THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring

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THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring


THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
Foreword                                                  2
Executive summary                                         3
 Background                                               6
 Project origins and activities                           7
 The Steering Group                                       12
 Introduction to scientific research in HEIs in the UK    13
 What we heard                                            18
 What is high quality science?                            19
 Concerns about the culture of scientific research        21
     Competition                                          21
     Funding of research                                  23
     Assessment of research                               25
   Research governance and integrity                     29
    Career progression and workload                      31
 Observations and suggestions for action                  34

THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
Given public investment in UK science and               and promotions panels, for example, can affect
the potential benefits it can bring, it is vital that   what science is carried out and by whom. And
the culture of scientific research supports and         changes in the way that science is disseminated
encourages science that is high quality, ethical        and critiqued can influence how scientists work
and valuable.                                           and behave. Debates about different features
                                                        of research culture have been running for many
We welcome the aims of this project to gather           years. Given the overlapping nature of many of
evidence and promote debate about whether               these features, the culture-wide approach of this
the current culture of scientific research in           project provides a more integrated view.
the UK is successful in this respect. A wealth
of information has been gathered during the             By taking this broad approach, the project
project from the hundreds of scientists and             highlights that all those involved in the practice
others who took part. It is the people engaged          of scientific research play a role in shaping
in scientific research who are in the best position     its culture, and therefore all should take
to tell us what it is like to be a researcher,          responsibility for building a culture conducive
whether a post-doctoral researcher on a short-          to high quality, ethical and valuable research.
term contract, or a well-established professor.         This report concludes with some suggestions
                                                        for those who fund, publish, host, organise
The diverse opinions and evidence gathered              and do science. As Chairs or Presidents of
during the project are not readily synthesised          organisations that carry out a number of these
into a unified picture. However, the findings           functions, we will consider these suggestions
of the project confirm that the culture of              in the context of our own communities, as well
scientific research is shaped by a wide range           as encourage and support funding bodies,
of interconnecting factors, each exerting their         research institutions, publishers and researchers
own influences and raising their own challenges.        to recognise and fulfil their roles in shaping an
How research is assessed by funding bodies              ethical culture for scientific research.

Professor Jonathan Montgomery                           Professor Dominic Tildesley
Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics                    President, Royal Society of Chemistry

Sir Paul Nurse                                          Professor Sir John Tooke
President, Royal Society                                President, Academy of Medical Sciences

Professor Dame Jean Thomas
President, Society of Biology
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
Executive summary
BACKGROUND                                         science. Survey respondents are motivated in
                                                   their work by improving their knowledge and
In 2013, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics         understanding, making scientific discoveries
embarked upon a series of engagement               for the benefit of society, and satisfying their
activities that aimed to inform and advance        curiosity.
debate about the ethical consequences of
the culture of scientific research in terms of
encouraging good research practice and the         Concerns about the culture of scientific
production of high quality science. Under the      research
guidance of a Steering Group, the activities of
the project included:                              Competition
                                                   High levels of competition for jobs and funding
  n online survey that received 970 responses.    in scientific research are believed both to bring
  ifteen discussion events co-hosted with         out the best in people and to create incentives
 universities around the UK involving around       for poor quality research practices, less
 740 speakers and participants.                    collaboration, and headline chasing.
  vidence-gathering meetings with funding
 bodies, publishers and editors of scientific      Funding of research
 research, and academics from the social           There are concerns about a loss of creativity
 sciences.                                         and innovation in science caused by perceived
                                                   funding shortages, strategically-directed
A detailed analysis of the survey responses,       funding calls, short-term funding, and trends
a summary of the discussion events, and a          towards funding of safer research projects and
background paper about the culture of scientific   established research centres. However, support
research in the UK are available at:               for multidisciplinary and collaborative work was         praised.

Most of the people who took part in our            Assessment of research
activities are involved in research being          The perception that publishing in high impact
undertaken at higher education institutions        factor journals is the most important element in
(HEIs). A wide range of views, perceptions and     assessments for funding, jobs and promotions
experiences about scientific research in HEIs      is creating a strong pressure on scientists to
were raised, and these are summarised in this      publish in these journals. This is believed to
report.                                            be resulting in important research not being
                                                   published, disincentives for multidisciplinary
                                                   research, authorship issues, and a lack of
WHAT WE HEARD                                      recognition for non-article research outputs.
                                                   The Research Excellence Framework (REF)
What is high quality science?                      is thought to be a key driver of the pressure
                                                   to publish in high impact journals, with many
When asked to pick from a list of options,         unaware or untrusting of the instructions given
high quality research was described by             to REF assessment panels not to make any use
survey respondents as: rigorous, accurate,         of journal impact factors in assessing the quality
original, honest and transparent. In addition,     of research outputs.
collaboration, multidisciplinarity, openness and
creativity were frequently raised as important     Attempts to assess the societal and/or
components in the production of high quality       economic impact of research are welcomed

                                                                             THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 3
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
by some, but others believe this is creating       OBSERVATIONS AND
a culture of short-termism and is pushing          SUGGESTIONS FOR ACTION
aside interest in curiosity-driven research, as
well as resulting in researchers exaggerating      The Steering Group hopes that the findings
the potential application of research in grant     of this project provide useful evidence that
proposals.                                         will advance future debate on the culture of
                                                   scientific research in HEIs. In the context of what
It was suggested that research organisations       scientists told us motivates them in their work
should better recognise the wider activities of    and what they believe to be important for the
researchers, such as mentoring, teaching, peer     production of high quality science, the findings
review and public engagement.                      lead us to make some general observations:

