APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore

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APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore
A Visitor’s Guide to Singapore


                                           APR - JUN 2019
APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore
APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore
                  04        WHAT’S ON
                            Look out for these exciting events.          18      ART IN THE CITY
                                                                                 Be inspired by different forms of art.

                  10        PARK LIFE
                            Explore green sanctuaries                    20      TAKE ME HOME
                                                                                 Take your pick from unique
                            that are easily accessed from                        keepsakes that pay tribute to
                            the city centre.                                     Singaporean culture.

                  12        KAMPONG SPIRIT
                            Explore the old and new facets of
                                                                         22      SHOPPING TRAILS
                                                                                 Don’t miss out on the best buys
                            historic Kampong Glam.                               in town.

                  14        MAKAN TIME
                            Tuck into our city’s best
                                                                         24      EYE-OPENING TOURS
                                                                                 Stroll through a very different
                            local dishes.                                        side of Singapore.

                  16        THE EAT LIST
                            Indulge in new epicurean experiences
                                                                         26      JUST KIDDING AROUND
                                                                                 Here are some ideas of how you
                            at these modern restaurants.                         and your young ones can
                                                                                 explore Singapore together.

                                                                         28      ACTION & ADVENTURE
                                                                                 Be part of the action!

                                                                         30      NEON NIGHTS
                                                                                 Dive into new after-dark
                                                                                 experiences that you won’t

                                                  Editor Andre Frois
                                                  Contributing Editor Darren Chua
                                                  Sub Editor Chai Tze Yuen
                                                  Art Director Nor Hamimah                     www.mongoosepublishing.sg

               DC 001 05 19 Q2

STB is not responsible for the accuracy,
                                                  For general enquiries, contact
completeness or usefulness of this
publication and shall not be liable for any
                                                  SINGAPORE TOURISM BOARD
damage, loss, injury or inconvenience arising     Tourism Court,
from or in connection with the content of         1 Orchard Spring Lane,
this publication. You should verify or seek       Singapore 247729
clarification from the individual third parties   Tel: +65 6736 6622 | Fax: +65 6736 9423
referred to in this publication.                  Tourist line: 1800 736 2000 (outside Singapore)
APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore

 TRANSPORT                                HANDY TIPS
                                          Follow these pointers to make the best of your stay.
 Trains typically run from 5.30am to
 midnight. Standard tickets vary                   GST Refund
 from S$1.50 to S$2.60 (inclusive of
 S$0.10 card cost). See page 32 for
 the MRT map.                                 Payment by cash and cards is safe and efficient in Singapore. Tipping is not
                                              a common practice as service charge has been factored into the Goods
   +65 6331 1000                              and Services Tax (GST). As a tourist in Singapore, you can claim a refund on
                                              7% GST under the Tourist Tax Refund Scheme if you make any purchase
                                              more than S$100 at the participating shops. Here’s how to go about it:
                                              1.   Look out for these signs at the shops.
 Fares start from S$1.40. Try to have
 the exact fare as change will not be
   +65 6331 1000                              2.	Choose one credit/debit card as a Token for tagging your purchases.
                                                  Don’t forget to ask for your eTRS Ticket, original invoice or receipt.

        Taxi                                  3.	Apply for your tax refund at the eTRS self-help kiosks located at
 Fares start from S$3.90.                         Singapore Changi Airport’s Departure Hall and Departure Transit Lounge
                                                  of Terminals 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as at the ICA duty office at Seletar
 Comfort & CityCab +65 6552 1111
 Premier Cabs +65 6363 6888                       Airport. Be sure to file your GST claims before checking in your goods.
 SMRT Taxis +65 6555 8888
                                              4.	At the eTRS kiosk, swipe your assigned Token to retrieve your
                                                  purchase details. Otherwise, scan your eTRS tickets to retrieve your
 CONNECTIVITY                                     purchase details.

        Free Wi-Fi                            5.	You can choose to have the refund credited directly into your credit
 Register for free public Wi-Fi                   card at the eTRS self-help kiosk, or get a cash refund. If you chose
 service with your foreign number at              the latter (available only at Changi International Airport), proceed to
 any Wireless@SG hotspot across                   the Central Refund Counter after the immigration checks.
 Singapore, and receive your login
 details via an SMS message.
                                              6.	Alternatively, apply for tax refunds with the Tourego app, a mobile
 Overseas charges may apply.
 Alternatively, you can rent a pocket             tourist tax refund solution that is downloadable from the Apple App
 Wi-Fi device at Singapore Visitor                Store or Google Play Store. Get your refund ticket issued directly to
 Centre (orchardgateway) or Changi                an e-wallet. Tourego also provides users with the latest shopping,
 Recommends at Changi Airport.                    food and travel tips for an overall fuss-free journey in Singapore.

      SIM Card
 Telcos in Singapore have ceased
                                                   Muslim-friendly Destination
 the provision of 2G network in
 Singapore. To attain 3G/4G                   Singapore's diverse, multi-ethnic community offers many Muslim-friendly
 roaming, buy a Singapore prepaid
                                              facilities. This includes facilities ranging from Halal-certified or
 SIM card from Singapore Visitor
 Centre (orchardgateway), Changi              Muslim-owned eating establishments to prayer rooms in most* major
 Recommends or                                attractions, hotels and shopping malls. For a full list of mosques in
 telecommunications retail shops              Singapore, visit www.muis.gov.sg/mosque
 located at the airport, major
 shopping malls and convenience
                                              * Do check in with the individual establishments on the facilities available.
 stores islandwide.

APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore

  Visit Singapore Travel Guide
                                                                                                                 WHAT THE
Download and try the enhanced Visit Singapore
Travel Guide app (available on iOS) for tips and                                                                 SINGLISH?
recommendations on hidden gems in the city. Choose
places of interest according to your Passion Tribes,                                                             English is Singapore’s
explore Singapore with ease and discover the latest                                                              primary language, though
events in town.                                                                                                  our English is peppered
                                                                                                                 with colloquial expressions
                                                                                                                 that you can easily pick up.

       Local Tips                                                                                                Makan
                                                                                                                 A Malay expression referring
•	Keep to the left on escalators, especially during peak hours.                                                 to food or the act of eating.

•	When taking public transport, always give way to alighting passengers.
   Board buses from the front door and exit by the rear door. Remember to
                                                                                                                 “ There are many shiok
                                                                                                                 makan places in this
   press the ‘stop’ button early.                                                                                neighbourhood—here, it’s

•	Some items like pets and durians are not allowed on public transport.
                                                                                                                 makan time, all the time! ”
                                                                                                                 An expression of great
                                                                                                                 satisfaction and pleasure.

                                                                                                                 “  The food in hawker
                                                                                                                 centres like Lau Pa Sat and
•	Singaporeans love queueing. If you see a queue, check out what’s at the                                       Tekka Market is very
   front of it—you might be in for a treat!                                                                      shiok!”
•	Singapore does not have a tipping culture, but if you’d like to express
   your appreciation for the service you have received, please feel free to
                                                                                                                 The Singlish equivalent of
   do so.

