Application for Health Insurance - hc consulting AG

Page created by Raul Webb
Application for
Health Insurance

       Application to take out an insurance policy
       The submission of this application form constitutes a binding application
       for the conclusion of an insurance policy on the basis of the terms and
       conditions and information relating to the policy which you were provided
       with beforehand.
       We can accept your application by sending you a certificate of insurance or
       a formal declaration of acceptance in advance.
       The insurance policy is considered concluded upon receipt.

           Your Service Partner:
Application for health insurance
                                                                                                    with AXA Krankenversicherung AG
                                                                                                    21008983 (01.21)
Please complete in block letters
                                                                            PV    AF                                                                                                        First application
                00                                                          ÖD    GM                                                                                                        Request for
ZN/VD    BD     AB      Agency No.       Org.KZ           Motive              GSG                 ZUW                           Insurance no.                       SV-VK-Nr.               amendment

Foreign key
        Applicant/           Mr.     Surname                                                                 First Name                                                             Title
      Policyholder           Mrs.
                                     Street, house number (permanent place of residence)                     Postcode (permanent place of residence)              Town/City (permanent place of residence)

                         Usual Place of abode (if different from the permanent place of residence) Street, House No.         Postcode                   Town/City

                         Occupation (precise description), line of business                                                                Date of birth (Day/Month/Year)        Nationality

                         Telephone*                                                  Facsimile*                                                        e-Mail*

                         * Voluntary information
                             Private sector                 Manual worker/employee             Civil/public servant (incl. police and fire brigade)                                 Armed forces
                             Public sector                  Housewife        Healthcare professional               Other                 Freelancer                                 Student/school Pupil
                         Mandatory to answer for ActiveMe
                         Mobile phone                                                                                  e-Mail

 Identification for          ID card (German)             Passport (German)            Other (for ID numbers of foreign customers
       our portals
                         Identity card number                                                                          Valid until (day/month/year)

                         Issuing authority

          Digital        The policyholder explicitly agrees to digital communication with the insurer, subject to the registration in customer portals. All statements made by the
   communication         insurer are generally made digitally via AXA‘s customer portals. Excluded from the digital communication, however, are statements by the insurer that have to
                         be made in writing. The customer is not entitled to demand electronic delivery of all documents. We also use your e-mail address to communicate with you.
Previous insurance       Are you/the person to be insured current or previous holders                                                 Policy number
     with AXA/DBV        of health insurance with AXA/DBV/DBV-Winterthur?                              Yes         No

         Insurance       1st Applicant            Male                 Female                                          2nd Applicant            Male                   Female
        applicants       Name                                         Birth name* (if different from name)             Name                                           Birth name* (if different from name)

                         First name/s (all first names)*                                                               First name/s (all first names)*

                         Date of birth (Day/Month/Year)       Place of birth*            Nationality                   Date of birth (Day/Month/Year)       Place of birth*             Nationality

                         * Only required when applying from ActiveMe and GEPV tariff (Pflege Bahr)
                         Professional occupation                                                                       Professional occupation

                         Expected apprenticeship/                       Day/Month/Year                                 Expected apprenticeship/                         Day/Month/Year
                         traineeship end                                                                               traineeship end
                         Expected end of studies                        Day/Month/Year                                 Expected end of studies                          Day/Month/Year

                         Estimated to receive                           Day/Month/Year                                 Estimated to receive                             Day/Month/Year
                         civil service status as of                                                                    civil service status as of
                            Private Sector              Public Sector                                                     Private Sector              Public Sector
                            Manual worker/employee      Civil/public servant (incl. police and fire brigade)              Manual worker/employee      Civil/public servant (incl. police and fire brigade)
                            Armed forces                 Housewife                                                        Armed forces                 Housewife
                            Healthcare professional     Other                                                             Healthcare professional     Other
                            Freelancer                   Student/school pupil                                             Freelancer                   Student/school pupil
                                                  Day/Month/Year                                                                                Day/Month/Year
                         – self-employed since                                                                         – self-employed since

                         – Number of employees subject                                                                 – Number of employees subject
                           to social insurance contributions:                                                            to social insurance contributions:
    Information on       We are legally obliged to report to the financial authorities certain personal data for determining tax deductible health and accident insurance premiums
  data transfer and      (names, contract data, tax identification number, premiums paid and information concerning refunded premiums if applicable). If information on the tax ID is
  the tax identifica-    not provided, AXA health insurance will obtain the necessary data.
        tion number
                         Policyholder                                                     1st Applicant                                                          2nd Applicant
                         Tax ID number (11 figure)                                        Tax ID number (11 figure)                                              Tax ID number (11 figure)

                                                                                      – Seite 1 von 11 –                                                                                       21008983 (01.21)
Applicant/                          Name                                                                     First name

        Information           IBAN                                                                                    BIC
          collection          The applicant is the premium payer and the attached/existing SEPA Direct Debit Mandate for the following bank account should be used.
                              The premium payer is not the applicant and agrees to the direct debit (Please complete the attached SEPA Direct Debit Mandate)
                              Premium payer
                              Name                                                                             First name

                              Monthly (1st of the month)                    Monthly (15th of the month)                          Quarterly                        Half-yearly                     Yearly

        Inception of      Day/Month/Year                                                                            Day/Month/Year

       Which tariffs      1st Applicant                                                                             2nd Applicant
         should be        Tariffs                                     Premium in EUR        Statutory               Tariffs                                     Premium in EUR        Statutory
          covered?                                                                          surcharge                                                                                 surcharge

                          1st Applicant–Total                                                                     2nd Applicant–Total
                          * monthly premium less EUR 5                             0,00                   0,00    * monthly premium less EUR 5                               0,00                 0,00
                            sponsorship (Only applies if                                                            sponsorship (Only applies if
                            the GEPV tariff is applied for)                                                         the GEPV tariff is applied for)
                                                                                       Total premium for all persons: (including statutory surcharge)
For the Vision B tariff   Please observe the supplementary declaration for Public Sector employees (civil servants and workers) and dependants eligible for government allowance
 For ActiveMe-U(A)        In the event of ametropia           EUR 5 surcharge per month (on top)                    In the event of ametropia          EUR 5 surcharge per month (on top)
  policy and the EL                                           Exclusion of benefits for optical aids                                                   Exclusion of benefits for optical aids
policy series, inclu-
ding EL Bonus-U(A)
        Information       Is your GP also internist?                                              yes          no        yes        no
     regarding your       If so, please enter the name and address                                                  If so, please enter the name and address
   GP for EL tariffs,
incl. EL Bonus-U(A)

                          Since when have you                 Month/Year                                            Since when have you                Month/Year
                          been a patient there?                                                                     been a patient there?

