Page created by Dawn Chandler
        2022 WORK PLAN
         County of Chautauqua
     Industrial Development Agency
Chautauqua Region Economic Development
  January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021

                      Mark Geise
      Deputy County Executive for Economic Development
                       & CCIDA CEO

The following year-end report summarizes the transactions of the County of Chautauqua
Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) and the Chautauqua Region Economic Development
Corporation (CREDC) for the period covering January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.

Section I summarizes all transactions approved by CCIDA and CREDC, including those for loans,
incentives (federal, state, and local), and grants secured, and concludes with a tally of the total
investment ($164 Million), number of permanent jobs created (314), and number of jobs
retained (1,752) that will result from these development activities.

Section II summarizes what I perceive to be the top 10 economic development-related
accomplishments from our activities in 2021, which extend beyond the activities of the CCIDA
and CREDC to include activities of the Department of Planning & Economic Development in my
role as Deputy County Executive for Economic Development.

Section III summarizes what I perceive to be our top 10 economic development-related goals for
2022 which, again, includes the activities of County Planning.

                             Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
               Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                              January 2022

January 26, 2021

Resolution 01-26-21-02 Approval of EDA Cares Act Loan Fund Disbursements – Round 2

                                 EDA RLF CARES - Round 2 Approvals

 Company Name                               Location       Sector       Total        Jobs       Jobs
                                                                        Amount       Retained   Created

 The Service Manufacturing Group, Inc.      Silver Creek   Manu/WH      $ 57,500     4          3

 Monofrax, LLC                              Falconer       Manu/WH      $ 125,000    130        0

 Dahlstrom Roll Form                        Jamestown      Manu/WH      $ 55,368     34         3

 National Comedy Center                     Jamestown      N-P          $ 125,000    30         0

 Southern Tier Environments for Living,     Dunkirk        N-P          $ 125,000    115        0
 Inc. (STEL)

 Kosciuszko Polish Home Association,        Dunkirk        N-P          $ 25,000     2          0

 Reg Lenna                                  Jamestown      N-P          $ 125,000    7          0

 Cleaners of Chautauqua, Inc.               Jamestown      R/C/Agri     $ 100,000    24         0

 Falconer Power Sports, Inc. dba Harley     Jamestown      R/C/Agri     $ 125,000    23         2
 Davidson of Jamestown

 Lynn Development, Inc.                     Jamestown      SB           $ 125,000    6          0

 Ready About Sailing, Inc.                  Celoron        SB           $ 250,000    30         0

 Rocky's Karate                             Jamestown      SB           $ 25,000     1          2

 MKJM, LLC dba The Landmark                 Jamestown      Tour/Hosp    $ 250,000    12         5

 Scott's Peek n' Peak, LLC                  Clymer         Tour/Hosp    $ 875,000    650        3

 Maple Springs Inn                          Maple          Tour/Hosp    $ 200,000    5          3

 Lidos Cresent Inn, Inc.                    Jamestown      Tour/Hosp    $ 25,000     4          0

                                                           Totals       $2,612,868   1077       21

                                Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
                  Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                                 January 2022
February 23, 2021

   A. Resolution 02-23-21-02 Love’s Final resolution

             a. Project Costs: $13,325,000

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be created: 43 FTE (100 during construction)

             c. Jobs Retained: N.A.

             d. Project Summary: Love’s Travel Stops and Country Stores to develop a
             22,000 SF travel stop in the town of Ripley at the previous 16 acre site Colonial
             Squire Motel location on Shortman Road that had been non-operational for
             many years. The facility will consist of a convenience store and fast food type
             restaurant, as well as a tire repair building. There will be separate areas for truck
             and auto fueling as well as separate truck and auto parking areas.

             e. Incentives: PILOT and Sales Tax Exemption

   B. Resolution 02-23-21-03 Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation
      Shall Enter Into An Agreement With Chautauqua County And Agreements With
      Webb Hospitality Group LLC

             a. Project Costs: $18,331,000

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 53

             c. Jobs Retained: 5

             d. Project Summary: OCR Funds to be used for furniture, fixtures and
             equipment to support the development of the new Webb’s Chautauqua Resort
             (Lodge at Chautauqua Lake). The new structure consists of 27 units (fractional
             ownership). Included in the build out will be a restaurant and boutique area.

             e. Incentives: OCR Grant Agreement in the amount of $450,000 (Term and
             Deferred Loan).