Peer review is thought to be having a positive     • In some cases the culture of scientific research
effect on science but concerns were raised           does not support or encourage scientists’
about unconstructive reviewer comments and           goals and the activities that they believe to be
shortages of peer reviewers. The importance          important for the production of high quality
of peer reviewers being given training, time and     science.
recognition for their work was emphasised.
                                                     here seem to be widespread misperceptions
Research integrity                                  or mistrust among scientists about the policies
Fifty-eight per cent of survey respondents are      of those responsible for the assessment of
aware of scientists feeling tempted or under        research.
pressure to compromise on research integrity
and standards, although evidence was not           •A
                                                     mong all the relevant stakeholders, concerns
collected on any outcomes associated with           about the culture of research are often on
this. Suggested causes include high levels of       matters that they think are outside their control
competition in science and the pressure to          or are someone else’s responsibility.
publish. Training in good research practice is
thought to be important in creating conditions     We believe there is a collective obligation for the
that support ethical research conduct.             actors in the system to do everything they can
                                                   to ensure the culture of research supports good
Career progression and workload                    research practice and the production of high
Features of researcher careers, including high     quality science. As such, we provide a number
competition for jobs and funding and heavy         of suggestions for action for funding bodies,
workloads, are thought to be resulting in a        research institutions, publishers and editors,
loss of creativity and innovation in science.      professional bodies and individual researchers
Suggestions for improvements include: fair         (see Figure 1). Key examples are:
and consistent recruitment processes, better
provision of mentoring and career advice,          Funders: ensure funding strategies, policies
tackling negative attitudes towards those who      and opportunities, and information about past
leave academic science, and good employment        funding decisions, are communicated clearly to
practices for women.                               institutions and researchers; and provide training
                                                   for peer reviewers to ensure they are aware of
                                                   and follow assessment policies.
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
Research institutions: cultivate an environment       Researchers: actively contribute to the
in which ethics is seen as a positive and integral    adoption of relevant codes of ethical conduct
part of research; ensure that the track record of     and standards for high quality research; use a
researchers is assessed broadly; and provide          broad range of criteria when assessing the track
mentoring and career advice to researchers            record of fellow researchers; and engage with
throughout their careers.                             funders, publishers and learned societies to
                                                      maintain a two-way dialogue and contribute to
Publishers and editors: consider ways of              policy-making.
ensuring that the findings of a wider range of
research meeting standards of rigour can be            earned societies and professional bodies:
published; consider ways of improving the peer        promote widely the importance of ensuring the
review system; and consider further the role of       culture of research supports good research
publishers in tackling ethical issues in publishing   practice and the production of high quality
and in promoting openness among scientists.           science; and take account of the findings of this
                                                      report in relation to guidelines for members on
                                                      ethical conduct and professionalism.

Figure 1. Suggestions for action to support good research practice and the production
of high quality science


                                               Publication of a wide range of rigorous

                                               Openness and data sharing between

                                                                                    Use of a broad range of criteria in research
     Adoption of diverse funding approaches                                                       assessments

  Clear communication of funding opportunities                                            Recognition of the wider activities of
           and assessment criteria                                                                    researchers
                                                                                    Training and recognition for peer reviewers
                                                        PRACTICE AND
           RESEARCH GOVERNANCE                          HIGH QUALITY                                   CAREERS
               AND INTEGRITY                              SCIENCE
                                                                                              Mentoring and career advice
        Training in good research practice
                                                                                         Adoption of employment practices that
 Openness about consequences of misconduct                                                  support diversity and inclusion

      Adoption of appropriate ethical review                                      Training and recognition for leaders in research

                                                                                THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 5
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring
Project origins and activities

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics carried           The activities of the project included:
out inquiries on the ethical issues raised by
emerging biotechnologies in 2011-12, and by         Online survey
novel neurotechnologies in 2012-13. These           An online survey was open from March to
inquiries brought to light concerns about the       July 2014 and received 970 responses. The
ethical consequences of the culture of scientific   survey consisted of 26 questions that asked
research in terms of its potential to affect        respondents to provide their views on various
research practices and the quality and direction    aspects of the culture of scientific research.
of science.                                         The survey included a mixture of multiple-
                                                    choice questions, some with the option to add
These concerns were shared by organisations         comments, and questions that allowed free text
that work closely with the scientific community,    answers. A detailed analysis of the responses
including the Royal Society, Society of Biology,    was carried out by Research By Design and is
Institute of Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry    available at:
and Academy of Medical Sciences. Under the
guidance of a Steering Group that included
members of staff from these organisations, in
October 2013 the Nuffield Council on Bioethics      DEMOGRAPHICS OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS
embarked upon a series of engagement
activities that aimed:

  …to foster constructive debate among
  all those involved in scientific research
  about the culture of research in the                                  Male 42%
  UK and its effect on ethical conduct
  in science and the quality, value
  and accessibility of research; and to                                                              Prefer not to answer 2%
  advance current debate through wide
  dissemination of the outcomes of
  these discussions.
                                                                       Female 56%
The project aimed to explore the effects of a
wide range of influences on scientific research
including, for example, funding mechanisms,
publishing models, career structures and
governance processes. ‘Science’ and ‘scientific
research’ were not strictly defined in order to
allow anyone involved in science or a related
discipline to take part in the activities.

                                                                              THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 7
THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK - The findings of a series of engagement activities exploring

What area(s) of science do you work in?§
                                          56%                     Bioscience
                                          27%                     Medicine
                                          12%                     Chemistry
                                           8%                     Psychology
                                           8%                     Social sciences
                                           8%                     Physics
                                           6%                     Computing
                                           6%                     Engineering
                                           5%                     Mathematics
                                           4%                     Environmental
                                           3%                     Across all sciences
                                           2%                     Geoscience
                                           2%                     Veterinary science
                                           1%                     Neuroscience
                                           6%                     Other

What type of organisation do you work for?§
                                          80%                     University
                                          14%                     Research institution
                                           4%                     Charity or NGO
                                           3%                     Biotechnology/pharmaceutical company
                                           3%                     NHS
                                           2%                     Industrial/commercial company
                                           2%                     Government department
                                           2%                     Funding body
                                           2%                     Contract research organisation
                                           1%                     Professional body
                                           1%                     Publisher
                                           1%                     Regulator
                                           1%                     Hospital
                                           3%                     Other