    Mobile e-payments                                                                                            “  If you can’t finish your
                                                                                                                 makan, you can always
Running out of cash while shopping? These electronic payment apps will
make sorting notes and coins a thing of the past. Electronic payments are
widely accepted by various merchants across our island.
                                                                                                                 A Hokkien phrase locals use
Download:                                                                                                        when not invited to an
                                                                                            Look out for VIA’s
                                                                                            logo should you
                                                                                                                 activity or event.
                                                                                            have a compatible
                                                                                            e-wallet under VIA
                                                                                            alliance.            “  You went to get coffee
                                                                                                                 without me this morning?
Alipay: Usage of Alipay’s mobile payment function may be restricted beyond mainland Chinese users
VIA™: VIA™ is Asia’s 1st cross border mobile payment alliance that allows you to use your local mobile wallet
overseas. Simply look out for the VIA™ logo to pay via QR. Find out more at viaconnects.com

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APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore


                                                                                                                                                                    Image courtesy of National Heritage Board
Image courtesy of World Gourmet Summit

                                                                                                            Till 7 Apr
                                                                                                     Singapore Heritage Festival
                                                1   Apr   - 12     May                               Enjoy heritage trails, tours, open houses and performances
                                                                                                     at spots across Singapore, and hear hidden tales of our
                                         World Gourmet Summit                                        colourful history and heritage. National Heritage Board’s
                                         At the 23rd outing of the month-long World Gourmet          annual signature festival for the people, by the people, SHF
                                         Summit (WGS)—Asia’s premier haute cuisine festival that     presents novel and immersive programmes and
                                         celebrates fine cuisines, wines and dining experiences—     experiences in partnership with the community and
                                         expect a stellar line-up of international masterchefs,      stakeholders. For 2019, the Singapore Bicentennial edition
                                         along with our brightest culinary talents, serving you      of the festival will take place over four weekends, with
                                         dinners, brunches, masterclasses and more.                  events and programmes centred around iconic venues like
                                                                                                     Kampong Glam, Bedok, Telok Blangah and Kranji.
                                           Various locations
                                                                                                       www.heritagefestival.sg        Various locations

                                                                                                            3 - 20 Apr
                                                                                                     The Truth
                                                                                                     Best known for staging acclaimed productions like
                                                                                                     Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress and Shakespeare in the
                                                                                                     Park, the Singapore Repertory Theatre invites you to
                                                                                                     uncover Florian Zeller's The Truth. This suspense-filled story
                                                                                                     about betrayal and deceit premiered at The Chocolate
                                                                                                     Factory, London, in association with Theatre Royal Bath.

                                                                                                        www.srt.com.sg/thetruth        KC Arts Centre
                                                                                                        Fort Canning
                                                1 - 30 Apr
                                         Easter Eggs-travaganza with Gudetama                               3 Apr - 4 Aug (1              st
                                         Join us in Easter Eggs-travaganza at Jurong Bird Park,
                                                                                                     SAM Mini Mobile Museum
                                         which will be peppered with the beloved Japanese egg
                                                                                                     The Singapore Art Museum’s Mini Mobile Museum invites
                                         character. Gudetama fans young and old will love taking
                                                                                                     you to an intimate experience of Southeast Asian artists’
                                         photos with the park’s avian mascots and taking part in
                                                                                                     contemporary artworks within a public space. Featuring
                                         Easter-themed craft activities. Embark on the egg-venture   art forms like drawings, installations, sound and video,
                                         hunt and stand a chance to win attractive prizes.           you can expect five editions of this travelling art
                                                                                                     exhibition starting from 2019 onwards.
                                          Jurong Bird Park
                                          	Take bus 194 from Boon Lay MRT station                    	Jurong, Tampines and Woodlands Regional Libraries

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APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore


                                                                                                                               Shopkeepers & Heritage Association
Goh Seng Choo Gallery: Magic &

                                                                                                                               Image courtesy of Little India
You’ll be amazed by the many types of magic and
supernatural beliefs practised by traditional Southeast
Asian communities. This eye-opening exhibition will
expound on the flora and fauna that are associated with

and used in magic, along with supernatural remedies for
illnesses, wards against evil and spells of manipulation.

  National Museum of Singapore
                                                                    7 Apr - 7 May
  Bencoolen, Bras Basah and Dhoby Ghaut                      Indian Cultural Fiesta
                                                             A joyous display of unity by the various Indian ethnic
                                                             communities, this month-long fiesta showcases the
                                                             vast array of traditions, customs and practices of the
       13 - 14 Apr                                           Indian diaspora in Singapore. At Indian Cultural Fiesta,
                                                             you can enjoy cultural performances, exhibitions,
HSBC Singapore Rugby Sevens 2019                             interactive educational journeys, heritage activities and
Don’t miss this intense competition between the world’s      traditional games.
top 16 rugby nations, as they duke it out for the coveted
Sevens trophy. This tournament’s enthusiastic fans have         www.littleindia.com.sg
been known to don whimsical outfits when attending its        	Little India - Campbell Lane, Indian Heritage Centre (IHC) &
exhilarating matches, so feel free to join in the costumed      Clive Street (POLI Site)        Little India
fun. Spectators will also be entertained by roving
performers and exciting games. Take your pick from
exclusive memorabilia available at merchandise stands
and have a ball with rugby superstars at the event’s

    Singapore Sports Hub

       24 Apr - 26 May
The Phantom of the Opera
Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s famous musical about the
                                                                    19 - 21 Apr
mysterious patron of the Paris Opera House will be           JSSL Singapore International 7’s
returning to Singapore with its breath-taking sets and       Let the gifted competitors of the region’s largest youth
intricate costumes. Broadway’s longest-running show          football tournament inspire you, as you cheer them on in
has been seen by over 145 million people around the          exhilarating match-ups. At Asia’s largest youth football
world and will have you singing along with its 37-strong     competition, you’ll be awed by young talents from over
international cast and 14-piece live orchestra.              400 teams, including aspiring professionals from the
                                                             academies of top clubs like Arsenal FC and FC Barcelona.
    Sands Theatre, Marina Bay Sands®                           www.jssl-singapore7s.com
    Bayfront                                                   Our Tampines Hub (Main venue)             Tampines

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        13 Apr - 22 Sep
                                                                   Festival Village:              Around the City:

                                                                          1-12 May                        10-18 May
Fall down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, an immersive film       Singapore Cocktail Festival
exhibition celebrating Lewis Carroll's timeless tale and Alice's   Singapore Cocktail Festival is a social and experiential
adventures in more than 40 cinematic odysseys. Explore             gathering of drink makers and lovers from around the
how this precocious heroine inspired revolutionary film-making,    world. Kicking off Asia’s largest celebration of cocktails,
from groundbreaking special effects and animation to               its Festival Village congregates some of the world’s
evocative storytelling and technological development in this       best under one roof. With pop-up bars, artisanal spirit
experiential exhibition at Singapore's iconic ArtScience Museum.   tastings and award-winning guest bartenders, this
                                                                   village in the Civic District is where cocktail and spirits
  	www.marinabaysands.com/ArtScienceMuseum                        melds with great music and gastronomic delights. The
    ArtScience Museum     Bayfront                                 fun then continues around the city, as one and all are
                                                                   invited to masterclasses, guest shifts and special

        3 - 12 May
                                                                   parties, organised by the hottest bars in Singapore.

RWS Street Eats                                                     	Empress Lawn (in front of Victoria Concert Hall)
Tuck into a tantalising spread of iconic hawker dishes                Raffles Place
when you visit this gastronomical festival. Here, you will
not only get to feast on irresistible Singaporean street
foods like popiah (fresh spring rolls with vegetables and
assorted filling) and satay (grilled skewered meat)
prepared by skilled chefs, but also savour the classic
delicacies from our neighbouring countries like
Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.


