Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology

Page created by Edna Sims
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
Hi Astrology                                             Alchemy by Astraea
                                                         Astraea blends the arts of tarot and astrology
                                                         to answer your most pressing questions

                                                         about how you can live a life in balance. After
                                                         suffering from a health issue that no one could
                                                         solve, she experienced a spiritual awakening
                                                         that forced her to open her heart to new
Before we step into the new year and this great          modalities without leaving behind the old ones.
forecast written by three of my incredible astrology     She is sharing a 12-month forecast using
students, I want to take a moment to sum up 2021:        both her gifts, tarot and astrology, to offer you
No More Band-Aids.                                       guidance. If you would like to book a session
                                                         with her, please email: AlchemybyAstraea@
With Saturn and Jupiter working together in 2021
to bring through and usher in this Age of Aquarius,
we have been asked as a collective to drop our one-      It is with great honor and privilege that I share
solution mentality and to make room for the fact         with you the beautiful predictions for 2022
that some things simply cannot be automated.             from this profoundly insightful group of new
                                                         astrologers. If you are interested in learning the
Everyone is unique, and though it is not convenient      art of astrology, please contact me at emily@
for the systems in place to approach us as such, it Enjoy!
is the truth.

I am so proud to share this forecast for 2022,           Love,
written as a final project by my students enrolled
in my Astrologer Training Program. But, before
you dive in, please welcome these three new              Emily
Astrologers into the astrology community:
Nicole Desmond
Nicole is a blogger, artist, intuitive, and Astrologer
with Soul Forge Studio. Her story is remarkable, and
her journey through deception and into the truth
encourages all others to move out of unhealthy and
toxic relationships. In this forecast, she focuses on
the Neptune and Jupiter conjunction of 2022. If you
would like to have an astrology birth chart reading
with her, please visit her website: soulforgestudio.

Cheryl Laatsch
Cheryl is a coach who combines astrology with
coaching to support completions, endings, and
beginnings. In her early childhood, she faced
the deep and penetrating grief of losing a sibling
and being displaced to another country. Her life
path has revealed the painful process before the
massive transformation. Her contribution to this
forecast is centered on the four eclipses in Taurus
and Scorpio in 2022. If you are looking for support
through a transition, please visit her website to        Neptune Jupiter Conjunction of 2022
book a reading:
                                                         By Nicole Desmond | SOULFORGESTUDIO.
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
You did not come here to live someone else’s version
 of life, nor did you arrive here to be force-fed someone
 else’s beliefs. The guilt, shame, and fear that the world
has demanded you carry and to continually atone for is
so yesteryear. Spirituality is on the docket, not a twisted
 organized religion that sells you freedom but shackles
                      you in distortion.

           Love is the ultimate creative power.

The same energy that flows through every living thing on
this planet is what also powers you. The 2022 Neptune/
  Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is where our hearts and
minds will be open to Spirit- not how it was fed to us, but
 via the truth that deeply resides in each one of our own
  hearts- the quiet, still, voice of God that speaks to us
                 through our inner knowing.

Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
Imagination is a frolic through a dimension of consciousness, and
creativity is the act of channeling and co-creating with the Universe.

 Be prepared to create and be inspired by the             Your being most likely gives you a head’s up
 creations of others- this will mean new songs            with the “in your face smarmy and boisterous
 and new media content emerging on the social             types”- those selling what is impossibly too
 platform, the world stage. Jupiter doles out good        good to be true. But what about the ones that
 luck, so expect to see fruitfulness with what you        peddle half and or twisted truths?
 are bringing into existence.
 Your intuition will be heightened, but it will be very   Look for people parading around as spiritual
 important to be rooted in who you are and what           gurus that do not practice what they preach.
 YOU believe. Being duped is always a possibility,        Those that lead with ego…. clearly missing the
 with Pisces meeting the Neptunian fog.                   original message of being a conduit, a channel
  Without this grounded mentality, you may find it        for God…. NOT appointing themselves as GOD.
 hard to discern between the illusion and fantasy         Those with a “My way or the highway” attitude.
 being sold as actual reality.                            Those, that if clearly integrated, would realize
                                                          that more healing is needed before they take
 Be on the lookout for narcissists peddling as            center stage. Their messages are clearly
 the Almighty, all-knowing prophets with ALL the          tainted with LOUD, personal unworked issues,
 answers. We are all on different levels of our           and agendas.
 consciousness journey- the “One size fits all”, no
 longer even fits most.
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
A particular spiritual leader that began her career in the New Age sector has now made it clear that she
has chosen the “SIDE” of Christianity. She has every right to change her mind. However- she halted open
dialog and thwarted communication by shutting down comments on her platforms- condemning all that
previously built her, supported her, and that she profited from. She skipped right past any shade of gray and
ultimately decided to camp out at the opposite side of the spectrum.

I do not know this woman personally, nor do I claim to know her heart. What I do know is that the
philosophy she now vocally embraces is built on unconditional love, yet her behavior goes against the very
principle she claims she stands for.

I’m confused.

Isn’t spirituality a sacred energetic space that calls us to be tolerant and work together? Is it not the area of
life that we are supposed to be able to seek equality and find refuge regardless of our differences? Is that
not one of the pillars that Christianity was built on as well?
Yet, it is being polluted by “leaders” that have not worked through their conditioned black and white thinking.
I guess the teachings have not yet been integrated into their hearts, and so, their messages of peace are
tainted with judgement and a “holier than thou mentality,” creating further division.

Regardless of your feelings about Jesus Christ, what he stood for is anything but that which most people
calling themselves “Christians” portray. I am not talking about making mistakes and being human. I am
talking about those who would benefit from doing the work of removing the LOG from their own eye…
getting their own house in order instead of throwing others under the proverbial bus.

Imagine what our world would look like if we could bridge the gap.

These are some of the issues to be aware of in this upcoming area of Neptune. Stand firmly rooted, and
by all means- do the work of knowing what is true for you and act in accordance. This way, you will not be
swayed by magicians whipping up brouhaha, pulling the wool over your eyes, missing the entire point while
claiming to know what’s best for you.

