Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT

Page created by Roberta Wong
Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Student Handbook 2021/22
Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Your Student Resource Centre

    A Warm AIT Welcome to all our
    New and Returning Students
    The AIT Student Handbook will soon be replaced
    by our new TUS:MM Student Handbook following
    our assignment date on October 1st 2021. In the
    meantime, please take the time to familiarise yourself
    with the details contained herein as a guide for your
    first month of term.

    Attending college can be some of the best years of your life however it is not always
    smooth sailing. AIT is renowned for the care and attention given to our students especially
    in helping them navigate through difficult times and challenges. Did you know that in a
    national survey of students in Ireland our students said they were the most satisfied out of
    all students who completed the survey? We’re not surprised as we pride ourselves on our
    friendly and professional staff.

    You will find most of the Student Resource Centre supports on the corridor running
    parallel to the canteen and coffee dock. Supports are offered on a no (or low) cost basis
    to students and include careers, financial support, mature student support, disability
    and learning support, tutor support, health and counselling. You will learn about these
    supports throughout your time here and we look forward to getting to know you and
    help you in any way we can. If you are not sure who to talk to, drop into any of our
    offices and we will point you in the right direction.

    Check us out on the main AIT website in the Life@AIT section.
    Like us on @AITStudentResourceCentre and follow us on Facebook for notices, events
    and activities related to making the most out of your time in college.

    Sarah La Cumbre
    Student Resource Centre Manager

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Your Community
As a student here, you will learn that we share our space and our college with a
wonderfully diverse community who look out for each other and treat each other with
Dignity and Respect. You will have the opportunity to stretch your mind, grow as a person
and get to know people from all walks of life, race, ethnicity, age, ability, language,
nationality, gender, religion and sexual orientation.

We celebrate and are proud of our diverse culture at AIT, it brings innovation, strength
and collaboration. We are committed to dispelling negative stereotypes, building trust and
understanding all perspectives. Contributions from all groups are encouraged; people are
empowered to achieve their full potential; and differences are celebrated.

How can you support cultural diversity and grow as a person while you are in AIT?
•  Increase your level of understanding about other cultures by interacting with people
   outside of your own culture.
•  Avoid imposing values on others that may conflict with cultures other than your own.
•  When interacting with others who may not be proficient in English, recognize that
   their limitations in English proficiency in no way reflects their level of intellectual ability.
•  Recognize and understand that concepts such as family, gender roles, spirituality, and
   emotional well-being, vary significantly among cultures and influence behaviour.
•  Intervene in an appropriate manner when you observe others engaging in behaviours
   that show cultural insensitivity, bias, prejudice or unequal treatment.
•  Be proactive in listening, accepting, and welcoming people and ideas.

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Your First Year

    AIT has devised a whole range of supports to      HEAR and DARE
    help you get off to a flying start and help you   AIT participate in the HEAR and DARE
    in your transition to third level education.      programmes which offer students additional
                                                      support in accessing and making the most
    New Student Induction                             out of third level.
    New Student Induction is a series of
    workshops and activities which take place         Ready, Steady, Connect
    just before classes commence. Induction           You will be contacted by staff from
    is followed by the Connect & Engage               the Disability/ Access offices to make
    programme which is designed with your             arrangements to meet each one of you. Our
    needs in mind to help get you off to a flying     objective is to help make the transition into
    start in your first few weeks here. During        college as comfortable for you as possible.
    Induction you will meet designated Student        You will be supported throughout your time
    Leaders who are fellow students who know          in college not just in first year. We look
    the ropes and will be available to answer your    forward to meeting you.
    questions through out social media channels.
    Are fellow students in more advanced years
    who know the ropes and will be available
    to answer your questions through our social
    media channels.

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS)
Coming to college for the first time can be    If PASS is available on your course it
both an exciting and a worrying prospect.      will appear on your timetable. First year
There are new people to meet, new friends      students will meet with their PASS Leaders
to make, and the opportunity to study in       during New Student Induction and at their
depth a subject you enjoy. At the same         weekly PASS sessions. Further information
time, you will probably be wondering           can be found at: Email
whether you can keep up with your studies,     your questions to
write assignments to an appropriate
standard, organise your time effectively and
have the confidence to present your ideas in
front of other people.

PASS is designed to help first year students
cope better with all these aspects of life
at third level. It encourages first year
students to support each other and learn
cooperatively under the guidance
of trained PASS Leaders from the second
year of your programme.

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Your Health and Wellbeing
    Your well-being and health is of vital             Counselling Service
    importance and AIT has invested in providing       AIT Student Counselling Service offers
    you with a range of services and supports          a professional psychological counselling
    which we encourage you to utilise. We aim          service which is FREE to registered students.
    to support you in making informed decisions        Counselling is provided by a team of
    about your health and encourage you to             professionally qualified counsellors/
    integrate healthy practices in your daily life.    psychotherapists and a psychologist.
                                                       Confidentiality is guaranteed
    We are very proud to be the first Tobacco
    Free 3rd level campus in Ireland. This             What issues do counsellors deal with?
    has been achieved through the help                 The short answer is everything, really! We
    and cooperation of our entire campus               deal with a wide range of issues including
    community of staff and students. We ask            depression, anxiety/panic attacks, mental
    that you respect this policy by refraining from    health problems, bereavement and loss,
    smoking/vaping on campus.                          interpersonal or relationship problems, family
                                                       difficulties, self-esteem, sexual trauma/
    Student Health Service                             rape /sexual abuse, academic issues, eating
    The Student Health Service provides                disorders and substance misuse. Whatever
    accessible, affordable, high-quality healthcare    your issue, if you are in emotional distress we
    and health education to enhance your               encourage you to seek help.
    learning experience and support your
    academic success and sustained wellness.             Mon- Wed                 9.00am -9.00pm

    Our nurse-led service is available via a walk-in      Thurs-Fri               9.00am - 5.00pm

    or appointment basis Monday - Friday during            For appointments email
    the academic year. Your student contribution         For further information and further resources
    fee provides funding for the service; therefore    please go to
    charges at the student health service are                               supports/

