April-June 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County ...

Page created by Dwayne Welch
April-June 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County ...
April–June 2019
April-June 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County ...
Events at a glance                                                                                                                                                                             Events at a glance
                                                                      Booking essential for many events. See page                 further details can be found. All events free unless       Key to colour coding of sections                              dlr Lexicon Events
                                                                      numbers for further details. Those with an *                otherwise stated on the relevant page numbers.             dlr Lexicon Exhibitions                                       dlr Lexicon Lab
                                                                      refer to events listed on separate leaflets where                                                                      dlr Lexicon Residencies                                       dlr Branch Libraries’ Events

                                                                      April                                                                                                                  May continued
                                                                      6   10.30am        Prism DLR Autism Awareness Day                                                      Studio    p12   14 6.00pm         Create your own website workshop                                              Lab, Level 3     p18
                                                                      8		                Bringing about the new (exhibition)                                                Level 3    p6    15 10.00am        Musical Baby Book Club                                         Children’s Library, Level 4     p16
                                                                      9   11.00am        Open Studios: for kids                                             Project Room, Level 3      p5    16 10.30am        Plants & pollinators: art workshop with Shevaun Doherty                  Room 1, Level 3       p14
                                                                      11 6.15pm          Art as a natural therapeutic process: a talk with Keshet Zur            Room 1, Level 3       p6    16 6.30pm         Meet the Maker talk/demonstration: One Strong Arm                   Project Room, Level 3      p5
                                                                      13		               Taking time: an appreciation of Irish craft (exhibtion)                 Municipal Gallery     p4    16		              Can you see what I see? (exhibition)                                               Level 4     p8
                                                                      13 11.00am         Turning memory into fiction                                             Room 2, Level 5       p10   18 2.00pm         Magic of repetition – block printing on fabric                      Project Room, Level 3      p5
                                                                      13 11.30am         Animation workshop with Barry Holian (Emerald City)                     Room 1, Level 3       p6    20 11.30am        Dementia-inclusive Gallery tour                                         Municipal Gallery      p5
                                                                      13 3.00pm          Weaving Wonder                                                     Project Room, Level 3      p4    20		              Sitting Pretty: Dún Laoghaire Further Education Institute (exhibition)             Level 3     p7
                                                                      15 7.00pm          Womens’ magazines and Problem pages of the 50s & 60s                                Studio    p10   21 6.00pm         Drop in Maker evening                                                         Lab, Level 3     p18
                                                                      16 11.00am         Meet the dlr Men’s Shed                                            Project Room, Level 3      p4    22 10.30am        Making the most of your library card: workshop                           Room 2, Level 5       p14
                                                                      16 5.30pm          Masterclass with playwright Colin Murphy                                Room 4, Level 5       p12   23 11.00am        Queen Victoria and the Kingstown connection: with Frank Woods            Room 4, Level 5       p14
                                                                      16 6.00pm          Tovertafel [Magic Table] demonstration                                  Room 1, Level 3       p18   23 1.00pm         Poetry by the Pond                                                          Haigh Terrace      p12
                                                                      16 7.00pm          Screening: Edna O’Brien – Life Stories                                              Studio    p10   23 6.30pm         Meet the Maker talk: defying fast furniture culture                 Project Room, Level 3      p5
                                                                      17 7.00pm          From convent cloister to the Country Girls                                          Studio    10    27 11.00am        Greyhound on Train: with Carnation Theatre                                          Studio     p14
                                                                      18 11.00am         Building an inclusive community: a workshop with Rebeca Alonso          Room 1, Level 3       p6    Until 30          Emerald City Productions: Animation Studio in Dún laoghaire (exhibition)           Level 3     p6
                                                                      18 1.00pm          The Country Girls: the book, the author & society                                   Studio    p11
                                                                      18 6.30pm          Meet the Maker talk: the art of making musical instruments         Project Room, Level 3      p4    June
                                                                      23 10.00am         Fabadoodle doggie drawing with Ciara Winkelmann                         Room 1, Level 3       p16   4     11.00am     Czech guitarist Peter Moc & Friends (1st of 3 performances)                          Studio    p15
                                                                      25 1.00pm          Poetry by the Pond                                                         Haigh Terrace      p12   8     2.30pm      Open Studios: for kids                                              Project Room, Level 3      p5
                                                                      25 2.00pm          Virtual reality for Kids                                                     Lab, Level 3     p19   Until 9           Taking time: an appreciation of Irish craft (exhibtion)                  Municipal Gallery     p4
                                                                      27 11.00am         Felt fabrications – fibre creations                                Project Room, Level 3      p4    10 11.00am        Monday morning music: with Tim Thurston (1st of 4 sessions)                          Studio    p15
                                                                      29		               Show off: UCD Masters of Architecture (exhibition)                                 Level 4    p7    11 11.00am        Open Studios: for kids                                              Project Room, Level 3      p5
                                                                      29 7.00pm          Censorship in Ireland from the Country Girls to 100 muses                           Studio    p11   11 6.00pm         Create your own website workshop                                              Lab, Level 3     p18
                                                                      30 11.00am         International Jazz Day: with Music Generation dlr              Children's Library, Level 4    p17   12 6.00pm         Graphic Design workshop                                                       Lab, Level 3     p18
                                                                      30 2.30pm          Dementia-inclusive Gallery tour                                         Municipal Gallery     p5    12 7.00pm         Ivor Novello concert                                                                 Studio    p15
Cover Image: Appreciation, Bumblebee on Ragwort by Shevaun Doherty.

