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esSential student

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NSU Sabb Team

                           Hello everyone,                                               This book will be a useful reference throughout the first
                                                                                         few weeks of term with handy campus maps and public
                           Welcome to Northumbria!                                       transport information. It’ll also be useful a few months
                                                                                         down the line when major NSU events are happening,
                           We know all too well that starting uni is a total whirlwind   including Elections, Volunteering Week, society get-
                           of new experiences and you’ve probably already been           togethers and some of the best club nights around. It also
                           given enough information to last a lifetime. So we’ve         has loads of great ideas about how to spend your student
                           put together the NSU Essential Student Guide – a handy        loan!
       2015-16             booklet to keep for the year, which includes all the
                           information about NSU as well as some useful hints and        We hope you have the best year and remember if there’s
       president           tips about Newcastle, to help you make the most of your       anything you need, you can come and see us any time.
       Adam Crawley        time living here.
       Vp education                                                                      Cheers!
       Joe Holt                                                                          Your sabb Team 2015-16
       Vp Activities
       Laura Charlton
       Vp communications
       Tom Bromwich
       Vp Welfare
       Matt Auden


                           A positive impact on the lives of all our students’
                                                                                                                        Essential Student Guide 3
NSU Contents

NSU                                   Here to Help
3 Sabb Welcome                        38 Here to help
5 NSU                                 39 Emergancy Info
6 What is a Student’s Union           41 Health and wellbeing tips
7 You Said We Did                     42 NU:LETS
9 First year survival tips            43 Accommodation advice
                                      44-45 Key dates
                                      46-47 City Campus Map
Speak Up                              48 Coach Lane Map
                                      49 Coach Lane bus timetable
10 Speak up
12-13 Your Sabbaticals
14 Student Council
15 Diversity at Northumbria (Reps)    Living in
16 Elections
17 Representation
18 Course Rep                         50 City Centre Map
19 Blackwells                         52 Metro Map
                                      53 Number 1 Bus Timetable
                                      54-55 Top ten places to visit
Get Involved                          56 Gym Membership & Sports Teams
                                      57 Places to eat
20 -23 Get Involved                   58 Places to shop
24 Fast Friends
26 Things to do at your NSU
28 Campus Essentials - Food & Drink
29 Shops & Services

Be Social
30 Be Social
32-33 Bars & Venues
34 Entertainment & Events
35 Recycling your money

4 Essential Student Guide

Northumbria Students’                   If you have any issues with any part
Union (NSU) is here is here to          of your University experience - from
make sure that your time at             coursework to living arrangements
Northumbria is the best it can          - tell them and they’ll work to make
be – in fact; it’s our mission to       the changes you want to see.
have a positive impact on the
lives of all our students.              Made up of bars, nightclubs,
                                        entertainment venues, coffee
You can find us at City Campus,         shops, workspaces, chill out zones
Coach Lane and London Campus,           and meeting rooms your NSU has
working hard to make sure you’ve        everything you need to make the
got everything you need, whether        most of your time as a student – all
that’s a drink at one of our award      backed up by a highly qualified staff
winning bars or some advice             team who are here to offer support
about your course from our free         in every aspect of student life and
representation service. Maybe you       most importantly to make sure you
want to Get Involved with one of        have a good time.
100+ societies and make a few new
friends. Whatever you’re looking for,   So no matter who you are, how old
chances are you’ll find it at NSU.      you are or where you’re from, make
                                        sure you come along to NSU – it’s
NSU is run by a team of students,       time to make some memories.
known as Sabbatical Officers (Sabbs)
elected by fellow students to
represent you and Speak Up on your
behalf to the University and beyond.

      @NORTHUMBRIASTUDENTSUNION                               @NORTHUMBRIASU    MYNSU
                                                                                        Essential Student Guide 5
NSU What Is A Students’ Union?

What is a                                                                                  a
Students’ Union?
NSU is independent of the University and you automatically become a member
when you become a student. We exist to benefit students and help you get the
most out of your time at University. We do this by representing your views to the
University, campaigning on issues important to you and providing a range of
services to benefit you and enhance your uni experience overall.

Do you like the idea of cheaper food on campus? Opening hours that suit how          M
you learn? Space to study? NSU has pushed for your interests in all these areas.
For example the campus library used to close at 8pm. Because students said this      Y

didn’t suit their needs, the Union fought for the City Campus Library to be open
24 hours a day and, in 2014, for the City Campus East to open until midnight.

Two years ago students were struggling to financially support themselves so
NSU negotiated the University to offer up to £4,000 in bursaries to students

from low income backgrounds.                                                        CMY

We’ve also got students cheaper and healthier food on campus, a bigger library,      K

improved the standard of feedback on your work and so much more. As well as
all this we offer a student friendly place to meet, drink coffee and eat, day and
night, great entertainment all year round, dozens of societies to join and loads
of opportunities to help you get a great job when you graduate.

What we do each year depends on what you tell us, so Speak Up.So what do
you want your Sabbatical Officers to be working on this year?

6 Essential Student Guide
  anonynomous                                     removal of
  mark?ng                                         hiddEn fees

                                                                                                       in bursaries
                       cheaper Looooooonger
      £                food    opening hours
                                                   & city campus east

Every year, NSU strives to improve your University experience. We listen to your suggestions
and work towards making your University a better place for you and future students.
Here are just some of the achievements we’ve accomplished in the past year.
    @mynsu          @NorthumbriaSU           @NorthumbriaStudentsUnion
Stay in
Touch, Stay
Want to get in touch with NSU?
NSU is here for you, if you want to
stay connected, have any questions
or comments, want to sign up to the
latest events or just generally want to
find something out, get in touch!

