ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne

Page created by Eva Wheeler
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
Section 2
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
Obang Artists: Youbi Lee, Yee Wen Soo, Bronwyn Pringle and Hannah Murphy

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

    Children, families and young people creative programs, Creative City

    Julie Wright
    Acting - Creative Producer - Children and Families (ArtPlay)

    Eelin Cheah
    Venue and Production Manager - Children, Families and Young People (ArtPlay
    and Signal)

    Steph Urruty
    Program Manager – Children, Families and Young People (ArtPlay and Signal)

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

    Vision: Children and young people shape the City through their creative expression.

    • Australia’s only dedicated multi-art-form programs targeting children, families and young

    • Delivered in our dedicated venues along the north bank of the Yarra River, online and at home

    • Provide opportunities for artists and participants to work collaboratively to explore art-making

    • Reflect the diversity of Melbourne by reaching out to communities, artists, arts and non-arts
      organisations through collaborations, partnerships and mentorships

    • Provide opportunities to emerging to established artists for learning, exploration, creation and

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
Target Age Groups

    ArtPlay (0 to13) - New Ideas Lab supports artists to co-create interactive and
    participatory arts experiences with children and families

    New Kids on the Block (12 to 14) – Bridging program ArtPlay to SIGNAL

    SIGNAL (13 to 25) Workshop program

    SIGNAL (16 to 25) - Curators and Screen & Sound Commissions

    SIGNAL (18 to 25) - Young Creatives Lab supporting young and emerging
    artists to develop, produce and present their own creative work

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

    What is ArtPlay?

    • Through our partnerships with artists, arts organisations and partners we play
      a leadership role in supporting the development and delivery of high quality,
      creative arts programming with, by and for children and families

    • One of the few providers of support for developing new work with children
      and families in Australia

    • Strive for quality, careful planning, reflection and evaluation

    • Focus on Programming (public and targeted approach) and Artist Learning

    • Deliver programming over approx. 42 weeks per year

    • Closed for maintenance (June and December)

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

ArtPlay Program

Caters for
• children from babies to 13 years and their families

• A wide array of art-forms ranging from traditional to contemporary approaches

• One-off and long-term experiences

• Free and paid events

• Intimate and large-group settings

“ArtPlay let me show my ideas,” 10 year-old participant
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay Program

    • Interactive exhibitions and installations

    • “Artful play” spaces

    • Workshops vary in length from 45 minutes to 4 hours to multi-days (many
      last 2 hours)

    • Programs last for 1 or 2 sessions or can recur throughout the year

    • Interactive performances

    • Partnerships with a range of festivals and organisations including AsiaTOPA,
      YIRRAMBOI, Melbourne Fringe Festival, Melbourne Knowledge Week,
      Sustainable Living Festival, Open House Melbourne and Moomba
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab - City of Melbourne
ArtPlay program streams

     • New Ideas Lab - development program
     • Festival Partnerships – development & presentations
     • By Kids for Kids – led by children’s ideas
     • Backyard - free artful play spaces curated by ArtPlay

Shape Shifters   Artists: Daniel Calvo, Fiona Cameron, Georgie Pinn, Kathy Holowko

Party Animals Artist: Cat Sewell

The Way Artists: The Ballroom Projects

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

ArtPlay: Innovative, interactive and inspiring arts experiences with children

Why we offer opportunities to children and families:

•   Every child has the right to participate in and contribute to arts and culture regardless of ethnic
    origin, religion, income, gender or disability

•   Children build confidence and skills to express themselves through the arts and increase their
    capacity to contribute creatively to their City, now and into the future

•   Parents play a vital role in the development of their child, therefore including them to participate
    with or alongside their child is fundamentally important – particularly in the early years

“I was totally blown away at how interested and engaged my child was. The fact that there was no
pressure to engage and she could be involved if she wanted to and pull back with no problem when
she didn't. Imagination totally captured,” Parent of 3 year-old
ArtPlay Curatorial Framework:

                                                     • ensures participation
                                                             of diverse
                                                         communities and
                                                       offers multiple views        EXPLORATORY
                                                           of the world
                                                                                   • cultivates creative
                     SUSTAINABLE                                                     risks that push the
                    • encourages artists                                                boundaries of
                                                                                        engaging arts
                        and children to
                     sustainable practices
                                                       INTERACTIVE AND
                                                        INSPIRING ART
                                                        WITH CHILDREN

                               DESIGNED                                           • champions artful
                             • supports careful                                       play, personal
                              planning to deliver                                     exchange and
                                transformative               CHILD                  learning between
                             experiences in a safe          CENTRED                   artist and child
                                and supported
                              environment using          • fostersthe voice of
                              authentic materials          the child through
                                                             individual and
                                                         collaborative creative
                                                             expression and
Colour Labyrinth Artists: Making Space

Wild City Artist: Kathy Holowko

Obang Artists: Youbie Lee, Yee Wen Soo, Bronwyn Pringle and Hannah Murphy

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     Expression of Interest Guidelines
     •   Supports brand new projects between $10,000 to $20,000
     •   Welcomes ideas from artists of all disciplines
     •   Artists do not necessarily need experience in working with children (budget for mentor if
     •   One of four projects supported in 2021/22 will target culturally and linguistically diverse
         families with young children (1 to 5 years) – we strongly encourage CALD artists to apply

     Expression of Interest Criteria
     •   a new work seeded at ArtPlay
     •   actively engages children as co-creators (how will you do this?)
     •   features environmentally sustainable practices
     •   well-articulated concept (including envisaged outcomes)
     •   original and high quality with potential for future presentation
     •   a feasible budget (please consider from the start if your work needs a mentor, producer,
         production manager, stage manager etc.)
     •   allows time for planning, self-reflection and evaluation (ensure you are realistic with what you

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     New Ideas Lab Process
     •   Via Smart Grants online portal, artist submits a short 400 word description of the project
         and a budget

     •      10 shortlisted artists are invited to pitch their idea in person (or on zoom depending on
            Covid-19 situation) to a panel of 4 children and 4 adults - including staff & artists

     •      Pitch is a 5 minute presentation and 5 minutes questions from the panel

     •      4 projects are selected

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     How New Ideas Lab projects fit into the Public Program

     • New Ideas Lab is not a grant (Smart Grants is an administration tool). If
       successful you will be working in collaboration with ArtPlay.

     • Scheduled as part of the public program (amongst other offers)

     • New Ideas Lab projects have three stages of development throughout the

     • New Ideas Lab stages:
         Ø Dreaming - concept development
         Ø Making - testing ideas
         Ø Showing - outcome

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     How New Ideas Lab projects fit into the Public Program

     • Artists may want to test ideas with different age groups or test different
       approaches/set ups/formats etc.

     • Development workshops are ticketed and advertised to a general public
       audience. Participants buying a ticket to a New Ideas Lab experience are
       advised that they opting into an experience that is about co-creation. The
       stand-alone workshop or event must be attractive to children and families.

     • ArtPlay will work with the successful artists on marketing and promotion to
       ensure consistent messaging to our audience.

     • The Dreaming, Making, and Showing stages will be included in the marketing
       titles/copy to communicate the different stages of the project to the public.

Silk Artist: Jessica Wilson

Sonic Labyrinth Artists: Aviva Endean and Justin Marshall

The Future of Toys Artists: Ben Paul and Jake Nakashima-Edwards

Rain Artists: Drop Bear Theatre

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     Additional Benefits for Artists

     • Can draw on experience of previous projects at ArtPlay through consultation with various staff

     • Artists can focus on the art-making and the co-creation with children over a period of time

     • Allows the space, time and support for new work to be developed (with potential for future

     • Professional promotional video (30 second to 1 minute) at end of project

     • Meet and greet afternoon + pitch with presenters (including Arts Centre Melbourne, Darebin
       Council and Bunjil Place)

     • In-kind value worth $20,000 to $50,000 per project (specialised staffing, venue, marketing
       and producing)