Don’t be afraid to go your own way.

By Cheryl Laatsch |
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
You’re not too far off from the meaning of an          Solar eclipses fall at new moons, so they are
eclipse in astrology if you think about being          a great time for new beginnings–projects,
eclipsed by someone (or something) that looms          business ideas, relationships (of all kinds),
large: It’s a time when you’re forced to surrender     courses…. Themes can include: finding the
some control to the cosmos and go on a                 courage to make a fresh start, embracing
transformative journey.                                change, taking a risk (even if you’re scared AF),
                                                       putting yourself out there, allowing yourself
For the next year and a half, that sense of            to make that big reveal–whatever field of
upheaval will be happening within the opposing         experiences could manifest for you can be told
zodiac signs of Taurus and Scorpio, specifically,      by looking at what house the eclipse falls in
which means that if one of those two signs is          relative to your own natal chart.
prominent in your chart (whether it’s your sun,
rising, or moon sign), you’re poised to feel this
seismic shift most directly.

Eclipses bring news of life’s big events– and
with all eclipses, something ends and something
else begins. They are believed to be portals of
awakening and transformation and can manifest
as dramatic life events and/or signs from the
Universe to pay attention to those areas in our life
that need to change.

All four eclipses next year will be triggered by
Taurus and Scorpio zodiac signs, which will
also continue the story that began this year. We       LUNAR ECLIPSES: Subconscious,
have two sets of eclipses, and each series has a       Emotional Self, Mother,
common theme and connects tightly.
                                                       Feminine, Releasing
The eclipse is like a universal spring cleaning:
It sweeps away stagnation and dust, removing
what is no longer aligned to make way for new
                                                       The lunar eclipse falls on the full moon, which is
                                                       a time of endings, closures, manifestations, and
                                                       transitions. It is possible to have life experiences
                                                       related to having a major breakthrough, pushing
                                                       past barriers and limits, letting go of a painful
                                                       situation for good, letting go of an addictive
                                                       pattern, healing or releasing.

                                                       Guidance means
                                                       NOTHING without
SOLAR ECLIPSES: Self/ego,                              action!
Masculine, the Father, New
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
More specifically, this first eclipse in April is a
                                                    partial lunar eclipse in Taurus, illuminating themes
                                                    of money, values, resources, and related things.
                                                    Again, the eclipse location by house will tell you the
                                                    life experience that may unfold.

                                                    I offer some contemplation….

                                                    What did you learn about money in this past year?
                                                    When was the last time you have felt out of control
                                                    in the name of money, finances, and values? For
                                                    me, it was when I was selected and naive enough
                                                    to get scammed for $35,000 and was left feeling
                                                    gutted, stupid, broke, and like a complete failure
                                                    to not even suspect the red flags in the first
                                                    place. Since that lesson, I have understood to
                                                    take advantage of cosmic opportunities such as
                                                    eclipses and restructure and re-evaluate personal
                                                    finances, values, and how I receive and manage
All the eclipses in 2022 are happening as           monetary resources.
the Sun is going to be going through Taurus
and Scorpio (If you are looking to learn more       2022 IS the year where scammers get scammed!
about how this affects you would be to              This means that NOW is the time to start reflecting
look at what house the eclipses fall in when        on your resources, finances, assets, how you give
looking at your own chart). Whatever house          and how you receive.
they fall in are the places or areas of life
experience getting LIT up back & forth…back         What are you worthy of?
& forth throughout 2022.                            What will you no longer tolerate?
                                                    What boundaries will you set for yourself?
To me, Eclipses have become a major part
of the storyline of your personal year within       An advantageous aspect of this first eclipse is
your natal chart, again–according to what           when Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. Since
house they fall in for, you will give more          Venus is the ruler of Taurus, it is that much
insight on impact– and then I would also say        more significant. “Taurean-type matters” involve
that especially this first eclipse on April 30th,   finances, values, physical and material resources,
2022; because that eclipse happens right            possessions/assets, feelings of worthiness
around the time that there just SO MANY             and value, resistance to change, comfort, and
fireworks in the heavens astrologically             sensuality. New beginnings in these themes are
speaking.                                           likely.

One of the things that has been coming to           This eclipse is about strengthening our sense of
me about Taurus and Scorpio is the axis             worth. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship
of pleasure– the sensual, sexual axis. It is        with money and possessions and discovering what
LITERALLY what brings us closer, how we             it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled.
share pleasure, how we receive or accept
pleasure… I can’t tell you how many people          Why are you REALLY here right now? What do you
come to me randomly and are just here               need to restructure and re-evaluate?... New and
looking for sexual healing like to heal their       potent energy is with us for taking charge of our
sexuality, or relationship with their body….        personal possessions and finances.
how disconnected we’ve been because
of old shitty beliefs we continue to tell           We are told to focus on what can be done to
ourselves subconsciously…and that we hold           increase our own sense of self-worth. We are asked
everything in our bodies, we push it down,          to examine what we truly value and desire in our
and that keeps us from this access to a more        lives and let go of those things or situations that no
profound wisdom, a deep feminine wisdom             longer serve that purpose. This includes identifying
that we do very much need right now.                those things that give us a false sense of security.
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
Jealousy is Money’s                                While Taurus deals with matter, personal values,
                                                   material goods, possessions, and security,
Mistress, and it’s NOT                             Scorpio rules the destruction of form, shared
                                                   possessions, change, and transformation. With
enough!                                            the Taurus Sun, we are encouraged to enjoy
                                                   the simple and tangible things of life, while
                                                   the Scorpio Moon highlights the complexities,
                                                   intangibles, and mysteries of life.

                                                   The consequence of ignoring either end of the
                                                   axis will be disastrous. This Full Moon invites us
                                                   to find a balance between these two energies.
                                                   There are emotional declarations to be made
                                                   during this Full Moon. Something has been
                                                   building inside of us, likely of an intimate nature,
                                                   and now is the time when the energy of the
                                                   cosmos fairly demands that we let it out!

