Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore

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Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
singaporenautilus                     a maritime andport authorityof singapore publication

02/2015 no.31

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         powering ahead with     real-time monitor              the case for
         innovative technology   for safer passage              sustainability reporting
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02/2015        PAGE 1

                 PAGE                                                 PAGE                                                      PAGE

            SHIP’S LOG
       news and events                                         the way                                                towards greater
           at MPA                                              forward                                               safety and security
                 PAGE                          PAGE                                    PAGE                                     PAGE

                22                             24                                      27                                     30
          PERSONALITY                MARITIME SERVICES                       COMPANY SPOTLIGHT                          COMMENTARY
        seeing beyond                      empowering                         ahead of the curve                       the business of
         the horizon                         minds                                                                      sustainability

                 PAGE                          PAGE                                    PAGE                                     PAGE

                32                             34                                     38                                      40
           TECHNOLOGY                 COMMUNIT Y TALK                                CAREERS                           THE BACK PAGE
          safety in the              hubs of the future                           a study in blue                        retracing
            shallows                                                                                                      history

publisher                 executive editor            publishing agent
                          Au Kheng Sheng
                          advisory committee
                          Andrew Tan                  Caroline Ngui                     Dennis Pua                       publishing services
                          Tan Beng Tee                GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF             MANAGING DIRECTOR                Nurin Farah Adam
                          M Segar Abdullah                                                                               COORDINATOR
                                                      Joanna Lee-Miller                 Christopher Chan
                          Khong Shen Ping             GROUP EDITOR                      GENERAL MANAGER                  Singapore Nautilus is published quarterly
                                                                                                                         by SPH Magazines Pte Ltd (Registration
                          Toh Ah Cheong
                          Ong Seok Bin
                                                      editorial & creative              sales & client                   No: 196900476M) for the Maritime
                                                                                                                         and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).
MARITIME AND                                          Dora Tay                          management                       Copyright of the materials contained in
                          Parry Oei                   SENIOR EDITOR                     Kaz Lim
                                                                                                                         this magazine belongs to MPA. Views

PORT AUTHORITY OF         Tan Cheng Peng              Lediati Tan                       ASSOCIATE ACCOUNT DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                         expressed may not necessarily be those
                                                                                                                         of MPA or SPH Magazines Pte Ltd. All
                                                                                                                         rights reserved. Enquiries should be
SINGAPORE                 Angela Png                  ASSOCIATE EDITOR                  Charmaine Soh                    directed to the Editor, Maritime and Port
                                                                                                                         Authority of Singapore, 460 Alexandra
                          Tan Suan Jow                Annabelle Bok                             Road, #19-00, PSA Building, Singapore
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Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
02/2015    PAGE 3


     ahead   The maritime
                                   For Maritime Singapore, the
                               future is here and now. Despite
                               its humble beginning, Singapore
                               has been able to establish itself
                               as a global hub port and leading
                                                                        providing real-time monitoring of
                                                                        the vessels’ under keel clearance.
                                                                        Find out more about this project in
                                                                        the Technology section.
                                                                            In this issue, we feature two
               industry has                                             prominent individuals from the
                               international maritime centre
    undergone significant       through a combination of factors,        maritime industry in the Personality
 transformation in recent      from geographic position to strategic    section. The first is Mr Andrew
 years, bearing witness to     vision. Key among these is its ability   Winbow, Assistant Secretary-
 the emergence of bigger,      to respond quickly to emerging           General of the International
     smarter and greener       global trends and successfully invest    Maritime Organization, who talks
                               in these areas. With the shift in the    about some of the pertinent issues
   ships, the proliferation                                             his organisation is working on.
                               economic and maritime centre of
     of real-time response     gravity to Asia, technology will be      We also speak to Mr Tung Chee
systems, and the building      important in keeping Singapore           Chen, Chairman of Orient Overseas
     of more efficient and      ahead of the competition.                (International) Limited, who shares
          intelligent ports.       In anticipation of future growth,    his keen observations on some of
                               the Maritime and Port Authority of       the future trends in the container
                               Singapore (MPA) has embarked on a        shipping sector.
                               series of initiatives and programmes         In the Community Talk section,
                               that bank on innovative application      the heads of four regional port
                               of the latest technology to turn the     authorities share their vision of a
                               Port of Singapore into a smarter,        future-ready port.
                               safer and more productive port.              Through this issue, we hope to
                               Read more about these efforts in this    share with you some of the exciting
                               issue’s main feature.                    developments that are underway in
                                   With safety a priority in            the dynamic maritime industry.
                               Singapore’s port waters, MPA and
                               research and consulting group DHI
                               Water and Environment jointly
                               undertook a Real-Time Under
                               Keel Clearance project, which will
                               improve navigational safety for
                               vessels transiting the Singapore         AU KHENG SHENG
                               Strait or navigating in our port by      EXECUTIVE EDITOR
Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
02/2015   PAGE 4