                 Re.      Preferred tariff                                                                          Preferred tariff

 For daily sickness       Amount of regular monthly gross income (salaried employee)/                               Amount of regular monthly gross income (salaried employee)/
  allowance tariffs       Pre-tax profit (self-employed) in EUR (average over the past 12                           Pre-tax profit (self-employed) in EUR (average over the past 12
       please state       months, please refer to reverse of application)                                           months, please refer to reverse of application)
                                                                                    Weeks                                                                                     Weeks
                          Right to claim continued                                                                  Right to claim continued
                          payment of salary                                   Yes,                             No   payment of salary                                   Yes,                         No

   Prior insurance            1.) Comprehensive health insurance in the last 12 months                                  1.) Comprehensive health insurance in the last 12 months
      cover (please
state the complete                                  Name of                     Start (day/      End (day/                                    Name of                     Start (day/    End (day/
           history)                                 the insurer                 month/year)      month/year)                                  the insurer                 month/year)    month/year)
                                   GKV                                                                                       GKV
                                   [statutory                                                                                [statutory
                                   health                                                                                    health
                                   insurance]                                                                                insurance]

                                   PKV [private                                                                              PKV [private
                                   health                                                                                    health
                                   insurance]                                                                                insurance]

                                   therapeutic                                                                               therapeutic
                                   care                                                                                      care
                                   No health                                                                                 No health
                                   insurance                                                                                 insurance
                              Who cancelled or intends to cancel the policy?                                            Who cancelled or intends to cancel the policy?
                                Policyholder                           Insurer                                            Policyholder                           Insurer
                              Reason for cancellation:                                                                  Reason for cancellation:

                              Does or has the policyholder had outstanding premiums                                     Does or has the policyholder had outstanding premiums
                              with the previous insurer over the last 12 months?                  yes        no         with the previous insurer over the last 12 months?                yes       no

                                                                                              – Seite 2 von 11 –                                                                         21008983 (01.21)
Applicant/                         Name                                                                           First name

   Prior insurance         2.) Nursing-care insurance                                                                        2.) Nursing-care insurance
     cover (please             If not included in health insurance and for therapeutic care                                      If not included in health insurance and for therapeutic care
           state the       Which companies/care insurance funds have you been insured with so far?                           Which companies/care insurance funds have you been insured with so far?
          complete         With German compulsory long-term care insurance still in place (please                            With German compulsory long-term care insurance still in place (please
            history)       submit proof)                                                                                     submit proof)
                           Name of the insurer                                                                               Name of the insurer

                            From/until (Day/Month/Year)                  By (Day/Month/Year)                                  From/until (Day/Month/Year)               By (Day/Month/Year)

         Insurance         Supplementary insurance                                                                           Supplementary insurance
       still in force      (e.g. out-patient, in-patient, supp. dental cover, supp. LTD)                                     (e.g. out-patient, in-patient, supp. dental cover, supp. LTD)
                            Type of insurance                       Insurer                                                   Type of insurance                       Insurer

                           Daily allowance cover                                                                             Daily allowance cover
                           (e.g. daily hospitalisation allowance (KHT), daily sickness allowance (KT), LTC                   (e.g. daily hospitalisation allowance (KHT), daily sickness allowance (KT), LTC
                           allowance (PT) Course of treatment tariff). Please state the daily allowance rate.                allowance (PT) Course of treatment tariff). Please state the daily allowance rate.
                            Type of insurance             Per diem allowance          Insurer                                 Type of insurance             Per diem allowance          Insurer

  To be answered/       Pension insurance number                                                                        Pension insurance number
     specified only     (Benefit number)                                                                                (Benefit number)
      in the case of
   applications for     Does additional state-sponsored supplementary long-term care insurance                          Does additional state-sponsored supplementary long-term care insurance
    the GEPV tariff     (Pflege-Bahr) exist or has an application for such insurance already been                       (Pflege-Bahr) exist or has an application for such insurance already been
     (Pflege-Bahr)      submitted to a different insurance provider?                     Yes      No                    submitted to a different insurance provider?                     Yes      No
         Questions        1. Additional questions if non-contributory long-term care insurance is applied for a child. Prerequisite for premium discount. See reverse of application.
     regarding the           Total income/income limit and additional information regarding compulsory long-term care insurance.
   compulsory LTC            Total regular monthly income is (see reverse of application)
insurance applied                No regular total monthly income                                            No regular total monthly income
  for (For children/
  adolescent to be              Up to 470 EUR                                                            Over 470 EUR         Up to 470 EUR                                                 Over 470 EUR
 included in cover)
         Questions        2. Additional questions if non-contributory long-term care insurance is applied for the spouse/registered civil partner. Prerequisite for premium
      regarding the          discount. See reverse of application. Total income/income limit and additional information regarding compulsory long-term care insurance.
  compulsory LTC        2.1. At least one spouse/registered civil partner has held continuous compulsory long-term care insurance since 01.01.1995.
insurance applied
for (For co-insured               Yes       No                                                                 Yes        No
           spouses/     2.2. Further information for the premium discount for the spouse/registered civil partner, if the spouse/registered civil partner is not the person named under
     registered civil        1st or 2nd applicant.
                             Name of the spouse/registered partner                                           Name of the spouse/registered partner

                             From/until (DD/MM/YY)         Insured by                                                        From/until (DD/MM/YY)       Insured by

                            (A valid certificate – see reverse of application- of compulsory long-term care insurance/proof of insurance with another provider – must be submitted).
                            Regular total monthly income of the spouse/registered partner (see reverse of application) is
                                No regular total monthly income                                                No regular total monthly income
                                Up to 470 EUR                                                            Over 470 EUR         Up to 470 EUR                                                 Over 470 EUR

      Information       Please answer all questions in full and to the best of your knowledge.
         regarding      Please also quote – for the periods requested – any complaints or illnesses which you may even consider to be insignificant or the significance of which
    state of health     you are not in a position to judge or which have, in the meantime, healed. Please note that you will jeopardise your insurance cover if the information you
                        provide is incorrect or incomplete. Any breach of the pre-contractual duty of disclosure can entitle us, depending on fault, to rescind the policy, cancel the
                        policy or adjust it, which can, under certain circumstances, give rise to the Insurer being released from its obligation to perform also with respect to insured
                        events which have already occurred. We refer to the special notice according to § 19, para. 5, sentence 1 VVG – German Insurance Contract Act (see reverse)
                        contained in this application
                                                                                          1st Applicant     2nd Applicant
                                                                                Height in cm            Weight in kg     Height in cm        Weight in kg

                         1. Do you wear spectacles or contact lenses or are you advised to wear them?
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No
                           Please state the dioptres                                    L                 R              L               R

                         2. Have you been examined, received treatment or consultation?
                            As an outpatient – in the past 3 years?                  Yes                         No            Yes        No
                            As an inpatient – in the past 5 years?
                            (for ActiveMe-U (A), in the past 6 years)?               Yes                         No            Yes        No
                           Due to psychological or psychosomatic disorders – in
                           the past 5 years (for ActiveMe-U (A) in the past 8 years)?                  Yes       No            Yes        No
                           Is an examination or treatment currently
                           recommended or scheduled?                                                   Yes       No            Yes        No