                                                                                                                                    Image courtesy of Arts House Limited
 	Resorts World™
    Malaysian Food
    Street &

        11 - 12 May                                                       16 May - 2 Jun
OCBC Cycle
A mass cycling race that brings participants past iconic           Singapore International Festival of Arts
Singapore landmarks, this exuberant sporting event                 Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) is your
encompasses various categories, including routes for               chance to indulge in a wide spectrum of programmes
kids of different ages. Iconic landmarks that were part of         across theatre, music, dance, film and visual arts. You can
the 2018 route include East Coast Park and Marina Bay              experience captivating performances by Singaporean and
Cruise Centre Singapore.                                           international artists as well as engaging installations during
                                                                   the 2019 edition of SIFA. Refer to pg 18 for more info.
   Singapore Sports Hub                                               www.sifa.sg
   Stadium                                                            Various locations

APR - JUN 2019 - A Visitor's Guide to Singapore - Visit Singapore

                                                                    11 May - 11 Aug
                                                             Dino Quest Exhibition
                                                             Travel a million years back in time and join Professor V and
                                                             Rex on an immersive quest to find the elusive dinosaurs of
                                                             Australia. Explore different theories and discover how the
                                                             different fields of science work together, through a real-life
                                                             Dinosaur Scientist Adventure. Curated by world-renowned
                                                             palaeontologist Emerita Professor Patricia Vickers-Rich, this

       17 May - 30 Jun                                       exhibition features seven interactive zones that offer
                                                             thematic and technology-powered adventures. Join us to
                                                             find out what it takes to be a Dinosaur Detective!
Ocean Fest!
Celebrate the ocean and the message of conservation at
the second edition of Ocean Fest! At this special              Science Centre Singapore
commemoration of World's Oceans Day held in one of the          Jurong East
world’s largest aquariums, you and your family can take
part in activities centred on environmentalism and unlock
the secrets of the ocean.

   S.E.A. Aquarium™, Resorts World™ Sentosa

                                                                    25 May - 30 Dec
                                                             Gallery Children's Biennale 2019
                                                             The highly anticipated Gallery Children’s Biennale returns
                                                             in 2019 with ten new interactive and immersive art
       24 - 26 May                                           installations that will spark the imagination of both
                                                             young and old. Presenting the most extensive display of
Tatinis Art Show 2019 :                                      artworks by Singaporean and Southeast Asian artists to
Hope. Peace. Love                                            date, this event is curated specially for the young ones.
Shining the spotlight on emerging artists, the Tatinis Art   You and your family can engage in endless possibilities
Show 2019 will display and retail over 500 works, priced     offered through art and invest in the imaginary, the
between S$100 and S$6000, by 50 emerging local and           fantastic and the impossible. Coupling thematic
international artists. The art show provides an              programming with the annual Singapore International
opportunity for everyone—from first time art novices, to     Children’s Film Festival, this exhibition lets you dive into
art lovers and seasoned collectors—to seek out the           diverse art forms beyond the conventional.
perfect piece of art. You can also check out the fashion
showcase put on by special needs kids.                          www.childrensbiennale.com
                                                               National Gallery Singapore
   www.tatinis.com       F1 Pit Building      Promenade         City Hall

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                                                                                                                     3 May - 16 Jun
                                                                                                              Hari Raya Light-Up
                                                                                                              Hari Raya Aidilfitri or “Eid al-Fitr”, marks the end of
                                                                                                              Ramadan—the Islamic holy month of fasting and
                                                                                                              repentance—with joyous celebration. During the month
                                                                                                              leading up to Hari Raya Aidilftri, visit the Geylang Serai
Image courtesy of Wildlife Reserves Singapore

                                                                                                              Bazaar and admire the colourful lights that illuminate the
                                                                                                              streets. Under its dazzlingly lit canopies, you will find an
                                                                                                              array of contemporary street snacks as well as an
                                                                                                              assortment of traditional wares and accessories. Besides
                                                                                                              Geylang Serai, a smaller scale bazaar is also held in the
                                                                                                              historic Muslim quarter of Kampong Glam (pg 12-13).

                                                                                                                 Geylang Serai       Eunos

                                                Rainforest Lumina
                                                Presented by Singapore Zoo, this lush and luminous world
                                                invites you to embark on a night walk into a magical
                                                rainforest. Illuminate your senses as you experience an
                                                enhanced multisensory adventure with over ten
                                                immersive zones. Meet the Creature Crew, a quirky group
                                                of virtual animals who will bring you on a whimsical
                                                                                                                     1 Jun - 31 Aug
                                                adventure, on which you and your young ones can capture       Circle of Life
                                                memorable photos and take home exclusive souvenirs.           It’s time to go wild! Meet the animals that inspired
                                                                                                              Mufasa, Simba, Timon, Pumbaa, the laughing Hyenas
                                                                                                              and other characters from The Lion King, at Singapore
                                                   Singapore Zoo
                                                                                                              Zoo and Night Safari. Immerse yourself in the bustling
                                                   Take bus 138 from Ang Mo Kio MRT station
                                                                                                              atmosphere, as mobile sets of iconic scenes from The
                                                                                                              Lion King move around the zoo.

                                                       Jun                                                       www.wrs.com.sg
                                                                                                                 Singapore Zoo and Night Safari
                                                The World’s 50 Best Restaurants                                  Take bus 138 from Ang Mo Kio MRT station
                                                Savour the best of culinary innovation, diversity and
                                                sustainability at ‘the Oscars of global gastronomy’, which
                                                will be held in Singapore this year. Hosted in Asia for the
                                                first time and featuring an equal balance of voters from
                                                both genders, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants,
                                                sponsored by S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna, will boast
                                                its prestigious gala awards, bespoke dinners, interactive
                                                masterclasses and lively discussions.

                                                   www.theworlds50best.com          Various locations

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                                           8 - 9 Jun
                                    ULTRA Singapore
                                    You’ll be blown away by the world’s top DJs at this
                                    international electronic dance music festival. Rub
                                    shoulders with fellow revellers at the Singaporean leg of
                                    ULTRA, as you enjoy laser and pyrotechnic displays that
                                    will light up ULTRA’S various stages.

                                       Ultra Park, 1 Bayfront Avenue

                                                                                                       21 Jun - 28 Jul
                                                                                                GSS: Experience Singapore
                                                                                                Take home a slice of Singapore from the refreshed
Image courtesy of Colossal Photos

                                                                                                GSS: Experience Singapore. Originally entitled the
                                                                                                “Great Singapore Sale”, this year's event will extend
                                                                                                beyond attractive discounts and deals, and will offer
                                                                                                experiential events that shine spotlight on local talents
                                                                                                and culture.

                                                                                                 	Orchard Road and various locations across the island

                                           27 - 30 Jun                                                                 LEGEND
                                    Beerfest Asia 2019
                                    The 11th edition of the largest beer                                                      Culture & Heritage
                                    festival in Asia invites you to savour
                                    more than 600 different beers by                                                          Arts & Entertainment
                                    over 50 exhibitors from around the
                                    world. At Beerfest Asia, you will be                                                      F&B
                                    entertained by a variety of
                                    musicians, who will keep the party                                                        Sports/Action
                                    going until the early morning.

