANT DATES 2020-2021 4-H Year
December 31st – Sign Up for 4-H before December 31st (returning members) to pay $50 fee            Dates subject to change              Where to find upcoming
February 17th – New Member / General Info Dog Project Meeting                                                                            events & resources
March 1st – Sign up for 4-H before March 1st (no late entries will be accepted) $50 first year members, $75 returning 4-H members.      Be sure to ask us about
March   1st   – Sign Up for the Dog Project by March 1st (no late exceptions will be allowed) Note – Youth must be registered in both   signing up for the weekly
                4-H as a program AND the dog project. They are two separate steps.                                                      Douglas County 4-H
Mid-March – Record Book Training
April 1st – 4Honline Animal ID must be completed including proof of vaccinations and the Animal Care & Housing form. Be sure to         Douglas County 4-H
            upload/provide to extension agent:                                                                                          Website Calendar:
         -     Animal ID’s and vaccination records should be uploaded into 4Honline prior to participating in group/club practices.
         -     Animals ID’s must be uploaded by this deadline if they wish to participate in the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo and/or
               Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials.
                                                                                                                                        Douglas County 4-H
May 1st – Any project not planning on being completed must be dropped by May 1st. Projects not dropped by this date will be
                                                                                                                                        Facebook Page:
          expected to be completed this 4-H year. Youth who do not complete a project may not be eligible to participate in the
          same project the following year.
May 8th – Fun Show Dog Show – (prior registration required) Tentative Date
June 1st – Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Registration Opens.* Youth should register for ALL classes they are interested in. Classes       Douglas County 4-H Dog
          CANNOT be added after the registration deadline.                                                                              Project Website:
                                                                             Be sure to check the weekly 4-H blast
June 18th-20th – 4-H Dog Show – (prior registration required)                for the most up-to-date information
June 16 – Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Registration Closes* (NO LATE ENTRIES) and new educational opportunities.
Late June/Early July - Record Book Interviews/Checks
July 31st – Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Dog Show Day 1* (Showmanship, Rally, and Obedience)                                             Dog Record Book:
August   7th    – Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Dog Show Day 2* (Agility)                                                       
August 2nd – Soft Deadline for Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials (Showmanship, Rally, and Obedience)                                        gram-areas/animals/
August 8th – Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Round Robin Competition*                                                                       CO 4-H Dog Project
August 9th – Hard Deadline for Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials (Showmanship, Rally, and Obedience)                                        Manual:
                                                                                                                                        The Ohio State University
September 1st – Achievement Night Awards Nominations Due (Superior Handler)                                                             Extension Dog Resource
* Some Douglas County Fair & Rodeo dates included for convenience – participation in fair is not a required part of the 4-H project.    Handbook. (2018)
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2020-2021 p.4

    4-H Project vs. Douglas County Fair & Rodeo
     Many people get a bit confused – and we totally understand why! Throughout the year, youth
       who participate in the Douglas County 4-H program work on different projects. The dog
                  project is just one of the awesome projects we are so proud to offer.
The 4-H dog project is designed          In addition to being active         To complete the Dog Project
for members who are interested in       members of their community                members must:
learning more about dogs, how to        club, youth work on various
care for a dog, and how to train a                                            • Be active members in
                                     projects throughout the 4-H year.
dog in basic and advanced                                                       their community clubs
                                     Some youth complete one project
commands. The dog project is                                                    (60% attendance)
                                     and some complete many. That
unique and is not meant to            is all up to you and your family!       • Complete a community
conform to AKC dog show or                                                      service project
other professional standards.                                                 • Give a demonstration
                                                                              • Complete Record Book
Manual: The Ohio State University                                             • Complete Showmanship
Extension Dog Resource Handbook.

   • The last step of completing the project is for the youth to complete a showmanship demonstration with
     their Dog. THIS is where the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo comes into play!
        o Youth can complete their showmansip to their leader or the extension agent in June or July OR…
        o Youth can complete their showmanhip at the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo.
   • Fair is always a super fun community event and offers youth the opportunity to complete in not only
     showmanship, but Obedience, Rally, and Agility! We fully encourage all Douglas County 4-H youth t
   • o participate if at all possible! NOTE- REGISTRATION FOR THE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR &
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    4-H Project vs. Douglas County Fair & Rodeo vs.
                   Colorado State Fair
        4-H Dog Project                 Douglas County Fair & Rodeo               Colorado State Fair

