ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual - Microchip Technology

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ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual - Microchip Technology
ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual

A challenge of testing application-specific ICs is creating test patterns by IC-design engineers who do not have deep
knowledge of the test-equipment and the related requirements and restrictions.
This manual bridges the gap by providing explanations, examples, and the necessary information to successfully set
up and perform simulations, which must be usable for testprogram-generation. It also explains the Microchip-internal
transformation-flow and the tools involved.

The following terms are used frequently to identify specific test features and constraints:

 Terminology                   Description
 ATE                           Automatic Test Equipment (ATE). A tester is an ATE.
 DUT                           Device Under Test (DUT)
                               A hardware product verified on the tester. It can either be a die on a wafer or a
                               packaged part.

 Wafer Probe                   Testing operation for die on wafers.
                               It uses an additional ATE named Prober and a DUT interface named Probe Card.

 Final Test                    Testing operation for packaged parts after assembly.
                               It uses a DUT interface named Load Board.

 Test Cycle                    The interval of time (also called period) in which a test vector is presented to the DUT.
                               The beginning of a Test Cycle is the reference time for relative timings.

 Test Vector                   A Test Vector consists of one signal state line in a test pattern.
                               It contains:
                               A period that delimits the beginning and end of the test vector, also called Test Cycle.
                               Signal states. Each signal state is represented by a symbol, which reflects its level and
                               direction (input or output mode for bidirectional). See Waveform File Format for more
                               information about symbols.
                               Timing data. Each signal has its own timing data. Inputs are stimulated at predefined
                               times (driven by the hardware of the tester), and outputs are sampled at predefined
                               Strobe times.

 Test Pattern                  This is a set of test vectors, usually composed of one or two files: one for the signal
                               states and one for the timing information. They are the results from the conversion
                               of a simulation. The very first test vector starts at time 0, which is the absolute time
                               (reference) for the pattern.

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ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual - Microchip Technology
 Terminology                   Description
 Tset                          Tset or Timing Set
                               It is the (named) identification of all timing data for a given test vector. Testers have a
                               hardware limitation for the maximum number of Tsets in general.

 Fset                          Fset or Format Set
                               It is the combination of formats of all signals (that is, input mode, output mode or
                               undriven mode) at a given test vector. The Fsets can change from one test vector to
                               the next one. However, testers have a hardware limitation for the maximum number of
                               Fsets. In order to avoid violating the maximum number of Fsets, it is recommended to
                               carefully check the direction of bidirectional ports in the simulations.

 TOS                           Test Oriented Simulation (TOS)
                               A specific simulation performed by the designer to build the corresponding test pattern,
                               which is intended to run on the ATE.

 NRZ                           Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)
                               Format of a signal which has only a single event transition (at a given time) in a test

 RTZ                           Return To Zero (RTZ)
                               Format of a signal, which may have two event transitions, the first to go to HIGH state,
                               and the second to return to LOW (Zero) state.

 RTO                           Return To One (RTO)
                               Format of a signal, which may have two event transitions, the first to go to LOW state,
                               and the second to return to HIGH (One) state.

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ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual - Microchip Technology
Table of Contents
      1.         Terminology.................................................................................................................................. 1
      2.         Advice ..........................................................................................................................................2

1.    Product Testing....................................................................................................................................... 6
      1.1.       Design Cycle................................................................................................................................ 6
      1.2.       TOS Guidelines............................................................................................................................ 6
      1.3.       MICROCHIP Test Equipment ...................................................................................................... 7

2.    TOS Rules...............................................................................................................................................9
      2.1.       What is TECT?............................................................................................................................. 9
      2.2.       Design to Test Flow...................................................................................................................... 9
      2.3.       TECT Startup............................................................................................................................... 9
      2.4.       TECT Tabs................................................................................................................................. 10
      2.5.       TECT Flow..................................................................................................................................11
      2.6.       TECT Files (Bonded Packages).................................................................................................12
      2.7.       TECT Files (Flipchip Packages).................................................................................................13
      2.8.       Test Prep Flow............................................................................................................................13
      2.9.       Burn-in Board and Patterns Definition........................................................................................14

3.    Test Patterns......................................................................................................................................... 15
      3.1.       VCD Rules..................................................................................................................................15
      3.2.       Patterns Order............................................................................................................................16

4.    Tests Tab............................................................................................................................................... 17
      4.1.       DC Tests.....................................................................................................................................17
      4.2.       AC Tests – Dynamic Timing Measurements...............................................................................17
      4.3.       Idd Tests – StandBy, Dynamic, or Iddq Current Measurements.................................................18

5.    TECT Completion..................................................................................................................................20
      5.1.       Checks....................................................................................................................................... 20
      5.2.       Save........................................................................................................................................... 20
      5.3.       Archive....................................................................................................................................... 20

6.    TECT Rules...........................................................................................................................................21

7.    Appendix............................................................................................................................................... 24
      7.1.       Simultaneous Switching Outputs................................................................................................24
      7.2.       Vref Pins.....................................................................................................................................24
      7.3.       DFT and Coverage.....................................................................................................................24

8.    Conclusion............................................................................................................................................ 25

9.    Revision History.................................................................................................................................... 26

