April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services

Page created by Erica Washington
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
April 2021

             INSIDE THIS ISSUE
             Gratitude Scavenger Hunt . . . . . . . . . . 2
             Seniors at Play, Active Art . . . . . . . . . . 3
             Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
             Menu, Fitness, LEAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
             Be “Fraud Alert” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
             Senior Van Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
             Medicare Supplement F to G Switch. . .8

             OUR MISSION
             To facilitate quality of life and
             independence for individuals over 60.

             Need help with housing costs,
             utilities, and other services?
             Bridging Resources is a new
             helpline for the Aspen to Parachute
             area. Call to connect with a
             navigator to guide you through
             resources tailored to your unique

             Funding provided by Pitkin County, the Rescue and COVID
             Regional Response funds at Aspen Community Foundation.
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
2   Pitkin County Senior Services • April 2021
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
Pitkin County Senior Services • April 2021                                                    3
    Social Spotlight                                                     SENIORS AT PLAY:
                                                                         Friday, April 9 • 2:00 pm (Note

                 Active Art                                              new Day & Time)
                                                                         Live Via Google Meet
                                                                         or call in 336-949-8109 PIN: 492 562 706#
     Monday, April 26
                                                                         Join us for a reading of two short plays to celebrate Earth Day:
At home 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                                         Amrita’s Tree, Based on a true story from India
VIA ZOOM: HTTPS://                                                       A group of female villagers in 1800’s India who inspire the
US02WEB.ZOOM.US/                                                         Chipko Movement (Hug the Trees), risking life and limb to save
                                                                         their beloved forest from the logger’s ax.
Join us on zoom for a virtual tour
of the Cy Gavin exhibition followed                                      The Last Leaf, A touching drama by O. Henry
                                     Cy Gavin, Untitled (NEOWISE) 2021
by a lively group conversation.                                          An elderly neighbor of a severely ill young woman saves her
Or Live 1:00 - 2:00 pm                                                   life and gives her hope for the future with a single “leaf.”
Join an AAM Educator for a private and socially distanced tour           Seniors at Play Want You!! To join the fun and participate as a
of Cy Gavin exhibition.                                                  reader contact Barbara at bashaw1214@gmail.com or (970)
Limited to 10 participants and an RSVP is required.                      923-0041.
To RSVP please contact Annie Henninger, Community,
Access and Education Program Manager                                     SENIOR CENTER BOOK CLUB
at ahenninger@aspenartmuseum.org                                         Wednesday, April 28 • 9:30 a.m.
Aspen Art Museum education programs are made                             Next Selection: The Island of Sea Women by
possible by the Questrom Education Fund. For info about current          Lisa See. Book Club will be held virtually;
exhibits, visit AspenArtMuseum.org                                       call (970) 920-5432 for information.

                                                                                   Wellness & Resources
                                                                         SMILES FOR SENIORS DENTAL CLINIC
                                                                         Friday • April 16 • 9:00-4:00
                                                                         Community Health Services
                                                                         405 Castle Creek Rd, Aspen
                                                                         Ages 60+. Standard treatment and screenings offered for
                                                                         $85. Financial assistance may be available, please inquire
                                                                         when you schedule your appointment.
                                                                         Patients will be pre-screened for COVID risks.
                                                                         FOR QUESTIONS OR SCHEDULING, CALL COMMUNITY
                                                                         HEALTH (970) 920-5420.

                                                                         ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT
                                                                         Caregivers and those impacted by Alzheimer’s and dementia
                                                                         are welcome to reach out to Rita Cohen for
                                                                         support at 970-923-2560.
                                                                         For additional support & resources, contact
                                                                         Ralph Patrick of the Alzheimer's Association
                                                                         of Colorado at rpatrick@alz.org
                                                                         24-hr Helpline 800-272-3900

                                                                         ALPINE LEGAL
                                                                         If you are in need of a legal assistance, Alpine Legal is
                                                                         offering phone consultations on
                                                                         Tuesdays. Call (970) 945-8858 any
                                                                         day to be scheduled for the next
                                                                         available Tuesday slot.
                                                                         On Wednesday nights from 5:00-7:00 p.m. you can try the
                                                                         “Ask A Lawyer” hotline at 970-368-2246.
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
4                                                               Pitkin County Senior Services • April 2021

                                                      NUTRITION RESOURCES
                                                    MOBILE PANTRY FOOD ASSISTANCE
Aspen: CURRENT LOCATION                                            LIFT-UP Food distribution once per
Aspen Golf Course Parking lot                                                                   week. Bring some form of ID or proof of
39551 Hwy 82                                                                                    address for first visit.
Every Wednesday 12:00—2:00 p.m.                                                                 ASPEN: NOW OPEN
Food delivery available for older adults.                                                       APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED
Call Aspen Family Connections: 970-205-7025. Please call
                                                     465 N. Mill St. #18
before Tuesday for Wednesday delivery.               Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
Basalt/El Jebel: Crown Mountain Park 20 Eagle County Call (970) 544-2009 for information and to schedule a visit
Rd. Thursdays 12:00—2:00. 970-464-1138               to the Aspen pantry.
                                                     Check www.liftup.org for updates and additional info,
                                                     including additional locations and hours.
CSFP (for Seniors 60 & Over) and TEFAP provides a FREE
additional monthly box of food to eligible individuals. Commodity ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE
food boxes are available at the
current weekly pantries listed                                    CALL (970) 920-5244
above. Call (970) 464-1138 to                                     Information and help applying for:
register in advance.                                                 SNAP/Food Assistance          LEAP
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
                                                                                                    Public Assistance                 Emergency Financial
disability. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.                                     Medicaid & Extra Help              Assistance
For other resource options during the Coronavirus outbreak:
covid19.pitkincounty.com & click “resources,” or call the Senior Center (970) 920-5432.