Which of the following most closely matches your job title?§
                                        30%                       Post-Doctoral Researcher
                                        14%                       Researcher/Lecturer
                                        14%                       Senior Researcher/Lecturer
                                        11%                       Professor
                                         6%                       PhD Student
                                         4%                       Research Support Officer
                                         4%                       Reader
                                         3%                       Research Support Manager
                                         2%                       Head of Department
                                         2%                       Chief Executive
                                         1%                       Project Manager
                                         1%                       Senior Executive Officer
    Researcher                           1%                       Executive Officer
    Non-Researcher                       8%                       Other

§The percentages show the proportion of the total number of respondents who provided
   an answer to the question. In the graphs on area of science and type of organisation, the
   percentages do not total 100 due to respondents being able to tick more than one answer.
   For all graphs, the percentages may not total 100 due to rounding of numbers.
Discussion events                                LOCATIONS OF DISCUSSION EVENTS
Fifteen discussion events were co-hosted with
universities between June and September
2014. The universities were chosen to ensure
a geographical spread around the UK. Most
of the events took the form of a 90-minute
lunchtime seminar that was free to attend and
open to anyone. The events involved a total of
63 speakers and chairs, and approximately 680
people registered to attend as participants. A
summary of the issues that were raised at the
events is available at:

                                                                  THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 9

What area(s) of science do you work in, if relevant?±

                                           42%                      Bioscience
                                           27%                      Medicine
                                           24%                      Social sciences
                                           12%                      Psychology
                                           11%                      Across all sciences
                                            7%                      Research support services
                                            7%                      Engineering
                                            5%                      Computing
                                            5%                      Chemistry
                                            5%                      Physics
                                            3%                      Humanities and law
                                            3%                      Veterinary science
                                            2%                      Mathematics
                                            1%                      Nursing
                                            1%                      Earth sciences
                                           17%                      Other

What type of organisation do you work for, if relevant?±

                                           86%                      University
                                           10%                      Research Institution
                                            4%                      Charity/NGO
                                            2%                      Student
                                            2%                      NHS
                                            2%                      Government department
                                            1%                      Professional body
                                            1%                      Publisher
                                            1%                      Funding body
                                            1%                      Contract research organisation
                                            2%                      Other

Which of the following most closely matches your job title?±

                                           18%                      Post-Doctoral Researcher
                                           13%                      Student
                                           13%                      Researcher/Lecturer
                                           10%                      Senior Researcher
                                            9%                      Research Support Manager
                                            7%                      Professor
                                            5%                      Research Support Officer
                                            3%                      Reader
                                            1%                      Research Assistant
                                            1%                      Chief Executive
                                            1%                      Senior Executive Officer
                                            1%                      Executive Officer
                                            1%                      Head of Department
                                           20%                      Other

± The
       percentages show the proportion of the total number of participants who provided an
   answer to the question on registering for an event. In the graphs on area of science and
   type of organisation, the percentages do not total 100 due to participants being able to tick
   more than one answer. For all graphs, the percentages may not total 100 due to rounding of
Evidence gathering meetings
Three closed meetings were held between June
and September 2014 to engage with:
1) representatives of organisations that fund
scientific research; 2) p
                         ublishers and editors of
scientific research; and 3) a cademics from
the social sciences with expertise in the practice
and culture of scientific research.


The people who took part in the survey and
discussion events were self-selecting participants
and cannot be assumed to be representative
of the wider researcher population. Most of
those who took part in our activities are involved
or interested in research being undertaken
by higher education institutions (HEIs), which
carry out around a quarter of UK research and
development. A large proportion of the survey
respondents and event participants work in
either bioscience or medicine and are early-
career researchers, which is reflective of the
demographics of the HEI research community.

Not all the survey respondents answered
every question. Where percentages of survey
respondents are used in this report, this refers to
the percentage of respondents who answered
that particular question.

Taking into account the limitations of the
data, we believe some important themes
and ideas emerged during the project. These
are summarised in this report and illustrated
with data from the survey and with views and
evidence raised during the discussion events
and evidence gathering meetings. The report
aims to inform and advance debate about the
ethical consequences of the culture of scientific
research in terms of encouraging good research
practice and the production of high quality
science. Although the focus of the project was
scientific research, the issues being considered
are likely to be relevant to many other areas of
academic research.

                                                      THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 11
The Steering Group
A Steering Group was set up in October 2013
to oversee the design and implementation of
the project and to provide connections with
the scientific community. The contributions of
members of the Steering Group were based on
their personal expertise and experience. They
were not formally representing the views of their
organisations but did regularly consult with their
organisations and members to help inform the
project and raise awareness of activities.


                              Ottoline Leyser (Chair)
                              Professor of Plant Development and Director,
                              The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge;
                              Deputy Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Laura Bellingan                                      Peter Main
Director of Science Policy, Society of Biology       Director of Education and Science
                                                     (until May 2014, now Education Advisor),
Elizabeth Bohm                                       Institute of Physics
Senior Adviser, Science Policy Centre,
Royal Society                                        Peter Mills
                                                     Assistant Director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Mindy Dulai (from June 2014)
Senior Programme Manager, Environmental              Jonathan Montgomery
Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry                 Professor of Health Care Law, University College
                                                     London; Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Ann Gallagher
Professor of Ethics and Care, International          Rachel Quinn
Care Ethics Observatory, University of Surrey;       Director of Policy, Academy of Medical Sciences
Member, Nuffield Council on Bioethics

James Hutchinson (until June 2014)
Senior Programme Manager, Life Sciences,
Royal Society of Chemistry
Introduction to scientific research in
HEIs in the UK
A detailed background paper which provides more information about the
culture of scientific research in the UK is available at:

Scientific research has led to advances in                  This kind of funding is offered through a mixture
knowledge that have improved our health,                    of research grants, fellowships, studentships,
well-being and understanding of the world,                  training and other programmes, and supports a
and to innovations and technologies that have               wide range of research, including basic research
had a major impact on the way we live and                   which aims to advance knowledge of the world,
on economic growth. The UK regularly tops                   and applied research which is directed towards
international lists ranking countries by research           the development of particular applications or
productivity and quality when numbers of                    products.
researchers and levels of R&D expenditure are
taken into consideration.                                   Funding bodies tend to provide a combination
                                                            of short and long-term grants. Some Research
                                                            Council funding is directed towards providing
FUNDING OF RESEARCH IN HEIS                                 long-term support for large-scale projects
                                                            at institutes or research centres, such as
Annual research and development (R&D)                       the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
expenditure across all sectors and disciplines in           Research Council (BBSRC)-supported John
the UK has increased from around £17 billion in             Innes Centre. Alongside such projects, funding
the 1980s to £27 billion in 2012, with the higher           bodies may award large project grants such
education sector carrying out £7.2 billion of               as the Engineering and Physical Sciences
R&D.1                                                       Research Council’s (EPSRC) Research Capacity
                                                            grants. Other funding streams are designed to
Core (or block) funding is allocated annually               support medium and short-term work, such
by the UK higher education funding bodies                   as the EPSRC’s Mathematical Sciences Small
to HEIs. This funding supports research                     Grants or the Natural Environment Research
infrastructure and gives institutions freedom to            Council’s (NERC) Urgency Grants.
undertake research in keeping with their own
objectives. The amount of funding awarded to                Some funding bodies have introduced initiatives
each institution is determined by the number                to support ‘high risk’ science. For example, the
of researchers, the costs of different types of             EPSRC has a number of grant programmes
research and an assessment of the quality of                that aim to stimulate creativity, adventure
research carried out every five or six years.               and lateral thinking in research, and NERC’s
                                                            Discovery Science funding stream aims to
In addition to core funding, grants for specific            support curiosity-led science and encourages
research projects or programmes are awarded                 adventurous research.
by a wide range of bodies, including the seven
Research Councils, government departments,                  Most funders have schemes targeted at
businesses, charities, foundations, and overseas            supporting early career researchers. The
sources such as the European Commission.                    Medical Research Council’s (MRC) New

1 Office for National Statistics (2014) UK Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and
  Development, 2012, available at: Prices have
  been adjusted for inflation.

                                                                                          THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 13
Investigator Grant, for example, is aimed at           The findings presented in journal papers may
researchers with between three and ten years           be reported in the media if they come to the
of post-doctoral experience and the Wellcome           attention of journalists and are deemed to
Trust’s New Investigator Awards are intended to        be of interest to the wider public. Research
support researchers in the first five years of their   institutions, funding bodies and a range of other
research careers.                                      organisations, including journal publishers,
                                                       support researchers in engaging the public with
                                                       science through the media and in other ways,
DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH                              for example, by taking part in public events and
The findings of research are typically
disseminated via peer-reviewed journals.
Papers are assessed by journals through a              ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH
process of peer review to determine whether
or not they should be published. Peer review           Peer review is the process by which academic
typically includes assessment of the rigour of         work is assessed by other experts in the field.
the science and of the contribution it makes to        It is the mainstay of most research assessment
the field. Acceptance of a paper in a prominent        processes, including those carried out by
journal typically requires that the work is of         journals to assess which work to publish, by
high technical quality and that the findings           funding bodies to determine which proposals
represent a major, and possibly newsworthy,            to fund or how much core funding to allocate,
advance in knowledge. Some journals, however,          and by institutions to decide who to appoint or
such as the open access journal PLOS ONE,              promote to academic positions. Peer reviewers
have removed ‘scientific importance’ from its          are typically, but not always, unpaid.
acceptance criteria.
                                                       In science disciplines, the peer review process
The traditional publishing model relies on             is usually ‘single-blind’, where the identity of the
researchers writing and reviewing papers,              reviewer is hidden from the author or applicant,
journals publishing them, and institutions             and takes place prior to publication. However,
paying subscriptions fees to view the published        open and post-publication peer review are
papers. There is support from policy makers,           gaining prominence. For example, many of the
funders and others for a move to open access           journals published by Biomed Central make
publishing, where peer-reviewed journals allow         reviews available alongside the final articles,
free access to their articles, paid for by article     and websites such as PubPeer and PubMed
processing charges (often referred to as ‘Gold’        Commons allow researchers to post public
open access), or where published research              comments about articles following publication.
is placed in a separate public repository for          In addition, some science journals are
anyone to see after an agreed period of time           experimenting with double-blind reviews where
(often referred to as ‘Green’ open access). Many       the identity of both the author and the reviewer
research funders now require or encourage              are hidden, which is common practice among
their grant holders to ensure free, online access      social science journals.
to their published work, and most universities
have publicly accessible research repositories         As a key indicator of research quality, publication
for their researchers to use. Discipline-specific      in peer-reviewed journals is highly sought after
repositories also exist, such as, where      by researchers, particularly journals with the
pre-prints of papers in the fields of physics and      highest ‘impact factors’. High impact factor
mathematics are self-archived by authors.              journals are widely read, often leading to
work receiving a high number of citations by                    for their research to have an impact on society
other academics. Although this varies across                    in the ‘Pathways to impact’ section of grant
disciplines, the impact factor of the journal in                applications. In addition, in 2013, the UK
which a paper is published is therefore often                   higher education funding bodies undertook a
used as an indicator of the quality and impact                  new process for assessing research quality,
of published work. Despite their prevalent use,                 the Research Excellence Framework (REF), to
it is widely agreed that journal impact factors                 inform the allocation of core funding to HEIs
have serious limitations. The San Francisco                     from 2015. The process involved peer review of
Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)                       each institution on the basis of 1) the outputs of
recognises that research should be assessed                     research (such as journal publications, datasets
on its own merits rather than on the basis of the               and patents), 2) the impact of past research
journal in which the research is published, and                 on the economy, society and culture, and 3)
has now been signed by over 12,000 individuals                  the vitality and sustainability of the research
and 500 organisations.                                          environment. The REF assessment panels were
                                                                instructed not to make any use of journal impact
One method for assessing the significance                       factors in assessing the quality of research
of individual papers is to use the number of                    outputs. The results are due to be announced
times the paper has been cited in other peer-                   in December 2014. HEFCE is currently
reviewed papers, which can be adjusted to                       undertaking research to evaluate the strengths
account for article type, time since publication                and weaknesses of the REF process.
and differences in citation practices across
disciplines. There is also growing interest in
‘altmetrics’ – metrics proposed as alternatives                 CAREER PROGRESSION
to journal impact factors and paper citation
numbers for assessing the quality and reach                     The number of academic staff across all
of all kinds of published research. Altmetrics                  disciplines employed in English HEIs has risen
include download and bookmark numbers,                          from around 105,000 in 2003-04 to around
blog and social media mentions, and expert                      126,000 in 2012-13.2 Around 30 per cent of
recommendations. Altmetrics are beginning to                    science PhD graduates go on to post-doctoral
be explored and adopted by publishers, funders,                 research positions, and around four per cent of
institutions (for example, through the Snowball                 science PhD graduates proceed to permanent
Metrics Initiative) and researchers. However,                   academic posts with a significant research
there is also wide recognition that research is                 component.3 Many overseas researchers are
very difficult to assess using metrics alone, and               recruited into the UK system at different career
that qualitative assessments are an essential                   points, and UK researchers take up positions in
component. The Higher Education Funding                         other countries.
Council for England (HEFCE) is currently
undertaking an independent review of the role of                Researchers are assessed for promotions or
metrics in the assessment of research.                          jobs by panels of senior members of staff on the
                                                                basis of a range of relevant criteria, such as their
In an attempt to undertake a fuller assessment                  performance in research, teaching, leadership
of the value of research and the contributions of               and outreach activities.
researchers, some funding bodies are taking into
consideration the impact of future or previous
research beyond academia. For example,
Research Councils require researchers to set
out how they are going to explore opportunities