The Microchip Website.................................................................................................................................28

Product Change Notification Service............................................................................................................28

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Customer Support........................................................................................................................................ 28

Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................................................ 28

Legal Notice................................................................................................................................................. 29

Trademarks.................................................................................................................................................. 29

Quality Management System....................................................................................................................... 30

Worldwide Sales and Service.......................................................................................................................31

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ASIC Test Oriented Simulation Manual - Microchip Technology
Product Testing

1.        Product Testing

1.1       Design Cycle
          The design cycle of a product consists of several operations, one of them being the functional simulation. Several
          kinds of functional simulations can be performed, some of them to check the product functionality (digital, analog
          or mixed signal) in its application environment, and some of them are dedicated to build a test program for chip
          verification after fabrication (TOS).
          TOS consist of several parts—Scan test, at-speed test, functional test, BIST, and so on. Each of them is either
          outputs from a golden simulator (such as VHDL or Verilog™) or from an automatic test pattern generator (ATPG)
          such as FastScan™ or TetraMax™.

1.1.1     TVT Overview
          The waveforms are generated in .vcd files or .stil files. The .vcd file format must be translated with Test
          Vector Translator (TVT) (part of Microchip Design Kit) into a proprietary Microchip format as a set of two files—VECT
          and TIMSET. Besides, the .stil format generated by most ATPG commercial tools can be directly transferred to
          Microchip if it is restricted to the IEEE 1450.99 specification.   Sub-Nanosecond Times in TVT
          TVT and VECT-TIMSET files can support times less than a nanosecond. The minimal time unit in TVT is 1 ps. All
          times expressed with a fraction smaller than 1 ps are rounded.
          Using the minimal test resolution of 10 ps for simulations is a good compromise between simulation-time, precision,
          and file size.
          For the test-oriented simulations, this might cause differences between the minimum and maximum-simulations. It is
          recommended to first simulate with a precision of 1 ps to check, if the mismatch disappears before investigating in
          other directions.

1.1.2     TECT Overview
          Test Entities Configuration Tools (TECT) is used (also part of Microchip Design Kit) to manage and transfer product
          files to Microchip Technical Center. It includes a series of verifiers to check simulation results and other special DC
          and AC test requirements. You will find some TECT information in this document, and more details in the TECT User
          After file transfer to Microchip, they are combined into a test program that runs onto a tester. The tester provides
          a method to certify that the hardware product is functional after fabrication in the given environment (temperature,
          voltage, radiation, life test, and so on). These tests are run first at wafer level (wafer probe), then after assembly at
          device level (final test).

1.2       TOS Guidelines
          To stimulate a device off its final application board, a series of logical vectors must be applied to the device inputs.
          These are called test vectors that are used to stimulate the design inputs and check the outputs against the expected
          values. In other words, on a tester the test vectors replace the HDL test bench (used by designers) to verify the
          design functionality.
          Microchip sets some rules and formats for customers to generate test vectors. A standardized format helps
          customers and Microchip to:
            •   Improve simulation by reducing errors
            •   Simplify design verification on ATE
            •   Reduce project cycle times
            •   Reduce debugging costs
          This document provides guidelines for test vector sets. These are recommended for functional verification of ASIC
          designs made with Microchip and cover several aspects of design verification including:

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Product Testing

          •   Waveform file format
          •   Tester constraints
          •   Mandatory tools to use—TVT and TECT
          •   Simultaneously switching outputs (in Appendix)

1.2.1   Waveform File Format
        The vector file (VECT) is a text file that contains binary values of all signals of the device. Each line of the file forms a
        test vector, which indicates the state of all ports at a given test cycle.
        Individual signal entries in each line must use the following characters:
          •   Inputs—0, 1, D or U
          •   Outputs—L, H, Z or X (tested states)
          •   Bidirectional—either 0, 1, D or U (input mode) or L, H, Z or X (output mode)

1.2.2   Tester Constraints
        The vector files are applied to the device using the tester (ATE) as described in Microchip Test Equipment. The tester
        limitations along with general hardware considerations imply constraints, which must be considered during the test
        vector generation.
        The tester activities such as applying input signals and reading back the outputs of the design are synchronous to a
        reference clock, which is extracted from the vector file. Therefore, synchronous vector files are always required.
        As the vector files must always be synchronous, care must be taken in generating vectors for signals, which are
        asynchronous in the application. The asynchronous inputs must be applied in the test vectors synchronously to the
        tester cycle and outputs will be sampled synchronously to the tester cycle.
        As with asynchronous inputs, you must check if multiple clock inputs to the design are asynchronous with respect to
        each other. Due to the synchronous nature of the vector files, the asynchronous clocks may be affected by missing
        edges with respect to the reference clock. As a result, clocks must be synchronized to avoid errors.

1.2.3   Analog IPs
        The test of the analog IPs must be considered during the code-development phase. For more information on
        integration and test strategy, see the IP’s datasheet. Support and additional information can be provided at the
        Microchip local design center.

1.3     MICROCHIP Test Equipment
        For testing the high complexity circuits such as those using MICROCHIP ASIC families, the following tester will be
        used: Cohu D10 (100 MHz, up to 200 Mbits/sec, 672 digital pins, accurate DC measurements with VIS16 option).
        A tester specification datasheet can be provided on request.

