APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club

Page created by Karen Goodman
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
Board Members                    Presidents’ Message
           2017 - 2018

  Elena Danielson, President
Sally Pai Unruh, Vice President     ELENA DANIELSON
  Susanne Reyto, Treasurer          Dear Members,
  Jasmine Rafati, Secretary
    Carol Shane, Secretary
                                    Thank you for your continued support of our
        Claudia Deutsch
                                    remarkable Club!
       Tricia Dunn Grey
         Sophie Grusq               I am thrilled to report that with your help and
                                    under careful supervision by Peggy Guggen-
           Anna Koral
                                    heim and Jean Loew we now have installed a
          Sali Lewally
                                    new sprinkler system, bending boards and a
           Clare Rose
                                    beautiful new grass in our Garden! However we
Renee Sperling, BHWC Attorney       need your help to complete this exciting pro-
      and Parliamentarian           ject! Every donation is greatly appreciated!
        Flora Zomorodi
                                    NEW: BOOK CLUB!

                                    For more details please contact Carol Shane:

                                    French Lessons: French Lesson: Every Monday,

                                    Call the Club at (310) 276-5804 or email Dawn
                                    Isaksen at isaksendawn@gmail.com

                                    Free Yoga Classes with Cindy Jones are held
                                    every Tuesday 11am —12pm

                                    Thursday, May 3rd—Mother’s Day Luncheon,
       Our Mission                  Fashion Show and Boutique

                                    June 12 —Annual Members Meeting
   The Beverly Hills Women’s Club
     along with its landmarked      June 23-24—Estate Sale
   building supports educational,   We are now accepting miscellaneous articles
     cultural, philanthropic and    for our Estate Sale.
   social endeavors enriching the
         community at large.
                                    Call BHWC Phone : (310) 276-5804
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
Peggy Guggenheim and Jean Loew
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
ApriL 2018
Tue          3       Free Yoga Class with Cindy Jones — 11:00am to 12:00pm (Free to Members)
Thur         5       Sam Freshman Presents: Everything you wanted to know about buying and
                     selling real estate—11:30am to 2:00pm ($45)
Sat          7       Members Night Out: Kylin Art Gallery Tour with Mumsey —4:30pm to 6:00pm
Tue         10       Free Yoga Class with Cindy Jones — 11:00am to 12:00pm (Free to Members)
Thur        12       Aging with Strength and Keeping our Brain sharp — 11:30am to 2:00pm ($40
                     Members and Guests, $45 Non Members)
Tue         17       Free Yoga Class with Cindy Jones — 11:00am to 12:00pm (Free to Members)
Thur        19       Girls Night Out in the Garden with Arts, Wine and Jazz Band — 4:00pm to
                      7:00pm ($55 Members & Guests)
Thur        26       An Incredible Life Journey of Simone Lintilhac: Elegant and Beautiful at 93
                     11:30am to 3:30pm ($45 Members and Guests)

                                           April 2018
Sunday        Monday         Tuesday      Wednesday        Thursday         Friday      Saturday
       1               2                3        4                     5         6                 7
                                                        Sam Freshman
            French Class    Free Yoga                  Presents: Every-              Members Night
             Game Day         Class                   thing you wanted                Out: Kylin Art
                                                        to know about                 Gallery Tour
                                                      buying and selling             with Mumsey
                                                          real estate

        8              9           10           11                   12        13                  14
                                                      Aging with Strength
                                                       and Keeping our
            French Class    Free Yoga                  Brain sharp with
             Game Day         Class                     award winning

       15              16          17           18                    19       20                  21
                                                       Girls Night Out in
            French Class    Free Yoga                  the Garden with
             Game Day         Class                   Arts, Wine and Jazz

       22              23          24           25                    26       27                  28
                                                       An Incredible Life
            French Class    Free Yoga                 Journey of Simone
             Game Day         Class                    Lintilhac: Elegant
                                                      and Beautiful at 93

       29              30
            French Class
             Game Day
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
May 2018
Tue          1       Free Yoga Class with Cindy Jones — 11:00am to 12:00pm (Free to Members)
Thur         3       Mother’s Day Luncheon, Fashion Show & Boutique—10am ($85/$95)

