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2021 Annual Technical Conference EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS Pay By Mail: P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 Credit Card Payment: Please Call 501-676-2255 Pre-Registration Closes July 30, 2021 HOT SPRINGS CONVENTION CENTER Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association
PRE-REGISTRATION EXHIBIT SPACE APPLICATION 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 Company Information: Address City State Zip Phone ( ) Fax ( ) E-Mail: Exhibit Contact Person Title Street Address City St Zip Phone ( ) Fax ( ) E-Mail: Booth Preferences Preferred Locations: Is a corner more important than location? Yes No 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Companies from whom we desire booth separation (Specify company names rather than products) Booth separation is not guaranteed. 1. 2. 3. 4. Please describe all the products/service that will be displayed. (Note - this is not an ad - the information here is used for evaluation purposes and will assist us in evaluating participation, & booth separation, etc.): Booth Rental Cost -2 free registrations with each 10'x10' booth. Company employees only. Do you want Luncheon Tickets? Yes No If you don’t mark that you want tickets, you won’t receive any in your exhibitor envelope. # Spaces Total ARWA Professional Member x $675 = Return signed application & deposit to: After 7-30-21 x $775 = ARWA 2021 Annual Technical Conference Pre-Registration closes 7-30-21 P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 Non-Member x $1075 = After 7-30-21 x $1175 = or Pre-Registration closes 7-30-21 Additional Registrants x $155 = E-Mail To: Golf Tournament Entry x $80 = Must Pre-register to play golf by 7-30-21 See Golf Tournament Information ARWA Professional Membership x $400 = You may join on this application and receive the member discount rate above. Memberships are due January each year. Yes No CHECK HERE if you have any special needs. Please describe: TOTAL BOOTHCOST Authorized Signature Title Date No Luncheon Tickets will be provided On-Site for Additional Registrants!!! The above signed party warrants that he has the authority to bind contractually the company he represents to the terms and conditions set forth on all pages of this document and has fully read and agrees to abide by the Exposition Rules and Conditions.
TERMS & CONDITIONS 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association of any exhibit upon or from the floor of the show area, and also reserves the right Annual Technical Conference to have any exhibitor, or exhibitors employee, guest or representative removed Hot Springs Convention Center from the floor of the show area if any exhibit, exhibitor, or exhibitor's employee, Hot Springs, Arkansas guest or representative is found by ARWA to be in violation of any one or more of Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 the provisions of these Show Rules and Regulations. If ARWA takes any action Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 against a party according to the provisions of this section, the exhibitor may not recover any exhibit fees paid to ARWA and may be denied the opportunity to par- 1. Eligibility ticipate in future ARWA sponsored events. Any violation of show rules and regula- tions by an employee or representative of an exhibiting company will be grounds A. To apply for exhibit space at the 2021 Annual Technical Conference sponsored for forfeiture of the exhibiting company’s accumulated points in part or whole, by Arkansas Rural Water Association (ARWA) from August 29-September 1, regardless of exhibiting history, membership history, or membership status. New 2021, at the Hot Springs Convention Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the point accumulation will begin with the next membership year and may result in a applicant must complete all relevant portions of the application form and return less desirable booth assignment at future exposition. with the appropriate deposit to ARWA. The person signing this application warrants that he or she has the authority to bind contractually the organization Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits applying for exhibit space. (1) Exhibitors may not erect or dismantle exhibits at any times except as B. ARWA Show Management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of all provided by ARWA Show Management. potential exhibitors. A properly completed application, accompanied by the (2) It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to see that all its materials are appropriate deposit will be considered an offer by the applicant to purchase exhibit delivered to the exhibit hall and removed from the exhibit hall by the deadlines space from ARWA, which offer ARWA may accept by its approval of the potential specified by ARWA. Should