Asian Cities Report Guangzhou Retail - 2H 2017 Savills World Research China

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Asian Cities Report Guangzhou Retail - 2H 2017 Savills World Research China
2H 2017
                      Savills World Research

Asian Cities Report
Guangzhou Retail                2H 2017

Asian Cities Report Guangzhou Retail - 2H 2017 Savills World Research China
Asian Cities Report | Guangzhou Retail

MAP 1                                                                                        City overview                                occupancy rates. In response to the
Guangzhou retail areas                                                                       Guangzhou, known as the nation’s             vacancy challenges, operators have
                                                                                             commodity trade centre, is home to           chosen to replace traditional retailers
                                                                                             the largest trade fair in China – “The       (clothing and other goods) with
                                                                          Open after 2013
                                                                          Open before 2013   Canton Fair”. The Canton Fair is held        Food & Beverage (F&B) and modern
                                                                                             twice a year and attracts merchants          services tenants. However, these
                                                                                             from around the world. These                 types of tenants cannot afford retailer
                                                                                             merchants and wholesalers fill up retail     equivalent rent prices. Consequently,
                                                                                             streets across the city, offering an array   average Yuexiu rents have edged
                                                                                             of goods and specialty items. The            lower.
                                                                                             festival reflects the Guangzhou retail
                                                                                             market’s ongoing significance.               Tianhe Road
                                                                                                                                          The government’s plan to extend
                                                                                             Forbes named Guangzhou the best              new business development east has
                                                                                             city for business in China for three         improved Tianhe Road’s commercial
                                                                                             years running from 2013 to 2015,             and retail environment. As a result,
                                                                                             while a report co-authored by PWC            Tianhe Road owns the highest rent
                                                                                             and CDRF1 named Guangzhou as                 prices in the city, while also maintaining
                                                                                             the Chinese city with the greatest           some of the lowest vacancy rates.
Source: Savills Research
NB: Does not include Panyu New Town                                                          growth opportunity in 2016 and 2017.         Tianhe road’s tenants are some of the
                                                                                             Both confirmed its retail and business       most sought-after in the world, which
                                                                                             competitiveness.                             include but are not limited to high-
                                                                                                                                          end clothing and accessories, luxury
                                                                                             Guangzhou’s retail market is the             jewellery, premier restaurants, niche
Shopping mall vacancy rates by district,                                                     largest in Guangdong with sales having       specialty stores, and other well-known
1H/2016 vs 1H/2017                                                                           increased 8.7% year-on-year (YoY) to         F&B stores. It has since surpassed
                                                                                             RMB457 billion in 1H/2017.                   Yuexiu as the biggest prime retail area
                                                                1H/2016        1H/2017
25%                                                                                                                                       in Guangzhou.
                                                                                             Retail market overview
20%                                                                                          Guangzhou’s retail market has                Zhujiang New Town
                                                                                             evolved from large department stores         Despite having a mature business
                                                                                             to multi-purpose, modern services            environment, Zhujiang New Town
                                                                                             shopping malls. Nevertheless, some           (ZNT), located in Tianhe District,
                                                                                             department stores established in             remains an emerging retail area.
                                                                                             the late 1970s still operate despite         Surrounded by a large white collar
                                                                                             relatively poor performance, including       workforce, the ZNT malls cater to
                                                                                             Friendship Store (Huanshidong                mid- and high-end consumers. The
                                                                                             Road), Xin Da Xin department store           majority of ZNT retail space is located
 0%                                                                                          and GrandBuy (both located on                at the ground level, directly below (and
       Tianhe     Yuexiu    Zhujiang   Liwan   Haizhu     Baiyun   Panyu         Overall
        Road               New Town                                                          Beijing Road). These stores continue         immediately accessible from) the office
                                                                                             to see downside pressure from                buildings. New openings include the
Source: Savills Research                                                                     gradually higher rents, changing             2016 launch of International Grand
                                                                                             consumer brand preferences and               Plaza, and the Q4/2017 launch of K11
                                                                                             more diversified shopping channels.          mall.

GRAPH 2                                                                                      Shopping malls first emerged in Yuexiu       Stock
Retail stock distribution, Q2/2017 vs 2019                                                   district but rapidly expanded eastward       Guangzhou’s prime retail stock area
                                                                                             along Tianhe Road. Tianhe Road’s first       topped 4.6 million sq m by the end of
                                                                                             prime shopping mall (Teemall) opened         Q2/2017, most of which was mid- to
                                                                                             in 1996. Tianhe Road and Yuexiu              high-end shopping malls. Tianhe Road
                                                    2019                                     district continue to be the two prime        (1.16 million sq m) and Yuexiu district
                                                                                             retail areas in Guangzhou despite            (640,000 sq m) are the two biggest
                                                                                             increasing competition from other            markets, individual non-prime areas
                                  Q2/2017               37.7%                                areas2.                                      are approximately 300,000-400,000
                43.3%                                                                                                                     sq m.
                                                                   Prime areas
                                                                   Emerging areas
                                               56.7%                                         Yuexiu rents are some of the                 Emerging areas are experiencing
        62.3%                                                                                highest in the city, given the area’s        rapid development - market share
                                                                                             central location and accessibility.          is expected to increase from 56%
                                                                                             However, due to aged facilities and          to 62% by 2019. Baiyun and Panyu
                                                                                             dated management styles, Yuexiu              districts will receive large-scale supply.
                                                                                             mall operators are currently facing          Teemall Panyu and Clifford Mall Panyu
                                                                                             difficulties attracting/retaining leading    are expected to launch in 2018, while
Source: Savills Research                                                                     tenants and achieving satisfactory           Baiyun New World will open in 2019.