                                       www.beerfestasia.com                                                                   Shopping
                                       Marina Promenade
                                       Promenade                                                                              Nature & Wildlife

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                                 PARK LIFE
                                 A City in a Garden, Singapore is home to numerous green sanctuaries that are
                                 easily accessed from the city centre.
Image courtesy of Danny Santos

                                                                   1                                         3                                         5

                                 01                                       03                                         05
                                 East Coast Park                          Bukit Timah Nature                         Marina Barrage
                                 A popular hangout among families
                                                                          Reserve                                    Built across the mouth of the
                                 and sports enthusiasts, this lively      Young and old can explore the              350-metre-wide Marina Channel,
                                 park is where you can picnic, fly        boardwalks and gentle slopes of this       Marina Barrage is Singapore’s 15th
                                 kites, cable ski and even play laser     ASEAN Heritage Park, which is one of       reservoir and caters to around 10%
                                 tag. Rent a bicycle or a pair of         Singapore’s oldest rainforests. Home       of the nation’s water needs.
                                 rollerblades and zip down its 15km       to 40% of Singapore’s flora and fauna,     Responsible for alleviating floods in
                                 stretch of beach, along which an         a serene quarry and the nation’s tallest   some of the lower-lying areas of the
                                 array of establishments serve local      hill (164 metres), Bukit Timah Nature      island, Marina Barrage also offers
                                 hawker fare, drinks and fresh            Reserve also presents interactive          water sports like kayaking and
                                 seafood.                                 displays at the Exhibition Hall on the     sailing. Fly a kite or have a picnic on
                                                                          second storey of the Visitor Centre        its verdant roof, and be sure to stay
                                    www.nparks.gov.sg                     (177 Hindhede Dr) and through the          till the evening to enjoy an
                                    East Coast Park Service Road          events listed on its website.              unhindered view of the sunset.
                                    Bedok, Eunos and Kembangan
                                                                                                                        Marina Barrage,
                                                                             Hindhede Drive         Beauty World        8 Marina Gardens Drive
                                 02                                                                                     Marina Bay
                                 Gardens by the Bay
                                 Spanning over 101 hectares of
                                 reclaimed land, this award-winning       Coney Island
                                 garden is home to the world’s
                                                                          A popular cycling and bird-watching
                                 tallest indoor waterfall and
                                                                          venue, Coney Island comprises of
                                 16-storey-tall Supertrees. Spend
                                                                          coastal forests, grasslands,
                                 your day in the conservatories and
                                                                          mangroves and casuarina woodlands
                                 Far East Organization Children’s
                                                                          that are home to many rare and
                                 Garden before heading to the OCBC
                                                                          endangered species. Embark on a
                                 Skyway to enjoy breath-taking
                                                                          two-hour guided tour of this
                                 waterfront views of the Marina
                                                                          ecologically sustainable island, which
                                 Reservoir and city skyline. End your
                                                                          is conducted on selected Saturday
                                 night with the Garden Rhapsody, a
                                                                          mornings, or explore on your own by
                                 daily, dazzling light and sound show
                                                                          following its signs, which are made
                                 in the gardens.
                                                                          from the recycled wood of uprooted
                                                                          casuarina trees.
                                    18 Marina Gardens Drive
                                    +65 6420 6848                          	Beside Punggol Promenade Nature
                                    Bayfront                                  Walk
                                                                           	Take bus 84 from Punggol MRT station

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                                                                               10 MUST DO’S
                                                                               WHILE YOU’RE
                                                                               IN SINGAPORE
                                                                                   ry a durian—the spiky,
                                                                                  strong-smelling tropical fruit
                                                                                  that’s loved by many

                                       OVER 47%
                                       of our island is covered by greenery.       xplore Singapore’s only
                                                                                  UNESCO World Heritage Site,
                                                                                  the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

                                                                                   isit National Gallery
                                                                                  Singapore, which houses the
                                                                                  world’s largest display of
                                                                                  Southeast Asian modern art.

                                       Singapore recycles over   20%
                                       of its waste.                               et up-close with wildlife at our
                                                                                  award-winning Singapore Zoo.
has 72 hectares of rooftop gardens
and green walls and aims to triple
                                                                                  I ndulge in countless local and
this by 2030.
                                                                                   international brands along our
                                                                                   famed shopping belt of Orchard

                                                                                   arty it up in Zouk, which is
                                                                                  ranked among the world’s best

Take your own environmentally
friendly tour of Singapore.                                                        ave a drink at Manhattan,
Download a bike-sharing app
                                                                                  Asia’s number one bar.
and explore our island via the
                                       We are among the 20
extensive Park Connector
                                       most carbon efficient countries
Network, which will soon be
                                       in the world.                               oak in stunning views from
300km long.                                                                       the infinity pool atop Marina
                                                                                  Bay Sands®.

                                                                                   ungy jump off Singapore’s
                                                                                  first and only bungy tower at
                                                                                  AJ Hackett Sentosa.

                                                                                  I mmerse in local heritage at
                                                                                   our cultural precincts—
                  MORE THAN 80%                                                    Chinatown, Joo Chiat/Katong,
                  of households are within a ten-minute                            Kampong Glam and Little India.
                  walk from a park.

                           HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE       APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 11

     Kampong Glam has its origins as a thriving port town and is Singapore's oldest urban
     quarter. In Malay, the word kampong means "compound", while glam is often
     attributed to the gelam (long-leaved paperbark tree), which was found and used
     locally for boat-making, medicine and even as a food seasoning. This historic Muslim
     quarter will be especially vibrant during the fasting month of Ramadan, which is when
     you can expect vibrant street light-ups and night bazaars.




                                                                                                            MASJID MALABAR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E RD












                                                                                                                                           E                                              AL-ARABIAH





                                                                           ST                                           NO











                                                                                                                               MALAY HERITAGE                                                             THE SULTAN HOTEL

                                                                                                          1                       CENTRE
                                                                            L   AN





          OP                                                                                                                                                                      P                          ALIWAL ARTS CENTRE


                                                                                                  SULTAN MOSQUE






                                                                                                                                                                          2                         P


                                                    GOLDEN LANDMARK














                                                                                                      4                                                        1














                                                                                                                                                                        Fuel up at
                                                                                                                                                      01 acclaimed eateries                                           Y




                                                                                                                                                      Tuck into hearty nasi   COpadang (mixed rice with



                                                                                                                                                      side dishes) at Warong Nasi Pariaman (738

                                                                                                                                                      North Bridge Road) or Rumah Makan Minang
                                                                                                                                                      (18 & 18A Kandahar Street). At these iconic
                                                                                                                                                      multigenerational restaurants, you can savour
                                                                                                                                                      traditional favourites like beef rendang
                                                                                                                                                      (braised beef cooked in coconut milk and
                                                                                                                                                      spices) and ayam masak merah (chicken in
                                                                                                                                                      spicy tomato sauce). For a taste of fusion
                                                                                                                                                      Malay cuisine, head to restaurants like The
                                                                                                                                                      Malayan Council (71 Bussorah Street) or
                                                                                                                                                      Hararu Izakaya (16 Bussorah Street).

     12 — APR/MAY/JUN 2019                                               WANT MORE? VISIT VISITSINGAPORE.COM

                                                    2                                                           3

       Discover the heritage
02 of Kampong Glam
Prominently located in the heart of Kampong Glam, you
won’t miss Sultan Mosque (3 Muscat Street) and its
                                                                    Take your pick from traditional
                                                            03 and modern wares
massive golden domes. To let all Muslims contribute to
its construction regardless of their social statuses, the
mosque accepted glass bottle ends from poor Muslims,
                                                            Follow the neighbourhood's colourful murals as you
which now decorate the bases of these domes. The
                                                            explore Haji Lane's array of independent boutiques
Sultan Mosque is an iconic place of worship, and if you
                                                            and modern indie labels. On the other side of Haji
are there during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan
                                                            Lane, Arab Street displays a spread of traditional
(pg 9), check out the night market in this neighbourhood
                                                            accessories, ceramics, decorations and garments
and its many food stalls. To gain a better understanding
                                                            for you to take your pick.
of the history of Singapore's Malay community, visit the
Malay Heritage Centre (85 Sultan Gate).