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     Benefits for ArtPlay

     • Introduces ArtPlay to new artists

     • Introduces ArtPlay to new art-forms or ways of working

     • Brand new work that is co-developed with children is seeded at ArtPlay

     • In line with the City of Melbourne's Council Plan – a place that inspires
       experimentation, innovation and creativity and fosters leaders of ideas and

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

     If successful, the artist/s and ArtPlay will work in a partnership approach
     Project Planning
     •    Based on the three stage development model ‘Dreaming, Making, Showing’ we will work with you to create a schedule of
          workshops/experiences that are integrated into ArtPlay’s public program.
     •    Further investigate the most appropriate age group/s for co-creation
     •    Work out the most appropriate capacity for your workshops/experiences
     •    Relook at the budget and see if changes are required

     Workshop Planning: at each stage of development we will work together on the workshop plan some of the things we will
     consider are -
     •    What is your workshop plan for each stage? And what are your desired outcomes?
     •    What tools will you use to engage and collaborate with the children and families?
     •    What are the production elements we need to plan for?
     •    How can the ArtPlay staff support you (planning and on the floor)?

     Promotion: each stage of development will need be promoted to the public. ArtPlay will work with you on -
     •    Titles, copy and images – how to communicate the offer through the various stages of development

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab
     Beyond New Ideas Lab

     Some projects are presented around Australia and overseas, for example:

     • Wild City by Kathy Holowko (Abbotsford Convent 2019, Dream Big 2021, Melbourne
       Knowledge Week 2021)

     • I See You Like This by Jessica Wilson (Arts Centre Melbourne, Westwind Festival hosted by
       Germany’s largest dedicated theatre for young people Comedia Theater, upcoming Krokus
       Festival, Belgium)

     • Invisible Light Garden by Mosster Studio (inaugural ACMI xcel participants, ACMI
       Wonderland exhibition, Beijing Design Week 2017)

     • Rain by Drop Bear Theatre and The Seam (7 x Australian seasons, Macao Cultural Centre,
       Hong Kong International Arts Carnival, Lincoln Centre New York Oct)

Invisible Light Garden Created by Mosster Studio

Destroy Created Poppy Green

Air Camp Created by Memetica

Oompah! Artists Efterpi Soropos, Tm Burless, Carmen Chan and Liam Power

Paint What You Hear Artists: Erica Rassmussen and Zakiya Kurdi

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab
     Tips for preparing your proposal

     •Do your research: look at past examples at ArtPlay, around Australia and the world

     •When someone reads your idea they must be able to visualize what it will look like and
     understand your idea - test it out

     •Get the basics right (phone, email, budget adds up & within the range being offered $10,000 to

     •Support material should illustrate your idea, show the inspiration for your idea or show past
     work that is informing your idea - must include your own work.

     •Make sure you have your full creative team on board (please consider from the start if your
     work needs a mentor, producer, production manager, stage manager, installation support etc.)

     •Pitch your idea to a child and see what they think!

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab


     •   External resources
          - Book list
          - Research Report list

     •   ArtPlay-generated resources
          - Artist E-news
          - artist-generated resources
               e.g. videos, interviews, essays

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab
     Building and Facilities

     This renovated heritage building is dedicated to the delivery of the ArtPlay program and has
     been adapted for this purpose.

     Features include:
     • Purpose-built infrastructure that is versatile to accommodate a wide range of art-forms and
       art experiences e.g. electronic blinds for blackout, movable walls, theatre curtains
     • Purpose-built child-friendly furniture e.g. child-height tables, wooden cubes, benches
     • Some basic visual art materials and tools
     • A limited range of audio-visual, sound and lighting equipment (please note there is no lighting
       rig at ArtPlay and limited LX stock)
     • Wheelchair accessible
     • Abundant natural light
     • Using the outdoor precinct is possible but further consultation will be required (please find
       time to discuss this with us tonight or email

Hear Me Roar Artists: Polyglot and Elbow Room

ArtPlay New Ideas Lab

                      EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST now open until
                               5pm, Friday 27 March


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