Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham

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Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
Heart&Soul                                                             Autumn 2013

    Norovirus - your
    questions answered

    New Trust governors

    Transforming services
    for women & children

  takes action for alzheimer’s
                                                                                         Boost for
              Arm yourself            Calling all               Dancing                  breast
              against flu             nurses                    Blues                    feeding
              p5                      p6                        p10                      p13

Birmingham Heartlands - Solihull - Good Hope - Birmingham Chest Clinic - Solihull Community Services
Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
trust news

    A few words from Trust chief
    executive, Dr Mark Newbold                                            Get in
                                                                          We welcome your
                                                                          feedback on all of our
                                                                          HEFT services. Contact:

                                                                          0121 424 0808
                                                                          (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

    Welcome to the autumn edition      some time ago to be one of
    of the magazine for Heart of       the first to trial a new ‘Ofsted
    England NHS Foundation Trust’s     style’ rating which mirrors the
    members (HEFT).                    system used for schools.           patientservices@
       Ensuring patients have             HEFT is doing much to 
    a safe, caring and positive        be proud of and I am sure
    experience whilst in our care      the visiting team will find
    is top of our organisation’s       evidence of the work we are
    objectives.                        doing to continually improve
       Care can be measured            our services. We will keep
    through patient feedback so        members updated around the         heartofengland
    that wards can see directly        progress of the visits in the
    what their patients think          New Year.
    about the care they received;         As I mentioned before,
    benchmarked through                hearing what patients
    national surveys and through       think about our services is
    inspections by the Care            very important. We value
    Quality Commission (CQC).          all feedback we receive
       As you may have seen            as this helps us find out
    recently in the media,             what works and what
    the new chief inspector            needs to be changed to
    of hospitals is beginning          make improvements in our           Patient services department
    the process of inspecting          hospitals. Please take a look      Main entrance
    hospitals this autumn.             at the different ways to get in    Heartlands Hospital
       We will be within the initial   touch and you can also follow      Bordesley Green East
    group of 18 hospital trusts        me and contact me directly         Birmingham
    to be inspected and welcome        on Twitter @drmarknewbold.         B9 5SS
    these visits, volunteering

Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
trust news

Best hospital
care nomination                    Choose well
                                   this winter

The bereavement services team      During the winter months, hospitals and
has been nominated in the          ambulance services see and report an
category of ‘Best Hospital Care’
at the 2013 Butterfly Awards.
                                   increase in A&E attendances and call-outs.
   The awards celebrate and        Winter always brings more          •    The person is experiencing
recognise the achievements of      coughs, colds, flu and tummy            severe chest pain or is
families overcoming the loss       bugs. While hospitals continue          having trouble breathing.
of a baby and the healthcare       to see many seriously ill          •    There is severe bleeding
professionals that support         patients in A&E, conditions             from any part of the body.
them during such a difficult       such as colds, flu-like illness,   •    The person is, or has been,
time.                              vomiting or minor cuts and              unconscious.
                                   sprains can be treated at home     •    There is a suspected
                                   with help from your pharmacist          broken bone or

                                   or GP.                                  dislocation.
                                       Your local pharmacist
                                   can advise you about minor         Cuts, bruises or sprains are
                                                                      not normally considered

plea                               medical problems and all GP
                                   surgeries offer an emergency
                                   out-of-hours service. Check
                                                                      emergencies. They can usually
                                                                      be treated at home, by a GP or
                                                                      in an NHS walk-in centre or a
Good Hope Hospital is              for your nearest service online
                                   at Hospital A&E         minor injuries unit. If it’s not an
encouraging all those who                                             emergency, please don’t go to
have borrowed crutches             departments are open 24 hours
                                   a day, seven days a week,          A&E or ring 999.
from A&E to return them
so they can be used for            including all bank holidays.
                                   Generally, people should treat     Make sure you ‘choose well’
other patients. Crutches                                              this winter and consider using
can be returned to the             the situation as an emergency
                                   if, for example:                   other parts of the NHS, such
Hospital A&E reception                                                as a pharmacist, GP, walk-in
at any time day or night           •    Someone has stopped           centre, or the advice available
including weekends.                     breathing or their heart      online at
                                        has stopped.