                                                    4       SOAK IN THE FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE
                                                            OF THE GEYLANG SERAI BAZAAR

       Sunset transforms these
04 historic streets                                         Geylang Serai's festive decorations and colourful
After an adventurous day, unwind along hip Haji             lights line a vivacious night market that serves
Lane, which is one of the narrowest streets in              seemingly countless variations of traditional and
Singapore. Offering a wide range of drinking, dining        fusion foods. Throughout the fasting month of
and entertainment options, Haji Lane also hosts a           Ramadan, families come to this pop-up bazaar to
variety of street performances and parties. Check           browse an array of garments, ornaments and more.
out Good Luck Beerhouse (9 Haji Lane) for a                 You can even have henna art done at this bazaar,
revolving menu of craft beers on tap or chill out in        which gets into full swing once the sun sets and lasts
Going Om (63 Haji Lane), where upstart musicians            till Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
are invited to take the stage. These performances
tend to spill out onto the streets on busy nights.            Paya Lebar

                             HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE              APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 13

Tuck into our city’s best local dishes.

                                                  1                                                                 2


01                                        02                                        03
Hainanese Chicken Rice                    Carrot Cake                               Kaya Toast
This Singaporean creation is adapted      Starkly different from Western-style      A traditional Singaporean breakfast
from the Wenchang chicken recipe of       carrot cake, Singaporean carrot           available at most coffee shops,
Hainan Island and was brought here        cake consists of white radish and         these toasted bread slices are
by Chinese migrants. Featuring            rice flour stir fried with garlic, eggs   spread with a jam made from
steamed or roasted chicken served         and preserved radish. This                coconut and eggs. Pair your kaya
with chicken stock-flavoured rice,        scrumptious yellow and white local        toast with soft-boiled eggs, which
Singapore’s rendition of chicken rice     favourite also has a black version        you can drizzle with black soya
also places emphasis on the flavour       that is doused with sweet soy             sauce, and wash down your meal
of its accompanying chilli and garlic     sauce.                                    with either kopi or teh, which are the
sauces.                                                                             Singaporean versions of coffee and
                                          Enjoy at: Redhill Food Centre             tea.
Enjoy at: Chatterbox Mandarin                Block 85 Redhill Lane #01-49
Orchard                                      Redhill                                Enjoy at: Heap Seng Leong
   333 Orchard Road Level 5                                                            10 North Bridge Road #01-5109
   +65 6737 4411                                                                       +65 6292 2368
   Somerset                                                                            Lavender


                                                                                                                  Enjoy these sweet
                                                                                                                   treats at hawker
                                                                                                                  centres, traditional
                                                                        4                                           dessert shops
                                                                                                                  and local bakeries.

                                                                                                                        Pulut Hitam
                                                                                                                   Sweet dessert made from
                                                                                                                black glutinous rice with coconut
                                                                        5                                             milk and palm sugar.

                                                                                                                        Kueh Dadar
                                                                                                                   A pandan-flavoured crepe
                                                                                                                     stuffed with coconut
04                                      05                                                                                 shavings.

Rojak                                   Nasi Lemak
The Chinese take on Indian rojak is     Nasi lemak is defined by its rice that
an entirely different dish. It stirs    is richly flavoured by coconut milk
pineapple, cucumber, turnip, you        and pandan leaves. Enjoy this
tiao (dough fritters) and fried bean    fragrant rice that is served with ikan
curd in a sweet sauce mixed with        bilis (fried anchovies), a chicken leg,
shrimp paste, then sprinkled with       peanuts, cucumber, a fried egg and
ground peanuts.                         sambal (spicy chilli paste).
                                                                                  Illustrations by Amanda Ang

Enjoy at: Balestier Road Hoover Rojak   Enjoy at: The Coconut Club
 	Whampoa Wet Market & Food             	6 Ann Siang Hill                                                                Chendol
   Centre, 90 Whampoa Drive                Telok Ayer
                                                                                                                  An iced dessert topped with
   Boon Keng                                                                                                     green rice flour jelly, red beans,
                                                                                                                 coconut milk and palm sugar.

                             HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE                                     APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 15

Indulge in new epicurean experiences at these modern restaurants.

                                              1                                                             2

01                                                       02
THE SAMPAN                                               Courtyard Café & Lounge
Paying homage to the historic Singapore River, THE       This bistro housed within National Gallery Singapore
SAMPAN is a three-storey restaurant and bar located in   provides a casual dining environment serving perfect
the heart of Boat Quay. This dining destination offers   renditions of local classics like Hainanese chicken rice,
unique Pan-Asian cuisine that includes dishes like       laksa (spicy coconut milk-based noodle), mee siam
Szechuan Pepper Chicken Spare Ribs with Spring Onion     (vermicelli in a spicy and tangy gravy) and herbal
Salad, and Crispy Chili Beef & Mango Salad with Crispy   chicken soup. Here, you can take your pick from
Noodles. Inventive cocktails that you can find in this   different variations of kopi and teh, which are local
conserved shophouse include Pandan Old Fashioned,        coffee and tea. For something lighter, try the chilli crab
which is a classic whisky cocktail made with             pau (steamed buns stuffed with Singapore's iconic chilli
pandan-infused rye, and Chalong Bay, which is a          crab) and various nonya kuehs (Peranakan* bite-sized
chocolate vodka drink made with fresh coconut and its    snacks).
namesake Thai rum.
                                                         * The term is an Indonesian/Malay word that means “local
  	www.thesampan.sg                                     born”, which generally refers to people of Chinese and
 	63 Boat Quay                                          Malay/Indonesian heritage.
    +65 6732 1698
    Clarke Quay
                                                          	National Gallery Singapore, 1 St Andrew’s Road,
                                                             Supreme Court Wing #01-K1 (Lounge) &
                                                             #01-02A (Cafe)
                                                             +65 6384 1874
                                                             City Hall


                                3                                     4                                        5

03                                       04                                      05
Preludio                                 JAM at SIRI HOUSE                       Baba Chews
At Preludio, Bogota-born executive       You can indulge in dishes like          Formerly a coconut plantation where
chef Fernando Arévalo and his team       thick-cut scallop carpaccio;            the Peranakans would socialise, the
give diners a prelude of new and         slow-cooked prime rib finished on a     colourful enclave of Joo Chiat/Katong
upcoming fine dining trends,             charcoal grill; and handmade            had a two-storey police station, which
through fresh produce specially          pappardelle tossed in a lobster and     now houses the modernist Peranakan
selected from around the world.          prawn reduction, then topped with       restaurant Baba Chews. Enjoy
The restaurant’s ever-changing           charcoal grilled mussels and tiger      contemporary iterations of Peranakan
menu indulges one in new flavours        prawns at JAM at SIRI HOUSE. This       classics, such as beef rendang, which
and textures. Its debut menu,            modern restaurant and bar is part of    is braised beef cooked in coconut
themed "Monochrome", though              Siri House, a multi-concept venue       milk and spices, and kueh durian,
comprising of mostly black and           created by acclaimed luxury             which is the bite-sized snack kueh
white ingredients, was hailed as         property developer Sansiri. This        dadar (pg 15) stuffed with durian
robust and innovative. Diners at         modern restaurant and bar is part of    instead of the usual shredded
Preludio can expect chef Fernando,       Siri House, a multi-concept venue       coconut and palm sugar.
who previously helmed the kitchens       created by acclaimed luxury
of Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse and        property developer Sansiri. Here, you      www.babachews.com.sg
Artemis Grill, to serve up               can also browse its art gallery; take      Katong Square, 86 East Coast Road
unparalleled culinary experiences.       your pick from exclusive homeware,         +65 6723 2025
                                         accessories and apparel; and even        	Take bus 10 or 32 from Dakota
  	www.preludio.sg                     buy a new home at its sales gallery.       MRT Station
 	Frasers Tower, 182 Cecil Street
     #03-01/02                             	www.sirihouse.com
     +65 6904 5686                        	Dempsey Hill, 8D Dempsey Road
     Tanjong Pagar                           #01-02
                                             +65 9667 0533      Farrer Road

                               HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE            APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 17

                                     ART IN THE CITY
                                     Singapore’s vibrant arts scene invites you to immerse in a variety of
                                     invigorating experiences.