                                                      SHIP’S LOG NEWS

MARITIME TIES                                                     FOR 27TH TIME
An eight-member Singapore delegation, led by Mr
Andrew Tan, Chief Executive of the Maritime and
Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), attended the
ninth China-Singapore Senior Officials’ Committee
Meeting in Shanghai from April 7 to 10.
    The annual meeting between MPA and the
People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Transport
provides senior maritime officials from both
countries with an opportunity to exchange views
on maritime matters of common interest and to
further bilateral cooperation.
    Topics discussed at the meeting included the
Co-operative Mechanism On Safety Of Navigation
And Environmental Protection In The Straits Of
Malacca and Singapore, ongoing International                      The Port of Singapore has        international maritime centre.
Maritime Organization issues such as the Ballast                  beaten Hong Kong and                 “Singapore will also
Water Management Convention, piracy and                           Shanghai to be named the         continue to plan and invest
armed robbery, as well as China’s initiative of the               Best Seaport in Asia for the     ahead; our commissioning of
21st Century Maritime Silk Road.                                  27th time, at the 2015 Asian     Pasir Panjang Terminal Phases
    As part of the visit, the MPA delegation also                 Freight, Logistics and Supply    3 and 4, for example, will
visited Yangshan Port and Yangshan Vessel                         Chain Awards.                    increase the overall capacity
Traffic Service Centre to learn about the Shanghai                     The award ceremony, held     of Singapore’s port to 50
port’s operations.                                                in Hong Kong on June 24,         million TEUs (twenty-foot
                                                                  honoured organisations for       equivalent units) when they
                                                                  demonstrating leadership as      are fully operational.”
                                                                  well as consistency in service       Prime Minister Lee Hsien
IMPROVING MARITIME TRAINING                                       quality, innovation, customer    Loong officially opened the
                                                                  relationship management and      terminals on June 23. They
To enhance realism and boost the quality and                      reliability. It was organised    will be fully operational by
efficiency of maritime training in Singapore, the                  by freight and logistics         the end of 2017.
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)                    publication Asia Cargo News,         Last year, the Port of
has set up a Vessel Traffic Service Simulator at                   with the winners determined      Singapore continued to
the Port Operations Control Centre Vista. It was                  by votes from its readers.       achieve good growth. Annual
unveiled at a commissioning ceremony on March                         The Port of Singapore        vessel arrival tonnage
27 by MPA Chief Executive Mr Andrew Tan.                          stood out for its leading        reached 2.37 billion gross
    Comprising five consoles, the simulator                        performance on a range           tonnes (GT), container
provides the full functionality of a Vessel Traffic                of criteria, including cost      throughput hit 33.9 million
System operator workplace while allowing                          competitiveness, timely and      TEUs, and total cargo tonnage
Vessel Traffic Management Officers to be trained                    adequate investment in new       handled reached 580.8
in varied and realistic scenarios in a risk-free                  infrastructure to meet future    million tonnes.
environment. It achieves this by using the latest                 demand, and the facilitation         The total volume of
Vessel Traffic Information System, equipped with                   of ancillary services.           bunkers sold in the Port of
simulated configurations from other monitoring                         Mr Andrew Tan, Chief         Singapore remained the
systems. The system can also closely imitate real-                Executive of the Maritime and    highest in the world, at 42.4
life ship movements and environmental conditions                  Port Authority of Singapore      million tonnes. And the total
in a simulated waterway.                                          said: “We will continue to       tonnage of ships under the
    These functions allow instructors to create                   work closely with all our        Singapore Registry of Ships
areas with different navigational situations,                     stakeholders to strengthen       was 82.2 million GT, putting
control target ships, and generate various training               our competitiveness as a         Singapore among the top 10
scenarios and tasks.                                              premier global hub port and      ship registries in the world.
Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
02/2015   PAGE 5

                                                        SHIP’S LOG NEWS

                                                                    INTERNSHIP AWARD
At the Building A Smarter Port Of Singapore
launch event on March 23, the Maritime and
Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) announced
new initiatives that harness the use of mobile
technology and wireless connectivity to enhance
communications, productivity and crew welfare in
the Port of Singapore.
    These include collaborating with local telco M1
to improve broadband coverage in Singapore’s
port waters by providing high-speed wireless 4G
broadband access up to 15km from the coast,
extending free Wi-Fi services to the public at
MPA-managed terminals such as at Changi Point
Ferry Terminal from July 1, and launching a new
mobile app, myMaritime@SG, for the maritime                         The Maritime and Port                    and Singapore Management
community and the public to access maritime                         Authority of Singapore                   University to gain a deeper
information and services on their mobile phones.                    (MPA) has awarded 30                     appreciation of the global
    MPA and the Singapore Shipping Association                      undergraduates from varying              nature of the maritime
have also issued a joint call for proposals to invite               fields (Maritime Studies,                 industry through a 10-week
the maritime community and solution providers to                    Business Management,                     internship programme. GIA
develop apps for the industry.                                      Economics, Accountancy                   recipients will experience
    A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)                             and Law) with the MPA                    hands-on learning in both
was also signed between MPA and M1 with the                         Global Internship Award                  the local and overseas offices
aim of leveraging mobile technology to enhance                      (GIA). This year, 21 maritime            of participating maritime
productivity and crew welfare. They will also work                  companies from different                 companies as the programme
together on research and projects to test-bed new                   sectors including shipping,              includes overseas stints of up
technologies to benefit the maritime industry.                       shipbroking, ship finance,                to four weeks in Australasia,
                                                                    marine insurance, and                    the Middle East, South Africa,
                                                                    offshore and maritime law                Europe and the United States.
                                                                    are participating in the                     MPA Chief Executive
                                                                    programme. This is the largest           Mr Andrew Tan said: “We
                                                                    number of award recipients               are heartened by the
                                                                    and participating companies              encouraging response
                                                                    since the GIA programme                  to the MPA GIA 2015, as
                                                                    started in 2013.                         the increased number of
                                                                        The GIA award allows                 applications, recipients and
                                                                    high-achieving local                     participating companies
                                                                    undergraduates from                      indicate the value of the
                                                                    the National University                  programme and commitment
                                                                    of Singapore, Nanyang                    in developing manpower for
                                                                    Technological University                 Maritime Singapore.”

                                                                    TOP Some of the GIA recipients with Mr Andrew Tan, MPA’s Chief Executive,
                                                                    and representatives of participating maritime companies.

                                                                    LEFT, TOP Mr Andrew Tan (left), and Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of
                                                                    State for Finance and Transport, launching the myMaritime@SG mobile app.
                                                                    BOTTOM Ms Karen Kooi (extreme left), M1’s Chief Executive Officer, with Mrs
                                                                    Teo and Mr Tan at the signing of the MOU.

                                                                    OPPOSITE MPA’s Director of Port Policy, Mr Tan Cheng Peng (left), received
                                                                    the award on behalf of the Port of Singapore.
Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
02/2015       PAGE 6

                                                               SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS


Maersk received a S$2 million grant from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s (MPA’s) Green Technology Programme to retrofit four vessels.

LAUNCH OF MARITIME YOUTH CLUB AND SINGAPORE MARITIME TRAIL 2                                                                                                      TAP FOR

The Maritime Youth Club, an outreach initiative by MPA to raise awareness of Maritime Singapore among youth, was launched at the former Tanjong Pagar
Railway Station on May 19. At the same event, MPA also launched Singapore Maritime Trail 2, which maps the development of Maritime Singapore.


To encourage
The Maritime andseafarers to engageof
                    Port Authority  inSingapore
                                       healthy recreational activities,
                                                 (MPA) hosted  a LunarMPA
                                                                            Year lunchthe
                                                                                       at inaugural International
                                                                                          Customs House           Bowling
                                                                                                          on Feb 25 for its Tournament
                                                                                                                            friends in thefor Seafarers on March 13.
to express its appreciation for their strong support over the years. Mr Lucien Wong, MPA Chairman, outlined key highlights for MPA this year
during his welcome remarks.
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02/2015      PAGE 7

                                                            SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS


Mr Jean-Paul Adam, the Seychellois Minister for Finance, Trade and the Blue Economy, visited MPA on March 13.