                                                                      30 6.00pm          Audio-described Gallery tour for blind/visually-impaired visitors       Municipal Gallery     p5    13 6.00pm         Tovertafel [Magic Table] demonstration                                   Room 1, Level 3       p18
                                                                                                                                                                                             15		              Cruinniú na nóg events *                                                   Various venues      p17
                                                                      May                                                                                                                    20 10.00am        Percussion workshop with Music Generation dlr S                                      Studio    p17
                                                                      2  1.00pm          Poetry Day Ireland reading: language as gestation – a female power                     TBC    p13   20 1.00pm         Poetry by the Pond                                                          Haigh Terrace      p12
                                                                         6.30pm          Hugo Hamilton in conversation with Niall MacMonagle                                  Studio   p13   22 10.30am        Family Day at dlr LexIcon *                                                Various venues      p17
                                                                      7  10.30am         Making the most of your library card: workshop                            Room 2, Level 5     p14   22 2.30pm         Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon                                         Children’s Library, Level 4    p16
                                                                      7  11.00am         Mindful movement and mark-making                                          Municipal Gallery   p4    Until 23          Sitting Pretty: Dún Laoghaire Further Education Institute (exhibition)              Level 3    p7
                                                                      7  6.30pm          Sallynoggin College of Further Education: Art & Photography exhibition              Level 3   p7    25 6.00pm         Create your own website workshop                                              Lab, Level 3     p18
                                                                      8		                Pieces of the Past: curated by Nigel Curtin (exhibition)                            Level 5   p8    26		              Eat your heart out: curated by Sarah Maria Griffin (exhibition)                     Level 4    p8
                                                                      10 11.00am         If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?                 Studio   p5    Until 30          Pieces of the Past: curated by Nigel Curtin (exhibition)                            Level 5    p8
                                                                      11 2.30pm          Open Studios: for kids                                               Project Room, Level 3    p5
                                                                      14 10.30am         Literacy and art programme for adults                                     Room 3, Level 5     p13
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Music Generation Event            S Schools Event                      Dublin, One City, One Book Event
                                                                      14 11.00am         Open Studios: for kids                                               Project Room, Level 3    p5
                                                                                                                                                                                                Autism-friendly Event                   Bealtaine Festival Event   * Separate Leaflet
                                                                      2 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                   dlr LexIcon Events at a glance 3
April-June 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County ...
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                 The Municipal Gallery Exhibition & Learning
                                                                        Programmes are managed by dlr Arts Office                                                                dlr LexIcon Exhibitions
Municipal Gallery                     Municipal Gallery                         Meet the Maker talk:                  Meet the Maker talk/                 Audio describer Bairbre-Ann           exhibition, together with friends
Exhibition Programme                  Learning Programme                        The Art of Making Musical             demonstration:                       Harkin will give a detailed           or family, where you can both
Level 3                               Booking Please book for all of the        Instruments                           One Strong Arm                       description of selected objects in    take time to look at selected
                                      events unless otherwise stated as         Project Room                          Gallery/Project Room                 the exhibition. There will also be    work on show. There will be
                                      places are limited. To book go to         Thurs 18 April, 6.30-7.30pm           Thurs 16 May, 6.30-8pm               an opportunity to touch samples       time to enjoy a cup of tea and
                                      www.eventbrite.ie and search              Wood worker Chaïm Factor, of Hill     Meet Dave Darcy, of One Strong       of materials used by the makers.      chat about the experience at the
                                      for “dlr LexIcon Gallery”. For more       Picket Studios, will discuss the      Arm, and learn more about his        The tour is for anyone who            end of the tour. Each tour looks
                                      information www.dlrcoco.ie/arts           making of musical instruments.        work and the process and materials   is blind, visually impaired or        at different work, so you are
                                      or (01) 236 2759                                                                used in letterpress printing.        experiencing difficulties with        welcome to attend both.
                                                                                Felt Fabrications –                                                        their vision.                         To book, phone (01) 236 2759.
                                      Weaving wonder                            Fibre Creations                       The Magic of Repetition –            Supported by Arts & Disability
                                      Project Room                              Project Room                          Block Printing on Fabric             Ireland.                              Other events:
                                      Sat 13 April, 3.00-5.00pm                 Sat 27 April                          Project Room                         To book, phone (01) 236 2759.         'If you prick us do we not
                                      Family drop in workshop                   Ages 7-9 yrs: 11am-12.30pm.           Sat 18 May, 2.00-4.30pm                                                    bleed? If you tickle us do we
                                      Join artist Tunde Toth to create          Ages 10-12 yrs: 1.30-3pm              Adult workshop          Cost: €10    Open Studios                          not laugh?'
                                      a giant, expanding, spatial               Have fun with colour and texture      Learn the basics behind the          Project Room                          Studio, dlr LexIcon
above From the Wild Blue series       weave of thread, paper, metallic          and learn about the magic of          concept of visual repetition.        No booking required.                  Friday 10 May, 11.00am
by Kate O’Kelly.                      material, tree bark, string, wool         wool, exploring the ancient art       Artist Liz Nilsson will              Adults: Every Friday,                 Free event
                                      using plaits and pleats, braids           of felt making with textile artist    help you experiment with             11.00am-1.00pm                        Loaded Dice Theatre Company
Taking Time: An Appreciation          and weaving.                              Sheila Jordan. Unspun wool            different patterns and colour        Kids: Tuesday 9 April, 14 May         presents 'Do We Not Laugh?', a
of Irish Craft                                                                  and other natural fibres will be      combinations before you create       & 11 June, 11.00am-1.00pm             comedy based on the devised
13 April-9 June                       Meet the Men’s Shed                       transformed into unique pieces        your own block printed textile.      Kids: Saturday 11 May,                work of the company's actors
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown                Project Room                              of textiles using your hands and                                           8 June, 2.30-4.30pm                   all of whom have an intellectual
County Council, supported by          Tues 16 April, 11am-12pm                  warm soapy water.                     Meet the Maker talk: Defying         Come along and try out our Open       disability. The play challenges
the Creative Ireland Programme,                                                                                       Fast Furniture Culture               Studios for adults and kids. Make     perceptions and explores the
is delighted to present an                                                      Mindful Movement and                  Gallery                              use of our free space with artists    relationships and emotions of an
exhibition of Irish craft in                                                    Mark-Making in the Gallery            Thurs 23 May, 6.30-7.30pm            on hand to help and encourage         often forgotten group of people.
collaboration with the Men’s                                                    Gallery                               Join Sylvia Thompson, author         your artistic projects! Materials     Follow the journey of Baz, Portia
Shed Network. It includes the                                                   Tues 7 May, 11am-12.30pm              & Irish Times journalist, in         are provided so you can try out       and Jess in their quest to have
work of 12 Irish craftspeople:                                                  Adult workshop           Cost: €10    conversation with Conor Kelly        lots of different things.             a meaningful life. Written and
One Strong Arm, Liz Nilsson,                                                    Take part in gentle movement,         of Snug, as they talk about the                                            directed by the company's
Joe Hogan, Hanna Van Aelst,                                                     stretching and breathing in the       slow furniture movement and          Dementia Inclusive                    Artistic Directors Charlotte
Emma Bourke, Kate O’Kelly, Jane       Come along to this informal               gallery with artist Liz Nilsson.      our consumption of objects in a      Gallery Tours                         Tiernan and Lorna Kennedy.
Murtagh, Conor Kelly (SNUG),          coffee morning and meet some              Explore the link between the          post-IKEA Ireland where cheap,       Gallery/Project Room                  This production was
Róisín de Buitléar, Chaïm Factor,     members of dlr Men’s Shed.                repetition in breathing with          mass-produced furniture has          Tues 30 April, 2.30-4pm               commissioned by Dún
Bernadette Madden, Sasha              Learn about their experience              simple mark making on paper.          become extensive.                    Mon 20 May, 11.30am-1pm               Laoghaire-Rathdown County
Sykes. The exhibition is the result   working on this exhibition and find       Enjoy the process of what the                                              Would you like to try something       Council’s Arts Office through an
of over six months work by a          out more about the Men’s Shed.            hand and mind can create in           Audio Described tour for             different with a family member        'Access All Areas' award funded
group of Men’s Shed members                                                     combination with the breath.          blind and visually-impaired          or friend living with dementia?       by the Arts Council.
                                      above Men’s Shed Participants, John
working with curator Orlaith          O’Doherty, Peter Fagan and Joseph                                               visitors                             Facilitators trained to support       To reserve tickets email
Ross.                                 MacDonough with Dave Darcy in his                                               Gallery/Project Room                 people with dementia will             loadeddice@gmail.com
                                      letterpress studio, One Strong Arm.                                             Tues 30 April, 6.00-7.00pm           facilitate an enjoyable tour of the
4 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                 dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 5
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                                             The exhibition programme on pages
                                                                                                                                                  6-8 is managed by dlr Libraries.                                                               dlr LexIcon Exhibitions
                                              Level 3

                                                                                   Courtesy Daniel Kennedy
                                                                                                                                                  Talk on art as a natural
                                                                                                                                                  therapeutic process by
                                              Emerald City Productions,                                                                           Keshet Zur, Curator of
                                              Animation Studio in                                                                                 Bringing About the New, and
                                              Dún Laoghaire                                                                                       Autism Initiatives facilitator
                                              21 Mar-30 May. Launch on                                                                            and therapist at Expressive
                                              Thurs 21 March, 6.30pm.                                                                             Arts Ireland
                                              All welcome                                                                                         Room 1, Level 3
                                                                                                                                                  Thurs 11 April, 6.15-7.45pm
ECP Logo courtesy of DLT Entertainment Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                  Workshop and conversation
                                                                                                                                                  about the role of the arts in
                                                                                                                                                  health, aimed at artists, health
                                                                                                                                                  professionals and general
                                              In the late 1980s, American                                                                         audience. Admission free, no                                              Sitting Pretty with
                                              company Emerald City                                                                                booking required. All welcome.                                            Dún Laoghaire Further                Level 4
                                              Productions was set up from                                    Bringing about the New                                                   Sallynoggin College of                Education Institute
                                              scratch in Dún Laoghaire,                                      8 April-2 May. Launch on Tues        Workshop exploring the role         Further Education end of              23 May-23 June                       Show Off
                                              adjacent to the DART station.                                  9 April, 6.30pm. All welcome         of each individual in building      year Art & Photography                Launch on 23 May, 6.30pm             UCD Masters of Architecture
                                              Canadian Directors Al Guest                                    Art is like a blanket that wraps     an inclusive community              Exhibition                            All welcome                          29 April-12 May. Launch on
                                              and Jean Mathieson created a                                   around my soul, in the coldest       with Rebeca Alonso, Support         7 May-13 May                          We are delighted to invite you to    Tues 30 April, 6.30pm
                                              fully serviced animation facility,                             of weathers, those dreams are        Services Manager with               Launch on Tues 7 May, 6.30pm          Sitting Pretty, a Furniture Design   All welcome
                                              recruiting fifty people from                                   my art, a sort of a world within     Autism Initiatives                  All welcome                           exhibition.                          Final year Master students from
                                              all walks of life. In five years,                              a world of dreams that I live in –   Room 1, Level 3                     This show is of particular interest                                        UCD School of Architecture
                                              ten 50-minute feature-length                                   Daniel Kennedy.                      Thurs 18 April, 3.00-4.30pm         to anyone wishing to prepare          The exhibition is a celebration      are hosting an exhibition that
                                              television films based on classic                              Bringing about the New is a          Aimed at a general audience         a portfolio to gain entry to 3rd      and a showcase of the creativity     represents a chronological
                                              books, were produced. This is the                              group show from a collective         including those with autism         level Art Colleges. It presents       and design of students’ work         exploration of their architecture
                                              story of Emerald City Productions,                             featuring exciting emerging          and their family/community.         the work created by this year’s       of the Furniture Design &            studies, including drawings,
                                              bringing us back to the early days                             artists working within Autism        Admission free, no booking          students and demonstrates how         Manufacturing courses from the       sketches and models. From 1st
                                              of animation activity in Ireland,                              Initiatives. It challenges           required. All welcome.              they have developed their ideas       past 10 years in Dún Laoghaire       year to 5th year, the work on
                                              right here in Dún Laoghaire.                                   preconceived ideas, raises                                               through a variety of techniques       Further Education Institute.         display will demonstrate how
                                                                                                             visibility and promotes inclusion.   There will be an accompanying       including photography, digital        Included in the exhibition will be   the class of 2019 have developed
                                              Animation workshop by                                          Artists include Seán Begley,         exhibition booklet which will be    imaging, drawing, painting, and 3     a selection of bespoke cabinets,     as Ireland’s future architects.
                                              Barry Holian, one of the                                       William Boran, Hannah Bryson,        for sale at the launch.             dimensional work.                     chairs and tables.                   Show Off is open to all, from
                                              Emerald City Productions                                       Dominic Byrne, James Connolly,                                           www.scfe.ie                                                                prospective students to the
                                              animation team                                                 Aron Coster, Mark Dawson,                                                                                                                           wider community.
                                              Room 1, Level 3                                                Patricia Delmar, Conor Dempsey,
                                              Sat 13 April, 11.30am                                          Aoife Harmon, Daniel Kennedy,
                                              Suitable for adults who are                                    Carl Lewis, Elaine Lozano, Jenny
                                              interested in animation.                                       Lyons, Jeff Meakin, Timothy
                                              Minimum age 16+.                                               Morahan, Gretta Moran, Robert
                                              Booking essential via                                          Palmer, Cormac Slater, Stephen
                                              dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie.                                      Spellman and Michael Wall.
                                              6 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 7
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                                                                                                                                          dlr LexIcon Residencies
                                                                                                                                                                     Archivist in Residence              Writer in Residence                  Call for
Courtesy Caroline Hyland

