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                                                         We would like to extend a warm welcome
Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil, CMI.                           to all of our new parishioners!
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Christopher Knight                              Website: http://seaspcfl.org/                   Mission Chapel
frknight@seaspcfl.org                                                                               St. Stephen’s Chapel
Fr. Robert Trujillo                                 Church, Rectory Office,                         2400 E. Highway 100, Bunnell, FL 32110
frrob@seaspcfl.org                                  School & Ministry Center
                                                    4600 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164     Church Hours
                                                                                                    7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Retired Associates
                                                    Phone: (386) 445-2246 • Fax: (386) 445-7808
Fr. John McElroy                                    School: (386) 445-2411                          Rectory Office & Ministry Center
                                                    Emergency Phone: (386) 283-3420                 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Fr. George Sankoorikal                                                                                                              Holidays
Fr. James May (Pastor Emeritus)                     (after hours ONLY)

Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Perlito (Tom) Alayu
Deacon Bob Devereux                                                                                                          Masses
Deacon Jose Homem
Deacon Ed Wolff                                                                                                           Monday - Friday
Deacon Mike McKenna                                                                                                       7 am and 8:30 am
                                                                                                                          Saturday 8:30 am
Business Manager                                                                                                           and 4 pm Vigil
Elizabeth Foran
Office Assistant                                                                                                             8, & 10 am
Mrs. Elaine Leonard                                                                                                         and 12 noon.
                                                                                                                             St. Stephen
Bookkeeper                                                                                                                 6 pm Saturdays
Leanne Rossi                                                                                                                5 pm Sundays
                                                           “Your Gift Today is Our Treasure                                 Spanish Mass
Carmen Cruz-Pritchard                                              for Tomorrow”                                            Sunday 5 pm.

Maintenance                                                                                                               Portuguese Mass:
                                                    The wearing               March 27                                      First and third
Jose Valverde                                          of face                                                            Saturdays at 6 pm
                                                      masks is           Figures next week               Additional
School Principal                                                                                            CDC            Office Hours
Barbara Kavanagh                                                                                       guidance may       Monday - Friday
                                                      (per new                                                             9:00- 4:00 pm
                                                                                                        be obtained
Director of Christian Formation                         CDC                                              at: https:/
Katie Allio                                          guidance),       Thank you for your support.      www.cdc.gov/     Church is open 7-4pm
                                                      and safe          Donate to our parish by            corona-
Director of Youth Ministry                          distancing is        using Online Giving.            virus/2019-        Sacrament of
                                                     no longer                                         ncov/prevent-        Reconciliation
Jeremy Vest                                                                                                             Saturday- 2:45-3:45pm
                                                      required.                                         getting-sick/
                                                                                                                         Sunday-30 minutes
Music Director                                                       Go to www.seaspcfl.org              about-face-         before Mass
                                                    Thank you                                          coverings.html
Don Roy                                                &                                                                  & by appointment
                                                    God bless!
Bulletin Editor
Phyllis Jenkins
pjenkins@seaspcfl.org                                                                                          Online Giving
                                                           myParish App
                                                                                                     • Saves envelopes (saves parish $)
                   Cover                            Daily Readings, prayers & much                   • No need to write checks
           “The Woman Taken                         more! Go to the App Store or                       (saves YOU $)
                                                    Google Play and search for myParish.             • No missing donations while away
              in Adultery”                          Or search the internet, myparishapp.com          • More efficient form of stewardship
              Courtesy of                           for the ability to find info on all Catholic
                                                    churches within the Diocese .                      Go to www.seaspcfl.org and click
                                                                                                             Online Giving link.
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 2                                                  April 3, 2022
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From the desk of Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil

                           Silver Lining in Every Cloud
Robinson Crusoe is generally regarded as the first novel    "Evil: I am without defense or any means to resist any
in the English language. Written by Daniel Defoe (1660-     violence of man or beast. Good: But I am cast on an is-
1731), a journalist, trader, and pamphleteer, this book     land where I see no wild beasts to hurt me, as I saw on
became an instant bestseller immediately after its publi-   the coasts of Africa; and what if I had been shipwrecked
cation in 1719. It is one of the most widely translated     there?
books and has been adapted into several stage shows,        "Evil: I have no soul to speak to or relieve me. Good:
movies, TV shows, and comics.                               But God wonderfully sent the ship in near enough to
                                                            the shore that I have got out as many necessary things
This novel tells the story of Robinson Crusoe, who al-      as will either supply my wants or enable me to supply
ways yearned for adventure sailing the seas. His first      myself, even as long as I live."
voyage from England ended in disaster as he was ship-
wrecked. His second voyage also ended in disaster as        When Crusoe was shipwrecked for the third time, he
pirates captured him. However, he managed to escape         was a basket case; he had difficulty coping with his ter-
after two years of captivity. His third voyage, an expe-    rible situation. However, soon he found his mooring in
dition to bring enslaved people from Africa, was no ex-     God; He realized "God is our refuge and strength, a
ception as he was shipwrecked                                                      very present help in trou-
again and landed on an island                                                      ble" (Psalm. 46:1). He then
near the coast of Venezuela.                                                       counted his blessings amid the
                                                                                   encircling gloom that helped
Crusoe was the lone survivor of                                                    him emerge from his despair.
this shipwreck, along with a dog
and two cats. Humans did not                                                         This is also what we should do
inhabit the island, and he called it                                                 in our lives as we also often
the Island of Despair. Though                                                        come across all kinds of chal-
Crusoe was initially in despair,                                                     lenging and desperate situa-
he wasted no time salvaging                                                          tions. When we face obstacles
some supplies from the ship be-                                                      for smooth sailing in life, the
fore it sank. Among the things he                                                    natural tendency is to lose hope
saved from the ship was a Bible,                                                     and sink into despair. However,
which he began to read, and it gave him a new perspec- we should not allow ourselves to do so. Instead, like
tive of hope. It was in this context he decided to take    Crusoe, we should take stock of our life, counting our
account of his current situation.                          blessings instead of the miseries. When we become
                                                           aware of our blessings, we will go forward knowing
When Crusoe looked at his life, he realized how misera- that God is with us, empowering us every step of the
ble his life was on the island. However, at the same       way.
time, he remembered to count his blessings. That is how
he drew up the following list of 'evil and good,' describ- According to the storyline of Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe
ing the comforts he enjoyed against the miseries he suf- grew closer to God in his despair and loneliness; he be-
fered on the island:                                       came grateful to God even for the small blessings in life;
                                                           he always remembered there is a silver lining for every
"Evil: I am cast upon a horrible, desolate island, void of cloud. Thus he found peace.
all hope or recovery. Good: But I am alive; and not
drowned, as all my ship's company are.                     Like Crusoe, let us always count our blessings which
                                                           will help us remember that God is always doing great
"Evil: I am singled out and separated, as it were, from    things for us even when we face roadblocks. When we
all the world, to be miserable. Good: But I am singled     remain grateful to God even for the least blessings in
out, too, from the all the ship's crew, to be spared from life, we allow God to grow closer to us. When we allow
death; and He that miraculously saved me from death        God to come closer to us, we will have peace of mind
can deliver me from this condition.                        even when we pass through severe storms in life.
"Evil: I am divided from mankind – a solitaire, one ban-
ished from human society. Good: But I am not starved Funny Story
and perishing on a barren place, affording no suste-
nance.                                                     Pastor and Farmer: “Do you smoke, drink or curse?”
                                                           The pastor asked the old farmer. He was hesitant,
"Evil: I have no clothes to cover me. Good: But I am in a “Well, every once in a while.” “You know, John, I don’t
hot climate, where, if I had clothes, I could hardly wear smoke, drink, or cuss…” “Yessuh, pastor, but you don’t
them.                                                      farm either...!” (via Fr. Tony)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 3                                April 3, 2022
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Desde el Escritorio del Pastor, Padre Jose Panthaplamthottiyil