       @mynsu           NorthumbriaSU

NSU First Year Survival Tips

Your first year at Northumbria is guaranteed                  5. Join a Society – They are a great way to make new        10. Get to know your programme rep. This is an NSU
to be an incredible, fun and emotional ride,                  friends and to broaden your horizons whilst at Uni. We      volunteer who can help you with any problems you
making friends and having experiences that                    have literally hundreds to choose from but if none take     have and get changes made.
will stay with you for life. It’s easy to get carried         your fancy, you can start your own!
away in the excitement of it all, so we’ve pulled                                      INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
together some Top Tips to make this year the                                                                              Kudos for taking this big step out of your comfort zone
best it can be.                                               6. Don’t skip lectures! As tempting as day time TV can      and coming to study in a foreign country.
                                                              be, make sure you drag yourself out of bed and attend       Travelling to and living in a different part of the world
1. Make friends with your flat mates - They’ll probably       your lectures and seminars – Degrees don’t come             can be both enriching and intimidating. And the good
be the first people you really experience Newcastle           cheap these days so time on campus is valuable, make        news is, you are not in this alone. We, at the Students’
with. Make a deal that you won’t leave each other alone       the most of it!                                             Union are here for international students to provide
in town and that you’ll tidy up after yourselves and                                                                      you with any support and information that you may
things should get off to a great start. If you don’t get on   7. Vote! – Make your voice heard by voting in the SU        need during your time here at Northumbria.
don’t panic – just let the advice team at NSU know and        Elections held in March. Make sure the right person         This guide has information about the Students’ Union
we’ll help get you settled.                                   represents you by voting for the manifesto that best        and the north-east, which may be quite different from
                                                              suits your needs. If none sound right, run yourself – you   your home country, we hope it helps you get settled.
2. Stock up on pasta and beans and ditch big name             could be the next leader of NSU!                            Welcome to Northumbria!
grocery brands to make sure you are eating well on
your tight budget.                                            8. Volunteer – We have hundreds of volunteering             HAVE AN AMAZING FRESHERS WEEK
                                                              opportunities to help you exhance your CV and make          AND FIRST YEAR AT NORTHUMBRIA
3. Stay safe on nights out - Newcastle is a great party       you stand out from the crowd – come along to the            UNIVERSITY!
city but make sure you stay safe by sticking together         Societies and Volunteering Fair on the 16th Sept to find
and make sure you get home safe in a licenced cab –           out more – you can sign up on the day and throughout
keep a taxi number handy and never walk home alone            the rest of the year via our website.
at night!
                                                              9. Ask for help – If you have a problem no matter how
4. Always use a condom – It’s important to practice           big or small, on or off campus our trained Advice and
safe sex to protect yourself from STI’s and unwanted          Representation staff are Here to Help and support you
pregnancy – Make sure you pick up plenty of free              all the way.
condoms during our Fresher’s Fairs and throughout the                                                                                               Essential Student Guide 9
year at the Welcome Desk! – find out more on pg 41.                                                                                               
Speak Up

                                                  NSU is a democratic organisation made up of         councillors to account for the promises they

SPEAK UP                                          students in various important and influential
                                                  roles including Sabbatical Officers, councillors
                                                  and department and equality reps, as well as
                                                                                                      make and to officers and representatives, who
                                                                                                      can listen to your feedback and make positive
                                                                                                      change in the University with our ‘You Said, NSU
Part of our mission to have a positive impact     hundreds of volunteers.                             Did’ campaigns.
on your lives is to speak up on your behalf
to the University, local community and on a       You can make your voice as a Northumbria
national level. We listen to what students want   student heard in Elections where you can vote
and need to ensure you get the best education     for the students who’ll represent you, at student
and all round experience possible whilst at       Council where you can hold your officers and

10 Essential Student Guide
                                     SPEAK UP

                                             KNOW YOUR REPS!
                                     VISIT WWW.MYNSU.CO.UK /SPEAKUP

Know your reps_A5 landscape.indd 1                                    21/08/2015 09:45
Adam Crawley.pdf   1   23/06/2015   16:13              Joe.pdf   5   23/06/2015   16:15

Speak Up SABB Team                                                                                                                          Hi guys,
                                                                                                                                            I’m Joe and I am your Vice President Education. My role is to help
                                                                                                                                            you with any academic issues and/or concerns, as well as any
                                                                                                                                            feedback you have. I am your voice on University committees and I
                                          C                                                    C
                                                                                                                                            build relationships with university staff, working to ensure you are
                                          M                                                    M
                                                                                                                                            heard on all the topics that concern your experience. Additionally,
                                                                                                                                            I run all the education related campaigns and projects on campus,
                                          Y                                                    Y

                                         CM                                                   CM

                                         MY                                                   MY                                            and provide support to our Advice and Representation service.
                                         CY                                                   CY

                                         CMY                                                  CMY
                                                                                                                                            I’m also the lead mentor for all academic reps such as Programme,
                                                                                                                                            Department and Postgraduate Reps. I run their training as well as
                                          K                                                    K

                                                                                                                                            providing support and guidance so they can represent you and
                                               ADAM CRAWLEY
                                               ADAM CRAWLEY                                               JOE HOLT                          your views to the university, and make the changes you want to see.

      2015-16                                        SU PRESIDENT                                          VP EDUCATION                     Essentially my role is just to make sure you get the best education
                                                                                                                                            from Northumbria that you can – it’s why you’re here after all!”
Hi, I’m Adam Crawley and I’m the President of NSU. I am the figurehead
                                                                                                    EMAIL: TEL: 0191 227 3703
and spokesperson of your Students’ Union and represent you to the
                                                                                                    TWITTER: @NSUEducation
University and the wider community. My job is to make you feel part
of the NSU community and to ensure that you get the best experience                                                                                                                    Laura.pdf   2   23/06/2015   16:14

possible at Northumbria!                                                                            Hi everyone,
                                                                                                    I’m Laura, your Vice President Activities – arguably the most fun
As President, I coordinate the Sabb Team made up of myself and the four                             Sabb role! I am here to make sure that there are lots of new and
Vice-Presidents. I represent Northumbria students at a University, local,                           exciting activities for you to take part in throughout the year, as
and national level, with the help of such bodies as the National Union                              well as plenty of opportunities to help you develop important skills
of Students (NUS), and I’m the principal contact for these groups. I sit on

                                                                                                    to enhance your employability.                                             M

many University committees including the Board of Governors, putting                                                                                                           Y

forward your views as students and ensuring your voice is heard.                                    I am the lead officer for Freshers’ Week, so along with our               CM

                                                                                                    amazing volunteers, I go all out to ensure that you are given a

Most importantly, I’m here for you, the students. Whether you’re an

                                                                                                    warm welcome and settle into uni life as quickly and stress free          CMY

undergrad, postgrad, mature student, international or domestic student;                             as possible! I also work with our incredible RAG (Raise and Give)

if you want to come and talk to me about something you like or dislike,                             committee and organise fun, money raising activities for various
or if you’ve got an idea, drop by any time.                                                         charities, selected by students. Additionally I oversee all the other           LAURA CHARLTON
My door is always open!                                                                             activities that the union provides, such as our societies, volunteer                 VP ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                    projects, Fast Friends trips and so much more!
TEL:        0191 227 3708                                                                           It’s my role to ensure that you can have fun whilst you’re here and hopefully make you more
TWITTER:    @NSUPres                                                                                employable in the process.