                                                   This year SCAMMERS get
 The feeling of jealousy on its own isn’t
 enough for me. It adds absolutely ZERO
 value to my life.

 Jealousy is one of the most annoying
 feelings because it does not lead to further
 action. Therefore, it breeds nonsensical
 complaints, which in themselves are self-
 defeating. At least if my jealousy motivated
 me to do something and gave me a goal,
 then I’d be thankful for it. However, the
 problem with jealousy is that it triggers other
 negative feelings, such as inadequacy and

 So then dissecting the saying “jealousy is
 money’s mistress” leads me to believe that
 money ALSO brings on those shitty feelings
 of self-loathing and hatred–in fact, it may
 even bring on more!

 This eclipse is in Scorpio, which is a Water
 sign, so it would be beneficial to take special    “Eclipses bring erratic,
 care of your emotions (including jealousy
 and your relationship with money), and if
 you feel ‘triggered’ by anything… write, write    unpredictable energy, but
 and write it down! Put your feelings on
 paper to take the edge off! Due to Scorpio’s
 Fixed nature, its waters run deep, and its           also destined events.”
 unconscious waters hold certain beliefs.
 If deeply held expectations are disturbed
 during 2022, Scorpios may experience ‘heavy
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
New moon eclipses are among the most exciting          focus in the weeks after this Solar Eclipse. This
astrological events. They indicate a complete          eclipse is about new beginnings regarding any of
change of pace. It’s as though you’re headed in one    these matters. It’s about strengthening ourselves
direction, probably being guided by your ego, and      from the inside out. We can feel extremes of
then here comes the Universe tossing you around        emotion as our fears of loss, betrayal, or the
and turning you in the direction you are meant to      exposure of our vulnerabilities are uncovered.
go. Your Soul’s purpose. Your Soul Evolution.
While you might feel inspired to actively make         This eclipse can illuminate our emotional and
changes in areas ruled by Taurus (love, beauty, and    financial investments and possibly challenge
money) or Scorpio (sex, passion, and the psyche),      them. We might take steps towards self-mastery
some of the shifts may feel almost prompted            and self-empowerment by tackling things
by fate. That’s because the eclipses align with        that undermine us and take away our power,
two powerful and fated astrological points: the        such as compulsive behaviors (OCD anyone?),
north node, which will be in Taurus in 2022 (and       addictions, or substantial debts. We might work
symbolizes the life you may be growing into or         on intimacy, not only with others but also with
moving toward), and the south node, which will         ourselves.
be in Scorpio (and represents past-life energy and
where you’re coming from).                             This is a good time for focusing on some of the
                                                       constructive traits of the sign of the Scorpion–
We haven’t had the nodes in these zodiac signs         passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep,
since November 2004 (a huge life-changing year         and perceptive–and consider how to positively
for me–a year in Australia finding myself for the      incorporate these qualities into our lives. We
first time ever) , so it’s been almost 20 years!       may want to pinpoint the things in our lives that
Now, they could mark a profound shift or trigger       make us feel out of control, such as addictions
unique events for those with Taurus or Scorpio         and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of
placements in their charts, based on the particular    these emotional burdens. We can explore what
planets in those signs and, again, the astrological    is missing in our lives, leading us to engage in
houses [or arenas of life experiences] where they’re   self-destructive behaviors.
The conjunction to Venus emphasizes and                With this potent Scorpio energy, we have the
reinforces a challenge to our value system. There      chance to make important changes in our lives
can be situations in which we feel pressured to        that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle.
bring more harmony to our relationships.               For some of us, circumstances are such that we
In the sign of Scorpio, matters related to intimacy,   need to pay more attention to these matters.
control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong
Astrology 2022 - Absolutely Astrology
You’ll want your resources…

Full moons are nearly always about climaxes and very often about conclusions; full moon eclipses are the
same… but on steroids. A full moon eclipse can be hard to handle because it brings change, something
many of us are uncomfortable with…like VERY uncomfortable with.

So…how to best navigate this transformational energy??

Because both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs—aka the signs that most cherish stability and security
(trust me, as a 12 x earth girl, I know)—any change can be tough to endure. Both of these signs enjoy being
in control, but with eclipses, we don’t have our hands on the steering wheel, rather more in tune with how I
drive…with my knees;) I’m saying that it’s essential to release some of that perceived need to drive. That’s
not to say you can’t actively work toward your goals and ambitions or that your free will disappears into thin
air, but more so that it’s important to stay grounded in the present moment rather than attempting to outline
the future.

It’s helpful to envision the changes of the eclipse cycles as one part of your broader evolutionary story. The
key with eclipses is to remain curious, flexible, and trust that what is changing now is meant to change for
your higher good. Working with, rather than against, the cosmic currents that come will ultimately elevate
your life if you allow it.

As Taurus is an Earth sign, the transformation will probably happen gradually in most cases. Practical
matters and money become more important. Challenges to the physical body, laws, structures,
corporations, and organizations are also likely. A change in the air is finally brought down to Earth. As hard
as it might seem, it’s best to create a flow rather than try to maintain the status quo.

The 4 “fixed” zodiac signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, can have relatively “fixed” ideas about how
things should be. This lunar eclipse might really rattle things up for these star signs especially. So hang on
tight, breathe…and remember to release and let go of the old beliefs that are holding you back from the life
you are deserving of!

It’s time to leave the past behind and embrace the future!

The astrology of 2022 suggests another doozy of a year is on deck
  for the Earth community (and for the United States in particular,
 with the most commonly used birth chart for the U.S. about to see
its first Pluto return). So I pulled together this little month-by-month
   cheat sheet to the key astroweather of the year ahead, together
  with insights from the tarot, to help you work with each month’s
   energy towards spiritual growth and healing—instead of getting
                        blown around in the swirl.
How to work with this guide:

•   Is all this wild sh*t really going to happen to me next year? Short
    answer: probably not. These forecasts are for the collective
    rather than for a particular Sun or Rising sign. That is: some
    of what you read in a particular month might land for you
    personally (or interpersonally), while some of it might describe
    things going on for others around you (or for the collective, in
    current events around that time). As with all horoscopes, take
    what resonates; leave the rest.