MPA hosted Mr Jorge Barakat Pitty, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority, under its Distinguished Visitors Programme
from April 19 to 24. During his visit, he also called on Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence.


Mr Andrew Winbow, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Maritime Safety Division at the International Maritime Organization, visited MPA on April 24.

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Singaporenautilus - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
02/2015       PAGE 8

                                                              SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS

SMW 2015
The 10th edition of Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) saw over 50,000 public participants and members of
the international maritime community gathering here for 30 diverse and exciting events organised around the
theme of People, Ideas And Opportunities. Singapore Nautilus takes a look at some of the highlights of the annual
flagship event driven by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).



Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence, officiated at the launch of SMW 2015, as well as the opening of the first ever Maritime
Heritage Exhibition at the Marina Bay Sands Event Plaza on April 19. The public exhibition tells the story of how the past and present are shaping the future of
Maritime Singapore through artefacts, interactive presentations and multimedia displays.


More than 1,100 participants participated in this year’s Maritime Learning Journeys, which brought them on trips out to sea as well as visits to Raffles Lighthouse
and the Singapore Maritime Gallery.
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                                                              SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS


Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Transport, presented insignias to cadets from the second batch of
graduates of the CoC (Special Limits) training programmes for Deck Officers and Marine Engineers. To date, more than 250 Singaporeans have enrolled in these
two programmes.



About 400 high-level delegates and decision-makers in the maritime industry attended this year’s SML, which was delivered by Mr Tung Chee Chen, Chairman of
Orient Overseas (International) Limited. He also engaged the audience in a dialogue chaired by BW Group’s Chairman, Mr Andreas Sohmen-Pao.


A record 16,185 participants from 85 different countries took part in the fifth edition of Sea Asia 2015. Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister
for Defence, officiated at the opening of the conference.

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02/2015     PAGE 10

                                                             SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS


This closed-door roundtable event brought 10 port authorities from major ports around the world together to network, share insights on pertinent issues and best
practices, and explore areas of collaboration. During the event, the Ports of Singapore and Rotterdam also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to exchange
information on marine services and jointly collaborate on research and development in the areas of service efficiency and optimisation, and new developments in
the maritime and port sectors.

CONFERENCE (SMTC)                                                                 CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION 2015

The inaugural SMTC saw more than 60 eminent experts from around the               Around 300 international maritime experts and participants from major oil
world gathering to speak on a wide range of topics, from e-navigation to the      and chemical companies, emergency response companies, shipowners and
use of automated and autonomous technologies, to about 300 participants           operators, as well as port authorities, attended this year’s event. A chemical
from more than 10 countries.                                                      spill exercise, organised by the MPA, was also conducted during the event.
02/2015      PAGE 11

                                                            SHIP’S LOG HAPPENINGS


The inaugural AMLP saw 13 senior maritime officials from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania engaging in sharing sessions, panel
discussions, case studies and crisis communication exercises over a five-day period.


The forum gathered bunker suppliers, craft operators, testing laboratories, surveyors and shipping companies and engaged and updated them on actions taken to
improve bunkering services in the Port of Singapore.



This year’s awards ceremony honoured 11 industry partners for their outstanding contributions towards the growth of Maritime Singapore. Mr Lui Tuck Yew,
Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence, also presented 38 maritime companies with the Maritime Sector Incentive Awards, which aim to facilitate
the growth and expansion of shipowners and operators and maritime service providers locally.

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02/2015   PAGE 12


                       Rahita Elias looks at how Maritime Singapore is harnessing the potential of

The past several years have been a challenging
period for the global maritime industry, but there
is quiet confidence in its long-term prospects.
    In its latest The World In 2050
report, professional services firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers projected that the world
economy would double in size by 2037 and almost
triple by 2050. It also predicted a shift in global
economic power away from advanced economies
                                                                   the way
in North America and Western Europe, towards
Asia and faster-growing emerging economies over
the next 35 years. Against this backdrop, shipping
remains the primary and most efficient mode of
transport for goods across countries.
    Evolving trends have seen the centre of
maritime activities shifting towards Asia in recent
years. Regional port authorities have responded
to this by building new ports and expanding or
upgrading existing ones.
    With limited land and manpower, Singapore
cannot compete on scale alone. For Maritime
Singapore to be well positioned to capture the
upcoming growth and new opportunities,
it has to find ways to do things
more efficiently, cleverly or
differently to stay

02/2015   PAGE 13


                                                    of the
                                                        With the launch of
                                                    the S$3.5 billion expansion of
                                                    Pasir Panjang Terminal Phases 3 and
                                                    4, and the construction of the mega port
                                                    at Tuas underway, the Port of Singapore has
                                                    also embarked on a plan to build a smarter, more
                                                    efficient and safer port. Recently, it introduced
                                                    a slew of initiatives and programmes that will
                                                    leverage the latest technological advancements to
                                                    benefit all users.
                                                        At the Building A Smarter Port Of Singapore
                                                    event on March 23, Senior Minister of State
                                                    for Finance and Transport Josephine Teo said
                                                    that the Republic is adopting a multi-pronged

                                                    approach in its endeavour to realise a Smarter
                                                    Port of Singapore. This involves improving mobile
                                                    and wireless connectivity in our port waters and
                                                    facilitating the development and test-bedding of
                                                    smart technologies locally. Data analytics will be
                                                    used to strengthen enforcement, and a next-
                                                    generation Vessel Traffic Management System

  innovation and technology to build a smarter port for the future
02/2015   PAGE 14

02/2015   PAGE 15


will be developed
to include capabilities
such as early detection of
congestion hotspots. The port
community will ride on these initiatives
to build new port applications.
    At the event, Maritime and Port Authority
of Singapore (MPA) Chief Executive Andrew
Tan highlighted the importance of a smart port
for Singapore. He said: “We envision a more
interconnected port with high-speed Internet
access, wider use of data analytics, and innovative
mobile solutions to enhance our port’s overall
competitiveness. This will benefit all users of the
Port of Singapore.”

A new Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Simulator
has been commissioned at the Port Operations
Control Centre Vista to enhance the quality and
effectiveness of the training of Singapore’s Vessel
Traffic Management Officers.
    Providing varied and realistic scenarios to
train these officers in a risk-free environment,
the simulator has the full functionality of a Vessel
Traffic System operator workplace. It uses the
latest Vessel Traffic Information System and
closely imitates real ship movements and actual
environmental conditions in a waterway. This
allows instructors to create areas with different
navigational situations, control target ships, and
generate various training scenarios and tasks.