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Writer in Residence

                                                                                                                                              photo Peter Cavanagh

                           Can You See What I See?
                           Art Exhibition
                           by Caroline Hyland
                           16 May-16 June.
                           Can You See What I See? is                                                  Pieces of the Past
                           an art exhibition informed                                                  8 May-30 June                                                 The next quarter of 2019 will       Sarah Maria Griffin continues her    Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
                           by listening to people with                                                 Nigel Curtin, dlr Local Studies                               see David Gunning embarking         residency at dlr LexIcon with a      County Council invites
                           Dementia and to those that              Level 5                             Librarian, presents a short                                   on a major digitisation project,    lively and varied programme of       applications for a Writer in
                           support them. Caroline Hyland is                                            taster exhibition of promotional                              working with material both          events over the coming months.       Residence for the period July
                           an Artist in Residence at Tallaght      F.M. O’Flanagan:                    material held in the Local Studies                            from the recent Charles Stanley     Highlights include the launch        2019 to June 2020. This Writer
                           University Hospital. The aim of         Recorder of Dalkey.                 Collections at dlr LexIcon. Fitting                           Cuthbert and F.M. O’Flanagan        of her new book Other Words          in Residence is managed by dlr
                           the exhibition is to share her          Until 30 April.                     into that ‘grey’ literature of                                exhibitions. Using recently         for Smoke in early April and the     Libraries.
                           learning with people so we can          Curated by David Gunning,           library holdings, these posters                               acquired equipment, it is hoped     curation of her exhibition Eat
                           understand together and support         Archivist in Residence at           and pamphlets have recently                                   that these exhibitions will be      Your Heart Out which will be on      The residency is open to writers
                           each other to live well.                dlr LexIcon, this exhibition        been selected from the Local                                  made available online via the       display in dlr LexIcon by end of     working in any genre (e.g. fiction,
                                                                   features material relating          History collection for digitisation.                          Digital Repository of Ireland.      June. Get your entries in for that   non-fiction, poetry, script-writing,
                           Eat Your Heart Out.                     to F.M. O’Flanagan, Dalkey          This display highlights the                                                                       by Wed 24 April at 5.00pm to be      etc).The residency this year will
                           26 June-31 July                         resident activist and founding      importance of digitising such                                 In addition to his archival work,   in with a chance to be included      focus on the theme of inclusivity
                           Curated by dlr Writer in Residence      member of many local clubs          ephemeral material for posterity,                             David launched a new monthly        in this exhibition!                  and will have a particular
                           Sarah Maria Griffin, Eat Your Heart     and associations. Explore a         capturing those moments in                                    Cinema Book Club in January.                                             emphasis on creativity for 6-12
                           Out is an exhibition about food         selection of documents and          time, in addition to showcasing                               Titles are loosely based on         As part of One City One Book         year olds.
                           and memory. Contributors are            publications relating to The Vico   design trends, fashion and taste,                             the theme of the Great House,       events, Sarah will conduct a
                           invited to write about a recipe         Road Association and the Dalkey     so illustrative of social mores                               a topic that is one of David’s      creative writing class on Sat        Full details will be available on
                           or dish that means a great deal         Development Association plus        and local history.                                            particular areas of expertise.      13 April (see P10 for details) on    our website libraries.dlrcoco.ie
                           to them, or to describe a special       a special feature on the King of                                                                                                      turning memory into fiction,         from Wednesday 3 April. Closing
                           food memory and to explore why          Dalkey!                                                                                           The archival collections held       poetry or prose. Sarah has           date for applications will be
                           it is significant. The deadline for                                                                                                       at dlr LexIcon are open to          recently commenced a radio slot      Wednesday 8 May 2019.
                           entries is Wed 24 April at 5.00pm.      Talk on Exhibition                                                                                researchers by appointment. As      with Matt Cooper on Today FM
                           Entries of 250-300 words may            David Gunning will give a talk                                                                    David processes and catalogues      providing commentary on video
                           be submitted to dlrlexiconlib@          about the exhibition on Tues                                                                      the collections, they will become   games every Wednesday at 7pm.
                           dlrcoco.ie to be in with a chance       9 April at 11.00am in Room 4,                                                                     available for consultation.         We can’t wait to find out about
                           to be selected for inclusion in the     Level 5. No booking required. All                                                                 Enquiries: dgunning@dlrcoco.ie.     her ‘Secret Project’ in the coming
                           exhibition. Include Eat Your Heart      welcome.                                                                                                                              weeks! See separate flier for all
                           Out in the subject line of the email.                                                                                                                                         her current events.
                           8 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   dlr LexIcon Residencies 9
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                           dlr LexIcon Events
                                                                                             What were women reading for                                            Censorship in Ireland               Sacred Heart (located along
                                                                                             relaxation and entertainment                                           from The Country Girls to           Library Road, Dún Laoghaire)
                                                                                             during the 1950s and 60s? Find                                         ‘100 Muses’                         with an exhibition in dlr
                                                                                             out more with Dr Caitríona Clear                                       Studio Theatre, Level 1             LexIcon and an accompanying
                                                                                             in this intriguing talk about                                          Mon 29 April, 7.00pm                publication.
                                                                                             women’s magazines of the                                               Free event but booking required     Created to mark the end of
                                                                                             period. Caitríona is the author                                        on eventbrite.ie.                   WWI and to commemorate the
                                                                                             of Women’s Voices in Ireland:                                          Join Declan Kiberd and              many local Irishmen who had
                                                                                             women’s magazines in the                                               photographer Dragana Jurišić for    fought and died on the Western
photo Murdo MacLeod