                                                                                             1                                                                2

                                                                                                                                                                      Image courtesy of Joel Lim @ Calibre
Image courtesy of National Gallery

                                                                                             3                                                                4

                                            Gallery Children's                           Singapore
                                     01 Biennale 2019                             02 International                           03 ArtScience Museum
                                     A museum dedicated to making art
                                                                                  Festival of Arts (SIFA)                    Dubbed the Museum of Creativity,
                                     more accessible, National Gallery            Experience a spectrum of visual and        the ArtScience Museum lets you
                                     Singapore houses the world’s largest         performing art forms at art forms at       discover fascinating facts and
                                     collection of Southeast Asian modern         SIFA, which will bring you through both    concepts about art and science
                                     art, which currently stands at over          presentations of works and into            through compelling exhibits. Enjoy
                                     8,000 pieces. Families can learn more        meaningful dialogues with artists and      keen insight into the trajectory of
                                     about the art on display through             key opinion leaders. Highlights of         science and technology at Future
                                     interactive and hands-on activities in       2019's edition include Dionysus by         World, an interactive digital
                                     Gallery Kids. During this season, a          Suzuki Company of Toga & Purnati           showcase by teamLab, then enjoy
                                     special exhibition called the Children’s     Indonesia (Japan & Indonesia),             the wildlife exhibition Into The Wild,
                                     Biennale (pg 7) will stir your child’s       Displaced Persons’ Welcome Dinner by       which comes alive through your
                                     imagination with its flurry of interactive   Checkpoint Theatre (Singapore), and        smart phone.
                                     installations and absorbing activities.      A Dream Under the Southern Bough:
                                                                                  Reverie by TOY Factory (Singapore).
                                         25 May to 30 Dec                                                                        museum.html
                                       	www.nationalgallery.sg                                                                  6 Bayfront Avenue
                                                                                    16 May to 2 Jun
                                         1 St. Andrew’s Road                                                                     Bayfront
                                         City Hall
                                                                                    Various locations

                                     04 The Vagabond Club’s Artist-In-Residence programme
                                     Through its Artist-in-Residence programme, The Vagabond Club highlights artists of various disciplines, with whom
                                     hotel guests are encouraged to interact with. You’re invited to have a drink at The Vagabond Salon, a vintage-style studio
                                     where the current Artist-in-Residence works on new pieces and live musicians add to the convivial atmosphere. A tour of
                                     The Vagabond Club’s permanent pieces and current installations is complimentary for hotel guests.

                                       	www.hotelvagabondsingapore.com             39 Syed Alwi Road          Jalan Besar

                                     18 — APR/MAY/JUN 2019
        It takes true commitment to bring about smiles through great experiences.
    Show your appreciation for Singapore’s tourism stars, by nominating an establishment
        or customer service representative for the Singapore Tourism Awards today!

 The Singapore Tourism Awards celebrates both establishments and individuals for delivering
outstanding experiences and exceptional customer service. Organised by the Singapore Tourism
      Board, the Awards is always open for nominations, and is held annually to recognise
                           the best within Singapore’s tourism sector.

                     NOMINATE IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS

                      PICK A CATEGORY
                      Tell us the type of tourism experience you enjoyed.

                      Tell us why the individual or establishment deserves to win.

                      SUBMIT AND SHARE!
                      Submit your nomination and share your story.

                 Nominate now at www.SingaporeTourismAwards.com

Take your pick from unique keepsakes by these local
brands, which pay tribute to Singaporean culture.

                        1                               2         3

                        4                               5         6

                        7                               8         9


01                                        02                                       03
Flesh Imp clothing                        Violet Oon                               ARKADEMIE
Inspired by global street culture,        Celebrated Singaporean chef Violet       From leather journals to backpacks,
local boys Vincent Quek and               Oon’s fourth restaurant has an           founder James Lee and his artisans
Nicholas Cho founded Flesh Imp in         in-restaurant store that purveys         let you take your pick from an
2000. Over the past two decades,          traditional and Asian-inspired snacks.   assortment of accessories made
their brand has collaborated with         Take your pick from attractively         from natural full-grained vegetable-
the likes of Adidas, Hypebeast, Andy      packaged kaya (traditional jam made      tanned leather, a premium grade of
Howell, Casio G-SHOCK and Canon.          from coconut and eggs), classic          leather that is extra durable. You
Flesh Imp retails affordable street       delights like pineapple tarts, gula      can even customise an item with
wear with international appeal, yet       melaka (palm sugar) tea cakes, and       the ARKADEMIE team, by
distinguished by tongue-in-cheek          cookies with Asian flavours like         personalising details like its colours,
references to local culture.              peanut, sugee (traditional Eurasian      dimensions, inscriptions and type
                                          cake) and cashew.                        of leather.
   Orchard                                   www.violetoon.com                        www.arkademie.com
                                           	ION Orchard, 2 Orchard Turn              contact@arkademie.com

04                                                                                 06
THE FARM STORE                            05                                       Singapore Memories
Founded in 2010, THE FARM
                                          LOVE SG
                                                                                   Pick up uncommon scents from
STORE was the first store to retail                                                this sophisticated perfume maker,
                                          Take a piece of Singapore with you
quirky trinkets themed on                                                          whose vintage-inspired perfumes
                                          in the form of a brooch, kitchen
Singaporean identity. The                                                          and room fragrances are themed on
                                          accessory, luggage tag or T-shirt
multi-brand boutique collaborates                                                  Singapore's native orchirds and
                                          embellished with icons of
with local designers to create                                                     named after iconic landmarks in our
                                          Singaporean culture. The practical
whimsical everyday items like                                                      city—Sunrise in Botanical Garden,
                                          daily items that LOVE SG retails
heritage snacks in plushie form and                                                Nyonya's Home, Kampong Glam
                                          blend local flavour with international
tote bags emblazoned with local                                                    and more.
                                          appeal, and also include cute
places of interest and colloquial
                                          Merlion toys for children.
expressions.                                                                          www.singapore-memories.com
                                             www.lovesg.sg                          	TANGS at Tang Plaza, 310
   www.thefarmstore.sg                                                                Orchard Road Basement 1
                                           	National Museum of Singapore,
   National Design Centre,                                                            Orchard
                                             Museum Label Shop,
   111 Middle Rd
                                             93 Stamford Road
                                             Bras Basah