 The dog project is just one of           Organized and run by the            Organized and run by the
the many projects offered to the        Douglas County Fair & Rodeo         Colorado 4-H State Specialist in
     Douglas County 4-H                  Fair Board and the Douglas        charge of the Dog project and the
         community.                          County Fair Office.           Colorado 4-H State Dog Advisory
   County 4-H programming
   policies are set following                                                 The Colorado State 4-H Dog
                                               Rules & policies are        Trials is considered a 4-H Contest
 Colorado 4-H recommended
                                           recommended by the Show         and is run alongside the Colorado
 policies. Some deadlines and
                                         Management Committee and             State Fair. This contest will
other small adjustments may be
                                        voted in by the Fair Board. The      adhere to the “4-H Dog Trials
 made to best suit our County.                                                  Contest Requirements”
                                         County Dog Show is not a 4-H
       More Information:                event and therefore rules might     If youth are interested in qualifying
https://douglas.extension.colo            different from Colorado 4-H       for and competing at the Colorado                rules. Please be sure to fully   State Fair Dog Trails be sure to read
    2/companionanimal-2/                 read the Douglas County Fair       the Contest Requirements prior to
                                          & Rodeo Competition Rules          County Fair entry to learn if there
    *Showing at the Douglas County           prior to registration and     are differences in your county from
Fair & Rodeo or Colorado State Fair                  showing.                 the State Contest Requirements.
 is not a requirement of the project.
However, they are a whole lot of fun                                              More Information:
   if youth have the opportunity to          More Information:   
             participate.                  m-areas/state-fair-information/
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                             4-H Dog Project Progression
           Starting Out                              Learning More                           Exploring Depth
               Beginner                                Intermediate                              Advanced
                                         • Obedience training
                                         • Learn how to train a dog obey certain   • Advanced training
• Learn what kind of dog would be best
                                            beginning and novice level commands    • Learn about dogs that help people
   for you and your family
                                            such as heel, sit, down, stand for     • Help younger members train their
• Learn about goal setting
                                            examination, recall, finish and the       dogs
• Evaluate project with leader
                                            figure eight                           • Assist the 4-H Dog leader with
• Learn how to keep records
                                         • Investigate dog breed origins              training
• Learn how to assume responsibility
                                         • Find out why dogs are neutered or       • How to do a budget
                                            spayed                                 • Explore career opportunities related
                                         • Compare dog foods                          to dogs
                                         • Evaluate project with leader            • Build lifelong friendship
                                         • Learn about goal setting
                                         • Gain knowledge of sound
                                            management practices
                                         • Develop sportsmanship
                                         • Develop public speaking skills
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4-H Positive Youth Development Triangle
                                All three parts of the
                                  triangle are very
                             important. However, the
                             foundation should always
               Competition        be in education.


Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension
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Considerations Before Adding a Dog to Your Family
     If you are planning on       Are you prepared for the
  purchasing or adopting a new    work that comes with dog      Are there any
   dog for the project have you   ownership? 4-H expects        breed or size
   considered the commitment          the youth to be the        restrictions
        pet ownership is?          primary caregiver for all   where you live?
                                       project animals.

   Do you have other pets                      Have you thought about who
   this dog would need to                         can reach out to with
       get along with?                         questions about your dog or
                                                     the dog project?
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          Positives of Youth Working with Dogs
                                                  Helps youth


                           Dogs can begin to
                           teach youth about
                          respect and loyalty.

 Dogs can teach     Can help some youth
both patience and      remain calm,
   motivation.       focused, and feel
                       more secure.
Douglas County 2020-2021 4-H - Dog Project - Douglas County Extension
2020-2021 p.10

                   Colorado State 4-H Dog Project
So… What IS the dog project?

   Dog Training?
   Dog Showing?
   Learning how to properly care for a dog?
   Learning advanced dog behavior and career opportunities working with
The 4-H Dog Project is a fantastic way for youth to learn all about dogs and dog training. This is typically done
through practicing for the four different disciplines currently offered in Douglas County 4-H: Showmanship,
Obedience, Rally, and Agility. Each discipline is a bit different and you may find your youth or dog prefers one
over the other. All disciples have something unique to teach a youth & dog team!! The rest of this project
guide walks your through Animal ID requirements and some basics for the 4 dog show disciplines.