2H 2017

Rents and vacancy                          However, luxury brands are expected             GRAPH 3
                                           to maintain conservative expansion
The broader Guangzhou retail market                                                        Shopping mall rental indices, Q1/2009–
is expected to experience greater          plans in response to fierce competition
                                           from Hong Kong and diverse online
competition, driven by new supply in
emerging and suburban areas, and the       retail channels. Health and sporting                                                                                   Overall      Prime         Non-prime

continued growth of online shopping        goods sales are trending higher, as                             125

alternatives.                              consumers place greater emphasis on
                                           wellness and overall self-appearance;
Recent tenant-mix adjustments              premium sporting brands and fitness                             115

increased city-wide vacancy rates          centres should continue to benefit.

                                                                                           Q1/2009 = 100
by 1.3 ppts to 5.7% in 1H/2017. The
vacancy rate is expected to move           F&B and lifestyle brands are both                               105

higher as significant new supply hits      expected to expand store areas and
the market in the next three years.        networks. Most newly committed                                  100

                                           F&Bs are chasing medium-sized
First-floor rents have shown some          gross floor area (150-600 sq m) due to
volatility over the last six quarters.     cost efficiencies and strategic space                            90
                                                                                                             Jan-09       Jan-10   Jan-11   Jan-12    Jan-13     Jan-14     Jan-15    Jan-16     Jan-17
Tenant-mix adjustments are a culprit,      advantages. This includes: HEEKCAA
as a greater number of F&B/lifestyle       (specialty drink shop), Putian
                                                                                           Source: Savills Research
stores will bring down first-floor         Restaurant (one-star Michelin Fujian
averages. Additionally, a large spread     cuisine), and The Pizza Factory.
exists between prime and non-prime
rents, with Tianhe Road at RMB1,078        Market outlook                                  GRAPH 4
per sq m per month (psm pmth), and         Guangzhou is expected to receive
                                           1.5 million sq m of new supply from             Life-style stores by retail area, 1H/2016 vs
non-prime locations at RMB377 psm
pmth, creating dispersion amongst          2018 to 2020. The majority of new               1H/2017
city-wide prices.                          supply will be large malls in emerging
                                                                                                                                                                              1H/2016        1H/2017
                                           areas that support the needs of the                60%

Retailers                                  surrounding community.
Mall operators have adopted new
strategies resulting from greater          It will take time for the market to
competition and more demanding             absorb the large amount of expected                40%

consumers. These new strategies            new supply in the coming years.
include: improving tenant mixes,           Landlords will have to focus on
reinventing space to offer better family   introducing experiential retailers and
experiences, and introducing creative      unique tenants to attract satisfactory
service options to entice consumers.       footfall. Other operators may focus                10%

The percentage of retail space given       their attention on rent discounts and
over to lifestyle stores correspondingly   other incentives, in an attempt to                       0%
                                                                                                                 Tianhe      Yuexiu    Zhujiang    Liwan    Haizhu        Baiyun     Panyu       Overall
increased to 37.9%, up 2.2 ppts YoY.       attract high-quality brands. Retail                                    Road                New Town

                                           rents will therefore experience some
Examples include the Aquarium              downside pressure in the near-term.            Source: Savills Research

at Grandview Mall (January 2016),
which initially did not receive positive
feedback, but eventually ended up
                                                                                           GRAPH 5
attracting families with young children.
The Haizhu R&F Centre, G5 Malls and                                                        Total GFA of newly committed F&B tenants,
Aeon Mall subsequently introduced                                                          1H/2017
children’s playgrounds. Many of these
malls started rolling out children’s                                                                                               10%
attractions and other ‘ticketed-entry’                                                                                                                     20%
family programmes to attract and keep
consumers at the mall. Various pop-up
stores also emerged; include those
                                                                                                                                                                                     600 sq m
Four other prime shopping malls have
introduced mini-KTV booths called
Minika, designed for two people and        1 China Research Development Foundation
                                           (CRDF) and PWC
rented at 15 minutes intervals.            and-insights/chinese-cities-of-opportunities-
                                           2017-report.html .
                                           2 Emerging areas include Baiyun New Town,
Luxury product sales have shown            Jiangnanxi/Pazhou, Shangxiajiu, Zhujiang New
some encouraging signs recently.           Town, and Panyu New Town.                       Source: Savills Research

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