2 Higher Education Funding Council for England (2014) A briefing on: Staff employed at HEFCE-funded
  HEIs: Trends and profiles, available at:
3 The Royal Society (2010) The Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity, available at:

                                                                                             THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 15
Typical career path for a scientist in an HEI

                                                        (3-4 years)

                                         POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER
                                     (typically two or more fixed-term contracts)

                                                 RESEARCH FELLOW
                                              (typically a 5-year contract)

                                             RESEARCHER / LECTURER
                                          (typically an open-ended contract)

                                       SENIOR RESEARCHER / LECTURER
                                         (typically an open-ended contract)

                                          (typically an open-ended contract)

                                                 PROFESSOR / CHAIR
                                                   (typically an open-
                                                     ended contract)

Percentages of staff employed in research roles in UK HEIs in
2011/12 in selected scientific disciplines4

                                               37%               Biosciences
                                               14%               Physics
                                               12%               Chemistry
                                               12%               Electrical, electronic and computer engineering
                                               10%               Earth, marine and environmental sciences
                                                5%               Pharmacy and pharmacology
                                                4%               Anatomy and physiology
                                                4%               Mineral, metallurgy and materials engineering
                                                3%               Chemical engineering

4 Data supplied by HESA Services Ltd. The percentages do not total 100 due to rounding of

Research in HEIs is not overseen by a dedicated                       This section has provided an introduction
regulatory body, but most institutions have                           to the wide range of factors that influences
their own policies on good research practice,                         the culture of research in the UK, including
systems for the ethical approval of projects, and                     what kind of funding is available and how
procedures for handling misconduct.5 Certain                          it is allocated, the governance of research,
types of research have additional oversight                           the way in which research is disseminated,
processes that are governed by bodies outside                         the composition of the workforce, and how
the HEI system, such as animal research, clinical                     researchers progress in their careers. The
trials and research involving genetically modified                    next section presents evidence collected
organisms.                                                            during this project about how scientists
                                                                      and other key stakeholders experience
There is a wide range of activities that could be                     the culture of research and the factors that
considered to constitute research misconduct                          they believe are having positive or negative
or poor quality research practice. This includes                      effects on science.
data fraud, poor experimental design, corner-
cutting in research methods, inadequate
replication of research, ‘cherry picking’ results,
inappropriately slicing up data to create several
papers, authorship issues, plagiarism, over-
claiming the significance of work in grant
proposals and papers, and carrying out poor
quality peer review, for example by failing to
declare a conflict of interest. The scale of
research misconduct or poor quality research
practice is hard to assess since it is likely that
much goes on undetected. The Committee on
Publication Ethics (COPE) identifies authorship
issues as one of the most common concerns
raised by its journal members.

The first sector-wide research guidance
for universities, The Concordat to Support
Research Integrity, was published in 2012.6
Institutions funded by the UK higher education
funding councils are required to comply with
the concordat, which sets out a number of
commitments. These include maintaining the
highest standards of rigour and integrity in all
aspects of research, and supporting a research
environment that is underpinned by a culture of
integrity and based on good governance, best
practice and support for the development of

5 For instance, see the University of Birmingham’s Code of Practice for Research 2013-14, available at:
6 Universities UK (2012) The Concordat to Support Research Integrity, available at:

                                                                                                  THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 17
Over the course of the project, we heard a wide range of views,
perceptions and experiences related to the ethical consequences
of the culture of scientific research in terms of encouraging good
research practice and the production of high quality science. These are
summarised in this section.

What is high quality science?

