Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

Page created by Antonio Dominguez
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde
Appointment of Diocesan
                   July 2021
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

A welcome and introduction from Bishop Libby,
Diocesan Bishop of Derby

Thank you for taking time to read this pack, for considering prayerfully if Diocesan
Secretary for the Diocese of Derby may be the right next post for you.

The Diocese of Derby is undergoing significant transition, as is outlined in this pack,
and the next Diocesan Secretary will share significantly in shaping and leading the
change in culture and practice required to deliver the strategies arising from our
renewed sense of vision.

My desire for the Diocese is that we know we are loved beyond measure by Christ, and,
sure in the hope that gives us, have the courage to love without restraint, for Christ’s
sake. The continual grace of the invitation to join in with the Kingdom of God – the
salvation, community, justice, transformation possibility of the Kingdom – is good news
for me, and I want to share it.

Our vision is:            The Kingdom of God: Good News for all.

                          Transformed lives: growing church, building community.

I’m looking for a partner in this task. Our new Diocesan Secretary will be someone who
has demonstrable experience of effective leadership in the immediate and particular,
but also who has demonstrated the capacity to think and work on a wider canvas with
flair and imagination. We are facing significant and widespread change of culture,
delivery and practice while treasuring the fruitfulness of our inherited models. The
Diocesan Secretary will bring understanding of the complexities, the challenges and
opportunities, that leading a diocese presents – and be excited by the prospect.

We have recognised that, to enable to kingdom outcomes we pray for, the Diocese
must prioritise Equipping people, Shaping structures and Sustaining resources, for
mission. We trust our Diocesan Secretary will hold people lovingly, enabling them to
travel hopefully. While holding a place ‘at the centre’, we’d be looking to you to
champion our bias for the poor and marginalised, enabling us to become more diverse,
with a focus on younger generations. The Diocesan Secretary has role, profile and
influence across the whole of diocesan life, in church and community. They have
particular responsibility in leading DBF staff, and the work out of the Diocesan Office
(Church House, Derby: Parish Support Office). My prayer is that Church House
becomes a model of the diocesan vision – echoing our values of generous faith,
courageous hope and life-giving love in the physical environment, relationships and
Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

working practices, and delivery from all DBF staff of impactful outcomes that enable
the living out of the vision in every place.

The past 2 years have been very demanding, and also deeply rewarding. We are a new
and still changing leadership team, in the context of seismic shifts in church and nation,
responding to the realities of Post – Covid world. We are all learning as we go and
stretched to our limits.

Coming to work in the Diocese of Derby might be risky – but the Kingdom of God seems
very close, and God is at work.

We feel this is a time of great opportunity and potential in the Diocese of Derby. And if
you are excited by facing challenge, finding solutions, and enabling effective delivery –
trusting always in the unending faithfulness and mercy of God, seeking first, and always,
the Kingdom of God – perhaps this is the job for you.

                                        Be assured of my prayers as you consider this
                                         opportunity. May the grace, mercy and peace of
                                         God be with you.


Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

About us
The Diocese of Derby covers an area of around 997 square miles and consists of
255 parishes. It is one of 42 Dioceses of the Church of England. With its Cathedral in
Derby City, the Diocese covers of the whole of Derbyshire and four parishes on the
fringes of the county in Staffordshire. It is a Diocese of great contrasts, with the
beauties of the Peak District and the Derbyshire Dales and prominent rural life, the
City of Derby, and East and South Derbyshire with both hi tec design alongside
established industry, and some very deprived areas within its urban and rural

The population of the Diocese was 1,018,438 in the 2011 census, around one
quarter of whom live in the city of Derby.

