April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church

Page created by Salvador Bowers
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
April 3, 2022

April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Saint Patrick Parish
Parish Office:152 East Pomfret Street, Carlisle, PA 17013
                                                                                  Shrine Church
Phone: 717-243-4411 Fax: 717-258-9281                                             152 East Pomfret Street
www.saintpatrickchurch.org                                                        Carlisle, PA
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.                            Marsh Drive Church
Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon                                                      85 Marsh Drive
Saint Patrick School: 717 249-4826 www.spscarlisle.org                            Carlisle, PA

Mass Schedule
Masses will be livestreamed on our website and YouTube
                                                                                  Reverend Don H. Bender
                                                                                  Parochial Vicar/Campus Minister
Daily Mass                                                                        Reverend Javed Kashif
Monday through Thursday - 8:00AM - 85 Marsh Drive, Carlisle                       Reverend Gregory D’Emma, Retired
Friday and Saturday - 8:00 AM - 152 E. Pomfret Street Carlisle                    Deacon G. Bryan Salzmann
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday, 5:15 PM - Marsh Drive Church                                            Deacon Virgilio Centenera
Sunday, 8:00 AM Shrine Church                                                     DVCentenera@hbgdiocese.org
Sunday, 9:30 AM: Marsh Drive Church                                               Parish Manager
Sunday, 11:30 AM: Marsh Drive Church                                              George Ehgartner (717) 243-4411, ext. 201
Sunday, 4:30 PM: Marsh Drive Church
                                                                                  Principal, Saint Patrick School
                                                                                  Antoinette Oliverio (717) 249-4826

Sacrament of Penance
                                                                                  Parish Financial Manager
                                                                                  Heather Hall (717) 243-4411, ext. 202
                                                                                  Parish Admin.
Marsh Drive Church                                                                Star Wiskeman (717) 243-4411, ext. 200
Saturday, 3:30-4:30 p.m.                                                          Director of Ministries and Volunteers
                                                                                  Elaine Seckar (717) 243-4411, ext. 203
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism preparation classes are required for first-time parents. For              Director of Music
more information and to register for Baptism preparation classes,                 Dr. David O’Donnell (717) 243-4411, ext. 204
please call the Faith Formation Office at 717-243-4411, ext. 300.                 Director of Religious Education
                                                                                  Stephanie Conrad (717) 243-4411, ext. 300
Sacrament of the Sick
Call the parish office day or night for the emergency anointing of the            Youth Ministry Coordinator
sick and dying. Holy Communion is taken to the home for the sick and              Alexandra Arp (717) 243-4411, ext. 205
seriously ill and aged confined to the home.                                      Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
Sacrament of Matrimony                                                            Gail Chaudrue (717) 243-4411, ext. 302
Couples planning to marry must contact the Parish Office at least nine            Communications and Digital Media Coordinator
months prior to their marriage.                                                   Heather Howie (717) 243-4411, ext. 216
                                                                                  Parish Facilities/Scheduling Manager
Perpetual Adoration (Please use side door off the parking lot)                    Robin Lees (717)-243-4411, ext. 207
Adoration Chapel, 152 E. Pomfret Street, Carlisle
                                                                                  Cemetery Manager\Facilities Assistant
Chapel Hotline: (717) 243-4875
                                                                                  Margie Flatley-Carpenter (717) 243-4411, ext. 208

   www.saintpatrickchurch.org      @saintpatrickchurch.carlisle       Saint Patrick Church, Carlisle, PA   saint_patrick_church_carlisle