the exhibitor fail to remove the exhibit, the removal exhibitor’s application. If approved, this application shall constitute the entire will be arranged by ARWA, without any liability of any kind to ARWA, at the Agreement between the exhibitor and ARWA, no provision of which may be exhibitor’s expense. amended, waived, or altered without the written approval of ARWA. (3) At the close of the show, the exhibitor must surrender the exhibit booth area in the same condition the booth was in at the time the exhibitor occupied it. If an C. Completed applications should be received by ARWA on or before July 30, 2021 exhibitor fails to surrender a booth in the same condition it was in at the time the and must be accompanied by the full amount of the rental cost of the exhibit space. exhibitor first occupied it, such exhibitor shall be liable for the expenses of repair- ing the booth to the condition it was in when the exhibitor first occupied it. D. Cancellations for refund will be accepted if made in writing and received at the ARWA Office by July 30, 2021. No refunds will be given after this date unless B. Floor Plan booth space can be resold. Any refunds given will be made at the rate of 90% of the amount for each booth space reserved, AND A $100 Administration Fee All dimensions and locations shown on the official floor plan are believed, but will be deducted from the refund. not warranted, to be accurate. Furthermore, ARWA reserves the right to make such modifications to the official floor plan as may be necessary to meet the needs 2. Space Assignments of the exhibitors and the exhibit program. A. Space assignments will be made by ARWA Show Management according to the C. Exhibit Dimensions following provisions: (1) Booths are 10' deep by 10' wide unless otherwise noted on floor plan. (1) All applications are held in the order they are received until July 30, 2021. (2) Exhibits shall be constructed and arranged so that they do not obstruct the (2) Then ARWAassigns points to the applications to determine assignment general view, nor hide the exhibits of others. No side wall higher than 36" may order. Points are based on fourcriteria: extend forward from the back wall more than one-half the depth of the exhibitspace. (a) The number of years the company or exhibitor has exhibited at ARWA's Annual Conference. Exhibitors are allowed to skip no more than one year at a D. Display Arrangement time and still retain credit for the previous years exhibiting. (b) The exhibitor's membership status and membership history with ARWA. All exhibitors shall arrange the displays so as to utilize only the booth area con- (c) The number of spaces being reserved. tracted for, to recognize the rights of other exhibitors and show visitors, and to (d) The date of receipt of the application. The receipt date will be used to conform to the overall pattern developed by the Show Management. break any ties. Where date of receipt is duplicated, assignment order will be determined by ARWA Show Management. Wherever possible, exhibitors will be E. Use of Exhibit Space and Exhibit Activities assigned one of their location preferences. (3) After July 30, 2021 applications will be accepted and space assigned on a first- Exhibit booths must be attended and maintained by at least one exhibitor or come, first-served basis only. The point system above will no longer apply. exhibitor representative at all times during show hours. No exhibitor shall However, ARWA Show Management reserves the right to make the final space sublet, assign, sell or allow to be used, all or any part of the exhibit space allotted to it. assignment determination according to what it deems to be in the best interests of the 2021 Exposition. F. Exhibitors and Exhibitors Representatives B. Space not occupied by Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 6 pm will be forfeited by the exhibitor, and such space may be resold, reassigned or otherwise used by (1) Exhibitors and Exhibitors Representatives shall include the owners, employees, ARWA, without any refund of payments to exhibitor by ARWA. or any other person, company or organization (paid or unpaid) who is represent- ing the exhibiting company or acting on their behalf. 3. Show Rules and Regulations (2) After show hours, only those exhibitors properly identified and with the per- The following show rules and regulations are intended to promote a successful mission of ARWA may enter the hall. Exhibitors will not be permitted to remove and safe show and may be amended at any time by ARWA to accomplish those any of their show equipment or display materials from the Facility between the goals. ARWA reserves the right (at exhibitors expense) to erect any exhibit, to pro- opening and closing of the exposition without special permission in writing from hibit the erection of any exhibit, or to require the removal (at exhibitors expense) ARWA.
