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CONTENTS A Le t t e r Fro m t he Fo u n d e r on o u r 3 10th Anni ve r sa r y Beco m e a Ma xLove Pro j e c t Pa rt ner 4 M a xLove Con n ect 5 Th e # fo rkch i l d h ood ca n cer Ca m paign 5 Fa rm t o Fork Di n n er 6 Fierce Foods Kitchen at the Farm + Food Lab 7 S o c ia l Med i a 7 Join t h e Th ri ve Revo l u ti o n 8 A bo u t M axLove Proj ect 9 Wh o We Are 1 0 Wh a t We Do 1 0 M a xLove Proj ect Fa cts 1 3 Ou r Impact 1 4 Th e Te a m 1 5 Pa re nt Testi mon i a l s 1 6 Appe nd ix: Pa r t n e r sh i p Inve nto ry Det a i l s17 M a xLove Con n ect 1 8 Th e # fo rkch i l d h ood ca n cer Ca m paign 19 Fa rm t o Fork Di n n er 22 Fierce Foods Kitchen at the Farm + Food Lab 25 S o c ia l Med i a 26 Cont act Info r ma t i o n 27
To our Valued Marketing Partners, In 2021, MaxLove Project proudly commemorates 10 years of Helping SuperKids Thrive Against the Odds. Since its inception in 2011 when our son, Max, was diagnosed with brain cancer, MaxLove Project has empowered parents to learn all the things they can do outside the hospital to achieve maximum quality of life for their children fighting cancer. We’ve done this through tailored cooking classes, whole-family wellness resources and therapies, peer social support, and professionally designed and led health and wellness programs. In-person programming was key to our impact. It was hard to envision doing things any other way. Then 2020 hit. Faced with reimagining how we would serve childhood cancer families when the world turned upside down, we responded without hesitation, bringing all of our programming and fundraising online and fast-tracking development of our ground- breaking mobile app for childhood cancer parents, MaxLove Connect. We retooled existing programs and introduced new ones, all online, and came to a beautiful real- ization: Rather than distancing us, the seismic shift that was 2020 actually allowed us to develop deeper relationships with and among parents around the country and the world. Rather than putting us on hold, it drove us forward with a new vision for the next 10 years. Our 10th Anniversary Partnership Opportunities reflect that new vision. We’re proud to not only reintroduce you to familiar opportunities, but also show you new offerings that were born from the challenges of the past year. Let’s join together to achieve our shared goals and celebrate our shared values in 2021, benefiting your brand while supporting childhood cancer families as they love, hope, and thrive. Audra DiPadova Wilford Chief Hope Officer 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 3
BECOME A 10TH ANNIVERSARY M A X LOV E P R OJ EC T PA R T N E R MaxLove Project offers four unique opportunities for your brand to be featured front and center as the Presenting Partner for the calendar year. Choose from the all-new MaxLove Connect app, The #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign, the Farm to Fork Dinner event, and the Fierce Foods Kitchen at the Farm + Food Lab. We also offer a variety of levels within The #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign and the Farm to Fork Dinner as well as audience-building Social Media partnerships. Let us help you find that just-right fit!
PA R T N E R S H I P O P P O R T U N I T I E S MaxLove Connect Our newest and most comprehensive resource ever for childhood cancer fam- ilies is 100% online — for mobile and desktop, Android and iOS — and brings nearly every aspect of MaxLove Project into one, dedicated, virtual space for all childhood cancer families, everywhere. • Presenting Partner $50,000 The #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign Heavily promoted from July through September, MaxLove Project’s #forkchild- hoodcancer peer-to-peer fund-raising campaign connects your brand to an en- gaged network of childhood cancer parents, MaxLove supporters, and gener- ous donors throughout the U.S. The 10-week campaign features contests and incentives for participants and ends September 25, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, with a celebration at MaxLove Project’s Farm to Fork Dinner. • Presenting Partner $50,000 • Platinum $15,000 • Gold $10,000 • Silver $5,000 • Hope Hero $1,500 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 5
The Farm to Fork Dinner Scheduled for Saturday, September 25, MaxLove Project’s Farm to Fork Dinner is Orange County’s premier farm-to-table event, featuring a breathtaking outdoor venue at the top of Irvine’s Tanaka Farms and extraordinary food prepared by the region’s hottest chefs. Put your mark on this unforgettable evening of family style farm-fresh cuisine, unique wines, handcrafted sig- nature cocktails, and live music. • Presenting Partner $50,000 • Diamond $30,000 • Platinum $20,000 • Gold $10,000 • Silver $5,000 • Hope Hero $2,500 • Fierce Friend $1,000 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 6
The Fierce Foods Kitchen at the Farm + Food Lab Located in The Great Park in Irvine, CA, the Farm + Food Lab is a shining example of urban agriculture and the perfect showcase for MaxLove Project’s Fierce Foods Kitchen. This outdoor educational space is the heart of our Fierce Foods Academies, where child- hood cancer families learn to embrace and enjoy the quality nutrition that will help them thrive, together. • Presenting Partner $25,000 Social Media Join MaxLove Project on social media to shape attitudes and reinforce your brand values among new and existing followers. These partnerships in- clude Facebook and/or Instagram giveaways to drive engagement and do not require a monetary dona- tion. Contest winners and MLP families will receive Partner-provided product. • Gold $1,000 • Silver $500 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 7
JOIN THE THRIVE REVOLUTION At MaxLove Project, we work to increase the quality of life and reduce health risks for all children surviving cancer, both in treatment and beyond, by empowering families with “fierce foods” culinary medicine, whole-body wellness resources, education, and research. We believe that true health starts when families are empowered to be active partners in their child’s healing.