Thur        10       Mystery and Science Behind Jury Selection: Cocktail Reception — 11:30am to
                      2:00pm ($40 Members and Guests, $45 Non Members)
Thur        10       Meet the Candidates in the Garden: Cocktail Reception — 11:00am to 12:00pm
                     (Free to Members)

Tue         22       Los Angeles Horticultural Extravaganza and a Cultural Experience in Little India
                     —8:45am to 3:00pm ($85 Members & Guests)
Fri         25       Crystal Bridges, The Arkansas Museum of American Art trip —8:00am to

                                              May 2018
 Sunday          Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday           Friday        Saturday
     29               30                  1           2                 3                  4           5
                                                            Mother’s Day
            French Class      Free Yoga                       Luncheon,
             Game Day           Class                       Fashion Show
                                                            and Boutique

       6                7                 8             9                 10               11        12
                                                            Dr. Don Vinson:
                                                              Mystery and
            French Class      Free Yoga       Afternoon     Science behind
             Game Day           Class         Tea in the     Jury Selection

       13              14                15            16                17                18        19
                                                            Meet the Can-
            French Class      Free Yoga                     didates in the
             Game Day           Class                       Garden: Cock-
                                                            tail Reception

       20              21                22            23                 24               25        26
                             Los Angeles                                          Crystal
            French Class     Horticultural                                     Bridges, The
             Game Day       Extravaganza                                        Arkansas
                            and a Cultural                                     Museum of
                            Experience in                                       American
                              Little India                                        Art trip

       27             28               29              30                 31
            French Class      Free Yoga
             Game Day           Class
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
JUNE 2018
 Fri          1          Candlelight Dinner and a Classical Performance
                        - 5:30pm to 9:30pm ($75 Members & Guests, $85 Non-Members)
 Tue         12           Annual Members’ Meeting ($40 Members and Guests)

 Sat         23         Annual Estate Sale 2-Day Event: Saturday and Sunday (June 23-24)
                        — 9:00am to 4:00pm (Free to Members)
 Sun         24         Annual Estate Sale 2-Day Event: Saturday and Sunday (June 23-24)
                        — 10:00am to 3:00pm (Free to Members)

                                            June 2018
    Sunday              Monday        Tuesday Wednesday Thursday           Friday           Saturday
             27             28               29     30       31                     1                  2
                      French Class   Free Yoga                          Dinner and a
                       Game Day        Class                              Classical

                  3              4          5             6         7                8                     9

                      French Class   Free Yoga
                       Game Day        Class

              10                11         12            13        14               15                 16
                      French Class   Members
                       Game Day      Meeting &

              17                18         19            20        21               22              23
                                                                                          Annual Estate
                      French Class                                                         Sale 2-Day
                       Game Day                                                          Event: Saturday
                                                                                           and Sunday
                                                                                          (June 23-24)

            24            25               26            27        28               29                 30
 Annual Estate
  Sale 2-Day    French Class
Event: Saturday Game Day
  and Sunday
 (June 23-24)
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
Mobility movement and supported                          Yoga class at the

  WHEN: Every Tuesday at 11:00am
      WHERE: BHWC Ballroom
   FEE: Open & Free to Members

Bring a yoga mat and a beach towel to class.
No matter how old you are or what fitness level you are, come join Cindy Leuty
Jones and discover the basics of mobility movement through the combined prac-
tices of animal flow and supported yoga.
We start slow and learn the basics of body alignment, body mobility and flexibil-
ity then build in strength and endurance all with a connection to our
breath. You will leave energized and with a new awareness of your
body’s abilities.

Game Day
Mah Jongg
Game Details:
WHEN: Every Monday from 1:00 - 4:00pm
FEE: Open and free for members

Game Details:
WHEN: Every Monday from 1:00—4:00pm
FEE: Open and free for members

Game Details:
WHEN: Every Monday from 1:00—4:00pm
FEE: Open and free for members
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
                         March 7th, MNO:
                         VIP Cocktail Reception
                         at Masaki Matsuka

March 15th: Karen “Doc’ Halligan: Keep your pets happy

March 19th: The Royal Oak Foundation Presents:
Romantic English Country Houses
Mr. O’Byrne, author of more than a dozen books, retired
Vice-President of the Irish Georgian Society and trustee of
the Alfred Beit Foundation, currently a trustee of the Apol-
lo Foundation and the Artists Collecting Society.