                                     Un Rayo de Luz en Cada Nube
Robinson Crusoe se considera generalmente como la pri-        Bueno: Pero no estoy hambriento y pereciendo en un
mera novela en Inglés. Escrita por Daniel Defoe (1660-        lugar estéril, sin poder sustentarme.
1731), periodista, comerciante y panfletista, este libro se    "Mal: No tengo ropa para cubrirme.
convirtió en un éxito de ventas instantáneo inmedi-           Bueno: Pero estoy en un clima cálido, donde, si tuviera
atamente después de su publicación en 1719. Es uno de         ropa, difícilmente podría usarla.
los libros más traducidos y adaptado a varios es-
pectáculos teatrales, películas, programas de televisión.     "Malo: Estoy en defensa ni ningún medio para resistir
espectáculos y cómics.                                        cualquier violencia de hombre o bestia.
                                                              Biueno: Pero estoy arrojado a una isla donde no veo
Esta novela cuenta la historia de Robinson Crusoe,            bestias salvajes que me hagan daño, como vi en las cos-
quien siempre anheló la aventura surcando los mares.          tas de África; ¿y si ¿Había naufragado allí?
Su primer viaje desde Inglaterra terminó en desastre
cuando naufragó. Su segundo viaje también terminó en "Malo: No tengo alma para hablarme o aliviarme.
desastre cuando los piratas lo capturaron. Sin embargo, Bueno: Pero Dios maravillosamente envió el barco lo
logró escapar después de dos años                                           suficientemente cerca de la costa que he
de cautiverio. Su tercer viaje, una                                         sacado tantas cosas necesarias que sat-
expedición para traer esclavos de                                           isfarán mis necesidades o me permit-
África, no fue la excepción ya que                                          irán abastecerme a mí mismo, incluso
naufragó nuevamente y desembarcó                                            mientras viva".
en una isla cerca de la costa de Vene-
zuela.                                                                      Cuando Crusoe naufragó por tercera
                                                                            vez, era un caso perdido; tuvo difi-
Crusoe fue el único sobreviviente de                                        cultades para hacer frente a su terrible
este naufragio, junto con un perro y                                        situación. Sin embargo, pronto encon-
dos gatos. Los humanos no habita-                                           tró su amarre en Dios; Se dio cuenta de
ban la isla, y la llamó la Isla de la Desesperación.      que "Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, nuestro pronto
Aunque Crusoe estaba inicialmente desesperado, no         auxilio en las tribulaciones" (Salmo 46:1). Luego contó
perdió tiempo en rescatar algunos suministros del bar- sus bendiciones en medio de la oscuridad circundante
co antes de que se hundiera. Entre las cosas que salvó    que lo ayudó a salir de su desesperación.
del barco estaba una Biblia, la cual comenzó a leer y le
dio una nueva perspectiva de esperanza. Fue en este       Según la historia de Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe se acercó
contexto que decidió tomar en cuenta su situación actu- más a Dios en su desesperación y soledad; se volvió
al.                                                       agradecido con Dios incluso por las pequeñas bendi-
                                                          ciones de la vida; siempre recordó que hay un lado pos-
Cuando Crusoe miró su vida, se dio cuenta de lo miser- itivo para cada nube. Así encontró la paz.
able que era su vida en la isla. Sin embargo, al mismo
tiempo, recordó contar sus bendiciones. Así elaboró la Al igual que Crusoe, siempre contemos nuestras bendi-
siguiente lista de 'malos y buenos', describiendo las co- ciones que nos ayudarán a recordar que Dios siempre
modidades que disfrutó frente a las miserias que          está haciendo grandes cosas por nosotros, incluso cuan-
padeció en la isla:                                       do enfrentamos obstáculos. Cuando permanecemos
                                                          agradecidos con Dios incluso por las bendiciones más
"Malo: Estoy arrojado a una isla horrible y desolada, sin pequeñas de la vida, permitimos que Dios se acerque
esperanza ni recuperación.                                más a nosotros. Cuando permitimos que Dios se
Bueno: Pero estoy vivo; y no ahogado, como lo está        acerque a nosotros, tendremos paz mental incluso cu-
toda la tripulación de mi barco.                          ando pasemos por tormentas severas en la vida.

"Malo: Estoy singularizado y separado, como si fueran,
de todo el mundo, a ser miserables. Bueno: Pero yo            Cuento Divertido
también soy seleccionado, entre toda la tripulación del
barco, para ser salvado de la muerte; y Aquel que me
                                                              Pastor y Granjero: “¿Fumas, bebes o maldices?” El pas-
salvó milagrosamente de la muerte puede librarme de           tor le preguntó al viejo granjero. Dudaba: "Bueno, de
esta condición.                                               vez en cuando". “Sabes, John, yo no fumo, ni bebo, ni
                                                              blasfemo…” “Sí, pastor, ¡pero tú tampoco cultivas...!” (a
"Malo: Estoy separado de la humanidad: un solitario,          través del Padre Tony)
uno desterrado de la sociedad humana.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 4                              April 3, 2022
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Da secretária do Padre José Panthaplamthottiyil