April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Mass Intentions
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022                                                      Procession with Palms: Luke 19:28-40
8:00 a.m.     + RICHARD F. REIDY, JR (Harold & Monica Cooney)
                                                                            First Reading (Isiah 50:4-7): I gave my back
                                                                            to those who beat me, my cheeks to those
                                                                            who plucked my beard; my face I did not
                 (Dawn & Vuong Nguyen)
                                                                            shield from buffets and spitting.
8:00 a.m.      + JOHN GOUDIE (Agnes Goudie)                                 Psalm (Psalms 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24):
THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2022 - Holy Thursday                                    My God, my God, why have you abandoned
Marsh Drive Church                                                          me?
                                                                            Second Reading (Philippians 2:6-11): He
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022 - Good Friday - The Passion of the Lord
                                                                            humbled himself, becoming obedient to the
Marsh Drive Church
                                                                            point of death, even death on a cross.
3:00 p.m.        The Passion of the Lord
                                                                            Because of this, God greatly exalted him.
SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 - Holy Saturday
No Confessions                                                              Gospel (Luke 22:14—23:56): Jesus cried out
No 5:15 p.m. Mass                                                           in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I
Marsh Drive Church                                                          commend my spirit”; and when he had said
8:00 p.m.        FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH                               this he breathed his last.
SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2022, Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord
Shrine Church
8:00 a.m.     + DAVID A. SYBERT (The Sybert Family)
Marsh Drive Church
 9:30 a.m.   + FRANCIS J. METTLER (Tom & Debbie Houck)
Parish Activity Center
 9:30 a.m.   + LEN DAY (Carl Stasyszyn)
Marsh Drive Church

11:30 a.m. + ARTHUR COSGROVE (Agned Goudie)
There is no 4:30 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday.

Responsible Stewardship                                                     4/10/22 Ukrainian Relief Collection
                                                                                    Parishes in the Diocese of
                                                                                    Harrisburg are invited to take up a
Week of and including March 27, 2022
Mailed:                $ 10,785.00                                                  second collection for the people
Electronic:            $ 9,921.32                                                   of Ukraine, on Sunday April 10,
Sunday Offerings:      $ 11,989.50                                                  2022, to aid in their suffering as a
          TOTAL:       $ 32,695.82                                                  result of the invasion by Russian
                                                                                    forces. An effective way to aid
3rd Century Fund:       $ 99.60                                                     Ukraine is through the Ukrainian
St. Vincent de Paul:    $ 74.10                                                     Catholic Archeparchy of
Votive Candles:         $ 326.17                                                    Philadelphia, who will oversee the
Saint Patrick Bishop                   $ 206.87                                     distribution of these funds in their
Additional Eastern Church              $ 20.00                                      homeland. Archbishop Borys
Additional Propagation                 $ 25.00                                      Gudziak expresses his gratitude
Additional Solemnity                   $ 150.00                                     to the faithful of the Diocese for
Additional Retired Religious           $ 150.00                                     their compassion and generosity.

Giving Opportunities                                                          Penance Services
The 2022 DAC (Diocesan Annual Campaign) – Our goal of $248,506 is
well on it’s way of being met! As of Monday April 4, we have $137,201 in        Saint Theresa: April 10 - 7:00 PM
committed funds, 55.21% of goal, with $109,459 received, and a                 Good Shepherd: April 12 - 7:00 PM
remaining balance of $111, 305. You may mail in your gift via the
diocesan mailing that you received, a pledge card that you picked up in
the church or just a check - placing any of those items in the               Paschal Candle
collection basket, mail back to the parish office or drop them off at the
                                                                              The new Paschal Candle for the Shrine
office. As every campaign is long, know that your generosity and
                                                                                  Church is for the Intentions of
sacrifices are never forgotten! We are moving in the right direction
                                                                                      Jim and Mary Braun
without question!                                         3
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Adult Formation
Gail Chaudrue 717-243-4411 x302 gchaudrue@saintpatrickchurch.org
                                                                                     Altar Flowers
Winter-Spring 2022 Classes                                                               ALTAR FLOWER AVAILABILITY
Bible Study: Genesis Part 2                                                                   APRIL –MAY - JUNE
Thursdays 7-8:00pm       April 21-May 26, 2022                                         Any parishioner is invited to offer
This past fall, Fr. Gregory D’Emma lectured on the first 12 chapters of                 flowers each week in prayerful
Genesis. This Easter Season, join Fr. D’Emma for a 6-week lecture series on        remembrance of a deceased loved one,
the next twelve chapters. With an understanding of the history, cultural             a special intention, or in honor of an
background, and religious practices throughout these chapters, we will come         anniversary, birthday or special event.
to see the first book of the Bible, Genesis, in a fuller way.                      Altar flowers, arrangements in front of
                                                                                     the Altar, and Ambo are $75 and the
Catholic Foundations
                                                                                      statuary flowers are $45 for each
Time: 7:00-8:30 PM      April 4, 11, 25, May 2, & 9
                                                                                     statue. We purchase the flowers and
Many Catholics wish they could return to basics they learned as children.
                                                                                    your name and intention will be in the
There is so much to learn about our faith and building a firm foundation is
                                                                                      weekly bulletin. Contact the Parish
important. Join us for a 10-week course studying subjects like divine
                                                                                        Office to reserve your intention.
revelation, the pillars of the Church, the persons of the Trinity, eternal life,
etc. This class is offered in the morning and evening, alternately.                     DATES AVAILABLE FOR ALTAR
This spring there will be an evening class held on Mondays that will cover                      FLOWERS
the first five subjects of this course. The final five weeks will be offered in                        MARSH DRIVE
fall. More Information and Registration on our Website!                            4/24/22 Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed Mother,
                                                                                            St. Joseph