March 29th: Super Fun Game Night of Charades and a Dinner
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
Apr 2                            Multi-Level French Class with
Every Monday                       Josette Slutzky $215 for
10:45am – 11:45am
                                         Eight Weeks

Parlez-vous français?
Do you speak French?

Multi-Level French Class with Josette Slutzky – Join us as we continue
our three-year long adventure into French culture and the beautiful
French language!

BHWC FEE: $215 for Eight Weeks (based on eight participants)

Topics and activities in French include
   reading and discussing French literature in easy formats
   meals in French restaurants with French-speaking waitstaff
   discussing current events, travel, fashion, and cultural events
   perfecting your accent and pronunciation
   French expressions and figures of speech
Our teacher Josette Slutzky has been teaching French (as well as Spanish)
to your children in Beverly Hills for over 30 years.
Classes will be scheduled in eight-week sessions with payment for the
eight weeks payable in advance and which payment is non-refundable.
Class is limited to eight participants to ensure personalized learning
and maximum conversation per participant.
If there is sufficient interest, a second beginners-only class will be creat-
ed, for interested participants who have no prior French speaking experi-
Please email Dawn Isaksen at isaksendawn@gmail.com or call the Bev-
erly Hills Women’s Club office at (310) 276-5804 for more information.
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2018 - Beverly Hills Womens Club
Apr 5                            Sam Freshman Presents:
11:30am – Reception
12:00pm – Lunch
                                  Everything you wanted
12:30pm – Presentation
                                  to know about buying
$45 Members & Guests

RSVP Required
                                   and selling real estate
Tickets are non-refundable

                                     Samuel K. Freshman, is Chairman of
                                     Standard Management Company
                                     which performs real estate acquisi-
                                     tions, bridge finance, and property
                                     management. He has been active in
                                     real estate investment for over 60
                                     years as an attorney and investor.

Sam is an expert witness in real estate, legal matters and finance, and lec-
turer at the Stanford, Pepperdine, and UCLA law schools and has served as
an adjunct professor of real estate at the University of Southern California
school of Business. He has been chairman of a bank, Title Company, and a
theatre exhibitor. Sam is the chairman Emeritus of Stanford Professionals in
Real Estate (SPIRE). He is also Co-Chairman of The Bizfed SoCal Real Estate
committee. Author of over 20 published articles, Mr. Freshman is the au-
thor of “TheSmartestWay to Save” series on how to be rich on a modest
income. His book “Principals of Real Estate Syndication” is considered the
bible on the subject and “Never Be Old Enough to Know Better”, is a guide
to living successfully. Sam received a Stanford BA (Pre-Legal, (1954) and a
JD (1956).
Earlier in his career, Mr. Freshman founded and was the managing partner
of the law firm of Freshman, Marantz, Orlanski, Cooper, and Klein, which is
now the Los Angeles office of K&L Gates.
Apr 7
Saturday                     Members Night Out: Kylin
4:30pm – 6:00pm               Art Gallery Tour with
Free to Members & Guests

RSVP Required

                                 Please join Mumsey at the Kylin
                                 Art Gallery!
                                 9411 S Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA

                                 Enjoy Cheese and Wine and a
                                 Special Presentation: Landscape
                                 oil paintings by Frederick Wight

Frederick S. Wight, or Fred Wight, was a multi-talented cultural leader
who played a significant role in transforming Los Angeles into a major art
Apr 12                                Aging with Strength
  11:30am – Cocktail Reception
  12:00pm – Lunch
                                       and Keeping our Brain
  12:30pm – Lecture
  $40 Members and Guests
                                   sharp with award winning
  $45 Non Members
  RSVP Required                       Please join for a fascinating lecture by Dr.
  Tickets are non-refundable.         Dee:
                                      Aging with Strength!
                                      Keep our brain sharp and our mental health
                                      intact is more important than ever, as we
                                      age! There is much to be done, toward long-
                                      term health and meaningful longevity.
                                      In this lecture with Dr. Dee Gaines you will
                                      learn what science and clinical practice
                                      teach up about how to:
                                      - Achieve brain health as you age
                                      - Plan the right steps you must take
                                      - Use memory boosting techniques
                                      - Use fun to be healthy
                                      - Learn healthy life style

