Big Data Research Infrastructure Collaboration Toward the SKA (BRICSKA) - SciELO

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An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 1): e20201027 DOI 10.1590/0001-3765202120201027
                                    Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências | Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
                                    Printed ISSN 0001-3765 I Online ISSN 1678-2690

                                    PHYSICAL SCIENCES

                                    Big Data Research Infrastructure Collaboration
                                    Toward the SKA (BRICSKA)

                                    RUSS TAYLOR, FABIO PORTO, CHENZHOU CUI, YOGESH WADADEKAR
                                    & OLEG MALKOV

                                    Abstract: Astronomy is entering an era of mega-data that will render conventional
                                    research methods as well as data and visual analytics tools ineffective. The Square
                                    Kilometre Array (SKA) drives one of the most significant big data challenges of the next
                                    decades. South Africa, China and India are partners in the global SKA collaboration
                                    and host recently completed, next generation radio astronomy facilities. South Africa,
                                    Brazil, China and India are involved in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST),
                                    which represents a complementary mega-data challenge, vastly increasing the current
                                    data volume of optical surveys, and providing critical multi-wavelength data set
                                    for SKA analytics. Russian researchers are also engaged in radio astronomy and
                                    multi-wavelength, multi-messenger projects driving increasing volumes of observational
                                    data. This project brings together teams leading programs in data innovation in each
                                    partner country to collaborate on the development of new technologies and systems
                                    to meet the big data challenge of SKA pathfinder facilities and the multi-wavelength
                                    projects that are critical to the advance of astronomy. In so doing we will prototype and
                                    demonstrate scalable big data technologies for the new big data era, and establish a
                                    BRICS multinational federated data intensive cloud network for collaborative programs
                                    in data intensive astronomy.
                                    Key words: BRICS, SKA, big data, large surveys.

INTRODUCTION                                                   endeavour, and that leadership in science
                                                               worldwide is inclusively distributed across the
Modern science faces several challenges that                   globe.
are transformative in how science operates and
in how innovations and new knowledge are                           Astronomy is a science at the nexus of
generated and exploited. The challenges are (i)                these challenges and the BRICS nations have
Big Data, how to record, transport and deliver                 all made the strategic choice to invest in
it, (ii) Big Compute, how to process, analyse,                 astronomy and in the technologies underpinning
and visualise big data, (iii) Big Science; by                  its practice; each country with their specific
asking big questions as a global community                     advantages. This project aims to build a strong
facilitated by a suite of unique international                 international partnership to jointly develop
facilities, science can only progress in leaps                 technologies and systems that address the Big
through large international collaborations, and                Data challenge posed by astronomy Big Science
(iv) Human Capacity Development; to make sure                  projects, of which the participating countries
all people are active participants in the scientific           are strong members. Seizing the opportunity

                                                                                                An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 1)
RUSS TAYLOR et al.                                                                                       BRICSKA

presented by large international astronomy                    new sets of skills and technologies; skills that
collaborations, the project will significantly                combine knowledge of astronomy with computer
contribute to Human Capacity Development in                   science, information science and statistics, and
BRICS to ensure participation and leadership                  technologies that adapt the innovations of the
in global science, and by linking those science               fourth industrial revolution to the service of
and technology skills to society and industry,                scientific research. The international scope and
contribute to stimulating innovation.                         scale of these next-generation astronomical
     With BRICS countries home to some of                     endeavours, and the multi-national nature of the
the best astronomy facilities in the world, this              collaborations on large science programs means
project aims to facilitate, through development               that we must respond to these challenges as a
of people and technology, the synergies between               global community.
these facilities, thereby addressing some of the                   Three of the BRICS partner countries
big challenges facing science today, and helping              are part of the international SKA project
answer some of the big scientific questions of                organisation. All partner countries are engaged
our time, which have mobilised international                  in    data-intensive    multi-wavelength      and
resources into large scientific projects like the             multi-messenger programs providing critical
SKA and the LSST.                                             ancillary data to realise the scientific potential
     The SKA drives one of the most significant               of SKA pathfinders and the SKA itself. The LSST
big data challenges of the coming decade (An                  is the flagship of upcoming optical facilities
2019). New technologies under development                     that will create vast data sets that must be
on the pathway to the SKA are creating                        mined both for transient phenomena and to
commensurate advances in the data capacities                  create catalogues of multi-wavelength data
of radio telescopes. The data rates from                      for billions of objects that are interoperable
existing radio telescopes to the researcher                   with radio data. Four of the BRICS partner
are 10,000 times larger than what was typical                 countries are international collaborators of
only a few years ago. At the same time the                    the LSST project. The impact of MeerKAT and
enterprise of observational radio astronomy is                the SKA will be dramatically increased by
changing. Projects undertaken by large global                 incorporating multi-wavelength data, and the
collaborations, in which large amounts of                     LSST dataset will be the widest, deepest and
observing time are devoted to major key science               fastest optical survey ever done. Combining
programs that create vast data sets, is becoming              these datasets is however a non-trivial task.
the new paradigm. This mode of observing                      This proposal brings together scientific leads
combined with the new instrumental capacities                 of large programs on SKA pathfinders, the LSST
is driving an exponential growth in the rate of               and other multi-wavelength facilities along
data confronting researchers (see Figure 1).                  with computer scientists, data scientists and
    To rise to the scientific opportunity opened              experts in 4th industrial revolution technologies
up by this new generation of instruments                      to build solutions for big data astronomy
requires the research community to develop                    that will enable the full scientific potential
new infrastructure, algorithms, software systems              of significant investment in major facilities,
and platforms to manage, process, analyse                     leverage investment in HPC systems for data
and mine these data sets. The enterprise of                   intensive research, and develop the expertise
science in this new data intensive age requires               to adapt and innovate new technologies to meet

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Figure 1. Data volumes for large projects on radio astronomy facilities as a function of time. Current and planned
BRICS facilities are indicated in red. BRICS researchers are being confronted with a data deluge in the coming
decade characterized by exponential growth that is much faster than has been experienced by the rest of the world
to this point.