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Product Testing

Figure 1-1. Cohu D10 Test Equipment

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TOS Rules

2.    TOS Rules
      Most testers have hardware and software restrictions and limitations that designers must take into consideration.
      These restrictions and rules must be checked as early as possible in the TOS design cycle with Microchip’s TVT and
      TECT tools.

2.1   What is TECT?
      Since 2014, Test Entities Configuration Tools (TECT) is a utility tool between design and test environments.
      TECT collects design data files such as simulation results, and several other product description files, to build a
      package to be transferred to Microchip Technical Center then to Test Engineering to generate test programs.
      TECT includes built-in interactive verifiers that check data consistencies and various causes of error, and it creates
      error reports.

2.2   Design to Test Flow
      The following figure shows where TECT is in the test program generation flow:

      TECT is designed to use in an interactive way. It is delivered as part of Microchip Design Kits (DK). See the TECT
      User Manual for more information about installation and usage.
      Usually, at the beginning of a project for a new product, the Microchip Technical Center receives a pin list from the
      customer. The Microchip Technical Center analyses the pin list and starts working with TECT. TECT supports several
      processes (from 0.15 µm to 65 nm) and the technology choice is the starting point.
      Microchip’s TECT archive, by Microchip’s DC, is transferred back to the customer to finish the remaining tasks.

2.3   TECT Startup
      The graphical user interface of TECT consists of a series of primary tabs (Product, SignalGroups, Patterns, and so
      on) and a series of secondary tabs (Supply nets, Signals, Bondings, and so on). Each of these tabs must be opened
      and filled to satisfy TOS rules, before navigating to the next tab.

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TOS Rules

      You can see various tabs in the following image:

      The different tabs show an attached symbol:

        •       Indicates, if there is a missing information (for example, CellInst is missing).

        •       Indicates, if an error was detected that must be fixed (for example, an AC Check for which the signal
            transitions are not present in the corresponding test pattern).

2.4   TECT Tabs
      The TECT tabs are named as:
        •   Product: Definition of the product and the following sub-tabs:
              – Supply nets: Set voltages (Typ, Min, and Max) for all supply ports (Note 1).
              – Signals: External I/Os and all associated information, including internal control ports (Note 1).
              – Bondings: Package pin lists (Note 2).
              – Toolings: Tester hardware interfaces. Wafer Probe Cards, Device Load Boards, and Burn-In Boards are
                 Microchip’s responsibility (See TECT Manual).
        •   SignalGroups (optional): To help designer to group signals together.
        •   Patterns: Definition of the TOS patterns to be used in the test program.
              – Defines the format and the use of each pattern.
        •   IPs: Definition of additional IP information such as LVDS pairs and reference voltages (Note 3).
        •   Tests: Access to three sub-tasks: DC Tests, AC Tests, and Idd Tests.
              – DC Tests: Allow selection of dedicated patterns for DC tests.
              – AC Tests: Manage all AC tests to be performed.
              – Idd Tests: Manage Idd StandBy, (Dyn) Operating Idd, and Iddq measurements.
        •   Checks: Click the Check All button to perform all possible checks.
        •   Archive: Builds a TECT database for transfer to Microchip Technical Center (See Test Prep Flow).
      See the TECT User Manual for more information.
      Note 1: This information can be uploaded automatically from the .P0 file (output from PIMTOOL). When the .P0 file
      is not filled correctly (for example, internal control ports are often missing), you can import the Verilog description (.v
      file), which contains the top module of the product.

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TOS Rules

      Note 2: The bonding information (connections between die signals to package pins) can be entered automatically
      from the .bdf file (output from PIMTOOL).
      Note 3: For all LVDS I/O ports, it is mandatory to identify the external voltage reference pins, except if the given
      reference voltage is internally generated.
      For each pair during simulation, the N and P pins must be stimulated, one at the inverse state than the other. Ensure
      that the external reference voltage pins must be present in the netlist and driven to logical 1.

2.5   TECT Flow
      The TECT flow consists of the following steps:
        •   An initial .vdf file for TVT is generated by TECT.
        •   TVT generates patterns in VECT-TIMSET file format, from designer’s simulation provided in .vcd or .evcd file
        •   The .stil files are only verified by TECT for their IEEE 1450.99 compliance, then transferred to the TTZ
        •   The TTZ database is a zipped tarball of all necessary files to transfer to the Microchip Technical Center. This
            database is encrypted by default for transfer security. However, the encryption may be disabled.
        •   The Modular Test Program Generator (MTPG) requires DDF file, BDF file, and patterns in VECT-TIMSET and/or
            STIL formats. The TPC file gives an additional information about the test program to be generated. All these files
            are packaged and compressed in the TTZ database file.
        •   After place and route operation, the pad locations (X-Y coordinates of the wire bonding areas) are known
            and written in the .ddf file. They are required in TECT, prior to transfer the TTZ database to your Microchip
            Technical Center. They are used to build the Probe Card documents. Instead of the .ddf file, you may also
            receive a .coord file that provides the required X-Y coordinates of the wire bonding areas.