    Nurse Consultation: FREE
    Doctor Consultation: €15

                                                         Athlone Campus
                      Laura Tully,
                                                         New Health Centre Location for:
                      Institute Nurse

                                                         •    Doctor
                                                         •    Nurse
                                                         •    Counselling Services

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Counselling Staff:

                          Treasa Fox,                        Mick McGann,
                          Head of Student Counselling;       Senior Counsellor

                           Helen Carberry,                   Deirdre Hanamy,
                           Counsellor/ Psychotherapist       Counsellor

                                                         MAIN CAMPUS



                                                                          NR            7
Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Healthy Campus                               Sports facilities
    Healthy Campus is a partnership with the     AIT International Arena boasts an array of
    HSE working to support a healthy working,    options for health conscious students,
    learning and living environment for the      beginners and elite athletes alike. Our
    college community. The Healthy Campus        outdoor facilities provide for most sports
    office provides information and support      including an eight-lane IAAF-approved
    on all aspects of health. We also offers a   outdoor athletics track which also features
    number of programmes and workshops           a full-size international dimension soccer
    throughout the year. All events and          pitch in the infield area (floodlit), sand
    workshops are advertised through the         based multi-sport grass training field and
    Healthy Campus Office, Students’ Union,      2km floodlit cross country trail.
    email and Facebook.
                                                 The AIT sports gym has a dedicated team
    The Healthy Campus Co-ordinator is Lisa      of qualified instructors who will provide
    Hanlon. To make an appointment or get        you with excellent guidance, advice and
    advice contact the Healthy Campus office,    comprehensive fitness programmes to
    room D1122 (behind the coffee dock).         match your fitness level, from complete
    Email:                       beginners to elite athletes. Students can
                                                 avail of discounted membership rates or
                                                 can use the facilities on a pay as you go
                                                 basis. A wide array of fitness classes are
                  Healthy Campus                 offered in our state of the art studios.
                  Lisa Hanlon
                  Email:         For more information
                                                 phone: 090 64 71803, check out
                                        or email

                                                 Download the AIT Sport App free of charge
                                                 to see and learn more about our facilities
                                                 and instructors.

                                                 Sports Scholarships
                                                 AIT has operated a sports scholarship
                                                 scheme since 1996 for students who have
                                                 reached, or have the potential to reach, a
                                                 very high standard of performance in your
                                                 chosen sport.
                                                 Sports scholarship recipients must adhere
                                                 to the institute’s sports scholarship
                                                 regulations, a copy of which may be
                                                 obtained from the Sports Department
                                                 located above the Students’ Union.

                                                 For more information contact Gordon
                                                 Brett, Sport & Recreation Manager.
                                                 Phone: 090 64 4256; email

Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
AIT International Grand Prix

         World Class Gym

   Great Outdoor Facilities
Student Handbook 2021/22 - AIT
Your Academic Life
     Registration:                                    Exam tips and tricks:
     It is your responsibility to ensure that you     •   Ensure you read and familiarise yourself
     have completed online registration and               with the Institute’s Exam Regulations.
     that you are fully registered and have paid
     all fees. Failure to do so will result in the    •   You are required to bring your student
     implementation of penalties as per institute         ID to all examinations.
     guidelines. If you are awaiting grant
     confirmation, it is important to present your    •   You are expected to follow the
     documentation at the Student Enquiry Desk.           instructions of the invigilation staff.

     If you have any problems or queries please       •   Check the details on the timetable
     contact the Student Enquiry Desk in the              regularly as they are subject to change.
     main building, email: or         The timetable will be available online 4
     090 64 83044 / 090 64 68004                          weeks before each exam period.

            Opening times: Monday to Friday           •   Non-exam related items are not
      9.00- 10.30   11.00- 13.00   14.00- 16.00           permitted in an exam venue. This
                                                          includes mobile phones, smart watches,
     Student Enquiry Desk Services:                       programmable calculators, notes or
     •   Stamping of official forms (e.g. medical         books of any kind, pencil cases, cans or
         card applications, child benefit forms,          labelled bottles, wallets, bags etc.
     •   Issue letters of registration                •   Log tables, statistics tables and graph
     •   Processing student withdrawal forms              paper will be supplied by the exam
     •   Responding to queries relating to                invigilator, where required.
         admissions, registration and student
         finance                                      •   Always check that you have received
                                                          the correct exam paper.
     Please note:
     •   Your student email account will be used      •   Make sure you have completed the
         for official institute communication.            cover sheet of your answer booklet
         Check your email regularly for                   before returning it to an invigilator.
         important emails regarding your course,
         registration, fees and examinations.
                                                      •   Remember to alert an invigilator if you
     Assessments & Exams:                                 have any queries during the exam, are
     AIT utilises a variety of assessment methods         feeling unwell or have forgotten an
     and you will be advised what methods are             item of stationery.
     used for each module. These may include
     end of term examinations, continuous             •   If you require a special accommodation
     assessment including tests, assignments              for an exam, you must make contact
     and project or essay submission and will             with the Disability and Learning Support
     normally form part of the overall final grade.       Service on the corridor which runs
     Assessment information is available through          parallel to the main canteen.
     your academic department.

Unexpected Absence from an Exam                    Appealing your results
We understand that sometimes a student             There are specific grounds under which
is absent from an examination due to               an appeal can be made. These grounds
unforeseen circumstances. If this happens,         are outlined in Section N of the Standards,
contact your Faculty Office as soon as             Assessment and Awards Policy. Application
possible and provide either a medical              forms for an appeal are available online
certificate or other certification explaining      or from the Exams Office. Please contact
your absence.                                      the relevant faculty member if you wish to
                                                   discuss your specific case.
Applying for a deferral
If you feel that circumstances beyond your         Transcript of Results
control may have had an impact on your             A certified copy of your transcript will be
studies or exams, you may wish to make             available to view via a secure electronic
your Faculty Office aware of this so it can        document system. Each semester your
be considered when the Exam Board is               new transcript will be added to this online
reviewing your grades. These circumstances         portal providing you with an electronic
can include bereavement, illness, personal         record of your results, which you can access
issues, an accident or other exceptional           throughout your time in AIT and in the
events.                                            future.