                                                                                                    Have a great year at Northumbria, and hopefully see you soon!

                                                                                                    EMAIL: TEL: 0191 227 3711
                                                                                                    TWITTER: @NSUActivities1
12 Essential Student Guide
Tom.pdf   3   23/06/2015   16:14                                                                            Matt.pdf   4   23/06/2015   16:16

                                              Hey everyone,                                                                                                Hello everyone,
                                              I’m Tom, your Vice-President Communications. I’m over                                                        I’m Matt, and I’m your Vice President Welfare.
                                              at NSU making sure you have the chance to get involved
                                              in our awesome media opportunities whether that’s                                                            I am here all year making sure that all students
                                              creating content for NSU/Media, which could be anything                                                      at Northumbria have an amazing experience
                                                                                                                                                           regardless of age, race, sex, lifestyle, and that
 C                                                                                                           C

                                              from writing an article in our magazine to producing           M


                                              programmes for our student-led TV and Radio Stations.          Y
                                                                                                                                                           any issues affecting you outside of the lecture
CM                                                                                                          CM

                                                                                                                                                           theatre don’t stop you from being happy and
                                              I also look after the Students’ Union website                                                                succeeding in your studies.
MY                                                                                                          MY

CY                                                                                                          CY

                                     which has just been redesigned and            CMY


                                              looks amazing!
                                                                                                                                                           I lead on housing, health, crime & safety,
                                                                                                                                                           equality & diversity, finance and any issues you
                                              I also take care of your very own Student Council, ensuring                                                  might face in the local community affecting
       TOM BROMWICH                           NSU remains democratic and I make sure you really do                   MATT AUDEN                            your wellbeing.
        VP COMMUNICATIONS                     have a say on the way things work over here. If any of                       VP WELFARE
                                              these opportunites are up your street come and Get                                                I’m always here for anything you need, whether
                                              Involved! Just give me a shout on the email below and                                             it’s objective advice or just someone to talk to.
                                              you could be part of the NSU/Media team before you                  Please come and find me at NSU, no appointment necessary, or contact me via
                                              know it.                                                            the details below.

      The other Sabbs and I always want to hear from you so feel free to pop in and have a chat                   University should be the best time of your life; my job is to make sure that your
      at NSU anytime. I look forward to hearing from you soon!                                                    wellbeing is looked after outside the classroom.

                                                                                                                  EMAIL: TEL: 0191 243 7683
      EMAIL: TEL: 0191 227 3701                                                      TWITTER: @NSUWelfare1
      TWITTER: @NSUCommsOfficer
Speak Up Student Council

Student Council
Student Council sets the political direction of the Students’ Union      The composiTion of council is:
and holds our elected officers to account. It has 32 members who         •    Chair of Student Council
set the policy of the Union, mandates Officers to undertake activities   •    5 Sabbatical Officers
and campaigns, and hold account the work of the Officers and             •    5 lay student councillors
representatives.                                                         •    7 equality reps

Any student can attend meetings of Student Council. If you feel              For more information visit
strongly about a particular issue and would like to see it debated,
email for details of how to bring
a motion to Council by petition or contacting your representative. If
you’re interested in ethical, environmental or welfare issues, why not
email us for details of how to get involved in those Forums?

14 Essential Student Guide
Speak Up Diversity At Northumbria

diversity at
There are up to sixteen representatives who
speak up for different parts of the student body,
particularly groups whose views are normally
underrepresented or who face specific issues at
University, linked to their identity.

Every Rep sits on Student Council, having a
say in how NSU shapes policy and works with
Sabbatical Officers.

  If you identify with any of any of these
  groups you can contact your rep at any
  time, find out more by visiting http://www.

                                                           Essential Student Guide 15
Speak Up Elections

                                                   Leading the Union as a Sabb is a unique

Elections                                          opportunity to gain experience as a board
                                                   member of a professional organisation with a
                                                   150+ strong staff team, be the voice that the
To make sure NSU is truly student-led              University listens to and inspire students to
we hold elections every year for key               make the most of their time.
leadership positions. These democratic
                                                   Sabbs lead NSU to ensure it makes a positive
elections are your chance to choose the
                                                   impact on all of your lives while you’re
people who will Speak Up and act on                studying at Northumbria. They also deliver
your behalf.                                       campaigns, lobby and work to create a culture
                                                   where you can shape your own university
Each year we hold two elections; the National      experience. What’s more is it’s fun! Sabbs are
Union of Students (NUS) Conference Elections       at the heart of all student activities, events
and the Students’ Union Election in March.         and campaigns meaning they get very little
                                                   sleep during term time but their memories are
The NUS Conference election takes place in         priceless.
November when students elect delegates to
attend the NUS Conference who will speak on        There are five Sabb positions you could
your behalf at a national level. We will also be   stand for:
electing any unfilled Equality rep positions.      •   President
                                                   •   Vice-President Education
March is when NSU elections take place.            •   Vice-President Activities
This is your chance to elect our Lay Student       •   Vice-President Communications
Councillors, Equality Reps, as well as the paid    •   Vice-President Welfare
Sabb Team positions.
                                                   Any student can run for election to become
What is a Sabb?                                    one of the five Sabbatical officers. As an officer
Sabbatical Officers, or ‘Sabbs’ are students who   you take a year out from studies either during
take a year out - either between studying or       or at the end of your course, being paid to
once they’re due to graduate - to lead NSU as      work full time leading the Students’ Union,
trustees, student councillors and as the main      driving campaigns and working to improve
student representatives to University’s senior     the student experience at Northumbria.
management.                                        This is an excellent opportunity not only to         If you’re interested in getting involved and
                                                   make a difference to the way the University          championing the rights of your peers, you should
                                                   is run but also to enhance your CV and your          consider standing for election. To find out more
                                                   future employment opportunities.                     contact su.democracy@
16 Essential Student Guide
Speak Up Representation

If there is an issue you feel strongly about we are
here to help you make a change. Any student can
propose a motion to push for a change within the
University, NSU or any part of student life.