K. Drorit Gaines, Ph.D., simply referred to as “Dr. Dee,” is an award winning neuropsy-
chologist and scientist who investigates brain and mental health. She is the author of
Combating Dementia in Thirty Days, a comprehensive, evidence-based series of educa-
tional videos and follow along book. She is a pioneer in the field of neuropsychology,
being the first neuropsychologist to provide public education in neuropsychology and
wellbeing over the radio on The Dr. Dee Show. She received an academic excellence
scholarship to UCLA and completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics and
Accounting. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with specialization in Clinical
Neuropsychology and completed post-doctoral experience in neuropsychology at the
Veterans Affairs of Greater Los Angeles and UCLA Longevity Center. Dr. Gaines received
awards from the American Psychological Association, Society of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging, Veterans Affairs of greater Los Angeles, and Fielding Graduate Uni-
versity. Dr. Gaines currently serves as an expert on the Criminal Panel for the Los Ange-
les Superior Court, Principal Investigator at the VA West Los Angeles, Clinical Faculty,
vl., at UCLA Department of Pediatrics, Journal Reviewer for Applied Neuropsychology,
Adjunct Faculty at Fielding Graduate University, a former Secretary and Board Member
of the National Academy of Neuropsychology Foundation, and the CEO of Neuro
Health, LLC.
Apr 19                          Girls Night Out in the

 4:00pm – 7:00pm                Garden with Arts, Wine
 $55 Members & Guests

 RSVP Required
                                     and Jazz Band
 Tickets are non-refundable

 48 Hours Cancellation Policy

Sign us for another night of fun, friendship, art and music
with Donna Dyson!

Paint, Eat, Sip Wine and Enjoy Music –
Live Jazz Band at the Beverly Hills
Women’s Club!

Show up and be an Artist for the day!

Make your reservations today:
Price includes wine, appetizers, all tools needed for your art
class and live Jazz Band entertainment.
April 26                               An Incredible Life
11:30 – Cocktail Reception
12:00 – Luncheon                            Journey of
12:30 – Fashion Show
                                       Simone Lintilhac:
Members $45
Non Members $50
RSVP Required
                                  Elegant and Beautiful at 93
Tickets are non-refundable/48
Hours Cancellation required for   Don’t miss this special presentation
a credit.
                                  by Simone Lintilhac – her incredible
                                  life journey with her husband, Jean-
                                  Paul Lintilhac M. D., famous plastic
                                  surgeon. Presentation and book sign-
May 3                              Mother’s Day Luncheon,
 10:00 – 2:30 pm Boutique
 11:30 – Cocktail Recep-
                                   Fashion Show and Boutique
 12:00 – Luncheon
 12:30 – Fashion Show

 Members $85
 Non Members $95
 RSVP Required
 Tickets are non-refundable/48
 Hours Cancellation required for

                                   Please Join us for this Special Event:
                                      New Exciting Vendors
                                      Special Entertainment
                                      Raffle Tickets
                                      Valet Parking

Fashion Show: Autumn Adeigbo Presents her Colorful Collection

Ethical fashion designer Autumn Adeigbo launched her fashion company
with the mission to invest in, educate and connect women with each other
cross-culturally. Autumn’s designs have been featured in Vogue, Marie
Claire, Glamour, Women’s Wear Daily and many other top-tier publica-
tions. It has been worn on MTV, BET, The Oprah Winfrey Network and
VH1. Her business model has been recognized by the New York Public Li-
brary and Citi as a winner of their business plan contest, and she was
named a Future Agent of Global Change by The Global Good Fund.
May 10                            The Mystery and Science
11:30 – Cocktail Reception
12:00 – Luncheon
                                   Behind Jury Selection
12:30 – Presentation

$40 Members and Guests
$45 Non Members

RSVP Required
Tickets are non-refundable/48
Hours Cancellation required for
a credit.

