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POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project VDEQ Supplement ATTACHMENT 2.D.1: DESKTOP WETLAND AND STREAM DELINEATION REPORT ATTACHMENT 2.D.1
April 5, 2021 APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Bedford County and City of Lynchburg, Virginia Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report PROJECT NUMBER: 159298 PROJECT CONTACT: Jason Cook EMAIL: PHONE: 804-964-1035
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 METHODS ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 DATA SOURCES AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................ 2 2.2 WETLAND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 2 2.3 STREAM DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................... 4 2.4 WETLAND AND STREAM DATA INTERPRETATION ................................................................... 4 2.4.1 Aerial Imagery and Topographic Mapping ......................................................... 4 2.4.2 National Wetland Inventory Dataset ................................................................. 5 2.4.3 National Hydrography Dataset .......................................................................... 5 2.4.4 Local Stream Datasets ....................................................................................... 6 2.4.5 Federal Emergency Management Agency Floodplain Dataset........................... 6 2.4.6 Soil Survey Mapping .......................................................................................... 6 2.5 WETLAND AND STREAM DATA EVALUATION ........................................................................ 7 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 8 3.1 REUSENS – ALTAVISTA 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PROPOSED ROUTE ..................................... 8 4.0 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 10 5.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 12 TABLES: TABLE 1 WETLAND EVALUATION CRITERIA............................................................... 7 TABLE 2 STREAM EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................. 7 TABLE 3 DESKTOP WETLAND DELINEATION RESULTS ............................................... 8 TABLE 4 DESKTOP STREAM DELINEATION RESULTS .................................................. 8 TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF DESKTOP WETLAND AND STREAM DELINEATIONS ............ 10 ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A: DESKTOP DELINEATED FEATURES, ROW ROUTE MAPPING CDC 198-0790 159298 (2021-04-06) JC PAGE i
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CIR Color Infrared Company Appalachian Power Company CPCN Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GIS Geographic Information System kV kilovolt NHD National Hydrography Dataset NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NWI National Wetland Inventory PEM Palustrine Emergent Wetland PFO Palustrine Forested Wetland POWER POWER Engineers, Inc. Project Reusens to New London 138-kV Rebuild Project PSS Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland PUB Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom Wetland ROW(s) Right(s)-of-way SCC State Corporation Commission USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States Geological Survey VDEQ Virginia Department of Environmental Quality VGIN Virginia Geographic Information Network PAGE ii
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION Appalachian Power Company (Company) is planning to rebuild an existing transmission line due to the combination of risk, condition and performance of the infrastructure and to ensure adequate and reliable electric service in Bedford County, the City of Lynchburg, and the surrounding area. The Reusens to New London 138 kilovolt (kV) Rebuild Project (the Project) involves rebuilding an 11.6-mile portion of the Company’s existing Reusens – Altavista 138 kV Transmission Line between the Reusens, Boonsboro, Forest, and New London substations. The Project has a double-circuit section (approximately 5.5 miles) between the Reusens Substation, located off Old Trents Ferry Road in the City of Lynchburg, and existing structure 5-10, and a single-circuit section (approximately 6.1 miles) between existing structure 5-10 and the New London Substation, located off Thomas Jefferson Road in Bedford County. The Project will be constructed largely within the existing 100-foot-wide right-of-way (ROW); however, the Project includes minor deviations from the existing centerline to optimize the design or avoid constraints. As part of the Project, a portion of the Company’s existing Reusens – South Lynchburg 138 kV transmission line will be relocated where it crosses the Reusens – Altavista 138 kV Transmission Line, and which is also where the Project transitions from double-circuit to single-circuit. Lastly, the Company’s existing Brush Tavern Substation, located in Campbell County, will be upgraded in its current location to accommodate the future electrical upgrades. The Company’s application to the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC), describes the overall need and necessity for the Project. The Company contracted POWER Engineers, Inc. (POWER) to prepare this Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report for inclusion in the Project’s Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), which will be filed with the Virginia SCC, which approves or denies such applications. The purpose of the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report is to identify potential federally regulated waters of the United States and state-regulated waters within the 100- foot-wide ROWs for portions of the Reusens – Altavista and Reusens – South Lynchburg 138 kV transmission lines to be rebuilt and relocated, respectively. The improvements at the Brush Tavern Substation will be located within the existing station fence and thus no expansion areas are required for the Project. This report includes a description of the methodologies POWER used to determine the location and size of potential regulated waters within the proposed ROW and guidance regarding probability of encountering the identified features during a field verification. PAGE 1