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
C. 02-23-21-04 Resolution Of The Members Of The Chautauqua Region Economic
      Development Corporation Approving Entry Into Agreement With The Chadwick
      Bay Commission

             a. Project Costs: N/A

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: N/A

             c. Jobs Retained: N/A

             d. Project Summary: Through this agreement, CREDC provides administrative
             support to the Chadwick Bay Regional Commission. Governed by the chief
             elected officials of the nine member communities, the Commission meets
             regularly to take actions that accomplish projects throughout the region of
             northern Chautauqua County. The actions of the CBRDC will promote and
             enhance a comprehensive and integrated regional planning process that
             identifies priorities and focuses resources on those priorities.

             e. Incentives: N/A

April 27, 2021

   A. Resolution 04-27-21-03 Taking Official Action Toward And Approving The Straight
      Lease Documents For A Certain Project for SL Ashville, LLC And/Or Its Affiliates

             a. Project Costs: $12,429,038

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be created: 1 FTE (50 during construction)

             c. Jobs Retained: N.A.

             d. Project Summary: Construction of two solar arrays, a 5 megawatt and a 3.75
             megawatt, on 33 acres of leased land located at 1606 Blockville-Watts Flats Road,
             Ashville. This project will provide lease income to the property owner with a
             more advantageous use over a previous hayfield, provide green energy to the
             town of Harmony residents and surrounding communities, and increase the tax

             e. Incentives: PILOT and Sales Tax Exemption

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
B. Resolution 04-27-21-06 Approval of EDA Cares Act Loan Fund Disbursements –
      Round 3

                                EDA RLF CARES - Round 3 Approvals

Company Name                             Location       Sector        Total         Jobs       Jobs
                                                                      Amount        Retained   Created

Blackstone Advanced Technologies         Jamestown      Manu/WH       $473,000      79         2

Lancaster Foods, LLC                     Silver Creek   Manu/WH       $85,000       6          1
Bailey Manufacturing Co., LLC            Forestville    Manu/WH       $646,609      44         8
Chautauqua County Chapter of             Jamestown      N-P           $123,737      244        0
NYSARC, Inc. dba The Resource Center
Jim Turner Sales                         Clymer         R/C/Agri      $100,000      2

Jamestown Rental Properties, LLC (JRP)   Jamestown      SB            $100,000      3
Majestic Woods, LLC                      Clymer         Tour/Hosp     $125,713      2
Meeder's Restaurant                      Ripley         Tour/Hosp     $225,000      34         4
Chautauqua Lake Storage, LLC/ The        Celoron        Tour/Hosp     $450,000      4          2
Boat Works, LLC
                                                        Totals        $2,369,059    424        8

May 25, 2021

   A. Resolution 05-25-21-01 Americold – Final Resolution

               a. Project Costs: $41,373,000

               b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 60

               c. Jobs Retained: 0

               d. Project Summary: New construction of a 175,000 square foot sophisticated
               cold storage (freezer) facility in the Town of Dunkirk to support Wells Blue Bunny.

               e. Incentives: PILOT and Sales Tax Exemption

                             Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
               Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                              January 2022
June 22, 2021

   A. Resolution 06-22-21-03 Sheridan CSG 1 – Final Resolution

                a. Project Costs: $7,225,000

                b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 0

                c. Jobs Retained: 0

                d. Project Summary: 4.125 MW AC Solar Project, located in Sheridan.