   As part of the smart port strategy, MPA is
harnessing mobile technology and wireless
connectivity to enhance communications,
productivity and crew welfare in the port through
various collaborations with M1.
   MPA and M1 have joined forces to address
the current limitations of high-speed broadband
coverage in Singapore’s port waters. The maritime
community now has access to a high-bandwidth,
low-cost, secure and wireless 4G broadband
network up to 15km from Singapore’s coastline.
   To this end, MPA and M1 have inked a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
to promote the adoption of 4G
broadband coverage for
vessels operating within
Singapore’s port
waters. They
02/2015   PAGE 16


                                                                  emphasis on
                                                                  mobility means that
                                                                  mobile apps are a potential
                                                                  game changer for the port
                                                                  community. For instance, work patterns
                                                                  could become more mobile and flexible as
                                                                  more transactions and services are performed
                                                                  through mobile devices.
                                                                     To grow this potential, MPA and the Singapore
                                                                  Shipping Association have jointly invited
                                                                  companies to submit proposals to develop
                                                                  innovative business-to-business mobile apps
                                                                  that will offer value-added services in areas such
                                                                  as maritime logistics operations, ship-to-shore
will also work                                                    communications, and remote shore monitoring
together on                                                       of marine operations. For this, MPA has set aside
research and projects                                             S$2 million from its Maritime Innovation and
to test-bed new technologies                                      Technology (MINT) Fund to co-fund projects
that enhance the network                                          approved under this initiative.
coverage in our port waters.
    This will open up new possibilities in the                    FOSTERING PARTNERSHIPS
way port users use and access information. For                    During this year’s Singapore Maritime Week,
instance, regardless of where a port user is, he will             maritime technology took centre stage at the
be able to access near real-time information, make                inaugural Singapore Maritime Technology
decisions, and even place an order for services and               Conference (SMTC). Local and overseas
monitor the status of their delivery anytime and                  maritime companies, organisations,
nearly anywhere. The rich information gathered                    institutes of higher learning,
by service providers can also be further analysed                 research institutes and
to optimise operations and services in the future.                international
    Access to the Internet can also help attract and              partners
retain talent in the maritime industry; the welfare
of crews on visiting ships and harbour craft would
be enhanced by the availability of ready, low-cost
broadband services that make it easier for them to
keep in touch with their loved ones.
    Additionally, the Wireless@SG programme has
been extended to Marina South Pier, Changi Point
Ferry Terminal, and West Coast Pier. Members of
the public now enjoy access to free basic Wi-Fi at
these terminals.
    MPA has also launched a free mobile app,
myMaritime@SG. With this app, the first of its
kind in the region, port users can obtain the latest
information (e.g. ship arrivals and departures,
and tidal data) with which to plan their
shipping routes and carry out
transactions, while the public
can provide real-time
feedback to MPA.
02/2015        PAGE 17


at the
conference in April.
    Senior Minister of State
Josephine Teo, who officiated
at the opening of the conference,
announced that MPA is launching a series of
call-for-proposals to cover new areas of potential
research and test-bedding of technology solutions
under its MINT Fund. It is also extending the Green
Technology Programme by another five years until
2021 and committing another S$25 million to the
programme, bringing the total funding to S$50
million. To encourage companies to adopt green
technologies that are developed or test-bedded
locally, MPA is increasing the co-funding level for
such projects from 50 per cent to 70 per cent,
capped at S$2 million per project.
    During the conference, MPA also signed                           app
MOUs with two research agencies to ensure that
Singapore stays ahead of maritime technology
development. The first was with the Agency for
Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to
collaborate on research and development (R&D) in
maritime technology. Some areas of R&D covered
under the MOU include next-generation maritime
communications technology, robotic capability
for the marine industry, as well as the application
of modelling and simulation to bolster the
competitive edge of Maritime Singapore. At the
signing, Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director of
A*STAR, said: “This MOU...serves as a framework to
bring our partnership to a new level by delivering
even more ideas and innovative technologies to
the Maritime and Offshore industry.”
    The other MOU, with the Research Council of
Norway, renewed the two organisations’ bilateral
agreement on maritime education, training
and R&D for another three years till
2018. The current MOU framework
has been expanded to
include collaboration in
the first international
joint call-for-
proposals in
02/2015   PAGE 18


research, where S$6 million will
be channelled into technological
development in navigational safety,
ship operations and safety, ship-port
operations, green shipping and maritime arctic
research. This will help promote maritime research
collaboration and knowledge exchange between
Singapore and Norway through joint R&D projects
among their research institutions.
    Arvid Hallen, Director-General of the Research
Council of Norway, said: “Both Singapore and
Norway put great emphasis on improving the                      EXPLORATION AND
environmental footprint of shipping, and when                     DEVELOPMENT
scientists from two of the world’s leading maritime
nations work together, the results will be of major
significance for both parties as well as for the

The opening session of the conference saw
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Assistant Secretary-General Andrew Winbow
speaking on e-navigation and the IMO’s priorities                 PRODUCTION
in the field of maritime safety. He pointed out that
in using e-navigation tools to support navigators,
the important thing is not the mere presence of
more data, but the delivery of timely, relevant and
accurate data. He also drew attention to human
limitations as a critical factor that impacts the
effective use of e-navigation systems.
    Another speaker at the SMTC was Oh Bee
Lock, Chief Operating Officer of PSA Singapore
Terminals, who talked about the importance of
deploying smart technologies in ports. He said                    TRANSPORT
that the Tuas port will be equipped with smart
technologies, such as automated handling
systems, while staying committed to
environmental sustainability.
He also touched on
the potential of

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                                   SINGAPORE LNG TERMINAL

                                   process integration, and
                                   collaborative port community
                                   systems as some of the things that
                                   could be leveraged to achieve greater
                                   efficiency in ports.
                                       On the issue of improving sustainability,
                                   liquefied natural gas (LNG) was a hot topic at the
                                   SMTC. Julien Boulland, Senior Naval Architect
                                   at Bureau Veritas’ South Asia Offshore Centre,
                                   highlighted the growing use of LNG as ship fuel – it
                                   is already in use in Europe and the US. He pointed
                                   out that Europe and North America have already
LNG IMPORTER                       instituted Emission Control Areas (ECAs), and
                                   other parts of the world are likely to follow suit. An
                                   increase in ECAs will further drive the shift to LNG,
                                   which is considered the cleaner fuel option with a
                                   good safety record.
                                       These and other speakers at the
                                   conference provided many ideas
                                   on how technology can help
                                   Maritime Singapore to
                                   build a smarter port
                                   for the future.
02/2015    PAGE 20