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Data Sources and Background Information POWER reviewed various mapping sources and Geographic Information System (GIS) data in order to identify areas where wetlands or streams could potentially be located within the proposed ROW of the Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project. The GIS data and mapping sources are included in the following: • United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Geographic Society, i-cubed, topographic mapping (USGS 2011). • Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) orthoimagery collected in spring 2017, 2018, and 2019 (whichever was most recent). • Color Infrared (CIR) aerial imagery and orthophotography (Virginia Base Mapping Program 2018). • Google Earth color aerial photography, including historical aerial data (Google Earth, imagery dates vary by location). • National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) stream and river data (USGS 2021). • Bedford County Streams viewed on the USGS National Map viewer (Bedford County 2018). • City of Lynchburg Streams viewed on the USGS National Map viewer (City of Lynchburg 2018). • United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping (USFWS 2020). • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey of Bedford County, Virginia (NRCS 1989). • NRCS Soil Survey of Campbell County and the City of Lynchburg, Virginia (NRCS 1977). • NRCS Web Soil Survey for Bedford County, Virginia, and Campbell County and the City of Lynchburg, Virginia (NRCS 2020). • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Riverine Mapping and Floodplain Boundaries Guidance (FEMA 2020). 2.2 Wetland Definitions Federal regulations define wetlands as “those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under PAGE 2
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation, typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions” (United States Environmental Protection Agency 2020). Under normal circumstances, three parameters must be present for an area to be considered a wetland: hydrophytic vegetation, wetland hydrology, and hydric soils. Applicable technical guidance that defines these parameters and provides criteria for the evaluation of associated data and field indicators is provided in the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual, Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (USACE 2012). Using the data sources outlined above, POWER identified areas that could potentially meet the three parameters required to meet the definition of a wetland provided by the USACE. Aerial imagery and NWI mapping for the Project was used to determine potential habitat type of the desktop delineated wetlands. NWI maps use the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States to classify wetland habitat types (Cowardin et al. 1979). This classification system is hierarchical and defines five major systems – Marine, Estuarine, Riverine, Lacustrine, and Palustrine. The Palustrine system is the only type of wetland system likely to be present within the study area and is defined as including all nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergent herbaceous plants, emergent mosses or lichens, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas where salinity due to ocean driven-derived salts is below 0.5 percent (Cowardin et al. 1979). Cowardin wetland types likely to be encountered along the proposed ROW fall into the following four classifications: • Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands. Emergent wetlands are typically characterized by erect, rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes, excluding mosses and lichens. This vegetation is usually present for most of the growing season in most years. • Palustrine Scrub-Shrub (PSS) Wetlands. Scrub-shrub wetlands are typically characterized by woody vegetation less than 20 feet tall. The species include true shrubs, young trees, and trees or shrubs that are small or stunted because of environmental conditions. • Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands. Forested wetlands are usually characterized by woody vegetation that is 20 feet tall or taller. These wetlands typically possess an overstory of trees, an understory of young trees or shrubs, and an herbaceous layer. PAGE 3
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report • Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom (PUB) Wetlands. Unconsolidated bottom wetlands include all wetland and deepwater habitats with at least 25 percent cover of particles smaller than stones and a vegetative cover less than 30 percent. 2.3 Stream Definitions Streams are described by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as channels that are natural or artificial open areas that connect two bodies of water and may have water flowing in them continuously or periodically. They are further placed into three general stream habitat types: • Perennial Streams. These channels typically have water throughout the year except during extreme drought. Most of the water comes from smaller upstream waters or groundwater while runoff from rainfall or other precipitation is supplemental. • Intermittent Streams. These channels flow a considerable portion of the time but cease to flow occasionally or seasonally. • Ephemeral Streams. These channels have flowing water only during and for a short duration after precipitation events in a typical year. Ephemeral streambeds are located above the ground water table year-round and are often described as headwater streams POWER used aerial imagery, topographic mapping, NHD datasets, and local stream datasets to determine the location of potential streams. Stream habitat types were not identified during this desktop delineation. 