Service to Students                                You will receive an email to your AIT
Lecturing staff from all faculties are available   student email account once this document
to discuss your results and provide feedback       is available to view. This email will be sent
on your academic progress during the               once your grades have been ratified by
Service to Students period, following the          Academic Council and will contain the steps
release of results. Ordinarily you are required    for accessing your documents.
to contact your lecturer via email to arrange      You can share this document with other
an appointment. Details will be available          academic institutions and employers to verify
through your academic department.                  your academic achievements
                                                   Applying for Repeats
Viewing Examination Scripts                        Registration for repeats takes place following
Examination scripts may be viewed                  the release of Semester 2 results. You will
during the Service to Students period.             receive the instructions by email.
The responsibility for requesting an
opportunity to view an examination script          For further details on examinations please
lies with the student who sat that exam.           visit:
The student should contact the individual          examinations
lecturer to make an appointment. In the
event of a student wishing to view their           If you have any queries the Examinations
script independent of the lecturer, he/she         Office is located in the Registration
should contact the Faculty Office to make          Department or can be contacted by emailing
appropriate arrangements. The student will
be supervised while viewing the script and
will not be permitted to make copies or take
photos of your script. Viewing is limited to
the current semester results only.

Student Card
     The AIT card is the official identification card for students and staff at AIT and is used for
     numerous services on campus e.g. Identification, Photocopying, Printing, Library Facilities,
     Student Health Centre and Access Control.
     Using your smartphone, laptop, tablet or PC you can top-up your AIT card on-line from a
     debit or credit card. Log on to

     You can track and view your transaction history on
     •   If you have lost or had your AIT card stolen, please log on to the AIT card site and block your AIT card. (If your card turns up, it is also possible to
         have your card unblocked at the Card Office).
     •   A replacement can be printed at the Card Office and costs €10.
     •   If you require specified door access control on your card please contact one of the
         administration staff in your faculty.

     For queries regarding AIT student card please email The Card Office is
     located in the Registration Department in the main building. The card office will operate
     Monday 9am-1pm and 2pm-4pm, Tuesday to Thursday 9am-1pm for September and
     October. From November onwards the card office will be operation Monday 9am-1pm
     and 2pm to 4pm, Tuesday 9am to 1pm and Thursday 9am to 1pm

                                    Connect & Discover

                                Name: BRIAN KELLY
                                ID Number: A00007700

                                    aitcard                      Expiry: 31/10/2015

     We care about your personal data
     Athlone Institute of Technology uses your personal data for various purposes. We are
     committed to complying with our obligations under data protection laws. It is important
     that you inform yourself by reading the student privacy policy available at

     If you have any queries, you can email:

Your Finances

     Fees and Grants                                  090 64 68134/8135.
     The student contribution is €3,000. If
     you have been awarded a grant this               Financial Support
     may be paid on your behalf. If you have          The Access Office, located on the corridor
     previous third-level educational history, or     running parallel to the coffee dock and
     circumstances particular to you, you may be      canteen, supports students from socio-
     liable for further tuition costs.                economic and educationally disadvantaged
                                                      groups in coming to third level. This office
     Some courses also attract a course specific      also administers the Student Assistance
     fee; details are available at   Fund (SAF) from which qualifying students
     at-ait/registry/fees.                            may receive a small financial support
                                                      to help them during the semester. This
     Fee Payment Options                              fund is limited and applications are needs
     Option 1 Full Payment                            assessed, priority is given to those students
     €3,000 & Tuition (if applicable) before 30th     in most financial need. Details are available
     October                                          here
     Option 2 Instalments
     First Instalment €1,500 & 50% Tuition (if
     applicable) before 31th October                  Access Officer
     Second Instalment €1,500 & 50% Tuition (if       Jenny Cooper Burke
     applicable) before 20th January                                 Email:
                                                                     Phone: 0906468123
     Penalties will apply for the late payment
     of fees. Please see
     Payment_Information for more details.

     All grant applications should be made
     by the student to which is
     the national grant awarding authority.
     Students are advised to apply early for
     grant support as approval must be in place
     in advance of fee payment deadlines.
     Failure to do so may result in penalties
     being applied.

     If you grant has not been approved before
     30th October or for general queries about
     fees, email or phone

It can be daunting finding suitable accommodation, whether it is for the first time, or for
your return to college.

The Students’ Union works closely with local landlords and have an approved list of
accommodation providers as a first place to start looking.

Do’s and Don’ts
• When handing over money, ensure you always get receipts.

• Read the lease carefully before singing it.

• Be aware that if you sign up for a 1 year lease you are obliged to pay the rent for the full
duration of the lease.

• If you have a fixed term lease, you can’t be asked to vacate unless you are in breach of
your obligations.

For further information regarding your rights and obligations as a tenant check out and your Students’ Union.

Your Welfare
     Often it is personal aspects of coming to       Dolan or Student Resource Manager Sarah
     college that prove challenging for students     La Cumbre. “Don’t Drop Out, Drop In”
     in addition to keeping up with your studies.    Please note: Students remaining in their
     The Student Resource Centre is your go to       course after October 31st are considered
     place for all aspects of welfare and student
                                                     active so if you are thinking of leaving
     supports including counselling, health,
     financial support, mature student support,      please talk to a staff member before that
     disability and learning support and tutor       date. You will need to complete a
     support.                                        de-registration form before that date to
                                                     ensure you don’t incur additional tuition
     You may hit a rough patch along the way,        fees should you embark on a new course of
     and we are here to help. The Student            study in the future. You may also be entitled
     Resource Centre offices are located primarily   to fees reimbursement through the Student
     along the corridor running parallel to the      Enquiry Desk. Students considering leaving
     main canteen, no matter which office you        a programme after 31st October should also
     go into or who you ask for help, we’ll be       complete the Withdraw process to ensure
     sure to get you to the right person             accurate records are maintained and to limit
                                                     any future fee liability.
     Students at Risk of Leaving
     It is essential that you speak to a staff       Mature Students
     member if you are thinking of leaving your      The Access Office provides support and
     course. Often we can help students address      assistance to mature students at pre-entry
     the issues they face and help solve             and post-entry stages. Whether students are
     problems together. If you still feel you need   attending our Access course or mainstream
     to leave, we can assist you in exploring        courses, we are here to help and recognise
     your options. Please talk to your relevant      that mature students have unique and
     Head of Department, Careers Officer Denise      multi-faceted needs.