                         3. In the course of the last ten years, have any medicines been prescribed, taken or applied for a period of longer than 6 weeks?
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No
                         4. Are you suffering from illnesses, malfomations, deformities or reductions in capacity of any part of the body or do you have any body implants (not dental
                            implants) – also if you are not currently receiving treatment for any of the above?
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No
                         5. Have you been or are you currently addicted to medicines, alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances?
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No
                         6. Have you, in the last 5 years, suffered or are you currently suffering from any disability, injury/illness as a consequence of military service, any reduction in
                            earning capacity, invalidity, occupational disability or required long-term care?
                            If so, please enclose documentary evidence of medical findings and/or treatment/care plans.
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No
                         7. Are you suffering from an HIV infection or are you awaiting a test result?
                                                                                                       Yes       No            Yes        No

                                                                                            – Seite 3 von 11 –                                                                                21008983 (01.21)
Applicant/                        Name                                                                   First name

   Only for tariffs    8. Do you have teeth missing which have not yet                 Yes             No       Yes            No
     with dental          been finally replaced?                                 How many                    How many
 insurance cover          Please state the number.
    and optional
            tariffs       (Complete closure of a gap, wisdom teeth and milk
                          teeth are not deemed to be missing teeth).
                      8a. Are you currently undergoing dental or orthodontic treatment or consultation or is such treatment recommended or scheduled?
                          (If so, please enclose cost estimate)
                                                                                            Yes        No        Yes           No

                      8b. Do you wear a splint?                                             Yes        No        Yes           No
                          If, so please state the type of splint:        bite splint                                   bite splint
                                                                         Occlusal splint                               Occlusal splint
                                                                         Protusion splint                              Protusion splint
                      8c. Have periodontosis, parodontitis, misaligned teeth or an anomaly of the jaw been diagnosed?
                                                                                         Yes          No         Yes           No

                      Please note: If the answer to at least one of the questions 8, 8a or 8c is „yes“, and a splint is ticked for Question 8b, please note the personal declaration „Dental
                                   Damage“. If one of the Special Agreements contained therein applies to the requested policy and the answer to the question, the Personal Decla-
                                   ration „Dental Damage“ included in this application must be completed, and the consent of the Customer must be obtained.
     Explanation      It is important to describe the details as accurately as possible. Always state the nature and scope of any possible consequences or additional medical
     of questions     treatment requirements! Where there is not enough space, the required details must be specified on a separate sheet of paper to be signed by the
        answered      Applicant and any other person(s) to be insured under the policy and enclosed with the application.
   the Applicant
 in question and      Re.                                                        Treatment          Nature   Unable   Examinations, treatment or consulta-
    the question      Ques-                                                      received             of       to     tions which have been conducted, are Medical implications? Are you awaiting
       number(s)      tion    Precise description of illness (diagnosis), nature from – to        treatment work      recommended or scheduled (please examination results?
                      no.     of complaints, body implants                       (Day/Month/Year) Out-P In-P Yes No   state medicines)                     If so, what type?
    1st Applicant

     2. Applicant

  Information re.     Insured Re. question     Name and exact address of the doctor/dentist
 doctors/dentists     Person no.               or other service provider in the health care system                                                   Specialist field
and other service
  providers in the
      health care


                      Consent to the collection and usage of health data and declaration of release from the duty to maintain confidentiality*
                      The provisions of the German Insurance Contract Act, the EU data protection ordinance, of the Federal Data Protection Act and other data protection regu-
                      lations do not contain any sufficient legal bases for the collection, processing and usage of health data by insurance companies. In order to collect and use
                      your health data for thisapplication and for the policy, we, AXA Krankenversicherung AG, therefore require your declaration(s) of consent regarding data
                      protection. In addition, we require your release from the duty to maintain confidentiality in order to be permitted to obtain health data from entities which
                      must maintain confidentiality, from doctors for example. As a health insurance company we also require your release from the duty to maintain confidenti-
                      ality in order to be permitted to pass your health data or other data protected according to § 203 of the German Penal Code (Strafgesetzbuch), such as, for
                      example, the fact that a policy has been concluded with you, to other entities, for example, assistance companies, IT service providers or to the Association
                      of Private Health Insurers. You are at liberty to decline to submit the declaration of consent/release from duty of confidentiality or to revoke them at any point
                      hereafter with effect for the future. The revocation is to be forwarded to: AXA Krankenversicherung AG, 50592 Cologne, or by fax to +49 (0)221 148 36 202, or
                      by email to We would however like to point out that as a rule the completion or implementation of the insurance contract will not be possible
                      if the health data has not been processed.
                      The declarations concern the handling of your health data and other data protected by § 203 of the German Penal Code
                      – by AXA Krankenversicherung AG itself (under 1),
                      – in connection with enquires made with third parties (under 2),
                      – for communication to entities outside of AXA Krankenversicherung AG (under 3) and
                      – if the policy is not concluded (under 4).
                      The declarations apply to those persons you legally represent such as your children, insofar as these do not realise the consequences of this declaration and are
                      therefore not in a position to submit their own declarations.

                                                                                      – Seite 4 von 11 –                                                                           21008983 (01.21)
1. AXA Krankenversicherung AG – collection, storage and usage of the health data you provide
 I hereby consent to AXA Krankenversicherung AG acquiring, storing and using the data supplied by me in this application insofar as this is required for the
 examination of the application and also for the substantiation, management or termination of this insurance policy.

 I hereby consent to AXA Krankenversicherung AG, insofar as beneficial conditions are granted on the basis of co-operations with statutory health insurance
 providers, associations, organisations, companies or other third parties, for the purpose of examining whether a corresponding membership or affiliation
 with a right to claim beneficial conditions exists, to compare data with the named third parties and I hereby release the insurer in this respect from its duty
 to maintain confidentiality.

1.1. Collection, processing and usage of information you have provided regarding trade union membership
 I consent to the collection, processing and usage of the information I have provided concerning trade union membership insofar as this is required for the
 examination of the application and for the substantiation, management or termination of the policy, in particular for the calculation of my insurance premium.

