Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor - Editora MPM Comunicação

Page created by Dean Vazquez
Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                                                  Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor        brain death

Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the
approach to the family of the organ and
tissue donor
ABSTRACT | Objective: To unveil the weaknesses and the experience of nurses in approaching the organ and tissue donor family.
Method: Qualitative research with content analysis by Bardin, carried out with seven nurses in a medium-sized hospital in the
interior of São Paulo, Brazil. Results: The data obtained were grouped into three central categories: Nurses' knowledge in the
context of the family approach to the potential organ and tissue donor; Weaknesses experienced by nurses in the context of
communicating bad news to family members of the potential organ and tissue donor and Nurses' experiences in the face of
brain death diagnosis and the determining factors for obtaining organs and tissues. Conclusion: The nurses' experiences in face
of the weaknesses found and experienced in the family approach of potential organ donors, are characterized by conflicts and
situations that expose the professional to an atmosphere of feelings of welcome and empathy.
Keywords: Organ and tissue donation; Nurses; Role of the Nursing Professional; Family; Brain Death.

RESUMEN | Objetivo: Dar a conocer las debilidades y la experiencia de las enfermeras en el acercamiento a la familia del donante
de órganos y tejidos. Método: Investigación cualitativa con análisis de contenido de Bardin, realizada con siete enfermeras
en un hospital de mediano tamaño del interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Resultado: Los datos obtenidos se agruparon en tres
categorías centrales: Conocimiento del enfermero en el contexto del abordaje familiar del potencial donante de órganos y
tejidos; Debilidades vividas por enfermeras en el contexto de comunicar malas noticias a familiares del potencial donante de
órganos y tejidos y Experiencias de enfermeras ante el diagnóstico de muerte encefálica y los determinantes para la obtención de
órganos y tejidos. Conclusión: Las vivencias de las enfermeras ante las debilidades encontradas y vividas en el abordaje familiar
de los potenciales donantes de órganos, se caracterizan por conflictos y situaciones que exponen al profesional a un clima de
sentimientos de acogida y empatía.
Palabras claves: Donación de órganos y tejidos; Enfermeras; Rol del profesional de enfermería; Familia; Muerte cerebral.

RESUMO | Objetivo: Desvelar as fragilidades e a vivência de enfermeiros na abordagem de família do doador de órgãos e tecidos.
Método: Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com análise de conteúdo de Bardin, realizada com sete enfermeiros em um hospital
de médio porte no interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Resultado: Os dados obtidos foram agrupados em três categorias centrais:
Conhecimento dos enfermeiros no contexto da abordagem familiar do potencial doador de órgãos e tecidos; Fragilidades
vivenciadas por enfermeiros no contexto da comunicação de más notícias para familiares do potencial doador de órgãos e
tecidos e Experiências de enfermeiros diante do diagnóstico de morte encefálica e dos fatores determinantes para obtenção de
órgãos e tecidos. Conclusão: As experiências dos enfermeiros frente, às fragilidades encontradas e vivenciadas na abordagem
familiar de potencial doador de órgãos, são caracterizadas por conflitos e situações que expõem o profissional a uma atmosfera
de sentimentos de acolhimento e de empatia.
Palavras-chaves: Doação de Órgãos e tecidos; Enfermeiros; Papel do Profissional de Enfermagem; Família; Morte Encefálica.

Fabiano Fernandes de Oliveira                      Leticia dos Santos Goulart Oliveira                                              tem (SUS). As a result, it is considered
Nurse graduated from the Teresa D’Ávila            Nurse graduated from Escola Superior de                                          one of the most outstanding countries
University Center – UNIFATEA - Lorena -            Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro - ESC, Cruzeiro - São Pau-                                    in the world, losing only to the United
São Paulo. Professor at the Undergraduate          lo - Brazil.                                                                     States in absolute numbers according to
Nursing Course at Escola Superior de Cru-          ORCID: 0000-0002-7923-6141
                                                                                                                                    the Brazilian Association of Organ Trans-
zeiro - ESC - Cruzeiro - São Paulo and at
the Nursing Course at Centro Paula Souza           Received on: 06/01/2021                                                          plantation (ABTO - Associação Brasileira
- São Paulo. Master and Doctoral Student           Approved on: 06/14/2021                                                          de Transplante de Órgãos). (1) There is an
in Nursing by the Post-Graduate Program,                                                                                            immeasurable spirit in all political, ega-
Academic Doctoral Course, at Universidade                                                                                           litarian, governmental and non-govern-
Estadual Paulista – Júlio de Mesquita Filho -                                                                                       mental spheres in an attempt to increase