However, don’t forget it is also about…

  Learning about basic veterinary needs of your dog
  Learning about canine nutrition
  Learning how to best groom your dog for show, but also so you have a clean and healthy dog! Plus many dogs
  really enjoy it!
  Going hiking and enjoying some fresh air with your dog
  Playing fetch, frisbee, trying barn hunt, flyball, dock diving, etc. There are so man fun things to try!
  Utilizing the 4 show disciplines to help shape a well-rounded, well behaved, and socialized family pet!
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Colorado State 4-H Dog Project ID Requirements
Member Requirements                                    Dog Project Animal ID Requirements
                              st                       DUE APRIL 1st -- 1 Animal ID for each dog
- Sign up for 4-H by March 1 Deadline
- Sign up for Dog project by March 1st Deadline        - Name, weight, animal birthday, breed it most
- Have completed Animal ID uploaded by April 1st         resembles, height, gender, date of distemper
     ▪ Should be done before dogs participate in         vaccination expiration date, parvovirus vaccine
        group practices                                  expiration date, rabies vaccination expiration date,
     ▪ This includes providing proof of vaccination      and rabies tag number.
- If vaccinations expire before the end of the 4-H     - At least 1 picture of the dog that allows for easy
  year, please send updated proof of vaccinations to     identification – 3 pictures preferred (1 head and 1
  the 4-H extension agent.                               of each side profile).
                                                       - Uploaded Vet records for all vaccinations
                                                       - Completed Animal Care & Housing Form
Member Suggestions
- Spend time with your dog daily, having fun, taking   Dog Vaccination Requirements
  care of them, and developing a relationship.         NOTE- All dogs should have a completed animal ID in
- Attend frequent dog training sessions to work on     4Honline including all vaccination records prior to attending
  training.                                            group practices.
- Attend local fun shows and take advantage of any     1. Bordetella is strongly encouraged, but not required
  4-H county wide training opportunities.              2. Proof of vaccination for Canine Distemper Virus and
                                                          Parvovirus within 3 years or provide serum titers
                                                          indicating proof of effective immunity.
                                                       3. Proof of current rabies vaccination. Titers are not
                                                          accepted. This MUST come for a licensed veterinarian.
2020-2021 p.12

4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Showmanship
 Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition
Purpose of Showmanship                      Preparing for Showmanship
The purpose of showmanship is to            The handler is judged on the dog’s performance in the ring and the dogs
demonstrate teamwork between the            appearance, i.e. grooming, not conformation. We encourage youth to do
handler and dog, showcasing your            their own grooming as this is a fantastic learning opportunity. In addition
skills as a handler.                        to obeying commands to gait, stand, and turn, he must look alert, be well
                                            groomed, and allow strangers to touch him. This is because the dog is
Regardless of the breed of dog, you         being judged on condition, grooming, and temperament, as well as the
learn the skills required to present your   way he moves.
dog and bring out his finest qualities.
Your presentation is being judged, not                               Stacking: Means posing your dog. You are going to
the dog’s conformation.                                              want to stack your dog in a way that highlights your
                                                                     dogs breed best attributes. This can be determined
                                                                     from talking with your trainer, your leader, or by
In 4-H the purpose of                                                attending local dog shows to observe.
showmanship is also to test your
knowledge about dogs and responsible                                 Gaiting: When dogs are moved around the ring at a
dog ownership by participating in a                                  specific gait, based on breed. Most breeds move at a
knowledge test or short interview,                                   controlled trot.
which contributes to your overall            Remember – You do
                                                                     Tabling: Some breeds are shown on a table at AKC
                                             NOT have to have a
showmanship score.                          purebred show dog for    shows. In 4-H, youth may show mixed breeds that
                                             the 4-H dog project!    could be much larger than the breed their dog most
                                            We adore “mutts” and     closely resembles. A youth may not be tall or strong
                                                mixed breeds!        enough to lift their dog safely. However, youth
                                            Please note no wolf or   should know their breed of dog is typically shown on
                                                coyote mixes.        a table and be able to describe how to safely do so.
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4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Showmanship
 Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition
Handler Dress Code                                          Dog “Dress Code”
Always be sure to check the latest Colorado
                                                            Equipment: Be sure to always check what equipment
4-H Dress Code if participating in CO
                                                              is allowed at each dog show you enter. Rules
4-H Events
                                                              might differ!
Always remember that you and your dog are a
team. You should be neat, clean, and well                       Grooming: In 4-H it is not necessary that a dog
groomed. Wear clothing that is comfortable to                 have a show clip; however, the dog must be clean
handle in and that complements your dog.                    and his coat free of mats and loose hair. Ears must
                                                            be clean, but it is not required that all the hair be
Clothing should not hinder or detract from the              removed from the ear canal. The eyes must be free
presentation of the dog. Think “business casual”:           from matter, and the teeth should not have any tarter
dresses, skirts, dress slacks, dressy capri, collared       buildup. Some staining on the teeth of older dogs is
blouses, dress shirts, and ties are all acceptable. Shoes   permissible.
should have non-slips soles and low or no heels.
                                                            The toenails must be of proper length. Remember,
Practice handling the dog in the show                       properly trimmed nails are achieved by regular
clothes and shoes to make sure                              trimming every week or so, depending on the
they are comfortable and                                    activity of your dog. Be sure to work with
practical for running, bending over,                        someone with experience when first trimming
and handling your dog.                                      your dog’s nails.