                                                                      Heart&Soul Autumn 2013           3
Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
beating the bugs

Norovirus - your                                                      Hand wash
questions answered                                                    commands
                                                                      hand hygiene

Norovirus, the sickness and diarrhoea
bug most common in the winter months,
is now in circulation across the West
Midlands and in the local community.
As a virus that is spread from      prevent you catching norovirus,
person to person, objects,          it may limit the spread of
surfaces, food and water; heavily   infection.
populated areas such as schools,                                      A brand new MRSA hand
hospitals and nursing homes can     How will I know if I have         washing campaign is
be particularly badly affected.     it?                               launching in our hospitals this
   The germs travel through the     Symptoms usually occur 12-48      autumn to raise awareness
air as well as spreading through    hours after infection and begin   of driving down hospital
direct contact with an infected     with the sudden feeling of        acquired infections.
person, eating contaminated         nausea, which can be followed        Led by Major Handwash
food and drinks, or contact with    by projectile vomiting and        and the infection control
a contaminated surface.             watery diarrhoea. Other           team; visitors, patients, public
                                    symptoms include a mild fever,    and staff are being given a
So what is the best way             headaches, stomach cramps or      helping hand to remind them
to prevent catching the             aching limbs.                     to wash their hands.
bug?                                                                     The Major and his army
Hospital experts advise that        What should I do if I have        of helping hands will be
the best way to keep well is by     norovirus?                        spreading their hand washing
keeping your hands clean. This      Rest at home and try to keep      message at every opportunity,
is the best and easiest way of      your fluid intake up until your   helping to reduce the spread
stopping germs passing from         symptoms subside. This should     of germs and infections in our
one person to another.              normally be within two days.      Hospitals and communities.
   Also if you know or meet           If you or family member            See if you can spot him and
someone who is infected with        suffers from sickness and         his helping hands next time
norovirus, try to avoid eating      diarrhoea, you will still be      you visit.
food prepared by that person        highly contagious for 48 hours
and physical contact until          after the symptoms disappear.     To find out more, visit:
at least 48 hours after the         Until this time, contact with
symptoms has gone. Although         others and any Hospital visits    or follow @majorhandwash
good hygiene will not always        should be avoided.                on twitter.

Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
beating the bugs

 Arm yourself against flu - get vaccinated
                                            With the winter months          - Suffer from a heart
                                            approaching, the cold           condition, diabetes, liver
                                            weather becomes a               disease or breathing
                                            breeding ground for             problems.
                                            colds and flu which                If you are not entitled to
                                            can often make                  a free vaccination, a large
                                            people, particularly the        number of supermarkets
                                            vulnerable, very sick.          and pharmacies now sell
                                               Seasonal flu is highly       them and everybody is
                                            infectious and is caused by     eligible.
                                            a virus which travels easily
                                            from person to person as        Remember
                                            well as in the air.             One of the best ways to
                                            Flu vaccinations are            prevent the spread of flu
                                            available from your GP          germs is to use a tissue
                                            now and are free of charge      when you sneeze, then put
                                            if you:                         the tissue in the bin and
                                            - Are pregnant                  wash your hands.
                                            - Aged over 65

Patient safety innovation
                                                                                The initiative has also been
 Don’t leave                                                                 adopted by other NHS Trusts
                                                                             across the UK.
 home without it

                                                                                The ‘passport’ benefits
                                                                             patients by recording any
                                                                             health issues and current or
              - PATIENT
                          HELD                                               previous infections, ensuring
                                                                             total transparency and

              ARY                                      GP Surgery
                                                                             consistency for all nursing,
               PORT              Hospital                                    medical and healthcare staff
                                                                             nursing when caring for
                                                                                The passport is kept with
                                                                             patients at all times, and then
                                                                             produced at hospital and GP
A ‘passport’ provided to all                has been shortlisted for the     appointments so progress
patients with a long term                   2013 Nursing Times Awards for    can be monitored and further
urinary catheter at the Trust               ‘infection prevention and        treatment for any arising
has been hailed a major sucess              control’ and the 2013 Health     problems can be noted.
in helping reduce infections.               Service Journal Awards for
  The launch of the campaign                ‘patient safety’.