UNESP- Botucatu, São Paulo - Brazil.
                                                             razil has one of the largest pu-                                       the number of donations made and of
ORCID: 0000-0001-6768-4257
                                                             blic programs for the donation,                                        transplant patients. (2)
Adaíza Kelly Honorato                                        capture and transplantation of                                              It is known that organ donors can
                                                   organs, tissues and cells, with funding                                          be classified into two divisions: living
Nurse graduated from Escola Superior de
Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro - ESC, Cruzeiro - São           for more than 95% of the procedures,                                             donor, person who consents to the do-
Paulo - Brazil.                                    which is made available to the entire po-                                        nation in such a way that there is no
ORCID: 0000-0002-1844-5070                         pulation through the Unified Health Sys-                                         harm to their own health, and can do-

                                                                                                                            Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168 6163
brain death              Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor

      nate one of the kidneys, liver element,                            in the moment of imprecision and am-                            The study was conducted in a me-
      bone marrow or lung lobe. These can                                biguity when caring for patients with                      dium-sized hospital located in the in-
      be relatives up to the fourth degree and                           brain death, considered as a possible                      terior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil,
      consorts of the recipient, while in ca-                            organ donor. There are weaknesses in                       in a region known as Vale do Paraíba.
      ses of non-consanguine donors, there                               the diagnosis of BD, to the point of ha-                   This hospital is linked to the Central
      must be a judicial license. In the second                          ving hope in reversing the case. It's like                 Notification, Capture and Distribution
      class, there are non-living donors, who                            waiting for a miracle.                                     of Organs of the state. It is a partner
      are patients diagnosed with Brain Death                                Thus, the research problem was                         institution in the activities of the Na-
      (BD), who, in most cases, are victims of                           delimited from the following question:                     tional Transplant System (SNT - Sistema
      Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or cerebro-                           What weaknesses do nurses experience                       Nacional de Transplante) at a regional
      vascular accident (CVA). (3)                                       at the time of diagnosis of brain death                    level, following the national policy for
           In this scenario of non-living donors,                        and when approaching families of pa-                       capturing and transplanting organs and
      the awareness of family members is as                              tients with the potential to donate or-                    tissues.
      valuable as all other hospital actions.                            gans and tissues?                                               As inclusion criteria in the research,
      The nurse is a respected and strategic                                 For these reasons, this study sought                   nurses who provided assistance directly
      figure in this system, as he maintains                             to fill this knowledge gap, seeking to                     in the organ harvesting procedure and
      with the patient and their families a                              cover the weaknesses and experiences                       who had at least six months of expe-
      shortened relationship and connection                              of the family of the brain-dead patient                    rience were established.
      created from the proximity established                             and possible donor. Based on this un-                           As exclusion for participation, there
      during the patient's hospitalization. In                           derstanding, the aim was to provide                        were nurses away from the service for
      order for the potential donation to be                             evidence and support for the imple-                        reasons of vacation, maternity or medi-
      successful and the family/nurse rela-                              mentation of strategies that improve,                      cal leave and absent at the time of data
      tionship closer, principles, skills and                            naturalize, optimize and smooth the                        collection.
      abilities must be developed to guide the                           family approach method with regard to                           Data were collected by the resear-
      eligible donor's relatives in an ethical                           organ and tissue donation, since, in this                  chers themselves at a previously sche-
      and assertive way. (4)                                             investigation, we sought to scientifically                 duled time in a reserved and confiden-
           Considering the family approach                               anchor the actions of nurses with regard                   tial environment, which favored the
      of potential donors, it is also necessary                          to the theme.                                              interviewees' privacy and anonymity.
      to consider the involvement and per-                                   As a result, this study aimed to re-                   Such collection took place between Au-
      formance of the nurse, as it is a mul-                             veal the weaknesses and experiences                        gust and September 2019.
      tiprofessional approach. This issue is                             of nurses in approaching the family of                          The semi-structured interview tech-
      one of the most crucial in the donation                            organ and tissue donors.                                   nique guided by an instrument (script)
      process, given the great hurdle brought                                                                                       developed by the authors was used. This
      by relatives. Working with the family,                             METHOD                                                     script included sociodemographic cha-
      respecting its limits, is effective for the                                                                                   racteristics, such as gender, age, average
      successful completion of the transplant.                               Article extracted from the Course                      time in the profession and religion, and
      It is a complex moment for the family to                           Completion Paper (TCC - Trabalho de                        was followed by the following guiding
      see their loved one with a heartbeat and                           Conclusão de Curso) entitled: “Nurse's                     questions: What was the experience like
      not assimilate the death, so the family's                          Approach to the Family in the Organ                        for you in approaching family members
      wishes must always be respected, main-                             Procurement Process through a Proto-                       about organ donation? What frailties or
      taining ethical and legal principles.(5,6)                         col”, presented to the Department of                       difficulties do you face or have you faced
           It is at this moment that the nurse                           Undergraduate Nursing at Escola Su-                        with the family approach?
      faces conflicts as a result of the situation                       perior de Cruzeiro - ESC, Cruzeiro, São                         The testimonies were transcribed
      of pain experienced by family members,                             Paulo Brazil. 2019.                                        and analyzed and, soon after collec-
      due to the patient's BD, but at the same                               It was characterized as an inves-                      tion, these data were grouped accor-
      time having to request the donation of                             tigation of an exploratory, descriptive                    ding to the nuclei of meaning compo-
      organs, since they consider the request                            and qualitative approach. The tool for                     sed in the communication, considering
      for donation, at that time, very distres-                          reporting the data collection COREQ (9)                    the presence and thematic frequency
      sing to the family. (7)                                            was used, which used content analysis                      significant for the analyzed object.
           About this, a study carried out in                            based on the theoretical framework pro-                         Thus, the appreciation of the con-
      Iran (8) shows that nurses are involved                            posed by Bardin.(10)                                       tent consisted of three fundamental pe-