            Um raio de sol depois de uma nuvem escura
Robinson Crusoe é geralmente considerado como o             qualquer violência de homem ou de animal selvagem.
primeiro romance da língua inglesa. Escrito por Daniel      Bom: Mas eu fui lançado numa ilha onde eu não vejo
Defoe (1660-1731), jornalista, comerciante e                nenhum animal selvagem para me molestar, como eu já
pamphleteer, este livro tornou-se um “best-seller”          vi nas africas; e se eu tivesse náufragado lá?”
instantâneo após a sua publicação em 1719. É um dos
livros mais traduzidos e adaptados para vários              “Mau: eu não tenho ninguém com quem falar ou me
espectáculos de palco, filmes, programas de TV e            aliviar. Bom: Mas Deus maravilhosamente enviou-me o
comics.                                                     navio para bem perto da costa para que eu tenha acesso
                                                            a tantas coisas necessárias que permitem fornecer-me,
Este romance conta a história de Robinson Crusoe, que       pelo menos enquanto eu viver.”
sempre ansiava por aventuras navegando pelos mares.
A sua primeira viagem da Inglaterra terminou num            Quando Crusoe naufragou pela terceira vez, pensou
desastre quando ele naufragou. A sua segunda viagem         que era um caso perdido; teve dificuldade em aceitar a
também terminou num desastre quando piratas o               sua terrível situação. Mas ele encontrou o seu
capturaram. Ele conseguiu escapar depois de dois anos       ancoradouro em Deus; Ele percebeu "Deus é o nosso
de captiveiro. Na sua terceira viagem, uma expedição        refúgio e força, uma ajuda sempre presente durante os
para trazer pessoas escravizadas da África, não foi         nossos problemas" (Salmo. 46:1). Ele então contou as
excepção, pois naufragou novamente e chegou a uma           suas bênçãos no meio do desespero que o circulava e
ilha perto da costa da Venezuela.                           essas bênçãos ajudaram-no a sair desse desespero.
Crusoe foi o único sobrevivente deste                                     Isso também é o que devemos fazer nas
naufrágio, junto com um cachorro e dois                                   nossas vidas, pois também muitas vezes
gatos. Não havia humanos a habitar a                                      deparamo-nos com todos os tipos de
ilha, e ele chamava-a a Ilha do Desespero.                                situações desafiadoras e desesperadas.
Embora Crusoe ficasse inicialmente em                                     Quando enfrentamos obstáculos nas
desespero, não perdeu tempo e salvou                                      nossas vidas, a tendência natural é
alguns abastecimentos do navio antes                                      perder a esperança e ficar em desespero.
dele afundar. Entre as coisas que ele                                     No entanto, não o devemos permitir.
salvou do navio estava uma Bíblia, que                                    Em vez disso, como Crusoe, devemos
ele começou a ler, e isso deu-lhe uma                                     fazer uma avaliação da nossa vida,
nova perspectiva de esperança. Foi nesse contexto que       contando as nossas bênçãos em vez das misérias.
ele decidiu pensar na sua situação actual.                  Quando tomarmos conhecimento das nossas bênçãos,
                                                            seguiremos em frente sabendo que Deus está connosco,
Quando Crusoe reflectiu na sua vida, percebeu como a        encorajando-nos a cada passo do caminho.
sua vida era miserável na ilha. Ao mesmo tempo, ele
contou as suas bênçãos. Foi assim que ele criou a           De acordo com a história de Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe
seguinte lista de "mau e bom", descrevendo os               aproximou-se de Deus no seu desespero e solidão;
confortos que ele desfrutava contra as misérias que         tornou-se grato a Deus, mesmo pelas pequenas bênçãos
sofreu na ilha:                                             na vida; ele lembrou-se que há sempre um raio de sol
                                                            depois de uma nuvem escura. Assim, ele encontrou a
“Mau: estou em cima de uma ilha horrível e desolada,        paz.
vazia de toda a esperança ou recuperação. Bom: Mas eu
estou vivo; e não afoguei, como todos os outros do meu Como Crusoe, contemos sempre as nossas bênçãos que
navio.”                                                nos ajudarão a lembrar que Deus está sempre fazendo
                                                       grandes coisas para nós, mesmo quando enfrentamos
“Mau: eu fui destacado e separado, de todo o mundo,    obstáculos nas estradas da vida. Quando
para ser miserável. Bom: Mas eu fui destacado e        permanecermos gratos a Deus, mesmo pelas pequenas
separado também, de toda a tripulação do navio, para bênçãos da vida, permitimos que Deus se aproxime de
ser poupado da morte; e Aquele que milagrosamente      nós. Quando permitirmos que Deus se aproxime de
me salvou da morte pode me livrar desta situação.”     nós, teremos paz de espírito mesmo quando passarmos
                                                       por severas tempestades na vida.
“Mau: estou dividido da humanidade – um solitário,
banido da sociedade humana. Bom: Mas não estou         Anedotas
faminto e perecendo num lugar estéril, sem sustento.” O Pastor e o Agricultor: "Você fuma, bebe ou diz
                                                       asneiras?" Perguntou o pastor ao agricultor idoso. Ele
“Mau: eu não tenho roupas para me cobrir. Bom: Mas     respondeu hesitando, "Bem, de vez em quando." "Sabe,
eu estou num clima quente, onde, se eu tivesse roupas, John, eu não fumo, nem bebo nem digo asneiras..."
eu mal poderia usá-las.”                               "Pois, pastor, mas você também não cultiva...!" (via
                                                       Padre Tony)
“Mau: estou sem defesa ou qualquer meio de resistir a
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 5                                   April 3, 2022
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Sunday Readings Explained– 141- Fr. Tony Kadavil