2. Request for health data from third parties
2.1. Request for health data from third parties for the purpose of risk assessment and for the examination of the obligation to honour a claim.
In order to appraise the risks to be covered it may be necessary to make enquiries with entities which hold your health data. In addition, in order to appraise the
obligation to perform we may have to examine information regarding your state of health upon which you have based your claims or which arise from documents
submitted (e.g. invoices, prescriptions, medical appraisals) or information provided, for example, by a doctor or other member of a medical profession.
Any such examination will only be conducted where required. To render this possible we require your consent, including a release from the duty to maintain
confidentiality, for us and for the respective entities in the event that, within the scope of such enquiries, health data or other information protected pursuant
to § 203 of the German Penal Code has to be communicated.
We will inform you in each individual case regarding the persons or establishments we require information from and for what purpose. You may then decide in
each case whether you
• wish to procure the required documents yourself.
• or consent to the collection and usage of your health data by AXA Krankenversicherung AG, release the named persons or establishments and their employees
  from the duty to maintain confidentiality and consent to the communication of your health data to AXA Krankenversicherung AG.
2.2. Declarations in the event of your death
In order to examine the obligation to perform, it may be necessary to examine health information also after you have passed away. An examination may also
be required if, within ten years of conclusion of the policy, concrete evidence emerges that information provided at the time of submission of the application
was incorrect or incomplete and thereby influenced the risk assessment. For this eventuality also, we shall require a declaration of consent and release from
the duty to maintain confidentiality.
Insofar as we have to collect health data after your death, we shall obtain the declarations of consent and the release from the duty to maintain confidentiality-
from your heirs or – in the case of alternative provisions – from the beneficiaries of the policy.
3. Communication of your health data and other data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code to entities outside of AXA Krankenversicherung AG.
AXA Krankenversicherung AG binds the following entities contractually to observe the regulations governing data protection and data security.
3.1. Communication of data for medical appraisal
It may be necessary to appoint a medical appraiser to examine the risks to be covered and to assess the obligation to honour a claim. We require your consent
and release from the duty to maintain confidentiality if, in this context, your health data and other data protected pursuant to § 203 German Penal Code is
communicated. You shall be informed of any respective communication of data.
 I hereby consent to AXA Krankenversicherung AG communicating my health data to medical appraisers insofar as this is necessary within the scope of the risk
 assessment or an examination of the obligation to perform and that such data is used expediently and the results are communicated back to AXA Kranken-
 versicherung AG. With regard to my health data and other data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code, I hereby release the employees of AXA
 Krankenversicherung AG and the medical appraisers from their duty to maintain confidentiality.

3.2. Transfer of tasks to other entities (companies or persons)
We do not carry out certain tasks ourselves such as, for example, risk assessment, claims processing or operating the customer call centre, which max involve the
collection, processing or usage of your health data; we commission another company of the AXA Group or another entity to carry out this work and provide such
services. If your data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code is communicated in this connection, we require your release from the duty to maintain
confidentiality for our company and for the other entities where required.
We keep a continually updated list of the entities and categories of entities which, according to the agreement, collect, process or use health data on our behalf,
stating the assigned duties. The currently applicable list is attached as an appendix to the declaration of consent. A current list can also be called up via the
Internet under or requested from your service partner named in your policy documents. We require your consent to communicate your health data
and for such data to be used by the entities named in the list.
 I hereby consent to AXA Krankenversicherung AG communicating my health data to the entities named in the list referred to above and to the collection,
 processing and usage of my health data by those entities for the designated purposes and to the same extent as AXA Krankenversicherung AG is permitted
 to do so. Where required, I hereby release the employees of the AXA group of companies and other entities from their duty to maintain confidentiality with
 regard to the communication of health data and other data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code.

3.3. Communication of data to reinsurers
In order to secure the fulfilment of your claims, we may involve reinsurers which assume the risk either partially or in full. In some cases, the reinsurers transfer
risks to other reinsurers, to whom your data is also communicated. It is possible that we may present your application for insurance or claim to the reinsurer to
enable the reinsurer to gain its own impression of the risk or the claim. This is common practice in cases where the sum insured is particularly high or if a risk is
particularly difficult to classify.
In addition, by virtue of its expert knowledge, a reinsurer may be called upon to assist us with the assessment of a risk or claim and with the appraisal of
Where reinsurers have undertaken to cover the risk, they may check whether we have appraised a risk or a claim correctly.
In addition, data relating to your existing policies and applications is communicated to reinsurers to the extent required to enable them to examine whether
and to what extent they can participate in the risk. Data relating to existing policies may be communicated to reinsurers for the purpose of settling premium
payments and claims.
Data communicated for the above-named purposes is anonymous or under a pseudonym wherever possible, but personal data may also be used.
The reinsurers use your personal data only for the aforementioned purposes. We shall inform you of any communication of your health data to reinsurers.
 I hereby consent to the communication of my health data – where required – to reinsurers and their usage thereof for the designated purposes.
 Where required, I hereby release the employees of AXA Krankenversicherung AG from their duty to maintain confidentiality with regard to the health data
 and other data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code.
3.4.Exchange of data with the Hinweis- und Informationssystem (HIS) – the German reference and information system for the insurance industry
For the purpose of more exact risk and claim appraisal the insurance industry uses the Hinweis- und Informationssystem (HIS) - the German reference and
information system for the insurance industry, which is currently operated by Informa Insurance Risk and Fraud Prevention GmbH, Rheinstraße 99, 76532
Baden-Baden, We can report any peculiarities which may indicate insurance fraud and increased risks to the HIS. We and other insurance
providers retrieve data from the HIS within the scope of the risk or claim appraisal if there is a justified interest to do so. This doesnot involve the communication
of health data, but in order to be permitted to communicate your data protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code we require your release from the
duty to maintain confidentiality. This applies irrespective of whether the policy is concluded with you or not.

 I release employees of AXA Krankenversicherung AG from their duty to maintain confidentiality insofar as they report data from the application or claim ap-
 praisal to the respective operator of the Hinweis- und Informationssystem (HIS) - the German reference and information system for the insurance industry.

To the extent required for the appraisal of the duty to indemnify, the HIS system serves to identify insurance providers you have been in contact with in the past
and which may have relevant information at their disposal. Data required for the further examination of claim can be requested from these insurance providers
(see under section 2)

                                                         – Seite 5 von 11 –                                                                           21008983 (01.21)
3.5. Forwarding data to independent intermediaries
                      As a matter of principle we do not forward any information regarding your heath to independent intermediaries. However, in the following cases it is possible
                      that data from which conclusions regarding your health can be drawn, or information protected pursuant to § 203 of the German Penal Code is communicated
                      to intermediaries through your policy.
                      To the extent required for policy-related consultation purposes, the agent looking after you can receive information regarding whether and possibly under
                      what preconditions (e.g. acceptance with risk loading, exclusion of particular risks) your policy can be accepted.
                      The intermediary who mediates your policy learns that the policy was concluded and the content thereof. In doing so he also learns whether risk loadings or
                      the exclusion of particular risks were agreed.
                      In the event of a change in the intermediary responsible for you to another intermediary, policy data containing information regarding existing risk loadings and
                      the exclusion of particular risks may be communicated to the new intermediary. In the event of any change in the intermediary who looks after you to another
                      intermediary you will be informed prior to the forwarding of health data and you will be advised of your possibilities to object.
                       I hereby consent that AXA Krankenversicherung AG may, in the above-named cases, communicating my health data and other data protected pursuant to
                       § 203 StGB – where required – to the independent intermediary responsible for my insurance affairs and that such data may be collected, stored and used
                       for consultation purposes.