6164 Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168
Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                                                                    Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor

riods for data analysis, and in the pre-a-   in Cardiology, Stomatherapy, Nephrolo-                               “[...] When organ harvesting be-
nalysis, there was a questioning of the      gy and Urology.                                                      gan at our institution, we recei-
aspects related to the object of study,          With regard to religiosity, six                                  ved training from a nurse, it was
the relevant theories, the methodology       (85,7%) of the nurses were Catholic and                              amazing, because I was able
and the necessary operational issues to      one (14,2%) was Evangelical. All revea-                              to open my mind about taking
trigger the search; in the material ex-      led to be practitioners of the belief.                               care of the body after harves-
ploration phase, a cut was made based            Regarding the temporal analysis, re-                             ting, the respect that the entire
on the experience of the theoretical         ferring to the experience of exercising                              nursing and medical team has
construction elaborated so far; finally,     the profession, five (71,4%) of the inter-                           with the body and also the fa-
in the material treatment phase, which       viewees performed the function for be-                               mily and it was a matter of fin-
leads the researcher to theorize about       tween 5 to 10 years and two (28,5%) for                              ding a moment of my own “in
the data, the link between the available     more than 10 years. Six (85,7%) worked                               the BDissue” of the doctor and
reality and the data collected through       at the hospital for between 5 to 10 ye-                              family, and knowing the right
the research was produced. We sought,        ars and one (14,2%) for between 1 to                                 time to address the fundraising
then, to explain the results in light of     5 years.                                                             is still not easy, but the training
the existing literature, leading to the          As for the weekly workload, six nur-                             helped a lot so that I could ex-
identification of central categories. (10)   ses (85,7) reported working for 30 hours                             plain for the whole family of
    To ensure the anonymity of the par-      a week and one (14,2), 20 hours a week.                              care, respect they would have
ticipants, they were referenced using            All nurses participated in courses on                            for the body”. E2
an association of letters and numbers,       transplantation and organ harvesting in-
using the letter E for Nurse, followed by    side and outside the hospital.                           In view of the answers presented, it
an Arabic numeral from 1 to 7 accor-             In evaluating the qualitative data,             was found that the nurses' knowledge
ding to the order of the interviews.         after assessing the speeches obtained,              about the topic, according to the majo-
    The research followed all ethical pre-   the information was aggregated into                 rity of respondents, even though the ter-
cepts as per the recommendations esta-       three central categories and their the-             ms were not very clearly used in some
blished by resolution 510/16 of the Na-      matic units, namely:                                answers, it is clear that the professionals
tional Health Council for studies carried                                                        are prepared about communication and
out with human beings and appreciated        Category 1: Knowledge of nurses in the              approach to the scenario of the brain
by the board of the researched health        context of family approach to potential             death process, followed by communi-
institution. The project was also valida-    organ and tissue donors.                            cation to the family about the potential
ted by the Ethics and Research Commit-           Regarding the knowledge of respon-              uptake of organs.
tee under opinion No. 3.257.576 and          dents on the theme of approaching the
CAAE 11227319.9.0000.5431, of April          family at the time of communication of              Category 2: Weaknesses experienced
10th, 2019.                                  the BDand the possibility of organ do-              by nurses in the context of communi-
                                             nation, there was a predominance of                 cating bad news to family members of
RESULTS                                      responses regarding subsidies or classes            potential organ and tissue donors.
                                             that addressed the donation and cap-                     In this study, it was noticed that the
    Seven nurses who worked at the           ture of organs, during the graduation               approach and communication shared
institution chosen for data collection       period or graduate school. All (100%)               between nurses and physicians allow
participated in this research, all (100%)    nurses revealed that they did not obtain            the exchange of information related to
being female, even though, a priori, this    sufficient theoretical framework during             the client's health/disease conditions,
was not an inclusion criterion. Among        the undergraduate or specialization pe-             for decision-making and correct con-
these participants, the age group betwe-     riod, which can be seen in the following            duct and concordance with each iden-
en 31 and 40 years old prevailed.            statements:                                         tified need.
    Of the nurses interviewed, in addi-                                                               Thus, the nurse actively participates
tion to graduation, all had attended a              “[...] I don't remember anything             in the conducts together with the multi-
postgraduate course at the lato sensu               so specific. During the post-se-             disciplinary team, which can be eviden-
level, with four (58%) nurses claiming              condary period, we talk about                ced in the following statements:
to be specialists in the Intensive Care             transplantation as a form of kid-
Unit (ICU), two (28,5%) in Emergency                ney treatment and the importan-                               "[...] Along with the medical
and Emergency and only one (14,2%)                  ce of donation”. E7                                           team, talking to all the children,