REMEMBER You entered your dog in this show – not the other way around! Relax, smile, and have fun while
showing. A pleasant attitude and good sportsmanship go a long way toward making you and your dog a winning team.
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4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Showmanship
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
 Showmanship Level Progression
 - Always check the shows rules on level eligibility. A fun show, a local 4-H show, an AKC show, a County Fair show, and the
   State 4-H Dog Trials may all have slightly different rules.
 - As the levels progress the expectations increases in difficulty.
 - Showmanship level is based on the youths age, experience, and placings at 4-H dog shows.

 Showmanship Classes                  How do you know if you are in the right class?
 -   Junior Novice                    -   Check with your leader, trainer, 4-H agent, or County
 -   Junior Open                          Superintendent
 -   Intermediate Novice              -   Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Level Progression Chart
 -   Intermediate Open                       ▪
 -   Intermediate Advanced                       information/
 -   Senior Novice                    -   Check the rules for the show you are entering
 -   Senior Open                             ▪ Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Competition Rules
 -   Senior Advanced                                 ▪
 -   Master Showman                          ▪ Colorado 4-H State Dog Trials Contest Rules
 4-H Age                                             ▪
 -   Junior: Youth 8-10 years of      -   Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Score sheets to make sure you know what
     age as of December 31st of the       is required at each level.
     previous year.                       information/contest-score-sheets/
 -   Intermediate: Youth 11-13
     years of age as of December
     31st of the previous year.
 -   Senior: Youth 14-18 years of
     age as of December 31st of the
     previous year.
2020-2021 p.15

4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Obedience
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition
 Purpose of Obedience                          Preparing for Obedience
 Obedience is a way for you and your dog       Take time to read in the manual about positive training methods and
 to become closer. It also makes your dog      how behavior shaping, and praise and rewards work in the “puppy”
 more socially acceptable and welcome by       section of the manual. Keep all of this in mind as you develop your
 others.                                       training skills and prepare for the next level of training!
                                               When you are training obedience exercises, remember that they are
 The 4-H Obedience classes are modeled
                                               comprised of several different steps. For example, teaching your dog
 after the American Kennel Club (AKC)
                                               to retrieve a dumbbell is a combination of the dog learning to take the
 competition classes, with some
                                               dumbbell from your hand, learning to hold it until you tell them to let
 modifications made for 4-H.
                                               it go, learning to release it to your hand rather than dropping it on the
                                               floor, learning to walk with it, learning to reach for it, and learning to
 The purpose of obedience is to teach the
                                               pick it up from the ground. If you skip steps or try to progress too
 dog to obey the handler. In obedience
                                               fast, problems can develop.
 classes, the dog is not judged on its
 appearance, but on how well it performs       Checking the CO State 4-H Dog Trials Score Sheets are a great way to
 specific exercises. The difficulty of these   see what is required of the dog at each level of Obedience classes:
 exercises increases with each obedience
                                               Terminology- There are many different
     Make sure your dog is                     important terms and concepts to
   exercised before you start                  understand for Obedience. Take time to
     training. A dog that is                   read the manual, check the contest score
  bouncing off the walls is not                         sheets, and work with your fellow
  paying attention to what you                            4-Hers and leaders!
       are trying to teach.
2020-2021 p.16

4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Obedience
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition
Handler Dress Code                                          REMEMBER You entered your dog in this show – not
Always be sure to check the latest Colorado 4-H Dress       the other way around! Relax, smile, and have fun while
Code if participating in CO 4-H Events                      showing. A pleasant attitude and good sportsmanship go a
While dressing for Obedience is less formal than when       long way toward making you and your dog a winning team.
dressing for showmanship, youth still need to be neat,
clean, and well-groomed to compliment their dog.            Dog “Dress Code”
Some common examples would be slacks, dress pants,          Equipment: Be sure to always check what equipment is
a dress skirt of appropriate length, nice jeans, collared   allowed at each dog show you enter. Rules might differ!
blouse/shirt, polo shirt, etc. Shoes should have non-
slips soles and low or no heels.                            Grooming: While the dog is not judged on its appearance
                                                            in Obedience, it is still important to present a well-
Practice handling the dog in the show clothes               groomed dog. Dogs should be clean and their coat free of
and shoes to make sure they are comfortable                 mats and loose hair. Ears must be clean, but it is not
and practical for running, bending over, and                required that all the hair be removed from the ear canal.
handling your dog.                                          The eyes must be free from matter, and the teeth should
                                                            not have any tarter buildup. Some staining on the teeth of
                                                            older dogs is permissible. Toenails must be of proper
                                                            length. Remember, properly trimmed nails are achieved by
                                                            regular trimming every week or so, depending on the
                                                            activity of your dog. Be sure to work with someone with
                                                            experience when first trimming your dog’s nails.