Gail Chaudrue 717-243-4411 x302 gchaudrue@saintpatrickchurch.org
                                                                                     5/1/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
                                                                                    5/8/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
Prayers for those in RCIA                                                                   Mother
Lent is a time of prayer and penance for the whole Church, especially for          5/15/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
those participating in the RCIA. The Saint Patrick RCIA Team asks that you                  Mother, St. Joseph
pray for those preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter     5/22/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
                                                                                            Mother, St. Joseph
Vigil as they continue their faith journey with enthusiasm and expectation.
                                                                                   5/29/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, St. Jo-
Prayer for those in Formation: Father, guide them. Jesus, walk with them.                   seph
                                                                                     6/5/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
RCIA: The Countdown!                                                                        Mother, St. Joseph
This marks the final week of preparation for the Easter sacraments!                 6/12/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
On Holy Saturday, at the Easter Vigil, where our candidates and the elect will              Mother, St. Joseph
(at long last!) be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church.         6/19/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
Next they enter a season called “mystagogy”, a time of “unpacking” the                      Mother, St. Joseph
mysteries of grace that God showers on them this weekend. For the next             6/26/22 2 Altar, Ambo, Front Altar, Blessed
                                                                                            Mother, St. Joseph
year they will be “neophytes” (someone who’s new at something). Please
continue to encourage, welcome and pray for them as the big day                                      SHRINE CHURCH
approaches!                                                                        4/24/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
                                                                                            Blessed Mother
                                                                                     5/1/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.

                                                                                            Blessed Mother
                                                                                    5/8/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
Dr. David O’Donnell 717-243-4411 x204 music@saintpatrickchurch.org                          Blessed Mother
                                                                                   5/15/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
The Handbell Choir is open to anyone who has the desire to work hard and                    Blessed Mother
have fun! The group rings at various Masses throughout the year, including         5/22/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
special Holy Days. Music reading skills are helpful but not required. We’re                 Blessed Mother
always looking for a few good Ringers.                                             5/29/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
                                                                                            Blessed Mother
Easter Music                                                                         6/5/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
                                                                                            Blessed Mother
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
                                                                                    6/12/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
– Tenebrae, 7pm (featuring the Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, and Harp)                       Blessed Mother
Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022                                                       6/19/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
                                                                                            Blessed Mother
– 9:30am mass Church (Children’s Choirs and Brass Ensemble)
                                                                                   6/26/22 2 Main Altar, Sacred Heart.
- 9:30am mass PAC (Revival Music Ministry)                                                  Blessed Mother
- 11:30am mass (Handbell Choir and Harp)