                                                                                          Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168 6165
brain death              Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor

              a delicate moment, the family                                              spend more time with the fa-               and the relevance of the nurse's pre-
              denying death." E3                                                         mily, even if in silence. Finally,         sence in moments of communication of
              “[...] Difficult due to the resis-                                         we had a patient that was not              bad news was noted, in order to mini-
              tance of the family to donate,                                             viable for uptake, however, we             mize the impact and anguish of family
              even clarifying doubts. The ex-                                            needed to give a diagnosis of              members.
              perience of approaching the                                                brain death. However, I had a                  In light of these categories, we fou-
              family about ME, for me, is ne-                                            lot of difficulty, as the doctor           nd that nurses can act in the possibility
              ver easy. First, because I don't                                           was not training to follow the             of convincing to obtain organs and tis-
              know what will be the family's                                             BDprotocol. The protocol was               sues, but it can also be inferred that the
              reaction to the loss, in some rare                                         carried out with great difficulty,         consent for donation, until the moment
              cases the family reacts calmly,                                            finally it was up to me to help            of our study, is seen as a process that
              but the loss of a loved one can-                                           him, and together with the doc-            permeates philosophical, religious, so-
              not measure the pain the other                                             tor, inform the family about the           cial and moving questions.
              is feeling, and in this context it                                         confirmed diagnosis" E5
              is difficult to find a time or way                                         “[...] At first it was very difficult,     DISCUSSION
              to explain the importance of the                                           but with time I gained confiden-
              donation.” E1                                                              ce. One approach I performed                   Faced with such a complex issue
              “[...] It was never easy to tell the                                       and marked me was a mother                 as the donation of organs and tissues,
              family that you will never see                                             who had her son in the ICU bed             knowing the factors that motivated peo-
              your loved one again” E4                                                   in BD due to a serious motorcy-            ple to make the grant becomes essential,
                                                                                         cle accident, she was in favor             even considering the magnitude of the
          Reflecting on the possible weak                                                of the donation, as there was a            act of donating unquestionable. (11)
      points exposed in the daily lives of nur-                                          cousin in her family who, a few                It is noteworthy that the support of-
      ses and in view of the numerous care                                               years ago, received a kidney and           fered by nurses regarding the emotional
      activities that compete, it was obser-                                             he no longer needed to undergo             issue of family members and specific
      ved that the respondents mentioned                                                 hemodialysis." E6                          knowledge about the entire procedure
      the existence of difficulty in the face of                                         “[...] I remember that, the first          to be used in the context of organ har-
      family resistance when communicating                                               time I had this experience, it was         vesting, can encourage the family mem-
      the possibility of organ harvesting.                                               with the parents of a teenager             ber to decide and accept the donation.
                                                                                         and they accepted and donated                  In this perspective, the attitudes that
      Category 3: Experiences of nurses fa-                                              their daughter's organs for trans-         lead family members to accept the do-
      cing the diagnosis of brain death and                                              plant purposes. Even sad for his           nation of organs from their loved ones
      the determining factors for obtaining                                              loss and grateful for his enor-            have features in common: empathy, the
      organs and tissues.                                                                mous nobility, despite being in            desire to help others and, even with de-
          When asked about the experiences                                               favor of donation, I don't know            ath, the offer of some meaning to life
      lived at the time of diagnosis of brain                                            if I could donate. It was a we-            from the other. (12,13)
      death and the possibility of obtaining                                             ekend and I was on duty. The                   In this context, the nurse is the pro-