                                                                            Heart&Soul Autumn 2013         5
Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
trust news

                                     Calling all nurses!
                                     HEFT has been running a           to work part-time or flexible
                                     series of nursing recruitment     hours, and we are looking for
                                     drives in preparation for the     staff who have worked in an
                                     busy winter period.               acute trust within the last 18
                                      These have proved extremely      months, or who currently work
                                     successful with more than         within a nursing home or care
                                     300 qualified and unqualified     home environment and have
                                     nursing staff recruited so far.   at least 12 months experience.
                                        The recruitment drive is
                                     ongoing for the next few          Visit www.heartofengland.
                                     months, so if you are or and apply online now
                                     know a nurse who might be         by clicking on the “careers”
                                     interested, do get in touch.      tab.
                                        There are opportunities

                                     Panto brings smiles to children’s ward
    A time for
    The Trust is to host a special
    memorial service ‘A Time
    to Remember’ on Saturday
    12 October, for parents and
    families that have lost a baby
    during pregnancy or shortly
    after birth.
       Taking place at St Paul’s
    Centre on Belchers Lane in
    Bordesley Green, ‘A Time
    to Remember’ offers an           Whilst the summer may have        said: “The Starlight
    opportunity to remember          drawn to a close, a pantomine     Children’s Foundation
    babies that have passed          brought a ray of sunshine         have been supporting the
    away through stillbirth,         to the children’s ward at         ward by providing fun
    miscarriage or neonatal          Heartlands.                       and entertainment for
    death. The service begins          The young patients enjoyed      years now, which gives the
    at 3pm.                          a performance of Sleeping         children a much needed and
                                     Beauty brought to the             welcome distraction. It was
    For further information,         ward by Starlight Children’s      heartwarming to see and hear
    please contact the               Foundation.                       the children and their parents
    bereavement team on 0121           Christine Morrell, play         laugh and interact with the
    424 2088.                        specialist on the ward,           panto characters.”

Arlene Phillips takes action for alzheimer's - University Hospitals Birmingham
trust news

                                                                     Meet our
 Diversity matters
Keep a space in your diary         event and hear from the           hospital leads
for the annual diversity           Trust’s chairman, deputy chief
conference to be held on           nurse, RCN regional director
Tuesday 22 October in the          for the West Midlands and         If you would like to get in
Education Centre Lecture           RCN diversity lead.               touch with your hospital site
Theatre at Heartlands                                                lead, contct them as follows:
Hospital.                          For further details and to
  Run in partnership with          register your attendance
the Royal College of Nursing       contact Jane Turvey at jane.
(RCN), come along to the 

  You+ Lifestyle Shop
  celebrates four years                                              Carl Holland
                                                                     head of operations, Heartlands
                                                                     Hospital. Tel: 0121 424 2842
                                                                     Email carl.holland@

                                                                     Sue Moore
The You+ Lifestyle Shop            and we felt a celebration at
                                                                     managing director, Good Hope
has celebrated its fourth          Chelmsley Wood Shopping
                                                                     Hospital. Tel: 0121 424 9001
anniversary with more than         Centre would be a fantastic way
                                                                     Email: sue.moore@
500 people from the local          of highlighting the support and
community, with a fun-filled       advice we offer.”
celebration at Chelmsley Wood         The services available at
Shopping Centre.                   the You+ Lifestyle Shop cover
   Visitors were able to enjoy     a wide range of lifestyle
birthday balloons, cake and        topics, including healthy
face painting with members         eating, weight management,
of the You+ team, which acts       breastfeeding, sexual health,
as a one-stop shop for those       alcohol awareness and stop
requiring advice and support to    smoking support.                  Lisa Thomson
help lead a healthy lifestyle.                                       managing director, Solihull
   Saima Hanif, service manager,   Contact the You+ Lifestyle        Hospital and Community
said: “We pride ourselves on       Shop by calling 0800 015          Services. Tel: 0121 424 3934
providing an invaluable service    3265 or email youplus@            Email: lisa.thomson@
to those living in Solihull,  