the exponential growth in astronomical data in                   Realizing the HCD and development potential
the next decade.                                                 of the flagship naturally calls for a coherent
                                                                 effort across the BRICS nations. The proposal
     Enabling access to globally competitive                     team and their respective national networks
research for smaller institutions previously                     have extensive and complementary experience
isolated from research; revealing and developing                 in all the topics mentioned above. Working
untapped talent in the BRICS countries;                          jointly on those topics prevents duplication
embedding young researchers into the global                      of effort in developing such platforms and
networks of science and industry; increasing                     promotes sustained collaboration between
direct economic benefits of science through                      partners countries beyond astronomy research.
interfaces with the private sector; increasing
the awareness of, and the support for science                    SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE
among the general public with outreach;
supporting development projects through                          The concept of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
interdisciplinary projects using the research                    emerged in the 1990s. Currently, it is one of
infrastructure; and developing communities                       the largest international science projects in the
through the development of astro-tourism at                      world, as it is set to answer fundamental open
astronomical facilities in the BRICS countries                   questions about our universe. Using the SKA
are some of the potential development benefits                   and other telescopes described in Table I the
of this flagship project that are detailed below.                participants in this project are research leaders

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in most of the SKA key science projects (KSP) as               Magnetism
detailed below.
                                                               Magnetic fields are an important element of
                                                               astrophysical phenomena that is yet to be
                                                               well understood. They contain energy and
                                                               influence physical processes on all scales, from
Science Goals
                                                               star formation to galaxies and to the largest
                                                               structures known in the universe. We don’t yet
Fundamental Physics                                            know how these magnetic fields formed and
                                                               we are not in a position to explain how strong
The discovery of gravitational waves has                       they are. What SKA will be able to do is map
opened up a new window to the universe.                        magnetic fields in great detail. For this question
SKA will be crucial to look for counterparts                   and others, the MIGHTEE project on MeerKAT
in radio to the sources of those gravitational                 (Jarvis et al. 2016) will reach similar depth to
waves. For example, the uGMRT has already                      that reached by the larger area SKA sky survey,
demonstrated this with meaningful radio                        and thus will provide a pilot to the experiments
follow-up observations of gravitational wave                   that will be carried by the SKA on a much larger
events such as the GW170817 which was the                      survey volume. Similarly, when combined with
merger of two neutron stars (Kim et al. 2017).                 uGMRT data, the SuperMIGHTEE data set (Taylor
Combining the SKA with the Five-hundred-meter                  2019) will become the premier data on the GHz
Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in China                   radio properties of the deep sky thanks to its
(Gibney 2019) may also allow us to study the                   unique full spectral coverage and ultra-broad
low-frequency universe using high precision                    band nature.
pulsar timing, massive black holes, interacting
galaxies in galaxy pairs and in groups of
                                                               The Hydrogen Universe
galaxies. Some of the fastest and most energetic
phenomena hold the key to our understanding                    Neutral hydrogen is a powerful probe of the
of fundamental laws of physics in conditions of                evolution of the universe. Neutral hydrogen is
extreme energy. The detection of powerful bursts               found everywhere and can therefore be used
of gravitational waves, gamma rays, X-rays, or                 to probe anything from the early distribution
radio waves provide evidence for this; however,                of matter to the detailed structure of evolved
we still know very little about their appearance in            galaxies themselves. Radio telescopes are
optical light and therefore combining data from                the best instruments to observe spontaneous
large modern facilities into multi-wavelength                  emission in radio waves of neutral hydrogen
data sets is key to understanding what is                      and therefore to map the distribution of neutral
happening in those conditions of extreme                       hydrogen in the universe. The SKA precursor
energy. Contributions to this science objective                and pathfinder telescopes are enabling detailed
are expected directly from the ThunderKAT                      imaging of neutral hydrogen with unprecedented
project on MeerKAT (Fender et al. 2016), with the              depth and detail, laying the groundwork for the
MeerLICHT telescope, FAST, transient detection in              SKA. From detecting galaxies in the early universe
the era of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope                 in emission and absorption as proposed by
(LSST), uGMRT follow-up of LIGO events, and                    LADUMA (Blyth et al. 2016) and MALS (Gupta
more.                                                          et al. 2016) to investigating galaxy formation and

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evolution with MIGHTEE, with these projects on                environment. Because of this, radio transients
the MeerKAT telescope, the evolution of neutral               are invaluable probes for subjects as diverse
hydrogen in the Universe will be studied. The                 as stellar evolution, relativistic astrophysics
low-frequency uGMRT receivers will complement                 and cosmology. ThunderKAT is a MeerKAT large
these by enabling detections at even higher                   survey program to detect and study such
redshifts, and many new results are already                   phenomena using the high sensitivity and wide
being reported from systematic surveys of HI in               area imaging capability of the MeerKAT. As well
emission and absorption, including some of the                as performing targeted programs, ThunderKAT
furthest detections to date of HI in emission.                will co-observe with other MeerKAT large survey
The science programs of FAST also include a                   projects and search their data for transients. The
large scale neutral hydrogen survey. Matching                 uGMRT also provides for significant capabilities
detected galaxies with objects and signals in                 for detections of transient phenomena in the
other wavelengths will enable new discoveries,                Universe.
and new science. These ambitious research                          In addition, optical observations of
projects will help us understand how this neutral             transients may lead to important discoveries in
gas eventually turns into stars, and even how                 other fields of astronomy: Near-Earth Objects,
supermassive black holes at the centres of                    nearby asteroids potentially dangerous for Earth;
galaxies are fueled.                                          exoplanets; variability of super massive black
                                                              holes in galaxies; stellar flares; gravitational
The Transient Universe                                        lenses; and probably several other yet-unknown
                                                              types of fast-changing phenomena that have not
One of the key capacities of the new generation
                                                              yet been observed.
of radio telescopes and of the SKA is the
                                                                   To enable such studies, there is a need
ability to measure and detect transient objects.
                                                              for Big Data and Big Compute facilities within
While the universe may appear to evolve only
                                                              the BRICS group to fully exploit the data
over scales of billions of years, astrophysical
                                                              resources following from transient science
phenomena are all dynamic and some can occur
                                                              observations obtained with the facilities within
over incredibly short timescales. We have only
                                                              the BRICS countries. The BRICS member
gained an awareness of this as the fields of
                                                              countries’ participation as global leaders in
view of telescopes and the ability to observe on
                                                              astrophysical transient research is expected to
short time scales have improved with advances
                                                              accelerate greatly over the next decade with the
in technology. Time domain astronomy, where
                                                              development of new facilities. A cornerstone
repeated observations can be undertaken over
                                                              of this will be the emergence of the LSST as
a range of timescales (from sub-second to
                                                              a generator of transient discoveries. Two of the
years), is key to obtaining data of sufficient
                                                              BRICS countries (Brazil and South Africa) are now
cadence to unlock the nature of transient objects
                                                              actively participating in LSST transient science
and understand the dynamics of astrophysical
                                                              collaborations and more may still do so in the
     Transient radio emission is associated
with essentially all explosive phenomena
                                                              The Continuum Universe
and high-energy astrophysics in the universe.
It acts as a locator for such events, and                     Radio continuum surveys were identified as
a measure of their feedback to the local                      a scientific priority for the SKA for several