                   Fifth Sunday of Lent, Isaiah 43:16-21; Philippians 3:8-14; John 8:1-11
                       Be Forgiving, Ready for Reconciliation
Introduction                                                  Christ so much that he wants to share in his sufferings
Today’s readings remind us, first, of the horror and the      and even in his death so that Paul may share in
just consequences of sin; second, of the incredible gift of   Christ’s Resurrection. The sinful woman’s story of sin
God’s mercy; and third, of what we need to do to re-          committed, and sin forgiven in today’s Gospel also
ceive that mercy. Reminding us of God’s readiness to          shows the inexhaustible mercy and compassion Jesus
forgive sin and to restore people to His friendship, to-      grants to sinners. It invites us to recognize and experi-
day’s readings challenge us to show the same mercy to         ence in our own lives both God’s Justice and His Mer-
the sinners around us and to live as forgiven people,         cy. We bear witness to the Justice of God by confessing
actively seeking reconciliation. Mercy and pardon are         our sinfulness and determining to avoid sin, and we
the hallmarks of the Christian. The central theme of all      bear witness to God’s Mercy by accepting the for-
three readings is a merciful God’s steadfast love. Both       giveness of our sins and by determining to forgive
the verses of the Responsorial Psalm (Ps 126) and the         those who have offended us.
reading from Paul invite us to respond to such Divine
graciousness with joy and gratitude.                          First Reading: Isaiah 43:16-21
                                                           Today’s Old Testament passage comes from the part of
The readings also encourage us to reflect seriously on     the Book of Isaiah that celebrates the permission from
the ultimate example of God’s compassionate love for       Cyrus the Great (538 BC), for Israel to return to Jerusa-
us. They remind us that we cannot self-righteously con-    lem from its exile in Babylon. After blaming the people,
demn the lives of others when God is calling them ten-     through His prophet Isaiah, for the unfaithfulness that
derly to conversion. Repentance is not something we        had led to their exile, the Lord God assures the Babylo-
do. Rather, repentance is allowing the forgiving power     nian exiles that He is going to end their prophesied 70
of God to touch our lives and lead us along new paths.     years' exile in Babylon. By having Isaiah remind them
Explaining how a merciful God forgives the sins of His     of how God had liberated their ancestors from their
chosen people and leads them back from the Babyloni-       slavery in Egypt eight centuries earlier, (miraculously
an exile, the first reading reminds us that we too are     destroying the army of the Pharaoh and providing their
forgiven, and that we are saved from our own sinful-       food and water in the desert), the Lord God assures the
ness. In the Responsorial Psalm (Ps 126), the Psalmist     exiles that He has forgiven their sins. Through His
reminds us of the joy God’s Mercy brings us when we        prophet, the Lord exhorts His people to look to the past
ask for and receive His pardon.                            and to remember the wondrous acts He has wrought
                                                           for them through all the stages of their development as
In the second reading, Paul presents himself as a forgiv- a people. He tells them He will provide for their return
en sinner who has been completely transformed by his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem, giving them food,
Faith in Christ Jesus. His life is an example of obedience water, and protection from wild animals in the desert.
to the Gospel exhortation, “Sin no more.” Paul loves
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The reading gives us the message that we, too, are for-        Gospel Reading, John 8:1-11
given, and we are, with His grace, walking His Way of          Context and the trap: The incident happened in Jeru-
Salvation away from our own sinfulness and toward              salem, in the precincts of the Temple where Jesus had
Heaven. Today we hear the Lord God, through His                been teaching. The scribes and Pharisees brought for-
Prophet Isaiah both reminding the exiled Jews of how           ward a woman caught in the act of adultery. It was a
God saved them in their Exodus from Egypt, and                 pitiful, heart-wrenching scenario, calculated to cause
promising a new Exodus that will make the original             her ultimate shame. The Mosaic penalty for such an
pale by contrast. Paul tells us (in the second reading)        offense was death by stoning, although there is no evi-
that new Exodus is the death and resurrection of Jesus.        dence that this ever took place, certainly not in Roman
We can be part of that new Exodus by following Christ          times. Besides, Moses commanded that both partners in
in his suffering. We are already united with Christ but        adultery should be stoned, not only the woman.
we are not finished; we must still run the race; we are        (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22). Stoning was
called to deeper conversion, to more complete identifi-        mostly done in cases of blasphemy; such was the case
cation with him. It is like the woman caught in adul-          with Stephen, whom we read about in the book of Acts.
tery. She was forgiven and given life, but she was com-        The Jewish civil and criminal code considered three
manded “Go, and sin more.” Like us she embarked on             grave sins as punishable by death, namely idolatry,
a life-long commitment to Christ.                              murder, and adultery. Deuteronomy prescribes death
                                                               by strangulation for a married woman caught in adul-
Second Reading: Philippians 3: 8-14                            tery.
Saint Paul had tried all his life to
earn God's favor by carefully                                                     If the guilty woman is betrothed,
keeping the Law of Moses and by                                                   she has to be stoned. In both cases
zealously doing what he thought                                                   they have violated God’s sixth
God wanted. Paul enjoyed Roman                                                    commandment and have de-
citizenship and, in addition to his                                               stroyed the fidelity and unity of
knowledge of the Greek language,                                                  marriage. "It is a terrible thing for a
culture, and philosophies, he had                                                 sinner to fall into the hands of his
also been schooled in his Jewish                                                  fellow sinners.” (F. B. Meyer). His
heritage under Gamaliel, an emi-                                                  opponents wanted to use the occa-
nent rabbi (Acts 22:3). His conver-                                               sion to embarrass Jesus, because he
sion to Christ made him re-                                                       had the reputation of proclaiming
evaluate all that "as loss" and                                                   God’s mercy toward sinners. If he
"rubbish." Thus, Paul expresses his                                               insisted on following the Law ex-
deep regret and repentance for                                                    actly, his reputation as a prophet of
having persecuted Jesus in His                                                    God’s mercy would be open to
Church and for his own futile at-                                                 question. Besides, if Jesus consent-
tempts at “earning righteousness”                                                 ed to her death by strangulation or
by strict observance of the Mosaic                                                stoning, he would be violating the
Law before his conversion. Now                                                    Roman law, which forbade killing
he understands that the only real                                                 by private citizens. If he took the
way to righteousness is to accept it                                              side of the adulterous woman, he
as an undeserved gift of God's                                                    was open to the charge of ignoring
grace.                                                                            God’s Law and God’s Justice as
                                                               given by Moses. This was the ingenious trap they
Faith here means belief that Jesus Christ has won this         had set for Jesus.
righteousness for us. Faith also means making the hon-
est admission that we, by ourselves, cannot keep any           Jesus’ fair verdict: Initially, Jesus showed his lack of
law well enough to earn righteousness, with the confi-         interest in the case by simply writing on the ground.
dence that God is good enough to give it to us anyway.         But he was the only one in the group who could rightly
Paul does not renounce the moral law, but he sees the          judge the woman. The woman waited to hear Jesus'
righteousness that comes through Faith in Christ as the        verdict. She knew that she was guilty. She had passed
righteousness from God. As a result, he loves Christ so        the judgment on herself, and she accepted Jesus' right
much he wants to share in his sufferings, even in his          to do the same. Perfectly understanding the secret in-
death, so that Paul may share in Christ’s Resurrection.        tentions of her self-righteous accusers and the helpless-
Just as, in the first reading, Judah is invited by a forgiv-   ness of the repentant sinner, Jesus gave his verdict: “Let
ing God to forget its past sins and their dreadful conse-      the one among you who is without sin be the first to
quences, Paul acknowledges that the merciful Lord has          throw a stone at her.” Jesus confronts their self-
unconditionally pardoned his sins against Christians.          righteousness with a demand that they first examine
Paul regards himself as having “been taken possession          their own consciences before they accuse another.
of by Christ Jesus,” and as constantly striving to be ever     Thus, he turned the accusers’ attention back on them-
more conformed to the pattern set by Christ.                   selves and made them realize that they, too, were sin-
                                                               ners. St. Augustine puts Jesus’ stand as follows.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 7                                           April 3, 2022
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“Let this woman be punished, but not by sinners; let         When we understand why the death penalty is just for
the law be applied, but not by its transgressors.”           such sins, we will appreciate in its depth God’s merciful
Thus, Jesus ingeniously escaped from the trap by             love on the Cross. Besides, God Himself revealed, espe-
leaving the judgment to the consciences of the accus-        cially through the Prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hosea,
ers. This reduced the accusers to silence, prompting         and Ezekiel that every sin is an act of adultery because it
them to leave in shame. The moral of the story is            is being unfaithful to the spousal covenant of love we
not that sin is of no importance, or that God does           have entered into with God (see Jer 3:20, Is 1:21, Is 57:8,
not punish sin, but that God extends mercy to re-            Hos 2:2-5, Hos 3:1-5, Hos 9:1, Ez 16:30). Hence, the story
pentant sinners in order that they may turn from             of the woman caught in adultery helps us recognize
their sins.                                                  and receive the immensity of God’s mercy.
Judgment with a stern warning: Since Jesus knew              Life Messages
that her sin was a violation of the sixth commandment,
“You shall not commit adultery,” he gave the woman           1: We need to become forgiving people, ready
the strong warning, “Go, and from now on, do not sin         for reconciliation: Jesus has shown inexhaustible
anymore.” Jesus did not shrink from calling her deed a       mercy and compassion to sinners by dying for our
sin, inappropriate                                           sins. But we are often self-righteous, like the Phari-
and offensive to the                                                                                   sees, and
Justice of God.                                                                                        ready to
                                                                                                       spread scan-
He forgave the sin-                                                                                    dal about
ner, but he upheld                                                                                     others with a
the Justice of God by                                                                                  bit of spicy
not excusing or ex-                                                                                    gossip. We
plaining away the                                                                                      are judg-
sin. Without mini-                                                                                     mental about
mizing her sinful-                                                                                     the unmar-
ness, Jesus showed                                                                                     ried mother,
the sinner the re-                                                                                     the alcoholic,
spect she deserved                                                                                     the drug ad-
as a human being,                                                                                      dict, or the
treating her with                                                                                      shoplifter,
compassion. Clearly,                                                                                   ignoring Je-
he valued repent-                                                                                      sus’ com-
ance and conversion                                                                                    mand: “Let
more than simple                                                                                       the one among
reprisal. Not only                                                                                     you who is
did Jesus not con-                                                                                     without sin be
demn the woman,                                                                                        the first to
he also gave her                                                                                       throw a stone
hope for the future. Jesus is thus portrayed as a living                                               at her.” Let
expression of the Divine Mercy, a wise and kind judge,       us learn to acknowledge our sins, ask God’s for-
more concerned with forgiveness and rehabilitation           giveness every day and extend the same forgiveness
than with punishment and death. St. Augustine cap-           to our erring brothers and sisters. We need to learn
tures this scene with his apt remark: relicti sunt duo       to hate the sin but love the sinners, showing them
miseria et misericordia (“There are but two left: misery     Jesus’ compassion and working with the Holy Spirit
and mercy”).                                                 to make our own lives exemplary so that we can
                                                             help lead them to Jesus’ ways.
Story of Divine mercy: God imposed the death penalty
in the Old Testament for all types of serious sins: for      2. We have no right to judge others: We have no
idolatry, murder, blasphemy, using the Lord’s name in        right to judge others because we often commit the
vain, profaning the Sabbath, cursing or striking father      very faults we condemn, we are often partial and
and mother, kidnapping, and several sexual sins (see         prejudiced in our judgment and we do not know the
Ex 19, 21, 22, 31, 35 and Lv 20). The Church still teaches   circumstances which have led someone to sin.
that there is still a “death penalty,” an eternal death      Hence, let us leave the judgment to our just and mer-
penalty, associated with such grave sins. That is why        ciful God who reads people’s hearts. We should
we call this type of sin “mortal,” or “deadly.” When we      show mercy and compassion to those who sin be-
commit such an act with full knowledge and deliberate        cause we ourselves are sinners in need of God’s for-
consent, we die spiritually, we commit spiritual suicide,    giveness. The apostle Paul reminds us: “But if we
and we cause definitive self-separation from God.            judged ourselves, we would not come under judg-
                                                             ment.” (1 Cor 11:31).