•   What do the tarot cards represent? The tarot card for each
    month is what I channeled in my year-ahead spread—which
    I came to realize, in studying the full spread and comparing
    it to each month’s key astroweather, offers suggestions for
    approaching each month as an opportunity for healing and
    spiritual growth (or in slightly more down to Earth terms: tarot
    wisdom for not just surviving what are likely to continue to be
    wild times, but actually coming out stronger on the other side).
    Again: Take what resonates; leave the rest.

•   If the full year’s forecast is too much to take in all at once: Try
    skimming the keywords and bolded dates for each month for
    a birds-eye view of the themes 2022 will bring, and focus on
    January and February for now for a sneak-peek at what’s on the
    horizon for the next 6-8 weeks. Then, refer back to each month
    as it approaches for a deeper preview of what’s on the horizon
    and the tarot card to work with that month.

While this guide is far from a comprehensive overview of all of
2022’s transits (Llewellyn’s has a great astrological planner for
folks looking for 100% of the astrology for 2022), I hope you find
it helpful for making the most of what is sure to be a powerful, if
challenging, year for us all.




KEYWORDS: relationship pressure-test; ghosts from Christmases past; reviewing what you
really want; leaving exes in the rearview; ISO higher emotional planes and your spiritual community



With Venus retrograde until January 29th, prepare for close relationships to undergo a
necessary if challenging stress test and money matters to see delays (it’s been retrograde
since December 19th, so this may already be well underway). Add that the goddess of
love is sharing a sign with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, until mid-February, and the
beginning of 2022 might well dig up relationship ghosts you thought you’d buried—or
trigger heartaches you felt had healed. Often one to unveil ugly truths you’d rather not see,
Pluto might just as well pull back the curtain on an unhealthy relationship power dynamic
as bring a needed reminder to leave an ex in the rearview. Also, an excellent period for an
honest check-in on your relationship with the most important love of your life—yourself.
And with Venus and Pluto both in boundary-queen Capricorn, this stretch may also
highlight boundary work you’ve been needing to do in your close relationships (and who
among us doesn’t have some boundary work to do in our relationships?).
•   Get ready for the first Mercury retrograde of the year to wreak its havoc from
    January 14-February 3 (note: we’ll be feeling its effects from January 10-February
    9). Expect communication breakdowns, texts and emails lost in cyberspace, and
    misunderstandings aplenty. Not the time to start new projects or sign contracts if
    you can avoid it—instead, heed the winged messenger’s call to work productively
    with this transit by slowing down and taking the time to review and digest the
    events of the past three months and especially your communications.

•   The morning of January 27 is an extra-fabulous time to start new projects or undertakings at work,
    making an excellent first impression… an all-around good window if you’re looking to start a new
    venture with an extra boost of Jupiterian luck.

The Knight of Cups suggests this is a time for reassessing priorities, loyalties, and commitments—for
the purpose of eliminating *shoulds* so you can move towards that which has vitality and meaning. So
heed the Knight’s wisdom and lean into this Venus retrograde by slowing down with her and reviewing
the past year and a half when it comes to 1) your close relationships, romantic and otherwise, and 2) your
relationship to money and how you make it (and the relationships in that realm). A particularly good time
to explore how power shows up when it comes to relationships and money issues, with breakthrough
potential (even if what you uncover as you turn over Pluto’s couch cushions isn’t pretty). Where have you
given your power away, and to whom or what? (Where have others given theirs to you?)

KEYWORDS: wintry wind cooling the
social realm; investigations and revelations;
hot V-day hookups; power struggles for the
U.S.; shedding old beliefs; honoring changing
perceptions of yourself and others



Venus may no longer be retrograde, but
she sure isn’t happy still stuck sharing
a sign with Pluto until March—blowing
an unwelcome wintry wind on all things
relationships and the social realm for
the duration of the month (pandemic
note: this could mean restrictions on
socializing). Mercury clears its post-
retrograde shadow on February 9th,
bringing an end to the retrograde hijinx,
and stations direct next to Pluto—keep
a journal handy for “aha” moments
or breakthroughs, especially about
relationships, money, and how you
make it (this transit may also signal
new information coming to light for the
collective, such as from an ongoing

Then, just in time for Valentine’s Day on February 14th, Venus conjoins fiery Mars, which
can up the sexual charge for folks looking for a hot V-Day hookup—but be warned: this
transit is more likely to bring short-term fun than a lasting connection. Also an energizing
transit for artists and others in the Venusian trades.
•   Savor February 18 as a particularly lovely day and a welcome respite amidst an
    otherwise rough month when the Sun joins Jupiter in Pisces.
•   February 20th marks the beginning of the Pluto return for the United States’
    chart (aka when Pluto returns to where it was at the birth of the U.S. on July 4,
    1776). A transit the nation is likely to be feeling well past just this year, 2022 will
    almost certainly be a time of transformation for the U.S.—for good, or… not so
    good. More specifically, with Pluto returning to the U.S.’s 2nd house of money and
    finances, this astrology might portend a spike in poverty, a financial crash, a reckoning for democracy, a
    totalitarian takeover, or the downfall of the U.S. as a world superpower, depending on which astrologer
    you ask. But hey, at least 2022 won’t be boring!