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reasons, including galaxy evolution, magnetism,               cosmology is entering a new era where the
transients, and more. Among those priorities                  large-scale structure in the universe can be
are the understanding of the star formation                   mapped in three dimensions. Moreover, science
history of the universe - to which MIGHTEE                    collaboration between FAST and MeerKAT on
and SuperMIGHTEE will contribute by studying                  the intensity mapping of neutral hydrogen
the evolution of star-forming galaxies, and of                will contribute to a specific cosmological
active galactic nuclei (AGN), where supermassive              measurement; that of the so-called Baryonic
black holes reside, and how this affects the                  Acoustic Oscillation (BAO). This is fundamental,
evolution of galaxies and their environment.                  as the large-scale structure of the universe and
Another important aspect is the potential                     how it came to be, of which the BAO is a keystone
for serendipitous discoveries. Unplanned                      measure, is one of the pillars of our current
discoveries often lead to fundamental insights                understanding of cosmology.
into new physics. A technique called Very Long
Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is key for this                Large projects on next-generation BRICS
last point. The technique combines signals                    facilities
from individual radio observatories to form a
                                                              The scientific journey between now and SKA1
single, Earth-sized radio interferometer with an
                                                              will be charted through large science programs
angular resolution several orders of magnitude
                                                              with new SKA pathfinder and precursor facilities.
finer than offered by connected-element
                                                              These programs map directly onto the key
interferometers. Many important results have
                                                              science goals of the SKA, and prototype not only
resulted from the use of the VLBI technique,
                                                              the technical and scientific capabilities of the
a recent example being the imaging of a
                                                              SKA but also the growth of big data in astronomy
black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope
                                                              and the new modality of global collaboration
(Kohler 2019). One of the science goals of the
                                                              around very large projects generating vast
FAST telescope is provide the largest aperture
                                                              amounts of data. At the same time developments
in international cm-wave VLBI networks,
                                                              and new projects in optical and infrared
enabling unprecedented ultra-sensitive imaging.
                                                              astronomy such as the LSST are set to create a
Similarly, MeerKAT will add an extremely
                                                              rapid growth of multi-wavelength data sets.
sensitive antenna to global networks, paving the
                                                                   The proposal team includes leaders of large
way towards SKA-VLBI (Paragi et al. 2015).
                                                              programs on SKA pathfinder facilities and in
                                                              multi-wavelength astronomy, most of which
                                                              involves collaborations among researchers in
The SKA precursor and pathfinder telescopes                   the BRICS partners. The data solutions to be
are making possible new types of observations;                developed will thus advance key science projects
neutral hydrogen intensity mapping surveys that               that address the fundamental questions driving
do not detect individual galaxies. Combined                   multi-national investment in megascience
with radio continuum surveys that detect radio                projects in the coming decade.
galaxies out to very high redshift as proposed by                  This flagship program and the complementary
LADUMA and to a certain extent MIGHTEE, and                   flagship program on transients are seen as
some of the ongoing and proposed programs                     synergistic, where together they can both
with the uGMRT, and with LSST and optical                     advance the science and also the associated
observations able to measure cosmic distances,                development and spin-off benefit goals. This

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Table I. Current and Planned Facilities providing big data challenges for BRICS Astronomy Research.

  Telescope          Location   Wavelengths                                     Data rate

  SKA1-mid      South Africa    Radio: 350 MHz - 14 GHz                       1000 TB/day

  MeerKAT       South Africa    Radio: 580 MHz - 3.5 GHz                     10-100 TB/day

    FAST              China     Radio: 70 MHz - 3 GHz                         690 TB/day

   uGMRT              India     Radio: 0.1 - 1.45 GHz                          10 TB/day

    PRAO             Russia     Radio: 111 MHz                                 0.1 TB/day

  AVN, VLBI          Global     Radio: 1 - 100 GHz                             10 TB/day

     LSST             Chile     Optical - near Infrared                       20 TB/night

 MeerLICHT      South Africa    Optical                                       0.1 TB/night

will leverage existing and planned new facilities                   radio frequencies in the GHz range. The MeerKAT
within the BRICS countries and will also draw                       science program includes large survey projects
on the opportunities presented by other space-                      that will occupy about 70% of the observing time.
and ground-based facilities that exist within                       Each program requires typically thousands of
the BRICS group. As shown in FIgure 1 the                           hours of observing and will, over the course of
new generation of BRICS facilities that drive                       5 years, create Petabyte scale data sets. These
the data challenge in the next decade are                           data sets must be converted to science products
MeerKAT, the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio                         and then visualised, analysed and mined for
Telescope, the Five-hundred-metre Aperture                          the answers to the scientific questions. Large
Spherical Telescope and the SKA1-mid. Parallel                      programs relevant to this proposal include:
developments in wide-field Very Long Baseline
                                                                           The MeerKAT International GHz Tiered
Interferometry and mult-wavelength astronomy
                                                                            Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) project
with the LSST provide complementary data
                                                                            is being undertaken by an international
challenges that are critical to our overall science
                                                                            collaboration of researchers. The MIGHTEE
                                                                            observations will provide radio continuum,
                                                                            spectral line and polarisation information.
MeerKAT                                                                     MIGHTEE, along with multi-wavelength
                                                                            data, will allow a range of science to be
The MeerKAT telescope is the precursor
                                                                            achieved, as listed above.
to the SKA mid-frequency array. MeerKAT
was inaugurated in July 2018, and science                                  The LADUMA (Looking At the Distant
operations have begun. MeerKAT will operate                                 Universe with the MeerKAT Array) project
as a stand-alone South African facility for                                 will study evolution of the neutral hydrogen
approximately five years until its 64 antennas are                          gas in galaxies over cosmic time spanning
merged with 135 SKA antennas to form SKA1-mid.                              over two-thirds the age of the Universe. The
The large number of antennas, high sensitivity,                             survey strategy is to observe a single area
and wide-field of view of MeerKAT make it the                               on the sky rich in existing multi-wavelength
premier imaging telescope in the world for                                  data. The primary science goals of LADUMA