(3) Exhibitors may have access to the hall one hour prior to and one-half hour B. Conference exhibitors must inform ARWA of their intention to host a func- following official show hours. When this rule would create a hardship, special per- tion and provide times and location to ARWA. mission must be secured from Show Management to gain access at other times. C. Exhibitor sponsored functions may not compete with officially scheduled (4) Notwithstanding the above, no one will be permitted in any exhibitor’s booth conference events and may not be open during these events. This includes, but is during non-show hours unless he or she is accompanied by a person able to not limited to, educational sessions, the exhibition, ARWA sponsored parties & positively identify himself or herself as an employee or authorized representative of meals, etc. the exhibitor to whose booth he or she wishes to gain access. (5) Exhibitors and their representatives shall be dressed modestly and in good D. Exhibitor sponsored functions must be open to all conference attendees business taste. Exhibitors shall conduct themselves with decorum and in a without conditions. professional manner at all times. Exhibitors or their representatives who violate any provisions of this contract or who, in the opinion of ARWA Show E. Conference exhibitors may sponsor invitation only meetings in conjunction Management, conduct themselves unethically, or who appear to be under the with hospitality functions, but the function itself must be open to all attendees. influence of drugs or alcohol, may be removed from the Exhibit Hall immediately without refund or other appeal. F. No one may place or post signs, displays, posters, or other announcements concerning exhibitor sponsored functions anywhere in or near the exhibit hall, G. Common Areas except within their own assigned space, nor in any common areas of the hotel Exhibits, signs, and displays are prohibited in any of the common public spaces on without written permission from ARWA and the Facility. the premises of the meeting facilities or in the guest rooms, lobbies or hallways of the hotels. G. ARWA reserves the right to close an exhibitor sponsored function if it detracts from the spirit and nature of the conference, disturbs hotel guests, presents a pub- lic nuisance or violates any provision of the show rules and regulations. 4. Compliance with Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Union Regulations H. Whoever conducts an exhibitor sponsored function is responsible for knowing, following, and obeying all local & state ordinances, rules and union regulations A. The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city and that might apply to the hospitality function. state ordinances covering fire, safety, and health. All exhibit equipment and materials will be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary. Only fireproof materials should be used in I. The party that conducts the function agrees to indemnify and hold harmless displays and the necessary fire precautions will be taken by the exhibitor. ARWA from any claims, suits, or liabilities resulting from negligence that might apply to the hospitality function. B. Rules and regulations for union labor are made by the local unions and these regulations may be changed at any time. Where union labor is required because of 8. Attendee Listings building or contractor requirements, it will be necessary for the exhibitor to com- ply with the regulations. ARWA makes available to exhibitors a post-conference listing of everyone that registered and attended the conference. Use of this list is contingent upon the 5. Liability and Insurance following conditions. All items that can be carried away should be put in safekeeping when the exhibit is A. The list is for use by Exhibitors in promoting their company in conjunction not attended. However, the Management will not be liable for loss or damage to with the ARWA Annual Technical Conference and may not be used to promote the property of the exhibitor or his representatives or employees from theft, fire, any activities that compete, directly or indirectly, with the Conference. accident, water or any other cause beyond its control. The Management will not be responsible for any injury, damage or loss that may occur to an exhibitor, to his B. The list is provided by ARWA to exhibiting companies only. Exhibitors are employees or invitees or to any other person on the premises of the exhibit. restricted from distributing the list to entities outside of the exhibiting company, Exhibits and exhibit equipment are brought into the building, maintained, and parent companies or subsidiaries. Nothing in this agreement shall prevent ARWA removed from the building at the exhibitors risk. Exhibitor shall indemnify the from distributing the list within ARWA or any of its affiliated organizations. Management against and hold it harmless from any claims, suits or liabilities resulting from negligence of the exhibitor in or in connection with the exhibitors 9. Inability to Perform use of exhibit space. If ARWA should be prevented from holding the exhibition by any cause beyond 6. Exhibit Hall Drawings its control (such as fires, strikes, Acts of God, etc.) or if it cannot permit the exhibit to occupy its space due to circumstances beyond its control, ARWA will A. Association Drawings refund to the exhibitor the amount of the rental paid by him. Each exhibitor will be allowed to donate one (1) item to be given away in a draw- ing during show hours. Items in excess of one (1) will be returned to the 10. Amendments exhibitor. Show Management will determine the time and drawing schedule. The regulations have been formulated for the best interest of the exhibitors as well B. Booth Drawings as this exposition and ARWA. All matters and questions not covered by these Exhibitors will be responsible for their own booth drawings and promotions. regulations are subject to the decisions of Show Management. The regulations may be amended at any time by the Management and all amendments that may 7. Exhibitor Activities & Functions be so made shall be equally binding on all parties affected by them as by the original regulations. A. Only companies having assigned space in the ARWA exhibition may sponsor or cause to occur any organized activity at conference hotels involving conference attendees. This includes, but is not limited to, hospitality functions.