Dr. Donald Vinson is widely considered the "founding father" of the trial con-
sulting field, and is internationally recognized as the world’s leading expert in
the field. He has founded three successful companies in the space, two of which
were acquired by NYSE-listed corporations (he currently serves as Chairman of
the third). Dr. Vinson has spent the last 35 years providing valuable insights and
strategic recommendations to trial attorneys about juror behavior, and his rec-
ord of success is unparalleled. He has consulted on hundreds of civil and crimi-
nal trials, including Pennzoil v. Texaco, USFL v. NFL, the Oklahoma City bombing
case, the DuPont Plaza Hotel and MGM Grand Hotel fires, Dalkon Shield litiga-
tion, the O.J. Simpson murder trial, and the World Trade Center insurance case.

Before founding Litigation Sciences, Dr. Vinson served on the faculty of the An-
derson School at UCLA and was Chairman of the Marketing Department at the
USC business school from 1975 until 1980. In addition, he has been a professor
of business at Louisiana State University, a Visiting Professor of Law at Tulane
University, and a member of the faculty of the Salzburg Seminar in Salzburg,
Austria, where he taught a course in International Jurisprudence with Supreme
Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

He was appointed to the Advisory Council, National Institutes of Health by Pres-
ident Bush and served as the United States Representative to the South Pacific
Commission under both Presidents Bush and Clinton. In addition, Dr. Vinson
served as Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Legal Reform of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce and was Commissioner of the California Commission on
Judicial Performance. He has served on numerous other corporate, educational,
and professional boards, including the UCLA Board of Visitors and the World
Board of Governors of the USO.
May 17                      Cocktail Reception:

 4:00pm – 6:00pm            Meet the Candidates
 Free to Members

 RSVP Required
                                  in the Garden

Join us for a glass of wine or champagne, and hors d’oeuvres in our beau-
tiful garden for a chance to get-to-know the candidates for the 2018-
2019 Board of Directors.

Thursday, May 17th, 4 – 6pm

With the Board of Directors vote coming up, this meet-and-greet is the
perfect opportunity to hear first hand about each candidate’s back-
ground and what their goals are for the future of the BHWC.
May 22                          Los Angeles Horticultural
 8:45am – 3:00 pm
                                Extravaganza and a Cultur-
 Members & Guests $85
                                al Experience in Little India
 RSVP Required
 Tickets are non-refundable/

                                  Join BHWC board members, Anna Koral &
                                  Susanne Reyto for an amazing horticultur-
                                  al experience at one of LA’s important
                                  wholesale garden centers for a visit and a
                                  class creating potted plant treasures. This
                                  is a wholesale establishment and normal-
                                  ly individual purchases are not available
                                  but special arrangements have been
                                  made for our group.

After this very special experience we will ride to Pioneer Blvd and Little In-

This will be a cultural and gastronomic experience, enjoying authentic Indi-
an food as well as browsing and shopping at Indian markets. Did you know
how many types of rice there are? You will be surprised to learn more than
you thought was possible. You will also be able to shop for fabulous Indian
clothes at various prices.

This event is limited to the first 20 Members
who RSVP.
Please wear comfortable walking shoes.
We’ll meet at the Club and take the bus from
After the brief visit to our Little India, we’ll
head back to the Club.
Cost per person: $85 including bus trans-
portation and lunch
May 25                                 Crystal Bridges, The Ar-

                                          kansas Museum of
 $2690.00 per person double
 $560 single supplement.
 $100 donation to the BHWC additional
                                           American Art trip

May 25-29, 2018
Please join Mumsey Nemiroff, art historian and past president of the
Beverly Hills Women’s Club for an art experience to Crystal Bridges, The
Arkansas Museum of American Art, specially created for Club members
and guest!

Tour includes
3 nights hotel Bentonville, 1 night hotel Little Rock
Daily breakfast and daily lunches and dinners
Sightseeing and museum fees,
Porterage when traveling as a group
Transportation between Bentonville
and Little Rock and Transfer to airport
in Little Rock
June 1                               Beverly Hills Women’s
5:30pm – Cocktail Reception              Club Presents:
6:00pm – Dinner
6:30pm – Performance
$75 Members and Guests
                                    Candlelight Dinner and a
RSVP Required
                                     Classical Performance
Tickets are non-refundable/

                          Anastasia Petanova (Flute)

                          The artists will be available for a
                          CD signing after the concert.

Anastasia completed her Bachelors of Music Degree in Flute Performance at the
Peabody Conservatory of Music as a full scholarship and a Grant recipient, Ms.
Petanova was chosen to be the first flutist to enter a prestigious Artist Diploma
program at Peabody where she continues her studies at the present time with
the renowned flutist Marina Piccinini.