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       include investigating, as a function of                           directly and detect transients in other
       environment and look-back time: the                               MeerKAT large survey projects. This
       distribution of mass of neutral hydrogen                          commensal use of the other surveys means
       of galaxies and how it depends on stars                           that the combined MeerKAT large survey
       and dark matter in their environment                              projects will produce by far the largest
       and the evolution of the cosmic neutral                           GHz-frequency radio transient program
       gas density. LADUMA will be the deepest                           before the SKA.
       HI survey before the SKA comes online,
                                                                         The     associated   MeerLICHT    optical
       thereby acting as a pilot project for future
                                                                         telescope will simultaneous take large
       wider-field deep observations of neutral
                                                                         field optical images for all night-time
       hydrogen to be carried out with the SKA.
                                                                         MeerKAT observations and create a large
      The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS)                         optical data set for unique and powerful
       will carry out the most sensitive search of                       multi-wavelength studies of transient
       HI and OH absorption lines at 0 < z < 2,                          phenomena.
       the redshift range over which most of the
       evolution in the star formation rate density              The Upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio
       takes place. The key science themes of                    Telescope
       the survey are: (1) Evolution of atomic and
                                                                 The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics of
       molecular gas in galaxies and relationship
                                                                 the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
       with star formation rate density, (2) Fuelling
                                                                 operates the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
       of active galactic nucleus (AGN), AGN
                                                                 (GMRT) on the Deccan plateau north of Pune
       feedback and dust-obscured AGNs, (3)
                                                                 India. The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
       Variation of fundamental constants of
                                                                 (GMRT) consists of 30 antennas each of 45-meter
       physics, (4) Evolution of magnetic fields
                                                                 diameter, spread over a region of 25 kilometres.
       in galaxies, and (5) Physical modeling of
                                                                 It is the world’s largest and most powerful radio
       the ISM, Astrochemistry and Cosmology.
                                                                 interferometer dish array in its frequency range
       Due to the excellent sensitivity of the
                                                                 (100 to 1450 MHz). The GMRT has undergone a
       MeerKAT telescope, MALS will also deliver
                                                                 major upgrade with new receivers, control, data
       an extremely sensitive HI 21-cm emission,
                                                                 transmission and wide band correlator systems
       radio continuum and polarization survey
                                                                 that has substantially improved performance
       to address a wide range of issues at the
                                                                 and increased the data rate from the array by
       forefront of galaxy evolution research.
                                                                 over a factor of 10. The data rate can be as
      ThunderKAT is MeerKAT large survey                        high as 100 TB/hour at the raw voltage recording
       program to detect transient radio signals.                mode. The upgraded GMRT is an SKA pathfinder
       ThunderKAT comprises a comprehensive                      and has the capability to demonstrate SKA kind
       and complementary program of surveying                    of science with unprecedented sensitivity at low
       and monitoring both galactic (within the                  radio frequencies
       Milky Way) and extragalactic transients                       There are several large programs underway
       such   as   microquasars,     supernovae                  with the uGMRT including search for pulsars and
       and possibly yet unknown transient                        transients (both targeted and general surveys);
       phenomena. ThunderKAT will both survey                    precision timing of millisecond pulsars with

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the aim to contribute to the global effort for                Commission (NDRC) and managed by the
the detection of gravitational waves; detailed                National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC)
imaging of selected target deep fields; detailed              of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
studies of galaxy clusters; large surveys in                  with the government of Guizhou province
the neutral hydrogen line – both in emission                  as a cooperation partner. Being the largest
and absorption; radio follow-up of supernovae,                filled-aperture telescope worldwide located at
gamma-ray bursts, and also gravitational wave                 a radio quiet site, the FAST science impact on
detections, etc.                                              astronomy will be extraordinary, and has the
     With interferometer baselines almost four                potential to revolutionise many other areas
times larger than those of the MeerKAT, the                   of the natural sciences. Compared with its
uGMRT offers similar imaging angular resolution               precursor Arecibo, FAST has an advantage of
at as MeerKAT at longer wavelengths. Moreover,                a factor of two in raw sensitivity and a factor
the increased bandwidth and receivers of the                  of five to ten in surveying speed. FAST will
uGMRT provide similar sensitivity to MeerKAT.                 also cover two to three times more sky area
The uGMRT and MeerKAT together thus have                      thanks to its innovative design of an active
tremendous synergy as complementary facilities                primary surface. A science instrument with an
for the study of the deep radio sky over an ultra             order of magnitude improvement in any of its
broad band, opening a powerful new approach                   capacities, which is also able to explore new
to studies of the distant universe.                           dimensions in parameter space, is likely to
     The SuperMIGHTEE project forms part of a                 generate unexpected discoveries.
bilateral Indo-South African Flagship program                      FAST produced its first light in September
in Astronomy, for which we have developed                     2016 and following a commissioning, phase
a technical and scientific collaboration to                   normal operation to commenced in late 2019.
expand MIGHTEE to a joint MeerKAT and uGMRT                   The science programs of FAST mainly include
project. The unique full spectral coverage and                a large scale neutral hydrogen survey, pulsar
ultra-broad band nature of the superMIGHTEE                   observations, leading the international very
data set will make it the premier data on the GHz             long baseline interferometry (VLBI) network,
radio properties of the deep radio sky, and will              detection of interstellar molecules, detecting
not be surpassed until well into the SKA phase 1              interstellar communication signals, and pulsar
era.                                                          timing arrays. FAST is currently the largest single
     The Hz-MALS project uses uGMRT to extend                 dish telescope, while MeerKAT is the largest
the redshift coverage of MALS to 2 < z < 5.2. This            aperture synthesis array telescope.
redshift coverage is unique to uGMRT and the
                                                                   Science collaboration between the two
outcomes from the survey make it highly relevant
                                                              could probe pulsars, exotic events, the low
to design future surveys with SKA.
                                                              HI surface brightness, low mass galaxies and
                                                              the HI intensity mapping for cosmological BAO
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical
                                                              measurement. The combined surveys may also
                                                              allow us to study low-frequency gravitational
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical                     waves using the high precision pulsar timing,
Telescope (FAST) is a next-generation extremely               massive black holes, interacting galaxies in
large single dish radio telescope. It is funded               galaxy pairs and in groups of galaxies. FAST is
by the National Development and Reform                        facing a similar situation of big data processing.