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Stewardship Reflections
Once again this week, we are reminded of what a loving and merciful God we serve. The theme of the readings
for this fifth Sunday of Lent are summed up beautifully in today’s Gospel passage from Luke, which recounts the
story of the woman caught in adultery. After all those who would have stoned this woman leave the scene,
Christ says to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.”

When we turn to God for forgiveness, He is indeed gracious and merciful. So much so, that not only will He for-
give our sins without condemnation, He will make us completely new creations in Christ.

What is more amazing is that this all-perfect and holy God of ours draws so very near to us. Our sins do not
drive Him from us, but rather to us so that He can set us free from them. Look carefully at Christ’s actions and
posture in the Gospel reading as He deals with both the crowd of people, the Scribes and Pharisees, and the adul-
terous woman. “All the people started coming to Him and he sat down and taught them.” “He bent down and
began to write with His finger.”
 He “straightened up” when He confronted the Scribes and Pharisees about their own sins. And he “straightened
up” when He assured the woman that He did not condemn her for her past. Like a skilled teacher, or loving “big
brother,” Christ bends down to where we are, He sits among us, He stands to confront us when needed and He
stands to look us in the eye to remind us of our true dignity.
                                 Second Collection, April 2-3, 2022
                        For Anointing Fire Sisters of Jesus and Mary (ASJM)
                         The ASJM sisters of India requests our prayers and financial support for the construction
                         of a convent and a center for the evangelization of youth. ASJM is a newly founded reli-
                         gious community, and they deserve our wholehearted support. Kindly be generous in
                         contributing to this second collection. You can find envelopes for this collection on the
                         stone tables in the vestibule.
                         The vision of ASJM congregation is to be a visible presence of the Holy Spirit in the world
                         through contemplative prayer, radical renunciation, and self-emptying love. Their mission
                         is the renewal of the Church through the proclamation of the Word of God and the con-
stant intercessory prayers with penance and mortification for the whole world, especially for the pope, bishops,
priests, and religious. Their ministries include retreat and counseling services for families and especially for the
youth. For more information, kindly visit https:// www.abhishekagnisisters.org/

                                    Congratulations and Best Wishes
The following young men and women of our parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Felipe
J. Estevez on Sunday, March 27,2022. We congratulate them and promise to keep them in our prayers as they
continue to walk with the Lord Jesus.
Samantha Allio, Caprice Araque, Michael Bracha, Anthony Capece, Michele Cartagena, Victoria Carvalheira, Lu-
cas Castorino, Daniel Catalan, Alexis Chandlee, Tristyn Fulton, Catherine Garces, Addison Hoeni, Aidan Hoeni,
Antonio Hyman, Emma Kennedy, Tomasz Kicinski, Aidan Korth, Carmine Lania, Thomas Larywon, Shane Li,
Kamryn Miller, Christopher Montalvo, Alena Nieves, Dani Nieves, Miguel Nieves, Gabriel Pagan, Delaney Pear-
son, Anthony Ragazzo, Roberto Reyes, Addison Rio, Caden Rivera, Katie Rooney, Alex Rose, Gianna Seifert, Jeh-
Hanni Strong, Shailynn Strong, Brandon Tavares, Jason Tavares, Kiefer Tibcken, Ashley Torres, David Toussaint,
Christopher Troy, Sara VanBuren
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 9                                  April 3, 2022
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Knights of Columbus
                                Council # 17480
                             Big 50/50 Spring Raffle                     Monday , April 4
                                                                         Memorial Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the
                              Grand Prize $5,000*                        Church
         Only 300 tickets available/$50 Donation                         Isidore was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1722
                                                                         by Pope Innocent XIII.
            2nd prize-$1,000*/3rd prize-$500*
             4th prize-$250*/5th prize-$100*                      Tuesday, April 5
       (4th & 5th prizes will have 2 winners)                     Memorial of Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest
     Drawing to be held Friday, June 17, 2022 at 7pm              1350—1419
              Winners need not be present                         Vincent Ferrer was a Valencian Dominican friar and
     *Prize amounts based on 50% of total proceeds                preacher.
                                                                          Thursday, April 7
             Give Smarter to Your Church                                  Memorial of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest
 Did you know you can use your IRA, appreciated                           Jean-Baptiste de La Salle was the founder of the In-
 stock, or real estate to make a smart gift to your par-                  stitute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
 ish, Catholic school, or favorite ministry? Notify your
 IRA administrator that you wish to make a “qualified                 Holy Week Schedule for Bishop Estévez:
 charitable distribution” to your parish, Catholic                April 10: Palm Sunday Mass followed by the Blessing
 school or favorite ministry. Your IRA gift may fulfill           of the Fleet, 11:00 a.m., Cathedral Basilica
 all or part of your required minimum distribution -              of St. Augustine
 Your gift (up to $100,000) may avoid taxes. Contact:             April 17: Easter Sunday Mass, 10:00 a.m., At the foot
 Cliff      Evans/Catholic              Foundation:               of the Great Cross-National Shrine of Our Lady of La
 cvans@dosafl.com 904-262-3200, ext. 139                          Leche at Mission Nombre de Dios, St. Augustine