2.4 Wetland and Stream Data Interpretation In order to assess the probability for streams and wetlands to occur along the transmission line route, POWER biologists utilized available desktop data for this report. 2.4.1 Aerial Imagery and Topographic Mapping The CIR aerial imagery (Virginia Base Mapping Program 2018), current and historical aerial photography (Google Earth, various dates), VGIN orthoimagery from spring 2017, 2018, and 2019 (VGIN 2021), and USGS topographic data (USGS 2011) were used to help determine the location and size of potential wetland and stream resources within the proposed ROW. The USGS topographic contour lines were used to identify potential drainage areas ranging from small headwater streams to larger perennial streams. The contour lines were also used to PAGE 4
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report determine areas of flat or depressed terrain where water is more likely to pool for sufficient duration that allows development of the three required wetland parameters. Several years of aerial imagery were reviewed for signs of potential wetland and stream resources such as apparent drainage lines, areas with changes in vegetation, and areas with apparent water ponding. CIR aerial imagery was also reviewed, which provides a higher level of contrast compared to traditional aerial photography since it renders the scene in colors not normally seen by the human eye. Open water and saturated areas are typically depicted as black or dark blue since they do not reflect much light in the infrared spectrum (Minnesota IT Services ND). Areas with a shift in vegetation (as observed between wetland and upland boundaries) are more apparent on CIR aerial imagery as areas with dead or stressed vegetation appear in lighter shades of red and pink, and areas with actively photosynthesizing vegetation appear bright red. Aerial imagery was also used to estimate the desktop delineated wetland’s Cowardin et al. (1979) classification. The CIR aerial imagery is used on the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation figures included in Attachment A of this report. 2.4.2 National Wetland Inventory Dataset POWER reviewed NWI mapping to help identify potential wetland areas. NWI maps were published by the USFWS and depict probable wetland areas based on stereoscopic analysis of high-altitude aerial photographs and analysis of infrared bands from remotely sensed imagery. Therefore, NWI mapping reflects conditions during the specific year and season the data was acquired and should not be considered precise, field-verified wetlands (USFWS 2020). NWI mapping was also used to estimate the desktop delineated wetland’s Cowardin classification (Cowardin et al. 1979). NWI mapping is included on the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation figures included in Attachment A of this report. 2.4.3 National Hydrography Dataset The USGS NHD (USGS 2021) was used to identify potential and known streams within the Project ROW. The USGS NHD is a comprehensive set of digital spatial data representing surface waters, including common features such as lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, canals, and oceans (Simley and Carswell 2009). Although not field verified, the USGS NHD shows the locations of streams, rivers, and open waters, and provides insight into the general location of waters (USGS 2021). NHD mapping is included on the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation figures included in Attachment A of this report. PAGE 5
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 2.4.4 Local Stream Datasets The Bedford County Streams dataset (Bedford County 2018) and City of Lynchburg Streams dataset (City of Lynchburg 2018) were reviewed on the USGS National Map viewer and were used to identify potential streams within the Project ROW. These datasets are a compilation of records, information and data obtained from various sources and do not represent verified surveys and are not intended to be used as such. Although not field verified, the local stream datasets used in conjunction with aerial imagery, topographic maps, and the NHD layer provides insight into the general location of waters. 2.4.5 Federal Emergency Management Agency Floodplain Dataset The FEMA floodplain dataset was reviewed to identify floodplains within the Project ROW. The FEMA Riverine Mapping and Floodplain Boundaries Guidance (FEMA 2020) provides digital spatial data representing floodplains associated with recorded streams (see Section 2.4.3 on USGS NHD streams) as well as riverine mapping. Floodplain boundaries are divided into flood insurance rate zones that are rated between 100-year and 500-year floodplains. Both 100-year and 500-year floodplains are considered areas of moderate flood hazard. All remaining areas fall under the terms of minimal flood hazard (FEMA 2020). Floodplain mapping is included on the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation figures included in Attachment A of this report. 2.4.6 Soil Survey Mapping NRCS digital soil survey data for Bedford County and the City of Lynchburg, Virginia were used to locate areas of hydric soils, which are typically found in wetlands (NRCS 1977, 1989, and 2020). Areas that contain hydric map units have a greater probability of supporting wetlands relative to those mapped as non-hydric soil units. Soil map units rated as hydric in the digital soil survey data that fall within the Project ROW are identified on the map sheets included in Attachment A of this report. PAGE 6