Speak to a Sabbatical Officer, a Lay Councillor
or put a motion direct to Student Council. If the
proposal is accepted it then becomes Union policy
that it must be acted upon.

Not sure where to turn? If you’re worried about
something, be that finances, sexual health or
problems getting your deposit back, we’re here to
help. Each of our Sabbatical Officers specialises in
different elements of student life and we have a
network of contacts we can seek advice from. We
don’t want you to suffer in silence so please get in
touch no matter how large or small the problem
and anything you tell us is held in the strictest

  For more info on what the Union can do for you

                                                       Essential Student Guide 17
S T U D E N TS NEED        YOU!
      YOUR F E L L O W                                         Want to make a difference
                                                               on your programme?

         pro g r a m m e                                       We’re looking for dedicated and determined
                                                               individuals who want to speak up and
                                                               improve Northumbria University.

                                                               Becoming a Programme Rep can be hugely
                                                               rewarding. It’s a chance to stand and speak up
 Y                                                             for students and make real changes to your
                                                               time here at Northumbria.

                                                               You will develop leadership skills, gain
CY                                                             experiences that look great on your CV, and
                                                               be given a platform to make a difference.


                                                               Interested? Contact your Programme Leader or find
                                                               out more by emailing

          @mynsu   NorthumbriaSU
                      th       U   @NorthumbriaStudentsUnion
                                          m ri      ntsU
                                                     tsU io                EDUCATION

Blackwell’s University Bookshop
                                                                   University of Northumbria
                                                                   Students’ Union
                                                                   2 Sandyford Road
                                                                   Newcastle upon Tyne
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                                                                      0191 227 3400

                  Reserve Online, Collect Instore                     @BlackwellsNorth
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         Open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (8am-6pm during September/October)

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    2458_northumbriaconnect-studentguide-210x148.indd 1                                       18/09/2013 17:02
University is a great time to try new
                                               things, meet new people and have some
                                               fun; at NSU we combine all of these
                                               things with opportunities to make your
                                               CV outstanding.

                                               Want to ‘do your bit’? Volunteer with
                                               one of many Union projects, such as
                                               IT Classes for the elderly or story time
                                               reading sessions for children.

                                               Make change with Raise and Give
                                               (RAG) where students do pretty much
                                               whatever it takes to help local charities -
                                               a passion for fancy dress is key.

                                               Why not expand your hobbies and
                                               interests by joining or leading a Society
                                               – there’s over 100 already and we’d love
                                               to see more!


Get involved essential guide pages_A5.indd 2                                        19/08/2015 13:41   Get invo
Students are entertained by some weird and wonderful
                  things. Fancy throwing yourself out of a plane?
                  Watching all the Harry Potter films in one sitting in
                  fancy dress? Or playing a few video games in the bar
                  with your mates? We have more than a 100 societies
                  at NSU that you can Get Involved in, from Snow Sports
                  to LGBT*, Maths to Afro-Caribbean and everything in         Raise and give (RAG) gives you the
                  between, there really is something for everyone. And        opportunity to do your bit for the community whilst
                  if you can’t see a society that suits you, you can set up   having the time of your life and meeting lifelong
                  your own. It’s as easy as that.                             friends.

                  By Getting Involved with NSU Societies you’ll be able       There’s not a lot we won’t do for RAG, from the typical
                  to make loads of new friends, go abroad, learn new          fancy dress fundraising and RAG Raids, to clothes swap
                  skills or perhaps do things you’ve never done before, all   shops, Man Vs Food challenges, sports competitions,
                  while having the time of your life at Northumbria. It’s     awesome parties and socials all to help raise money for
                  all about making memories after all. Why are you still      charities selected by the committee at the beginning of
                  sitting here thinking about it? Join a society now!         the academic year.

                                                                              There is also a dedicated RAG Week starting 13th
                                                                              November when we organise a jam-packed
                                                                              week of fun fundraising activity and socials.

15 13:41   Get involved essential guide pages_A5.indd 3                                                                                 19/08/2015 13:41
NSU/Community is the Union’s community volunteering
                 programme, which focuses on making a positive impact on the
                 people and places in and around Newcastle. There are loads of worthy
                 projects that you can Get Involved with, see the list below, and if there
                 isn’t something you fancy you can set up your own project too, we’re
                 very flexible like that.
                 Got a question?

                 Give us an email

                 Volunteering is a great way to do something positive with your
                 time, whilst giving back to the community and if you love to ‘do
                 your bit’ then you’re in luck, as the volunteering opportunities are
                 in abundance here at NSU. Whether you fancy helping thousands of
                 freshers to move into halls each September; raising money for local
                 charities, helping the older generation use modern technology with
                 our IT classes or taking up independent volunteering opportunities to
                 achieve your Duke of Edinburgh award, NSU/Volunteer is for you.

Get involved essential guide pages_A5.indd 4                                                 19/08/2015 13:42   Get invo
                                                                NSU/Media is the Students’ Union’s student media channel and
                                                                it’s the only official voice of Northumbria students. There are
                                                                three outlets; NSU/Life (our lifestyle and trend magazine); radio
                  Duke of                                       station, NSU/Radio and TV station, NSU/TV that you can Get
                                                                Involved with. So whether you fancy yourself as a budding writer,
                  Edinburgh                                     film-maker, radio presenter or photographer; make sure you Get
                                                                Involved with NSU/Media.

                  Northumbria Students’ Union is proud to       NSU/Life -The magazine is written by students for students and
                  run The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, an         has an estimated monthly readership of 20,000 students .
                  internationally recognised scheme which
                  gives give young people recognition for       NSU/Radio - Our radio station launched in 2014 and has been a
                  activities they take part in in their spare   runaway success.
                  time. The scheme is open to anyone under
                  the age of 25 and NSU are offering students   NSU/TV - Last year alone the channel gained nearly 30,000
                  the opportunity to complete their award       Youtube hits.
                  at both Bronze (minimum of 6 months to
                  complete) and Gold (18 months).

15 13:42   Get involved essential guide pages_A5.indd 5                                                                             19/08/2015 13:42
Discover more
Get out and see the UK with Fast Friends trips
to cities, towns and events.
Fast Friends is a great opportunity for you and your friends to explore,                                              EXPERIENCE TH   E UK 2013
shop till you drop and meet new friends from all over the planet! For                                                 experience the UK 2014
a bargain price we’ll take you to the city of your choice, and the day is
yours to do as you want and explore.