                                     HYPERTENSION: UNDERSTANDING A SILENT KILLER
     Chronically high blood pressure — or                                                                   Healthy Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Risk of
hypertension — can cause damage to your blood                                                               Hypertension
vessels and internal organs including your heart.                                                               Focusing on lifestyle changes can help reduce
Currently affecting nearly half of adults in the                                                            your risk of hypertension. Getting regular physical
United States, hypertension has been called a                                                               activity, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding tobacco
silent threat because the condition itself has no                                                           and focusing on a healthful eating style are all
symptoms. However, the effect on your body can                                                              ways to help reduce risk.
be life-threatening over time. Engaging in healthy                                                              Individuals at risk of high blood pressure may
lifestyle behaviors at all stages of life can help to                                                       be advised to follow the Dietary Approaches to
decrease your risk.                                                                             Stop Hypertension diet to lower their blood pressure. The
What You Can Do about High Blood Pressure                                                       DASH diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated
     The first thing you can do is visit your doctor for routine                                fat and sodium. Studies show that the DASH diet can help
checkups. Even though high blood pressure rarely shows                                          lower your blood pressure.
symptoms, the abnormal force of blood through the arteries,                                     Source: eatright.org • Reviewed by Esther Ellis, MS, RDN, LDN •
over time, can cause damage to your organs, including your                                      Published March 9, 2021
heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Thus, chronic hypertension
increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and other
serious health issues.
     Know your blood pressure and have it monitored. Regular
physicals will determine if your blood pressure is within the
healthy limits. A blood pressure of less than 120 over 80 is
considered healthy. If necessary, your doctor will discuss
treatment options and supportive health care. Meanwhile, a
registered dietitian nutritionist can provide you with guidance
on a healthy lifestyle to help lower your blood pressure.
Age and other Risk Factors
     High blood pressure tends to increase with age, however,
anyone can be at risk, especially people with diabetes or
those with overweight or obesity.
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
        MONDAY                                         WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                         FRIDAY

     Please remember to                                                               1   Penne Pasta & Meat       2    Fish & Shrimp Chowder,
     sign up for meals at the                                                             Sauce,                        Zucchini,
     beginning of the month                                                               Peas and Carrots,             Three Bean Salad,
     (970) 429-6161                                                                       House Salad,                  House Salad,
                                                                                          Peach Crisp                   Carrot Cake

 5   Chicken Piccata, Sautéed                     7    Roast Beef Sandwich,           8   Chicken & Broccoli       9    Mahi Mahi, Mango Salsa
     Mushrooms, Mashed                                 Whole Wheat Bun,                   Fettucine Alfredo,            Brown Rice,
     Potatoes, Italian Mixed
     Vegetables, House Salad,
                                ♦                      Mashed Potatoes,
                                                       California Mixed Veggies,
                                                                                          House Salad,
                                                                                          Lemon Bar
                                                                                                                        Broccoli Salad,
                                                                                                                        House Salad,
     Fresh Strawberries                                Cole Slaw, Apple Pie                                             Caramel Brownie
                                NO LUNCH SERVED

12   Baked Potato Stuffed                         14   Baked Chicken Breast,         15   Pork Green Chili Stew,   16   Shrimp Scampi
     with Vegetarian Chili,                            Wild Mushrooms,                    Brown Rice,                   Linguine,
     House Salad,                                      Rosemary Potatoes,                 House Salad,                  Italian Mixed Vegetables,
     Chocolate Éclair                                  Steamed Broccoli                   Blueberry Pie                 House Salad,
                                                       House Salad, Brownie                                             Cheesecake

19   Cheese Ravioli,                              21   Roasted Pork Loin,            22   Baked Chicken            23   Baked Sea Bass,
     Tomato Basil Sauce,                               Brown Gravy,                       Parmesan,                     Lemon Butter,
     Peas and Carrots,                                 Rosemary Potatoes,                 Spaghetti & Marinara,         Seasoned Spinach,
     House Salad,                                      Broccoli & Cauliflower,            House Salad,                  House Salad,
     Tiramisu                                          House Salad, Éclair                Chocolate Cake                Key Lime Pie

26   Cheese Stuffed Chicken                       28   BBQ Beef Brisket,             29   Chicken Cacciatore,      30   Maryland Crab Cake,
     Breast, Mashed Potatoes,                          Baked Beans,                       Whole Wheat Linguine,         Steamed Brown Rice,
     Gravy, Cauliflower,                               Broccoli Slaw, House               House Salad,                  Island Mixed Vegetables,
     House Salad,                                      Salad,                             Mango Mousse Cake             House Salad,
     Blondie                                           Apple Pie                                                        Fresh Strawberries
Served with whole grain bread unless other bread is included with the meal. Side dishes and desserts may vary
depending on availability, and suitability for travel.
Call (970) 429-6161 at least 24 hours in advance to order meals for pick up or delivery. Delivery area is limited.
No congregate (dine-in) service available.