Information Sharing
Centre (ReCAAP ISC)
was set up as a centre
for reporting and
sharing information
on piracy and armed
robbery at sea. It has
been very effective
and its membership
has increased.
    Information is
powerful these days
and the sharing of
information has done
a lot to help combat
piracy. There is now
a relatively new issue
faced by small tankers
– generally 1,000 DWT

to 2,000 DWT tankers
– of hijackings for the
theft of their cargo
and bunker fuel. It is

                                      greater safety
focused on South-east
Asia at the moment,
but similar incidents
have occurred in West

                                        and security
Africa. There has been
some indication that
some of these may be
“inside jobs”.
    If that is the                      Andrew Winbow, Assistant Secretary-General of the
case, effective
                               International Maritime Organization (IMO), speaks to AJ Leow
response measures
leveraging ReCAAP                       on the work of the IMO and his seafaring experience
ISC’s membership
resources and utilising
its cooperative                    Andrew Winbow, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the
arrangements can be             Maritime Safety Division at the International Maritime Organization
put in place to inform,        (IMO), was a regular visitor to Singapore in the 1970s when he worked
educate and advise                  for multinational oil and gas company Shell on board an 18,000
shipping companies                  deadweight tonnage (DWT) tanker that also made frequent calls
on how to tackle this             at ports in Hong Kong and Vietnam. He was back in Singapore for
and future problems.                Singapore Maritime Week 2015, where he delivered two keynote
    The recent success         addresses, one at the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating
of the Malaysian              Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) conference,
Maritime Enforcement               and the other at the Singapore Maritime Technology Conference.
02/2015    PAGE 21


Agency in arresting       some countries are        slowed the whole
pirates that hijacked     reluctant to accept       evacuation process.             “INFORMATION IS POWERFUL
a Malaysian coastal
tanker is welcome,
                          migrants for a number
                          of both practical and
                                                    The case is currently
                                                    being investigated and          THESE DAYS AND THE SHARING
and more successes of
this type would be a
                          political reasons.
                          This gets the IMO
                                                    may result in the IMO
                                                    having to look into
                                                                                    OF INFORMATION HAS DONE A
very positive message
to the industry and a
                          involved in discussions
                          with United Nations
                                                    improving firefighting
                                                    and life-saving
                                                                                    LOT TO HELP COMBAT PIRACY.”
                                                                                    ANDREW WINBOW, IMO’S ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL
deterrent to pirates.     agencies dealing with     measures for such
                          refugees, human rights    vessels.
WHAT ARE THE MOST         and human trafficking
PERTINENT ISSUES          to address this. From     YOUNG PEOPLE                    Investigation. Maybe
FACING THE IMO NOW?       the IMO’s perspective,    TODAY SEEM LESS                 we should have
At the moment, it is      it is not a matter of     DRAWN TO SEAFARING              something like that for
migrants in European      dealing with ships in     CAREERS THAN IN                 the industry.
waters. Distress          distress anymore – the    THE PAST. HOW CAN
situations at sea         issue becomes more        ONE PERSUADE THEM               HOW WILL THE IMO
are covered under         wide-ranging.             OTHERWISE?                      SAFEGUARD EARTH’S
the International              During last year’s   Share with them the             LAST PRISTINE
Convention for the        Ebola outbreak, some      perspective that the            FRONTIERS FROM ECO-
Safety of Life at         countries took drastic    only way to really see          TOURISM AND DEEP-
Sea (SOLAS) and           actions with ships        the world is to join a          SEA EXPLORATION?
the International         that sailed to Africa,    merchant ship.                  We recently adopted
Convention on             and even ships that           The trouble with            the IMO Polar Code,
Maritime Search and       had not visited any       the shipping industry           which states that if
Rescue, both of which     Ebola-stricken country.   is that it’s almost             you enter the polar
require shipmasters       As the incubation         invisible. Unlike in            regions, you should
to rescue other ships     period for Ebola is       Singapore, in most              do so with a bit more
in distress. Of course,   21 days, ships were       parts of the world              care because of the
this requirement is       quarantined for three     ports are far away              extreme weather;
also a well-enshrined     weeks at sea. This        from where people               the facts are that
tradition that dates      affected trade as well    live. In London, ships          search and rescue
back to the early days    as seafarers leaving      used to go past Tower           facilities are virtually
of sailing.               or joining ships, so      Bridge, and during              non-existent there,
    About 40,000 of       the IMO had to come       World War II, ships             that it is a pristine
the 200,000 people        up with guidelines to     were a lifeline.                environment, and that
rescued in the            manage the situation.         There have been             navigators who can
Mediterranean last             More recently, a     many campaigns                  navigate through ice
year were rescued by      fire broke out on the      in the UK, such as              are needed. These are
merchant ships. That      car deck of a roll-on/    stickers on bananas             practically additional
in itself is a problem    roll-off Italian-flagged   asking questions like,          requirements – a
because ships these       ferry off Greece. The     “Where do they come             prescriptive bolt-on to
days normally have        fire spread quickly        from?” It raises some           existing requirements
crews of about 20         and there was a lot of    awareness but that              under SOLAS and
people. Rescuing          smoke, which made         soon dissipates. I read         MARPOL (International
people at sea is          evacuation difficult       (an article) about the          Convention for
difficult, and space and   as it hampered the        most sought-after               the Prevention of
resources like water,     use of life-saving        degree courses. It says         Pollution from Ships)
food and medical          equipment. Many           that there has been             conventions. Having
facilities are limited.   of the passengers         an increase in interest         said that, in the last
    This leads to the     had to be airlifted,      in psychology due               summer season, only
next problem – where      some one at a time,       to TV programmes                a handful of ships took                               TAP FOR
to take them – because    by helicopter, which      like CSI: Crime Scene           the polar routes.
                                                                       FOR EXTRA CONTENT, DOWNLOAD THE SINGAPORE NAUTILUS APP FROM THE APP STORE OR GOOGLE PLAY.
02/2015     PAGE 22


    seeing                                        everything came to
                                                  a halt. The market
                                                  became very volatile,
                                                                              demand growth. But
                                                                              that is really talking
                                                                              about 50 per cent of
                                                                                                        HOW ELSE CAN
                                                                                                        CARRIERS MANAGE
                                                                                                        COSTS FOR GREATER

beyond the
                                                  with more downs             our business – the        EFFICIENCY AND
                                                  than ups.                   demand side. We also      BETTER RESULTS?
                                                      On average, growth      have to look at the       Big ships give you a
                                                  was zero to 2 per cent      supply side.              more efficient cost