We’ll take you to places such as:
• Edinburgh
• York
• Leeds
• Alnwick
• Ghost tour of Newcastle
Fast Friends is run jointly by the Students’ Union and Student Services
open to all Northumbria Students’ and has pick up points at both City
Campus and Coach Lane.

Fast Friends Buddies
Fast Friends Buddies provides social support to any current student
needing help making the most of their university experience.
If you are a new student you may use the service to settle in
more easily, or if you are an existing student you may just
need some support in getting out, making new friends and
enjoying your time here more.                                    How to book:
                                                                 Buy your Fast Friends
Perhaps you’d like to be a buddy? Contact su.activities@         tickets from the Welcome for more info about volunteering.              Desk in City Campus
                                                                 Students’ Union or at

                                                                                            Trips & socials for all
                                                                                            northumbria students


    Untitled-1 1   24/08/2015 13:45
Get Involved Things To Do At Your NSU

There is so much to Get Involved with at Your Students’ Union so we have
compiled a list to make sure you get the most out of your first few weeks!
The Union can open up so many volunteering opportunities to students that can
massively improve your experience whilst at university and your employability after
graduation. Whether your passion lies in media, representation or societies, it’s easy to get
involved and is a great way to meet people outside of your course or halls.

       Visit our Website at                            Like our facebook page at                       

       Get to know your Course                         Join a Society
       and Faculty Rep
                                                       Pick up the Latest Copy of NSU/
       Get Involved in our many                        LIFE! Free to a good home.
       volunteering opportunities
       through NSU/Volunteer                           Get an NUS Extra card and save
                                                       loads of cash when you hit the
       Enjoy big screen Sports and                     shops
       order a pizza in Habita.
                                                       Say hello to your Sabbatical team
       Vote in the Students’ Union                     in the Students’ Union.
                                                       Subscribe to NSU/TV at
       Raise Money for Charity and Join      

      @NORTHUMBRIASTUDENTSUNION                         @NORTHUMBRIASU                   MYNSU

26 Essential Student Guide
Get Involved Food & Drink

Food & Drink                                                           Shops & Services
Feeling peckish? Habita - our stylish ground floor cafe bar serves
food from our extensive menu daily from 8.30am. Take a seat
and relax with our free WI-Fi facility while our friendly staff look
after you.
                                                                       Blackwell’s work in conjunction with your course leaders to ensure they
Plus, we are a licenced Starbucks vendor so pop in any time of         are stocked with all the books you need to accompany your studies. If you
the day to enjoy your favourite beverage right here on campus.         can’t find what you’re looking for our friendly staff will be able to order it
If it’s something stronger you fancy, we are also fully licenced so    for you or locate in our sister branch at Newcastle University. We also buy
you can swing by after lectures and enjoy a cold bevvie or two!        and sell second hand textbooks. Find us located near the main entrance of
                                                                       the Students’ Union.

Daytime Menu available from:                                           Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 9.00pm*
Sat - Sun 12.00pm - 9.00pm*
* We are open until late to serve alcohol
The Deli
If you’re hurrying between lectures and need to grab something
on-the-go, pop into our Deli Sandwich shop located adjacent to         The only official and approved student letting agency of Northumbria                  H
the Welcome Desk and choose from a variety of filled baguettes         University. We act in the interest of the tenant, finding quality housing by          P
and sandwiches - freshly made while you wait.                          reputable landlords. We have listened to you and have provided a lettings
                                                                       service which doesn’t charge any fees and offers quality accommodation                C
Open Mon – Fri 10.30am – 3pm                                           and reputable landlords. What’s more, it’s based right on campus on the               C
                                                                       ground floor at NSU.
                                                                       Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm                                                                   M
28 Essential Student Guide                                                                                                                                   w                                                                                                                                              e

                                                                                                                                                        Coach L
NSU/Coach Lane offers students a Get    Involved
                                                                                                     Shop,       Shops & Services
                                                                                                             Café/Bar    and
                                                                access to all our services and activities via the NSU
                                                                Welcome Desk conveniently located in Coach Lane west.
                                                                Come and see us to purchase your NUS discount card
                                                                or buy NUFC match tickets. Perhaps you’d like to join
                                                                one of our Societies? There are six NSU Societies based
                                                                specifically at Coach Lane: Social work; Nursing; Mental
                                                                Health Nursing; Physio; Occupational Therapy and
                                                                Yoga. With a further 100 City based societies to choose
                                                                from, we believe we have something for everyone and
                                                                of not, we’ll support you to set up your own society or
                                                                volunteering project.

                                                                NSU at every campus gives you the chance to Get
                                                                Involved and make the most of your Student Experience;
                                                                from Representation to Befriending, Volunteering to
                                                                Academic Advice. If you want to know more, get in

      NSU/Coach Lane
      Home to our Healthcare, Social Work,
      Physiotherapy and Education students;
      Coach Lane is a unique, professional
      Campus with a community feel.
      NSU understands Coach Lane life and the demands on
      its students. Now with a dedicated Student Engagement
      Manager permanently based at Coach Lane, we are             0191 215 6872
      working hard to provide tailored activities and bespoke Essential Student Guide 29
      events when, where and how suits you best.                                                      

Coach Lane_Essential student guide_A5.indd 1                                                                              26/08/2015 13:51
Be Social

Life at University is all about meeting new people, trying new      Our award winning bars and venues have everything you need to
things and making some memories. Here at NSU we know how            get that much deserved R&R -from everyday good value on food
important it is to blow off steam after a busy day/week/month at    and drinks to quality entertainment; including performances from
uni, so we do everything we can to make sure that you can play as   up and coming acts, to your home team football games being
hard as you work.                                                   shown on our big screens.

30 Essential Student Guide
Be Social Bars & Venues

                               Our stylish and
                               relaxed cocktail bar
                               has won awards
                               for a reason. With
                               great value on
                               drinks every day,
table service, a delicious menu of lite- bites,
sharing plates and main meals and our very
own ‘Push the Button’ bar game which gives you
the opportunity to win your drinks every day
between 5-7pm.