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TOS Rules

2.6   TECT Files (Bonded Packages)

      Note: This flow with PimTool applies for standard bonded packages (For Flipchip-Packages, see here below).

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TOS Rules

2.7   TECT Files (Flipchip Packages)

2.8   Test Prep Flow
      At the end of the TECT flow, the TTZ archive database must be transferred through FTP to the Microchip Technical
      The following figure shows what happens with the TTZ archive after transfer:
        •   The files in the TTZ archive are backed up on a secured Microchip server and recorded in Microchip’s Test Prep
        •   A Microchip Graphical User Interface shows the status of files.
        •   The Microchip MTPG is used to build the appropriate test program for the target ATE.
        •   A Microchip Test Engineer checks the test program with actual parts on the target tester.

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TOS Rules

2.9   Burn-in Board and Patterns Definition
      Microchip provides multiple kinds of ovens with different testing capabilities (burn-in with test, individual temperature
      For now, TECT only provides an interface for the Criteria and MCC ovens, for all other kinds of hardware, burn-in
      board, and dedicated patterns must be done outside TECT control.
      See the Microchip DSGE 003 specification, Burn-in Board Definition for more information.

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Test Patterns

3.    Test Patterns
      Each test pattern consists of a set of test vectors. A test vector is a combination of inputs/outputs within a test cycle
      named period. In this test cycle, the inputs are FORCED (driven) by the tester, while the outputs are STROBED
      (sampled) and compared to the expected states.
      The test vectors must be checked by comparing the simulations in worst case against the best case, and must take
      into account the delay back annotation (.sdf file) after chip place and route.
      All patterns used for DC tests must use static vectors. There must be enough time to ensure stable outputs after
      changing the inputs.
      The outputs are usually sampled (at Strobe time) at the end of the test vector (90% of the period).
      The following two file formats are supported:
        •    STIL format (Only IEEE 1450.99 version) for scan test vectors (Stuck-At fault model or Transition Delay fault
             model), generated by an ATPG after scan insertion. The STIL file format also supports the specific keyword
             IddqTestPoint, generated by the appropriate IDDQ tool, to generate the corresponding Iddq measurements in
             the test program.
        •    VECT-TIMSET format (VCD or EVCD file format translated by TVT into two files .vect and .timset) for
             functional test vectors or BIST. This is a Microchip proprietary file format, which consists of two files. Both VECT
             and TIMSET files must be identified in TECT to make one test pattern.
      Useful TECT buttons for the Patterns tab:
        •    Scan Dir: Scans for all patterns (simulation results) present in a given directory.
        •    Browse: Opens directories to find and select pattern files.
        •    Preserve STIL scan chains: (only for STIL patterns), can be used if the target tester supports the scan chain
      The customer is responsible for the global product test coverage. When the test coverage of a pattern is known, you
      must provide it in the Coverage field of the pattern.
      Some other possibilities are supported, see the TECT User Manual.

3.1   VCD Rules
      Most testers have limitations in terms of Tsets and Fsets. The product designer must follow the recommendations
      (Best practices) to avoid the excessive use of Tsets and Fsets:
      Best Practice 1:
      Input signals: Ensure that all input events (transitions driven by the ATE) change state at the same relative time with
      respect to the beginning of the test cycles, which must be periodic over all your simulation.
      Note: TDF (for Transition Delay Fault detection) patterns (usually in .stil format, not .vcd) do not follow this rule.
      Best Practice 2:
      Clock signals: Avoid setting active clock edges at the very beginning (time 0) or very end of test cycles. The
      chronologic scheme must always be:
        1.    Initializing the data signals first (ideally at the very beginning of the cycle).
        2.    Then the active clock-edge. However, try to keep it in the first half of the cycle to limit the best case/worst case
              differences due to timing delay increases.

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Test Patterns

      Best Practice 3:
      Bidir signals: Always make a bidir pin tristate (drive Z) mode (at the same time as inputs) when switching direction
      from input to output. For instance, drive a Z state at 5.0 ns, if the other input pins are changing at 5.0 ns. There is not
      such restriction on the strobe time.
      Best Practice 4:
      Bidir signals: Always make a bidirectional bus to switch direction all together (all bits of the bus at the same time)
      from input to output, or vice-versa. This is to reduce the number of format sets reserved by the tester.
      Best Practice 5:
      Never simulate with pull-up/pull-down models. On-chip pulls are too weak and test board is not equipped with any
      resistor. This leads to errors during test.
      TVT checks the rules so that testing your product is possible on every available tester.
      Input timings and output strobes are controlled by customer simulation testbench. The customer generates
      waveforms that are suitable to meet the required functionality and fault coverage.

3.2   Patterns Order
      Even if TECT tracks the patterns order, ensure that the test program does not execute them in a totally different order
      depending on the test flow. For example, patterns used by AC tests are executed multiple times at different moments
      of the test flow.
      To avoid side effects due to pattern order execution, each pattern must begin by a reset sequence, which guarantees
      that DUT is in a stable state before the test execution.
      There is no constraint on pattern length (vector count). But for any reason, a pattern has to be split into multiple
      sub-patterns, the reset sequence is mandatory only on the first part.
      Execution order of different patterns must be specified in TECT in the comment field attached to the pattern. As a
      result, DC and AC tests cannot be done on sub-patterns due to the lack of the reset sequence.