                                                                                             1950s and 60s and has written                                          a fascinating discussion about      Front, the Oratory, built in 1919,
                                                                                             extensively on women and rural                                         the censorship of the 1960s and     was hand-painted by Sister M.
                                                                                             Ireland, household work and                                            the algorithmic censorship of       Concepta Lynch between the
                                                                                             homemakers during the decades                                          social media today. Chaired by      years 1920-36. The stunning
                                                                                             following independence.                                                Nell Regan.                         result is a highly-regarded
                      Dublin One City                     Turning Memory into Fiction                                                                                                                   masterpiece of the Gaelic
                      One Book 2019                       with dlr Writer in Residence       Screening: Edna O’Brien –                                              Centenary of the Dominican          Revival style. The windows were
                      at dlr LexIcon                      Sarah Maria Griffin                Life Stories, a documentary         education, avoid ‘compulsory’      Oratory of the Sacred Heart,        provided by the Harry Clarke
                                                          Room 2, Level 5                    Studio Theatre, Level1              marriage and indeed the chance     Dún Laoghaire                       Studio in Dublin.
                      This year’s Dublin: One City One    Sat 13 April                       Tues 16 April, 7.00pm               for ‘worldly’ adventures and
                      Book is The Country Girls Trilogy   11.00am -1.00pm                    Free event but booking required     travel. Find out more with                                             We would like to hear from
                      by Edna O’Brien. This popular       Free event but booking required    on eventbrite.ie                    Prof. Deirdre Raftery, author of                                       anyone who might have
                      initiative encourages everyone      as places limited. Email           Directed in 2012 by Charlie         Nano Nagle; the Life and the                                           personal stories or connections
                      to read a chosen book during        dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or        McCarthy and produced by            Legacy and Professor of Poetry,                                        with the Oratory. Did you attend
                      the month of April and includes     phone 01 280 1147                  Clíona Ní Bhuachalla of Icebox      Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin during                                          the Dominican Convent Dún
                      a month-long series of talks        Sarah will look at some work       Films, this documentary is based    an evening of talk and readings                                        Laoghaire? Have you photos of
                      and events, listed in a separate    that excels at reconstructing      on a series of interviews with      introduced by Nell Regan.                                              Echo Lodge or are you related
                      flier, available in all branch      memory into poetry or prose,       Edna O’Brien and her two sons                                                                              to anyone who assisted Sr
                      libraries. See also http://www.     and participants will respond      Carlo and Sasha. The film offers    The Country Girls: the Book,                                           Concepta in her work? Have
                      dublinonecityonebook.ie/ The        to it, developing their own        a privileged glimpse of O’Brien’s   the Author and Society                                                 you photos of the Oratory
                      excellent series of events in dlr   fragments of work. Sarah will      more private life and her writing   Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                from the early days prior to
                      LexIcon has been curated by Nell    assist participants with framing   process. The event will be          Thur 18 April, 1.00pm                                                  its refurbishment in the early
                      Regan. All events are free!         their experience, taking them      introduced by Charlie McCarthy.     Free event but booking required                                        1990s?
                                                          from their internal world onto                                         on eventbrite.ie.
                      Book club sets of The Country       the page.                          From Convent Cloister to The        Join Catriona Crowe of the Royal                                       Please email Local Studies
                      Girls Trilogy are available to                                         Country Girls: the Irish Nun in     Irish Academy and Paula Shields                                        Librarian, Nigel Curtin at
                      borrow during April and             Women’s Magazines and              History and Literature              of RTÉ Radio 1’s Arena for a                                           localhistory@dlrcoco.ie if you
                      beyond. Please email                'Problem Pages' of the 1950s       Studio Theatre, Level 1             wide-ranging conversation about                                        would like to share any related
                      libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie for       and 60s                            Wed 17 April, 7.00pm                Edna O’Brien, her Country Girls    As part of the national Decade      information or photos with us.
                      more information.                   Studio Theatre, Level 1            Free event but booking required     Trilogy and the 1960s society      of Centenaries Programme, dlr
                                                          Mon 15 April, 7.00pm               on eventbrite.ie.                   that reacted to the book.          Libraries and dlr Heritage Office
                                                          Free event but booking required    Convent life gave opportunities                                        will celebrate the centenary of
                                                          on eventbrite.ie.                  to Irishwomen to get a good                                            the Dominican Oratory of the
                      10 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                     dlr LexIcon Events 11
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                         dlr LexIcon Events
To book for the following events,     Fighting Words presents                                                        A Day in May by Colin Murphy,                                                dlr Library Voices
please phone 280 1147 or email        Write Club!                                                                    presented by Pat Moylan
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie unless       Room 4, Level 5                                                                Pavilion Theatre.
otherwise stated.                     Wednesdays, 5.30-7.45pm                                                        Tues 16 April, 8.00pm
                                      Free Drop-in sessions for                                                      Tickets €25/€23
Regular Events for Adults             13-18 years                                                                    (01) 231 2929 or
                                      If you’re interested in creative      Plaza Suite                              www.paviliontheatre.ie
Fáilte Isteach English classes        writing, and aged between 13          Studio Theatre, Level 1                  A moving telling of the story of                                             Hugo Hamilton in
Children’s Library, Level 4           and 18, then Write Club is for you!   Tues 9 - Sat 13 April, 8.00pm            the long struggle for gay rights                                             conversation with
Mondays, 5.45-7.45pm                  Write Club members have the           St Patrick’s Dramatic Society            in Ireland, culminating on the eve                                           Niall MacMonagle
Enquiries:                            opportunity to discuss their work     Dalkey presents Neil Simon’s             of the marriage referendum in        Peggy O’Brien, whose collection,        Studio Theatre, Level 1
failteisteachdunlaoghaire@            with trained writing tutors and       hilarious and poignant comedy.           2015. Based on the true stories in   Tongues, is a poetic reimagining        Thurs 2 May, 6.30pm.
gmail.com or                          other experienced writers. They       Don’t miss this wonderful show!          Charlie Bird’s book of the same      of the medieval Abelard and
www.thirdageireland.ie                can use the space to work on          Tickets €18 via eventbrite.ie            name.                                Heloise love story, will be in
English conversational classes        different types of writing: short     or phone 01 280 7185. Advance                                                 conversation with Deirdre Sullivan,
aimed at migrants working and         stories, film scripts, comedy,        booking advisable.                       Haughey/Gregory                      author of Tangleweed and Brine, a
living in Ireland on a long-term      novels, poetry etc.                                                            by Colin Murphy. Fishamble:          collection of reimagined fairy tales,
basis.                                For more information email            Colin Murphy                             The New Play Company                 moderated by Siobhán Parkinson,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      photo Susanne Schleyer
                                      mark@fightingwords.ie                 Masterclass & Plays                      Pavilion Theatre                     novelist and publisher with Little
Coffee Morning as Gaeilge                                                   Room 4, Level 5                          Thurs 25-Sat 27 April, 8.00pm        Island Books. Peggy and Deirdre
Café. Level 1                         PRISM DLR Autism                      Tues 16 April, 5.30-7.30pm               Tickets €25/€23                      will read from their work.
Tuesdays, 11.00am-12.00pm             Awareness Day                         Booking required by emailing             (01) 231 2929 or
All welcome. Informal                                                       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or              www.paviliontheatre.ie               Literacy and art programme
conversational Irish language                                               phone 01 280 1147.                       Fishamble’s Haughey/Gregory          for adults with autism with             Launch followed by discussion.
sessions.                                                                   Playwright Colin Murphy will hold        by Colin Murphy, directed by         facilitator Emer Flanagan               Free event but booking essential
                                                                            a masterclass in dlr LexIcon on          Conall Morrison, follows the deal    Room 3, Level 5                         on eventbrite.ie
Poetry by the Pond                                                          Tuesday 16 April. Bring along your       made between Tony Gregory and        Tuesdays 14, 21, 28 May &               “The palm trees give the street a
Haigh Terrace entrance                Studio Theatre, Level 1               ideas and suggestions and Colin          Charles Haughey in 1982, when        4 June (4 week programme)               holiday atmosphere. There must
Thursdays 25 Apr,                     Sat 6 April, 10.30am-3.30pm           will tease out dramatic approaches       Gregory took a surprise Dáil seat    10.30am-12.30pm. Max 10                 be something in the soil they
23 May & 20 June, 1.00pm              World Autism Awareness Week           with the group to materials such         – and suddenly found himself         This programme aims to                  like. They have straight leaves
All welcome                           takes place from 1-7 April and is     as War of Independence witness           holding the balance of power.        be of benefit to adults with            that get a bit ragged, with split
Poetry by the Pond brings like-       an opportunity for people to take     statements.                                                                   autism and special educational          ends. At night you hear them
minded people together in a very      part in activities to help raise                                               Courses and talks for adults         needs. Participation aims to            rattling in the wind”.
simple accessible way. Read your      awareness and understanding of        Colin is currently researching a                                              improve literacy and art skills.        The narrator of Dublin Palms
own poetry or someone else’s,         Autism Spectrum Conditions.           play about The Treaty, a seminal         Poetry Day Ireland reading           Participants will be encouraged         has returned to Dublin to set
come along to listen if you prefer.   PRISM DLR, a local Autism             moment in Irish history and a            Language as gestation:               to use their imagination and            up home with his partner Helen
                                      support charity, would like to        focal point for the Decade of            a female power                       creativity when creating art            and their two children. Hugo
                                      invite you to join us in a day of     Centenaries. He is writing this play     dlr LexIcon                          work. The programme aims to be          Hamilton’s spectacular new
                                      celebration in dlr LexIcon.           with additional support from dlr         Thurs 2 May, 1.00pm                  interactive, thought provoking,         novel is a powerful story of
                                      facebook.com/prismdlr/                LexIcon and the Pavilion Theatre.        Free event, all welcome.             interesting, fun and aims to build      fragmentation and belonging,
                                      Twitter: @prismdlr                    During April, two of his plays will be   Booking required on                  confidence when coming into             of emigrants and strangers and
                                                                            performed in the Pavilion Theatre.       eventbrite.ie                        libraries and availing of services.     people returning.
12 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                    dlr LexIcon Events 13
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                                  dlr LexIcon Events
UCD Adult