                                          08                                       09
07                                        Rye
                                                                                   Old Seng Choong
Red Republic                                                                       Besides cakes, cookies and pies
                                          Local entrepreneur Bessie Ye             infused with memorable
Red Republic’s accessories and            designs timeless and stylish             Singaporean flavours like goreng
homeware are themed on the many           womenswear, which flatter a wide         pisang (banana fritters) and bak
quirky facets of life in our Lion City.   range of female silhouettes and          kwa (barbecued meat slices), Old
Browse mugs and keychains                 come in a kaleidoscope of gentle         Seng Choong also retails premix
inspired by famous landmarks,             colours. The manifestation of her        sauces that you can use to make
along with accessories like the           belief that less is more, these          Singaporean classics like chilli
‘good morning towel’, which were          serene forms are inspired by her         crab and Hainanese chicken rice in
commonplace in early Singapore.           personal experiences.                    your own kitchen.

   www.area65.sg                             www.r-y-e.co                             www.oldsengchoong.com
 	Malay Heritage Centre,                  	kapok at National Design Centre,       	The Central @ Clarke Quay, 6 Eu
   85 Sultan Gate Level 1                    111 Middle Rd                            Tong Sen Street #01-48
   Nicoll Highway                            Bugis                                    Clarke Quay

                              HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE                APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 21

Attention ardent shoppers: This is your essential guide to the best buys across town!


                                                                                              DESIGN ORCHARD

                                                                                              Orchard Road is gradually
                                                                                              being transformed into a ‘living
                                                                                              lab’ for start-ups and social
                                                                                              entrepreneurs, starting with
                                                                                              the recent opening of Design
                                                                                              Orchard. Dedicated to
                                                                                              nurturing Singapore designers,
01                                                                                            Design Orchard invites you to
                                                                                              browse products by popular
Orchard Road                                                                                  local brands such as Ying The
                                                                                              Label, Eden and Elie, and
When you visit this verdant neighbourhood, be sure to drop into NomadX (68                    Binary Style. You can also
Orchard Road), where you can interact with smart displays to learn more about                 attend events that will be held
various products, then shop till you drop at Don Don Donki (181 Orchard Road),                in the retail showcase every
which retails a wide range of products around the clock, in Orchard Central. For              month which will touch on
an aerial view of this teeming street, visit the rooftop garden of Orchard Central,           themes like future of smart
an eclectic mall where you can also enjoy flight simulations and indoor rock                  retail, modern products that
climbing. Comcrop (2 Orchard Link), which is Singapore's first sustainable                    celebrate heritage, and local
urban farming project, is also located in this precinct. Afterward, visit ION                 food innovation. There is also
Orchard (2 Orchard Turn) nearby and take the lift to ION Sky on the 56th floor,               a rooftop amphitheatre that is
which proffers a panaromic view of Singapore that stretches on for miles.                     opened to the public to rest
The ION SKY experience also presents you with an 11-minute multimedia                         and relax while enjoying a view
animation display atop the observation deck on level 56. Within ION Orchard,                  of Orchard Road.
The Grande Whisky Collection indulges enthusiasts in masterclasses, tasting
sessions and tours of this immense showcase that houses over 4,500 bottles.                      www.designorchard.sg
                                                                                               	250 Orchard Road
   Dhoby Ghaut, Orchard and Somerset

* From 1 Jan 2019, all public areas within Orchard Road will become a designated No Smoking Zone (NSZ). Designated Smoking
Areas (DSAs) will be available at specified locations within the precinct. For more information, please visit www.nea.gov.sg/ORNSZ


                                                  2                                                        4

                                                  3                                                        4

02                                      03                                  04
Marina Bay                              HarbourFront                        Bras Basah.Bugis
Apart from housing international        VivoCity (1 Harbourfront Walk) is   Take a stroll along Arab Street,
luxury labels, acclaimed Marina Bay     one of Southeast Asia’s biggest     which sells traditional decorations,
Sands® (10 Bayfront Avenue) also        malls, where local retailers like   garments and homeware; and
offers local brands—like Kwanpen,       menswear label Benjamin Barker      colourful Haji Lane, where hip
Lisa Von Tang, RISIS and TWG Tea—       and luxury watch distributor The    independent apparel and accessory
that are recognised globally. Soak in   Hour Glass have set up shop.        brands can be found. Numerous
views of the city skyline from the      Browse an array of apparel,         local brands and innovative designs
SkyPark and infinity pool, then check   accessories and homeware at         are housed within the National
out interactive exhibitions at the      Singapore-founded department        Design Centre (111 Middle Road),
ArtScience Museum (6 Bayfront           store TANGS, and pick up toys for   while in nearby Bras Basah
Avenue) (pg 18). More retail            the young ones from ActionCity      Complex (231 Bain Street) you can
experiences await in Marina Square      and Toys"R"Us before you ride the   browse a variety of literature in
(6 Raffles Boulevard) and Suntec City   Sentosa Express to ‘the State of    bookstores like Basheer Graphic
(3 Temasek Boulevard), where you        Fun’.                               Books, art supplies in Art Friend,
can find the boutiques of Charles &                                         unusual homeware and kitchenware
Keith, Straits Establishment, T.M.        HarbourFront                      in Cat Socrates, and musical
Lewin and more. Catching one of the                                         instruments in Swee Lee.
many performances held at
Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay (1                                            Bras Basah and Bugis
Esplanade Drive) is a good way to
end your night.

  Bayfront, City Hall and Esplanade

                             HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE        APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 23

Sign up for these immersive tours to experience a very different side of Singapore.

                               1                                         2                                      3

01                                       02                                       03
Disappearing Trades                      Le Tara: Singapore                       Keeping It Alive!
by Tribe Tours                           Southern Island Yacht                    by Singabites
Take a trip back in time when you        by Fish2go                               Get to know Singaporean culture
meet artisans of Singapore’s                                                      through tasting its local delights.
traditional crafts. Taste freshly        Discover lesser-known islands            This tour lends its participants
baked bread from one of                  including one verdant man-made           insight into the techniques involved
Singapore’s few remaining                island that used to be a landfill. The   in preparing signature Singapore
traditional bakeries, meet craftsmen     experienced crew will take you on a      foods, and even teaches them how
who make paper effigies to honour        two-and-a-half hour cruise, aboard       they can replicate these recipes in
the dead, and learn how robusta          a luxury vessel, along the Southern      their own homes.
coffee beans are roasted the old         coast of Singapore. Your
way to yield Singapore-style kopi        knowledgeable guide will divulge            Fri 3pm
(coffee).                                the history and folktales of these        	Nanyang Sauce Boutique,
                                         islands and show you its diverse            228 East Coast Road
   Tue & Fri 9am                         array of marine life.                    Book at: www.singabites.com
 	Newton Food Centre, 500
   Clemenceau Avenue North                 	Mon-Fri 10am, 3pm & 5.30pm
   +65 6463 1031                          	Marina at Keppel Bay,
Book at: www.tribe-tours.com                 2 Keppel Bay Vista
                                             +65 8111 6168
                                         Book at: www.letarayacht.com.sg


                              4                                        5                                      6

04                                      05                                      06
Picturing Places of                     Our Singapore Story: An                 Flavours of Singapore
Colonial Singapore                      Artist Journey                          by Let's Go Cook Singapore
by Culture Curious                      by Oriental Travel
                                                                                Pick out local ingredients in the
2019 marks Singapore's                  Discover how street art depicts the     nearby wet market and learn to
bicentennial year where we look         provenance and modern way of life       cook in a cosy studio. On this
back on 700 years of heritage to the    of Singaporeans of different            experiential tour, friendly and
turning point of 1819, when Sir         ethinicities. This tour starts in the   engaging chef-guides will teach you
Stamford Raffles arrived on             heartlands of Ang Mo Kio and            how to prepare authentic local
Singapore's shores. But have you        gradually moves to the city centre,     delicacies and whip up
ever wondered how artists viewed        where historic migrant settlements      delectable desserts.
and portrayed the daily scenes of       now teem with vibrancy and
early Singapore? In this small group    modernity.
tour of the Civic District and                                                    	Daily 9am, 2pm or 5pm
Chinatown, you’ll travel back in time      Thu & Sat 9.30am                         (2 to 4 hours)
to discover riveting tales of people     	Yio Chu Kang MRT Station                 Block 462 Crawford Lane #01-57
and places, told through vignettes         Main Entrance                            +65 9271 0978
and photographs of artworks from           +65 8262 6266                        Book at: www.letsgocooksingapore.com
National Gallery Singapore along        Book at: www.oriental.tours
with archival images of Singapore.
Refreshments will be provided.