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Tests Tab

4.      Tests Tab
        TECT contains three different categories under the Tests tab: DC Tests, AC Tests, and Idd.

4.1     DC Tests
        The aim of DC tests is to perform all possible static DC measurements to confirm that the DC specifications are
        addressed. The goal is 100% coverage in all possible configurations. A recommended practice is to build only one
        dedicated DC Tests functional simulation to perform all DC tests.
        SCAN or TDF simulations in STIL format, are not suitable for DC test measurements. Simulations requiring 4x mode
        usage are also not suitable for DC test.
        DC tests must be performed on all external pins of the product, in all possible configurations. DC tests of SCAN in
        and SCAN out pins can be performed by a serial shift test of the sequence 00110011 (usually provided as the first
        scan chain sanity check). This validation must be provided as part of a DC tests dedicated functional simulation.
        DC tests pattern(s) requires a specific simulation built where all internal control ports must be traced in the .vcd file.
        The TVT setup must be setup (using a specific flag) accordingly to translate the state of these internal nodes into the
        output VECT-TIMSET files. It is also recommended to unset this flag for the remaining patterns (those that are not
        used for DC tests).
        In some cases, the configuration requirement may be difficult to satisfy, but it is the designer’s responsibility to
        achieve the best DC Tests coverage (ideally 100%). The report file dctReport.txt is provided to help finding the
        missing states or conditions for each signal. A detailed explanation is required for all signals that do not fulfill this DC
        test requirement.
        The difficulty occurs especially with configurable I/O cells (see the next chapter 4.1.2), which have multiple control
        ports. To meet the 100% coverage requirement for DC test, all possible combinations of the control ports must be
        exercised during the simulation. The waveforms of these internal signals must be translated by TVT into Microchip
        VECT format, so the Test Program Generator can find the required conditions for DC tests.

4.1.1   Bidirectional Ports
        The drive direction of the bidirectional ports is defined by their bidirectional I/O buffer control signal, usually an
        internal signal. As mentioned, the tester is unable to both drive and sample within a given cycle. Therefore, control
        signals must be monitored during the test vector generation whether they are internal signals or external inputs to the
        design. When none of the external ports can indicate the status of the bidirectional I/O control signals at each time,
        the control signals must be brought out to the testbench level through creating virtual output ports in the top-level of
        the design and connect the control signals to the ports. The control signal can then be read and monitored in the
        testbench level for test vector generation.

4.1.2   Configurable Cells
        The configurable I/O cells (also called programmable buffers) include amongst other:
         • A switchable pull-up resistor
         • A switchable pull-down resistor
         • Selectable drive strengths for output
        in addition to a direction control for bidirectional port and a tri-state control, and possibly more. Consequently, the
        number of control ports may be quite high. All configuration modes must be exercised for each specific buffer.
        All internal control signals must be present in the simulation results (monitored in Verilog VCD files), except those that
        are permanently tied to logical level high or low. In addition, all these internal ports must be switched to their different
        states in the DC test simulation, because DC tests require these setups to perform the corresponding measurements.

4.2     AC Tests – Dynamic Timing Measurements
        It is possible to generate a test program with automatic inclusion of AC test measurements, such as propagation
        delay time, setup time, and hold time. These measurements are detailed in the P file format specification. Read this
        specification to see the requirements for these measurements.

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Tests Tab

        TECT provides a simple method to define these AC tests with all the required data. See the TECT User Manual for
        more information about the fields of the user interface.

4.2.1   ATE Limitations
        As not all testers are equipped with a specific timing measurement unit, the generic test method is to get an indirect
        measure by moving edges placement (search method). This method may consume a lot of tester timing resources.
        As these resources are limited, the number of AC tests must be reduced to a minimal set. A good practice is to limit
        the number of timing measurements to less than 10 or 15.

4.2.2   AC Tests Range
        AC tests can be performed on three different modes:
          •   Single: AC test is performed only once at a given time.
          •   Range: AC test is performed several times between the start and the stop time. The worst case is reported.
          •   All: AC test is performed along the whole selected pattern (from time 0 to the end of pattern).
        Note: The Event Position parameter must be specified in absolute time values (relative to time 0 of the simulation)
        for the Test Range Single, but specified in relative values (relative to the beginning of current test cycle) for other Test
        Range modes.
        If the AC tests have already been defined in the .P0 file, the button Import P0 must be used to load them into TECT.
        Also, you can create the AC tests by clicking the Add button
        Depending on the type of AC test, there are three possible signals:
          •   R (Reference signal—always an input), always used as base for measurements
          •   D (Data signal—always an input)
          •   O (Output signal—strobe time)
        A propagation delay measurements (TP) uses only R and O. The tester is moving O strobe (search feature) towards
        R as long as O satisfies the expected state. The measured timing is recorded when O fails.
        A setup time (TS) or a hold time (TH) measurement is performed by moving the transition event of D (driven input)
        towards R as long as O satisfies the expected state. The measured setup or hold time is recorded when O fails.
        The differential propagation delay allows to compute the difference between two AC tests results. Obviously, the two
        corresponding AC tests must be defined first.
        Click Check all to verify that the AC Tests are correctly defined and check for the appropriate signal transitions in the
        given pattern.
        If a range (measurement between specified start and stop time) is selected, ensure that for the same set of signals,
        there cannot be overlaps of two different AC tests ranges in the same pattern.