                                                                       photo Mischa Haller

                                                                                                                                                                                                           photo: Keith Dixon
                                                                                                                                                                      Tues 18 June:
Education                                                                                                                                                             Peter Moc Solo Jazz Guitar
Course                                                                                                                                                                Peter’s Solo Jazz Guitar project
                                                                                                                                                                      presents his own original
The Irish Civil War                                                                                                                                                   arrangements of compositions
Tutor: Michael Doran                                                                                                                                                  by a wide range of guitar icons
LexIcon Lab, Level 3                                                                                                                                                  such as Barney Kessel, Herb Ellis,
Tuesdays 7, 14, 21 & 28 May                                                                                                                                           Emily Remler and Ben Monder.
Fee €100.                                                                                                                                                             Monday Morning Music
Enrol online at ucd.ie/all or                                                                                                                                         with Tim Thurston
email adult.education@ucd.ie                                                                                                                                          Studio Theatre, Level 1
for further information.            Plants and pollinators:                                  and did so four times during her     Czech Guitarist Peter Moc –         Mondays 10, 17, 24 June & 1                               Ivor Novello Concert
                                    Art workshops                                            long reign, in 1845, 1849, 1861      and Friends                         July 11.00am-12.30pm                                      Studio Theatre, Level 1
Making the most of your             with Shevaun Doherty                                     & 1900. Find out more about          Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                                       Wed 12 June, 7.00pm.
library card: Informal                                                                       Victorian Kingstown in this          Tuesdays 4,11 & 18 June                                                                       Free event but booking
sessions with library staff.        Room 1, Level 3                                          intriguing presentation.             11.00-1.00pm                                                                                  required on Eventbrite.ie
Room 2, Level 5                     Thurs 16, 23, 30 May & 6 June                                                                 Free events but booking required                                                              Ivor Novello was a composer,
Tues 7 May & Wed 22 May             (4 week course)                                          Greyhound on Train                   for each concert on Eventbrite.ie                                                             actor, matinée idol and
10.30am-12.00pm                     10.30am-12.00pm                                          with Carnation Theatre               Welcome back to dlr LexIcon to                                                                Hollywood star. His songs were
Max 6                               Max 10. Must be able to                                                                       Czech guitarist Peter Moc who                                                                 the soundtrack to the war years
Booking essential                   attend all 4 sessions                                    Studio Theatre, Level 1              will perform a series of concerts                                                             and include: We’ll Gather Lilacs,
via dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie        Booking required via                                     Mon 27 May, 11.00am                  during the month of June.                                                                     Keep the Home Fires Burning,
or phone 2801147                    dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie                                 Free event but booking                                                                                                             Waltz of my Heart, and Rose of
                                    Explore the world of plants and                          required on Eventbrite.ie.           Tues 4 June: John Caffrey                                                                     England. Join soprano Sandra
                                    bees through art! Join award-                            Search Greyhound on Train.           & Peter Moc: ‘Origin’                                                                         Oman, tenor Owen Gilhooly and
                                    winning botanical artist Shevaun                         The War of Independence story        ‘Origin’ is a set of pieces for                                                               baritone Simon Morgan as they
                                    Doherty for a 4 week set of                              that no one has told. This play is   classical guitar, composed and      Series 6 –                                                perform his most beloved songs.
Bring along your device and your    watercolour painting classes.                            a jolt back in time to a turbulent   performed by Caffrey and Moc        Tim’s Music Box of Delights
library card to discover what the                                                            period in Irish history. Meet four   who joined forces to write some     Free event but booking required
online library offers and how       Queen Victoria and the                                   women, not ordinary women,           original music for two guitars.     for each session on Eventbrite.ie
to access e-resources such as       Kingstown Connection:                                    but fighters in a struggle to                                            In this 4-week series, Tim
magazines, e-books and music!       A talk by Frank Woods                                    achieve Irish independence.          Tues 11 June: On/Off Quartet        celebrates the astonishing range
                                    Room 4, Level 5                                          Never mind your Countesses or        Peter Moc and Irish pianist Mark    and variety of musical expression
                                    Thurs 23 May, 11.00am                                    your Maud Gonnes, it’s time to       Flynn have performed at the         across the genres, centuries and
                                    Free event but booking                                   hear about these women. Music        Guinness Cork Jazz Festival,        continents. Contrast will be the
                                    required on eventbrite.ie                                and puppetry will buffet the ride    across England, Denmark and         order of the day with some old
                                    On the eve of the centenary of                           but at the heart of this play is a   The Czech Republic. In 2017, they   friends – and plenty of surprises!
                                    the birth of Queen Victoria (24                          fast moving engine which will        recorded their second album
                                    May 1819), local historian Frank                         shine new light on the events of     New Epilogue with Andrew Csibi
                                    Woods outlines how Queen                                 the past.                            on double bass and Kevin Brady
                                    Victoria loved visiting Ireland                                                               on drums.
14 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dlr LexIcon Events 15
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                              dlr LexIcon Events
Regular Events for Children                                                                            Save the dates!

                                                                                                                                            photo Barbara Flynn
                                                                 Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon:
                                                                 Imeachtaí do pháistí trí
Baby Book Club                                                   Ghaeilge                              Cruinniú na nÓg 2019
with Library Staff                                               Dé Sathairn 13 Aibrean, 11
Children’s Library, Level 4                                      Bealtaine & 22 Meitheamh
Wed 10 Apr, 8 May, 12 June                                       2.30-4.00pm
10.00-11.00am                                                    Áirithintí agus tuilleadh eolais ag   Fernhill Gardens
All welcome.                                                     cabrini@glornangael.ie                Sat 15 June, 12.00-4.00pm
Explore books, song and rhyme                                    Tá fáilte roimh chách. Beidh          Fernhill Gardens near Stepaside
with your baby or young child.                                   na himeachtaí go léir ar siúl trí     village, is the venue for the
                                 Lego Club with Library Staff    mheán na Gaeilge agus saor            culmination of this year’s
Musical Baby Book Club           Room 1, Level 3                 in aisce. Arna eagrú ag Grúpa         Cruinniú na nÓg, a celebration                             International Jazz Day with          Composing with Technology
with Music Generation dlr        Thursdays from 9 May for 6      Spraoi Tuismitheoirí & Leanaí         of children’s creativity – all                             Music Generation dlr                 Workshops with
Children’s Library, Level 4      weeks                           Ghlór na nGael, Deisceart Átha        part of the nationwide Creative                            Children’s Library, Level 4
Wed 15 May, 10.00-11.00am        3.30-4.45pm                     Cliath.                               Ireland programme. Full details                            Tues 30 Apr
All welcome.                     Ages 7-10 years. Max 12.                                              of this action-packed day will                             Primary schools session:             Room 1, Level 3
Move, clap, wiggle and dance     Booking required via            Fabadoodle doggie drawing             be available soon on a separate                            11.00am-12.00pm.                     Monday 8 April
with music for this special      dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or     with artist Ciara Winkelmann          flier but we can guarantee music,                          Suitable for 2nd-6th class.          Secondary schools sessions:
musical Baby Book Club.          phone 280 1147                  Room 1, Level 3                       art, fun and entertainment! In                             Booking required via                 10.30am-12.00pm.
                                 All Lego provided, just bring   Tues 23 April                         addition to events at Fernhill,                            dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or          Suitable for 1st-3rd Years.
Storytime with Library Staff     along your creativity!          Ages 6-8yrs: 10.00-10.50am            keep an eye out for other                                  phone 280 1147                       Booking required via
Children’s Library, Level 4                                      Ages 9-12yrs:                         Cruinniú projects taking place on                          Come along to help us celebrate      dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
Tuesdays, 3.30-4.00pm            Children’s book club            11.30am-12.20pm                       this day in other dlr Libraries!                           International Jazz Day with a        phone 280 1147
Ages 3-6yrs. All welcome.        with Kim Harte                  Max 15                                                                                           fantastic jazz quartet!              Ever wondered how to use
                                 Room 1, Level 3                                                       dlr LexIcon Family Day                                                                          technology and apps such
Musical Storytime sessions       Fridays 5 Apr, 3 May & 7 June                                         Sat 22 June, 10.30am-4.30pm                                Percussion Workshops with            as Beatz or Garage Band on
with                             3.30-4.30pm                                                                                                                      Music Generation dlr                 smartphones and tablets to
                                 Ages 9yrs+. Max 15.                                                                                                              Studio Theatre, Level 1              compose music? Come along to
                                 To book, parents                                                                                                                 Thurs 20 June                        this session and discover how!
Children’s Library, Level 4      should email Kim at                                                                                                              Primary schools sessions:            This event is part of the Dublin
Tues 9 Apr, 14 May & 18 June     lexiconchildrensbookclub@                                                                                                        10.00-11.00am &                      City of Learning project.
3.30 - 4.15pm                    gmail.com                                                                                                                        11.15am-12.15pm.
Ages 3-6yrs. All welcome                                                                                                                                          Suitable for 2nd-6th class.
Come along and enjoy storytime                                                                                                                                    Booking required via
with a difference; musical                                                                                                                                        dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
accompaniment to illustrate                                                                            Save the date and watch out for                            phone 280 1147
our weekly storytime. Dance,                                     School is out, so come along and      a separate flier with full details                         Learn about different percussion
sing and enjoy our wonderful                                     watch Ciara draw some famous          of all our exciting Family Day                             instruments and how they vary in
stories and their musical                                        illustrated dogs from children’s      events. We are celebrating                                 size and produce different sounds!
accompaniment!                                                   literature and draw a doggie          summer and launching our
                                                                 along with her!                       Summer Reading Challenge! First
                                                                                                       come, first served for all events.
16 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                         dlr LexIcon Events 17
dlr LexIcon Lab                                                                                                                                                                                                                          dlr LexIcon Lab
                       LexIcon Lab for Adults                                                                                                                                                                               LexIcon Lab for kids