                e. Incentives: Sales Tax Exemption

   B. Resolution 06-22-21-05 Sheridan CSG 2 – Final Resolution

                a. Project Costs: $7,225,000

                b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 0

                c. Jobs Retained: 0

                d. Project Summary: 4.125 MW AC Solar Project, located in Sheridan.

                e. Incentives: Sales Tax Exemption

   C. Resolution 06-22-21-01 EDA Loan for International Ordnance Technologies, Inc.

                a. Project Costs: $391,775.00

                b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 7

                c. Jobs Retained: 28

                d. Project Summary: $250,000.00 Working Capital to be used for general
                business expenses (COVID related issues), and $127,598.00 Equipment Loan to
                purchase an Endo Generator for their heat-treat line, reducing expenses and
                enhancing production.

                e. Incentives: EDA Loan $391,775
                              Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
                Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                               January 2022
July 27, 2021

   A. Resolution 07-27-21-02 Hideaway Bay Resort, LLC Final Resolution

                   a. Project Costs: $1,429,450
                   b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 40
                   c. Jobs Retained: 0
                   d. Project Summary: High-end glamping and recreation resort on the shore
                       of Lake Erie in the Village of Silver Creek featuring 10 waterfront cabins,
                       a café-bar/event space, and four seasons of diverse world-class active
                       and passive recreation opportunities.
                   e. Incentives: PILOT, Sales Tax and Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions, AL
                       Tech RLF Loan

   B. Resolution 7-27-21-06 Rak 2 Solar, LLC Approving Resolution

                   a. Project Costs: $5,460,000
                   b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 1
                   c. Jobs Retained: 0
                   d. Project Summary: New construction of a 3.50 MW AC Solar Farm in the
                       Town of Pomfret
                   e. Incentives: PILOT, and Sales & Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions

   A. Resolution 07-27-21-07 Of The Members Of The Chautauqua Region Economic
      Development Corporation Approving Entry Into An Agreement With The Ralph C.
      Wilson Jr. Foundation For Grant Funding For The Chautauqua County Partnership
      For Economic Growth

                a. Project Costs: $1,200,000

                b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: N/A

                c. Jobs Retained: N/A

                              Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
                Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                               January 2022
d. Project Summary: The grant award, CCPEG’s largest financial commitment to
             date, will extend and enhance CCPEG’s administrative and project development
             capacity while dedicating the majority of the funding to implementing priority
             projects in alignment with the county’s recently completed economic
             development strategic plan. This flexible funding pool is designed to provide
             critical local-matching dollars for catalytic economic and community
             development projects seeking funding from a multitude of local, state, federal,
             and philanthropic sources.

             e. Incentives: N/A

October 1, 2021

   A. Resolution 10-01-21-02 42 Lake Erie, LLC Authorizing AL Tech RLF

                  a. Project Costs: $1,459,450
                  b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 40
                  c. Jobs Retained: 0
                  d. Project Summary: High-end waterfront glamping and recreation resort in
                     the Town of Hanover on 3.6 acres featuring 10 waterfront cabins, a café-
                     bar/event space, and four seasons of diverse world-class active and
                     passive recreation opportunities.
                  e. Incentives: CCIDA Tax Lease/PILOT with STE and MTE, OCR loan and
                     deferred loan

   B. Resolution 10-01-21-05 Rak 1 Solar, Final Resolution

         a. Project Costs: $7,800,000
         b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 1
         c. Jobs Retained: 0
         d. Project Summary: New construction of a 5.00 MW AC Solar Farm in the Town of
         e. Incentives: PILOT, and Sales & Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
C. Resolution 10-01-21-08 Pomfret PV, Final Resolution

        a. Project Costs: $5,460,000
        b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 1
        c. Jobs Retained: 0
        d. Project Summary: New construction of a 3.50 MW AC Solar Farm in the Town of
        e. Incentives: PILOT, and Sales & Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions

  D. 10-01-21-09 Enter into an agreement with the Village of Falconer and agreement
     with Jamestown Container Corporation (OCR Grant)

        a. Project Cost: $1.6 million
        b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 10
        c. Jobs retained: 100
        d. Project Summary: Grant funding for proceeds to be used as a $400,000 Deferred
            Loan, and $100,000 Term Loan administered through CREDC ($16,000
            Administrative fees).
        e. Incentive: $516,000 through the Community Development Block Grant for
            partially funding new machinery and equipment in connection with the project.