Major commerce in the area include:
  • Derby being the home of Rolls Royce aero and nuclear.
  • UK centre of innovation for Engineering and manufacturing
  • Tourism in the Peak District
  • University and Health Services

The Diocese of Derby in numbers:

•       1927 Date founded
•       2 Archdeaconries (Derby and Chesterfield) – to consider
        becoming 3 in 2021
•       8 Deaneries
•       255 Parishes (currently 21 vacant)
•       318 Churches
•       1 Cathedral
•       111 Church schools
•       139 Stipendiary Clergy (of whom 51 are women)
•       42 Self Supporting Ministers (of whom 17 are women)
•       5 Bishops Mission Orders
•       160 Active Readers
•       187 Clergy with Permission to Officiate
•       15 Number of parishes under extended episcopal oversight
        (8 under Bishop of Ebbsfleet, 7 under Bishop of Maidstone)
•       10,392 Usual Sunday Attendance (2016)
•       33.3 Average number of adults attending each church
•       7.6% Drop in average USA per church 2012-2017

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

The Vision of the Diocese of Derby
This is an exciting and challenging time to be joining the Diocese of Derby. The
Church of England is being asked to renew its calling to be centred on Christ Jesus
and shaped by Him. In the Diocese of Derby, we echo that call, as we re-articulate a
vision for the next 7 years leading up to our centenary:

The Kingdom of God: Good News for All

To proclaim afresh in this generation the good news of the Kingdom

Our Values:
   • Generous Faith
   • Courageous Hope
   • Life-giving Love

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

Missional Aims:

Transformed Lives: Growing Church, Building Community
   •    Transformed Lives –
        A Diocese committed to equipping a church of missionary disciples, centred
        on Christ Jesus and shaped by Him, transforming the lives of others, living
        out their baptismal calling in the ‘5 Marks of Mission’.
   •    Growing Church –
        A Diocese committed to a mixed ecology of church that is more diverse,
        enabling people of every age and in every context to hear the good news of
        Jesus, where we grow and expand worshipping and witnessing communities
        (including Parishes, Schools, Chaplaincy, Plants and Fresh Expressions)
   •    Building Community –
        A Diocese committed to being outward facing, rooted in and connected to its
        communities, working proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom in word
        and action making it tangible socially, economically, environmentally and in

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

The role
For this role, we are looking for a committed and practising Christian, with a
track record of recent successful senior management experience and
leadership, gained in a diverse environment in the public, private or voluntary
sector. With first class interpersonal skills, political acumen, flexibility and
resilience, you will demonstrate the ability to drive change and to inspire and
influence at all levels.

The Diocesan Secretary is line managed by the Diocesan Bishop and is
accountable to the Bishop in partnership with the Executive Chair of the
Diocesan Board of Finance.

The Diocesan Secretary is the Senior Executive Officer in the Diocese, advising the
Diocesan Bishop as a member of her senior staff, leading the development and
delivery of diocesan strategy and policy as determined by the Diocesan Bishop and
the members of her senior staff, the Bishop’s Council or the Diocesan Synod. The
Diocesan Secretary leads the central services of the Diocese ensuring financial
sustainability, mobilising staff, and other resources to deliver strategy.

The Diocesan Secretary must be able to lead creatively within the unique context of
the Diocese of Derby in particular. They must build partnerships with parishes and
the communities which they serve, and with other institutions and organisations.
The DDBF’s income streams are centred around our common fund from local
parishes alongside investment income from various asset classes which funds our
entire deployment at a local and central context.

Key responsibilities:
To exercise overall strategic responsibility for the Diocesan policies, schemes, and
strategies, including the Common Fund scheme, buildings strategy, housing policy
and communication strategy through the appointment of a Change Programme

To lead the review of Church House to transform culture, enable best working
practice, support and develop staff, ensure better use of space and physical
resource including consideration of relocation, and to enable whole-hearted
participation and contribution to outworking of diocesan Vision and strategic

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

To be responsible for ensuring the effective management and delivery of all Church
House functions, including HR, People, Finance, Communications, Safeguarding and
DAC, giving clear leadership to respective Directors or Heads of Departments, and
leading necessary process of review, restructure, and recruitment of such.