When survey respondents were asked to select               were asked what feature of the UK research
five words from a list that best describe their            environment is having the most positive effect
understanding of high quality research, the five           on science. The respondents (a quarter) who            Collaborations –
most frequently selected words were:                       raise this think collaboration is leading to           an open, friendly
                                                           better communication between researchers,              environment
1. Rigorous                                                greater sharing of data and methodologies,             where people
2. Accurate                                                less competition between different research            work together to
                                                                                                                  achieve things
3. Original                                                teams, and reduced feelings of isolation among
                                                                                                                  faster rather
4. Honest                                                  researchers. This, respondents perceive, results
                                                                                                                  than competing
5. Transparent                                             in an “explosion of ideas” and more innovation in      needlessly.
                                                           research.                                              Additionally I
‘Rigorous’ was the top choice across all                                                                          think that the
disciplines. Respondents working in medicine,              Multidisciplinarity                                    emerging inter-
engineering, psychology, social science and                The potential for multidisciplinary research to        disciplinary
computing included ‘ethical’ in their top five, and        address some of the major questions facing             (e.g. bio-maths
‘beneficial to society’ was the third most popular         society was highlighted at several of the              department split
selection by social scientists. ‘Justified’, ‘open’,       discussion events. Researchers who have                PhD programmes)
‘legal’ and ‘respectful’ were the least frequently         trained in completely different ways need to           efforts though
chosen words.                                              work together, it was suggested, and the wide          facing teething
                                                                                                                  problems now will
                                                           gaps between disciplines that existed in the past
                                                                                                                  be very valuable
During the project activities it emerged that              are now becoming much narrower.
                                                                                                                  in the future.
several other components are thought to be
particularly important in the production of high           Openness                                               Survey respondent
quality science: collaboration, multidisciplinarity,       Sixty-one per cent of survey respondents think         (PhD Student, female,
                                                                                                                  aged 18-25)
openness and creativity.                                   that the move towards open access publishing is
                                                           having a positive or very positive effect overall on
Collaboration                                              scientists in terms of encouraging the production
Increased collaboration was the most common                of high quality research. Researchers in the
answer given when survey respondents                       field of computing were particularly positive.

of survey respondents think open access publishing is having a
positive or very positive effect on scientists

Photo: Participant at the discussion event held at University College London

                                                                                    THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 19
Open access publishing is also the third most       freedom and variety in research were among
                       popular answer given by survey respondents          the most common answers given by survey
                       when asked which features of the UK research        respondents. Respondents report that these
                       environment are having the most positive effect     features encourage creative thinking, leading
                       on scientists. Reasons given for this positive      to diversity in research and innovation as well
                       effect include making research more accountable     as encouraging researchers and institutions to
                       to the public, and helping to correct exaggerated   follow more ambitious projects. Concerns about
                       or inflated claims made in the media.               a loss of creativity were raised in discussions
                                                                           about a possible culture of ‘short-termism’
                       Participants in the discussion events were also     in research (see Short-term funding p23 and
                       positive about the potential of open access         Research impact p26) and perceived increases
                       publishing to promote collaboration, reduce         in strategically-directed funding by funding
                       unnecessary duplication, increase reproducibility   bodies (see p23).
                       in research and reduce poor quality research
                       practices. Although concerns about how
                       researchers will cover article processing fees      MOTIVATIONS OF SCIENTISTS
                       were raised at several of the events, the
Freedom gives          publishing experts we spoke to expressed            The motivations of scientists provide additional
[you] the chance       the view that the UK is currently in a period of    insights into how they view research, and the
to let your            transition and that open access publishing will     majority of the survey respondents clearly
mind wander.           be the norm in 10-15 years time.                    chose a career in science in order to find out
Collaboration                                                              more about the world around them. When
gets you places        In addition, almost two thirds of respondents       respondents were asked to rank phrases to
more quickly and       believe data sharing policies in the UK are         describe what they believe motivates them in
often to places
                       having a positive or very positive effect overall   their work, the top three were:
none of you could
                       on scientists in terms of encouraging the
reach alone.
                       production of high quality science. Respondents     1. Improving my knowledge and
Survey respondent      believe increased transparency and data                 understanding
(Senior Researcher/    sharing are facilitating the dissemination of       2. M aking scientific discoveries for the
Lecturer, male, aged
36 to 45)              results, enabling research to be accomplished           benefit of society
                       more quickly and cost effectively, and allowing     3. Satisfying my curiosity
                       greater scrutiny of research findings. A greater
                       proportion of respondents aged under 35 think       Phrases that came lower down the rankings
                       data sharing policies are having a very positive    were (in descending order): ‘progressing my
                       effect overall than those aged over 45 (15 per      career’, ‘communicating science to others’,
                       cent vs. 7 per cent). There are concerns related    ‘earning a salary’, ‘training the next generation of
                       to data sharing however, with issues about          scientists’, ‘gaining recognition from my peers’,
                       commercial sensitivities and the challenges of      ‘working as a team’ and ‘gaining recognition
                       making data publicly available raised at several    from the public’ ranked last.
                       of the discussion events.
                                                                           Respondents working in medical research are
                       Creativity                                          more likely to cite ‘making scientific discoveries
                       The importance of creativity in the scientific      for the benefit of society’ as their main
                       process was raised during the project in a          motivation. ‘Satisfying my curiosity’ is particularly
                       number of contexts. When asked how different        important for respondents working within
                       features of the UK research environment are         computing and physics.
                       having a positive effect on scientists, academic
Concerns about the culture of
scientific research