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The required data transmission rate of FAST is at                time domain astronomy by detecting millions of
least 6GB/s, which represents a big challenge for                transient and variable phenomena each night.
data transfer and processing.                                    LSST will be the next big data generator of optical
                                                                 transients, estimated to be of order several
Very Long Baseline Interferometry                                million detections of new transients or variability
                                                                 per night. Analysing this enormous quantity of
Among other things, VLBI enables the study of                    data to allow rapid follow-up of transients with
AGNs and black holes, magnetic fields, galaxy                    other telescopes will require significant compute
formation, or even cosmological dark energy                      infrastructure, as well as novel algorithms. The
models. In this new survey-driven era, it is vital               parallel proposal for a dedicated BRICS-wide
that global VLBI networks continue to increase                   Flagship program on transients shares many
their sensitivity and observing capabilities to                  of the Big Data and Big Compute challenges
enable high resolution followup, discovery, and                  discussed in this proposal in relation to the
statistical analyses at radio wavelengths. This                  SKA. The parallel proposal aims to develop a
is of particular importance in the realization                   network of ground-based optical telescopes for
of SKA1-mid, at which point VLBI is in effect                    the follow-up of astrophysical multi-wavelength
merged into a standard connected-element                         and multi-messenger transient objects. The
radio interferometer. SKA1-mid will thus carry                   demands for data handling associated
out high resolution wide-field surveys by design.                with transient studies amongst the BRICS
The increasing wide-field VLBI capability poses                  collaboration will be met by the implementation
significant big data and big compute challenges.                 of this Big Data Flagship program.
     VLBI has been at the heart of the
SKA since its conceptualisation. One of the
                                                                 PROJECT OBJECTIVES
key science objectives of FAST is to lead
the international VLBI network. Shanghai                         The objectives of the proposed research are
Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of                     to develop and foster collaborations between
Sciences (SHAO) have been developing VLBI                        researchers among the five BRICS partner
techniques since 1972. The longest baseline                      countries to address the data challenges of the
of the Chinese VLBI Network is 3249 km. With                     coming era. Specifically we have the following
wide-field VLBI being so closely tied with                       goals:
developments towards the SKA, as well as VLBI
itself being inter-continental in nature, it fits very                  Establish a prototype network of federated
naturally into the goals and aspirations of this                         cloud-based infrastructure and e-science
BRICS proposal.                                                          tools to support the next-generation
                                                                         data intensive radio astronomy to serve
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope                                          our national research communities, and
                                                                         exploit synergies between partners and
The full science goals of the SKA will only be                           opportunities for enhanced research
achieved in synergy with other instruments. The                          through joint big data astronomy science
LSST will create a data set of multi-wavelength                          programs.
information for a vast number of cosmic
radiation sources that can be mined jointly with                        Create new technologies and modalities
radio survey data. The LSST will also transform                          for visualisation and machine learning

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       enhanced visual analytics of cloud based                 HPC clusters within clouds systems. Areas being
       remote big data, as well as cloud-based                  worked on include:
       tools for collaborative exploration by
                                                                       Elastic scheduling and workflow tools for
       distributed research teams.
                                                                        OpenStack and CloudStack
      Develop cloud-based provisioning of HPC                         Distributed role based authorization to
       for automated processing workflows for                           resources.
       use by science teams. Provisioning flexible
       containerised analytics environments such                       Scheduling of data movement between
       as Jupyter notebook allowing interactive                         sites.
       engagement with the data for user                               Scheduling of compute jobs to sites.
       applications. Such platform and systems
       will empower research teams to work                             Use of containerisation to support
       with big data. Such workflow systems will                        movement of applications and reproducible
       address the challenges of reproducible                           science.
       science with big data.                                       Teams in South Africa (IDIA) and China
                                                                (NAOC, SHAO, Alibaba Cloud) are also working on
      Develop cloud-enabled systems and
                                                                science gateway and portal technologies for user
       environments      for    the    fusion    of
                                                                access to data products, to cloud processing and
       multi-wavelength data sets such as
       the LSST with radio data, and for
       multi-messenger and transient science,
                                                                Algorithms and Machine Learning for Big Data
       including a cloud-based LSST data capacity
                                                                Processing and Analytics Perhaps the largest
       in South Africa to host and analyse
                                                                area of collaboration lies in the development
       LSST transient events. An objective here
                                                                of novel algorithms and HPC software for
       is to develop and incorporate machine
                                                                processing and analysis of big (radio) astronomy
       learning to analyse data and enable us
                                                                data, and we include the following subsections
       to characterise, classify (and discover) the
                                                                for collaborative purposes:
       unknown and prioritise rapid response
       programs.                                                       processing pipelines for raw data to science
                                                                        products, including development and
      Develop scalable knowledge bases and
                                                                        integration of workflow systems, research
       data lakes to provide access to integrated
                                                                        data management and reproducible
       and correlated knowledge transforming
                                                                        science technologies (South Africa: IDIA,
       raw data into scientific knowledge on a
                                                                        Rhodes University; India: NCRA-TIFR, IUCAA,
       global scale.
                                                                        IISER; Brazil: LNCC, LIneA; China: NAOC,
                                                                        Tianjin University, Guangzhou University,
Data intensive cloud architectures: Teams                               Russia). We aim to leverage the scientific
within IDIA (South Africa) will work closely                            and technical skills from our partners to
with researchers based in India (NCRA-TIFR),                            further develop workflows and recipes for
China (Tianjin University, SHAO, Alibaba Cloud)                         calibration and imaging pipelines.
and Brazil (LNCC) to build open-source based                            In addition, we will test and develop cloud
architecture and tools to enable deployment of                          interfaces to allow for seamless interaction