     Relevant withdraw dates:

      Official Withdrawal Dates    Refund                 Fee Liability

      Up to 31 October             Full Refund of Fee     No Fee Liability

                                   Excess of liability
      01 November –                paid (50% Student      50% Student Contribution Fee
      31 January                   Contribution and       50% Tuition Fee (where applicable)
                                   50% tuition)

      After 31 January             No Refund              Full Fees

Students’ Union (SU):
Your Students’ Union is an organisation run    Deputy President for Postgraduate
by students to cater for students’ needs. We   Students: Shelly Ann Buckingham. This
are elected by you the students each year      role is TU wide across the six campuses
representing your voice and contributing to    with responsibility for representing and
building on your student experience in the     advocating for students Level 9 and over in
college. The overall policy and direction of   the TU structure.
the Students’ Union is decided by students,
at Union General Meetings and at Student       Deputy President for the Midlands
Council meetings. Class Reps are elected       Region (Athlone campus): Niall
annually by each class to represent your       Naughton. This role is central to Athlone
classes’ needs and organise social events      and acts as line manager for the Athlone
for your class to mix and get to know each     campus, working with the officers and
other. Make sure to follow our social media    managing the student issues in the Athlone
to keep updated on what is happening in        campus on behalf of the organisation.
the college.
                                               Vice President for Education – Kevin
Your Students’ Union team consists of 9        Pakenham. This role is central to Athlone
full-time officers and 8 part-time officers    students assisting them with their education
across the TU Students’ Union structure.       queries on campus, SUSI grants, what
The team available for students in Athlone     supports are available to students in relation
consist of:                                    to their education on campus. They also
                                               hold seats on relevant committees and
The President: Áine Daly. This role is TU      boards and work with the educational
wide and elected by students across the        supports on campus.
six campuses. The President is the chief
officer, spokesperson and team lead for the

Vice President for Welfare: Saoirse            committees and working groups in your
     Mulvihill. This role provides support and      TU. The SU is a key point of contact for
     advice in all areas relating to your welfare   any students experiencing difficulties. With
     in the Athlone campus such as mental           your agreement, we can work closely with
     health, sexual health, physical health,        the staff in the Student Resource Centre
     safety and accommodation. They work            and the Counselling Service in supporting
     very closely with the welfare supports on      students through mental health difficulties.
     campus and hold seats on committees            We also administer an Emergency fund
     advocating for your welfare needs.             (together with chaplain Fr Shay Casey
                                                    and Access Officer Jenny Cooper Burke)
     Student Experience officer – Darcy             whereby students can apply for short term
     Lawless. This role’s purpose is to enhance     financial assistance if they are in financial
     your student experience on campus and          difficulty – details are available through the
     will chair a working group to grow your        SU office.
     student experience in your new TU.
                                                    Social Life
     Equality Diversity and inclusion               College life is not all about study and
     Officer: Joseph Burke. This role is to         exams; your social life is an important part
     promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion      of your development. Safety permitted,
     opportunities or students in your new          we organise in person social events for
     TU. They will chair a working group to         you to get to know each other and make
     get students involved and become active        lifelong memories of coming to college.
     citizens.                                      We encourage everyone to get involved in
                                                    clubs and societies in the college; it builds
     International Student Officer -                you so much an individual and gives you
     Massimiliano Zanotto. This role will           many opportunities to make friends with
     advocate on behalf of international            similar interests in different courses. Within
     students and will chair a working group to     the SU there are many different working
     promote international students’ interests      groups to get involved with, such as
     and promote social events for integration.     areas relating to your Student Experience,
     In the Midwest Region we have a Deputy         Welfare and Equality, International Students
     President for the Midwest Region who           and so much more. You can run for
     manages the day-to-day operations              election to become a part of our executive
     for the Limerick campuses, with three          as a student. The Students’ Union is located
     Vice Presidents responsible for Welfare        in the John McCormack building. It’s a
     & Education. The Midwest region also           great space to meet friends, hang out and
     has a student experience, EDI officer,         of course meet your SU! We have chill out
     international student officer and Lifelong     areas, pool tables, we often run lunchtime
     Learning officer. Make sure to follow us on    events and our WIFI is excellent! We, the
     social media for a chance to get to know       team, look forward to meeting you.
     the team.
                                                    ‘MIND YOUR MATES’
     What We Do                                     College can be the best years of your
     We provide support, advice, and                life, including furthering your education,
     information on a wide variety of issues        developing your skills and having fun
     including Education queries, welfare           with new and interesting people. This
     and accommodation. We also represent           experience can also be quite daunting
     students throughout the many different         especially as you start out on your new