                                                                     Heart&Soul Autumn 2013         7
arlene phillips
Arlene Phillips is                  at the time I didn’t understand         While the TV personality has
buzzing with a                      Alzheimer’s as well as I do now.     a brisk, no-nonsense manner
seemingly boundless                    “In reality, this disease tears   on screen, in private Phillips
energy which belies her             at the hearts of families and        is warm-hearted and clearly
age. The choreographer              steals lives,” she says.             totally devoted to her family.
and former Strictly                    At first, Phillips wasn’t         She and her partner, Angus Ion,
Come Dancing judge,                 alarmed when her father              have been together for more
who recently celebrated             started becoming a bit vague         than 20 years and have one
her 70th birthday, says             and forgetful, but he was 77         daughter, Abi, 22, and she has
with a smile: “I keep               when she began to suspect            another daughter, Alana, 33,
telling myself it’s time            he was not simply exhibiting         from a previous relationship.
to feel I’ve grown-up               normal signs of ageing.                  She says of her father:
but I’m still waiting for              “Over time Dad gradually          “We were very close. He
that to happen!”                    started to get a little worse.       was independent, intelligent
   She’s currently working          He’d turn up at my house, we         and active. He had such an
and travelling to fulfil a          lived very close to each other,      enquiring mind and loved,
dizzyingly busy schedule with       and insist I’d asked him to call     music, ballet, and reading. It
the Wizard of Oz and We Will        in, when I hadn’t. He’d get          was so difficult to see that
Rock You touring America, an                                             mind slowly slipping away
international tour of Starlight
Express, and her plans for a         “In reality, this                   until he couldn’t even bear
                                                                         me to read to him, because

                                      disease tears
Brazilian dance show.                                                    he couldn’t understand the
   “I’m very energetic and                                               words.”
always on the run and I
                                      at the hearts
                                                                            There are more than 800,000
certainly don’t feel my age.                                             people in the UK living with
Actually, what does 70 feel like                                         dementia, a figure which is
anyway? My life’s so full I don’t
have time to dwell on what is        of families and                     expected to rise to more than
                                                                         a million people by 2021.

                                      steals lives”
really just a number,” she says.                                         While family members are
   There is one period in her                                            often the first to identify
past, though, that she does                                              dementia symptoms though,
dwell on and one she is             cross and upset that I hadn’t        they can find it hard to access
revisiting in the hope it will      expected him,” she recalls.          information to help them.
help others. It is the time            “Then he started getting             When Arlene’s father’s
she cared for her late father,      lost and being unable to find        condition worsened, she
Abraham, who suffered from          his way home. What was even          was forced to accept she
Alzheimer’s.                        more worrying was I’d find he’d      couldn’t provide all the care
   Today, talking at her London     put pans with no water on the        he needed, and in 1994, when
home, surrounded by treasured       stove, or he’d be unaware when       he was finally diagnosed with
collections of books and            he leant forward that his sleeve     Alzheimer’s, she made the
photos which belonged to her        was catching on the naked            painful decision to put him in
father, Phillips wants to raise     flame of the hob.                    a home. He died in 2000, aged
awareness of the condition,            “I was constantly on edge         89. “The home were wonderful
and mark World Alzheimer’s          that he’d really hurt himself.       to him and we visited him all
Day (21 September).                 Although, I organised Meals On       the time. But gradually, he had
   “To this day I still feel        Wheels so that he didn’t have        no memory and physically he
terrible guilt that in the end      to cook he developed a fear          started to deteriorate, which
Dad had to go into a home,          of strangers and wouldn’t let        was heartbreaking to see,” she
and also so much regret that        them in.”                            says.

arlene phillips
    Phillips who’s currently
working to raise awareness of
the importance of nutrition for
the ageing brain by supporting
Nutricia, a nutritional drink
for the dietary management
of early Alzheimer’s disease,
says: “I think it’s crucial the
condition is talked about and
faced so that the person who
has it, their carers and the
family can if possible share
information and their concerns.
   “I’m happy that I’ve taken
constant exercise because of
my dance career and followed
a healthy lifestyle, both of
which can play a part in
helping to reduce your chances
of dementia.
   “Right now I’m active, strong
- and strong willed - outspoken
and bounding on and hoping
there’s a good way forward.”