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       with radio astronomy software, with the                   Cloud-based Visual Analytics and Exploration of
       aim to facilitate collaborative development               Big Data Cloud-based visual analytics of remote
       for pipeline design and data inspection.                  big data (South Africa: IDIA; China: SHAO, Alibaba
                                                                 Cloud, India: IUCAA). This will expand on an
                                                                 initial framework being developed at IDIA for
      algorithms for mining big data for
                                                                 low-latency cloud server-client visualization of
       information, including machine learning
                                                                 remote big data including 2D and 3d (virtual
       (South Africa: IDIA, SARAO; Brazil: LNCC,
                                                                 reality) interfaces. We will expand on a new hdf5
       LIneA; India: NCRA-TIFR, IUCAA, SPPU;
                                                                 image data set framework that is optimized for
       China: NAOC, Tianjin University, Guangzhou
                                                                 big data and develop cloud provisioned HPC
       University, Russia). We will use the
                                                                 server-side rendering technologies and tools
       techniques developed by e.g. the Spitzer
                                                                 that interface to multiple remote clients. We
       Data Fusion and the HELP EC-FP7-SPACE
                                                                 will design interfaces and tools sets for visual
       projects to merge multi-wavelength
                                                                 analytics of big data sets from the cloud from
       surveys and develop machine learning
                                                                 MeerKAT, uGMRT and FAST in response to use
       tools to best exploit the wealth of
                                                                 cases that meet the needs of the BRICS data
       multi-wavelength data available in
                                                                 intensive programs.
       upcoming radio deep survey fields and
       enable new discovery space.
                                                                 HCD and Development
                                                                 Human capital development (HCD) is a key
      data systems and distributed knowledge                    aspect of the project. An integral part of the
       bases for management for fusion and                       new approach to science driven by big data, big
       mining of diverse data sets. This work                    compute and large international collaborations
       will be lead by LNCC advancing their                      is to create and embed the platforms within the
       developments for LSST.                                    research communities so that researchers may
                                                                 work collaboratively on these large, diverse data
      The novel processing challenges and                       sets. Such platforms are best developed through
       extraordinary image sizes emerging from                   an extensive, international program such as
       the field of wide-field VLBI presents a                   the one proposed here: it promotes sustained
       new type of problem that foreshadows                      collaboration between partners from the BRICS
       the SKA (South Africa: IDIA, SARAO; China:                countries, and it prevents duplication of effort
       SHAO, FAST; India, Russia). We will interface             in developing such platforms in individual
       disparate pieces of custom-built software                 countries.
       into a more general, multi-purpose VLBI                        The project will develop the required
       survey toolkit. A component that will                     training resources that can run in the cloud
       require new development, based on an                      and give access to large data sets. The
       existing pilot project, will be the area                  HCD and education platform development
       of VLBI source-finding. At present, this                  and maintenance needs to be supported
       does not include Bayesian inference                       by staff members embedded in the partner
       and machine-learning that are relatively                  organisations that develop and maintain such
       straightforward extensions of the pilot                   infrastructure for research. Material for running
       source-finding project.                                   workshops will be made openly available, and

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referenced extensively through the proposal                   exploiting the pivotal role of ICT and harnessing
participants’ global networks.                                the potential of big data; exploiting the full
     By developing a dedicated platform to run                potential of scientific knowledge and improving
training workshops, data science hackathons                   the performance of historically disadvantaged
and research schools that operates in the                     universities; focusing on inter-disciplinary
cloud, the HCD and skills development efforts                 research; expanding research infrastructure,
of this project will be greatly enhanced.                     including cyber-infrastructure; and exploiting
It will be possible to multiply this model                    the potential of STI for African development and
across BRICS countries, in smaller institutions               continental integration.
as described above, and beyond. Relevant                           This research project is closely aligned with
experience of proposal participants includes                  the SA National Strategy for Multiwavelength
the support by IDIA of DARA Big Data                          Astronomy, building on the large investment
Africa research schools and hackathons                        South Africa has made in radio astronomy
(,   the               (through MeerKAT and the SKA), as well as at
Astronomy Data Science Toolkit developed by                   optical wavelengths (SALT, LSST). This proposal
the IAU OAD (,               seeks to build capacity in the development
and the expertise of our Chinese collaborators                of solutions in processing, analysing, mining,
(NAOC, Alibaba Cloud).                                        visualising and maximising the science coming
                                                              from increasing large, rich and complex
ALIGNMENT WITH NATIONAL STRATEGIES                            multi-wavelength data sets. By bringing the LSST
                                                              data to the SKA-mid at an SA LSST data centre,
South Africa                                                  we will enable multi-wavelength studies and
The South African government White Paper                      increase the impact of SKA science. In addition,
on Science Technology and Innovation (STI)                    ensuring access to the LSST alert stream will
envisions STI enabling inclusive and sustainable              allow the full use of the rich range of telescopes
South African development in a changing                       within South Africa for transient follow-up.
world. This proposal addresses two of the                          Development of the hardware, software and
three high-level goals spelled out in the                     human capacity within the field of VLBI is a key
White Paper, namely to take advantage of                      part of SARAO and DST?s strategy to develop
opportunities presented by megatrends and                     the African VLBI Network and the expertise
technological change, and to contribute to                    within the SKA African partner countries to
a more inclusive economy at all levels. The                   become world-class users of this instrument.
grand data challenge in astronomy is part of                  Furthermore, this is directly aligned with the
the magatrend characterised as the fourth                     strategic goal of the AVN to form the backbone
industrial revolution, and the integrated HCD                 of the SKA Phase 2 to be built across the African
strategy is specifically aimed at making the                  continent.
development of skills high in demand more                         This project aligns with the National
inclusive, and to facilitate the translation                  Strategy for Human Capacity Development
of highly skilled young scientists into the                   for Research, Innovation and Scholarships
economy. Recognising that STI can contribute                  through the proposed collaborations on
to the Sustainable Development Goals, the                     globally competitive research and innovation.
White Paper highlights the importance of:                     These strategic international engagements will