4.3     Idd Tests – StandBy, Dynamic, or Iddq Current Measurements
        The Idd Tests can be:
          •   StandBy Idd for standby mode current measurements.
          •   Dynamic Idd operating current measurement in application mode (≥ 100 samples).
          •   Iddq measurement mode for predefined quiescent current measurement points.
        TECT provides the appropriate setup for all Idd test types under the Idd tab. Idd measurements can be setup in
        TECT for automatic test generation with the MTPG.

4.3.1   StandBy Current
        StandBy Idd must be measured at a given time, at which the product is put in quiescent (or sleep) mode. It requires
        to indicate the pattern to use and the appropriate time for this measurement.
        If the StandBy current test is to be performed, a simulation must exist that includes a vector suitable for this test.
        Such a simulation can be any simulation intended for a functional test. Ensure that the goal is to measure as less
        current as possible. So, the presence of a pull-up or a pull-down resistor must be considered in the measurement

        © 2021 Microchip Technology Inc.                              Manual                                   DS50003170A-page 18
        and its subsidiaries
Tests Tab

        current estimation. It is recommended that ports with pull-down resistor are set low and ports with pull-up resistor are
        set high on the chosen test vector. In addition, all static current sources must be disabled.

4.3.2   Dynamic Current
        The operating Idd current measurement must be performed by specifying a functional pattern (typical product usage
        in an application) and a time interval (from time – to time) during which the tester samples a series of measurements.
        To obtain a good accuracy, the tester tries to perform at least 100 measurements in the given time interval. TECT
        displays an error, if this requirement is not met.

4.3.3   Iddq Current
        The Iddq measurements can automatically be generated if a .stil file is provided with the appropriate statements
        in it. The required statement is IddqTestPoint, and there must be at least one of them in the STIL file. In addition, you
        must specify the STIL pattern for Iddq usage in TECT in the Patterns tab, by selecting IDDQ.
        Note: This feature communicates to the test program generator (MTPG) to include Iddq measurements, but there
        is no corresponding consequences like binning. As a result, only values of the current measurement is reported. If
        necessary, the limits and consequences must be added manually in the program later on.
        If several Idd measurements must be done, it is required to setup as many Idd Tests as necessary. Each Idd Test has
        a unique user configurable name.

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        and its subsidiaries
TECT Completion

5.      TECT Completion

5.1     Checks
        TECT provides a powerful built-in verifier that checks many possible issues. The various checks that are performed
        are given on the following pages in the section TECT Rules.

5.1.1   Complete Check
        It is mandatory to perform a complete check by selecting the Check All button in this tab. After verification, save the
        error log file by clicking the Report button.
        The online checker looks for errors interactively. A red minus sign is shown on the tab button until all errors are fixed.
        It is mandatory to fill in all the highlighted empty fields. Click on the light red area, then update the field by selecting
        an item in the list presented on the right pane, or by typing the name of the internal signal.

5.2     Save
        The Save or Save As buttons are used to save the changes made during the TECT session. It generates files with
        the .tect and .tpc extensions, which can be read to retrieve the saved TECT session.

5.3     Archive
        The Archive tab can be used to build a database file to be transferred. A zip compression option is used to reduce
        the size of the archive file.

5.3.1   Pack
        The Pack command on the left pane is used to build a package of the required files to transfer to the Microchip
        Technical Center. This command is available only when all reported errors have been fixed. The revision number of
        the package is automatically incremented at each time it is called.
          • A window is presented in which it is required to select the appropriate patterns to add to the package (for
          • Optionally, a Comment field is provided to additional details of the package.
          • The database is a compressed tarball with the .ttz extension. This file must be sent to Microchip Technical
        TECT provides a built-in FTP client, which may be used to send the TTZ file. For security purposes, this FTP client
        can optionally encrypt the file during transfer.

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        and its subsidiaries
TECT Rules