journey. Some people find it more difficult   Pastoral care:
to make friends and can find themselves       Led by the chaplain Fr Shay Casey, this
feeling lonely and excluded.                  team is made up of students and staff
As a student in AIT you should remember       who work together to help create an
that you are all in the same boat, and        atmosphere where personal growth
it’s important to make sure everyone          is facilitated. The team deals with
feels included! Your Students’ Union are      emergencies of all kinds and at any hour.
committed to helping and supporting
you and have developed the Mind Your          Contact details: Email; phone
Mates programme as a solution to some of      090 64 68065 or 087 240 2514.
these issues. The programme has been so       Clubs and Societies:
successful they even won a national award!    At the start of each academic year, the
Mind Your Mates has three core areas of       SU and Sports Office run Clubs and Socs
focus, with the main message being that       Day in the Multi Purpose Hall adjacent
people look out for each other:               to the SU. At this event you will have the
                                              opportunity to see what clubs and societies
•   Involve people you may not really         are in AIT, explore an existing or new hobby
    know, the person who always sits          and meet new friends.
    alone in class or lunch and seems
    excluded. Invite them to join your        With over 65 Clubs and Societies, you
    group, sit beside them or maybe ask       have plenty of options and if you find
    them for a tea/coffee. A small gesture    your hobby is not catered for, the Student
    from you can have a hugely beneficial     Resource Centre can provide a small start-
    impact others (though of course           up stipend to anyone who wishes to start
    they may be too shy to tell you that).    up a new society - drop in to the Student
    Imagine how grateful you would feel       Resource Centre admin office just outside
    if you were lonely and unsure how to      the coffee dock on the D corridor or the
    reach out to others.                      Sports Office adjacent to the gym to find
                                              out more.
•   Look out for your friends, if they
    seem down or under seem pressure.         Students are encouraged to post notices on
    Especially in sports teams and around     the Socs Box notice board on the Student
    exam time. Remember, it’s okay to         Resource Centre corridor parallel to the
    ask “are you ok?” On a night out          coffee dock in the main building.
    make sure everyone gets home safely.
    If a friend becomes unwell or out of
    control while you are out, please look
    out for them and do your best to
    ensure they don’t get into bother.

•   Mind your Mates Wristbands are
    available in the SU. These wristbands
    signal that you’re open to having a
    conversation, it doesn’t matter what
    it’s about, you might just want to have
    a bit of banter or offer some friendly

Your Learning Supports
     AIT Library                                     Photocopying and printing:
     The library is a great resource for you         Photocopying/Printing facilities are available
     and should be your first port of call for       at the following locations:
     information and academic assignment             •    Open Access area E1200
     support. AIT’s library is located in the        •    Library L Block
     main building on AIT campus with study          •    Nursing Library J Block
     spaces, computers, printers & photocopiers      •    On the IT Laboratories’ corridor –
     books & other collections for your learning          outside roomsL2386 and L2389
     & leisure during college. The Nursing           •    Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
     Library is located in the main Library with          Building RoomF2688
     dedicated collection area & space. Library      •    E Block
     staff offer support to students onsite at       •    Students’ Union
     the library desk, online via Live Chat, email   •    Design Department
     support and calls to give the best advice for
     the questions students have.                    The Students’ Union also provides
                                                     photocopying, colour printing, laminating
     Online Library Through the library              and binding services.
     website students have
     24/7 access to thousands of full-text &
     searchable academic e-books, articles and       Disability and Learning Support Service:
     scholarly databases. Sign up for library        A range of supports are available to
     training in searching & information clinics &   you through the Disability and Learning
     classes to develop your skills.                 Support Service. We currently support
                                                     students with the following disabilities:
     Opening Hours & Collections                     ADHD, ASD, Sensory Disabilities, DCD,                         Mental health Difficulties, Neurological
     Services     Conditions, Physical Disabilities, Medical
                                                     Conditions, Speech and Language
                                                     Difficulties and Specific Learning Difficulties
     Watch out for library campaigns on
                                                     i.e. dyslexia.
     Instagram, Twitter & Facebook all year.
                                                     If you feel that you will need support as a
     Virtual learning environment:
                                                     student, you should make contact with the
     Moodle is a virtual learning portal where
                                                     Disability Office to arrange a meeting to
     AIT staff upload course materials such as
                                                     chat about the range of supports available.
     notes, web links, details of assignments
                                                     Supports/reasonable accommodations
     etc. Within Moodle, students and staff
                                                     available for students include examination
     can communicate about subjects using
                                                     support, learning support and assistive
     forums and chat. Staff can also create
     surveys, quizzes, questionnaires and blogs
     on Moodle. Moodle can also be used to
     submit assignments. Links to AIT’s Moodle
     can be accessed via the institute website under the Student Learning
     Portal link.

Your tutors are:
                                                              Maths Tutor:
                Bernie Langtry                                Dr Brian Mullarney
                Disability Officer                            email:
                                                              Science Tutor:
                                                              Iain Murray,
                Roisin Kelly,
                Learning Support Tutor

                                                              Business Tutor:
                Elaine Kelly,                                 Brian Kelly,
                Learning Support Tutor                        email:

                                              Academic Writing Centre:
                Aoife Walsh,                  Students often face challenges with
                Assistive Technology Tutor    researching and writing. You may have
                                              always struggled with writing or perhaps
                                              you want to improve your writing skills
Tutors:                                       for the level of writing required at 3rd
You are not alone if you are experiencing     level. During your time in AIT you can avail
difficulties with your coursework or find a   of one-to-one consultations and group
part of it particularly challenging. Rather   academic writing workshops to
than stick your head in the sand, we          help improve your writing skills. The centre
encourage you to reach out for help earlier   is geared towards students of all writing
rather than later. Tutors can assist with a   abilities.
number of elements of your studies and
coursework i.e. study techniques, time        We aim to build students’ confidence
management, tackling an assignment or         and competence in your writing ability
questions about referencing or writing.       and writing skills. We are located
A team of tutors are available free of        just off the main canteen – drop in
charge, all year round, for Maths, Business   to make an appointment or email
and Science, and Academic Writing Skills
Support is available during term time.        We have an extensive writing skills resource
                                              available on Moodle.

                                                              Writing Skills Tutor:
                                                              Emer Connolly,

IT resources                                      Wi-Fi on Campus
     AIT students are provided with a wide variety     WIFI is provided through Wireless Network
     of IT resources. For information on these         Eduroam (education roaming) which is a
     resources students should visit the Student       secure, worldwide roaming access service
     Learning Portal.                                  developed for the international research and
                                                       education community.
     student-learning-portal                           To use this facility you may need to
                                                       download/ install the Eduroam installer for
     This learning portal provided links to the        your particular computer/laptop (depending
     other student IT resources, including Moodle      on its age). Links to various installers can be
     and a Microsoft Office 365 account which          found on the AIT website on the Student
     includes student email, OneDrive (where           Learning Portal page. You must use your AIT
     you should store all your files) and access to    email address to login to Wi-Fi.
     Microsoft Office applications such as Word,
     Excel and PowerPoint. Students are advised        Computer Account & Registration
     never to use USB keys for storing files as they   Account
     can be lost or can stop working.                  In AIT, students have 2 separate logins. Both
                                                       use the same username. Let’s refer to them
     Email                                             as a computer account (described above)
     All registered students are set up with a         and a Registration account. Computer
     student email account. Your email address is      accounts have a password associated with
     in the format of Student ID      them, Registration accounts have a PIN.
     Example:                Your computer account is used to access
     Correspondence from lecturers or other            the following applications: logging on to a
     institute staff will be sent to your              computer in AIT, Office 365 (including email),
     student email account so it is essential that     Moodle, the Library and on Campus Wi-
     you check your account regularly to avoid         Fi. ALL OF THE ABOVE APPLICATIONS USE
     missing important course or exams related         THE SAME PASSWORD i.e. your computer
     information.                                      password.