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enhance the research and technological capacity                 scientific portal for the publication of DES data
for innovation within South Africa, as well as                  and the execution of scientific pipelines. Brazil
ensure the establishment and maintenance of                     is also participating in the LSST project, through
research infrastructure and platforms. In this                  the Brazilian Participation group (BPG), led by
way, the project is also aligned to the Strategic               LIneA and the National Laboratory of Astronomy
Research Infrastructure Roadmap.                                (LNA). Through these different initiatives, Brazil
     This project helps advance the SA National                 is contributing to the development of astronomy
Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS).                  in South America through the development
It leverages the investment in the DIRISA                       of Big Data software and the availability of
Tier 2 data intensive research facility to                      HPC and network infrastructure. Moreover, it is
work with international partners on data                        investing in the education of multi-disciplinary
intensive challenges that will be applicable                    human resources founded in basic science and
to cyberinfrastructure solutions in SA for                      computer science.
astronomy and other disciplines such as
bioinformatics.                                                 China

                                                                China is one of the prominent participants in
                                                                SKA. SKA global collaboration is an important
Brazil is engaged in establishing data centers in               task for building a community of common
support to eScience. The initiative includes HPC                destiny for mankind, as proposed by the
infrastructures, with the prominent availability                Chinese government. The Chinese government
of the Santos Dumont supercomputer services                     put large investment in technology research,
available for the whole scientific community                    data center and human capital development.
and currently hosting more than 100 scientific                  Chinese scientists have been working closely
projects. In a complementary way, the RNP                       with members from other countries preparing
(National Research Network) is fostering the                    for the technology and science using SKA data,
improvement of links within Brazil and with                     and are involved in 13 associated science working
Africa, Europe and the US. In particular the                    groups and focus groups of SKA. The China SKA
Monet cable has been installed linking Chile to                 science team work together with the information,
Miami, and passing by São Paulo enabling the                    communication and computer industries aiming
transfer of data produced by the LSST project.                  at tackling the challenges associated with the
Additionally, the SAIL and SACS cables now link                 SKA big data, which will not only promote major
Brazil to Africa through Angola and Cameroon,                   original scientific discoveries, but also apply
respectively, improving the connection with the                 the obtained technological achievements for
African continent countries, including South                    stimulating the national economy. This project
Africa. Brazil is intensively involved in important             is perfectly in step with the goals of China SKA
astronomy surveys. The LIneA laboratory hosts a                 team.
tertiary site of the Sloan SDSS III collaboration                    Exploring the synergy between FAST and the
providing a replica of the SDSS portal with                     MeerKAT/SKA projects is part of the research
access to published data from the Latin America                 content of this project, and will open up new
Community. Brazil additionally, supports the                    research areas for scientific users of both
Dark Energy Survey (DES) project, through                       FAST and SKA data. With the improvements in
the DES-Brazil consortium, making available a                   sensitivity and resolution by the combination

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of FAST and MeerKAT, the survey area of                           India is a full partner in the SKA, and
their common sky is still quite large. The                    NCRA-TIFR is the nodal institute leading the
science cooperation between the largest single                Indian participation in the SKA. Indian scientists
dish telescope, FAST, and the largest aperture                and engineers lead by NCRA, with significant
synthesis array telescope, MeerKAT/SKA, in the                participation from Indian industry, are involved
world, will result in detection of hundreds or                in several work packages of SKA. In particular,
even thousands of new pulsars and some exotic                 NCRA is leading the Telescope Manager (TM) work
events, as well as allowing the study in details              package, which is the brain and nervous system
of the exotic events and the HI gas in nearby                 of the SKA. In addition, researchers from India
galaxies. This is also highly consistent with the             are involved in significant roles in projects on
scientific goal of FAST.                                      SKA precursor facilities like MALS on MeerKAT
     National Astronomical Data Center (NADC) of              in South Africa and Solar science on MWA in
China is recently established based in National               Australia, many of which involve the need to
Astronomical Observatories, CAS (NAOC) on the                 handle large volumes of data. India also plans
purpose of managing astronomical data at the                  to set-up a SKA regional data centre to cater
national level and providing data services and                to the specific needs of storing SKA data and
technologies for the whole life cycle of data                 developing specialised analysis pipelines that
management, including outreach and education.                 are of benefit to Indian researchers involved with
This project works on cloud-based computing                   key science projects of the SKA.
environments and scientific platforms for data                    Finally, much of the above activity envisaged
users, and on data techniques including machine               in India is being carried out in collaboration
learning, visualisation and data mining, which is             with industry partners, many of whom bring new
aligned with NADC’s goal.                                     ideas to the table and are willing to (and are
                                                              well equipped to) take on the challenges of big
India                                                         data analytics that are entailed in these ongoing
The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope is a                      and planned activities. This includes the exciting
SKA pathfinder facility. The recently completed               new field of machine learning which is finding
upgrade of the GMRT has further enhanced                      increased role in the plans of researchers from
the front-line capabilities of the GMRT, and                  India.
several exciting new discoveries and results                       Given the above, this project is very strongly
are being produced. It has also resulted in                   aligned with both institutional and national
an order of magnitude increase in the data                    level strategies and plans. Indian researchers
rates from the observatory, making it imperative              and institutions will be able to contribute
to adopt big data intensive techniques, and                   meaningfully to this initiative, and also stand to
improved, efficient data analysis pipelines to                benefit significantly in their efforts on existing
process the data. In order to maximise the                    and planned Indian and other BRICS member
science returns from the uGMRT, NCRA plans to                 facilities. It will also allow Indian industry to
implement imaging pipelines to create science                 engage and grow in these high-tech areas
ready products for the benefit of users who do                with a view to becoming a major player in
not have the resource to handle large data. There             the global arena. The goals and activities
is significant scope for new developments, and                of this collaborative project also align well
these are on the road-map going forward.                      with India’s plans for effective participation in