How to work with it:
Heed the reminder of the Knight of Wands and focus on your own spiritual growth and inner development,
even as the outer world burns (note: if things have cooled down on the social front—for pandemic or other
reasons—lean into some quality solitude; this is a great time for inner work). This Knight symbolizes the
Vision Quester who has attained a vision and mobilizes all energy to bring it into being. Follow the Knight
of Wands’s lead by shedding old beliefs and honoring the changing perceptions you have of yourself and
others. Tap into shifts in perception that are manifesting now, and even difficult situations may be moved in
a constructive direction.
    PLANETS ACTIVATED: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune

KEYWORDS: Scylla and Charybdis; stop-sign for
socializing; flashback to the beginning of the pandemic; joy in
Pisces; clarity born from inner peace


On March 6th, Venus and Mars move into Aquarius. While Venus
is glad to have left Pluto behind, unfortunately, Venusian exploits
go from deep freeze to stuck-in-the-desert-without-a-canteen
this month, as the goddess of love, relationships, and pleasure
finds herself trapped between fiery Mars and constricting Saturn
(who’s been hanging out in Aquarius since last year). In short,
buckle up for a continued dry spell when it comes to all things
relationships, socializing, etc. (again, this may be pandemic-
related). Better yet: invest your energy elsewhere if you can—and
at least you won’t be disappointed with what the month brings
(or doesn’t). Flashback to 2020: The last time Mars hung out
this closely with the planet of restrictions and limitations was in
March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic officially began. On a
brighter note: as expansive and optimistic Jupiter snuggles up to
dreamy Neptune in Pisces, be on the lookout for glimmers of joy,
success, and possibly just downright loveliness wherever Pisces
falls in your chart—focusing your energies there can offer a break
from where things feel extra challenging this month. And for
the wooier types: it may also open up something of a portal to higher consciousness and spiritual growth.
(Read on for lots more on the first Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in 160+ years, since it’s a BFD…)

•    While Mars and Saturn share a sign starting March 6th—which is likely to be a memorable day since
     Venus and Mars will be exactly conjunct at zero degrees of Aquarius, the very same spot in the
     zodiac that featured the Jupiter/Saturn and Mars/Saturn conjunctions of last year… (Age of Aquarius,
     anyone?)—the Mars-Saturn conjunction gets closest later on in the month, around March 24-25th.

How to work with it:
Heed the wisdom of the Two of Swords and focus on the parts of your life where you can find inner peace
to help offset—or better yet: gain clarity and perspective on—the areas of your life that feel like all struggle
all the time right now. The Two of Swords reminds us that it is an inner peace that creates the conditions
for clarifying the situation and accessing intuition for making decisions. So inspiration and ideas that come
in moments of inner peace this month (and next month, too) are especially worth paying attention to.
    PLANETS ACTIVATED: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Moon, Sun

KEYWORDS: calm amid the storm; loosening of the
collar; momentary restoration of harmony; escapism raised to
an art form; the call of a higher calling; spiritual awakening


With the goddess of love joining buoyant Jupiter and dreamy
Neptune in Pisces, April is easily one of the loveliest and most
stress-free months of 2022, bringing a welcome reprieve from
some of the more challenging astrology of the year—savor it,
friends! A great time for dreaming big dreams, vision-boarding,
enjoying life’s pleasures, and generally escaping from 2022’s (and
2021’s) challenges for a minute, the start of spring brings what
feels like a sigh of relief after a rough winter stretch—and possibly
even a loosening of pandemic constrictions that allows for some
desperately-needed social re-connection. But be mindful that with
blurry Neptune’s influence, things may not be what they seem—as
was the case during Jupiter’s previous jaunt through Pisces in
2021 when it seemed briefly like the pandemic might have been
ending. With expansive Jupiter dialing up the volume on all things
Neptunian, this is also a stretch when mysticism, spirituality,
higher purpose, faith, and all that good stuff is extra potent and on
the rise. Add in the water god’s love of music, and we may see a
veritable musical renaissance as the two giants commingle in Neptune’s beloved home sign. On the darker
side of the Neptunian coin, gullibility, deception, the spread of misinformation, escapism, and religious
extremism may get a boost too. (We’ll likely see many of these Neptunian themes recur when Jupiter
returns to Pisces in the fall.)

•   April 30th kicks off 2022’s eclipse season with a solar eclipse in Taurus. Augmented by Uranus (the
    planet of change, innovation, and upheaval—which has also been hanging out in Taurus), plus Venus
    (who is hanging out with fairy godmother Jupiter in Pisces at the same time as the eclipse): expected
    unexpected pleasant surprises and lovely new beginnings you didn’t see coming. Probably the loveliest
    eclipse of the year, so enjoy this one!

How to work with it:
Channel the energy of the Adjustment/Justice card and remember that when the storms of life throw us
off-kilter, it’s a chance to practice centering. Moments of calm after (or this year, more like in the middle of)
the storm are a reminder to practice consciousness from moment to moment—so we can hold on to (and
appreciate) inner peace and harmony when we find it. Whether you’re already involved in consciousness
work or just ready to start exploring: the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction heralds immense power for leveling
up; the veil between the conscious mind and the vast sea of unconscious riches is thin now. For the eclipse:
get lots of rest, and open your heart to new beginnings.
PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mercury, Moon, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus

  KEYWORDS: just do it; where there’s smoke, there’s fire;
  fresh intellectual clarity that shakes everything up; don’t let
  yourself get buried by flying debris


  As Jupiter heads into fast-paced Aries (followed later in the
  month by Venus and then Mars), things start to speed up, and it
  suddenly feels like go-time. While May’s super-charged energy
  can offer a great window to put your head down and get sh*t
  done, be on the watch for too-hasty decisions and impulsiveness
  from yourself and others. Not the time for starting long-term
  projects (even though we may be feeling lots of can-do energy),
  but a great period for diving in and giving something your all for
  a brief sprint. Leading up to expansive Jupiter’s conjunction with
  fiery Mars on May 29th, expect things to heat up throughout the
  month—metaphorically, but possibly also literally (note: on top
  of interpersonal conflict, Jupiter-Mars alignments are known for
  sparking quick military actions and forest fires). Jupiter-Mars can
  also exacerbate selfishness and pump up fragile egos, so be on
  watch there too.