                                                               photo Peter Cavanagh

                                                                                                                                                                photo Peter Cavanagh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Virtual Reality for kids
                       Create your own website                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with futureshock.ie
                       with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                                                                                                                                                                             Gaming Club with library staff     Thursday 25 April
                       Tuesdays 14 May,                                                                                                                                                                                     Tuesdays 2 & 30 April,             2.00-3.30pm
                       11 & 25 June, 6.00-8.00pm                                                                                                                                                                            14 & 28 May, 11 & 25 June          Strictly for ages 9-12.
                       Max. 16                                                                                                                                                                                              3.30-4.30pm                        Minimum height
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Strictly for ages 9-12. Max 8      requirement 4 foot.
photo Peter Cavanagh

                                                                                                                                                                                       LexIcon Lab for schools              Booking essential by emailing      Max. 12.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or        Booking essential via
                                                                                                                                                                                       3D printing workshops for            phoning 2801147.                   dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or by
                                                                                                                                                                                       schools with Ryan Paetzold           Kids can play with and against     phoning 280 1147.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Wednesdays 1 & 15 May                each other on Playstation 4,       Enter the virtual world and
                                                                                                                                                                                       10.00 & 11.30am                      Xbox One and Nintendo Switch       enjoy mind-bending experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                       (two one-hour sessions)              consoles on our 80 inch HD         that cater for all tastes! For the
                       Booking essential via                                          Drop in Maker evenings              Introduction to 3D printing                                  3rd class upwards.                   screens. They try out different    adrenaline junkies out there,
                       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie                                       with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne            with Ryan Paetzold                                           An introduction to 3D printing       games each session, and            walk the plank 100 storeys above
                       If you’re interested in setting up a                           Tues 21 May, 6.00-8.00pm            Wednesdays 29 May &                                          where pupils get to design           the emphasis is on fun and         the ground or fly around the city
                       personal blog or portfolio or getting                          Have an idea but need some          26 June, 6.00-8.00pm                                         and model up their very own          interaction.                       using your hand held rockets. For
                       your business online, this workshop                            help figuring out where to          Max. 16                                                      keytag and print it in 3D. Note:                                        action lovers, fight off wave after
                       is designed to get you started.                                get started or what creative        Booking essential via                                        keytags will be available for                                           wave of space invaders with
                       You’ll be introduced to several                                technologies might help bring       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie                                     collection at an agreed date after                                      nothing but your gun and shield.
                       free tools that make it easy to set                            the idea to life? Drop in to the    This workshop will give you a basic                          the session. Teachers should                                            For nature lovers, explore the
                       up and manage your own website.                                LexIcon Lab and meet other          introduction and get you started                             contact dlr LexIcon by emailing                                         depths of the oceans in one of
                                                                                      “makers” who are keen to help       with your first 3D printed object.                           dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or                                             our simulated ocean encounters!
                       Getting started with                                           out. No booking required but        Suitable for those with little or                            phoning 280 1147.
                       Raspberry Pi & Arduino                                         for updates, see https://www.       no experience of 3D printing and
                       with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                                       meetup.com/lexicon-maker/           computer-aided design software.
                       Tuesdays 30 April, 28 May,                                                                                                                                        Autism-friendly /
                       18 June, 6.00-8.00pm
                       Max. 16
                                                                                      Graphic Design workshop
                                                                                      using the LexIcon Lab Vinyl
                                                                                                                          Tovertafel (Magic Table)
                                                                                                                                                                                         relaxed progamming
                       Booking essential via                                          Cutter with Ryan Paetzold           Tues 16 April, 6.00-7.30pm                                     During 2019 we want to make dlr Libraries even       With April designated as Autism Awareness
                       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie                                       Wed 12 June, 6.00-8.00pm            Thurs 13 June, 10.30am-12pm                                    friendlier and more accessible places to everyone    month, look out for Quiet evenings in Cabinteely
                       Ever wanted to try your hand at                                Max. 12                             No booking required.                                           in our community. Libraries are often the bustling   and Dundrum Libraries, ASD-friendly storytime
                       programming a robot, controlling                               Booking essential via               The Tovertafel has been                                        heart of our towns with lots going on at any         in Cabinteely, Shankill and Stillorgan, film
                       your house from your phone or                                  dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie            designed to help those at a                                    given time. We are aware for those with Autism       screenings in Blackrock and a Quiet/Sensory
                       simply flashing some lights?                                   Create signs, branding and logos    later stage of their dementia                                  or ASD the sensory overload in many public           room with sensory toys and furnishings in
                       This workshop will give you a                                  using OpenSource software and       journey, and consists of a series                              places, including libraries, can be overwhelming.    Deansgrange Library. We're also compiling an
                       taste of how inputs and outputs                                the LexIcon Lab’s vinyl cutter.     of interactive games projected                                 With this in mind we are working on our Autism       Autism-friendly booklist for those with Autism
                       on small computers such as the                                 Great for anyone interested in      onto a table. If you have a                                    Action Plan, and introducing new Autism-friendly     and their families, which we’ll publish later in
                       Raspberry Pi and Arduino can be                                graphics, design, and technology.   family member or are a carer for                               initiatives throughout our libraries in 2019.        the year. If you have ideas for Autism and public
                       used to create smart solutions                                 No experience necessary but basic   someone with dementia, drop in                                                                                      libraries please email libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie.
                       to everyday problems.                                          computer skills an advantage.       for a demonstration.
                       18 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dlr LexIcon LAB 19
dlr Branch
                      Events                                                                                                                                  dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                   dlr LexIcon
Blackrock Library                   award-winning documentary.                                               A Capella choir.                     Holiday Movie time!
T 288 8117                          It tells the story of the NASA                                           2nd and 4th Tuesday
E blackrocklib@dlrcoco.ie           Voyager programme, where                                                 evenings, 6.45 – 7.45pm              Wed 24 April, 2.00pm
                                    a simple satellite, sent on an                                           Age 8+. Booking required             Guess the title from the
Events for adults                   extraordinary mission, becomes                                           Come participate in these vocal      following blurb! An animated
                                    the first human-created object to                                        workshops lead by some of the        film that tells you what your four
Carnegie Secret Cinema Club.        enter interstellar space.                                                Ardú singers.                        legged friends get up to when
Thurs 11 April, 9 May &                                                                                                                           left to their own devices. Call into
13 June, 6.00pm                     International Jazz Day with                                              Movie time for                       Blackrock Library for this relaxed
Over 18s welcome                    Music Generation dlr                                                     World Autism Day!                    programme for all the family.
The group will meet the second                                          Caring for the Carer                                                      Children’s film (Classification G)
Thursday of every month             Tues 30 April, 3.30-4.30pm          Sat 22 June, 11:00am                 Tues 2 April, 3.30pm                                                        Intergenerational Cross
from 6.00pm. Join Hayley and        Drop by the library and listen      Bernadette McPhillips from Dublin    Children’s film will be shown        Fabadoodle Doggie Drawing              Stitch Workshop
other lovers of art-house and       to the music that inspired Ella     Healing will give this talk for      (PG). Guess the title from the       with Ciara Winkelmann                  with Keelin Murray
international film to watch and     Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington and      carers and offer tools and tips to   following blurb!                     Wed 17 April                           Saturday 25 May
discuss the evening’s viewing.      Herbie Hancock to name but a        support those caring for others.     ‘What if the asteroid that forever   Ages 6-8: 10.30-11.20am                11.00am-12.30pm
                                    few!                                                                     changed life on earth missed the     Ages 9-12: 11.45am-12.35pm             Max 12 (6 adults/6 children)
Creative Writing Group                                                  Events for children                  planet completely? Drop into         Max 15 in each group                   Join Keelin Murray, bookworm
2nd & 4th Monday of each            Carraig Doves choir                                                      Blackrock library from 3.30pm to                                            and crafter, for a fun workshop
month 10.15am-12:30pm                                                   Junior book club                     find out what happened next.                                                on cross stitch! Perfect for
Booking and further information     Tues 14 May, 6.45pm                 3rd Thursday of each month.          As we are acknowledging                                                     grandparents/ grandkids (age
from the library.                   All welcome                         6.15-7.15pm                          World Autism Day, there will                                                8+) to do together, you will learn
                                    Come along and listen to the        Suitable for children 9-12           be reduced lighting and sound                                               the basic stitch, how to make
Bookclubs                           wonderful melodies of the           years                                during this screening.                                                      a simple design and how to
1st Tuesday, 1st Thursday           Carraig Doves choir this May!       Spaces available! Please contact                                                                                 make a piece of jewellery with
& Last Thursday of each                                                 the library if interested.           Spring into Storytime                                                       your new craft. You’ll go away
month at 6.30pm                     Talk on 20th Century Irish                                                                                                                           inspired, and with a fun new skill!
Contact the library for more        Artists with Jessica Fahy           Baby book club.                      Every Thurs in April, 3.00pm
details.                            Sat 8 June, 11:00am                 First Wednesday of each              All welcome                                                                 Save the date!
                                    All Welcome, no booking             month, 10.15-11.00am                 We are delighted to continue this                                           Cruinniú na nÓg & Launch of
Earth Day Film Screening:           required.                           Stories, rhymes and craft            national initiative and in 2019                                             Summer Reading Challenge
The Farthest, Voyager in            Join us in Blackrock Library to     continue. From April onwards         partner with Music Generation        Watch Ciara draw some famous           at Blackrock Library.
Space                               hear art historian, Jessica Fahy    musical instruments will be          dlr for the entire month. Come       illustrated dogs in Children’s         Join us on Sat 15 June to celebrate
Screening & Q&A with                give a talk on 20th Century Irish   available courtesy of Music          sing, dance and listen to tales      literature and draw a doggie           Cruinniú na nÓg and help us
Director Emer Reynolds &            Artists.                            Generation.                          accompanied by a variety of          along with her.                        launch our Summer Reading
Producer Clare Stronge.                                                                                      musicians and amazing music!                                                Challenge 2019! More details to
Wed 24 April, 6:30pm                                                    Music Story Time                                                          Supertones                             follow in a separate flier…
Booking required                                                        with Music Generation dlr                                                 Thursday 23 May, 6.00pm
Blackrock Library is delighted to                                                                                                                 All Welcome
welcome Director Emer Reynolds                                          Thurs 16 May & 20 June,                                                   Come along and listen to a
and Producer Clare Stronge for a                                        3:00-3:30pm                                                               wonderful performance by the
special screening of their Emmy                                         All welcome                                                               Supertones Junior Choir.
20 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                    dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                                                     dlr LexIcon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Events 21
dlr Branch
                      Events                                                                                                                                                           dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                                            dlr LexIcon
Cabinteely Library