                      This consent applies accordingly to data processing by broker pools or other service providers (e.g. operators of comparison software, broker administration
                      programmes) which my intermediary involves in the conclusion and administration of my insurance policies. I can request my intermediary to provide
                      information regarding the respective service providers
                      4. Storage and usage of your health data if the policy falls through
                      If the health insurance policy falls through, we shall store your health data acquired for the risk assessment in case you reapply to take out insurance cover.
                      In addition, it is possible that we may provide a reference concerning your application to the (HIS) - the German reference and information system for the
                      insurance industry, which is communicated to enquiring insurance providers for the purpose of their appraisal of risks and claims (see section 3.4). We also
                      store your data in order to respond to any enquiries made by other insurance providers. Your data is stored by us and in the HIS until the end of the third
                      calendar year following submission of your application.
                       I hereby consent to AXA Krankenversicherung AG storing and using my health data - in the event that the policy falls through - for a period of three years
                       from the end of the calendar year in which I submit my application for the aforementioned purposes.

                      5. Forwarding data to credit agencies
                      It is generally required that credit checks are carried out when processing applications, contracts and payments in order to protect the best interests
                      of the insurance community. We are assisted in this by other companies from the AXA group or a credit agency. Further information on credit checks
                      can be found in the section ‘Information on how your data is used’. Ongoing information on your payment behavior is necessary to continually improve
                      these credit checks, such that we forward appropriate data subject to the declaration of consent below, regardless of whether a specific contract or
                      benefit has been agreed upon.

                       I consent to my personal data being used to optimise credit check criteria, with respect to the principles of data economy and data avoidance, where-
                       by the insurer forwards information on my payment behaviour in general to a credit agency (e.g. SCHUFA). I hereby release the persons employed by
                       AXA Krankenversicherung AG from their duty of confidentiality regarding data protected as per Paragraph 203 of the Criminal Code – Strafgesetzbuch)

                      We make explicit reference to the fact that such consent for forwarding data to credit agencies is not required for conclusion and implementation of the
                      insurance contract. Furthermore, details regarding the voluntary and immediate revocation of the declaration of consent can be found at the start of
                      this section.
          Issued      I have received the product information sheets, policy information, the             Applicant’s signature – where applicable as the legal
      documents       insurance terms and conditions for the tariffs applied for.                         representative of any other persons covered by the insurance.
                          I request the terms and conditions of insurance to be provided to me
                          once again with the certificate of insurance.
    Important for     Please check that the details and declarations you write, or the intermediary writes for you, in this application or in other documents are correct and complete,
    applicant and     otherwise you could jeopardise your insurance cover. Before you sign this application, please also read the explanations and information on the reverse of
    persons to be     this application form. These contain, among other things, also the consent to the collection of information regarding your general payment record and your
          insured     ability to pay and your customer relationship. With you signature you make these declarations a constituent part of the policy.
                      I have been informed of my statutory right of withdrawal according to the instructions printed on the reverse.
      Information     General information on the usage of your data and your rights in this regard are set down under the section “Information concerning the usage of your
   concerning the     data”.
usage of your data
 State-sponsored      For the state-sponsored supplementary long-term care and attendance insurance (Pflege-Bahr) I hereby irrevocably authorise AXA Krankenversicherung
  supplementary       AG to apply for the allowance and for the allowance number if such a number has not yet been assigned. In this connection I consent to the insurer
   long-term care     communicating my personal data to the central pension allowance authority (Zulagenstelle).
  and attendance      In addition I confirm that I fulfil the eligibility requirements. These are:
     (Pflege-Bahr)    1. I hold compulsory long-term care insurance with a German social or private long-term care insurance provider. I shall inform AXA Krankenversicherung
                          immediately if I leave the compulsory long-term care insurance scheme.
                      2. I am over 18 years of age.
                      3. I do not receive any benefits from state or private long-term care insurance, and have not in the past. Applicable benefits are furthermore not in abeyance
                          because I am, or have been, primarily in receipt of benefits from other state/public funding agencies, for example from statutory accident insurance.
                          Declaration of commitment
                          I furthermore undertake to advise without delay of any change in circumstances regarding the requirements governing eligibility for insurance or funding, in
          Issued          particular the termination of insurance under state or private long-term care insurance.
                          I am aware that incorrect information even given unwittingly will result in paid benefits being reclaimed and in rescindment of the contractual relation-
                          ship, and that any claims arising from the contract will therefore be forfeit.
                      Insofar as a state-subsidised occupational pension insurance in the meaning of a Riester Rente has been concluded within the AXA Versicherung AG Group
                      to my benefit or the benefit of the other persons to whom insurance cover will be extended, I hereby authorise AXA Krankenversicherung AG to obtain the
                      benefits number from this source.
Waiver of the wai-    No qualifying period for positive medical examination under the VARIO long-term care insurance tariff.
ting period in the    In the case of state-sponsored supplementary long-term care insurance tariff GEPV, AXA shall waive qualifying periods according to § 5 MB/GEPV.
  GEPV insurance      This presupposes that the health questions applicable to the VARIO long-term care tariff have been answered truthfully, the outcome of the medical
plan (Pflege-Bahr     examination is positive and conclusion of the VARIO tariff is not rejected.
    [nursing care
      insurance])     I am aware that the qualifying periods under the long-term care GEPV tariff applied for simultaneously shall only be waived if these preconditions are fulfilled.
                      I shall receive confirmation of the waiver of qualifying periods from AXA once again when it issues the certificate of insurance.

       Signatures         It is hereby confirmed that the application was signed in Germany
 (apply also to the
    authorisation/    Date (Day/Month/Year)                                                               Intermediary‘s signature/Name and Stamp
    relating to the
        GEPV tariff
     (Pflege Bahr)    Signature of the applicant, policyholder or if applicable legal representative

                      Signature of all other persons to be co-insured hereunder with reference
                                                                                                          and, where required, the signature of the legal representative of the

                      ✗                                                                                   ✗
                      to all of the above declarations (only for persons age 16 or over)                  persons to be insured

                                                                                     – Seite 6 von 11 –                                                                    21008983 (01.21)
Additional declaration for Public Sector employees
(Civil servants and employees) and their relatives who are eligible for Beihilfe
(German government-funded assistance hereinafter referred to as “assistance”)
                        Applicant/                        Name                                                               First name

   Marital status/      1st Applicant                                                                        2nd Applicant
     Information            Single               Married                Widowed                   Divorced      Single                Married                Widowed                   Divorced
    regarding the       Employer                                                                             Employer
         claim to
                        Assistance status*) 1st insured            Eligibility regulation**) VP 1            Assistance status*) VP 2                   Eligibility regulation**) VP 2

                        Information re. *)**): Please use the indicators which we have presented at the end of this supplementary declaration.
                        Number of persons eligible for assistance                                         Number of persons eligible for assistance
                        (Persons eligible and who can be considered for assistance)                       (Persons eligible and who can be considered for assistance)
                        Changes to/cessation of assistance in      Month                  Year               Changes to/cessation of assistance in      Month                  Year
                        the case of requirement adjustments                                                  the case of requirement adjustments