  •   May 10: Buckle up for the second Mercury retrograde of the year, from May 10 - June 3(note: we’ll be
      feeling its effects until June 10th). (See January for tips on how to survive and work with it).
  •   May 15 brings a lunar eclipse in the deep waters of Scorpio. This time around, expect a much heavier
      eclipse than what we saw in April; thanks to a tough square with Saturn, this one may bring up issues
      around new restrictions or obligations or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you (and/or new insights
      on these themes). And since it’s ruled by Mars (while the god of war is conjunct Neptune in Pisces)—the
      eclipse could bring confusion and maybe even sudden, unexpected bad water events (note to self: get
      that leaky pipe fixed). Add a tie-in with Uranus, and once again, we’d do well to expect the unexpected.
      Pro-tip: Listen to your body and let yourself get lots of rest.

  How to work with it:
  The Princess of Swords reminds us that every conflict sends smoke and ash into the air—but we must not
  allow the dust to cloud our vision. As the Princess uses her sword to clear the dust from the air before her,
  focus on centering practices to sweep away disruptive moods and thoughts that threaten to knock you off
  balance. And as new and unexpected obligations or burdens come your way, now is a great time to ask
  “what needs to go?” as you confront the fact that you can’t hold onto everything getting heaped on your
  plate. Ditto limiting beliefs that you may be gaining conscious awareness of now; how are you standing in
  the way of your own freedom? Sometimes saying no is about saying yes to yourself. The Princess warns:
  don’t let yourself get buried by flying debris.
     PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter

KEYWORDS: hold your horses; information delays;
responsibilities/restrictions/barriers to freedom get real; and all
of a sudden we’re moving again; the objective/realistic heart;
time to tackle control issues


After another stretch of Mercury retrograde, the winged
messenger screeches to a halt at the beginning of the month—
and since it comes to a standstill at nearly at the same degree as
last November’s lunar eclipse in Taurus, this may signal the return
or continuation of the themes you (or the broader collective) were
confronting then. Then, on June 4th, restrictive Saturn stations
retrograde in Aquarius, likely bringing into clearer view whatever
came up around last month’s eclipse vis a vis new responsibilities,
restrictions, or obligations (or whatever it is, internally or
externally, that’s keeping you from feeling FREE). Mercury’s station
square Saturn suggests we may see delays in receiving critical
information (flashback to Election Day 2020 when we saw a
similar transit following a Mercury retrograde)—so, given all the
Jupiter in Aries go-go-go energy we’ll still be feeling this month,
a reminder not to act too hastily (or without the benefit of full
information) when it comes to high-stakes stuff. Come June 13th,
as Mercury heads into fast-paced Gemini—one of the signs it
loves to be in—whatever information delays we saw during or following the retrograde likely finally clear up,
freeing things up to move forward and quickly.

•   Mercury stations direct in Taurus on June 3rd (note: it breaks clear of its post-retrograde shadow by
    June 11), offering a break from the havoc of retrograde.

How to work with it:
As Saturn potentially shines a light on the (externally or internally-imposed) obligations, responsibilities,
restrictions, or barriers standing in the way of whatever Freedom looks like for you (and maybe for all of
us, if it relates to the pandemic…), what is holding you back (internally or externally) from the freedom and
light-flowing movements of the Princess of Cups? This Princess symbolizes the objective, realistic heart—
emotionality that is loving and secure, versus that which is clingy, jealous, possessive, or driven by fear.
Take this opportunity to meditate on unresolved jealousy or control issues where they show up for you. Or
liming beliefs if that’s what resonates more (see May for the start of these themes). The Princess of Cups
teaches that authentic love comes from an accepting and detached place, free from fear of abandonment
or loss.
           PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Sun

KEYWORDS: declarations of war; order vs. disorder;
pressure-tests; three-way power struggles; time to consolidate
after growth; decision point; the moody blues; self-care in the
face of worry


Be prepared for things to heat up big time when fiery Mars
marches into Taurus on July 4th(flashback: the last time Mars
entered Taurus was January 6, 2020, which brought more than
fireworks in the U.S…). Throughout the month, the god of war
takes turns on the dance floor with Saturn and then Uranus, once
again lighting up the Saturn-square-Uranus themes of 2021 and
2022—stress-testing of infrastructure, physical and metaphorical…
rebellion against established forces or order and authority… the
urge for freedom from restrictions, etc., etc. By the time the
Sun enters Leo on July 22, those tensions see another heaping
of fuel thrown on the fire. (Keep in mind these themes may
land personally for you and/or may show up in the collective.)
Warning for folks with depressive tendencies: this may be a heavy,
triggering stretch with Saturn making a problematic aspect to
the Sun for a while. Saturn can be a strict teacher who blocks the
off-ramp to the easy road when there’s a lesson to be learned. And
this month, that lesson is the mastery of self-care in the face of

•   July 12th brings the second exact Pluto return for the U.S.—be on the watch for a continuation of those
    themes (e.g. power struggles, economic challenges, etc.—see February and December for more).
•   On July 28th, Jupiter stations retrograde and starts a slow backstroke into Pisces. So pause, reflect,
    and instead of pushing or expanding further in whatever area of your life Jupiter’s been moving through
    in your chart, take the pedal off the metal and work on ensuring what you’ve built this year is on sound
    footing for the road ahead.

How to work with it:
The Three of Swords often signals that a tension-laden three-sided relationship has reached its breaking
point—this may be true for you individually or for the collective (one wonders where things will be socio-
politically for the U.S. at this point in the year…). The Three of Swords signals situations that call for clear
and swift decisions while sagely warning that attempts to evade decision-making will only worsen the
situation. (Fair warning to all y’all with indecisive Libra vibes…)
                PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mars, Uranus, Saturn

KEYWORDS: sudden explosions; scattered energy;
boundary work; new realizations/perceptions; bringing the rose
of realization into bloom


Prepare for the summer heat to only further dial up the thermostat
on the ongoing war between order and disorder/restrictions and
freedom/established structures vs. forces that want to tear them
down etc., associated with the continued Saturn-Uranus square
that follows Leo season into August. With Mars conjunct Uranus
and the moon’s North Node in Taurus on August 1st, buckle up for
sudden explosions (literal and metaphorical), impulsiveness, and
drama on a mass scale. With Mars giving a boost to the forces
challenging the order, authority, and established structures…
will Saturn be able to tamp things down in the end? (And what
would serve the larger good in the end?) (Again, all of this could
land personally for you and/or may show up in the collective.)
The productive side of Mars’s square to Saturn: this can be a
great time to invest your energy in boundaries work, setting up
structures, and getting organized.