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 2.5 Wetland and Stream Data Evaluation Potential streams and wetlands were assigned a probability of low, moderate, or high potential of being a regulated resource if a field verification were to be done. Tables 1 and 2 show the criteria POWER used to assign this probability of the identified features within the proposed Project ROW. TABLE 1 WETLAND EVALUATION CRITERIA WETLAND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PROBABILITY • Aerial imagery (color and CIR) and/or topography combined with two other High indicators such as NWI wetlands, NHD streams, hydric soils, or a regulated floodplain. • Aerial imagery (color and CIR) and/or topography combined with one other Moderate indicator such as NWI wetlands, NHD streams, hydric soils, or a regulated floodplain. Low • Areas identified as wetland with topography and aerial photography only. TABLE 2 STREAM EVALUATION CRITERIA STREAM ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PROBABILITY High • Streams identified with NHD and aerial imagery (color and CIR). • Streams identified with aerial imagery (color and CIR) and/or topography Moderate combined with one other indicator such as NWI wetlands, county or city stream data, or hydric soils. Low • Areas identified as streams with topography and aerial photography only. PAGE 7
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Figures showing the location of desktop delineated wetlands and streams are included as Attachment A of this report. The desktop delineation assumed a 100-foot-wide ROW to assess potential acreage and linear feet of wetlands and streams, respectively. Due to limitations in aerial photography and available data, the probability and estimated number of occurrences provided below are for planning purposes and likely do not represent the full extent of potentially jurisdictional aquatic resources that may be identified during a field study. No desktop delineated wetlands were identified in the ROW of the portion of the Reusens – South Lynchburg 138 kV transmission line to be relocated where it crosses the Reusens – Altavista 138 kV transmission line; however one low probability stream totaling 175 linear feet was identified and will likely be spanned if present (Map Tile 13, Attachment A). TABLE 3 DESKTOP WETLAND DELINEATION RESULTS ESTIMATED WETLAND POTENTIAL WETLAND ESTIMATED NUMBER OF ACREAGE WITHIN PROBABILITY CLASSIFICATION* WETLAND OCCURRENCES ROW PEM/PSS/PFO 7 2.69 High PUB 3 1.42 Moderate PEM/PSS/PFO 4 1.15 Low PEM/PSS/PFO 6 1.18 Wetlands Total 20 6.44 * The potential wetland classifications within the ROW are likely PEM or PSS; however, PFO conditions may have developed if the ROW has not been maintained. Field verification would be required to confirm wetland classifications. TABLE 4 DESKTOP STREAM DELINEATION RESULTS ESTIMATED NUMBER OF ESTIMATED LINEAR FEET WITHIN STREAM PROBABILITY OCCURRENCES ROW High 24 3,678 Moderate 9 1,349 Low 7 1,081 Streams Total 40 6,108 3.1 Reusens – Altavista 138 kV Transmission Line Proposed Route The Proposed Route is 11.6 miles long and includes a double-circuit and single-circuit section that crosses the City of Lynchburg and Bedford County, respectively. The majority of the Proposed Route is on the centerline of the existing 100-foot-wide ROW. Alternative routes PAGE 8
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report were not considered for the Project given the opportunity to use existing ROW; however, the Proposed Route includes two minor deviations from the existing centerline to optimize the design or avoid constraints for the rebuilt line. The minor deviations occur where the Reusens – Altavista and Reusens – South Lynchburg 138 kV transmission lines cross (between proposed structures 4-30A and 4-32A) and between proposed structures 4-41A and 4-47A in Bedford County (Attachment A). High Probability Ten high probability wetlands, totaling 4.11 acres, were identified within the ROW of the Proposed Route. Three of the high probability wetlands were determined to be probable PUB wetlands, totaling 1.42 acres (Map Tiles 13 and 14), and seven were determined to likely be PEM, PSS, or PFO wetlands totaling 2.69 acres (Map Tiles 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, and 19). Given the Project will be rebuilt largely in existing ROW, impacts to high probability PFO wetlands are minimal as the ROW has previously been cleared; however, field verification would be necessary to confirm that forested conditions have not developed. A total of 24 high probability streams were identified (approximately 3,678 linear feet) within the ROW of the Proposed Route. Cheese Creek and Ivy Creek were identified as high probability streams crossed by the Project ROW (Map Tiles 10, 11, 12, and 13). Ivy Creek is crossed multiple times by the Project ROW. It is likely all streams can be spanned by the transmission line and avoid impacts. Moderate Probability Four moderate probability wetlands, totaling 1.15 acres, were identified within the ROW of the Proposed Route (Map Tiles 3, 7, 9, and 10). Given the Project will be rebuilt largely in existing ROW, impacts to moderate probability PFO wetlands are minimal as the ROW has previously been cleared; however, field verification would be necessary to confirm that forested conditions have not developed. A total of nine moderate probability streams were identified (approximately 1,349 linear feet) within the ROW of the Proposed Route. Low Probability Six low probability wetlands, totaling 1.18 acres, were identified within the ROW of the Proposed Route (Map Tiles 1, 2, 11, 16, 17, and 20). Given the Project will be rebuilt largely in existing ROW, impacts to low probability PFO wetlands are minimal as the ROW has previously been cleared; however, field verification would be necessary to confirm that forested conditions have not developed. A total of seven low probability streams (approximately 1,081 linear feet) were identified within the ROW of the Proposed Route. PAGE 9