                                                               Try to end all training sessions on a positive note by
                                                                doing something your dog knows how to do well!
2020-2021 p.17

 4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Obedience
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
  Dog Height
  Knowing your dog’s height is important as a dog owner and handler. This height will
  determine their jump heights and width for Obedience, Rally, and Agility. CO 4-H
  State Dog Trials follows the Standard Jump Height Table from AKC.

  The best way to measure your dog’s height properly is to work with your leader,
  trainer, or superintendent to measure them from the ground to the withers using an
  AKC recognized wicket.

  Jumps used in Obedience
  There are 3 types of jumps that may be used in Obedience classes: the Bar Jump, the High
  Jump and the Broad Jump. The dog must jump their regulation height and width for their
  class. The Broad Jump will cover a distance equal to twice the standard height of the High
  or Bar Jump setting. For the Broad Jump the correct number of boards must be used for
  the width being jumped. Refer to the chart for proper jump regulations.
    Broad Jump Distances:
        • Four boards are used for 48-72 inches                                                Source:
        • Three boards are used for 28-44 inches
        • Two boards are used for 16-24 inches
        • When decreasing the number of boards in the
           Broad Jump, the tallest hurdle is removed first.

  -   Breed Exceptions: Some breeds, because of their conformation, have exceptions granted
      for their jump heights. Please check the AKC Website under the Obedience rules for the
      current chart of exceptions of breeds for these jumps.

  -   Be sure to read up on the opportunity for dogs entering the Veterans Obedience
2020-2021 p.18

 4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Obedience
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
 Obedience Level Progression
 - Always check the shows rules on level eligibility. A fun show, a local show, an AKC show, a County Fair show, and the State 4-
   H Dog Trials may all have slightly different rules.
 - As the levels progress the expectations increases in difficulty.
 - A dog’s previous experience, AKC titles, and 4-H show placings determines what level they may enter and where they
     go based on if they have earned qualifying scores.

 Obedience Classes                How do you know if you are in the right class?
 -   Puppy Class                  - Check with your leader, trainer, 4-H agent, or County
 -   Beginner Novice A              Superintendent
 -   Beginner Novice B            - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Level Progression Chart
 -   Beginner Novice C-1               ▪
 -   Beginner Novice C-2                  information/
 -   Novice A                     - Check the rules for the show you are entering
 -   Novice B                          ▪ Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Competition Rules
 -   Pre-Grad Novice A                         ▪
 -   Pre-Grad Novice B                 ▪ Colorado 4-H State Dog Trials Contest Rules
 -   Graduate Novice A                         ▪
 -   Graduate Novice B            - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Score sheets to make sure you know what
 -   Open A                         is required at each level
 -   Open B                            ▪
 -   Graduate Open A
 -   Graduate Open B
 -   Utility A
 -   Utility B
 -   Veterans Classes
2020-2021 p.19

          4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Rally
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition & Colorado
                             State 4-H Dog Project Rally Obedience Handbook
    Purpose of Rally                                   Preparing for Rally
    Rally is a sport that follows a course from one    The team of dog and handler
    sign to the next, with the handler and dog         moves continuously at a brisk, but
    performing the skill listed on each sign before    normal, pace with the dog under
    proceeding to the next sign.                       control within a 2-foot area at the
                                                       handler’s left side. There should be
    Rally differs from obedience in that the handler
                                                       a sense of teamwork between the
    may communicate with the dogs by multiple
                                                       dog and handler both during the
    commands, including speaking, patting the leg,
                                                       numbered exercises and between
    hand signals, etc.
                                                       the exercise signs; however, perfect
                                                       “heel position” is not required.
    Terminology & Rally Signs- Similar to              After the judge’s “Forward” order,
    obedience, Rally has a lot of important            the team is on its own to complete the entire sequence of numbered signs
    terminology to learn. Take time to read the        correctly.
    manual, check the contest score sheets, and
    work with your fellow 4-Hers and leaders!          Unlimited communication from the handler to the dog is to be encouraged and
    Additionally, check out the CO 4-H State Dog       not penalized. Unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, handlers are
    Trials Rally Packet here for all signs and         permitted to talk, praise, encourage, clap their hands, pat their legs, or use any
    explanation of signs:                              verbal means of encouragement. Multiple commands and/or signals using one                 or both arms and hands are allowed; the handler’s arms need not be maintained
    areas/state-fair-information/                      in any particular position at any time. The handler may not touch the dog or
                                                       make physical corrections. At any time during the performance, loud or
                                                       harsh commands or intimidating signals will be penalized.
                                                       Checking the CO State 4-H Dog Trials Score Sheets are a great way to see
                                                       what is required of the dog at each level of Rally classes:
2020-2021 p.20