   Arlene Phillips
   takes action for alzheimer’s
Thanks to Gabrielle Fagan, Press Association

                                               Heart&Soul Summer 2013   9
trust news

Dancing Blues                                                            Keeping

Birmingham City footballers         Primary School, who also
Andrew Shinnie and Tom Adeyemi      attended the event, were treated
worked on a different kind of       to a number of fun activities
footwork at Heartlands recently,    with the two players, including
when they visited the children’s    a dance routine, plate-spinning      The NSPCC has launched
ward to help teach a dance class.   and a variety of magic tricks. The   a campaign which aims to
   Patients on the children’s       players also signed autographs       help parents and carers
ward and pupils from Yorkswood      and had a chat with the children.    have simple conversations
                                                                         with their children to keep

Parking fees at our hospitals                                            them safe from sexual
                                                                         abuse. The underwear
                                                                         rule is a simple way that
Following six years of              hours; £4.75 for four hours and
                                                                         parents can help keep
fixed pricing and extensive         £5.75 for up to 24 hours.
                                                                         children safe from abuse
consultation with publically           There are numerous
                                                                         by teaching them that:
elected Trust governors, visitor    concessions for car parking,
car parking charges have            including free parking for all
increased from this September       those individuals in receipt of      • Their body belongs to
across the HEFT hospital sites.     income-related state benefits          them
   The Trust does not take          and there are also discounted        • They have a right to say
any form of profit from car         multiple day tickets available.        no
parking charges as all of the          A 3 day ticket costs £10, a       • They should tell an
funds are used to fund capital      7 day ticket is £17, a 14 day          adult if they’re upset or
charges which have to be paid       ticket is £23, a 28 day ticket is      worried
to central government and the       £35 and a 20 exit carnet is £30.
costs of maintenance, upkeep           The Trust also plans to           Simple conversations can
and essential technology such       move forward with £15m               help children understand
as CCTV cameras and safety          worth of investment plans            that their body is their
barriers.                           to create 1,318 additional           own and help protect
   Whilst the first 15 minutes of   parking spaces across its three      them from abuse.
parking remain free of charge,      hospitals in the next three
visitor charges are now £2.75       years to help ease congestion        To find out more, visit:
for up to an hour, £3.75 for two    during peak times.                   www.

trust news

Medic takes blood
poisoning to Westminster

A Good Hope critical care consultant, campaigning for better
awareness of blood poisoning, took his work to Westminster,
winning the backing of Boris Johnson, mayor of London this Autumn.
Killing over 37,000 people       leaders, patients and MP’s       of the Sepsis Six tool,
in the UK alone each year,       to discuss what more could       designed to cut deaths
blood poisoning, or sepsis, is   be done.                         from the condition, at Good
a life-threatening condition       The Ombudsman’s first          Hope.
that occurs when the body’s      ever clinical report outlined      “The day spent at
response to an infection         the need for professional        Westminster was a great
injures its own tissues and      bodies to have clearer           achievement for the sepsis
organs.                          guidance in order to             campaign. Boris Johnson
   It can lead to shock,         recognise the development        was with us and was keen to
multiple organ failure           of sepsis at an early stage,     know more about all of the
and death, especially if         enabling earlier treatment       work we are doing. It was
not recognised early and         and improved outcomes.           great to have support from
treated promptly.                  Dr Daniels said: “We           such a well-known figure.”
   In the lead-up to World       recognised the need to
Sepsis Day and the release       increase awareness and           Dr Daniels chairs the
of the Ombudsman’s Report        recognition of sepsis in         UK Sepsis Trust. Visit:
on sepsis, Dr Daniels chaired    patients and we started in or follow
a meeting with healthcare        2006 with the development        @Sepsisuk on twitter.