  E. Resolution 10-01-21-10 CREDC to Enter into an Agreement with Town of Ellicott
     and Agreements with Jamestown Advanced Products Corporation. (OCR Grant)

        a. Project Cost: $3,005,000
        b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 55
        c. Jobs retained: 101
        d. Project Summary: Grant funding for proceeds to be used as a $367,000 Deferred
            Loan, and $367,000 Term Loan administered through CREDC ($16,000
            Administrative fees).

                          Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
            Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                           January 2022
e. Incentive: $750,000 through the Community Development Block Grant for
             funding machinery and equipment, and working capital in connection with the
             project. The funding will also expand its production line to include a line of
             implements specifically engineered for tractor dealers.

October 26, 2021

   F. Resolution 10-26-21-03 YMCA Authorizing Resolution

             a. Project Costs: $26 Million

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: N/A

             c. Jobs Retained: N/A

             d. Project Summary: Sell, at Fair Market Value, CCIDA-owned land on Harrison
             Street to construct new YMCA, in Jamestown, NY.

             e. Incentives: N/A

   G. Resolution 10-26-21-05 Refresco/Krog Authorizing Resolution

             a. Project Costs: $275,000

             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: N/A

             c. Jobs Retained: N/A

             d. Project Summary: Sell land to Roberts Road Freezer, LLC for access and
             future development of adjacent parcels.

             e. Incentives: N/A

December 21, 2021

   H. Resolution 12-21-21-03 Final Resolution, 2 Portage, LLC

         a. Project Costs: $11,595,256
         b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 3

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
c. Jobs Retained: 0
          d. Project Summary: The acquisition and adaptive re-use of the historic Welch’s
             Building in the Village and Town of Westfield in apartments and commercial
             tenant space.
          e. Incentives: PILOT, and Sales & Mortgage Recording Tax Exemptions

  I.   12-21-21-04 AL Tech Loan Request for Falcon Acquisitions, LLC

             a. Project Cost: $472,500
             b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 4
             c. Jobs retained: 17
             d. Project Summary: Building purchase at 111 Cheney St., Jamestown, NY for
                 commercial, warehouse, and office leasing. Partnered with Jamestown Local
                 Development Corporation and Greater Jamestown Empire Zone for funding
                 purposes. Future home of Falcon Conveyor, LLC, which will build and install
                 conveyors for the collection of scrap metal, to be sold nationwide. Douglas
                 Scott Clark is the applicant and owner.
             e. Incentive: AL Tech RLF in the amount of $154,000

  J. Resolution 12-21-21-07 CREDC enter into an agreement with The Village of Silver
       Creek and Agreements with Adventure Sports Development, LLC (OCR Grant)

              a. Project cost: $1,429,450
              b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 40
              c. Jobs retained: 0
              d. Project Summary: 10 Waterfront cabins, café’/bar/event space, and four
                  season recreation opportunities. High-end glamping and recreation resort
                  on Lake Erie in the Village of Silver Creek.
              e. Incentive: $434,000 through the Community Development Block Grant for
                  funding furniture, fixtures and equipment, and working capital in connection

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
with the project. Grant funding in the form of a $217,000 deferred loan, and
                    $217,000 term loan.