          4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Rally
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition & Colorado
                             State 4-H Dog Project Rally Obedience Handbook
   Handler Dress Code                                          REMEMBER You entered your dog in this show – not
   Always be sure to check the latest Colorado 4-H Dress       the other way around! Relax, smile, and have fun while
   Code if participating in CO 4-H Events                      showing. A pleasant attitude and good sportsmanship go a
   While dressing for Rally is less formal than when           long way toward making you and your dog a winning team.
   dressing for showmanship, youth still need to be neat,
   clean, and well-groomed to compliment their dog.            Dog “Dress Code”
   Some common examples would be slacks, dress pants,          Equipment: Be sure to always check what equipment is
   a dress skirt of appropriate length, nice jeans, collared   allowed at each dog show you enter. Rules might differ!
   blouse/shirt, polo shirt, etc. Shoes should have non-
   slips soles and low or no heels.                            Grooming: While the dog is not judged on its appearance
                                                               in Rally, it is still important to present a well-groomed dog.
   Practice handling the dog in the show clothes               Dogs should be clean and their coat free of mats and loose
   and shoes to make sure they are comfortable                 hair. Ears must be clean, but it is not required that all the
   and practical for running, bending over, and                hair be removed from the ear canal. The eyes must be free
   handling your dog.                                          from matter, and the teeth should not have any tarter
                                                               buildup. Some staining on the teeth of older dogs is
                                                               permissible. Toenails must be of proper length.
                                                               Remember, properly trimmed nails are achieved by regular
                                                               trimming every week or so, depending on the activity of
                                                               your dog. Be sure to work with someone with experience
                                                               when first trimming your dog’s nails.

                                                               Rally promotes fun and enjoyment and teamwork for
                                                                  dogs and handlers at all levels of competition.
2020-2021 p.21

        4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Rally
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
Rally Level Progression
- Always check the shows rules on level eligibility. A fun show, a local show, an AKC show, a
  County Fair show, and the State 4-H Dog Trials may all have slightly different rules.
- As the levels progress the expectations increases in difficulty.
- A dog’s previous experience, AKC titles, and 4-H show placings determines what level
    they may enter and where they go based on if they have earned qualifying scores.

                                How do you know if you are in the right class?
                                - Check with your leader, trainer, 4-H agent, or County
                                - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Level Progression
Rally Classes                     Chart
- Rally Novice A                    ▪
- Rally Novice B                        fair-information/
- Rally Intermediate A          - Check the rules for the show you are entering
- Rally Intermediate B              ▪ Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Competition Rules
- Rally Advanced A                           ▪
- Rally Advanced B                  ▪ Colorado 4-H State Dog Trials Contest Rules
- Rally Excellent A                          ▪
- Rally Excellent B                             state-fair-information/
- Rally Advanced/Excellent      - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest
  A (RAE-A)                       Score sheets to make sure you know what is required at
- Rally Advanced/Excellent        each level
  B (RAE-B)                         ▪
- Masters A                             fair-information/contest-score-sheets/
- Masters B
2020-2021 p.22

                 4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Agility
                      Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University
                                                2018 edition
Purpose of Agility
Agility is a fun and exciting sport in which you    Preparing for Agility
direct your dog through and over a series of        Dogs that participate in performance events are athletes. Just like human
obstacles while competing for the best times.       athletes, dog athletes must be healthy and in good condition and must eat a
                                                    high-quality diet. By ensuring your dog is in good condition will lessen their
A judge sets up the course that typically           chances of injury and will allow them to perform at their best. Begin
consists of tunnels, jumps, contact obstacles,      conditioning your dog by taking them on long walks, playing fetch, or
and other obstacles. The dog is timed as the        lightly jogging him. Ask your leader for help if you are unsure. Just like
handler and dog maneuver through the course         humans, if your dog is a “couch potato” do not go out and run 5 miles one
in a specified order.                               day. Slowly build up their fitness.