6.   TECT Rules
     This list is non-exhaustive and can be updated as required. It is a list of rules that derive both from tester constraints
     and limitations and from Microchip’s recommendations.
     Product Description:
       •   Supply nets, Signals, and Bonding tabs must be free of errors (existence, consistency).
       •   X and Y coordinates may be omitted at first (Warning), but it is turned into an error at the final verification stage.
     Signal Groups:
       •   No constraints for Signal Groups.
     Test Patterns:
       •   VECT-TIMSET file format is allowed (Verilog simulations processed by TVT).
       •   STIL file format is allowed, when the IEEE 1450.99 standards are followed.
       •   All signals must be declared in patterns, including LVDS voltage reference.
       •   For a Cohu D10 tester, the minimum test cycle period is 10 ns. The test cycle period may violate these values,
           then TECT is able to check if the special 4x Mode may be used. Indeed, this 4x Mode has a number of
           additional constraints (indicated below) as it consists of building one test vector with two existing test vectors.
     4x Mode Algorithm:
       •   This mode is available for VECT-TIMSET patterns (from TVT) only, as it is completely dependent on TVT
           generated waveforms.
       •   The pattern period is multiplied by 2.
       •   The vectors are grouped by 2, therefore, it increases the number of transition edges in the waveforms of the
           resulting vector (up to four transitions instead of two in the same test vector). For outputs, this may lead to
           strobe twice in the same test vector.
     Additional constraints related to this 4x mode:
       •   The number of vectors in each TIMSET must be an even number. If necessary, an extra vector must be added
           to match this requirement.
       •   A limited number of waveform combinations is supported:
             – NRZ: 0/0, 1/1, 1/0, 0/1
             – RTZ: 0/0, U/0, 0/U, U/U
             – RTO: 1/1, D/1, 1/D, D/D
             – Strobe: L/L, H/H, H/L, L/H, X/X, X/L, L/X, X/H, H/X
     Bidirectional signals support the following additional combinations:
     X/0, 0/X, X/1, 1/X, X/U, U/X, X/D, D/X
     Any other combination is not allowed.
       •   The bidirectional switching is only allowed on odd vectors, except if there is an X in the switch sequence (0/L
           disallowed, 0/X/L allowed)
     LVDS checks:
       •   Input and output pairs must be identified
       •   Voltage Reference (VREF) inputs must be identified
       •   DC coverage on output pairs must reach 100%. These tests include VOL_p/VOH_p and VOH_n/VOL_n on each
           output pair. If 100% is not accomplished, a good reason with arguments must be provided.
     DC Tests:
       •   DC Tests cannot be performed on STIL patterns.
       •   The patterns selected for DC tests must be made of static vectors.
       •   A single dedicated pattern for DC tests is recommended.
       •   If DC Tests coverage does not reach 100%, a good reason with arguments must be provided.

     © 2021 Microchip Technology Inc.                               Manual                                  DS50003170A-page 21
     and its subsidiaries
TECT Rules

AC Tests:
In AC Tests measurements, the tester loops over a given pattern and performs a series of measurements on the
same test cycle as long as it is necessary to find the worst case delay.
It is recommended using the AC builder button for creating AC tests. This ensures that all rules and constraints are
met. It analyses your simulations and checks for the required conditions for the given AC Test to be performed, alerts,
if the AC test can be performed or not, and fills the appropriate information.
In the following rules, the used terminology is listed:
  •   TG – Timing Generator: A tester hardware element, which accurately controls event transitions of input signals
      (stimuli) and output strobe time (sampling).
  •   R – Reference: The reference event for the measurement. It must be an input signal.
  •   D – Data: is an input data, always an input signal.
  •   O – Output: An output data, a strobe to an output signal.
  •   R, D and O: A single or a group of signals (usually a bus). In this case, all signals of the same group must share
      the same TG.
  •   Range or Test Range: Time interval in which the measurement will be done. By default, the measurement is
      performed in a single test cycle (Single mode).
  •   TP or Propagation Delay: Indicates the type of measurement.
  •   TS or Setup Time: Indicates a Setup Time Measurement.
  •   TH or Hold Time: Indicates a Hold Time Measurement.
Rules for AC Tests:
  •   AC tests can only be performed on VECT - TIMSET patterns, not on STIL patterns.
  •   Rules (per test):
       – For each signal (R, D, or O), the defined events must exist (the transition edge direction and the exact
          timing information).
       – For propagation delay measurement, the O signal must only depend on the R signal within the whole
       – For hold and setup time measurements, the O signal must only depend on D signal within the whole
       – If the Test range button is set to Single:
            • Do not select Group for the R signal as all signals must share the same TG.
            • Do not select Any edge type for the R signal as the edge type of a single signal on a single vector is
                known (to be specified).
            • Do not select Group for the D signal as all signals must share the same TG.
            • Do not select Any edge type for the D signal as the edge type of a single signal on a single vector is
                known (to be specified).
            • If the O signal is a group signal, all signal states of the given group must switch in the test cycle. If
                some signals do not switch, consider removing them from the group.
            • If the O signal is a group signal and all signals have the same edge type, do not use Any as edge
                type, but indicate the actual edge type.
            • R/O events for TP must occur within the same test cycle
            • R/D events for TS or TH must occur within the same cycle.
       – If the Test range button is set to Range or All,
            • The relative edge position (within the cycle) must remain the same within the whole range.
  •   Rules and constraints when multiple tests are declared:
       – Two tests cannot be done on the same vector, if the same data or output signals are involved.
Dynamic Idd Tests:
  •   Dynamic Idd Tests cannot be done on STIL patterns.
  •   Time range for dynamic Idd tests must be wide enough to allow at least 100 samples.
  •   The tester minimal sampling rate is 4 µs (on D10) or 20 µs (on Sapphire).

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TECT Rules

Additional checks:
  •   Number of available I/Os and powers on tester must match the product definition.
  •   Number of scan chains must not exceed tester capability.
  •   Pattern Memory consumption must not exceed tester capability.

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and its subsidiaries

7.    Appendix

7.1   Simultaneous Switching Outputs
      Noise voltages in test equipment can sometimes be increased by many simultaneously switching outputs (SSO). To
      avoid triggering unintended device state changes, the number of SSOs in vector files must be minimized. Customers
      can reduce the number of SSOs during the test by avoiding unnecessary output switching. This can be done by
      controlling the enable signals to disable the unnecessary sections of the design.
      Note: The test vectors are usually generated to stimulate specific nodes or specific areas of the design.