                 Hard Rock Casino Tampa                                          Lenten Devotions
Come join us on our long awaited trip to the Hard
Rock Casino in Tampa on Wednesday, May 11. Our                                        Exposition and Adoration
buses will depart @ 8AM from the church parking lot
                                                                                     of the Blessed Sacrament on
                                                                                        Lenten Weekdays after
with a short stop in Orlando and then directly to the                                     8:30 am Mass till 10 am.
casino. The cost is $45 per person with raffle on the bus
enroute and danish and water provided, the buses will                      Stations of the Cross
depart the casino @ 5PM promptly for a direct trip to                      on Fridays at 7:00 pm.
Palm Coast. Reservations can be made by calling
Jim @447-9849 or Willie @446-0501.
                   Worldwide Marriage Encounter                             Stations of the
             It takes much effort just to make ends meet                         Cross
             in our world today. Do you wish you could
talk about something besides all the stresses in your             The Multicultural Ministry
life? Sign up today to attend an upcoming Worldwide               cordially invites you to
Marriage Encounter Weekend on July 15-17, 2022 at                 participate         in   the
Marywood Retreat Center in Jacksonville, FL or No-                Multicultural Stations of the
vember 4-6, 2022 at St. Stephen Christian Retreat Center          Cross. The stations will be
in Titusville, FL. For more information visit our website         presented in ten different                 Fridays
at wwme.org or e-mail:              Applications@FLCN-            languages.                               during Lent.
wwme.org.                                                         When: Monday, April 11, 2022              5pm-7pm
                     Faith on a Mission                           @ 6:30 PM. In the Church
As part of the celebration of the History of                        Multicultural                          Seton Hall/
Diocese of St Augustine, our Parish has been                           Mass
invited to participate in the sale of a book                                                                Verandah
about it’s history. Available in the gift shop
                                                                  The readings and Prayers of
                                                                                                       Fried or baked fish
and the rectory for $25.00.                                                                             or fried shrimp.
                                                                  the Faithful will be presented
   Multicultural Meeting                                          in different languages. The
                                                    Big Red Bus   Gospel will be read in                    Adults $10
The Multicultural Ministry meet-                                  Portuguese. The Homily will               Children $6
ing will be on April 9 @ 9:15 am Please donate blood              be in English.
in the Men's Club.                    on April 3                  When: Saturday, April 23
                                   8:30am-1:30pm                  @ 8:30am in the Church                Drink is included
All are welcome to join us.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 10                                     April 3, 2022
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Parish Yard Sale
                                                                The Parish Yard Sale Saturday will be at the rear of the
                                                                Church Campus on April 23 from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
                                                                The rain date is April 30. You may drop off good
                                                                clothing, bikes, tools, books, skateboards, chairs, hand-
                                                                bags, desks etc on Saturdays March 26 through April
                                                                16 at the SEAS Garage from 10 AM to 12 Noon. For
                                                                information please call Ed 703-405-2503 or Jim, 682-203
                                                                -0238. Yard Sale week drop offs will be Wednesday
                                                                April 20 from 12 Noon to 3 PM and Friday April 22
                                                                from 10 AM to 1 PM. Limited pick up is available of
                                                                special items by calling Jim or Ed. The Ladies Guild
                                                                has promised several tables of Arts and Crafts as well.
                                                                Come and see the display of Antique Cars too. Re-
                                                                freshments will be available. Come, participate, enjoy
                                                                and help support St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church and
                                                                        Spring Fling Dinner Dance
                                                                            Saturday, April 30— Seton Hall
                                                                Come and enjoy an evening of Entertainment, Food
                                                                and Dance offered by the Ladies Guild. Featuring a
            8th Grade Group Portrait                            Comedy Act, an Elvis Impersonator and Karaoke.
                                                                *Karaoke fans bring your CD’s for fun and dancing.
                                                                Doors open at 5 PM with dinner served at 6 PM. Tick-
                                                                ets are $20 and can be purchased after all weekend
                              Bread & Wine                      masses on March 26 - 27, April 2 - 3 and April 23 - 24.
                           donated this week by                 Menu includes, roasted chicken quarter, salad, vegeta-
                           Salvatore & Maryann                  ble, red potatoes and dessert. Soda, wine and beer will
                                  Morrone                       be available. For any questions please contact Debbie
                               in memory of                     at 817-980-7914 or Vivian at 693-6272.
                            Michael Morrone
                                                                                 San Lorenzo Ruiz Devotees
                                                                               The members of the San Pedro
                                                                               Calungsod Devotees would like to
                                                                               extend our invitation to a 9 day Novena
                                                                               in his honor.

                                                                It will be held at 4pm from Thursday, April 21 to
                                                                Friday, April 29 at the Rectory Meeting Room.

                                                                With joyful hearts please join us to celebrate San Pedro
                                                                Calungsod Feast Day with a Holy Mass on Saturday
                                                                April 30, 2022 at 8:30am
    ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU                                         Divine Mercy Sunday and Novena
      KNOW SOMEONE WHO…                                                      April 24,2022 at 2PM
•Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?                Divine Mercy Novena will begin on Good Friday: The
•Has a child over the age of seven who hasn’t been baptized?    Lord told St Faustina “These nine days of prayer be-
•Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the   fore Divine Mercy Sunday are like the nine days of
 Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?                      prayer in the upper room before the day of Pentecost. I
                                                                desire that you bring souls to the fountain of My mer-
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small             cy, that they may draw therefrom strength and re-
group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on          freshment and whatever grace they may need in the
the teachings and experience of Church and prepare              hardship of life and especially at the hour of death.
                                                                Schedule is as follows:
individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism,             2PM Divine Mercy reflection/Blessing of the Image/
Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season.           Popes Intention
                                                                2:30 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
For information please contact Katie Allio at 386-445-          3:00 Divine Mercy Chaplet
2246, ext 112 or by email at kallio@seaspcfl.org.               3:30 Veneration of The Divine Mercy Image
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 11                                      April 3, 2022
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Cancer Support Group                                                                  Rosary Cenacles
Support Group for anyone affected                                                 The Cenacles are worldwide and have
with Cancer at SEAS in rectory meet-                                              been in our parish for many years. The
ing room every second Thursday                                                    Cenacle helps us to deepen our under-
morning of the month at 9:30 am and                                               standing and live the obligations of our
every fourth Thursday afternoon of the                                            Christian Faith. We meet on Wednes-
month at 2:30 pm.                                                                 days at 1pm in the Rectory Meeting
                                  Our Lady of Fatima               room to say the Rosary in the languages of the people
                                 Portuguese Committee              present. We are always looking for people who can
                                                                   speak other languages. For more information call Ma-
                       Meets at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in the        rie at 447– 0847.
                       Rectory Meeting Room. For more info
                       call the Rectory.                              Legion of Mary
                                                                   The Legion is a lay
  All are Welcome to Kerygma Meeting                               apostolic organization that
                                                                   meets every Tuesday
 The Kerygma Group meets at 6 pm in the Church on                  morning at 9:30am in the Rectory Meeting Room .
 the last Monday of every month. The session begins
 with praise and worship music, followed by a talk on a
 spiritual topic. The meeting ends after discussions and
 more praise and worship music. All are welcome to
 join. For more information, contact: Deacon Mike
 McKenna, deaconmike430@gmail.com

             SEASONS of HOPE
         Bereavement Support Group                                                 The Mother Seton Rolling Library Cart
            Wed @ 10:00am in the                                                   will be back in the gathering space after
           Rectory Meeting Room.                                                   Sunday masses.

                                                                            Caregiver Support Group
                  The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group
                                                                   Support groups create a safe, confidential,
                  The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group meet           supportive environment for participates to
                  on Friday at 1:00 PM in the Rectory Meet-
                  ing Room. We read the scripture readings         develop informal mutual support and social relation-
                  for the up coming Sunday and then discuss        ships as they deal with a loved one suffering from Alz-
                  them. “Come and see the goodness of the          heimer’s/Dementia. For more information, please
                  Lord.”                                           call Pam Cowles at the rectory.

      St. Joseph & Sorrowful Mother                                         Padre Pio Prayer Group
          Rosary Makers Ministry                                   Our St. Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet
                                                                   every Second Friday of the month at 9:30
 We have resumed our weekly meeting in the                         AM from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Rus-
 Russo Room on Mondays at 9:30 AM.                                 so. Please join us. All are welcome!