     Computing Resources:                              It is initially set to your 8 digit date of birth,
     For project and research work, the institute      followed by the initial letter of your first name
     provides a 100-seat open access area              in upper case (i.e. a capital letter), followed
     for students, located in E1200 which is           by the initial letter of your surname in lower
     next door to the Department of Lifelong           case e.g. for a student whose name is Joan
     Learning (opposite the main reception).           Bloggs with a date of birth of 12 May 1999
     The Engineering and Informatics building          the password will be 12051999Jb )– you are
     also has an Open Access area running a full       strongly recommended to change it and to
     suite of applications to assist you in your       include numbers, letters and symbols.
     learning. All registered students are set up
     with a Computer account for logging into          It can be changed on a computer in AIT or
     computers in AIT.                                 online if you have registered for self-service
                                                       password reset (
                                                       If changed, it automatically changes for
                                                       all of the above applications. Students
                                                       with password issues can log a ticket on
                                                       the Student IT Help Form (link on Student

Learning Portal mentioned above).
Your Registration account uses a PIN (not a
password and not related to your computer
password). It is initially set to your 6 digit
date of birth – students are required to
change this on first login when registering.
It can only contain numbers. Use your
Registration account to gain access to the
“Secure Area” to access the following:
Online registration, Payment of fees,
Accessing Exam Results. Login page is:

Your Career and Work Readiness

     Careers Office                                   Placements
     The Careers Office helps students put            Many of our programmes feature work
     their best foot forward and build your           integrated learning or placements. As
     personal brand through how you present           part of AIT’s strategic plan, we aim to have
     yourself in your CV, on application forms, at    placements available on all programmes
     interviews and on social media. This office      within the next few years. You will be
     will also offer advice on your next steps        informed about placements procedures,
     and planning your future both from a job         responsibilities and timings on your course
     or further education standpoint and also         through your lecturers and academic
     will offer support and advice to students        department.
     thinking of leaving their course prematurely
                                                      Garda Vetting
     We provide a vital link to industry with         Some placement opportunities require
     weekly updated job opportunities on the          Garda Vetting – please connect with your
     main AIT website, employer presentations         lecturers to ensure that you engage with
     and an annual Career and Postgraduate            this process as soon as possible so as not to
     Study Expo.                                      delay your placement where appropriate.

     Students are also offered ample opportunity
     to fine tune your job hunting skills with
     career boot camps, workshops, in-class
     presentations, one-to-one career advice
     and further study guidance for students.
     Register with us through Target Connect on
     the Careers Section of the main website or
     through this link
     html to access a wealth of supports or
     arrange an appointment to see the Careers
     Officer Denise Dolan.

     Check out up to date fulltime and part-time
     job vacancies at:

                     Careers Officer:
                     Denise Dolan,

Your International Office

     AIT is committed to fostering an              Improving your English
     international climate for enhanced learning   English language classes are available,
     through new cultural experiences. We          free of charge, in addition to hours for
     are proud of our diverse community and        registered programmes of study. Students
     the richness this brings to the learning      who are experiencing language difficulties
     experience at AIT. The International Office   in your programme of study can meet with
     works to develop links with international     a tutor to provide assistance outside of
     institutions and coordinates host             normal class contact hours.
     programmes for incoming students and
     academic staff.                               The International Society, was set up
                                                   with the aim of integrating international
     Appointments can be arranged with             students into the student community at the
     international office staff by sending an      institute. A number of fun cultural events
     emal: If you are a Non-EU student, please     and trips are held during the academic year
     email If you are an      and are attended by international and Irish
     Erasmus/EU student or would like to discuss   students.
     Erasmus or study abroad opportunities
     for AIT registered students, please email     Clubs and Societies events are subject to
     Annette Buckley:             public health guidelines.

     Virtual orientation and virtual tours of
     AIT campus will be planned for new            Phone 090 64 71818 or email
     international students this September. with any queries.
     Appointments with the Immigration Officer
     in Athlone are organised for all non-EU
     students within two weeks of arrival at the

Your Facilities
There are five locations across the campus       Bus and train timetables are posted on the
where you can refuel, so whether it’s a          Students’ Union notice board in the John
wholesome meal, a fresh made to order            McCormack building. More information
sandwich or Barista made speciality coffee       (including timetables) can be found at
it’s never too far away. The food court in, and
the main building offers the most extensive
variety with over seven hot options every
day to choose from. The cafes in the             The SU also operate a car pool notice board
Engineering building and Nursing building        for those wishing to team up with others
offer less variety but plenty of healthy         commuting to the campus.
options. Each outlet offers great value for      We encourage all students to opt for
money, with all products competitively           healthy options like cycling or walking
priced. Our newest establishment, the            where possible. Bike racks are available in
Grumpy Mule, is located near the library         multiple locations on campus and they’re
offering a range of hot and iced beverages.      FREE. Also you won’t have the hassle of
All coffee served in AIT is 100% Fairtrade.      trying to find a parking space. Local bike
                                                 shops offer a bike rental scheme and
Postal Service                                   discounted bike purchase rates for students
A post box is available for outgoing post        so you won’t have to worry about getting
in the entrance to the Administration area       your bike to Athlone if you live further
B Block. Post is collected from Monday to        away. Further info available at Buckley’s
Friday at 3.15 pm.                               Cycles 090 646 78989.