If alcohol’s not your thing, we proudly serve
Starbucks coffee with the cheapest prices in
town. Habita is also home to firm favourites
including big screen sport, Karaoke, ‘Coffee House
Sessions’- a laid back acoustic performance from
the country’s up and coming musicians that takes      Reds
place every Thursday afternoon and of course the      Reds bar is unlike any other bar in Newcastle. A venue
Big Fat Quiz of the Week with huge prizes on offer    with personality, Reds can welcome as many as 900
all term for those of you with impressive general     students at a time.
                                                      The bar has played host to some epic gigs and its theme
OPENING TIMES:                                        club nights have developed quite the reputation;
Mon-Fri: 8.30am until late                            typically you’ll find cheesy music, candy floss, rodeo
Sat-Sun: 12noon until late                            bulls and some off the best fancy dress around - plus
                                                      during the day you can grab a quiet Starbucks!

32 Essential Student Guide                            Reds is open all day and you can bring your own lunch.
Be Social Bars & Venues

Domain                                           Stage 2                                     Escape
Domain is NSU’s biggest venue – so big in        Stage 2 is a firm favourite with students   Aptly named, Escape is a great place to get
fact we can easily fit inflatable bungy runs     who love to perform. A purpose built        away from it all. With giant bean bags (great
and bouncy castles in there during the           performance space, the room is used for     for a nap between lectures!), sofas and
biggest parties throughout the year.             student assessments and shows. Thanks to    computers around the room you can come
It’s also a great venue for the bigger gigs we   the high-tech AV and lighting equipment     and chill out, check your emails, eat lunch
host with big names guests including Ed          in the room we’ve also welcomed several     and maybe catch up on some work. Feel
Sheeran, Ella Eyre and London Grammar. It’s      production companies to broadcast           free to bring your own lunch, too as we’ve
ideal for the occasions when we celebrate        live programmes such as the BBC’s Big       now got a microwave in there.
how fantastic our students are, such as our      Questions and Question Time, direct from
Annual Awards show.                              NSU.
                                                                                                                     Essential Student Guide 33
Be Social Entertainment & Events

& Events
Events at NSU are never done in half                   liVe music
measures, we put all of our resources                  If live gigs are your thing then we won’t
into making sure there’s something for                 disappoint. We have hosted some of the biggest
all students to enjoy throughout the year              live acts in the UK in recent years, from
from showing sporting fixtures to whole                Ed Sheeran to London Grammar. Be sure
building take over parties.                            to check out the website for our up-to-date
                                                       programme for the coming months.
We have a huge programme of free entertainment
including Karaoke and our infamous quiz, to some       GREAT DRINKS PRICES
amazing one off club nights and live music you will    ALL DAY EVERY DAY
never be bored at Northumbria Students’ Union.         Look out for our great officers which we update
                                                       on a regular basis. We make sure you always get
Keep an eye out for our termly Ents Wall Planners so   great value for money at YOUR Students’ Union
you know exactly what we’ve got planned to keep        and don’t forget all the money we make is
you busy all year round!                               reinvested to improve the services we offer you!

34 Essential Student Guide
Be Social Recycling your Money

Recycling your Money
Unlike our high street competitors, all
the money we make in the bars is put
back into NSU to make sure that your
student experience is as good as it can be,
whether that is extra funding for societies,
providing equipment for NSU/TV or better
entertainment and events.

We listened to you and discovered you
would like to see a modern stylish new
building and facilities. That’s why we’ve
recently invested £7 million into our State
of The Art Student’s Union building with
top of the range equipment throughout.
This is just one example of how we recycle
our profits into making things even better
for YOU.

Without YOU the Students’ Union
will not be able to provide all the
exciting activities, events and student
representation as you are the most
essential ingredient to our success. Just
think whilst all the bars and shops in town
make loads of money out of you, we are
consistently looking at ways to make
your student experience a great one by
Recycling your Money!

                                                   Essential Student Guide 35
The money you spend is put                       
 back into representation,
  services, activities and
  entertainment for you.
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5 16:28
Here To Help

Life at university can be a bit of a whirlwind and
sometimes you may be finding your studies
difficult or feel that complications in your
personal life impact on your education. Whatever
challenges you might be facing – on or off campus
- NSU’s highly trained, experienced and friendly
staff is here to help.

Student Welfare is at the heart of everything we
do, NSU exists to make sure you’re well looked
after whilst you study, whether that’s helping you
look after your finances, finding a quality place to
live or just keeping you safe in the city.

   Find out more about our investment in Student
   welfare at

38 Essential Student Guide
Here To Help Emergency Information

Emergency Information
If you are completely new to the city one of the         Molineux Street NHS Centre
first things you need to do is make sure you             Byker Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1SG
are signed up with a local doctor’s surgery and          Tel: 0191 2755862
dentist. Although you may be busy having fun
and your health is not at the forefront of your          Sexual health Walk In Centre
mind you should not neglect your bodies!                 Any concerns or queries about your Sexual Health
                                                         – Drop in or make an appointment:
The Freshers’ fair is a great start if you are looking   New Croft Centre
for a recommended doctors or dentist but if              New Croft House, Market Street East
you happened to miss out, the university do              Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6ND
a great publication ‘Keeping Healthy, Keeping            Tel: 0191 229 2999
Safe’ – Available for download from the Student
Support section of the university website www.           Out Of Hours . This has all the info you may        If you are concerned about something but it’s not
need on health and wellbeing including a list of         an emergency you can contact:
doctors and dentists by area and info on how you         Northern Doctors 0300 123 4343
may qualify for free dentistry.                          NHS Direct
                                                         or call 0845 46 47
If you have an emergency or have an                      Accident and Emergency
embarrassing problem that you don’t want                 Call 999 or go direct to Newcastle RVI
to discuss with your GP there are a number of            A&E Department:
services within the city also listed in this guide. A    Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road,
couple to note would be:                                 Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP
                                                         Dentist Emergency Out of Hours
Walk In Centre                                           If you are experiencing severe pain and cannot
If out of hours or you can’t wait for an                 wait for an appointment
appointment this walk in centre is open 8am –            Tel: 0845 608 0324
8pm including bank holidays.