                                  Diocese of St. Augustine- How to Report Abuse
ATTENTION: The Diocese of St. Augustine treats all allega-         ATENCION: La Diócesis de San Agustín trata seriamente todas
tions of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allega-    las acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, de manera
tions in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. To Re-       rápida, confidencial y minuciosa. Para reportar Abuso, llame a
port Abuse, call the police or the Department of Children and      la policía o al Departamento de Niños y Familias al (904) 962‐
Families at (800) 962‐2873. Or call the Diocesan Victim Assis-     2873. O llame al Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia a Vícti-
tance Coordinator at (904) 208‐6979 or email inquir-               mas (904) 208‐6979 o envíe un correo electrónico a inquir-
ies@dosafl.com. To report abuse by a bishop, call (800) 276‐1562   ies@dosafl.com. Para denunciar abuso por parte de un obispo,
or visit www.reportbishopabuse.org.                                llame al (800) 276‐1562 oviwww.reportbishopabuse.org
 ATENÇÃO: A Diocese de St. Augustine toma muito sériamente         PAUNAWA: Ipinagbibigay alam na lubos na pinahahalagahan
 todas as alegações de má conduta sexual e resolve todas as        ng Diyosesis ng San Agustin ang mga paratang sa anumang uri
 alegações de forma rápida, confidencial e completa. Para de-      ng abusong sekswal, at agad na masusing sinusuri ang anumang
                                                                   alegasyon habang pinananatiling kumpidensyal. Kung meron
 nunciar abuso(s), ligue para a polícia ou para o Department of    kayong nalalamang alegasyon tumawag agad sa Pulisya o kaya
 Children and Families pelo (800)962-2873. Ou ligue para o Di-     ay sa Department of Children and Families (800) 962‐2873. O
 ocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator pelo (904)208-6979 ou        tawagan ang Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator sa (904) 208
 por e-mail inquiries @dosafl.com . Para denunciar abusos co-      ‐6979 o kaya ay mag‐email sa inquiries@dosafl.com. Kung ang
 metidos por um bispo ligue para (800)276-1562 ou visite a web-    irereport nyo naman ay isang Obispo, tumawag sa (800) 276‐
 site www.reportbishopabuse.org.                                   1562 o kaya ay tumungo sa www.reportbishopabuse.org
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 12                                      April 3, 2022
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Readings for the Week of April 3
                                                                              Sunday    Fifth Sunday of Lent
                                                  Meara Prazeres                        Is 43:16-21; Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5,6;
                                                 Claudio Prazeres                       Phil 3:8-14; Jn 8:1-11
                                                                              Monday   Memorial Saint Isidore, Bishop
                                              Theodore Lucas Burgman                    and Doctor of the Church
                                              Addison R Arthur Brown                    Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or
                                              Angel Jhoyce P. Romano                    13:41c-62; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6;
Monday, April 4                                                               Tuesday   Memorial of Saint Vincent
                                                                                        Ferrer, Priest
7:00am Joseph Thomas                                                                    Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-
8:30am Diane Lamperti Donney                                                            21; Jn 8:21-30
                                                                              Wednesday Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52,
                                                                                         53, 54, 55, 56; Jn 8:31-42
Tuesday, April 5                                                              Thursday    Memorial of Saint John Bap
7:00am Frank J. Zahler                                                                   tist de la Salle, Priest
                                                                                         Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Jn
8:30am Jack Gallen                                                                       8:51-59
                                                                              Friday     Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-
Wednesday, April 6                                                                       6, 7; Jn 10:31-42
                                                                              Saturday   Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-
7:00am Denny Noble                                                                       12abcd, 13; Jn 11:45-56
8:30am Robert Dombrowski                                                      Sunday     Palm Sunday of the Lord's

Thursday, April 7
                                                In Memoriam                              Passion
                                                                                         Lk 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9,
                                                                                         17-18, 19-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11;
7:00am    Kuchman family                        We remember all our                      Lk 22:14-23:56 or Lk 23: 1-49
8:30am    Rosa Maria Gonzalez
                                                departed brothers and
                                                 sisters with love and
Friday,     April 8                                                           Worship Aid/Mass QR Code
7:00am      Macario T. Austria
                                                 Eternal rest, grant unto                              Go to our website
8:30am      Anabel Krier
                                                  them O Lord and let                                  http://
                                                     perpetual light                                   seaspcfl.org/
Saturday,    April 9                                                                                   worship-aids to
8:30am      Dukenel Jean-Pierre                     shine upon them.
                                                 May they rest in peace.                               download the Wor-
4:00pm      Intentions of Mary Lou Knight                                                              ship Aid.
6:00pm(*)   Joseph Raymond Sutton                        Amen.

Sunday,      April 10                                                          Catholic
8:00am       Ana Becerro                                                        Relief
                                                           Bread & Wine        Services
10:00am      SEAS Parishioners
12:00pm      Robert Dombrowski                                                  Lenten
                                                            donated the       Rice Bowls
5:00pm(S)    Girolamo Pugliesi                                week of    Please return
5:00pm(*)    Estuardo Rodriguez                               March 27    April 10 to               Fr. Jose never sends
                                                                          the back of               out email or text
                                                                 by                                 messages requesting
                                                           Eileen Byrnes the church or
                                                                                                    money or gift cards
                                                                          the rectory
                            * St. Stephens                   in memory       office..               for his personal use
                                                                 of                                 or for the benefit of
                                                           Donald Byrnes                            parishioners       or
                                                                                                    anybody else.