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 4.0 CONCLUSION A summary of the desktop wetland and stream resources identified for the Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project is provided below in Table 5. A total of 20 potential wetlands (totaling 6.44 acres) and 40 potential streams (approximately 6,108 linear feet) were identified within the ROW of the Proposed Route for the section of the Reusens – Altavista 138-kV Transmission Line to be rebuilt using the resources described above. Based on the most recent aerial imagery available for the Project area (Virginia Base Mapping Program 2018), determining the Cowardin et al. (1979) classification for most of the identified wetland types would not be accurate. Three potential PUB wetlands were identified within the proposed ROW and appear to be within maintained manmade ponds and are unlikely to have a change in Cowardin et al. (1979) classification (Map Tiles 13 and 14). The remaining 17 wetlands identified within the proposed ROW appeared to be either PEM and/or PSS wetlands (Virginia Base Mapping Program 2018). No desktop delineated wetlands were identified in the ROW of the portion of the Reusens – South Lynchburg 138-kV transmission line to be relocated where it crosses the Reusens – Altavista 138-kV line; however one low probability stream totaling 175 linear feet was identified and will likely be spanned if present (Map Tile 13, Attachment A). The improvements at the Brush Tavern Substation will be located within the existing station fence and thus no expansion areas are required for the Project. Transmission line ROWs are typically maintained, which would support one of these classifications. However, PFO wetlands may have developed in aerials with surrounding forest if the ROW has not been maintained since the date the imagery was taken. The wetlands may also have a PFO component on the outer edges of the ROW. A field delineation would verify wetland habitat types. Given the Project will largely rebuild within existing ROW, impacts to potential wetlands and streams are minimal as the area has already been disturbed. TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF DESKTOP WETLAND AND STREAM DELINEATIONS ESTIMATED NUMBER ESTIMATED ACREAGE/LINEAR FOOTAGE WITHIN STREAM TYPE OF OCCURRENCES PROPOSED ROW Wetland Total 20 6.44 acres Stream Total 40 6,108 feet In general, temporary and permanent impacts to wetlands and streams during construction of transmission lines can be avoided through strategic placement of transmission structures/foundations to minimize impacts to regulated resources. In most cases, wetlands and streams can be spanned entirely by a transmission line. Where avoidance is not possible, PAGE 10
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report impacts to wetlands and streams are generally minimal due to the relatively small footprint of transmission line structure foundations. Typically, impacts to wetlands from access roads, which are required to construct the transmission lines, can be minimized through the use of timber mats to reduce disturbance of the ground surface within wetland areas. In some cases, timber mat bridges can also be used to span stream channels. Impacts from access roads are often temporary in nature, as access roads are often restored to pre-construction conditions at the end of construction. The results of this desktop wetland and stream delineation are intended solely for use as an indication of probable wetlands and streams within the proposed ROW for the portion of the Reusens – Altavista 138 kV Transmission Line to be rebuilt. This analysis is designed for planning purposes only and does not represent the results of an on-the-ground, wetland and stream field delineation. Accurate determination of regulated resource boundaries is only possible through field delineations of wetlands and streams utilizing the USACE wetland delineation manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987), the applicable regional supplement (USACE 2012), and other appropriate regulatory guidance. PAGE 11
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report 5.0 REFERENCES Bedford County. 2018. Virginia Streams. Viewed on the USGS National Map viewer ( Available at: 584b6. Accessed February 8, 2021. Cowardin, L.M., F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. 103 p. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 100 p, plus appendices. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2020. Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mappings; Guidance Document 85 - Riverine Mapping and Floodplain Boundaries Guidance. Available at: flood-risk-analysis-and-mapping. Accessed February 8, 2021. Google Earth. (Various Dates). Imagery dates vary by location. Google Earth Pro, Version Available at: Accessed February 4, 2021. City of Lynchburg. 2018. GIS Stream Centerline Layer viewed on the USGS National Map viewer ( ). Available at: 8ac2. Accessed February 8, 2021. Minnesota IT Services. ND. Geospatial Information Office: Color Infrared (CIR) Imagery. Accessed February 8, 2021. Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 1977. Soil Survey of Campbell County and City of Lynchburg, Virginia. Available at: /campbelllcVA1977.pdf. Accessed February 8, 2021. _____. 1989. NRCS Soil Survey Geographic for Bedford County, Virginia. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Available at: edfordVA1989.pdf. Accessed February 8, 2021. PAGE 12