April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Faith Formation
Stephanie Conrad 717-243-4411 x300 sconrad@saintpatrickchurch.org
                                                                                              Special Novena
                                                                                        Saint Ignatius of Loyola Military Ministry
                                •   April 10 - NO Faith Formation
                                                                                        in support of our Military, our Nation and
                                •   Confirmation Practice – May 3 at 6:30pm
                                                                                         World Peace, invites all to participate in
                                •   Confirmation – May 5 at 6:30pm
                                                                                        a Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel.
                                •   1st Holy Communion Practice – May 4 at
                                    6pm (10:30 Mass) OR 7pm (12:30 Mass)                  Monday, April 25 - Tuesday, May 3
                                •   1st Holy Communion – May 7 at 10:30am                    This Novena to Saint Michael the
                                    and 12:30pm                                             Archangel is particularly fitting and
                                                                                          important this year because of all the
                                                                                         uncertainties affecting international and
                                                                                         domestic situations. The prayers are to
Save the date for VBS at Saint Patrick                                                   be recited for nine days at your conven-
Church! July 18-22, 2022!                                                                  ience. Prayers will be in the 4/24/22
                                                                                         Bulletin. Please join us in prayer for the
Monumental Vacation Bible School will                                                     blessing, safety and protection of our
provide children from Kindergarten to 5th                                                 Nation, our Military and their families
Grade the opportunity to explore the                                                       and for Peace throughout our World.
sunbaked Southwestern desert as they
dig into God’s great love!                                                              HERSHEYPARK DISCOUNT TICKET OFFER!
                                                                                           TIME TO GET HERSHEYPARK HAPPY!
We are currently looking for adult and teen volunteers to help with this
                                                                                           Discount tickets to Hersheypark are
exciting adventure! Please contact the Faith Formation Office if you are
                                                                                        available to the friends and families of the
interested in helping. More information on how to register children coming
                                                                                              parish at a significant savings:
                                                                                             Regular Gate Admission is $77.80

Youth Ministry
Alexandra Arp 717-243-4411 x205 aarp@saintpatrickchurch.org
                                                                                               (ages 3+) our price is $39.95!
                                                                                           Prepaid Single Use Meal Deal: $13.99
                                                                                           (Choose a meal from one of 20 food
High School Youth Ministry - Weekly Meetings 5:30-7:30pm - PAC Room 218                venues. Includes an entrée, side, and drink)
4/10 - TriduUM? A night exploring each day of the Easter Triduum                              Prepaid Snack Voucher: $4.50
                                                                                             Prepaid Parking Passes: $20.00
Young Adult                                                                                      Order forms available at
Alexandra Arp 717-243-4411 x205 aarp@saintpatrickchurch.org                                        or in the parish office.
Young Adults in their 20s & 30s                                                           Orders must be received at the parish
4/22 - 6:30-8:30pm Spaghetti & Scripture: Dinner, reflection & personal                  office by Friday, April 29. Parishes will
testimony and Earth Day activity.                                                         receive tickets by Thursday, May 23rd.

Antoinette Oliverio - Principal, Saint Patrick School, 87 Marsh Drive, Carlisle, PA 17015, aoliverio@spscarlisle.org
We are excitedly looking forward to our last major fundraiser of the school year – Finnegan's Fun Run.
This event is a highlight for our students each year. We hold a color run where the students run through
four color stations around our track and school fields.
The fun run is Wednesday, May 25, and is a fundraiser for school technology. Our goal is to raise $35,000. Last year’s
successful Fun Run allowed us to purchase interactive boards for the teachers in middle school, and update other
technological needs throughout the school.
Each student is asked to find sponsors to make tax-deductible donations in their name to Saint Patrick School.
For every $100 a student raises, he/she earns a “Dress Out of Uniform Day” to be redeemed before the end of the school
year. PreK students will earn a free ice cream coin from Leo’s Ice Cream. The grade that has the highest percent partici-
pation by May 20 (not dollar amount raised; percent of students who participate) will receive a class party.
We thank our sponsors (those we had at the time of publication): T-shirts: Bartoli Wealth Management, Plant Site Logis-
tics, LLC, Carlisle Core Fitness & Health, Lonestar Graphics, Jeffrey A. Wilbur Plumbing, Heating & Air Inc. Simply Well;
Ice cream: Trispagonas Insurance and an anonymous donor; Sunglasses:Julie Hallisey, Realtor - Howard Hanna Real
Estate; Color: exclusive donor of purple -- Mooney Law, The Jumper Family (Abby), Create-A-Palooza, Min's Karate
Academy, Mike and Jeanne Pearson.
 Donations for students or for the purchase of color may be made using the school website or by mailing a check in to
the school, attn: Fun Run. As always, thank you for your support
                                                              5 of our school and our students.
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Ministries                                                                               This Week
Saint Monica Ministry
Wednesdays - Marsh Drive Church 8:00pm Exceptions: 4/13 no meeting               4/10/22 Palm Sunday
Please note the new time change! This ministry seeks the prayerful inter-                5:30pm – Youth Ministry
cession of St. Monica and the Mercy of Our Lord Jesus for our loved ones
return to the faith and the Church.                                              4/11/22 Fr. Bender’s Day Off
                                                                                         5:30pm – Dickinson Campus
Cancer Companions                                                                                 Ministry
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month - 6:30-8:00pm PAC Room 218                              6pm – Boys Scouts
Whether you currently have cancer, are in remission, or are the care giver               7pm – Catholic Foundations
of a loved one with this disease, Saint Patrick Cancer Companion Ministry
has something for you. Next Meetings: April 19th                                 4/12/22 6pm – Cub Scout Tigers
                                                                                         6pm – Cub Scout
Heritage Club                                                                            6:30pm - Greece Trip Information
Ice Cream Social
                                                                                         7pm - Cub Scout Webelos 1
Thursday, May 19 - 6pm - Warrell Social Hall
                                                                                         7pm – Cub Scout Webelos
All members are invited to join us for our final event of the year at an even-
                                                                                         7pm – RCIA Vigil Practice
ing of Ice Cream and entertainment provided by the children of St. Patrick
School.                                                                          4/13/22 10am - Cursillo Group
                                                                                         6pm - TMIY Book Club
Singles Ministry                                                                         7pm – Tenebrae Service
Pot Luck Dinner
April 22 - 6pm - Rooms 222/224                                                   4/14/22 Feast of the Lord’s Supper
All Singles (50+) are invited to join us for dinner and fun as we welcome                Fr. Kashif’s Day Off
Spring and we gather for a Pot Luck Dinner! Grab a dish and come on over!                9:30am – Handbell Choir
No need to RSVP. Have questions? Call Jim: (717) 609-2275                                7pm - Celebration of the Lords