7.2   Vref Pins
      Vref external pins must be present in the netlist, so that TVT uses them to generate the vectors and they are checked
      against opens, shorts, and ESD.
      It is recommended to maintain a logic 1 on these pins during simulation. The appropriate level is manually set by the
      test engineer. For MH1 library, the Vref pin must be declared as Tristate-Output (O/Z), and an X state must be applied
      during simulation. For other libraries, it must be declared as Input (I) and a level 1 must be applied during simulation.

7.3   DFT and Coverage
      The customer must demonstrate a design style and a design-for-test (DFT) methodology that, along with CAD for test
      tools, can provide 99% or greater fault coverage on a design of reasonable complexity. To achieve this, all available
      techniques can be used (Functional tests, At-Speed tests, ATPG = DFT scan, TDF = Transition Delay Fault tests, and
      so on).
      Objectives are to reach at least a test coverage of 80% for Transition Delay Fault (TDF) and 98% for stuck-at SCAN.
      As these values maybe unreachable due to design complexity or ATE limitations, these objectives may be lowered
      during the Design Review (DR).
      DFT tests and full scan ATPG tests implementation may induce physical phenomena such as voltage drop and
      high power consumption, and it may lead to discrepancies in test results. To address this possible problem, it is
      recommended to apply the appropriate specific techniques to minimize the simultaneous internal switching during
      scan tests.

      © 2021 Microchip Technology Inc.                            Manual                                  DS50003170A-page 24
      and its subsidiaries

8.   Conclusion
     The test strategy of the future circuits must be defined very early during the design phase. It is recommended to
     contact the Technical Center to introduce the test constraints in the design, as soon as possible.

     © 2021 Microchip Technology Inc.                           Manual                                 DS50003170A-page 25
     and its subsidiaries
Revision History

9.   Revision History
      Revision                 Date      Description
      A                        06/2021   The following sections are updated:
                                          • Replaced Atmel references by Microchip.
                                          • Remove reference to Sapphire tester.
                                          • Added reference to MCC oven.
                                          • Corrected some typos.

      4.4                      03/2017   Corrected an erroneous note about how to drive Lvds inputs in
                                         simulations and some typos.
      4.3                      01/2017   The following sections were updated:
                                          • Add patterns order and reset recommendations.
                                          • Restrict 4X simulations usage for DC tests.

      4.2                      01/2016   The following sections were updated:
                                          • Precision on 4X mode.
                                          • Add references on external specifications (Burn-In)

      4.1                      01/2016   Precision on scan test coverage.
      4.0.0                    06/2015   The following sections were updated:
                                          • Revision of the ASIC Test Manual
                                          • Apply now to all Atmel Aerospace libraries
                                          • Added new TECT features (Burn-In, Iddq)

      3.0.0                    01/2015   The following sections were updated:
                                          • Introduce TECT as mandatory tool
                                          • Table of contents has strongly changed

      2.9.1                    01/2014   Precision on test coverage responsibilities
      2.9                      02/2012   Tester support, Dynamic tests updates and limitations
      2.8                      04/2011   ADBI not authorized
      2.7                      04/2011   Changed ref. to ATD-DE-GR-R0324.
      2.6                      04/2011   Added AC Test Description
      2.5                      03/2011   Recommendation added for customer responsibilities.
      2.4                      11/2010   Test Guide is now separated from the design guide. It is updated for
                                         TVT support, TPG and tester limitations
      2.3                      02/2010   Add SET mitigation in chapter 4 Design Rules
      2.2                      04/2008   LVDS buffer enable
      2.1                      03/2008   The following sections were updated:
                                          • ATPG sim
                                          • Remove 1% failing patterns

      2.0                      07/2007   Remove 1.8v Buffers and Add 2.5v Buffers
      1.2                      06/2006   SRAM/DPRAM/TPRegister read write cycles

     © 2021 Microchip Technology Inc.                  Manual                               DS50003170A-page 26
     and its subsidiaries
Revision History

 Revision                 Date      Description
 1.1                      04/2006   The following sections were updated:
                                     • ESD protection considerations
                                     • Double pad ring considerations
                                     • Spare cells percentage StarRCXT
                                     • Replaces HypeExtract & Fire&Ice ADBI paragraph removed

 1.0                      03/2005   The following sections were updated:
                                     • Updated the timing specification
                                     • Updated the genesys input desc.

 0.3 Pre-production       12/2004   The following sections are updated:
                                     • Design Management
                                     • Power Rules
                                     • TOS Rules

 0.2 Beta                 05/2004   Hardware considerations
 0.1 Beta                 03/2004   Initial Version

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and its subsidiaries
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Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature

Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
  •   Microchip products meet the specifications contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
  •   Microchip believes that its family of products is secure when used in the intended manner and under normal
  •   There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods being used in attempts to breach the code protection features
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  •   Microchip is willing to work with any customer who is concerned about the integrity of its code.
  •   Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of its code. Code
      protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product is “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly
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