Described by the American Record Guide as “…one of the best flute players ever
heard…,” the international flute soloist Anastasia Petanova is joined by the re-
nowned faculty of the UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music Antonio Lysy, cello,
and David Kaplan, piano in a concert of chamber music. The program will feature
music by the European, South American and American composers, including one
of the most prolific composers in the world today, Richard Danielpour.
June 12                                          BHWC
11:15 – Arrival             ANNUAL MEMBERS’ MEETING
Meeting (Free)
12:15pm - Luncheon Join fellow BHWC Members for an official ’Thank you’ to the out-
1:00pm Presentation
                    going Board and an introduction and “Welcome” of the incoming
RSVP Required
                    Board. We will discuss our past year and share exciting plans
$40 Members and     about the upcoming 2018-2019 Programming and Fundraising.
Guests                 Our guest, Amberly Lago, Author & Motivational Speaker, will
$50 Non members
                       present her keynotes focused on a broad range of topics from
                       personal potential, acceptance, and living
                       life to the fullest. She shows with enthusi-
                       asm how to never give up and leaves her
                       audiences feeling pumped up, grateful,
                       and hopeful with a new perspective on
                       life's challenges.

June 23-24                               The Beverly Hills Women’s
Saturday-Sunday                        Club Annual Estate Sale 2-Day
Saturday, June 23 (9:00am to 4:00pm)
                                        Event: Saturday and Sunday
Sunday, June 24 (10:00am to 3:00pm)             (June 23-24)
Donations are a wonderful way to support our Exceptional Women’s Club!
Quality housewares, furnishings, vintage, silver, crystal, pillows, lamps, tables
and chairs, designer fashions, as well as gently used, antique goods are for sale
at our annual estate sale.
Philanthropy Council Update from Co-chairs Tricia Grey & Tricia Nelson

The Philanthropy Committee is pleased to announce the expansion of
our program with the LA Food Bank. Beginning in 2018, a year round
program will begin with bi-annual food drives in May and August. We
kick off the first drive May 1st, details to follow. Join us in being a part
of the solution!

While it may be difficult to believe, hunger is a problem that exists in
LA County, year round. By taking an active and hands-on approach, we
can help to end hunger and benefit many families in our communi-
ty. 16% of our area population is food insecure. Can you imagine not
being able to feed your children, mother, or father because you do not
have enough money? We simply cannot allow this to continue without
some action. Our food drives will help to combat and contribute to the
solution to end hunger in LA.

You can also donate funds ear-marked for the LA Food Bank on our Phi-
lanthropy Council Donation page at www.bhwclub.org

If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact us at Liz
Barbatelli, our Chair of this committee, at lizbarb@earthlink.net
Event_____________________ Date ______ #Tickets___ $________
Event_____________________ Date ______ #Tickets___ $________
Event_____________________ Date ______ #Tickets___ $________
Event_____________________ Date ______ #Tickets___ $________
Event_____________________ Date ______ #Tickets___ $________
Total __________________________________________ $________
Donation to Club’s Restoration Fund ________________ $________
Buy-out of hours of service ($100) __________________ $________

Credit Card Information


Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City, St, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ email: __________________________________________

CC#: (Visa Amex MC) ___________________________________________________________________

Sec Code: ________ Exp. Date: ________

Billing Address:________________________________________________________________________

City, St, Zip:___________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

                               BEVERLY HILLS WOMEN’S CLUB
                        1700 Chevy Chase Drive | Beverly Hills, CA, 90210
                             T (310) 276-5804 | F (310) 276-5806
                            info@bhwclub.org | www.bhwclub.org

                            The BHWC is a 501c(3) non-profit corporation and
                      your donation may be tax deductible to the extent of the law.
May 3rd, Mother’s Day Luncheon, Boutique and Fashion Show

 NEW: Grando Cioccolato, One of a Kind Hats, H.H.. Princess Cantrell,
 NPF Studio, Masaki Matsuka, Autumn Adeigbo, Deborah Barnet

 Borrowed Bling, Hana’s Fashion, Classy Bag Lady, Moonlite, Nicole
 Hays Scarfs, Ronelle Jewelry, Shelly’s Fashion
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