      organs and tissues, the participants re-                                           patient already had the clinical           fessional who provides patient care by
      vealed the presence of feelings and atti-                                          tests ready for ME, but was wai-           planning nursing care for 24 hours, alwa-
      tudes, such as: being on the side of the                                           ting for the Transcranial Doppler          ys being in frequent and direct contact
      family, evidencing support and accep-                                              to confirm and precisely on that           with family members and caregivers. In
      tance; transmit trust, confidence and                                              day the neurologist attended to            addition, it has a legal responsibility to
      credibility; to remain silent, showing                                             perform and confirm the exam.              provide training and qualification to the
      sadness but also admiration for the fa-                                            After the realization, it was time         team it coordinates, in order to promote
      mily member who said yes to donation                                               for the approach.” E7                      quality care, based on scientific eviden-
      and expressed a noble and generous                                                                                            ce for patient safety. (14)
      feeling. The statements below point out                                Analyzing the context of the reports                       The importance of training and pre-
      these feelings and actions:                                        on the family approach and the em-                         paring nurses through the managers
                                                                         bracement performed by the nurse, the                      responsible for health establishments
              “[...] The doctor is usually more                          interpersonal relationship between the                     linked to the SNT is also highligh-
              technical, and it is up to me to                           nurse and the family was highlighted,                      ted. This training is critical in fulfilling

6166 Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168
Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                                                                     Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor

communication requirements and tech-          so that there is an improvement in their            opportunity to be with the family, giving
nical skills to develop strategies on how     attitude and practice through different             support, attention, developing empathy
to deal with families who will receive        training methods. (19)                              and active listening in the grieving pro-
bad news. (15)                                     According to the information ob-               cess. Caring for the family is a complex
     Therefore, the nurse needs to esta-      tained in our study, support for the po-            stage that requires professionals who can
blish a bond with the patient and their       tential donor is indicated by confron-              offer elements that guide the donation of
families that is based on mutual trust and    tation and disorder, leading nurses to              organs and tissues. The nurse must be,
has a humanistic character, in order to       experience various ambivalent feelings.             therefore, willing and prepared to clarify
carry out the essential care to alleviate     Linked to the change in the perception              all the doubts of the family members in a
the patient's anguish and, if possible,       of the being facing brain death, the ex-            clear and objective way, ensuring the un-
to overcome their moment of affliction.       perience of the family approach, in this            derstanding of the real situation of their
This feature was evidenced by the study,      context, is permeated by the technical-             loved one and thus respecting ethical
     who observed nurses who offered a        -scientific and human dimensions, whi-              and legal principles. (22)
welcoming and differentiated commu-           ch, in the nurses' view, is constituted by               Positively, the nurse, who works with
nication with the deceased's relatives        the skills, protocols and technologies              patients considered as potential donors,
and generated an affective connection,        added to the care of the patient and in             gives a new meaning to their own life,
which motivated opportunities to obtain       communicating difficult news. (20)                  undergoing a personal and professio-
assent to capture organs and tissues.                                                             nal transformation, as they work with a
     The scarcity of information to relati-                                                       view to life and see the process of de-
ves about what is happening with the pa-                                                          ath as a natural part of this process. In
tient, together with the lack of knowled-                                                         this way, they adopt zealous attitudes,
ge about brain failure, allow erroneous                                                           which result in humanized and sincere
assumptions about the activities for the                                                          care, minimizing professional suffering
extraction of tissues and organs. (17)                                                            and, consequently, expanding their per-
     Regarding the knowledge coefficient
of the analyzed nurses, the results are in
                                                   Thus, nurses                                   sonal growth. (23)
                                                                                                       In our study, limitations were con-
line with the literature (18) which found     assume the full role                                sidered to be the scarcity of references,