COMPETITION                                                        believe it is having a negative or very negative
                                                                   effect (49 vs. 38 per cent male). More
High levels of competition, or                                     professors think competition is having a very
‘hypercompetition’,7 in scientific research                        positive or positive effect when compared to
emerged as a strong theme running through                          people nearer the beginning of their careers (60
all the project activities. Applying for funding is                vs. 35 per cent post-doctoral researchers for
thought to be very competitive by the majority                     example).
of the survey respondents (94 per cent), as is
applying for jobs and promotions (77 per cent).                    A number of potential negative effects of high           I think in theory
Around nine in ten think making discoveries                        levels of competition were raised during the             competition
and gaining peer recognition is quite or very                      project:                                                 should be healthy
competitive.                                                                                                                however I don’t
                                                                                                                            think it is, rather it
                                                                   Poor quality research practices
                                                                                                                            means people do
Competition for funding is felt particularly keenly                Behaviours such as rushing to finish and publish
                                                                                                                            not share ideas/
by researchers working in the biosciences, and                     research, employing less rigorous research               data/thoughts
respondents aged under 45 are more likely to                       methods and increased corner-cutting in                  in the same way
find applying for jobs and promotions to be                        research were raised by 29 per cent of survey            so that high
very competitive when compared to their older                      respondents who commented on the effects of              quality science
colleagues.                                                        competition on scientists. The potential for high        can be done
                                                                   levels of competition to encourage poor quality          for the greater
Competition appears to be a double-edged                           research practices was also raised in several of         good. Rather it is
sword. Many believe that competition can bring                     the discussion events.                                   about getting the
out the best in people as they strive for ever                                                                              recognition for
better performance, and that science advances                      Less collaboration                                       yourself as your
more rapidly as a result. It is also thought                       Of the survey respondents who provided a
                                                                                                                            is dependent on
that high levels of competition go against the                     negative comment on the effects of competition
                                                                                                                            publications etc.
ethos of scientific discovery and can create                       in science, 24 out of 179 respondents (13 per
incentives for practices that are damaging to the                  cent) believe that high levels of competition            Survey respondent
production of high quality research.                               between individuals discourage research                  (Senior Researcher,
                                                                                                                            female, aged 36 to 45)
                                                                   collaboration and the sharing of data and
Views vary depending on gender and                                 methodologies. This concern was echoed
academic position. A higher proportion of                          during several of the discussion events.
male respondents to the survey think that
competition is having a positive or very positive                  Rewarding self-promoters
effect overall (45 vs. 35 per cent female), whilst                 Of the survey respondents who provided a
a higher proportion of female respondents                          negative comment on the effects of competition

of survey respondents think applying for funding is very competitive

     s described in Alberts B, Kirschner MW, Tilghman S, and Varmus H (2014) Rescuing US
    biomedical research from its systemic flaws Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    111(16): 5773–7.

                                                                                                  THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 21
in science, 28 out of 179 respondents (16         This, survey respondents believe, can lead to
per cent) believe that ‘headline chasing’ has     selfish behaviour and means people who do
increased in prominence, and that people          not behave in this way may be disadvantaged,
‘shouting the loudest’ stand a better chance of   irrespective of the quality of their work.
gaining promotion and securing funding.
FUNDING OF RESEARCH                                 believe results in fewer new ideas, a decrease in
                                                    the time available to plan good research, greater
A number of specific concerns about funding         adherence to safer research topics (where
were raised during the project.                     results are almost guaranteed in advance) and
                                                    people cutting corners in research. The factors
Amount of funding                                   cited as causing short-termism include short-
When asked which features of the UK research        term employment contracts caused by short-
environment are having the most negative            term project funding and a focus on short-term
effect, the most common answer given by             research outputs and impact (see Research
survey respondents (31 per cent) was the            impact p26). Respondents, particularly post-
lack of funding available. These respondents        doctoral researchers and professors, believe the    Current funding
believe that the amount of available funding has    current system encourages short-term research       program
decreased recently and that too much of their       proposals and safe research, which may be           concentrates
time is wasted applying for what they believe is    geared towards commercial development, rather       on funding
a shrinking pot of money.                           than high risk research in unexplored areas.        research where
                                                                                                        the research
Strategically-directed funding                      Funding for ‘risky’ research                        results are within
The survey respondents who think the lack of        When asked what they would like to change           reach, i.e. where
funding available is having the most negative       about the UK research environment, over 42          the results can
                                                                                                        be pretty much
effect on scientists also comment that              per cent of respondents comment on funding
researchers are tailoring their work in order to    issues, with some expressing a desire for
                                                                                                        This type of
meet strategically-directed funding calls, rather   more funding for ‘riskier’ projects. There is a     ‘safe’ funding
than applying for the original research they        feeling that funding bodies have become more        also means it’s
had in mind. They believe that creativity and       conservative and favour safer research projects,    very hard to find
innovation are being lost within the scientific     where results are almost guaranteed in advance,     funding for un-
community as a result. This point of view           but this approach, respondents believe, can         conventional/
was echoed in the discussion events, with           hamper scientific development. This concern         risky/not-trendy
participants commenting that the use of themes      was echoed at the discussion events, with           approaches.
and strategic priorities by funders may induce      participants expressing a belief that funders are   However, these
researchers to pursue research they perceive as     reluctant to take risks with research and tend      are the ones most
more ‘fundable’, which over the long term may       to fund the same projects or research teams         able to bring in
                                                                                                        the big advances
exert a distorting influence on what research is    repeatedly.
                                                                                                        in science.
conducted. Survey respondents also note that
increased competition for funding may be driving    Funding of large, established research              Survey respondent
researchers to tailor their applications to meet    groups                                              (Senior Researcher/
                                                                                                        Lecturer, male, aged
targeted calls, thereby increasing the number of    The 42 per cent of respondents who raise            36 to 45)
opportunities they have to win funding.             funding issues when asked what they would like
                                                    to change about the UK research environment
Short-term funding                                  are also concerned that funding is concentrated
The potential negative effects of short-term        towards large, well-equipped research centres
funding were raised in several contexts by          and that there is favouritism toward Russell
survey respondents and event participants.          Group universities. They are concerned that
Twenty-eight per cent of respondents                these centres tend to explore strategically-
commenting on how different features are            directed areas of research and that opportunities
having a negative effect on scientists point to a   for other researchers wanting to explore their
general culture of ‘short-termism’, which they      own areas of interest are reduced as a result.

                                                                           THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 23
Positive aspects of the current funding                    collaborative work was also particularly praised
                      landscape were also raised by some                         by survey respondents. Forty-one per cent of
                      participants during the project. When asked                respondents believe that how multidisciplinary
                      which features of the UK research environment              and collaborative research is supported is
                      are having the most positive effect on                     having a positive or very positive effect overall
                      scientists in terms of encouraging high quality            on scientists in terms of encouraging the
                      science, access to funding for projects was                production of high quality science (compared
                      raised by a fifth of respondents, particularly             to 26 per cent who think it is having a negative
                      when respondents were comparing the UK                     or very negative effect). Respondents working
                      situation to that of other countries. Support              in bioscience and female respondents were
                      by funding providers for multidisciplinary and             particularly positive in their answers.