                                                                                                                     Essential Student Guide 39
NSU runs campaigns and initiatives to keep you safe whilst       HOW TO GET YOUR TAXI:
at University. Did you know that students are three times        •   Call Budget Taxis on 0191 298 5050
more likely to be a victim of crime than other residents of      •   State you would like a taxi on account under ‘NSU’ or
Newcastle? Our emergency Taxi Scheme is juts one way we              ‘Northumbria Students’ union’
work with the local community to eep you safe while you study.   •   Give your students card to the driver in lieu of payment
                                                                 •   Keep your receipt
We work in partnership with friendly team Budget Taxis to get    •   Collect your card from the Students’ Union Welcome Desk
you home safely in an emergency if you have run out of money.        and pay your bill.’
Here To Help Health And Wellbeing Tips

health and wellbeing tips
Register with a Doctor – Don’t leave it until you        Sexual Health – Alcohol can lower your           Sometime love hurts, but if that pain is physical
fall unwell to sign up! Make sure you make an            inhibitions, and when you have been              you’ll need to get it checked out. Prevention
informed choice on who you register with based           drinking it’s easy to feel overly confident.     of course is better than a cure, so we offer
on their services. Follow this link for a full list of   An STI/STD (Sexually Transmitted Infection/      free advice and contraception at NSU. It’s
GPs in Newcastle                             Disease) or an unwanted pregnancy could          completely confidential and professional,
                                                         be the worst hangover you’ve ever had! If        delivered by our partners at Chlamydia and
Eat healthily - A lack of routine; excessive             you could be sexually active, be prepared        Gonorrhoea screening. The friendly team
partying & drinking; a heavy workload; cooking           and carry a condom with you. Remember the        offer sexual health and contraception advice,
for yourself; and being in charge of your own food       contraceptive pill does not protect you from     chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing and they
intake for the first time; can all affect your eating    STI/STDs and they can be caught just as easily   provide ‘c-cards’ – handy little cards that you
habits as a student. You might also experience the       through oral sex!                                can use to pick up FREE condoms at the NSU
phenomenon of the Fresher’s 14 - students reckon                                                          Welcome Desk throughout the week – don’t
they put on 14 pounds in weight when they start                                                           be shy about it, we promise nobody will crack
Uni. Planning your meals, avoiding eating out too                                                         any jokes – we’re just here to help you be as
much and reducing your alcohol intake can all                                                             responsible as possible.
help you to stay healthy.

Mental Health – If you are worried at any time
that you may be suffering from mental health
problems, whether it is depression, anxiety
or exam stress, it is important that you speak
to someone about it. The University’s Student
Support & Wellbeing Service can help you. You can
find out more on their website -

                                                                                                                                                Essential Student Guide 41
n         No Tenant Fees
                                                                             n         Student Friendly
                                                                             n         Competitive Rates
                                                                             n         Campus Based
                                                                             n         Quality Accommodation
                                                                             n         Reputable Landlords
                                                                             n         Knowledgeable Staff
              We act in the interest of the tenant,
              finding quality housing by reputable

              we guarantee                                                   Opening Hours
                                                                             Monday to Friday
              NO AGENCY FEES                                                 9am - 5pm
                                                                             *Subject to change                                     The ONLY official and approved student letting agency of Northumbria
                                                                     Here To Help Accommodation Advice

Moving away from home to start university can be a daunting
experience and thankfully most students are eased into this new
style of living by spending a year in halls – providing you with a
buffer between life at home and this new lease of independence
in a thriving and exciting city. Then second year comes along
and in most cases it’s time to find a new place to live.

For some people this process is a piece of cake,
they know who they want to live with and where,
and they sign contracts for a new house safe in the
knowledge their landlord is a good guy and there’ll
definitely be no arguments about whose turn it is to
do the washing up or who’s making too much noise
after a night out in town – however for the majority
of students the process of finding a place to live
while at university can be a bit of a minefield. Which
areas are student friendly? Does this landlord have
the right credentials? Will I get on with my course
mates when we’re living together?

There’s a lot to consider and NSU is here to help
student renters, whether you’ve done it all before
or not! We want to make finding a student house or
flat a great experience to help you make sure your
time at university is the best it can be – that means
being happy in and out of the classroom. We’re so
passionate about comfortable, quality and safe
housing for Northumbria students that we set up our
very own letting agency, NU:LETS.                                            Essential Student Guide 43                                                         
Here To Help Key Dates

Key University Dates                                        Key STUDENTS' UNION DATES
International Student Enrolment      Inductions             NSU Freshers Week Starts
10/09/2015                           11/01/2016             11/09/2015
NSU Freshers Week Starts             Term Two Ends          Nightline Opens
11/09/2015                           18/03/2016             12/09/2015
Home student enrolment starts        Term Three Starts      Returners Week Starts
12/09/2015                           11/04/2016             21/09/2015
Semester One / Term one Starts       Assessment Weeks       Deadline for Societies Grants
14/08/2015                           03/05/2016             02/10/2015
Central Welcome Event                Semester Two Ends      Programme Rep Election Week
14/09/2015                           20/05/2016             05/10/2015
Xmas Congregations                   Term Three Ends        Societies Grants Deadline
07/12/2015                           03/06/2016             05/10/2015
Term One Ends                        Results Published      Student Council
11/12/2015                           24/06/2016             15/10/2015
Assessment Weeks                     Summer Congregations   Student Engagement Forum
04/01/2016                           07/07/2016             20/10/2015
Semester Two Starts (New Students)                          NUS Zone Conferences
11/01/2016                                                  25/10/2015

44 Essential Student Guide
Open Nominations for NUS Conference         Societies Grants Deadline
28/10/2015                                  25/01/2016
RAG Poppy Collection                        NSU Community Week
06/11/2015                                  08/02/2016
RAG Week                                    Student Council
13/11/2015                                  15/02/2016
Close of Nominations for NUS Conference     SLTA Close
13/11/2015                                  26/02/2016
NUS Conference Elections                    Candidate Question Time
23/11/2015                                  28/02/2016
Student Council                             Sabbatical Elections
27/11/2015                                  29/02/2016
Xmas Volunteering Week                      Results Night
30/11/2015                                  04/03/2016
Open Nominations for Sabbatical Elections   Deadline to submit to NUS Conference
30/11/2015                                  04/03/2016
Student Engagement Forum                    Student Council
02/12/2015                                  21/03/2016
Societies Xmas Ball                         NUS Conference
03/12/2015                                  19/04/2016
SLTAs Open
Refreshers Week
Northumbria’s Got Talent

                                                                                   Essential Student Guide 45
City Campus Map
City Campus Map (Key)                                                                               Here To Help Campus Map