                                              in order to optimize
a low to moderate level in the results                                                            the absence of the theme of nurses' fee-
which indicate that, generally, doctors                                                           lings towards the family approach, and
and nurses do not have sufficient know-
ledge about the organ donation process
                                                 the relationship                                 the fact that the research was carried out
                                                                                                  with a small number of participants. The
in patients with brain death, as well as       between the team,                                  results found may support the conduct of
the lack of affinity in communicating                                                             other studies that broaden the discussion
bad news.                                      family and patient.                                about these weaknesses, experiences
     It is noteworthy, on the other hand,                                                         and experiences on the performance of
that there remain numerous shortages in                                                           nurses in communicating bad news to
the training of nurses with regard to the                                                         capture organs and tissues, not only in
areas of transplantation, especially with                                                         the transplant service but also in other
regard to patients with brain death, both                                                         fields of action of that professional.
in universities and in hospitals. As a re-                                                             What was evident was that the nurse
sult, nurses do not have satisfactorily                                                           is presented as a key element for the esta-
adequate knowledge, attitude and prac-            Thus, nurses assume the full role               blishment of successful family approach
tice. Therefore, it is suggested to include   in order to optimize the relationship               programs. However, to do so, he needs
the expansion of the discussion in dis-       between the team, family and patient.               to develop essential skills to act in the di-
ciplines on this theme in the curriculum      However, it is essential to provide time            fferent phases of the period of communi-
of nursing courses, as well as the im-        to be with the family, understand the               cation of bad news. Thus, it is considered
plementation of educational campaigns         mourning situation and not just offer               relevant to know the weaknesses and ex-
for family mobilization, in addition to       protocoled information, as each indivi-             periences experienced by nurses involved
conducting permanent and continuing           dual has their time and uniqueness to               in this care, seeking to offer subsidies so
education programs, to accompany the          assimilate the new fact. (21)                       that these professionals can seek recog-
nurse with their role in the care process,        In this sense, the nurse may have the           nition from the multidisciplinary team

                                                                                           Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168 6167
brain death                     Oliveira, F.F.; Honorato, A.K.; Oliveira, L.S.G.;
                                       Fragilities and experiences of nurses in the approach to the family of the organ and tissue donor

      working in the complex area of tissue and                                 news was evident that, in most cases, it                                     tions that expose the professional to an
      organ transplantation and give greater vi-                                is done by the physician, however the                                        atmosphere of feelings, mainly of wel-
      sibility to your clinical practice.                                       presence of the nurse is essential throu-                                    coming and empathy, which directly
                                                                                ghout the communication process.                                             influences in your personal and profes-
      CONCLUSION                                                                    Given the reports, it was possible                                       sional life.
                                                                                to see that, despite the reality in which                                        Finally, nurses' lack of training from
          According to the data obtained in                                     nurses are inserted, this type of commu-                                     graduation to professional life was evi-
      the investigation, it was concluded that                                  nication is always difficult and at each                                     denced. Therefore, it is understood that
      the nurse is directly linked not only to                                  moment there is a particularity.                                             a closer look at these professionals is
      the service of keeping the potential do-                                      It was also observed that the expe-                                      necessary to ensure significant expe-
      nor fit for uptake, but also actively parti-                              riences of nurses facing the weaknesses                                      riences and enrichment of the quality of
      cipates in the entire diagnosis and even                                  found and experienced in the family                                          care in the context of approaching the
      a little after the approach made with                                     approach of potential organ donors are                                       family of the imminent organ and tissue
      the family. The communication of bad                                      characterized by conflicts and situa-                                        donor.

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6168 Revista Nursing, 2021; 24 (280): 6163-6168
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