EXHIBIT HALL MAP 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 Booth Charges Points are based on: Standard booths measure 10' x 10'. The charge for each booth is: (a) The number of spaces being reserved. $675 (b) The number of years the company has exhibited at ARWA's Annual Technical Conference. Booth Charges Include: (c) The exhibitors membership status and membership history with • Registration ARWA. • Post-conference listing of attendees (d) The date of receipt of the application is used as a tiebreaker. • Listing in conference agenda Wherever possible, exhibitors will be assigned one of their • Standard booth sign location preferences. • Draped back wall and sidewall 3. After July 30, 2021, applications will be accepted and space How We Assign Booth Space: assigned on a first-come, first-served basis only. The point system 1. Applications are held until July 30, 2021. above will no longer apply. However, ARWA reserves the right to 2. ARWA then assigns points to the applications to determine make space assignment determinations according to what it deems assignment order. to be in the best interests of the 2021 Exposition. LOADING DOCK RAMP building services exit exit storage roll door roll door roll door electric storage electric concessions 128 127 15 storage 126 14 State F 125 ARWA Pac P ed 13 ac 124 12 123 111 96 95 80 79 64 63 48 47 32 31 16 11 hscc 122 110 97 94 81 78 65 62 49 46 33 30 17 10 storage 121 9 120 109 98 93 82 77 66 61 50 45 34 29 18 8 119 108 99 92 83 76 67 60 51 44 35 28 19 7 118 6 117 107 100 91 84 75 68 59 52 43 36 27 20 5 116 106 101 90 85 74 69 58 53 42 37 26 21 4 men women phone 115 3 114 105 102 89 86 73 70 57 54 41 38 25 22 2 113 104 103 88 87 72 71 56 55 40 39 24 23 1 8' 112 entrance storage Storage office Registration women men men women exit hall b hall a Ar Rural Water Assn HSCC Halls A - B Aug 29-Sept 1, 2021 128 - 10 x 10 booths 1800' x 10w carpet floor; concrete ceiling 35' N sunbelt autocad rev 12/27/18
Is your name on the list? These companies exhibited at the 2019 ARWA Conference. American AVK Company Maguire Iron, Inc. AMERICAN Flow Control Master Meter, Inc. AmeriChemm McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. AO3 Solutions, LLC McIntire Management Group Aquasure MIC Sales Inc. Arkansas 811 Midland Manufacturing Co Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Mueller Arkansas Department of Health Navigation Electronics Inc. Arkansas Department of Labor Neptune Technology Group Arkansas Department of Transportation New Water Systems Arkansas Federal Surplus Property Nexbillpay Arkansas Natural Resources Commission Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co. Arkhola Sand and Gravel Company PUBLIQ Software AVR, Inc. PumpCon Berryhill Insurance Group Pump Solutions, Inc. Bertrem Products, Inc. Rain for Rent Bolton Electric and Controls, Inc. Red Bud Supply Brad Greer & Associates REP COM-VIVAX-METROTECH Calibration & Controls, Inc. Robertson Electrical and Mechanical, Inc. (REM) CoBank Rural Water Impact/Municipal Impact Consolidated Pipe & Supplies, Co SELTECH, Inc. Continental Utility Solutions Shupe and Associates, Inc. Core & Main Smith-Blair CSA Software Solutions Southern Pipe & Supply Cunningham Inc Southern Weed & Brush Control, LLC Denali Water Solutions, LLC Stephens, Inc. Diamond Maps SUEZ Advanced Solutions Ditch Witch of Arkansas T & B Auto Sales DPC Industries, Inc. TankSpekCorp Engineering Services, Inc. Telemetry Solutions, LLC Entegrity Tencarva Machinery Company Environmental Products Group Tesco Controls, Inc. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. The Sherwin Williams Company (Esri) Underground Solutions, Inc. Environmental Technical Sales, Inc. United Engines Ferguson Waterworks United Rentals Fluid Solutions Ford Meter Box United Systems and Software Foundation Repair of Arkansas USABlueBook G & C Supply Co., Inc. USDA Rural Development Generated Energy Solutions Vacuum Truck Sales and Services, LLC H*E Engineered Equipment Company Vermeer MidSouth Harbor Wachs Utility Products Hawkins, Inc. Water Tech, Inc. Hawkins-Weir Engineers, Inc. Water Utility Data Base System (WUDB) Haynes Equipment Company Inc Wholesale Pump & Supply, Inc. Haynes Pump and Process Winwater Henard Utility Products, Inc. ICM Technologies Instrument & Supply, Inc. Invoice Cloud Itouch Lab by md llc Jack Tyler Engineering, Inc. Kamstrup Water Metering Kirkham. IT L & L Municipal Supplies Layne Arkansas Liberty Utilities Luckett Pump & Well Service, Inc.