1    21 & 22 Ellison Place    16 Lovaine Halls & Flats           28 Squires Building              Reception/Information Centre
2    Campus Services          17 The Newcastle Business 		       29 Squires Workshops
3    Burt Hall                   School & School of Law 		       30 Student Support & 		          Parking
4    Camden Court                Building                           Wellbeing Centre
5    Clapham House            18 Newcastle College               31 Students’ Union               Cycle Parking
6    Claude Gibb Hall         19 Newcastle Unitarian Church 		   32 Sutherland Building
                                 (Durant Hall)                   33 Sutherland House (Security)   Bus Stop (Free Bus)
7    Drill Hall
                              20 Nixon Hall                      34 Trinity Building
8    Ellison Building
                              21 Northumberland Building         35 University Gallery            Public Bus
9    Ellison Terrace
                              22 Pandon Building                    & Baring Wing
10   Former Sports Facility                                                                       Pedestrianised/buses only
                              23 Rutherford Hall                 36 Victoria Hall
11   Glenamara House
                              24 St James’ Church                37 Wynne-Jones Centre
12   Hadrian Centre
                              25 The School of Design 		         38 MEA House
13   Health Centre               Building
14   Library                  26 Sport Central
15   Lipman Building          27 Squires Annexe

                                                                                                   Essential Student Guide 47
Northumbria Students’
Union - ‘Habita’                                                                                     
Coach Lane Map

                 1    A Block                    14   H Block
                 2    B Block                    15   Hadrian Hall
                 3    Berwick Hall               16   Kielder Hall
                 4    C Block                    17   Library (F Block)
                 5    CETL Hub                   18   Lindisframe Hall
                 6    Cheviot Hall               19   Main Reception
                 7    Clinical Skills Centre     20   Manor House
                 8    D Block                    21   Mitford Hall
                 9    Dunelm Hall                22   Monkchester Hall
                 10   E Block                    23   Rothbury Hall
                 11   Elsdon Hall                25   Sports Pitches
                 12   Finchale Hall              26   Student Services
                 13   G BLock                    27   Students’ Union

                            Reception/                Bus Stop (Free Bus)
                            Information Centre
                            Parking                   Public Bus

                            Cycle Parking             Pedestrianised/buses
City Centre Map




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Aruba beauty_A5.indd 1                                                                                                                         06/08/2015 11:10
Living in Newcastle Metro Map

Metro Map
                                                                                                                    Northumberland                   West
       Airport   Bank Foot     Fawdon   Regent Centre       Longbenton                       Benton                      Park                      Monkseaton

            Callerton    Kingston   Wansbeck                                Four Lane Ends               Palmersville                Shiremoor                    Monkseaton
                                                        South Gosforth
            Parkway        Park       Road                                                                                                                                               Whitley Bay
                                                          Ilford Road
                                                                West Jesmond                                                                                             Cullercoats         The coast
                                                                    Haymarket                         Chillingham                                                  Meadow                Tynemouth
                                        Newcastle City Centre
                                                                     Monument                            Road            Wallsend            Howdon                 Well
                                                 St James
                                                                                  Manors     Byker            Walkergate        Hadrian Road           Percy Main           North Shields
                                                  Central Station                                                                                  River Tyne

                                                                             Gateshead            Felling               Pelaw          Jarrow       Simonside          Chichester

                                                                                                                                Hebburn         Bede         Tyne Dock          South
                                                                                     Gateshead               Heworth
                                                                                      Stadium                                               Brockley Whins
                           Main Bus Interchange
                                                                                                                                 Fellgate                  East Boldon Seaburn
                           Rail Interchange
                           Ferry                                                                                                                                                         Stadium
                                                                                                                                                                                         of Light
                           Park and Ride                                                                                                                                   St Peter’s
                                                                                                                                                              River Wear
                                                                                                                                                             Sunderland City Centre
                                                                                                                                                 Pallion            University

                                                                                                                                    South Hylton           Millfield          Park Lane

The Metro links NewcastleGateshead with the rest of               Newcastle International Airport also has its own Metro               Tickets are purchased via ticket machines at the Metro
Tyne and Wear and has been rated as one of the UK’s               station and the journey time from Newcastle City                     station, so have some change ready. If you’re planning
most efficient rapid transport systems.                           Centre to the Airport is around 20 minutes. The Metro is             on making a few journeys, look out for a Metro Day
                                                                  great if you want to explore the coastal areas of North              Saver which gives all day unlimited Metro travel.
There are Metro stations in the heart of Newcastle                and South Tyneside.
city centre (Monument and Haymarket), at Newcastle
Central Station and Gateshead town centre (Gateshead
Quays is just a 10 minute walk or short shuttle bus
journey from Gateshead station).                                  For further information on both Metro and bus services,
                                                                  call Traveline on 0870 608 2 608 or visit
52 Essential Student Guide
Here To Help Number 1 Bus





MY        NO.1
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CMY   to Coach Lane Campus –
       just show your student
 K        card to the driver

                                Essential Student Guide 53
Living In Newcastle Top 10 Places To Visit

TOP 10
TO VISIT                                     1. Quayside / Millennium
                                             Bridge: An amazing but short
                                             walk. There’s even a little market
                                                                                   2. The Baltic: On the Gateshead
                                                                                   side of the Tyne – take a stroll
                                                                                   across the Millenium Bridge to this
                                                                                                                         3. Hadrian’s Wall: Pull on your
                                                                                                                         walking boots and venture up to
                                                                                                                         Northumberland and witness the
Want a break? Need to get                    on Sundays and loads of great         fabulous centre for contemporary      wonder that is Hadrian’s Wall. It’s
away from it all? In Newcastle               photo ops which are Facebook          arts. Free entry and a great view     a perfect place for a picnic on a
there is no limit to the amount              gold!                                 from the top.                         sunny day and a massive part of
                                                                                                                         North East heritage – it’s definitely
of things to do and places to                                                                                            worth the trip!

There is so much to see and
do in Newcastle and the
surrounding area, so make
sure you make the most of
your time here by following
our guide to the top 10
cultural places to visit.
                                             4. The Angel of the North:            5. St James’ Park: Home to            6. Jesmond Dene: A haven in the
                                             The iconic statue is a now a symbol   Newcastle United, this city centre    heart of Newcastle, this leafy dene
                                             of the region and one not to be       stadium holds an impressive           is perfect for stroll on a Sunday
                                             missed. Jump on the bus from the      52,000 fans and is one of the         afternoon. Be sure to pass by ‘Pets
                                             Monument and take your camera!        biggest stadiums in Europe. One       Corner’ to see the animals and
                                                                                   for the football fans amongst you!    grab an ice cream.

54 Essential Student Guide
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