  Thu 9am
  Telok Ayer MRT Station Exit A
  +65 9115 3874
Book at: www.culturecurious.biz

                            HAD A GOOD TIME? SHARE IT WITH US AT #VISITSINGAPORE              APR/MAY/JUN 2019 — 25

If you’re travelling with the brood in tow, here are some fun ideas of
how you and your young ones can discover Singapore together.

                                                                           KidZania Singapore is the first
                                                                           KidZania in the world to house a
                                                                           full-wing fuselage of a Boeing 737
                                                                           and the first KidZania city to be
                                                                           located on an island resort. This
                                                                           interactive indoor edutainment city
                                                                           built for kids aged three to 17 years
                                                                           offers kids a glimpse of various
                                                                           careers through realistic role-play,
                                                                           which teaches them valuable life

                                                                              Sentosa, Palawan Kidz City,
                                                                              31 Beach View #01-01/02
                                                                              +65 6653 6888

02                                                                                                          2

Wild Wild Wet
Wild Wild Wet is a four-hectare adventure park with
numerous high-octane thrill rides like Vortex, Free Fall
and Royal Flush. Alternatively, you and your family can
drift down its 335-metre-long lazy river or relax on a
float in the wave pool. Wild Wild Wet also recently
began holding free outdoor movie screenings and
opened its electric go-kart circuit, which family
members aged eight and above can drive in. Wild Wild
Wet is part of the multi-concept venue, Downtown
East, which invites families to enjoy darts in Forest4
Darts Café, pool at Cue Guru, live music in OBAR Live
House and karaoke in Teo Heng KTV. Downtown East’s
dining outles include popular local chains like Founder
Bak Kut Teh and Mellben Seafood.

  Downtown East, 1 Pasir Ris Close
  +65 6589 1666
  Pasir Ris


                                                   3         03
                                                             Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden
                                                             Asia’s first garden dedicated to children invites your kids
                                                             to learn more about ecology and the importance of
                                                             sustainability, through fun activities and spacious play
                                                             areas. This garden is located in Singapore's first
                                                             UNESCO World Heritage Site, Singapore Botanic
                                                             Gardens, where you and your kids can also grab a bite in
                                                             kid-friendly restaurants like Botanico and Corner House.
                                                             Afterwards, catch outdoor performances (on weekends)
                                                             at the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage, and discover
                                                             numerous species of orchids in the National Orchid

                                                                Singapore Botanic Gardens,
                                                                481 Bukit Timah Road
                                                                Botanic Gardens

04                                                                                                                4

Cool De Sac
Parents can relax in one of the many eateries in Suntec
City Mall while their kids are actively engaged in Cool De
Sac’s wide variety of educational and unique play
stations. Healthy family meals are also served within
this capacious indoor park. Your children will love
making art, learning new skills, climbing through jungle
gyms and playing games with friendly adult facilitators
in this fun-filled venue where creative play is nurtured
and encouraged.

    Suntec City Mall, 3 Temasek Boulevard #02-379/380
    +65 6337 0205

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If high-octane entertainment is your cup of tea, here’s a
shortlist of the best places where you can be part of the action.

                                                   1                                                          2

01                                                           02
Royal Albatross                                              Zero Latency
Climb the mast of the Royal Albatross, which is one of       Escape into different worlds with your friends and
the few remaining ‘tall ships’ in the world, for a           family, when you don a virtual reality headset in this
breathtaking view of Sentosa. Permanently docked along       warehouse-sized free-roaming VR park. A multi-player
the waters of Sentosa, this particular vessel is the only    social gaming experience that employs state-of-the-art
one of its kind in Singapore and welcomes you to embark      wireless technology, Zero Latency is where you can try
on guided tours of this magnificent vessel. If your family   your hand at surviving a zombie apocalypse, carry out a
members are the adventurous type, they might enjoy           deep space mission or wander through a warped and
experiencing a sailor’s life by climbing the immense mast    whimsical alternate reality called Engineerium.
of the Royal Albatross, which takes them 21 metres
above sea level. This climbing experience is bundled with      www.zerolatencyvr.com.sg
a S$25 F&B voucher and comes with a certificate                Suntec City Mall, 3 Temasek Boulevard #03-346/347
personally signed by the ship’s captain.                       +65 6931 0331
 	8 Sentosa Gateway (Tall Ship Royal Albatross’s home
   berth is adjacent to Adventure Cove WaterparkTM at
   Resorts WorldTM Sentosa)


                               3                                      4                                          5

03                                      04                                      05
Skyline Luge Sentosa                    Forest Adventure                        SuperPark
Hop aboard the Luge Ride with your      Famous for its 300-metre Big Zip        Race your kids in pedal cars and take
little ones, which is a unique          and challenging suspension              turns trying to defeat a robot
go-karting experience that              bridges, this tree-top adventure park   goalkeeper. At this family-friendly
comprises four luge tracks with         challenges you to take on its Grand     venue, you can also watch your kids
exhilarating tunnels, hairpin corners   Course, which lasts two and a half      muscle their way through obstacle
and downhill slopes. After dark,        hours and comprises 44 adrenaline-      courses and hurtle down its thrilling
colourful lights give the luge tracks   pumping obstacles including three       tube slide. Besides these family-
a completely different atmosphere.      giant ziplines. There’s also a junior   friendly activities offered in SuperPark
If you’d like to take things slow,      course of 26 obstacles and one          Singapore’s three unique zones—the
jump aboard the Skyride, which will     zipline across the water; and a kids    Adventure Area, Game Arena and
take you and your party on              course for five- to nine-year-olds      Freestyle Hall—this indoor park also
four-seater chairlifts into the air,    which features 22 crossings and         has an Augmented Climbing Wall
from which you can enjoy an aerial      two ziplines.                           integrated with digital aspects and
view of the Singapore skyline and                                               additional games that will challenge
South China Sea.                          www.forestadventure.com.sg            even the most experienced climbers
                                          Bedok Reservoir Park                  with new obstacles. Show off your
  	www.skylineluge.com/en/sentosa        +65 8100 7420                         skills in the SuperPark’s gymnastics
 	5 Siloso Beach Walk, between           Bedok                                 area, trampoline platform, and skate
    Imbiah Lookout and Siloso Beach                                             and scoot world, or try your hand at
    (Sentosa)                                                                   the venue’s unique ball games like
    +65 6274 0472                                                               superball, superbowling, superhoop
    HarbourFront                                                                and superpinball.

                                                                                 	Suntec City Mall, 3 Temasek
                                                                                   Boulevard, Tower 1 #02-477
                                                                                   (North Wing)

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