EXHIBITOR BADGE INFORMATION With each paid booth space you receive 2 registrations for those people that will be working in the booth. This allows them into educational sessions, general sessions, the exhibit hall, and the awards ceremony. Additional booth personnel may be registered for the regular attendance amount. Anyone holding Water/Wastewater license will receive credit hours if the correct ID No. is included. Your ID No. is the last 4 digits of your Social Security No. and the first 3 letters of your last name, e.g. 1234nhy #1 #2 Full Name Full Name Title Title Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone ( ) Phone ( ) ID No. or N/A ID No. or N/A #3 #4 Full Name Full Name Title Title Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone ( ) Phone ( ) ID No. or N/A ID No. or N/A #5 #6 Full Name Full Name Title Title Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone ( ) Phone ( ) ID No. or N/A ID No. or N/A Complete for each registrant - photocopy as needed NAMES OF SPOUSES ATTENDING Please pre-register all Exhibitor Badge Information by Friday, August 20, 2021. Any badge changes after Friday, August 20, 2021 will result in an additional fee of $50 per badge change request!!
PRODUCT INFORMATION 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 Conference Agenda Listing Your company's CONTACT LISTING and PROMOTIONAL PARAGRAPH will be listed by company name in alphabetical order in the 2021 Conference Agenda. Please EMAIL complete contact listing information, AND EMAIL a short promotional paragraph to be included in the Agenda, describing the product(s)/service(s) your company will be exhibiting. Only promotional paragraphs with the Limit of 35 words or less will be included in the Agenda. To ensure your company’s promotional paragraph and contact information will be published accurately, please be certain wording is EMAILED as you wish for it to be published. NO EDITS will be made to your promotional paragraph or contact information. EXAMPLE of Company Contact Listing: Company Name: Arkansas Rural Water Association Contact: Fatina Dodson P.O. Box 860 240 Dee Dee Lane Lonoke, AR 72086 Phone: 501.676.2255 Web: Please submit promotional paragraph and contact information before July 30, 2021 to:
GOLF TOURNAMENT INFORMATION Return signed application & deposit to: ARWA 2021 Annual Technical Conference P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 T he proceeds from the golf tournament taking place at the Diamondhead Golf Club on Sunday, August 29th at 8 am goes to support the ARWA Scholarship Fund. Tee time will be at 8:30 am. Scholarships are awarded to students who are dependent children or stepchildren of employees of ARWA member water utilities to assist with the cost of attending college. The funds to provide these scholarships are THE LONG earned through donations and your support of our Ernie Faucett Scholarship fund-raising events throughout the year. Thanks to our supporters and golf tournament participants, we were privileged to give SHOT $10,000 out 23 scholarships for the 2019 conference. This is our way of giving something back to our water community. We are honored and proud to be able to award these scholarships to these students and hope that we can continue to help in their educational endeavors. In order to continue to support the dependents of our water and waste- water family, we need your participation in the golf tournament. You can participate by playing, being a sponsor, or both. A prominent sign will be HOLE placed at holes on the golf course for hole sponsors, recognizing your support for the Ernie Faucett Scholarship. IN ONE Whether you are a regular or new exhibitor, please consider participating in this year’s scholarship golf tournament at the Diamondhead Golf Club. Revised 6.22.21 REGISTRANTS FOR GOLF TOURNAMENT Name _________________________________ Name ______________________________ Name _________________________________ Name ______________________________ Yes ____ No____ CHECK HERE if you have any special needs. Please describe.