                                                      RECREATION & FITNESS
RECREATION CENTERS:                                                           SENIOR CENTER ONLINE FITNESS CLASSES
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED AT ALL FACILITIES                                       Classes presented free of charge—donations welcome
The ARC:                                                                      Offered in conjunction with Eagle County,
You must have a COVID pass and                                                via Google Meet:
reservation for your specific activity.                                       Christi Couch
Got to aspenrecreation.com or call (970) 544-4100.                            Stretch Class: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 -10:30 a.m.
The Snowmass Village Rec                                                      Pilates: Tuesday 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Center: Open by reservation. Go to                                            Aerobics: Thursday 10:30-11:25 a.m.
snowmassrecreation.com or call (970)                                          https://meet.google.com/qhw-grwp-dvp
                                                                              Online Yoga with
The Carbondale Rec Center                                                     Mary Anderson
Go to carbondalerec.com or call (970) 510-
                                                                              Wednesdays 10:30-11:45—email
1290 for reservations and information.
                                                                              yogaandreikiwithmary@gmail.com for an “invitation.”
LOW INCOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 1-888-775-5327 or Heat Help at 1-866-432-8435.
LEAP assistance will pay a portion of home heating costs in a                    Download an application at: https://
one-time payment directly to the energy provider. The                            cdhs.colorado.gov/leap
qualifying income for LEAP is now 165% of the Federal                            You may also apply at https://
Poverty Level. Benefit amounts range from $100 to $1,000.                        coloradopeak.secure.force.com/
LEAP applications will be accepted until at least May 31.                        Pick up an application at the Senior Center or HHS building.
To request an application by mail or for more information on                     Mail to: Discover Goodwill • P.O. Box 39200 •
LEAP and other available resources, call Discover Goodwill at                    Colorado Springs, CO 80949
                                                                                 If you need assistance, contact Ligia Bonilla at (970) 319-4211.
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
6                                             Pitkin County Senior Services • April 2021

                                THERE’S LOTS FROM THE LIBRARY
                             The best way to learn about           Additionally, library finance guru Nathalie Crick is beginning a new
                             what's going on at the library   round of Wealthy Wedne$days: weekly hour-long sessions and
is to visit the website at pitcolib.org. Use the “Events”     discussions on financial management basics, managing money during
list and “Full Calendar” from the main page. See the          retirement, investments, etc. These will be happening every
screenshot below to see how to view events and                Wednesday in April. Check out the Wealthy Wedne$day page for more
programs - like Read Wider and Wealthy Wedne$days.            info: https://pitcolib.org/participate/signature-events/wealthy-wedneday-
     The Read Wider program encourages people to              our-financial-literacy-program
read own-voices stories, explore movies and music,
                                                              THE BUILDING While the main library is closed (holds can be
and learn more about others' experiences. Each month
                                                              picked up out front), The Dunaway Room computer lab is open 9:00
there will be downloadable lists of books, movies,
                                                              a.m. - 4:45 p.m. for patrons who need to use a computer, access the
music, and online resources along with a resource
                                                              internet, print, copy or scan.
tracker for “reading wider.” Read Wider will celebrate
Arab-American Heritage Month in April. Dates for              LITERATURE OUT LOUD
discussions are still being determined. Links to reading      Wednesday, April 21 • 7:00 pm
                                         lists and updated    If you know David Sedaris, you'll want to listen. If you don't know David
                                         information are      Sedaris, you should! Travis Lane McDiffett will be voicing "The Late
                                         available at:        Show" and "Let it Snow" while Denver actor Brian Kusic will bring you
                                         pitcolib.org/        "The Man Upstairs" and "Diary of a Smoker".
                                         participate/         Literature Out Loud is brought to you via ThunderStream and can be accessed
                                         signature-events/    through the Thunder River Theatre website or via YouTube. To be added to the
                                         read-wider           LOL email list for updates and info on how to participate, write to
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
                                   Pitkin County Senior Services • April 2021

 Appointment required
 This service is provided by volunteer retired business and income tax professionals
 Available to low- and moderate-income persons of all ages
 Appointments currently conducted via phone and email
 Call Don Davidson at (970) 925-3118 for an appointment
Also available: Tax Return assistance through the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Glenwood Springs. An
AARP Tax-aide program serving clients from Aspen to Craig. Call 970-384-8740 for details and appointments.
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
0275 Castle Creek Road
           Aspen, CO 81611


Pitkin County is an Age-Friendly Community
      pitkinseniors.com • 970-920-5432


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 If you don’t already receive this newsletter
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     There is no charge for subscription.
           Donations are welcome!
April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services April 2021 - Pitkin County Senior Services
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