                                      photo Jonny Pardoe
                                                                                                as active and flexible as possible.                                                                               Finger knitting fun
T 285 5363                                                                                      The stretches and movements                                                                                       with Pauline Gallagher
E cabinteelylib@dlrcoco.ie                                                                      are gentle and supported                                                                                          Fri 10 May, 3.00-4.00pm
                                                                                                through the use of breath and                                                                                     Age: under 7
Quiet Tuesdays                                                                                  music.                                                                                                            Booking required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Join Pauline Gallagher of The
Tues evenings, 5.00-7.30pm                                                                      Events for children                                                                                               Knitting Class for finger knitting
Each Tuesday evening, we will be                                                                                                                                                                                  fun which introduces knitting
turning lights down and reducing                                                                Baby book club                                                                                                    to under 7s. It’s easy, fun and
noises in Cabinteely Library                                                                    with library staff                                                         My puppet and me,                      does not require any tools
to create a more welcoming                                                                      Wednesdays, 10.00-10.30am                                                  drama workshop with                    except fingers and yarn! As well
environment for autistic patrons.                                                               All welcome                                                                Bombinate Theatre                      as encouraging creativity and
Priority queuing is available on                                                                                                                                           Mon 15 April, 2.30-4.00pm              focus, finger knitting improves
request, and we ask all of our                             Managing worry and anxiety                                                 Autism-friendly storytime            Ages 8-12yrs                           fine motor skills, hand/eye
borrowers to join in by taking                             in children/teens with                    Baby                             with Paul Timoney                    Booking required                       co-ordination, teaches patience,
phone calls outside and turning                            ASD – with Counsellor &                   book                                                                  Invent, create and perform with        perseverance and practice in
down any loud ringtones etc.
We welcome all suggestions,
                                                           Psychotherapist Michael Ryan
                                                           Thurs 9 May, 6.30-7.30pm
                                                                                                     Club                             Mon 15 April, 10.30-11.30am
                                                                                                                                      Ages: 5yrs+
                                                                                                                                                                           your very own hand puppet,
                                                                                                                                                                           with Mollie and Ursula from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  following instructions. Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  will leave with a finished project
comments, thoughts and                                     All welcome                                                                Booking required                     Bombinate Theatre. Join us for a       which they have created and a
observations on how to improve                             Michael works as a counsellor        Explore books, song and rhyme         Paul Timoney will host a fun-        workshop that blends arts, crafts      fun new skill.
the accessibility of your library                          across a range of schools with       with your baby or young child.        filled morning of bug-making and     and creative drama.
service.                                                   children and teenagers on the                                              interactive storytelling. Everyone                                          Sleepy stories
                                                           Autism Spectrum. In this talk        STEAM Saturday                        will get to make their very own      Meet the author: Meg Grehan            Thurs 18 April & 20 June
Events for adults                                          we will look at the challenges       Each open Saturday: 6 & 27            beautiful bug. We will use all       Fri 3 May                              6.30-7.00pm
                                                           around anxiety for children          April; 18 May; 8 & 22 June            sorts of recycled materials along    10.15-11.15am &                        Ages: 3-6yrs
Knit Club                                                  and teens with ASD. We will          11.00am-12.30pm                       with pipe cleaners, googly eyes,     11.45am-12.45pm                        All welcome, no booking
Thursdays, 2.00-3.00pm                                     look at an overview of anxiety/      Ages 4-8 yrs                          and loads and loads of sticky        Class visits: suitable for             required
All welcome                                                worry disorders and outline          All welcome, no booking               tape! When our creations are         Transition Year                        All welcome, no booking required
Come and join our new Knitting                             some coping mechanisms and           required                              complete the story will begin,       Booking required                       Come join us for bedtime stories.
Circle in Cabinteely Library! Bring                        prevention tips.                     Come and build with us! Open-         and the bugs will come to life on    Meg Grehan, author of The              Pyjamas and teddies most
your current project, and see                                                                   ended free play sessions using        an exciting adventure.               space between published in             welcome!
what others are working on - the                           Chair yoga                           Magformers for 4-8 year olds                                               2017, will join us to talk about
perfect opportunity to share your                          with Angelika Renger                 (and their grown-ups!). Wooden                                                                  the book and
skills and pick up some tips!                                                                   blocks are available for younger                                                                her writing
                                                           Fri 10 May, 10.30am-12.00pm          children.                                                                                       life. Meg’s
                                                           Booking required                                                                                                                      second novel
                                                           Chair yoga is mostly practiced                                                                                                        The deepest
                                                           sitting on a chair or standing                                                                                                         breath is due
                                                           up with the chair as support if                                                                                                        out in May.
                                                           needed. This class is particularly
                                                           suitable for anyone with reduced
                                                           mobility who would like to keep
22 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                             dlr Branch
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                                                         Dalkey Library                                                                              Events for children
photo Mark Harrison

                                                                                                                  May Melodies
                                                         T 285 5277                                               Thurs 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 May
                                                         E dalkeylib@dlrcoco.ie                                   Times tbc, please check with       Early years programme –
                                                                                                                  library staff                      Fridays at 10.15am:
                                                         Events for adults                                        All welcome
                                                                                                                  Join us for our third annual       Baby book club
                                                         Therapeutic horticulture talk                            series of May Melodies. Enjoy      5 April, 3 May, 7 June
                                                         with horticulturist                                      some soothing melodies, lively     Ages: 0-4yrs
                                                         Aoife Munn                                               tunes and cherubic choirs every    Booking required
                                                         Mon 8 April, 10.30-11.30am                               Thursday evening in May as local                                                                               LEGO club
                                                         Booking required                                         musicians and singers join us to                                                                               Every Saturday, 2.00-3.00pm
                                                         This talk is aimed at anyone                             share their talent.                     Baby                                                                   Ages: 5-8yrs. Places limited
                                                         who would like to create a                                                                       book                                                                   Join us for LEGO building every
                      Feathery Fiends and Gaga
                      Grannies with Alan Nolan
                                                         therapeutic garden. Therapeutic
                                                         gardening is about creating a
                                                                                                                  Happy birthday, Maeve!
                                                                                                                  Tues 28 May, 2.00-3.30pm
                                                                                                                                                          Club                            Let’s make music!                      Saturday afternoon!