Ushers Needed - All Mass Times
                                                                                 4/15/22 Good Friday
                                                                                         Office closed
Men or Women can serve the parish by welcoming parishioners, helping                     3:00pm - Commemoration of the
them to their seats, guiding them to communion lines, collecting the                     Passion of our Lord and Savior
offertory and assisting in any situations that might arise during mass. Call             Jesus Christ
the Parish Office for more information                                           4/16/22 Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil
Cemetery Clean Up – As spring approaches, now is the time to begin to clear              10:30am – Blessing of the Easter
the graves of the aged Christmas wreaths, decorations and other items.                   Food and Easter Baskets
There are receptacles at McClures Gap Road or behind the Shrine Church on                1pm – KOC Easter Egg Hunt
Pomfret, that can be used to place no longer needed decorations. All it takes
is a few minutes of your care and love. Thank you.
                                                                                     Shrine Church
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training Sessions
The following training sessions for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy               After many months of the Shrine Church
Communion and those ministers that need to renew their mandates have                 experiencing problematic heating/cooling
been scheduled:                                                                  issues, we believe the repairs that have been
                                                                                  put into place will get us through the coming
April 21, 2022, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm - Annunciation BVM, McSherrystown
                                                                                 months of unpredictable weather. As a result
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm - Immaculate Conception, York
                                                                                 of the problems and issues that have existed
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm - Immaculate Conception, York             for many years, we will be soliciting quotes
Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - St. Peter Parish, Elizabethtown         for the replacement of the heating unit and
Saturday, July 9 at 10:00 am – Diocesan Center, Harrisburg                         all affiliated work needed to repair damage
Please call the Parish Office for more information.                                 as result of the aforementioned problems.

Go Out                                                                            Our goal is to have efficient, working heating
                                                                                   and cooling for all events and services that
                                                                                     take place in the Shrine. Currently, the 3rd
                                                                                      Century Fund, which is dedicated to the
  Saint Patrick Church collects cans of chicken every week for                        upkeep of our historic structures, has a
  Project Share! Collection baskets are labeled and in the                          balance of $41,000. We anticipate that this
  Narthex of each church, or you can drop your donation                          will not cover the necessary repairs. There is
  off at the Parish Office. This is an ongoing                                        also a strong possibility that the rectory
  program. Thanks for your support in                                               furnace, will need replaced. We maintain a
  helping to feed the hungry in                                                       link for 3rd Century contributions on our
                                                                                    DONATE page on our website if you would
  our community.
                                                                                         like to contribute to these repairs.
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
Saint Patrick Church
Carlisle, PA
Run Number 1
717– 243-4411, ext. 216
HeatherAnn Howie

April 3, 2022 - Saint Patrick Church
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