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report _____. 2020. Web Soil Survey Bedford County, Virginia, and Campbell County and the City of Lynchburg, Virginia. Accessed February 8, 2021. Simley, J.D. and W.J. Carswell, Jr. 2009. The National Map - Hydrography: US Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3054, 4 pp. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2012. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, Version 2.0. Eds: J.F. Berkowitz, J.S. Wakeley, R.W. Lichvar, and C.V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-12-9. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. 147 pp, plus appendices. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2020. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act: How Wetlands are Defined and Identified. 404-clean-water-act-how-wetlands-are-defined-and-identified. Accessed February 8, 2021. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2020. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) by state. Available at: Accessed February 8, 2021. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2021. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Available at: hydrography/national-hydrography-dataset?qt- science_support_page_related_con=0#qt-science_support_page_related_con. Accessed February 8, 2021. _____. 2011. The National Map, National Geographic Society, i-cubed. Available at: . Accessed February 8, 2021. Virginia Base Mapping Program. 2018. CIR Imagery and Orthophotography. Available at: nfrared_WGS/MapServer. Accessed February 8, 2021. Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN). 2021. Orthoimagery collected in spring 2017, 2018, and 2019 (whichever was most recent). Available at: 228ee33b89cb38#. Accessed February 8, 2021. PAGE 13
POWER Engineers, Inc. Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Report ATTACHMENT A: DESKTOP DELINEATED FEATURES, ROW ROUTE MAPPING
! Reusens U V ! 130 Substation ! #!! ! U V ! ! ! 685 ! Ja ! £ ¤ MAP 1 ! # m 501 ! !Goming! o - Reuse ! ! ! n!s 138 es £ ¤ MAP 2 ! ! Ri 29 ve ! AM r ! MAP 3 HE ! Bo on CI RS sb Bo # TY ! ! oro ons MADISON Rd bor T oR O CO ! MAP 4 d F LY UN HEIGHTS ! Boonsboro ! NC TY Bi g ! ! HB Is l a ! Substation MAP 5 # UR 34 o. 1 nd # ! sN G - So ! R e use n ut h Lynch burg 69 ! MAP 6 ! U V ! r- # a te ua Falls 1! 38 ! ! 163 ! o - Josh! ! kw ! c Bla G omin!g ! MAP 7 ! ## ! R!e 9 us s6 ! en en us ! s MAP 8 Re -! - So ! ton £ ¤ Nort u ng th 501 ! ari Lyn De hwe ! !ch MAP 9 # ! b ur st # 1! g 38 9 ! on 6 Ex ! ingt # ! e ar ! py ! -D lcox ! ! MAP 10 i 8! &W Bl a £ ¤ ! 8 k oke 13 coc 3 CITY OF ck wa rg 1 Roan ! ! 221 Bab ! Reu sens - # t er LYNCHBURG u ! ! hb c! MAP 11 -P ! #! ! Lyn eak w 3 ! st svie ! n D e ari !Ea g to ! n -P k- ! e MAP 12 ! ee 4 # aks Cr £ ¤ ! um ! vi # 460 e w 69 £ ¤ Pe ss ! po ak Colonial 29 MAP 13 # ! ie !O 9 sv g6 w Hills Golf ur ! TY T ap hb G nc UR svie -S o h Ly ! Course UN ! 1 38 ut w g 34 k MAP 14 ea P HB ! CO hbur ! # !! NC Forest FOREST # D c yn ! OR LY ! hL MAP 15 !! ! ut £ ¤ Substation t- So DF !! OF 221 ee ! Str BE d rest R ! 8 TY ! MAP 16 Fo sum Creek 13 lm ! E South Lynchburg - Opos # ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CI # ! ! ! MAP 17 TY # N ! TY U O MAP 18 N 8 C 13 " U G ain! O UR nt C " ou L HB M " EL ith ! MAP 19 NC PB " Sm Y k- LY M " TY £ ¤ ! NT ee A Cr 501 " C UN £ ¤ OU m 65 ! lls 7 ssu Fa" L a wyers MAP 20 460 New London ! hua £ ¤ CO o Jos DC TIMBERLAKE -" Op 29 erda le Clo"v LL Brush Tavern OR Substation ! Tap 69 " BE MAP 21 DF # ! Substation MP ! ! BE ! # " ta # CA ! ltavis ! Brush ! rook 13 ! Tavern Ta! Lynb! ! p 138 ! 8 " # ! ! - ! ! et A r!e £ ns - ¤ ! eorge St " ! 460 se ! " Reu ! RUSTBURG G! ! " ! " I Map Tile Existing AEP Transmission Line NWI Wetlands Amherst County and Index " (345 kV +) # Existing AEP Substation 100-year Floodplain City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Highways Proposed Route Municipality Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Railroad Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298 Existing AEP Transmission Line Colonial Hills Golf Club (69 kV or lower) City/County Boundary 0 1.25 2.5 Existing AEP Transmission Line NHD River ! Miles (115-230 kV) 1" = 1.25 miles INDEX
d r yR ts Fer e n Old Tr 700' 725' 65 70 0' 0' Dr ott Sc St hn or 675 Jo ' rb Ha Bi g I 75 0' on sl 0' earingt - Re an d 75 D u se - Re usen Amherst - Reu s 69 ns 6 kV ! ! ! ! ! sens 9k V ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 ! ! ! 9kV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Reusens - Roanok ! ! e 13 ! 8kV ! ! Reuse ! ! ns - ! ! ! Sc!ottsvil ! 4-2A Reusens ! le ! - Bre ! ! m ! o Bluff! 1 ! ! " 38kV! ! Substation ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " 4-3A " # 4-1A ' 750 !Gomin!g o- Re !u ad s en ro 725' s 1!3 ail 8k XR V 0' CS 725' ! 70 ! ! ! ! o St ' 550 60 0' Hydr ! ! 675' ! 625' 575 ' 525 ' 675 ' 700' 675' sRd Ve 725' 700' Map 2 0' 60 # I Existing AEP Transmission Line (69 kV Existing AEP Substation Low Probability Wetland or lower) Amherst County and Map 1 of 21 " Proposed 138 kV Structure NHD Stream Existing AEP Transmission Line City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation ! Reusens - Altavista 138 kV (115-230 kV) NWI Wetlands Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route Index Contour (25') 100-year Floodplain Right-of-Way (100') Intermediate Contour (5') Road 0 200 400 Moderate Probability Stream Map Tile Railroad Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
700' 675' 725' 70 0' 675' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 725' ! ! ! Reusens - Roan ! ! oke 138kV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 750 ! ! ! ' ! 750 ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! 5' ! ! ! 72 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Map 1 700' 4-7A " " 4-6A y Rd "" s Ferr 4-5A " " 5' 72 Trent 4-4A Ma Rd p3 ry er t sF en 50 ' Tr d 7 Ol 5 ' 77 ' 800 725 675' ' 5' 72 0 ' 700' 80 70 0' ' 800' 725 I Existing AEP Transmission Line " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Stream ! (115-230 kV) Amherst County and Map 2 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Low Probability Wetland Transmission Line Proposed Route Index Contour (25') City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Right-of-Way (100') NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project NWI Wetlands High Probability Stream Map Tile Road 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