•   Mars heads into Gemini on August 20th for the balance of the year, so prepare for an influx of scattered
    energy that can pull you in a bunch of competing directions—building up to when it stations retrograde
    towards the end of October. (Pro-tips: keep your grounding practices handy, make a list of your top
    goals for when you lose focus and don’t overload your plate where you can help it… trust me, you’ll
    thank yourself later).
•   Just after the beginning of Virgo season, brace for another flare-up of the Saturn-Uranus order vs.
    disorder face-off as Uranus stations retrograde August 24-25th.

How to work with it:
the Six of Swords suggests we may see newly gained realizations at this time. This could come in the form
of scientific advances (dare we hope for something that helps fight the pandemic in a new way?!) or a new
way of understanding things that forces us to break out of outdated models and ways of thinking and/or
helps us break through ruts in relationships to “bring the rose of realization into bloom.” In a period likely to
usher in (or call for) a great deal of change, the Six of Swords wisely advises that we communicate about
necessary changes in ways that others can understand and accept.
        PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

KEYWORDS: scattered energy,
cont’d.; criticism run amok; blurred lines;
non-judgmental justice


Mostly a welcome break from some of the
more dramatic astrology of 2022, September
brings a continuation of Mars in Gemini’s
fast-paced-but-also-scattered energy
(which we’d do well to get used to for pretty
much the rest of the year). Then, starting
September 5th, we get an influx of Virgo’s
highly analytical, critical energy injected into
the realm of love and relationships as Venus
joins the Sun in the sign of the virgin. When
the winged messenger joins the goddess of
love in Virgo later in the month, our thoughts
and communications may take on a more
critical, judgmental hue too—and in a way
that could lead to deluded or blurry thinking
about yourself or others, with Mercury sitting
opposite Jupiter and Neptune.

•   Get ready for the third Mercury retrograde of 2022 from September 9th-October 1st (we’ll be feeling the
    effects until October 5th). (See January for tips on how to survive and make the most of it.)

How to work with it:
Observe your tendencies toward criticism and judgment (of yourself as well as others). While discernment
and critical self-analysis aren’t themselves a bad thing, the wisdom of the Aeon/The World card teaches us
to reach for criticism that is constructive and free of dogma—instead of that which condemns others (or
yourself). Take this opportunity to rise above and gain the perspective of a higher plane like the eye of Horus
depicted in the card—which allows for the observation and acceptance of things and beings as they are,
free from judgment. From the viewpoint of the soul, non-judgmental justice relieves the personality of the
self-appointed job of judge and jury—because the soul knows that nothing escapes the law of karma.
PLANETS ACTIVATED: Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Sun,
                 Moon, Jupiter, Neptune

  KEYWORDS: conflict stemming from confusion;
  established structures face more pressure-tests; battle between
  truth and big lies; power struggles; eclipse fog; energy building


  Mercury finally stations direct October 1st/2nd (remember: we’ll
  be feeling its effects until it clears its post-retrograde shadow
  on October 5th). This might have brought a welcome sigh of
  relief if not for challenging aspects to Mars and Neptune, but
  instead… watch out for conflicts spurred by miscommunication or
  misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Saturn-Uranus tensions continue
  to run high throughout the month, building up to November’s
  lunar eclipse in Taurus—signaling an intensification of the
  ongoing show-down between established structures and the
  forces working to tear them down. Come October 28th, abundant
  Jupiter swims backward into Pisces, once again closely snuggling
  up with dreamy, mystical Neptune and pulling focus back to
  escapism/virtual reality/big lies/mysticism/spirituality/and all the Jupiter-Neptune themes that have been
  playing out this year (and once again opening up a portal to higher consciousness for those so inclined).
  Add in a challenging aspect from Mars in Gemini, and we may well also see conflict over themes to do with
  truth and factual accuracy in the communications/technology realms. Finally, closing out the month, Mars
  stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30th, making the already fast-paced and scattered energy extra
  messy, unpredictable, and chaotic. (Fair warning: Mars will be retrograde in Gemini for the rest of the year,
  bringing something akin to an extended Mercury retrograde since Mars is holing up for the long haul in one
  of Mercury’s signs).

  •   October 8th, Pluto stations direct, grabbing the megaphone once again on the year’s Pluto return
      themes for the U.S. (read: power struggles, financial challenges, etc.)(see February & December for
  •   October 25th brings another solar eclipse in Scorpio’s deep, penetrating waters, which may leave
      you feeling extra foggy thanks to a challenging aspect to blurry Neptune. Listen to your body and let
      yourself get lots of rest around this one, y’all.