I think the lack
of funding for
small groups and
projects means
that the focus has
moved to larger
groups, which
reduces thinking
‘outside the box’

Survey respondent
(Senior Researcher/
Lecturer, female,
over 45)

                      Photo: Participant at the discussion event held at University College London
ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH                                  of journals focus on single disciplines or areas
                                                        of research, which can make the publication of
In a competitive system, the criteria used              multidisciplinary research difficult, particularly
by funding bodies, journals and research                work that has involved unusual collaborations.
institutions to assess the quality and value of         Therefore, assessment processes that focus
science influences what science is pursued and          on publications in particular journals may
how scientists behave.                                  be unfairly disadvantaging multidisciplinary
                                                        research, creating disincentives for this kind of
Four topics commonly feature in discussions             work to be carried out, or resulting in the need
about research assessment processes:                    to publish across a range of journals covering
journal and article metrics, assessing the wider        all the contributing disciplines.
professional activities of researchers,
peer review and the Research Excellence                 • Authorship issues
Framework (REF).                                        Focusing on metrics related to journal articles
                                                        in the assessment of researchers may be
                                                        contributing to a culture in which scientists try
Journal and article metrics                             to gain authorship credits for as many articles       Research should
                                                                                                              be evaluated in
Throughout the project we heard repeatedly              as possible, participants of the discussion
                                                                                                              such a way that
that publishing in high impact factor journals is       events suggested. Specific issues raised
                                                                                                              it ignores simple
still thought to be the most important element in       relating to authorship include: the difficulties of   metrics like
determining whether researchers gain funding,           ensuring that appropriate credit for published        impact factors
jobs and promotions, along with article-level           work is given to researchers at different             and numbers
metrics such as citation numbers. This has              stages of their careers; and the challenges           of papers and
created a strong pressure on scientists not only        raised by differing conventions for authorship        instead tries to
to ‘publish or perish’, but to publish in particular    when comparing publication records across             take a better
journals.                                               different disciplines and when publishing             overall account
                                                        multidisciplinary research.                           of all outputs
Concerns raised by survey respondents and                                                                     arising from the
event participants in relation to the use of journal    • Other research outputs                              research.
and article metrics in research assessment              A range of non-article research outputs was           Survey respondent
include:                                                mentioned by survey respondents and event             (Reader, male, aged
                                                        participants, including datasets, software,           56-65)

 • Publication bias                                     patents and films. In addition, the internet
 High impact journals will usually only                 is providing researchers with the ability to
 publish research that they perceive to be of           disseminate their research outputs without
 outstanding scientific importance. A concern           the help of publishers. Although this will
 raised by participants at several of our               vary across disciplines, it is likely to become
 events and meetings is that the pressure to            increasingly important to include a wider
 publish in these journals is resulting in some         range of research output types in research
 types of important research findings not               assessments. The REF already accepts a
 being published or recognised, for example,            variety of research outputs for assessment, but
 research with negative findings or research that       it appeared from our discussions that very few
 replicates or refutes others’ work.                    researchers are aware of this, or do not believe
                                                        that anything other than peer-reviewed journal
 • Disadvantaging multidisciplinary                     articles will be judged favourably.
 Event participants pointed out that the majority      The desire for a more diverse set of measures

                                                                                THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UK 25
of research quality and reach to be used in         addition, a focus on impact was, some event
assessments was raised by many survey               participants said, resulting in researchers
respondents throughout their responses. The         exaggerating the potential application of
publishers we spoke to pointed to the San           research in grant proposals and the timescales
Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment        in which it might be delivered.
(DORA) as a positive development in this area.
                                                    The Research Councils we spoke to believe
                                                    they have a duty to explain to the public
Assessing the wider activities of                   and the Government the impact of public
researchers                                         investment in science. They emphasised
                                                    that this is done mostly retrospectively, and
Research impact                                     applicants are not expected to be able to
Participants at several of the events broadly       predict at the application stage the economic
welcome the attempt by funding bodies to            or societal impacts that research will achieve.
assess the impact of future or previous research
beyond academia, believing that scientists         Professional activities
have obligations to maximise opportunities         It was suggested during the discussion events
for and demonstrate the benefit of their work      that research organisations should pay closer
to the public. It also, some believe, focuses      attention to and value the hard-to-measure
researchers’ attention on the purpose of their     and often invisible ways in which researchers
research and forces them to explain their          contribute to the production of high quality
research clearly.                                  science. This may include mentoring, training,
                                                   teaching, peer review, university administration,
However, others were less enthusiastic about       public engagement and contributing to the
the move to include these wider assessment         work of national bodies and policy makers.
criteria. Concerns raised by survey respondents    Almost half of the survey respondents believe
and event participants in relation to the          provision of professional education, training and
assessment of impact include:                      supervision in the UK is having a positive or
                                                   very positive effect overall on scientists in terms
 • A culture of short-termism                      of encouraging the production of high quality
 Pressure to create impact is one factor cited     science.
 by survey respondents as causing a culture
 of short-termism in the UK (which is thought      Staff development, PhD awards and research
 by 28 per cent of respondents to be having        collaboration are already recognised by the REF
 a negative effect on scientists in terms of       in the ‘Environment of research’ category and
 encouraging high quality science). A culture of   often feature in university promotion criteria,
 short-termism, they say, results in fewer new     but nonetheless there was a clear perception
 ideas, a decrease in the time available to plan   among the event participants that they are
 good research, greater adherence to ‘safer’       undervalued.
 research topics and people cutting corners in
                                                   Peer review
 • A focus on applied research                     Seventy-one per cent of the survey respondents
 Participants at several of the events are         believe the peer review system in the UK is
 concerned that an increased focus on the          having a positive or very positive effect overall
 impact of research is pushing aside interest      on scientists in terms of encouraging the
 in and funding of curiosity-driven research. In   production of high quality science.
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