                                                  for a couple of years,                                structure on the sea
                                                  gradually stabilising       SO WHAT HAS BEEN          side. However, there
                                                  to what it is today.        HAPPENING ON THE          are a lot of shore side
                                                  Our estimate is about       SUPPLY SIDE OF THE        operations that you
Orient Overseas (International) Limited           5 per cent growth           EQUATION, AND WHAT        also need to manage.
                                                  during this period.         IS LIKELY TO HAPPEN       In fact, shore side
Chairman Tung Chee Chen gives Rahita              It has stabilised but       IN THE FUTURE?            expenditure is a fair
    Elias his take on how the container           is substantially less       Throughout the years      bit higher than sea
 shipping industry has fared so far and           robust compared to          of growth, most of        side, so you will really
         what lies ahead for the sector           the pre-crisis years.       the companies had         need to consider that
                                                                              been planning ahead       when managing your
  Tung Chee Chen, Chairman of Hong Kong-          WHAT ARE THE                of their capacity         business so that you
        based shipping group Orient Overseas      FUNDAMENTAL                 needs and expecting       can create operating
  (International) Limited (OOIL) – the parent     FACTORS THAT HAVE           this to continue.         margins.
      company of Orient Overseas Container        BEEN DRIVING THE            Companies tend to
    Line – was in Singapore in April to deliver   CONTAINER SHIPPING          order ships ahead of      WHAT IS OOIL DOING
      the Singapore Maritime Lecture during       INDUSTRY? HOW WILL          time and much more        TO MANAGE ITS
       Singapore Maritime Week 2015, where        THEY AFFECT THE             aggressively because      BUSINESS EFFICIENTLY
    he gave unique insights on The Changing       INDUSTRY?                   they are optimistic.      AND CREATE
         Dynamics Of The Container Shipping       In recent years, the        When the financial         OPERATING MARGINS?
  Industry. He tells Singapore Nautilus what      correlation between         crisis came, businesses   Apart from working
    he thinks will be the major forces shaping    trade and GDP growth        came to a halt even as    with alliances to
             the industry in the coming years.    has dropped. Prior to       these mega container      capture cost synergies
                                                  2000, the multiple          ships continued to be     by pooling our ships,
                                                  was about 2.6 times.        delivered.                we are continuously
                       HOW HAS THE                This reduced to 2.4             The deployment        building our operating
                       CONTAINER SHIPPING         times in the boom           of these big ships        system to manage
                       INDUSTRY FARED OVER        years. Today, it is about   allows companies to       our business better.
                       THE PAST FEW YEARS?        1.3 times.                  reduce their unit costs   The system allows
                       For the longest                This means that         either on their own       us almost real-time
                       time, the container        global growth is less       or by working closer      information.
                       shipping industry has      dependent on trade,         together through               We hope to move
                       had healthy growth         which is bad for our        alliances. Those who      to a stage where we
                       averaging 8 per cent       industry. The question      did not order the mega    can anticipate cost
                       to 8.5 per cent a year.    is whether we are           ships found it very       changes and manage
                       China’s accession          seeing a structural         difficult to compete.      our business better.
                       to the World Trade         change: are consumers       So, many have ordered     Because business
                       Organization in 2001       spending less because       or are contemplating      dynamics are changing
                       and the growth in          of a change in their        ordering similar-sized    all the time, knowing
                       outsourcing later          behaviour or their          ships without actually    our cost structure is
                       pushed growth rates        psychology? We really       seeing a recovery         important. It’s a live
                       to rise to about 10        don’t know.                 on the horizon. This      system so changes
                       per cent to 11 per             If we look at the       means that the already    can be reflected
                       cent annually.             corporate results, we       excess capacity will be   immediately, allowing
                           With the global        are still lacking very      extended over a longer    us to price our
                       financial crisis in 2008,   much in consumer            period of time.           products better.
02/2015   PAGE 23



                                                                  ILLUSTRATION: SZEMIN THAM
02/2015    PAGE 24

                                                   MARITIME SERVICES

As one of the world’s
most reputable
classification societies,
and having helped
improve numerous
aspects of the shipping
                           empowering minds
                           Alywin Chew finds out how the DNV GL Maritime Academy is
ecosystem, it was no       responding to the needs of the maritime community
surprise when DNV
GL founded a training
arm, the DNV GL                “There has been      attend the courses
Maritime Academy, to       good year-on-            in Singapore are
share its expertise in     year growth for all      sponsored by their
enhancing the global       the courses. For         companies. Most
maritime industry.         example, 75 courses      of the lessons are
    Centred on the         were conducted in        conducted in hotel
core themes of             Singapore in 2012.       conference rooms
Developing People,         This increased to        that can cater to large
Operating Ships            81 in 2013 and           groups; some are held
and Building Ships,        subsequently 107 in      on the academy’s
training courses at        2014. Our certificates    premises, and others
the DNV GL Maritime        are internationally      are conducted in the
Academy have been          recognised and we        offices of clients. Last
well received since it     have trainees coming     year, 1,078 people
opened its doors in        in from all over the     attended courses with
Singapore in 2009.         world,” says Janette     the academy.
Overall, the academy       Seetoh, Manager, DNV
now operates in over       GL Maritime Academy,     GROWING FOOTPRINT
100 countries and has      South East Asia &        One of the main
19 academy managers        Pacific.                  reasons for the
in 17 key locations            About 85 per cent    academy’s success can
worldwide.                 of the trainees who      be attributed to the
02/2015   PAGE 25

                 MARITIME SERVICES

                                        strategic partnerships    understanding what
                                        that it has forged with   types of courses offer
                                        both local and foreign    the most value to the
                                        maritime agencies.        local clientele.
                                            In February               She foresees that
                                        this year, the            courses such as those
                                        academy signed            related to the use of
                                        a Memorandum              gas as ship fuel will
                                        of Understanding          experience greater
                                        with Singapore            local demand in the
                                        Polytechnic’s             near future because
                                        Singapore Maritime        of the Maritime and
                                        Academy. Apart            Port Authority of
                                        from facilitating an      Singapore’s (MPA)
                                        exchange of lecturers     push towards using
                                        and trainers between      liquefied natural gas
                                        the two institutes,       as marine fuel. On the
                                        this partnership also     global stage, where
                                        opened new doors          energy efficiency is
                                        for joint research and    reaching paramount
                                        development projects,     importance, two-day
                                        and practical training    courses such as Energy
                                        opportunities for         Efficient Operation Of
                                        students at DNV GL.       Ships – Masterclass
                                            Part of Seetoh’s      are expected to enjoy
                                        job at the academy        good reception.
                                        involves working on           The Singapore arm
                                        business development      of the academy also
                                        plans with the            boasts an impressive
                                        academy’s team            roster of highly
                                        in Hamburg, and           qualified trainers
02/2015    PAGE 26