  How to work with it:
  The Nine of Cups—which is associated with Jupiter in Pisces—offers a much-needed reminder that, sure,
  things may not be all roses and kittens all the time… but we’d be wise to savor the blessings and moments
  of loveliness where we can find ‘em (always, but especially this month, given the chaos November looks
  likely to bring). A good time to step back, recognize abundance, and learn to appreciate the gifts all around
  us that are so often hidden in plain sight.
PLANETS ACTIVATED: Sun, Moon, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Jupiter,

 KEYWORDS: explosive dynamics; rebellion in the air;
 fireworks finale; discordant notes; shoot-from-the-hip energy;
 escapism on steroids; invitation to higher consciousness;
 stepping into the seat of the soul


 The fireworks October’s astrology was building towards look likely
 to arrive on or around the November 8th eclipse (which, perhaps
 ominously especially for those of us in the U.S., falls on the date
 of America’s midterm elections). Happening right on top of Uranus
 and the North Node of the Moon, and pumped up by a challenging
 aspect from Saturn, this lunar eclipse may bring something of
 a big finale capping off the past two years’ tensions between
 established structures and the forces that want to tear them
 down. We’ll probably have a better sense of what exactly is at
 stake come October, but whatever November 8th brings, one thing
 looks clear at this point: it will have far-reaching consequences.
 The month is likely to be tense and conflict-laden on an
 interpersonal level, too, as a series of planets enter Sagittarius and
 each hit a challenging square with a fiery but unpredictable, shoot-
 from-the-hip Mars retrograde in Gemini, one after the other.

 By contrast, Jupiter and Neptune pull focus again towards late-November/early-December when each
 station direct in turn, putting two big exclamation points on the Jupiter-Neptune themes that have been
 building throughout the year. Will we see big happenings in the realm of virtual reality and tech-fueled
 escapism? The rise of religious extremism? The escalation of a big lie? Or a large-scale spiritual awakening?
 Suppose you’re working to develop your psychic or intuitive capabilities. In that case, this may be an
 especially powerful stretch for making breakthroughs (capping off a year that’s brought a great deal of
 power in that realm).

 How to work with it:
 The Ace of Disks, which signifies initiation or entrance, reinforces that amidst no shortage of challenging
 astrology fraught with struggles over external forms of power, November brings an invitation to a higher
 consciousness—and with it, an opportunity to anchor to the Deep Self within. Those working with spiritual
 practices may find the late-November/early-December stretch an especially potent period—akin to a
 portal—for stepping into higher realms of consciousness, integrating body and soul, and moving beyond
 awareness that is limited to five-sensory perception. The Ace of Disks invites you to step into the seat of
 your soul.
PLANETS ACTIVATED: Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto, Mercury

KEYWORDS: escapism cont’d; last call for the portal to higher
consciousness; winter solstice; letting go of 2022 and intention-setting for the
new year; bursting of bubbles; Pluto hijinx for the U.S.; healing crisis; time to
nourish the inner feminine


Dreamy Neptune follows Jupiter’s lead and stations direct on December 3rd, further
dialing up the emphasis on escapism/virtual reality/mysticism/spirituality (and/
or on the less rosy side, big lies or deceptions) as a tumultuous 2022 draws to a
close, leaving many folks eager for a dose of escape. (FYI for folks on the spiritual
path/doing consciousness work: this could also herald a final opening of a portal to higher consciousness,
as Jupiter and Neptune prepare to part ways for the next 160+ years). When Jupiter returns to Aries on
December 20th, it returns to its *get-it-done* speed from earlier in the year—possibly sending things into
a bit of a frenzy again, with a scattered, fast-paced Mars retrograde in Gemini still in the driver’s seat.
December 21st brings the Winter Solstice, as the Sun enters Capricorn—a great time for letting go of
2022 (which many of us may be beyond-eager to do at this point in a rollercoaster of a year) and setting
intentions for the year ahead. Meanwhile, December 28 brings the third and final exact Pluto return for the
U.S.—just as Mercury again stations retrograde right on top of Pluto in Capricorn. Given that America’s
Great Recession coincided with Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn in 2008, this final-hurrah of Pluto’s 2022
hijinx could bring significant economic pain for the U.S.—and quite possibly a sudden, painful financial
reality check after Jupiter and Neptune’s extended conjunction. (With so many COVID relief measures only
enacted temporarily, will the U.S. finally see levels of previously-avoided economic hardship materialize?)
Whatever seeds have been planted this year, we can expect them to stay on the agenda at least until Pluto
leaves Capricorn in March 2023 (and in some form for the next 250-year Pluto cycle).

•   Come December 23rd, Chiron—the asteroid that symbolizes the wounded healer—grabs the
    megaphone when it stations direct in Aries, bringing the potential for triggering of old wounds and/or
    an opportunity for healing we’ve been needing to do (look to where Aries falls in your chart for clues on
    where in your life this may land).
•   December 29th: Mercury retrograde begins (we’ll be feeling its effects starting the 25th). (See January
    for survival tips.)

How to work with it:
The Empress signals a time to get still, nourish the soul, and embrace and integrate your inner feminine.
This card represents the power of owning one’s own maternal and loving nature within—a reminder that the
capacity to receive love is equally as powerful as the capacity to give. She teaches that when the emotional
depths of the unconscious manifest visibly, they become available for consciousness to use; follow the
emotions to find the unconscious intentions beneath. For folks working with spiritual practices and/or
consciousness work, heed the Empress’s call to embrace our often-deemphasized receptive (yin) powers
because the path to aligning with the soul while here on the material plane is through the heart. And for
folks looking for tips on how to make the most of the moment in a slightly more down-to-earth way: the
Empress also suggests this is a good window for resolving mother conflicts (not just with mom, but with all
important women in one’s life)… and just in time for the winter holidays.
    In the second chapter of my book, Claiming Your Power
   Through Astrology, I introduce the concept of fate and free
  will. This dynamic duo of forces supports us in our evolution
  both here on Earth and in Heaven. It is rooted in the principle
 that sometimes the external world changes the internal world
(fate). And vice versa; sometimes, the inner world changes the
                    external world (free will).

Astrology is meant to begin a cosmic conversation
   that supports us but does not determine us.

   Predictions are intended to expand your heart and mind
  to allow you to gain more from every experience you walk
  through. Remember, astrology has never been an art that
  predicts with 100% certainty because that is not the point
 of this art. Instead, the point is starting a new conversation,
 shifting your mind (and your heart) so that you activate both
      free will and fate by working consciously with both!

  I hope that you have gained new insights within this 2022
forecast! If you would like to learn the art of astrology, please
     email me directly at

                        Much love,
              Emily K lintworth


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