Lockers                                          Student Travelcard:
Lockers are available in the main building       The Student Travelcard is a secure photo ID
and cost €20 for the year, with €10 refund       that will entitle you to discounted Irish Rail,
on return of you locker key. Call to the         Dublin Bus and Luas tickets. The Student
Students’ Union where they will be happy         Travelcard is also a national discount card
to supply you with a key. Lockers are            entitling the holder to many discounted
limited, apply early.                            goods and services. You may also use
                                                 your Student Travelcard to securely book
Getting Around:                                  a student flight to anywhere in the world
Athlone is superbly located and well             online.
serviced by public transport links Private
and public bus services operate to, from         Application forms for the Student
and within Athlone. Bus Éireann operates         Travelcard and further details are available
a number of services in the region which         online at
include local and national commuter

Bus stops operate just outside the campus
gates. Athlone is easily accessible by rail as
it is on the main Dublin-Galway, Dublin-
Westport and Dublin-Ballina lines and is
serviced by over 20 trains per day (Monday-
Saturday) and by 14 trains on a Sunday.

     Parking permits may be purchased for
     an annual fee of €20 online through the
     APCOA website www.permits.apcoa.                               P
     ie. Go to the ‘Park with us’ tab, click
     on Purchase a Permit and follow the
     instructions from there.

     Parking Permits in AIT are ‘virtual’
     permits. There is no printed permit; the                       P
     vehicle registration number is recorded
     and maintained electronically by the AIT
     Parking Management Services provider.

     Your permit is only valid in the student
     signposted zones. Check out the map
     to familiarise yourself with the student
     parking zones at:
     Parking is usually available on the East       DU
     Campus if you find the main campus is               BLI
     full, bear in mind you will need to give                       D
     yourself a few minutes to walk from
     there to the main campus. Otherwise
     paid parking is available for a flat rate of
     €3 per day in the underground carpark
     beside the International Arena – have
     your change ready as you need to pay on
     the way in.

                                                    P          Student Parking

                                                    P          Staff Parking

                                                    P          GYM Parking

                                                    P          Pay As You Go Par

                                                               Bus Stop



                                                       Y RD

                                              P        EAST
                              D                    P

rking                                                      P

Your Rules & Regulations
     General                                                Office. If you lose your card you must
                                                            obtain a replacement card from the
     1.   Each student will be invited to register          Card Office, for which a fee will be
          online before the commencement                    charged.
          of the academic year and they are
          expected to remain in good financial         6.   Some programmes and/or modules
          standing with the institute. Non-EU               within programmes require that
          students must have a valid visa to enter          students maintain satisfactory
          Ireland at the time of registration.              levels of attendance and academic
          Membership of the college for learners            performance. Please refer to individual
          is contingent on registration.                    faculty course manuals for details.

     2.   The right of a student to continue on        7.   Students are responsible for
          a course of study, to sit examinations,           ascertaining and fulfilling all
          to be issued with results and/or to               requirements for entry to all relevant
          graduate depends upon the payment                 examinations, for ascertaining
          of all fees and/or charges.                       the dates, times and locations of
                                                            examinations, and are subject to the
     3.   A student, in any session, may                    relevant ‘Examination Regulations and
          undertake only the course/subject for             Procedures’.
          which they are registered and in the
          appropriate year.                            8.   The formation and continuation of
                                                            all classes is subject to adequate
     4.   Any institute fees and/or charges                 enrolment and attendance. The
          prescribed for each academic year                 institute reserves the right to
          must be paid in accordance with the               discontinue, divide or combine
          timelines outlined by the Institute               classes, and to vary class times as
          Student Finance Office, and the                   circumstances require. The institute
          institute must be satisfied that                  accepts no liability for consequential
          payment will be made on behalf of                 losses resulting from such changes.
          the student within such a period as
          the institute may allow. If a course at
          the institute is cancelled, a letter is      9.   Postgraduate research students are
          sent to participants and a full refund is         required to comply with these current
          automatically given.                              institute rules and regulations and any
                                                            subsequent regulations as approved
     5.   An institute identity card is provided            e.g. the postgraduate research charter.
          to students on registration and is valid
          for the duration of your programme.          Disciplinary Procedures
          This card may be requested by a              The aim of the Code of Discipline (the
          member of staff, or any other person         Code) is to ensure that a suitable academic
          authorised by the institute where proof      environment is maintained in the institute.
          of identify is required. If the cardholder   All students are required to observe the
          withdraws/deregisters, the institute         Code of Discipline. For full details see
          the card must be returned to the Card

Examination Regulations                         communication to Academic or other AIT
The institute’s examination policies and        staff is not sufficient.
procedures are detailed in the Standards,
Assessment & Awards document (October
2020) which is available to view at             Plagiarism - Academic Integrity Policy        AIT aims to foster and maintain an ethos of
In exceptional circumstances regulations        honesty and academic integrity.
will be developed, as appropriate, where        ‘Plagiarism’ is the practice of taking
there is a requirement to provide alternative   someone else’s work or ideas and passing
terminal assessments                            them off as one’s own. Plagiarism is
                                                an offence and it undermines academic
It is the responsibility of each student        integrity.
to read and familiarise themselves with
the content of these regulations. The           Support regarding the appropriate use
institute reserves the right to modify these    of referencing and academic writing is
regulations and procedures during the           available through your Academic Writing
academic year.                                  Centre and the Library. AIT’s policy
                                                regarding academic integrity is available
Withdrawal from your course                     at
Students who, for various reasons, do           policies-procedures.
not wish to continue your studies for the       A copy of the Plagiarism Policy and a copy
current academic year must withdraw/            of Rules and Regulations are available in
deregister from the institute. Students         the 2 hour loan area in the Library.
contemplating leaving a course should
discuss the matter fully with the relevant      Course Requirements
Head of Department. Confidential support        Students who fail to comply with specific
and advice is offered through the Careers       course requirements e.g. completion of
Officer, Counsellors, and the Student           schedule of practicals, placements, project
Resource Centre Manager.                        work, essays, assignments, minimum
                                                attendance requirements, where applicable
Students withdrawing from the institute         etc. for a course or for a subject shall have
should be aware of the relevant cut-off         examination results withheld from the
dates and are required to:                      Examination Board until such time as the
                                                required work is completed.
• Complete a withdrawal form, which can
be accessed using the following link: http://   Students are advised that it may not be (scroll down to       possible to repeat such requirements
withdrawing from a programme)                   until the next academic year, that they
• Submit the completed student                  will be required to pay fees to re-attend
withdrawal form, together with the              a course of practicals etc. and that where
Student Identity Card, to the Registration      examination results are withheld from a
Department, Athlone Institute of                Board Meeting, it will be counted as an
Technology.                                     attempt and in the consideration of results
                                                for Merit/Distinction/Honours.Some courses
Note: Failure to complete a student             have minimum attendance requirements
withdrawal form may have consequences           and you should consult your faculty manual
for any future state funding i.e. payment       for specific requirements.
of fees, receipt of grants, etc. Note: Verbal