2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 ARWA will conduct the drawings of all the items donated by exhibitors towards the Water Pac at the Tuesday Luncheon. The money made from these drawings help support favorable legislation on water and wastewater issues on the state and federal level. If your company would like to donate something for the drawings, return this completed form to ARWA by July 30, 2021. Company Item to be donated Value of Gift $ Description of item • ARWA will conduct the drawings on August 31, 2021 at the Tuesday Luncheon. • Exhibitors may conduct their own drawings or promotions. ARWA will make announcements concerning these drawings or promotions. • Please bring your donated item with you or arrange for its delivery to the show location. Winners will be requested to pick up their prize in the exhibit hall. Complete and return with signed application and deposit to: ARWA 2021 Annual Technical Conference P.O. Box 860 Lonoke, Arkansas 72086
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 ARWA offers exhibitors a variety of opportunities to increase their visibility during the conference through sponsorship of conference activities and promotional items. If you would like to sponsor any of the items listed below, fill out and return this form. Sponsorship of items will be on a first come basis, although sponsors from last year will have first choice of the same item this year. If you would like to sponsor an item not listed below, or if you have any questions, please call Dennis Sternberg or Chris Harris at 501-676-2255. You will be notified right away if you are chosen as a sponsor and ARWA will bill you the appropriate amount. Company Contact Name Phone ( ) Shirt Sponsorship - Each attendee will receive an ARWA Polo Polo Shirt Price Total Shirt with their registration. Have your company name added to Company Name $500 the sleeve. Pencils/Pens - Each attendee will receive a pencil and/or pen Registration Items with their registration materials. Additional pencils/pens will Pencils/Pens (1,000) $300 be given out at the registration desk. Notepads (1,000) $500 Notepads - If this is sponsored, a note pad will be given to Golf Tournament each attendee with extras available at the registration desk. Tournament sponsor $300 Hole sponsor $100 Tournament Sponsor - This level of sponsorship of the ARWA golf tournament on Sunday gives you recognition on Exhibit Hall Food & Beverage conference materials and one tournament entry. Continental Breakfast in Opening Session – Monday – 8:30 am $500 Monday – 10:00 am Hole Sponsor - Hole sponsors are recognized with a sign Food Area #1 (Food/ Beverage) or $500 placed at the appropriate hole on the course. Beverages only $300 Food only $200 Food Area #2 (Food/Beverage) or $500 Exhibit Hall Food and Beverage - Exhibitors are being invited Beverages only $300 to sponsor the exhibit hall food and beverage event of their Food only $200 choice. You may choose to sponsor food and/or beverages in Monday – 2:30 pm one or two areas each time a break is held in the exhibit hall. Food Area #1 Beverages only $300 Food Area #2 Beverages only $300 Tuesday – 10:00 am Please return to: Food Area #1 (Food/Beverage) or $500 ARWA 2021 Annual Technical Conference Beverages only $300 P.O. Box 860 Food only $200 Lonoke, AR 72086 Food Area #2 (Food/Beverage) or $500 Phone 501-676-2255 Beverages only $300 Fax 501-676-2266 Food only $200 Tuesday – 2:30 pm Food Area #1 Beverages only $300 Food Area #2 Beverages only $300 Total Amount to Sponsor $ 8
GENERAL INFORMATION 2021 Arkansas Rural Water Association Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center - Hot Springs, Arkansas Conference Dates: August 29-September 1, 2021 Exposition Dates: August 30-August 31, 2021 Conference Hotel 2021 CONFERENCE DATE: Hotel Hot Springs & Spa (next to Hot Springs Convention Center) 305 Malvern Ave. August 29-September 1, 2021 Hot Springs, AR 71901 HOT SPRINGS Phone: 877-623-6697 CONVENTION CENTER $122 Single, $132 Double, $142 Triple, $152 Quad HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS ($10 for each additional person – all room sizes) Complimentary breakfast