Learning agility and completing various courses     It is a good idea for your dog to know basic obedience before starting to
builds confidence in both you and your dog.         learn agility. While both disciplines will complement each other, this may
Practicing and competing in agility is also a       make starting agility training a bit easier.
great way for both of you to enjoy exercise!        It is important that you and your dog learn correctly from the beginning, so
                                                    neither of you pick up bad habits that are hard to relearn or retrain. While
Terminology & Agility Obstacles- There are          everyone wants to tackle the teeter, big jump, wave poles, and other fun
a lot of terminology to learn and obstacles to      obstacles it VERY important to go slow and be safe. The first step is to
understand for agility! Take time to read the                    learn how to safely execute each obstacle to keep your dog
manual, check the contest score sheets, and                       from becoming frightened of an obstacle or injured by falling
work with your fellow 4-Hers and leaders!                           from an obstacle.
Additionally, check out the CO 4-H State Dog
Trials Rules has an entire Agility section that                        Checking the CO State 4-H Dog Trials Score Sheets are
does a fantastic job of explaining what is                               a great way to see what is required of a dog at each
required of each level so youth can know and                              level of Agility classes:
feel prepared.                          -areas/state-air-information/contest-score-sheets
2020-2021 p.23

       4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Agility
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules

 Handler Dress Code                                               Dog “Dress Code”
 Always be sure to check the latest Colorado 4-H Dress
 Code if participating in CO 4-H Events                           Equipment: Be sure to always check what
                                                                  equipment is allowed at each dog show you
 Agility handlers are athletes and their dress during Agility     enter. Rules might differ!
 Trial will reflect this. However, it is important to note that
 the CO 4-H dress code must be followed. It is always a           Collars must be a flat buckle or rolled leather collar, but there
 good idea to look clean, neat and presentable for
                                                                  shall be no attachments hanging or otherwise allowed on the
 competition. The handler should wear athletic shoes that
 provide good traction for running and protect the entire         collar, except for a 4”-6” tab (required in Foundation, optional
 foot.                                                            in Novice and Intermediate). This shall not preclude painted
                                                                  or stitched designs or information on the collar. Dog’s names
 Practice handling the dog in                                     and/or identifying information may appear on the collar. No
 the show clothes and shoes                                       title, awards, or advertising may appear on the collar. Dogs
 to make sure they are                                            may be brought to the start line on slip leads, slip chains, body
 comfortable and practical                                        harnesses or other collars that are permitted on the trial
 for running, bending over,                                       grounds. Pinch/prong and electrical collars (dummy or not),
 and handling your dog.                                           head halters and special training collars are not allowed.
 REMEMBER You entered your dog in this show –                     Grooming: While the dog is not judged on its appearance in
 not the other way around! Relax, smile, and have fun             Agility, it is still important to present a well-groomed,
 while showing. A pleasant attitude and good                      presentable, and healthy dog. Spend a bit of time each day
 sportsmanship go a long way toward making you and                grooming and caring for your dog. Keep their coat groomed,
 your dog a winning team.                                         nails trimmed, eyes & ears cleaned.
2020-2021 p.24

       4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Agility
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
Agility Safety- The safety of both dogs and handlers is of paramount importance, the following rules will be enforced.
Please note these are just SOME of the safety considerations when it comes to the State 4-H Dog Agility Trials – All members
interested in competing in agility should be sure to read the full safety rules:
1. All competitors in agility must be active in their county’s dog project and exhibit in showmanship and either obedience or rally at a county
    qualifying event.
2. Dogs and handler must be trained on all equipment within a specified class to compete. Either 4-H classes or those of a recognized training
    school will be accepted. Simply working with your dog in the back yard or a dog park is not acceptable.
3. Dogs must be a minimum of 12 months old to compete in the foundation standard and foundation jumpers classes. Dogs must be a
    minimum of 15 months old to compete in all other agility classes. Dogs competing in either of the foundation classes must jump a lower
    jump height (Preferred Jump Height). It is recommended that dogs be a minimum of 15 months old to begin heavy agility training and larger
    breeds be at least 18 months old. This is because for most breeds the growth plates in the bones are still developing until the average age of
    fourteen months - even later for large breeds. The final determinations for training age and the type of training must be made by the owner
    and trainer.
4. No dog with a physical or mental condition that would significantly impair their performance may participate. Some examples of these
    include (but are not limited to) hip dysplasia, disc problems, severely slipped stifles, shoulder problems, or overweight. All 4-H'ers are highly
    encouraged to consult their veterinarian before beginning agility training. All dogs competing in agility are required to have a medical
    certification form signed by a veterinarian. A judge, superintendent or the county trainer at state and county events will have the authority to
    stop the performance of any dog whose soundness they question.
8. All parents/guardians and members must sign the "4-H Dog Agility Release Form" about injury to dog and handler to participate in classes,
    shows, and demonstrations. This form will include a section stating that they have been trained on all pieces of equipment for their particular
    class level, and they will not attempt any piece of equipment on which they have not been trained, as well as the number of classes they
14. Dogs 7 years of age and older are eligible to compete in the Veterans division. Additionally, dogs with minor physical disabilities (such as
    minor hip dysplasia) may compete in this level with a veterinarian’s approval and provided documentation. Dogs competing in the veteran
    division will jump at a lower jump height (Preferred Jump Height).
2020-2021 p.25