Fitness to Practice                            the processing, you can change your mind
     The Institute is fully committed to helping    and withdraw your consent at any time,
     you flourish and successfully participate      without any negative impact on you. If
     and complete your programme of study.          you choose not to allow the processing
     Some of AIT’s programmes often require         then you will not receive any further
     students to undertake practical training       communication relating to that particular
     that entails working in a professional         purpose.
     environment with patients, other service
     users or environments requiring competent      Necessary Sharing - HEA
     technical skills. AIT has a duty to ensure     The Higher Education Authority is
     the student is fit to practice whilst          responsible for funding higher education
     undertaking an educational programme.          institutions and advising the Minister for
     It is your responsibility to make yourself     Education and Skills on policy formulation
     aware of the Institute Student Fitness         to develop the highest standards in our
     to Practice Policy which is available at       higher education system. This means that      AIT is legally required to share some of
     policiesprocedures                             your personal information with the HEA.
                                                    A copy of the HEA Data Collection Notice
     Data Protection                                is available at
     AIT is a data controller of student personal   gdpr/student-data-journey
     data. We must process personal data in
     compliance with the Data Protection Acts       Equal Opportunities
     1988 to 2018, General Data Protection          Athlone Institute of Technology has a
     Regulation (GDPR)- Regulation (EU)             policy of equality of opportunity, which it
     2016/679, and all relevant data privacy        actively implements. An essential element
     guidelines issued by the EDPB and the DPC.     of this policy is the promotion of a positive
     AIT publish a student privacy notice which     learning environment so that all students
     outlines how we process the personal           are assisted to achieve your full potential.
     data of our past, current and prospective      In all its educational procedures and
     students.                                      arrangements, the Institute ensures that
                                                    equal opportunities are afforded to all.
      This privacy notice is available to view at   Applications are welcome from students     of all nationalities, socio-economic
     privacy-policy-agreement                       backgrounds and marginalised groups. See
     We recommend that you familiarise              our equality policy here:
     yourself with the contents of this   
     privacy notice and contact HYPERLINK           Gender_Identity_Gender_Expression_
     “” for any           APPROVED.pdf
     queries or concerns you may have.
                                                    The institute recognises the problems
     Other Purposes
                                                    caused by personal harassment, bullying,
     Where AIT wish to process your personal
                                                    sexual harassment and racial harassment
     data for a purpose outside that for which
                                                    in the learning environment. The institute
     it was collected, for example to take part
                                                    is committed to a working and learning
     in surveys, we will contact you to request
                                                    environment that is free from harassment
     your consent, and provide you with all
                                                    of any kind. Incidents of harassment are
     the necessary information to make an
                                                    regarded by the institute as being very
     informed choice. If you choose to allow

serious and may lead to disciplinary action    Freedom of Information
being taken against the perpetrator.           Under Irish Freedom of Information
                                               Legislation, every person has the following
For further details, see                       legal rights:        •    The right to access official records held
supports/bullying-harassment                        by public bodies as defined by the Act

Complaints Procedure                           •   The right to have personal information
AIT is wholly committed to excellence in           held on them corrected or updated
education and to providing a supportive,           where such information is incomplete,
fair, and appropriate environment in pursuit       incorrect or misleading
of the highest educational attainment
and holistic development of our students.      •   The right to be given reasons for
Students are advised to bring any                  decisions taken by public bodies that
complaints to a relevant staff member such         affect them.
as your Students’ Union, relevant Head
of Department, Student Resource Centre         Application for information under FOI:
Manager or Registrar. A complaint will         •   All applications must be in writing and
always be taken seriously and while most           should indicate that the information
complaints can be resolved at an informal          is sought under the Freedom of
level, we also have a formal mechanism             Information Act
which may be employed. Further details
are available on                               •   Requests should be as specific as
                                                   possible to enable the relevant              information to be efficiently identified
Student-Complaints-Policy1.pdf                     and retrieved

Sources of Internal Assistance                 •   If information is desired in a particular
Student Resource Centre Manager, phone:            format i.e. photocopy, computer disk,
090 64 68139                                       etc. the requester should also indicate
Institute Chaplain, phone: 090 64 78318            this in their application
Institute Counsellor, phone: 090 64 68064
Registrar, phone: 090 64 68106                 •   The requester may be required to
Head of Department - Faculty of Business &         prove his/her identity, particularly
Hospitality, phone: 090 64 68290                   when requesting personal information
Head of Department - Faculty of                    using an acceptable form of
Engineering & Informatics, phone: 090 64           identification, i.e. passport, driving
68150                                              licence, birth certificate, etc.
Head of Department - Faculty of Science &
Health, phone: 090 64 42587                    The Freedom of Information Officer of
Possible External Sources of Assistance:       the Institute will be happy to assist the
The Equality Authority, LoCall 1890 245        requester in the formulation of their
545, email                    request at all times. If you would like to
The Rape Crisis Centre, phone 1800             exercise one or more of the FOI rights in
778888.                                        relation to information that may be held by
                                               AIT, send a request either in writing or by
                                               email, to:

You can also read