buffet included in room rates Free parking & Free fitness center (Cutoff date 8-1-2021) Overflow Hotels: Arlington - 501-623-7771 - $110 Single & Double (Cutoff date 7-30-2021) Embassy Suites - 501-624-9200 - $147 Single, $157 Double, $167 Triple or $177 Quad. (Embassy Suites rate includes free cooked-to-order breakfast buffet, free parking, free use of fitness center & invitation to Manager’s Reception every evening - (Cutoff date is 8-11-2021) Specify that you are with ARWA to receive the group rate. You are responsible for making your own room reservations. Exhibit Schedule Installation Scheduled Exhibit Hours Dismantling Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021 Monday, Aug. 30, 2021 Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2021 8:00 am - 11:30 am Exhibit Services Sunbelt Convention & Exhibit Services, Inc. is the official conference service contractor for the ARWA Annual Technical Conference. All shipping instructions and extra booth furnishings must be handled through Sunbelt Convention & Exhibit Services. For more information, please call them at (501) 244-9955. Promotional Opportunities ARWA makes several excellent opportunities available to exhibitors to increase their visibility during the Conference. We offer sponsorship of selected conference premiums, activities and food functions. See the "Sponsorship Application" for more information. Golf Tournament ARWA will hold the conference golf tournament at the Diamondhead Golf Club, Aug. 29th at 8:00 am. Tee time at 8:30 am. You can participate by playing, being a sponsor, or both. Tournament prices are: Tournament entry $80 Tournament sponsor $300 Hole sponsor $100 A sign will be placed at holes on the golf course for hole sponsors. To apply, see the "Sponsorship Application."
STANDARD RATES FOR SERVICES Electric, Phone & Plumbing Order Form Hot Springs Convention Center All advance orders must be received seven (7) days prior to move-in for advance rates. Event name: AR Rural Water Association Annual Meeting and Tradeshow Date(s) of event: 8/29/2021-9/1/2021 Company name: Email Address: Contact name: Phone #: Address: City: State: Zip: Service cannot be supplied until order form and payment are received. Rates quoted below cover only the bringing of service to the booth and do not include wiring. The Hot Springs Convention Center does not stock receptacles for any electrical connection above a standard 20 amp, 110 volt outlet. Additional charge will be made if receptacles are not provided by the exhibitor. Under no circumstances shall anyone other than “center personnel” make electrical connections. Easy access to utility service panels must be provided at all times. Center personnel are authorized to cut floor coverings to obtain access to floor electrical boxes. Rates are subject to change without notice No helium or light gas filled balloons are permitted in the Hot Springs Convention Center. No open flames are allowed in the Hot Springs Convention Center (candles must be completely enclosed in a glass globe). -Prices listed on this page are PER EVENT unless marked differently.- QUANTITY AMPERE Volts & Phase Advance Order Floor Order AMOUNT 20 amps 125 Volts (standard outlet) $50.00 $100.00 $ 20 amps 208 Volt Single Phase $70.00 $140.00 $ 20 amps 208 Volt Three Phase $70.00 $140.00 $ 30 amps 208 Volt Single Phase $80.00 $160.00 $ 30 amps 208 Volt Three Phase $80.00 $160.00 $ 50 amps 208 Volt Single Phase $100.00 $200.00 $ 50 amps 208 Volt Three Phase $100.00 $200.00 $ 100 amps 208 Volt Single or Three Phase $300.00 $600.00 $ Power Strip INCLUDES TAX $10.00 $20.00 $ $ High Speed Internet Access (Synchronous Broadband) $200.00 $400.00 $ Water hook up $50.00 $100.00 $ Compressed air $50.00 $100.00 $ TOTAL $ Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover welcome. Visa/MSC/Am Exp/DSC #: Expiration date: Signature: Printed Name Please make checks payable to: Hot Springs Convention Center Mail Checks to the Event Coordinator as follows: Attn: Kelli Withers Hot Springs Convention Center, 134 Convention Blvd., Hot Springs, AR 71901 Phone 501-321-2835 * Fax 501-620-5009
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