! ! 77 Be 5' ll T ! av ern ! Rd Re ! us en s- ! Ro a ! no ke Lexington Dr 138 Do ! gw kV 67 o ! od 5' Ln Sarah Lynch Pl ! 75 0' ! 75 0' 775 ' 0' Fieldale Rd 70 Map 4 4-7A " " 4-10A " 4-8A Old Sp ring Way " " 4-9A d iew R 725' v Locks ' 750' 750 p2 Ma Ci r od 750' o thw Nor 5' 77 Gorman Dr Ln 5' 77 Glenoak 77 775' 5' Existing AEP Transmission Line " Proposed 138 kV Structure High Probability Wetland ! (115-230 kV) Amherst County and Map 3 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Moderate Probability Wetland City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Index Contour (25') Right-of-Way (100') NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project NWI Wetlands High Probability Stream Map Tile Road 0 200 400 Moderate Probability Stream Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
77 5' We dg ew oo dR 750' d 800' 775 80 ' 0' o Rd 775' ry Ct Longwood Rd Canterbu onsbor Map 3 e Rd Old Bo Bridg Burnt 4-11A 4-14A " " " " " 4-12A Old Sp 4-13A ring W ay Boonsb oro Rd 0' 75 72 5' 5' 77 750' 775' Ol Do d 700' m in ion Dr Dr an Map 5 rm Go 775' " Proposed 138 kV Structure Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') High Probability Wetland NHD Stream NWI Wetlands Highway Index Contour (25') Intermediate Contour (5') I Amherst County and City of Lynchburg, Virginia Map 4 of 21 Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Road Map Tile High Probability Stream 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
Cambridge Pl 800' 775' Rd od wo dge We W im bl ed on Wa y 0' 80 Lo ng 77 wo Rd 5' 5' od 77 Ton Rd Bon 75 0' Map 6 Map 4 4-16A 775' " " 725' 4-17A 4-15A " " " 4-18A " " 4-14A Earls Ct Hickory Hill Dr Rd idge t Br Burn ' 725 Padding ton Ct 700' 700' 0' 75 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Stream Hydric Soils Amherst County and Map 5 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Low Probability Stream Road City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') High Probability Wetland Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') High Probability Stream NWI Wetlands Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
Chees e Cre Cheese Creek ek s Ct ng sti Ha 0' 80 Cheese Creek 775' Fairfax Ct ay 70 W 0' 72 Rd 5' on ings 75 led 675' 0' mb Spr Wi Boonsboro New Br on ngt Substation 77 5 700' ' Irvi ' 800 itain Dr # 4-20A 4-18A " " " " " 4-21A 4-19A Map 7 Map 5 Earls Ct W ish mo re 5' Ln 77 0' 0' 75 75 ' 675 750' 5' 72 700' Paddington C t 5' 70 72 0' 750' 0' 70 # Existing AEP Substation Right-of-Way (100') Road Amherst County and Map 6 of 21 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Low Probability Stream Index Contour (25') City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route 100-year Floodplain Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
725' 700' 750' 700' 67 5' 750 725' ' 725' Che ese 72 Cree 5' k 675' Schothum St 4-23A 4-22A 4-21A " " " " " ay Map 8 Map 6 750 ssw ' pre Ex 725 st ' we rth 675' No 700' 775' reekC Cheese 700' 725' ' 650 5' 67 650' " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Wetland Highway Amherst County and Map 7 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Index Contour (25') City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') NWI Wetlands Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project 100-year Floodplain Map Tile High Probability Stream Road 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
700' 700 ' 725' Greenbri ar Dr ' 725 ' 700 CIT 775 YO Rd ' arm F LY nF 75 li Map 9 nk 0' Fra NCH Wig 725' 5' 77 ging BUR 0' ton 75 G BEDFORD COUNTY Rd 4-25A 4-24A " " " 4-26A Map 7 St um hoth Sc 675' 0' 70 ' 750 70 0' 725' Saturn St 750' " Proposed 138 kV Structure Low Probability Stream Road Amherst County and Map 8 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Index Contour (25') City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') NWI Wetlands Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Hydric Soils Map Tile High Probability Stream City/County Boundary 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
' 725 0' 70 675' ' 675 Mill Acres Dr 700' ' d 725 gs R Nicko las B ' erten 700 Kin Way 700' Map 8 Map 10 BEDFORD COUNTY 750' 4-29A CITY OF LYNCHBURG " " " 4-28A 4-27A ' 675 Iv y Cr ee k 0' 70 675' ' 700 5' 67 700' 675' 0' 70 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Wetland City/County Boundary Amherst County and Map 9 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Road City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') NWI Wetlands Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project 100-year Floodplain Intermediate Contour (5') High Probability Stream Hydric Soils Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
! 725' ! 70 0' ! 675' es Dr ! Mill Acr 67 ! 5' D D 700' Ivy Cre D ek 0' D 70 " 5-9C D D 700' D D 700' Map 9 D 675' 5' 72 D BEDFORD COUNTY D 4-32A 4-30A " D D 4-31A " " D " D D D D D D D D 4-29A D " D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 5-10 D D Map 11 0' 75 DD D D CITY OF LYNCHBURG D eek Ivy Cr D D D D 775' D D ! D D D D D ! ' 750 ! Existing AEP Transmission Line " Map 10 of 21 ! Proposed 138 kV Structure Low Probability Stream ! (115-230 kV) Amherst County and Existing AEP Transmission Line (To Be Moderate Probability Wetland City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I D D Existing AEP Structure ! Retired) Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route ! 100-year Floodplain Reusens - South Lynchburg 138 kV Intermediate Contour (5') Hydric Soils 0 200 400 Line Relocation ! Map Tile Right-of-Way (100') City/County Boundary Feet ! High Probability Stream Road 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298 !