 Only for German        If you are entitled to cover from Krankenversorgung der Bundesbahnbeamten            If you are entitled to cover from Krankenversorgung der Bundesbahnbeamten
      national rail     (KVB), please answer this question:                                                  (KVB), please answer this question:
officials and their
 family members         What is the scope of your claim tariff benefits provided by the KVB?                 What is the scope of your claim tariff benefits provided by the KVB?
                            I have a full claim to benefits provided by the KVB tariff.                          I have a full claim to benefits provided by the KVB tariff.
                            I have a partial claim to benefits provided by the KVB tariff (e.g. because I        I have a partial claim to benefits provided by the KVB tariff (e.g. because I
                            am a civil servants outside of the GFR with an own claim to state aid apart          am a civil servants outside of the GFR with an own claim to state aid apart
                            in addition to the health scheme of the KVB or because I, as a GFR official,         in addition to the health scheme of the KVB or because I, as a GFR official,
                            am no longer a member of the KVB health scheme).                                     am no longer a member of the KVB health scheme).
  Soldiers/short-       Please inform us of the duration of your commitment (e.g. SaZ 8)                     Please inform us of the duration of your commitment (e.g. SaZ 8)
     term career
                                             and the commencement of your commitment as                                           and the commencement of your commitment as
                                                             (Day/Month/Year)                                                                     (Day/Month/Year)
                        a short-term career soldier                                                          a short-term career soldier
    Deployment          Have you in the last 12 months prior to the application been deployed                Have you in the last 12 months prior to the application been deployed
 abroad/ Activity       abroad or employed/occupied abroad in a foreign area of conflict with                abroad or employed/occupied abroad in a foreign area of conflict with
         abroad         political/warlike conflicts?                                                         political/warlike conflicts?
                            Yes                                      No                                          Yes                                      No
                        Where?                                    From (DD/MM/YY) Until (DD/MM/YY)           Where?                                    From (DD/MM/YY) Until (DD/MM/YY)

                        Have you already participated in a debriefing seminar?                               Have you already participated in a debriefing seminar?
                           Yes                                         No                                       Yes                                         No
                        What was the outcome? (e.g. further       Is a debriefing seminar planned?           What was the outcome? (e.g. further       Is a debriefing seminar planned?
                        consultations/treatment/no further             Yes                 No                consultations/treatment/no further             Yes                 No
                        measures required).                                                                  measures required).
                                                                  If so, when?                                                                         If so, when?

       Conversion       I agree that, in the event of changes to the law governing Beihilfe – German government-funded assistance, my policy shall be converted appropriately
     service tariff     within the scope of the tariffs available for sale. I may revoke my participation at any time. I shall have the right to demand that policy conversions
      group B and       effected within the scope of the conversion service are rescinded within one month of receipt of notification of the conversion.
          Vision B
                                                                       Yes                   No                                                             Yes                   No
           Personal     I hereby declare the following                                                       I hereby declare the following
        declaration     Name, first name of the person to be insured                                         Name, first name of the person to be insured
              for the
conclusion of the
        AWFH tariff     is a student or college graduate (university, technical college, polytechnic)        is a student or college graduate (university, technical college, polytechnic)
     (only applies to   with the aim to have a career in the civil service as a teacher or professor and     with the aim to have a career in the civil service as a teacher or professor and
    trainee teachers    is currently covered by a German statutory health insurance provider (SHI)           is currently covered by a German statutory health insurance provider (SHI)
        and teachers    under family insurance including LTC cover.                                          under family insurance including LTC cover.
after completion of
   teacher training)

         Personal       I hereby declare the following (please tick appropriately)                           I hereby declare the following (please tick appropriately)
      declaration       Name, first name of the person to be insured                                         Name, first name of the person to be insured
conclusion of the
 tariff Vision B or         Non-smoker           Smoker           Optical aids                                   Non-smoker           Smoker           Optical aids
   Vision B-N and
  Vision B-U, BN3       A person is classified a non-smoker if, in the last 12 months before conclusion of the contract, he or she has refrained from the consumption of tobacco/
and BN3/1-N and         nicotine either using e-/cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco heating devices or by other means, and does not intend to do so in the future. As a smoker or
         BN3/1-U,       consumer of tobacco/nicotine, I agree to a surcharge on the premium for the tariffs VISION B, Vision B-N and Vision B-U. From the age of 16 this amounts to 17%
     BN3/2-N and        of the tariff premium under the Vision B-U tariff; under the tariffs Vision B and Vision B-N it is 15% for female and 20% for male insureds. I am aware that this
   BN3/2-U, BN4,        surcharge will be adjusted accordingly if premiums have to be adjusted.
        BN-HF-UZ        If I become a consumer of tobacco or nicotine after conclusion of the contract, I hereby undertake to inform the insurer immediately in this regard. I agree that
                        the surcharge applicable to me will be charged from the time I become a smoker.

                                                                                                                                                                                21013909 (01.21)
Applicant/                       Name                                                                 First name

                For my optical aid I agree to a fixed amount on top of the tariff premium Vision B/Vision B-N/Vision B-U and – where applied for – on the tariff BN3,BN3/1-N, BN3/1-U,
                BN3/2-N, BN3/2-U, BN4, BN4-N. The amount is the same for children, teenagers and adults - per person under the tariff:

                Tariff                                   Tariff                                      Tariff                                   Tariff
                Vision B, Vision B-N, Vision B-U         BN3, BN3/1-N, BN3/1-U, BN3/2-N,             Vision B, Vision B-N, Vision B-U         BN3, BN3/1-N, BN3/1-U, BN3/2-N,
                                                         BN3/2-U, BN4, BN4-N, BN HF-UZ                                                        BN3/2-U, BN4, BN4-N
                with the following listed rates of reimbursement/tariff supplements:                 with the following listed rates of reimbursement/tariff supplements:
                00                 7.00 EUR                                                          30 15              2.10 EUR              30                0.56 EUR
                50-U, 50T, 50-NT,                                                                    35 20              2.45 EUR              35                0.52 EUR
                50T-U              3.50 EUR              50                0.40 EUR                  35                 2.45 EUR              35                0.52 EUR
                30                 2.10 EUR              30                0.56 EUR                  40 25              2.80 EUR              40                0.48 EUR
                20                 1.40 EUR              20                0.64 EUR                  40                 2.80 EUR              40                0.48 EUR
                15                 1.05 EUR              15                0.68 EUR                  45 30              3.15 EUR              45                0.44 EUR
                20 15              1.40 EUR              20                0.64 EUR                  45                 3.15 EUR              45                0.44 EUR
                25 15              1.75 EUR              25                0.60 EUR                  50 35              3.50 EUR              50                0.40 EUR
                25                 1.75 EUR              25                0.60 EUR                  50                 3.50 EUR              50                0.40 EUR
                                                          BN-HF-UZ             0.80 EUR

                (Examples: The optical aid surcharge in the tariffs are as follows: Vision B30-N and Vision B30-U = EUR 2.10, tariff BN3/1 30-N and BN3/1 30-U = EUR 0.56,
                tariff Vision B 50-NT and Vision B50T-U = EUR 3.50, tariff BN3/2 50-N and BN3/2 50-U = EUR 0.40).