   K. Resolution 12-21-21-08 CREDC enter into an agreement with The Town of
       Westfield and Agreements with Ghostfish Brewing Company East, LLC (OCR Grant)

               a. Project Cost: $265,000
               b. Number of Permanent Jobs to be Created: 7
               c. Jobs retained: 0
               d. Project Summary: The purchase of furnishings, fixtures, and equipment to
                   establish a brewery that will produce gluten-free beer for sale and
                   distribution to markets in the eastern United States. It will be located in the
                   Lake Erie Grape Discovery Center, Route 20 in the Town of Westfield.
               e. Incentive: Grant funding for proceeds to be used as an $89,000 Deferred Loan
                   administered through CREDC. The Community Development Block Grant will
                   be used for funding furniture, fixtures and equipment in connection with the


2021 Totals (1/1/21 through 12/31/21)

Total Investment Approved/Committed in 2021: $164,383,946

Total Full-time Equivalent Permanent Jobs to be created over 3 Years: 314

Total Full-time Equivalent Jobs Retained: 1,752

                             Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
               Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                              January 2022
II.     Top 10 Economic Development – Related
                           Accomplishments in 2021

     •   Hideaway Bay Site Redevelopment – The former Hideaway Bay site was
         purchased by 42 Lake Erie, LLC for redevelopment as a “glamping” resort. CCIDA
         assisted with PILOT and Loan for this $1.2 Million project, as well as a $434,000
         HUD CDBG OCR grant. Property was pulled from foreclosure 6+ years ago, and was
         actively marketed by the Land Bank and CCIDA for many years.

     •   Welch Building Redevelopment – This Town-owned property languished for many
         years. CCIDA worked with Town/Village to market the site and to find a suitable
         developer. The Town recently signed a contract with a Savarino/Raant, Buffalo
         Developers, to invest more than $11 Million to restore/convert the building for a
         mixed-use project with commercial and housing components.

     •   Americold Freezer Warehouse Facility - The CCIDA worked with Americold Real
         Estate to provide financial incentives for an 181,000 square foot facility costing a little
         over $41 Million located in the Town of Dunkirk. The facility will store Wells’ Blue
         Bunny Ice Cream inventory, and will create 68-70 full time jobs. This project
         complements the $87 Million in upgrades Wells made to the former Fieldbrook
         Farms facility in Dunkirk.

     •   Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth – CCPEG was formed in
         2019 as a public-private partnership under the umbrella of CREDC (CCIDA), and
         represents the active participation of over 100 economic development partners from
         throughout the County. CCPEG is supported by the Northern Chautauqua
         Community Foundation, Gebbie, the CCIDA, and the County. After completing an
         economic development strategy for the County, CCPEG was awarded a $1.05
         Million Grant from the Ralph Wilson Foundation. CCPEG worked with Business,
         Community, Workforce, Housing, and Tourism Development partners to identify and
         submit 9 state grant applications for funding, and provided technical assistance to a
         multitude of other applications that were submitted throughout the County. Three
         awards were funded.

     •   ARPA Funding Award - The County was awarded $24.6 Million in American
         Rescue Plan funding, of which a substantial amount ($4.3 Million) has been allocated
         for economic development-related projects (and more than $10 Million for other
         infrastructure-related projects). These include:
             o Site acquisition for shovel-ready sites - $1.4 Million
             o Water/sewer infrastructure for shovel-ready sites - $1.4 Million
             o CCPEG for a multitude of Economic Development-related projects - $500,000
             o Workforce Development Initiative with WIB, JCC, CCVB, CCIDA - $352,000
             o Cornell Cooperative Extension Ag. Improvement Program - $232,540
             o Marketing Assistance to Businesses and NFPs - $400,000

                          Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
            Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                           January 2022
•   Webb’s Hospitality Resort – The CCIDA has been working with Webb’s on a new
          resort “hotel” in Mayville for many years. Webb’s broke ground in the summer of
          2021, with the assistance of a range of incentives provided by the CCIDA.