5' 72 67 5' 72 '5 700' eek Ivy Cr 675' 675' Ivyle a Dr 700' 725' ' 750 ek Cre Ivy 0' 70 725 ' 70 0' Map 12 Map 10 Ivy Creek 4-35A " D " " " " 4-36A 4-34A 4-33A d ll R n Rd Mi Cott ontow ins wk Ha 0' 75 Rid gev 725' iew D r 725' 775' 700' Saxon Rd 800' 5' 77 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Stream Hydric Soils Amherst County and Map 11 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Low Probability Stream Road City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') Low Probability Wetland Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') High Probability Stream 100-year Floodplain Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
75 0' Ivylea Dr 77 5' 5' 77 Iv y Cott ontow n Rd Cre ek 700' ' 750 Map 13 5 ' 72 ek Ivy Cre 4-40A D D D" D D D D D D D 4-38A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D " D D D " D D D 4-39A D D D D D " 4-37A Map 11 ' 700 Ivy C reek 700' r eD ' Sunset View 725 hor C t eS Lak 725' 750' 750' Dr n Swa tling Whis D " D Proposed 138 kV Structure Existing AEP Transmission Line (To Be Retired) Reusens - Altavista 138 kV High Probability Stream NHD Stream 100-year Floodplain Road Index Contour (25') Intermediate Contour (5') I Amherst County and City of Lynchburg, Virginia Map 12 of 21 Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route Hydric Soils Map Tile Right-of-Way (100') 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
70 0' 800' Ivy Cre ek 775' 725' 750' 725' n olf L 700' W Ivy 725' PUB PUB D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D " " " " " 4-42A 4-41A 4-44A 4-43A ' 700 Map 725' 14 Map 12 750' 775' e Rd Gumtre 0' 75 0' 75 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Low Probability Stream Hydric Soils Amherst County and Map 13 of 21 Existing AEP Transmission Line (To Be High Probability Wetland Road D D City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Retired) Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route NWI Wetlands Intermediate Contour (5') Right-of-Way (100') 0 200 400 100-year Floodplain Map Tile High Probability Stream Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
' 775 775' 800' 800' 775' 725' 0' 75 750' 725' 4-45A 5 " Map 1 PUB D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D" D D D D D ' D D D 4-46A D D 700 D D 13 D D D D D D Map D D D D 775' D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D PUB D D D D D D D D D " D D 4-47A " " D D D 4-44A D D ' 750' 5 82 800' ' 800 775' 775' " Proposed 138 kV Structure High Probability Stream 100-year Floodplain Amherst County and Map 14 of 21 Existing AEP Transmission Line (To Be I D D High Probability Wetland Hydric Soils City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Retired) Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route NWI Wetlands Intermediate Contour (5') Right-of-Way (100') 0 200 400 Map Tile Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
800' 775' 800' 825' D D D 4-51A 4-50A 4-49A 4-48A D D " " " " D " 4-47A Map 1 0' Map 16 4 85 825' 5' 82 ' 800 825' 775' " Proposed 138 kV Structure NHD Stream Amherst County and Map 15 of 21 Existing AEP Transmission Line (To Be NWI Wetlands D D City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Retired) Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route Intermediate Contour (5') Right-of-Way (100') 0 200 400 Map Tile Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
5' 77 £ ¤ 221 80 0' 5' 87 Map 17 0' 85 Map 15 82 5' 4-55A " 4-53A " " " " 4-54A " 4-56A 4-52A 4-51A Forest Rd '0 80 85 0' Rd e bridg 875' Burn " Proposed 138 kV Structure Moderate Probability Stream Road Amherst County and Map 16 of 21 Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Low Probability Wetland Highway City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Transmission Line Proposed Route Right-of-Way (100') NHD Stream Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project NWI Wetlands Intermediate Contour (5') High Probability Stream 100-year Floodplain Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
5' 87 0 ' £ ¤ 221 80 0' 85 Woodbrook Ln Map 18 4-55A 5' Forest " 82 Substation " # 4-56A " 4-57A Forest R " 850' 4-58A d 825' " 4-59A " " Map 16 4-59A 825' 0' 85 Burnbridge Rd Nor folk Sou ther n Rail ro a d 5' 87 # Existing AEP Substation High Probability Stream Railroad Amherst County and Map 17 of 21 " Proposed 138 kV Structure Low Probability Wetland Index Contour (25') City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation I Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Transmission Line Proposed Route Road Map Tile Right-of-Way (100') Highway 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
825' Otterview Rd 825' 800' n L brook ' 875 Wood 825' 4-62A 4-61A 4-60A " " " " " " 4-63A Map 19 " 900' 4-59A Ln y or ck Hi Old 5' 87 17 Map 0' 85 850' 925' W ine wo od Rd " Proposed 138 kV Structure NHD Stream Amherst County and Map 18 of 21 I Reusens - Altavista 138 kV Road Transmission Line Proposed Route City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Right-of-Way (100') Index Contour (25') Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Intermediate Contour (5') High Probability Stream Map Tile 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
850' 87 5' 825' 900' Map 20 Ev ere tt Rd 4-68A 4-67A 4-66A 4-65A 4-64A 4-63A " " " " " " " " " " " " Map 18 800' 925' 875' 850' Rd ew e r vi Ott 825' " Proposed 138 kV Structure High Probability Wetland Index Contour (25') Amherst County and Map 19 of 21 I Reusens - Altavista 138 kV NHD Stream Intermediate Contour (5') Transmission Line Proposed Route City of Lynchburg, Desktop Wetland and Stream Delineation Right-of-Way (100') NWI Wetlands Map Tile Virginia Reusens to New London 138 kV Rebuild Project Road 0 200 400 Feet 1" = 200' Date: 4/6/2021; Author: ckunde; Project: 159298
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