                                           MARITIME SERVICES

                                            offers a course called    Maritime Academy           courses that are
                                            Media Handling for        Singapore offers           currently unavailable
                                            Shipping Companies        short courses whose        in their educational
                                            that is only available    materials are available    portfolio. To meet this
                                            in Singapore. It was      via USB drive, making      increasing demand
                                            developed locally by      them ideal for people      for customised
                                            modifying existing        like ship captains and     learning content,
                                            global course materials   engineers who are          academy managers
                                            to ensure relevancy to    often away at sea. To      tap the organisation’s
                                            domestic regulations      receive a certificate of    extensive global
                                            and the needs of          completion for such        network, boasting
                                            clients here.             courses, participants      more than 300 trainers
                                                On current            need to pass a test        from all sectors of the
                                            maritime education        accessible via the         industry, to source
                                            trends, Seetoh sees       USB device, save the       for training materials
CENTRED ON THE CORE                         an increasing number      results, and have the      and the ideal subject-
                                            of clients seeking        academy verify said        matter experts.
THEMES OF DEVELOPING                        interactive and           results.                       Another challenge
                                            skills-specific courses        In this digital        is getting companies
PEOPLE, OPERATING SHIPS AND                 that align with the       age, the academy is        to sign up. Many

BUILDING SHIPS...THE ACADEMY                International Maritime
                                                                      also exploring the
                                                                      feasibility of paperless
                                                                                                 companies are hesitant
                                                                                                 to invest in training
NOW OPERATES IN OVER                        requirements as
                                            well as classification
                                                                      learning, such as
                                                                      having participants use
                                                                                                 due to the current
                                                                                                 economic climate. The
100 COUNTRIES AND HAS 19                    requirements.
                                                She adds: “More
                                                                      tablets to access USB
                                                                      devices containing
                                                                                                 academy tackles this
                                                                                                 by working closely
ACADEMY MANAGERS IN 17 KEY                  and more people           course materials. The      with MPA to secure
                                            these days are looking    academy in Manila          subsidies. For example,
LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE.                        at interactive learning   is the first to have        companies that send
                                            sessions facilitated      done so, and the           their employees to
                from all walks of life.     by trainers who get       pilot programme has        attend courses under
                Aside from its full-        discussions going         received favourable        the Maritime Cluster
                time lecturers, the         among the trainees.       reviews so far.            Fund-Manpower
                academy has external        Trainers are starting         Seetoh says that       Development training
                trainers such as former     to minimise the use of    the adoption of such       grant receive co-
                navy commanders,            PowerPoint slides and     environmentally            funding of 70 per cent
                Master Mariners,            instead use questions     friendly training          for three years.
                maritime journalists,       to foster interaction     methods boosts                 Other initiatives
                and leaders of top          among course              efficiency and reduces      such as the Singapore
                shipping firms coming        attendees. Getting        waste as trainers          Government’s
                in to offer invaluable      people to share their     can now make last          Productivity and
                real-world insights         real life experiences     minute edits to course     Innovation Credit
                that complement the         makes for a more          materials without          scheme, which offers
                syllabus.                   effective learning        having to reprint          financial incentives
                    Seetoh and her          environment.”             dozens of pages.           – tax deductions or
                team are also quick to                                                           cash payouts – to
                react to client needs by    GOING DIGITAL             MEETING CHALLENGES         companies that invest
                providing customised        There are also clients    A constant challenge       in six qualifying
                courses – an option         who require non-          for Seetoh and the         activities including
                that is proving to be       interactive courses       18 other academy           staff training, means
                highly popular with         that can be done          managers around the        that financial outlays
                local businesses. For       remotely. To meet         world is responding        on such investments
                example, the academy        this demand, DNV GL       to requests for            can be greatly offset.
02/2015        PAGE 27

                                                               COMPANY SPOTLIGHT

  Since Singapore’s foray into rig building in the late                                 KEEPING PACE WITH TECHNOLOGY
  1960s, the country has maintained its competitive                                     One of the ways in which it advances its
  edge through continuing investment in technology                                      technological capacity is through its R&D and
  and research and development (R&D) to come up                                         technology arm Keppel Offshore & Marine
  with innovative solutions for the industry.                                           Technology Centre (KOMtech).
      Thus, it is by no accident that Singapore is                                          Set up in 2007, KOMtech supplements the work
  today the top player in the global marine and                                         of Keppel O&M and helps it access new markets
  offshore engineering industry, and is home to                                         and opportunities. KOMtech’s key focus lies in
  some of the world’s largest offshore rig builders,                                    conducting R&D for solutions and products that
  including rig and shipbuilding company Keppel                                         are commercially viable and responsive to the
  Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M).                                                       needs of the industry.
      Keppel O&M is a market leader in the design,                                          It does so by keeping up to speed with
  construction and repair of offshore rigs, as well as                                  technological developments, conceptualising
  the repair and conversion of ships and specialised                                    next-generation solutions, and conducting R&D
  shipbuilding. It builds on its strong technological                                   to create prototypes before handing over the
  and engineering capabilities, honed through the                                       designs to the business units of Keppel O&M for
  years, to give it the versatility to respond promptly                                 commercialisation.
  to rapidly changing market needs.                                                         KOMtech comprises two key arms: Deep

                                                                             i n e Te   chnology Centre engages in research
                                                                   e   & Mar                                                                        and


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                                                                                                                                                        s fo
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                                                                                                                                                               gas e
02/2015     PAGE 28