      4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Agility
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
  Dog Height for Agility
  Knowing your dog’s height is important as a dog owner and handler. This height will
  determine their jump and obstacle heights and width for Agility.

  For the CO State 4-H Dog Agility Trials participants are required to have an
  Approved Height Card. It is a good idea to have one filled out to make sure you are
  training at the appropriate heights. All handlers are required to present a completed
  Official Height Card for their dog on check-in at the State 4-H Dog Agility Trial or
  have their dog measured to receive a card. Official height cards from outside agility
  venues will also be accepted.

  The dog must be measured by two separate parties familiar with the procedures of
  measuring the height of a dog, such as a judge or show personnel at the State Dog
  Agility Competition. The dog must be measured on a flat, firm surface and both
  measurements must agree within 1 inch when measured at the withers.

  Jump Height Card templates in Microsoft Word or PDF, set up to print on standard
  business card stock, such as Avery 5371 stock, can be found on the state website.
2020-2021 p.26

       4-H Dog Trials Contest Disciplines ~ Agility
Information gathered from: “Dog Resource Handbook” from The Ohio State University 2018 edition &
                            Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Rules
 Agility Level Progression
 - Always check the shows rules on level eligibility. A fun show, a local show, an AKC show, a
   County Fair show, and the State 4-H Dog Trials may all have slightly different rules.
 - As the levels progress the expectations and obstacles increase in difficulty.
 - A dog’s previous experience, AKC titles, and 4-H show placings determines what level they
     may enter and where they go based on if they have earned qualifying scores.

 Agility Classes
 -   Standard Foundation                                    How do you know if you are in the right class?
 -   Standard Novice                                        - Check with your leader, trainer, 4-H agent, or County
 -   Standard Intermediate                                    Superintendent
 -   Standard Advanced                                      - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Level Progression Chart
 -   Jumpers Foundation                                          ▪
 -   Jumpers Novice                                                fair-information/
                                                            - Check the rules for the show you are entering
 -   Jumpers Intermediate
                                                                 ▪ Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Competition Rules
 -   Jumpers Advanced                                                   ▪
                                                                 ▪ Colorado 4-H State Dog Trials Contest Rules
                                                            - Check the Colorado State 4-H Dog Trials Contest Score sheets
                                                              to make sure you know what is required at each level
2020-2021 p.27

There is no shame in asking for help, clarification, explanations, tips, and suggestions! In fact, we would rather
                  you ask for help early and often than feel like you are going at this alone!

                                        Who should you reach out to?
                                              • Other youth in your club with experience in the project
                                              • Your Club Project Leader
                                              • Your Club Organization Leader
                                              • Other amazing leaders in Douglas County 4-H!
                                                  o If you need help connecting with someone just let the
                                                     extension office know!
                                              • Your 4-H Agent or Extension Office
                                              • The Fair Superintendent for your department
                                              • The Fair Office

   Extension Office (720) 733-6940                                Fair Office (720) 733-6900             
   4-H Livestock Agent: Kirsten Cowan                             Fair Coordinator: Michelle Bartlett                          
   4-H Admin Assistant: Sylvia Worcester                          Fair Coordinator: Synneva Knopp                       
2020-2021 p.28

Douglas County 4-H Dog Project Guide Resources
This project guide was put together using excellent sources. When possible, we included resources on the pages themselves but
      please find all sources used below. Thank you to all those who put together the resources used; it is so appreciated.

 “Animal Health Foundation Blog.” Animal Health Foundation Blog RSS,

 Breech, Susan, et al. Dog Resource Handbook. The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental
      Sciences, 2018.

 Publishing, Harvard Health. Get Healthy, Get a Dog: The Health Benefits of Canine Companionship - Harvard Health,

 Tracy Trautner, Michigan State University Extension. “The Benefits of a Family Pet.” MSU Extension, 13 Jan. 2021,
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