                                                                                  Teens Grades 9-12/Thursdays 6-8pm

   Prayer Garden
Our Prayer Garden is a peaceful place for                               Mark Your Calendar
prayer and meditation. Purchasing a                              Spiritual Life Committee Presents
brick in the Prayer Garden for someone                              Parish Spiritual Life Events
who has died is a wonderful way to
remember that the person is still with
you in thoughts and through prayer.          Sept. 5,6,7,8, 2022
The purchase of a brick is $100.00; please   Parish Mission with Fr. Wade Menezes
consider honoring a loved one. Contact       Last Monday of every month, 6 PM:
the Rectory Office for more details.         Kerygma Evening with Fr. Jose
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 13                                     April 3, 2022
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Ten Candles Burning in the Holy of Holies                       Please Pray for Our Sick
                                                              Adele Carson                                Lori Flanagan
                             April 2—April 8                  Aguilda Bleakley                               Louis Lubin
                                                              Anna Maria King                   Madison Hope DeVane
                                                              Anna Sandler                            Margaret Berkley
                                                              Anthony Panetta                           Margaret Torell
                           IN MEMORY OF:                      Ariana Marcette                  Margarita Condezuloaga
     Roseann Bradley; Vincent Positano; Salud Gaoat           Ashley Clarke                                  Marie Berry
      Douglas Brittenham; Joseph Raymond Sutton;              Ashley Cooper                       Maryalice P. Ralston
    Wanda Procaccio; Sheila & Bill Smith; Ana Becerro;        Barbara Parziole                              Mary Clarke
                                                              Bill Clark                                   Mary Gaudio
        Ramiro Lopez; For the Souls in Purgatory              Bina Leahy                           Mary Doris Kolesar
                                                              Bobby Phillips                      Mason Brian DeVane
                                                              Bryan Detro                                    Maureen G.
  In our Holy of Holies, we have ten candles al-              Cash Krempecki                                    Mel Meo
                                                              Charlene Carbino                            Melanie Rielly
ways burning around the tabernacle, just as in the            Charles & Christine Salerno              Melinda Scriver
temple in Jerusalem there were ten lights always              Cindy Heiregin                              Michael Foley
burning around the Ark of the Covenant. They in-              David Sibley                                  Michael Post
                                                              Deanna Cardillo                              Michael Rosa
dicate the presence of our precious Lord in the               Diane Purcell                               Michelle Pinto
Blessed Sacrament.                                            Don Reljin                                       Mina Bico
                                                              Donald Martin                               Nicole Merced
                                                              George Bley                                  Olga Conway
  The candles used are seven day candles and may              Henry Gardner                               Patricia Derrig
be purchased either in memoriam or for the inten-             Jack Leger                                   Paul Flaherty
tions of a loved one for a $10 donation through the           Jack Verrette                          Raymond Lawson
                                                              James Brendan McCallen               Remington Walczak
Seton Shop. This space lists the names of those for           James Russell                              Renee Verostek
whom candles have been purchased.                             Jeanne Eakins                           Richard Heinrich
                                                              Jennie Martin                                 Robert Allen
                                                              Jennifer Cabral                           Robert Dowling
              Please Pray for Our Military                    Jerry (Gerard) Jenkins                    Roger L. Muller
                                                              Jim Norris                                       Ron Czier
 Although we pray for all of our military, space does not     Joan Carter                                    Ron Gaines
          permit everyone’s name to be printed.               Joanne DeSouza                                  Rose Gulli
      Please advise when a person below is no longer          Joanne Mulligan                        Rosemarie Modica
                                                              John Merced                                  Roy Johnston
  deployed so we can remove their name from our list.         John Relgan                                  Ruth O’Keefe
 Please contact the parish office if you wish to have the     John Sandor                               Sally Lombardo
   name of someone listed for 4 weeks. As a courtesy          John Walczak                          Salvatore Catapano
 please notify the office when the name can be removed        Joseph Bartolotta                        Samuel Marzano
  or if you wish to have the name continued. Be sure to       Joseph Pavon                                 Stacey Morris
                                                              Joseph Vascellaro                          Tera Frassrand
              get the person’s permission first!              Josue Ramirez                                   Terry Lilly
      God bless them all & continue to pray for them!         Kara Whaley                           Theodore Simmons
                                                              Karen Murphy                              Thomas Bradley
 Charles Salerno TSgt (US Air Force/Germany)                  Karen Overbey                         Thomas Hemstreet
    1st Lt. Brendan Leonard (US Army)                         Kay Kerins                           Thomas Solokowski
 Kyle McCrossen (US Army/Iraq)                                Larry DeCamillo                                   Ty Rentz
   Terisa Toussaint (USMC/Iraq)                               Liz Campbell                             Wendy Bentzley
 Erin & Ben Walker (Iraq)
   2nd Lt Christian San Miguel (US Army)                                Please contact the parish office if you
 Stephen Hayes (US Air Force/Iraq)                                       wish to have the name of someone
   Kevin Daley (US Navy)                                                         listed for 4 weeks.
 Justin Romaine (US Navy)
                                                                      As a courtesy please notify the office
             Prayer for the Unborn                            when the name can be removed or if you wish to have
                                                                              the name continued.
Lord, Creator of Life, you have blessed us                        Be sure to get the persons permission first!
with the privilege of bringing new life into
the world. May your Holy Spirit open our                               Mass on TV for the Homebound
hearts and minds to recognize Your spe-
cial gift of children, and Your great love                           https://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule
for each of us created in Your image and likeness. You                       Sunday Mass-8:00am
sent Your son Jesus to redeem us and through love He
entered our world. We now turn to Mary, our Mother,           DIRECTV—Channel: 370
for her intercession as we struggle to protect innocent       DISH—Channel 261
unborn children. Following Mary's example may we              SPECTRUM— Channel 169
proclaim the truth of our faith, assist those in crisis and   ATT U—Verse—Channel 562
protect those most vulnerable. We ask this through            SIRIUS Radio—Channel 130 /XM
Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 14                             April 3, 2022
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
                                                              The hours of Adoration of
                                                              the Blessed Sacrament are
                                                              from 9 am to 9 pm, seven
                                                              days a week.

                                                              The Exposition and
The Respect Life Ministry of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton          Adoration of the Blessed
Catholic church will hold it’s monthly ‘Stand for Life’       Sacrament on Fridays also
on May 6th and on the first Friday of each month from 4       are from 9 am to 9 pm.
PM to 5PM on the sidewalk in front of the church.
Since the closest abortion facilities are in Jacksonville,    Please remember that if the Holy of Holies is filled
this is a great opportunity for us to show our support        you are encouraged to pray in the main worship area
for the mothers and our opposition to abortion. Signs         of the church.
will be provided.
                                                              We are asking that you contact Gilda Sadio, (386 225–
                   Pro-Life News                              7261 or gilda.sadio@yahoo.com) our Adoration
FL Court to Reinstate Abortion Law, Women Must                Facilitator, and select ONE hour which you will
Wait 24 Hours to Get Abortion after Counseling -              commit to. There's no limit to how many parishioners
Florida’s Conservative Voice (flconservativevoice.com)        can be present every hour since it's in the Church not
                                                              the Holy of Holies, we just want to be sure that
PRO-LIFE IDAHO - Gov. Brad Little, R-ID, signed a             there's at least one or two persons who will be
ban on abortions when a fetal heartbeat can be                present every hour.
detected. The law has an enforcement mechanism
similar to that of Texas' pro-life law. Abortionists who      Anyone interested in spending time with Our Lord
commit an abortion after the six-week mark can face                in Adoration should call Gilda Sadio at
legal action from any relative of the preborn child             386-225-7261 for availability and information.
Pregnancy resources in the Flagler/St. John’s/Duval
Counties:                                                        Las Reunionés del Comité Hispano
•Caring Choices Adoption Services and Pregnancy
 Counseling – St. Augustine & JAX - 866-901-9647 –           son el último martes del mes a las
•www.ccpregnancyservices.org – offers free pregnancy         6:30pm en el Russo Room adjunto al
 tests, counseling/support, baby supplies, adoption          salón social. Éste comité sirve para
 referrals and support                                       hablar todos asuntos de la
The following facilities offer Free & Confidential           comunidad hispana de la parroquia.
pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy options,             Todos son invitados. La primera
counseling and support programs, baby supplies,              reunión es el 22 de febrero. Para más
adoption referrals, Post Abortion Counseling.                información llamen a Marina
•Alpha Women’s Center – Palm Coast - 386-530-5010 –          Medina, 386-445-2200.
• St. Gerard’s Campus – St. Augustine – 904-829-5516 –
•Women’s Help Centers - (3 locations in JAX) –
 University 904-398-5143, Westside 904-503-2964,
 Samuel Wells 904-374-5188 – www.whcjax.com
•Hurting after an Abortion – Rachel’s Vineyard
provides Confidential and Compassionate Help
Locally (904) 221-3232 – www.rachelsvineyard.org             Seminarios de Formación de Fe para Adultos
•Have you been impacted by an Abortion? You are not
 alone. Support after an Abortion can help.                  son cada miércoles a las 6:30pm en el Rectory Meeting
 www.SupportAfterAbortion.com or call 1-844-289-             Room en el edificio de la Oficina Parroquial. El propó-
 HOPE(4673)                                                  sito de estos seminarios son para ampliar y profundi-
                                                             zar nuestro conocimiento y experiencia de la Fe.
The Respect Life Ministry of SEAS is always looking          Incluyen series en estudio bíblico, teología y misión.
for new members especially the young. Our next               Todos son invitados. Para más información llamen a
meeting will be on April 9, 2022, at 9:30 in the Cody        Marina Medina, 386-445-2200 o Héctor Ortiz o al Padre
Room.                                                        Rob Trujillo, 386-445-2246 ext. 105.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 15                                      April 3, 2022
                                                                                    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
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