                                                           COMPANY SPOTLIGHT

PREVIOUS PAGE The              Water Technology and Shallow Water Technology,             addressing technological changes in drilling
KFELS N Class jack-up          headed by Mr Aziz Amirali Merchant, Executive              equipment and processes,” he explains.
rig is designed for one
of the world’s harshest        Director (Deep Water Technology), and Dr Foo
environments.                  Kok Seng, Executive Director (Shallow Water                NEW FRONTIERS
                               Technology).                                               KOMtech is also planning ahead in anticipation of
BELOW Mr Merchant (left)
receiving the Outstanding           The Deep Water Technology unit looks into             mid- to long-term trends, including moving into
Maritime R&D and               areas such as deepwater and ultra-deepwater                deeper waters and harsher environments, such as
Technology Award on            drillships, ultra-harsh environment drilling semi-         the Arctic region, in the search for oil and gas as
behalf of KOMtech from
Minister for Transport         submersibles, as well as innovative ship designs           more shallow water fields mature, says Dr Foo.
and Second Minister for        and shipyard technology to improve processes                   Aside from keeping an eye on trends and
Defence Lui Tuck Yew at        and productivity. The Shallow Water Technology             technological advancement, KOMtech has
the Singapore International
Maritime Awards in April       department is involved in areas such as arctic             stepped up R&D efforts over the years by
this year.                     jack-up design, offshore wind solutions, liquefied          engaging oil companies and drilling operators so
                               natural gas applications, and environmental and            as to understand industry needs and develop E&P
OPPOSITE The innovative
and cost-effective KFELS B     drilling solutions.                                        solutions for the Arctic region. This will ensure
Class jack-up rig is known          Despite concerns over the falling price of oil        that it is prepared for a future when arctic drilling
as the reliable workhorse of   and expected lower capital expenditures for oil            becomes a reality.
the industry.
                               and gas exploration and production (E&P) projects              Says Dr Foo: “For instance, we have
                               this year, KOMtech remains committed to R&D to             implemented more automation and increased
                               maintain its technological lead.                           the number of safety features on our rigs. We
                                    “In difficult times such as this, it is all the more   recognise the trend of E&P moving into harsher,
                               important that investments continue to be made             deeper and colder environments, and our research
                               in R&D so that more robust and cost-effective oil          efforts are invested accordingly in the design and
                               production solutions can be developed for the oil          construction of more complex and robust rigs.”
                               and gas industry,” Mr Merchant says.                           Apart from new solutions responsive to this
                                    “Whether in shallow water or deepwater,               trend, the centre has also enhanced its existing
                                 it is important to ensure the safe, reliable             jack-up designs to increase their efficiency and
                                      and efficient implementation of offshore             capabilities. For instance, the KFELS N Class rig
                                        E&P activities. In this declining oil price       is designed for harsh weather conditions, and
                                          environment, it is also important for the       meets the exacting requirements for operation
                                           industry to seek solutions that are also       in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, one of
                                           cost-effective.”                               the world’s harshest operating environments for
                                                                                          offshore E&P.
                                        CUSTOMISING SOLUTIONS                                 Aside from this, the KFELS Super B Class
                                       The centre’s R&D team constantly                   was conceived to facilitate drilling works at
                                     innovates and develops new rig designs that          deeper depths and at higher temperatures and
                                   are responsive to the needs of its customers.          pressures, while the KFELS Super A Class jack-up
                               For instance, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in           is designed to operate in harsh and cold climate
                               the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 significantly sharpened          environments, such as the British, Danish and
                               the industry’s focus on newer drilling units with          Dutch sectors of the North Sea.
                               superior technical and safety capabilities.                    Proprietary designs such as these have helped
                                  Responding to customers’ enquiries for                  Keppel O&M retain its premier spot as a leading
                               newbuild rigs equipped with new safety                     designer and builder of jack-up rigs. Earlier this
                               technology, Dr Foo says that all of Keppel’s rig           year, it reached a milestone by delivering its 100th
                               designs now provide maximum operational                    jack-up rig, the PV Drilling VI – a KFELS B Class
                               duration and drilling efficiency while incorporating        jack-up rig – to PetroVietnam Drilling & Well
                               a high level of safety and updated environmental           Services Corporation.
                               features. The designs also ensure optimum
                               working conditions for crew to operate efficiently.         OVERCOMING CHALLENGES
                                  “With our proprietary rig designs, which can            To continue making breakthroughs in its R&D
                               be customised, we have been able to offer drilling         efforts, KOMtech has forged industry partnerships
                               contractors the flexibility to incorporate unique           and tie-ups with both local and international
                               features to reduce environmental impact, while             institutions such as the National University of
02/2015   PAGE 29

                                                            COMPANY SPOTLIGHT

                                                          C H NOLO     GICAL AND ENGINEERIN
                                                   NG T E                                              G CAP
                                            STRO                                                                ABIL
                               SO   N ITS                TILIT Y   T O R E S P O N D P R O M P T LY                                 …T O
                         I L D                 V E R S A                                              TO R A                             G   IVE
                      BU                T   HE                                                                 PIDL                                IT
           L   O&                                                                                                     YC
       P E                                                                                                                      N
K   EP

                                                                                                                                              ET N
    Singapore (NUS) and the American

    Bureau of Shipping (ABS). For instance,
    it collaborated with ABS on a joint
    development project using specialised

    and fast-growing application tools to
    further improve a drillship’s design in
    order to achieve higher fuel efficiency and
    operation over longer periods.
        Further afield, KOMtech, NUS and FloaTEC,
    a joint venture company between engineering
    and construction company McDermott and
    Keppel FELS (the rig design and building arm of
    Keppel O&M), have also signed a Memorandum                development and completion operations. When
    of Understanding to form a consortium                     completed, it is expected to be a state-of-the-art
    named fKN that will meet the challenges of                drillship that meets the industry’s requirements of
    deepwater developments in Brazil. It will explore         high functionality, safety and cost effectiveness.
    collaborations with Brazilian universities, research          KOMtech has also come up with innovative
    institutions, and offshore and marine industry            deepwater rig designs such as the KFELS 5000HE,
    partners to develop new technology and training           a semi-submersible with features that enable
    opportunities.                                            it to operate to a depth of 457m in the harsh
        As E&P activities move into deeper waters,            environment of the British sector of the North Sea.
    such projects typically face technical and financial           Despite tough times in recent months for
    challenges. This makes it crucial for operators           the marine and offshore industry, Mr Merchant
    to effectively control drilling costs and minimise        believes that its long-term fundamentals remain
    downtime, while ensuring that their operations            sound as developing countries will need more
    remain safe in harsh environments. “These issues          energy as they grow and develop their industries,
    get increasingly significant for operators and             and the low oil prices today are not sustainable
    contractors as E&P moves into ever deeper water,”         in the long run. He says: “As over 50 per cent of
    Mr Merchant says.                                         jack-ups and semis are 25 years and older, the rig
        To overcome such challenges, KOMtech is               replacement cycle will eventually resume as oil
    working on a range of solutions from drilling in          companies will have to invest in replenishing their
    deep water to the maintenance of production               reserves at some point.”
    units. The CAN DO drillship currently under                   Moving forward, Mr Merchant adds that
    construction is one such example. In close                KOMtech will continue to work with its customers
    consultation with customers, major oil companies          to develop high-specification rigs and offshore
    and vendors, it was developed as a differentiated         solutions that are more productive and cost-
    drillship, able to undertake exploration,                 effective, and have better safety features.
You can also read