      •   Collaboration with Dunkirk and Jamestown
             o Dunkirk DRI Application – CCPEG/CCIDA provided technical assistance and
                financial contributions toward a consultant to the tune of $20,000 for the
                development of a Downtown Revitalization Initiative application seeking $10
                Million to enhance Dunkirk’s waterfront and downtown core. Their application
                was not approved by ESD.
             o Chadakoin River Strategic Business Plan – CCIDA, CCPEG, Gebbie, BPU,
                RTPI, and other partners worked collaboratively on a strategic action plan for
                enhancing the navigability of the Chadakoin River by small motorized
                watercraft, from McCrea Point Boat Launch to the basin. The business plan
                identifies projects, both economic and environmental-related, as well as
                marketing recommendations, and resulted in conceptual drawings, costing, a
                proposed timeline, suggested partnerships, and the identification of funding
                sources. This project was awarded more than $1.2 Million via the CFA to
                implement several recommended projects, including signature gardens,
                channel markers, kayak launch, boat docks, tiered seating, visitor kiosk,
                removal of debris, etc.

      •   COVID-Related Business Assistance
            o EDA Loan Program – The CCIDA was awarded a $10.5 Million Grant from
               the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to create a high-risk, low-
               interest rate loan fund to assist businesses throughout the County. The
               funding was awarded in less than 9 months to more than 50 companies for
               working capital, equipment purchases, and other uses.
            o PPE Business Assistance Program – The CCIDA worked collaboratively with
               local philanthropic institutions to create a grant fund that was allocated to
               several dozen businesses and not-for-profits to provide technical assistance
               through JCC, and to purchase PPE to protect employees and customers from
               COVID-19 risks.
            o CCIDA Working Capital Loan Program – The CCIDA created a specialized
               working capital loan program to assist businesses to survive the COVID-19
               pandemic. Twenty-four businesses were each awarded $10,000 low-interest
               loans over the course of several months.

      •   Comprehensive Analysis for Shovel-Ready Site(s) – Worked with consultant to
          identify, vet, and prioritize sites throughout Chautauqua County suitable for
          industrial/business development. This is in response to the need for an improved
          inventory for market/shovel ready sites based on the current low inventory of such
          sites. We are currently negotiating with the owners of three priority sites.

      •  Agricultural Development & Enhancement Strategy - The Chautauqua County
         Agricultural Development & Enhancement Strategy (CCADES) is an update to the
         County’s Farmland Protection Plan. The objective of the update is to provide an
                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
accurate reflection of the current agricultural conditions in Chautauqua County and
        devise strategies to increase the economic viability of the agricultural industry,
        encourage farmland protection, and to increase public interest and awareness of
        local agriculture. The team of County, CCIDA, CCPEG and other partners are
        collaborating on this strategy.

                         Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
           Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                          January 2022
III.       Top 10 County Economic Development Goals for 2022

         •   Acquire Shovel-Ready Site(s) – Acquire a site or sites (a minimum of 80 acres) and
             determine what level of infrastructure and due diligence is required to make the
             site(s) suitable for industrial/business development. This is in response to the
             documented need for an increased and improved inventory of market/shovel ready

         •   Re-activate Properties of Community Importance
                o White Inn Redevelopment – Work with the owner (JG Funding), community
                    stakeholders, and the State to get the facility sold to a responsible developer
                    who will restore it to its once-prominent status.
                o Furniture Mart Redevelopment – Continue to work with the Gebbie
                    Foundation and other key stakeholders in Jamestown to que up the Furniture
                    Mart building for future development. This has been an ongoing process that
                    we will continue to put time and effort toward until it is accomplished.
                o Talcott Street Sale and Redevelopment – Continue to work with Refresco,
                    Empire State Brands, Hanna Realty, and other potential developers, to
                    market it to outside developers so that we can get it back into use while
                    creating jobs and commerce in Dunkirk.
                o Silver Creek School – Continue to work with the developer (Region Nine) to
                    convert the dilapidated Silver Creek School into senior housing by providing
                    incentives and technical expertise.
                o Welch Building Redevelopment – Continue to work with the selected
                    developer (Raant/Savarino) to provide the appropriate incentives from the
                    CCIDA, ESD, and other sources to redevelop the Welch building for a mixed-
                    use project with commercial and housing components.