                Premium surcharges/fixed amounts are not imposed during a deferred benefit insurance period.
Important for   Under certain conditions Private Health Insurance (PHI) enables civil servants, civil service beginners (but not civil service candidates) and their dependants
applicant and   to gain easier access to full cover health insurance which complies with state aid through so-called launch campaigns (additional information is available
persons to be   on the website of the „PKV-Verband“ (Association of German PHI providers) This facilitated access means com-
      insured   pulsory acceptance and not an agreement of exclusions from benefits as well as the limitation of loadings to compensate increased risks to 30% (maximum)
                of the tariff premium. If your application is to be processed on this basis , and if it is submitted within six months of an access-authorising event (e.g. granting
                of the status of a civil servant candidate or probationary official), please state this separately on the Application (e.g. in the section „Comments/Agreements“).
                Please note that access via the opening special offers may also be disadvantageous since only certain policies of group-B insurance plan are allowed (You are
                welcome to inquire about them with AXA/DBV). If a corresponding note is missing from the Application , or if an Application is made for policies that are not
                allowed for the opening special offers, we assume that you do not want or cannot make use of this option.
   Signatures       It is hereby confirmed that the supplementary declaration was                         It is hereby confirmed that the supplementary declaration was
                    signed in Germany                                                                     signed in Germany

                ✗                                                                                   ✗
                Date (Day/Month/Year)                                                                 Date (Day/Month/Year)

                Signature of the Applicant/Policyholder and any person(s) to be included              Signature of the Applicant/Policyholder and any person(s) to be included

                ✗                                                                                   ✗
                in the insurance over the age of 16.                                                  in the insurance over the age of 16.

                *) Assistance status                                   In the case of Baden-Württemberg:                      AZ     = Employee with allowance
                B       = Eligible for assistance                      Civil servant status from 01.01.2013:                  AZ2 = Employee with allowance/2 children
                V       = Recipient of benefit                         B13 = Eligible for assistance                          A      = Employee without allowance
                E       = Eligible spouse/registered partner           E13 = Eligible spouse or registered partner            A2     = Employee without allowance/2 children
                K       = Eligible child                               V13 = Recipient of benefit                             EAZ = Employee‘s spouse with allowance
                H       = (Free) gov.-funded health care               H13 = Eligible for health care                         EA     = Employee‘s spouse without allowance
                B2      = Eligible for assistance/2 children           For the use of a flat-rate allowance                   KAZ = Child of an employee with allowance
                B2-Sa = Eligible for assistance/more than              (currently only Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen,           KA     = Child of an employee without allowance
                            1 child Saxony from 01.01.2013             Hamburg, Thüringen):
                H2-Sa = Eligible for health care /more than            Bzu = Entitled to allowance WITH subsidy
                            1 child Saxony from 01.01.2013             Vzu = Benefit recipient WITH subsidy
                B3      = Eligible for assistance/formerly             Ezu = Admissible spouse/registered signifi-
                            with at least 3 eligible children+civil               cant other
                            servant status up to 31.12.2012            Kzu = Admissible child
                In the case of regular soldiers:                       B2zu = Entitled to allowance, more than 1 child,
                Hbh = Medical welfare beneficiary (after loss of                  WITH subsidy
                            medical care more than 1 child or care
                 Hzu = Medical welfare beneficiary (after loss of
                            medical care without aid/WITH govern-
                            ment grant)
                **) Eligibility regulation Association? “Bundesland” (SchlH., HH, HB, NdS, Bln, NW, Hess, RhlPf, BaWü, Bay, Saar, M-V, Brbg, LSA, Sachs, Thür)? KVB?

                                                                                                                                                                        21013909 (01.21)
Personal declaration for pre-contractual dental damage
                                                                                     ARL-U, AWFH, BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BZ 15-U(A) to BZ 70-U(A),
                                                                                     BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), BN HF-UZ(A), Vision B-U(A), Kompakt
                                                                                     Zahn-U(A), Komfort Zahn-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A), VIA-Reihe
                 Application Date from                       for

                 Insur. number                               Caseworker                                                                       Date

Affected teeth   Dental formula: Please mark the missing teeth with an f , and teeth requiring treatment with a b.
                  (left)                                                                  Your upper jaw                                                                    (right)

                     27          26         25          24         23          22          21         11          12         13          14          15         16           17
                     37          36         35          34         33          32          31         41          42         43          44          45         46           47

                  (left)                                                                  Your lower jaw                                                                    (right)

     Special     Please mark the applicable agreement!

                 1. In the case of up to 5 missing teeth (internal note 5612/5607)
                    (BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BZ 15-U(A) to BZ 70-U(A))
                        For the treatment and replacement of the teeth indicated as missing in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures, the policy bene-
                        fits for reimbursable expenses may be claimed only after a waiting period of two years. In the 3rd year after the effective date of the policy, the policy
                        benefits are provided up to an invoice amount of EUR 525, and in the 4th year after the effective date up to an invoice amount of EUR 1,050. From the
                        5th year after the policy effective date onwards, the policy benefits are provided. The treatment and replacement of the teeth indicated as missing
                        in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures, are excluded from coverage in the insurance plans BN1/1-U(A) and BN1/2-U(A), if

                 2. in the case of up to 5 missing teeth (internal note 5610/5605)
                    (insurance plan AWFH, Premium Zahn-U(A))
                        For the treatment and replacement of the teeth indicated as missing in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures, the policy
                        benefits for reimbursable expenses may be claimed only after a waiting period of two years. In the 3. year after the effective date of the policy, the
                        policy benefits are provided up to an invoice amount of EUR 525, and in the 4th year after the effective date up to an invoice amount of EUR 1,050.
                        From the 5th year after the policy effective date onwards, the policy benefits are provided. The effective date of the AWFH insurance plan is the time
                        of switching to a comprehensive health insurance.
                        In the case of existing insurance plan BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), or VisionB-U(A), the treatment and replacement of the teeth
                        indicated as missing in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures, as well as the provision of crowns of all kinds, inlays, onlays
                        and hammered fillings, are excluded from coverage of insurance plans BN1/ 1-U(A) and BN1/2-U (A), BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), and/or VisionB-U(A).

                 3. in the case of up to 5 missing teeth (internal note 5612)
                    (insurance plan BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), BN HF-UZ(A), Vision B-U(A))
                        It is agreed that the treatment and replacement of the teeth indicated as missing in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures,
                        are excluded from the coverage.