                                                                 Heart&Soul Autumn 2013       11
maternity matters

My role as a bereavement
midwifery support worker
                                                                             - By Lorraine Herbert
 “The midwifery support             provide to their bereaved          in preparation for the next
 worker provides a unique and       family.                            day and the computer system
 privileged role at the Trust.         “We often take children         updated with discharges at the
    “Serving a busy multi-          to the quiet room to draw a        midwives’ request.
 cultural city, we care for         picture, or write on a leaf for       “I often get asked how I
 approximately 300 families         the tree of memory.                manage to do our job and
 a year at our two designated          “Women will be admitted         my response is that if I can
 bereavement suites. Our vision     during the day and, as well as     be pivotal in helping support
 is to focus on compassionate,      the clinical checks, I keep an     families during the hardest
 committed care for families        eye on how they are and check      point in their lives then that
 after the death of their baby      that their families are alright.   is all that matters and on
 following a miscarriage,              “I’ll inform GPs and            that basis this is the most
 stillbirth or neonatal death.      community midwives so              rewarding work I’ve ever
    “At the start of my shift I     that future appointments           done.”
 will check the answer phone        are cancelled, so avoiding
 and the communication book         unnecessary and insensitive        *Please note this is
 for any messages which             contact.                           a general overview
 require appropriate action. This      “As a team, we often discuss    of our work and is
 sometimes involves handing         memory building at length with     not based on any
                                                                       specific family.
 over anything outside our remit    families. We recognise how
 to the bereavement midwife.        important this stage is in the
    “Preparations need to be        grieving process and its impact
 made for any families accessing    on long term memories and
 our service such as preparing      so it is crucial that it is done
 the rooms and notes ready for      sensitively.
 admission.                            “It is this particular aspect
    “When family members            of the role that I know will
 arrive, which sometimes            last a lifetime and so have
 includes grandparents and          undertaken a photography
 children, we need to support       course to ensure we capture
 them in the best way we            precious details and added
 can, making sure to be as          effects.
 inclusive and sensitive to the        “I’ll also act as a contact
 support that family members        point and attend consultations
 require and also recognise the     for support during the day
 beneficial support that they       and finally notes are collected

maternity matters

Transforming services for                                            Boost for
women and children                                                   breastfeeding

HEFT has announced a pledge           The project team have
to invest in women and             made a clear commitment
children’s services with special   to include and consult with
focus on the redesign of the       women and children, staff and
Princess of Wales Maternity        third sector organisations in
unit on the Heartlands site.       the redevelopment of services
   The project is made up of       across the three sites and have
four areas of work which cover     already received over 232         Good Hope’s breastfeeding
process design, workforce          comments from staff, which        service has been given the
planning, stakeholder              will contribute to the redesign   international seal of approval by
engagement and building and        project.                          UNICEF after being awarded the
facilities.                                                          prestigious Baby Friendly Award.
   Each project has a clinical     The team welcome your                This award recognises the
lead with medical, nursing and     ideas, views, suggestions         team’s work to raise awareness
midwifery, managerial and          and pictures on how women         of the benefits of breastfeeding
other sector representatives to    and children services should      and to ensure there is help and
ensure each project is led and     look in the future, please        support available for mums.
managed by representatives         email: projectpelican@               Jackie Scott, Good Hope
who understand the service.             infant feeding co-ordinator,
                                                                     said: “Breastfeeding is perfect
                                                                     for giving babies a healthy start,

Supporting our midwives
                                                                     as breastfed babies are less
                                                                     likely to suffer with diarrhoea
                                                                     and vomiting, or chest or ear
Maternity services at HEFT         enable midwives to dedicate       infections. It can also have
are in the process of re-          more time to their patients,      a positive impact on future
modelling their workforce          improving patient and staff       health, for example preventing
by developing a maternity          experience whilst in the units.   diabetes and obesity for baby
assistant role.                      Designed to complement          and breast and ovarian cancer
  The role will support long       and support the role of the       for mum. It is a great pleasure
term workforce planning            midwife, assistants will also     to accept the award from
and improve and strengthen         be offered the opportunity of     UNICEF in recognition of our
the services we provide for        career progression.               gold standard breastfeeding
women. The role will also                                            service.”

                                                                     Heart&Soul Autumn 2013 13
trust news

Friends and family test
your views count
The friends and family test     inpatient services and A&E      One of the CQUIN
aims to improve patient         departments.                  requirements of the FFT is a
care, by enabling patients to     Introduced in April 2013,   15% baseline response rate
provide feedback on their       the survey, which will grow   increasing to 20% by the
experience of a department      into the most comprehensive   end of this financial year.
or ward within our hospitals.   ever undertaken, covers       The charts below show the
  This is now a contractual     around 4,500 NHS wards and    Trust’s overall test scores for
requirement for all providers   144 A&E services across the   September 2013.
of NHS funded acute             country.