To deliver this, some of the key relationships and organisational responsibilities
    •      To be a key participant member of the Bishop’s Leadership Team,
           advising the Bishop on all matters of governance and process, and
           holding responsibility for delivery of diocesan priorities.
    •      To build effective partnerships across the diocese among and between
           Deaneries, the parishes, and other contexts, by engaging directly and on
           a regular basis with Deanery Leadership Teams, and local contexts.
    •      To build effective relationships with funders, not least the National
           Church Institutions and amongst other Dioceses, explore collaborative
    •      To act as Secretary of the Business Committee, Bishop's Council and the
           Diocesan Synod, and Vacancy in See Committee advising and leading
           delivery on matters of Diocesan governance structures, policy, finance,
           and strategic development.
    •      To act as Company Secretary to the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance
           Limited and to manage the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor.
    •      To work with Bishops in considering the review of Archdeaconries, and
           potential delivery of the new Archdeaconry structure, with regard to
           governance, finance, data and process
    •      To work alongside the Diocesan Director of Education and the Chair of
           the DBE to enable good governance and best practice in collaborative
           and effective shared working across the diocese. The Diocesan Secretary
           is a member of the Diocesan Multi-academy Trust(s).
    •      To form a positive, pro-active and inter dependant relationship with the
           Cathedral, acknowledging that the DBF is a service provider to the
           Chapter for a number of administrative and financial functions.

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

Person specification
This is a role for an experienced executive who can demonstrate the
following key attributes:

Occupational Requirement:
   •         Communicant member of the Church of England or a church in
             the communion therewith, under Part 1 of Schedule 9 to the
             Equality Act 2010.

Knowledge and Experience:
   •         An understanding of the Church of England, and demonstrable
             experience of church communities.

   •         Track record of strategic and operational leadership, and good
             governance, gained at a senior management level, within a
             complex organisation in the public, private or voluntary sector.

   •         Someone who enjoys people and brings interest in holding
             strong relationships with wide and varied groups and

   •         Experience of leading organisational change whilst ensuring
             optimum day to day operational delivery.

   •         Expertise in financial planning, identifying the key strategic
             imperatives and timely and thoughtful analysis. Experience in
             asset management, together with ability to interpret and
             communicate data to 'nonfinancial' audiences.

   •         Ability to develop and implement entrepreneurial initiatives,
             identifying and exploring potential new income streams.

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
Appointment of Diocesan Secretary - July 2021 - Saxton Bampfylde

Terms of appointment
Salary: £75,000

Hours: Full time post based on a 35 hour working week, but the post holder may be
required to work additional hours to meet the reasonable requirements of the role,
including evenings and weekends for various governance meetings.

Annual leave: 28 days plus eight public holidays.

Probationary period: 6 months with one-month notice period on either side.

Notice period: 3 months.

Pension: Following three months employment, you will automatically be enrolled in
the Company Pension scheme. The Company will contribute annually on your
behalf, a sum equivalent to 10% of your gross basic salary in respect of a personal
pension policy. Should you join the pension scheme offered by the employer 9.5%
will be paid into the pension fund and 0.5% is for life cover, which will pay out 2 x
pensionable salary if a death in service occurs.


We are seeking a Diocesan Secretary who will help us celebrate our diversity,
recognising complexity as a gift, and navigating tensions, where they exist, creatively
for the sake of the Gospel.

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary

How to apply
Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is acting as an employment agency advisor to the Diocese of Derby on this

Candidates should apply for this role through our website at using

Click on the ‘apply’ button and follow the instructions to upload a CV and cover letter, and complete
the online equal opportunities monitoring* form.

The closing date for applications is noon on 11th August 2021.

* The equal opportunities monitoring online form will not be shared with anyone involved in
assessing your application. Please complete as part of the application process.

GDPR personal data notice
According to GDPR guidelines, we are only able to process your Sensitive Personal Data (racial or ethnic origin, political
religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health, sex life, or sexual
orientation) with your express consent. You will be asked to complete a consent form when you apply and please do
not include any Sensitive Personal Data within your CV (although this can be included in your covering letter if you wish
to do so), remembering also not to include contact details for referees without their prior agreement.

Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary

                                                                       9 Savoy Street
                                                                    London WC2E 7EG

                                                                     46 Melville Street
                                                                   Edinburgh EH3 7HF


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Diocese of Derby | Diocesan Secretary
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