                 4. in the case of 5 to 6 missing teeth (internal note 2020)
                    (Insurance plan ARL-U, Komfort Zahn-U(A), Kompakt Zahn-U(A))
                    The benefits for dental and/or orthodontic treatment (including dentures) are provided per insurance year, the maximum amount depending on the plan.
                    This regulation is valid until proof of complete restoration of the dentition. This does not apply to treatments that become necessary as a result of an acci-
                    dent occurring after the conclusion of the contract. Subsequent to this regulation, the policy‘s dental scale applies, taking into account the insurance period
                    completed thus far. To verify this agreement, a current dental report with dental status must be submitted on the insurer‘s form.
                        ARL-U, Kompakt Zahn-U(A)           EUR 250
                        Komfort Zahn-U(A)                  EUR 500

                 5. in the case of 6 missing teeth (internal note 5612)
                    (Insurance plan AWFH, BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BZ 15-U(A) to BZ 70-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A))
                        It is agreed that the treatment and replacement of the teeth indicated as missing in the dental formula, including all related prosthetic measures, are
                        excluded from the coverage. In the case of AWFH insurance plan, the agreement applies to the insurance plan chosen when exercising the option.

                 6. in the case of teeth in need of treatment, including orthodontic/maxillofacial treatment, as well as in periodontal disease (insurance plan ARL-U,
                    Comfort Dental U (A), Compact Dental U (A)), if it is not a treatment for missing teeth. In this case, the corresponding special agreement for missing
                    teeth (4.) should be ticked. If only tartar removal, fillings, inlays or root canal treatments (endodontics) have been recommended or are being
                    treated on an ongoing basis, AXA Medical Insurance, Inc. [AXA Krankenversicherung AG] waives a separate benefit restriction. (internal note 2021)
                    The benefits for dental and/or orthodontic/maxillofacialtreatment (including dentures) are provided per insurance year, the maximum amount depend-
                    ing on the plan. This regulation applies until all treatments, including follow-up treatments, have been completed. This does not apply to treatments
                    that become necessary as a result of an accident occurring after the conclusion of the contract. Subsequent to this regulation, the policy‘s dental scale
                    applies, taking into account the insurance period completed thus far. To verify this agreement, a current dental report with dental status must be sub-
                    mitted on the insurer‘s form.
                        ARL-U, Kompakt Zahn-U(A)         EUR 250
                        Komfort Zahn-U(A)                EUR 500

                 7. for teeth requiring treatment that are not missing or related to orthodontic/maxillofacial surgery care or periodontal disease (for each of these
                    cases, please select to the relevant special agreement). (internal note 5613)
                    (Insurance plan AWFH, BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), BN HF-UZ(A), BZ 15-U(A) bis BZ 70-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A), Vision B-U(A))
                        It is agreed that the current or indicated/planned dental treatment, including all related prosthetic measures and the provision of crowns of any
                        kind, inlays, onlays, hammered fillings and implants, are excluded from the insurance coverage. In the case of AWFH insurance plan, the agree-
                        ment applies to the insurance plan chosen when exercising the option.

                 8. in the case of teeth requiring treatment, including orthodontic/maxillofacial treatment, as well as in parodontitis or 1–5 missing teeth (internal
                    note 5619)
                    (insurance plan VIA, VIA Med, VIA Plus)
                        It is agreed that the current or indicated/planned dental/orthodontic treatment, including all related prosthetic measures and the provision of
                        crowns of any kind, inlays, onlays, hammered fillings and implants, are excluded from the insurance coverage if the option is exercised in the
                        chosen insurance plans.

                                                                                                                                                                     21013908 (01.21)
9. in the case of malposition of the teeth or jaw (internal note 5803)
                              (Insurance plan AWFH, BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), BN HF-UZ(A), BZ 15-U(A) to BZ 70-U(A), Vision B-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A)
                                  It has been agreed that all treatments for tooth and/or jaw malposition are excluded from the insurance coverage. In the case of AWFH insurance
                                  plan, the agreement applies to the insurance plan chosen when exercising the option.

                           10. in the case of periodontal disease (e.g. periodontosis, periodontitis, etc.) (internal note 5703)
                               (Insurance plan AWFH, BN1/1-U(A), BN1/2-U(A), BN3/1-U(A), BN3/2-U(A), BN HF-UZ(A), BZ 15-U(A) to BZ 70-U(A), Vision B-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A)
                                   It is agreed that there is no obligation to pay for current or recommended treatments for periodontal disease, as well as all prosthetic measures and
                                   conditions that are medically proven to be causally linked. In the case of AWFH insurance plan, the agreement applies to the insurance plan chosen
                                   when exercising the option.

                           11. Occlusal (bite) splint/teeth grinding guard (internal note 1955)
                               (Insurance plan BZ 15-U(A)to BZ 70-U(A), Vision B-U(A), Komfort Zahn-U(A), Kompakt Zahn-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A), VZ-Zahn-U(A))

                                   This reference    in the insurance plan                                                    with the reimbursement rates
                                   price is
                                           EUR 20    Komfort Zahn-U(A), Kompakt Zahn-U(A), Premium Zahn-U(A)                  depending on the policy benefit
                                                     BZ-U(A)                                                                  70
                                                     Vision B-U(A)                                                            00
                                           EUR 10    BZ-U(A), Vision B-U(A),                                                  65, 60, 55, 50T, 50, 45, 40
                                                     VZ-Zahn-U(A)                                                             50T, 50, 5035, 45, 4530, 40, 4025
                                             EUR 6   BZ-U(A)                                                                  35, 30, 25
                                                     Vision B-U(A)                                                            35, 3520, 30, 3015, 25, 2515
                                             EUR 4   BZ-U(A)                                                                  20, 15
                                                     Vision B-U(A)                                                            20, 2015, 15
e policy
om the                        lternative to the reference price: exclusion of benefits
ssing                         For all insurance plans: (internal note 5804)
A), if                            It has been agreed that no insurance plan benefits will be provided for the occlusal (bite) splint/teeth grinding guard.

                              (Insurance plans AWFH, VIA, VIA Med, VIA Plus) (internal note 0017)
                                  It is agreed that if the option for the occlusal (bite) splint /teeth grinding guard is exercised, a reference price of between EUR 4.00 and 20.00 will be
                                  charged in addition to the insurance plan contribution of the selected dental insurance coverage.
                                  Alternatively, it can be checked upon request whether benefits for the occlusal (bite) splint/teeth grinding guard can be excluded from the insu-
 y, the                           rance coverage.
the time
            Important –    Please sign and return the entire declaration, i.e. both pages, including the completed tooth formula.
e teeth     please note:   Many thanks.
-U(A).       Signature:    Place, Date (Day/Month/Year)              Signature of the applicant/policyholder

                           Place, Date (Day/Month/Year)              Signature of the co-insured person

e plan.
 n acci
ce period



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                                                                                                                                                                              21013908 (01.21)
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