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the construction phase of the SKA, including        size and scale. The development of the research
expediting the work on setting up of a SKA          infrastructure and algorithms needed to tackle
regional data centre in India, and enhancing        the big data and big compute challenges
meaningful partnership with BRICS members           addressed in this proposal lends itself to joint
participating in the SKA.                           research and development projects with industry
                                                    for the local, regional and global markets. A
Russia                                              multi country collaboration, involving industry
                                                    partners is critically needed for this activity.
In the future of multi-wavelength, multi-messenger
                                                    A successful collaboration will lead to the
astrophysics, it is important to develop
                                                    development of human and technical capacity
the ability to organise timely, coordinated
                                                    within academia and industry in all BRICS
observations across multiple facilities with ever
                                                    countries. For example, India has an ongoing
increasing volumes of observational data, as well
                                                    engagement with industry in several areas.
as the technical capabilities and expertise to
                                                    NCRA is already in collaboration with some
efficiently sort, search and analyze large sets of
                                                    industry partners like Thoughtworks India Ltd,
heterogeneous observations. Russia operates,
                                                    Persistent Systems Ltd and TCS Research on
or is involved with, many observational facilities,
                                                    handling large data, machine learning and other
including numerous ground-based optical and
                                                    technical aspects with regard to SKA regional
radio telescopes, the BDUNT and BNO neutrino
                                                    data centers. In Brazil Petrobras and DELL Brazil
telescopes, the Russian-German Spektr-RG
                                                    have expressed interest in the project. In South
space-based X-ray observatory, two international
                                                    Africa, there are ongoing conversations with
networks of optical telescopes (MASTER and
                                                    IBM Research - Africa and SAC, a local Space
ISON), and the proposed BRICS-based network
                                                    Engineering company. Underpinning the growth
of optical telescopes. Besides the technical
                                                    of industrial and economic activity is also the
requirements outlined above, the fusion of
                                                    need for trained talent. The inspirational aspect
these many astrophysical data sets also requires
                                                    of astronomy attracts young people to science
intensive training of new specialists and human
                                                    and technology fields but not all will become
capital development, with a particular focus
                                                    astronomers. Engaging in those studies, however,
on the role of exchange between the BRICS
                                                    leads to the acquisition of skills that are in high
countries. Besides direct application to the field
                                                    demand in industry. This flagship will play a
of astrophysics, the knowledge and techniques
                                                    key role in making that talent available for the
developed throughout the course of the project
                                                    growth of industry in the BRICS nations.
are a high priority for other fields faced with
similar challenges, including geophysics and
                                                    Revealing and developing untapped talent
climate research, telecommunications, energy
efficiency, material sciences and medicine,         BRICS countries are characterised by a growing
among others.                                       young population hungry for opportunities. HCD
                                                              will take place through graduate study support
BENEFITS BEYOND ASTRONOMY                                     in the form of scholarships and participation in
                                                              the research and innovation that this flagship
Economic impact: collaborations with industry
                                                              will drive among other things. As part of their
Building and managing a SKA regional centre is                training, young researchers supported by this
a formidable challenge due to its unprecedented               network will learn communication skills and the

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international aspect of the project will equip                      The inclusive participation of all research
them with multicultural experiences critical to                institutions in the BRICS countries needs to
being competitive in a global workforce. The joint             be promoted. The international nature of this
experience of the proposal partners ensures a                  flagship guarantees that such efforts are not in
successful implementation of this approach to                  isolation and offer collaboration opportunities
HCD.                                                           previously not easily accessible for those
     The benefits of an associated HCD program                 institutions. In South Africa for example, this
will be felt wider than astronomy and computing.               means access for historically disadvantaged
Students and early career researchers have the                 institutions with the support of well established
technical and problem-solving skills that are                  institutions. In China, it may mean that smaller
vital to many sectors of a knowledge-driven                    universities in that vast country can join the
economy, and that are essential to using big                   endeavour. The experience of the IAU Office of
data to address some of the most pressing                      Astronomy for Development (OAD), the South
development issues. The exponential growth                     African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO)
in data science and technology careers                         and the Inter-University Institute for Data
internationally means that research and                        Intensive Astronomy (IDIA) will ensure effective
collaboration in the areas of cloud-based and                  inclusion of smaller institutions.
high performance computing have high potential
for impact on human capital development. This                  Embedding young researchers in global
needs to be proactively nurtured as proposed in                networks
this flagship project.                                         Young researchers engaged in this broad
                                                               collaboration among leading institutions in
Access to research for smaller institutions                    BRICS partner countries will experience exciting
                                                               career opportunities. The will enhance the BRICS
In BRICS countries, many smaller research                      context as sources of scientific and technical
institutions and universities are not currently                talent, and will strengthen the BRICS countries’
competitive on a global scale of scientific                    leadership in global science through investment
research. Many new researchers and students                    in strategic areas where BRICS displays particular
will have access to big data and big                           strength, such as radio astronomy. By developing
compute, through the gateway technologies and                  big data and big compute expertise and ensuring
cloud-based toolkit we propose to develop in                   participation of early-career researchers in this
this proposal. For example, researchers based                  flagship, this investment is guaranteed to pay
at the IAU/OAD, University of Zululand and IDIA                off considering the roles those play in the
(South Africa) will collaborate with researchers               development of economies in the context of the
in China (NAOC), India (NCRA-TIFR, IUCAA) and                  4th industrial revolution.
Brazil (LNCC). Access will be established through                   Enabling young scientists to work
training workshops at institutions and through                 on interdisciplinary projects on research
the support of participation of students from                  infrastructure is an important element to
those institutions in research activities of                   facilitate the beneficial dissemination of trained
the project. In addition to this, it offers the                big data and big compute scientists across other
opportunity to train IT staff and researchers in               sectors and raises the participants’ awareness of
new technology.                                                how they can contribute to development. Such

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