                      Fri 14 June                        garden that will meet people’s                           Booking required                                                        17 May & 21 June                       Teen book and movie club
                      10.15-11.15am &                    physical, physiological and social                                                          Join us at Baby Book Club            Ages: 0-4 yrs                          Tues 9 April & 14 May,

                                                                                              photo Ger Holland
                      11.30am-12.30pm                    needs. It is particularly useful                                                            where library staff will delight     Booking required                       4.45-5.45pm
                      Class visits; Suitable for         when gardening with people                                                                  and entertain babies, toddlers       A fun and engaging session             Suitable for those in
                      2nd-6th class                      with learning difficulties or                                                               and adults alike with some of        using songs and instruments            1st & 2nd year
                      Booking required                   mental health issues but is also                                                            our favorite stories, rhymes and     to create a relaxing atmosphere        Dalkey Library’s newest club
                      Join author and illustrator Alan   used to improve the well-being                                                              crafts. We can’t wait to see you     where parents and children can         for young adult book and movie
                      Nolan as he talks about feathery   of all users.                                                                               all there!                           explore and react to new sounds,       buffs looking for lively discussion
                      fiends from his latest book, Sam                                                                                                                                    sensations and objects.                and great recommendations. We
                      Hannigan and the last dodo,        Mindful chair yoga                                                                          Let’s play!                                                                 supply all the books and DVDs!
                      and loopy Grannies from his        with Sally Dunne                                         A very special event to mark       12 April, 24 May, 14 June            Let’s build!
                      World Book Day 2019 book, Sam                                                               Maeve Binchy’s birthdate. Join     Ages: 0-4 yrs                        26 April, 31 May & 28 June             Teddy Bear sleepover
                      Hannigan's rock star Granny.       Wed 1, 8, 15 May                                         us for a book club discussion of   All welcome                          Ages: 2-4 yrs                          Tues 16 April, 6.30-7.30pm
                      Learn how to draw a dodo, and      11.00am-12.15pm                                          one of Maeve’s many works led      An open play session where           All welcome                            Booking required
                      play along with Alan’s hot new     Booking required                                         by Mary Burnham from Dubray        children can explore their library   LEGO and bricks available.             Bring your teddies, wear your
                      quiz show Alive, extinct or just                                                            Books, all over afternoon tea      surroundings and share our                                                  pyjamas, and join us for a
                      plain stinky!                                                                               in the Library’s Maeve Binchy      library toys.                        Baby PlayLab                           very special story time and
                                                                                                                  Garden.                                                                 with ClapHandies                       bedtime sing-along. Teddies are
                                                                                                                                                                                          10 May                                 welcome to sleep over in the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Age: 0-12 months                       library. Hopefully, they’ll behave
                                                                                                                                                                                          Booking required                       themselves!
                                                                                                                                                                                          PlayLabs offer a wonderful start
                                                         Join yoga therapist, Sally Dunne,                                                                                                in social play, with activities such
                                                         for this inclusive class of gentle                                                                                               as rhyme time, music, movement
                                                         but thorough yoga, including                                                                                                     and age appropriate educational
                                                         mindful stretching, breath work                                                                                                  and fun activities.
                                                         and relaxation.
                      24 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                      dlr Branch
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                      Events                                                                                                                                  dlr Branch
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                                    National Print Museum               Exhibition                            Events for Adults                    a lengthy depression. Nicholas        is open to all. If you have these
                                    workshops                           A vantage point,                                                           overcame a series of obstacles        materials please bring: small
                                    Wed 22 May                          by Bobby Fitzgerald                   Musical Memories Choir               to complete his Leaving               introductory box of (pan) colours,
                                    10.15-11.15am &                     6-20 June                             Each Thursday                        Certificate and then undertake        some soft brushes plus some
                                    11.45am-12.45pm                     Launch: Thurs 13 June, 7.00pm         11.00am-12.30pm                      and graduate from a three-year        sheets of watercolour paper, size
                                    Class visits: suitable for          All welcome                           Booking required                     course in TV Production at            A4 or bigger. If not they will be
                                    2nd-6th class                       Bobby Fitzgerald is a visual artist   Musical Memories is a dementia-      Ballyfermot College Dublin.           supplied.
                                    Booking required                    whose work develops upon              specific event that aims to
                                    Our friends from the National       themes arising from a concept         give people an opportunity           Now aged 28, Nicholas’s mental        Memoir writing workshops
                                    Print Museum will assist you in     known as “the Overview Effect”,       to come together in a relaxed        health challenges are a thing         with Leo Cullen
                                    printing WANTED posters and         a term used to describe the           environment and reconnect            of the past. He has made this
                                    will also show you how to make      cognitive shift some astronauts       through music. Music and             documentary to chronicle his          Wed 15 May & 5 June
                                    printer's hats using the Japanese   experience as they see the Earth      singing help lift mood, provide      experience of living with Asperger    6.00-7.30pm
Get crafty!                         paper craft of origami.             from outer space.                     cognitive stimulation and            Syndrome and depression and to        Booking required
Wed 17 April                                                            Through his paintings and             support social interaction.          celebrate the invaluable support
Ages: 4-6yrs 10.30-11.15am          Ukulele jam!                        drawings Fitzgerald's practice        New members welcome,                 of his family, his teachers and his
Ages: 7yrs+ 11.30am-12.30pm                                             develops ways of translating          however there may be a waitlist.     neighbours in the village of Emly,
Booking required                    Tues 11 June, 6.30-7.30pm           that other-worldly perspective                                             Co Tipperary.
Join library staff for a morning    All welcome                         into engaging cultural artifacts.     'I am Nicholas' film screening
of Easter crafts. Expect lots of                                                                                                                   Writing for beginners
cutting, sticking and creativity!                                       Deansgrange Library                   Thurs 25 April, 6.30-8.00pm          with Leo Cullen
Parents must stay with children                                         T 285 0860                            All welcome
under 8yrs.                                                             E deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie                                                Wednesdays 3, 10, 17, 24
                                                                                                                                                   April, 1 & 8 May
Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO                                                      Quiet/Sensory Room                                                         (6 week course)                       Have you ever wanted to
workshops: We Learn,                                                                                                                               6.00-7.30pm                           write your story, your life, your
We Build, We Play!                                                      Mondays, Fridays &                                                         Booking required                      memoirs? This is for you. No
Wed 24 April                                                            Saturdays during April                                                     Have you ever wanted to write,        previous writing experience
2.15-3.15pm & 3.45-4.45pm           Current and former participants     2.00-5.00pm                                                                but don’t know where to start?        required.
Ages: 6-12yrs                       of our Family Ukulele classes are   dlr Libraries are delighted to                                             Writer and mentor Leo Cullen
Booking required                    invited to a play-along session     introduce a quiet/sensory room in                                          will get you started in this 6        Quiz for Bealtaine
Come along to our Bricks            to officially bring our series of   Deansgrange library as part of our                                         week course.
4 Kidz fully interactive and        intergenerational music classes     Autism Action Plan for 2019. This                                                                                Thurs 30 May, 6.30-7.30pm
age appropriate “Technology         to a close. All are welcome to      is a pilot for Autism Awareness       This screening will be followed      Magic of watercolour                  All welcome
Themed” workshop. We will be        attend and enjoy the music!         month and we hope those with          by a Q&A with director Nicholas      workshops with artist                 Come test your general
building awesome motorised                                              autism will avail of the room and     Ryan-Purcell.                        Jimmy Burns                           knowledge! This quiz will be all
models and learning about early                                         the sensory equipment within          Nicholas Ryan-Purcell was            Thurs 9 & 16 May                      about fun and showing off your
technology concepts like How                                            it. The room is also available as     diagnosed with Asperger              10.30am-12.00pm                       knowledge!
we use technology such as                                               a meditation/quiet space. With        Syndrome aged 13. He was             Booking required
robotics today.                                                         this in mind we request users         also faced with mental health        A brief introduction to the
                                                                        turn off phones and respect the       challenges, brought on by an early   equipment and techniques of
                                                                        room as a quiet space.                childhood trauma which triggered     watercolour painting. The class
26 What’s On April—June 2019                                                                                                                                                                    dlr Branch
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