         •   NRG Re-Use Initiative – The County is working with the City of Dunkirk to undertake
             Phase II of this initiative, which is being funded by a grant of $160,000 through
             NYSERDA’s Just Transition Site Reuse Planning grant program, to advance several
             predevelopment activities. These may include a detailed infrastructure assessment,
             Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, development of marketing materials, site
             planning, workforce development strategies, non-site-specific community
             revitalization strategies, public engagement, and others as determined through the
             initial baseline planning process, and is follow-up to Phase I work already completed.

         •   Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG) – Continue to
             collaborate with community partners and the five work groups to identify and que up
             projects for the 2022 CFA process, while implementing projects awarded through the
             2021 round of funding. CCPEG is placing a special emphasis on reversing
             population decline and workforce retention & attraction projects/activities.

         •   County/Economic Development Marketing & Branding to Reverse Population
             Decline – In an attempt to “sing our praises” about what a great place Chautauqua
             County is to conduct business, raise a family, and visit, the CCIDA and CCPEG hired
                              Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
                Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                               January 2022
a marketing/communications director (Jason Toczydlowski) to develop and
         implement a marketing strategy in conjunction with a myriad of other county
         stakeholders, which will result in more people staying or relocating here to fill
         available job positions, retiring here, and/or visiting, ultimately resulting in a reversal
         of population decline.

     •   Aggressive Proactive Business Retention & Expansion Initiative – Continue to
         work with current businesses throughout Chautauqua County to ensure they
         continue to prosper and grow by providing technical assistance and incentives
         through the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA), Empire
         State Development (ESD), and other sources.

     •   ARPA Funding Award – Work diligently to get all of the Economic Development-
         related ARPA projects underway and implemented, which includes the following:
             o Site acquisition for shovel-ready sites - $1.4 Million
             o Water/sewer infrastructure for shovel-ready sites - $1.4 Million
             o CCPEG for a multitude of Economic Development-related projects - $500,000
             o Workforce Development Initiative with WIB, JCC, CCVB, CCIDA - $352,000
             o Cornell Cooperative Extension Ag. Improvement Program - $232,540
             o Marketing Assistance to Businesses and NFPs - $400,000

     •   Collaboration with Dunkirk and Jamestown
            o Dunkirk Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) – Assuming Dunkirk is
               awarded a $10 - $20 Million DRI grant award through the 2021 CFA process,
               continue to work with the stakeholders to ensure that projects enhance
               Dunkirk’s waterfront and downtown core while aligning with the County’s
               Economic Development Strategy.
            o Chadakoin River Strategic Business Plan – Assuming the City of Jamestown
               is awarded a CFA grant submitted in July 2021 through the CFA process, the
               CCIDA, CCPEG, Gebbie, BPU, RTPI, and other partners will work
               collaboratively with the City to implement the projects from the 2021 Plan,
               which includes economic, environmental, and marketing-related projects that
               is intended to activate Jamestown’s waterfront.

     •   Agricultural Development & Enhancement Strategy – Implement
         recommendations resulting from the County’s Agricultural Development &
         Enhancement Strategy (CCADES), which is an update to the County’s Farmland
         Protection Plan. The objective of the update was to provide an accurate reflection of
         the current agricultural conditions in Chautauqua County and devise strategies to
         increase the economic viability of the agricultural industry, encourage farmland
         protection, and increase public interest and awareness of local agriculture.

     • Workforce Development/Childcare – Continue to work with our community
         workforce development partners, as well as the childcare advocates, to put in place
         the appropriate programs that will help to prepare our workforce for today’s jobs, as
         well as help facilitate and advocate for resources for the provision of childcare.

                           Annual Report and Work Plan of CCIDA & CREDC
             Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development & CCIDA CEO
                                            January 2022
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