Newly elected governors are                                    Fete fun for
ready to make a difference                                     local families
The Trust welcomes 22 new and re-elected
public governors and five staff governors to
its Council of Governors following the recent
  The new governors were elected by the Foundation
Trust’s 110,000 members, consisting of patients, members
of the public and staff. There were 75 nominations for
the 27 vacancies.
  Public governors represent local people in their
constituencies and staff governors represent the views of
their colleagues. The newly elected governors will play        The weather may have
a key role, working with the board of directors, on long       been chilly, but that didn’t
term planning and future service improvements.                 stop visitors enjoying
                                                               the annual Good Hope
The public governors are:                                      Hospital Community Fete
• Sue Hutchins and Andrew Lydon for Hall Green.                this September.
• Barry Clewer MBE for Perry Barr.                               Former chairman of
• Richard Hughes for Tamworth.                                 Aston Villa Football
• Elaine Coulthard and Ron Handsaker for Sutton Coldfield.     Club and Good Hope
• Phillip Johnson and Barry Orriss for Lichfield.              Chairman for six years, Sir
• Anne McGeever, Mark Pearson, Liz Steventon and Joy           Herbert Douglas Ellis OBE,
  Townsend for Solihull.                                       launched the fete, along
• Arshad Begum and Attiqa Khan for Hodge Hill.                 with the Rt Hon Andrew
• David O’Leary and David Treadwell for Yardley.               Mitchell MP, member of
• Olivia Craig and Albert Fletcher for Erdington.              parliament for Sutton
• Kath Bell and Michael Kelly for the rest of England          Coldfield.
  and Wales.                                                     Sue Moore, managing
                                                               director, said: “This year,
The staff governors are:                                       the event was bigger
• Heidi Lane and Margaret Meixner for nursing and              than ever with more staff
  midwifery.                                                   involved. It’s also brilliant
• Matthew Trotter for medical and dental.                      that we’ve been able to
• Michael Hutchby for clinical support.                        showcase the facilities in
• Emma Hale for non-clinical support.                          the Hospital’s new cedar
                                                               wood unit.”
The Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust 2013
Governor Elections took place across the summer, with
the close of poll on 9 August. The maximum term for
governors is nine years, subject to re-election every three
More information about our governors can be found at

                                                              Heart&Soul Autumn 2013     15
If you would like any
  information in large                                                       Dates for
  print please call
  0121 424 1218
You can contact Sandra White,              HEFT has more than 11,000
membership and community                   dedicated and hard working
engagement manager, if                     staff spread over three
someone you know wants                     hospitals and numerous
to become a member, if your                satellite sites and community     The Trust’s Board meetings
contact details have changed               services in the West Midlands.    are open to the public, so
or if you no longer wish to be                The Trust’s annual awards      why not come along to hear
a member.                                  recognise teams and               the discussion on:
T: 0121 424 1218                           individuals who provide           • 5 November, 9.30am
E:      exceptional patient care and        St John’s Hotel, Warwick Rd
Please also note our address:              outstanding professional            Solihull B91 2AT.
Stratford House                            performance. More than 300          9.30am start
Heartlands Hospital                        nominations were received
Bordesley Green East                       across 12 categories including
                                           chief nurse’s award, clinical     Trust members and the public
                                           excellence, volunteer of the      are also invited to attend
B9 5SS
                                           year and patient carer. Look      health talks at the Trust:
 Editor: Charlotte Pyatt, communications
 Design: Stuart Hudson                     out for the winners in the next   Women’s Cancer Issues
 Photography: Hannah Causer, Imke Daugs,
                Adrian Wressell            edition.                          Dr Raj Saha and Mr Bala
                                                                             24 October, 5pm – 7pm

                                           Medic-Care                        Education Centre, Solihull
       Help us to keep
     printing costs to                                                       Stroke / TIA
     minimum. To re                                                          Dr David Sandler
                      ad                                                     26 November, 5pm – 7pm
       this magazine
     online or by em                                                         Education Centre, Heartlands
                      ail                                                    Hospital
      instead, just let
       Sandra know.
                                                                             If you would like to attend a
                                                                             seminar please contact Sandra
                                           The Trust has teamed up with
                                                                             White on 0121 424 1218.
                                           discounts company Medic-Care
                                           to offer discounts at a range
 Council of Governors                      of local businesses from cafes,
 meeting - members                         pubs and restaurants to beauty
 are welcome to                            salons and hairdressers to
                                           Heart of England staff and
 attend.                                   members of the Trust.
                                             Discounts are available         follow us
 18 November, 4pm                          through the Medic-Care gold
 St Johns Hotel, Warwick Road,             card which can be obtained
 Solihull B91 2AT. 3.30pm start.           from the membership team.         @heartofengland
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