About Ma xLove Proj ect The Problem Today, more than 420,000 childhood cancer survivors are alive in the United States, and thanks to advances in treatment and screening for some cancers, more than 80% of all children diagnosed with cancer survive beyond five years. These improved outcomes are offset by the fact that childhood cancer survivors face inordinate, serious, and lifelong health risks that increase with age and can result in early death. The treatments that save lives also limit them. MaxLove Project‘s Goal MLP is the only childhood cancer nonprofit that focuses exclusively on improving quality of life and reducing long-term health risks for all families affected by childhood cancer. Our goal is to ensure that every kid diagnosed with cancer thrives against the odds. The MaxLove Project Method MLP focuses on all the things families can do outside of the hospital to extend life and achieve maximum quality of life for children fighting cancer. We do this through tailored cooking classes; whole- family wellness resources and therapies; targeted peer social sup- port; and professionally designed, facilitated, and researched health and wellness pro- grams. Our Mission We empower families fighting childhood cancers with supportive care, fierce foods, whole-body wellness resources, education, and research. We aim to increase the quality of life and reduce serious health risks for all children surviving cancer, both in treatment and beyond. We believe that true health starts when families are empowered to be active partners in their child’s healing. 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 9
Who We Are MaxLove Project is a diverse, volunteer-driven, grassroots team of parents, doctors, nurses, researchers, chefs, farm- ers, and community activists who are dedicated to helping childhood cancer families beat the odds. Together, we can maximize quality of life and greatly reduce lifelong serious health risks for all childhood cancer patients, survivors, and families by increasing access to and research for supportive and preventive care, such as whole-food nutrition, acupunc- ture, kid-friendly physical activity, mindful stress manage- ment, social support, and healing self-narratives. What We Do Fierce Foods Culinary Medicine Collaborative Project to Build a Culinary Medicine Program for Pediatric Hospitals Culinary medicine is the practice of using real food to restore health, reduce side effects of conventional treatments, and improve long- term quality of life. MaxLove Project has con- vened an innovative collaborative to employ culinary educa- tion, social support, and rigorous nutrition research to build this pioneering culinary medicine program and study the use of a mobile teaching kitchen unit in the hospital setting. Our partners are University of Arizona, CHOC Children’s Hospi- tal, Dwaine & Cynthia Willett Children’s Hospital of Savan- nah, and Banner Diamond Children’s Medical Center in Tucson. 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 10
Family Thrivership Programs Serving Families Around the World BE SUPER Support Camps: online health support programs for parents, designed by professionals and led by trained peer coaches. In evaluations, parents have called the programs “life changing,” “an essential resource for parents,” and “an amazing and powerful tool for healing.” Momma Mentor Peer Health Coach Training: Childhood cancer par- ents are professionally trained to become “Momma Mentor” peer health coaches who lead Support Camps and provide individual support to new cancer parents. MaxLove Connect app: our app-based support group that provides par- ents with daily survivorship tips, emotional support, research updates, and monitored peer support. Currently more than 1,300 childhood cancer par- ents are members of this group, which has spawned additional, targeted support networks for families based on their child’s diagnosis, diet, and oth- er specific needs, all within the MaxLove Connect app. BE SUPER Action Plan and other online education materials: All MaxLove Project programs are guided by the BE SUPER Action Plan, which outlines seven health behaviors that have been shown to improve cancer outcomes, increase quality of life, and reduce long-term health risks. Max- LoveProject.org and MaxLove Connect offer extensive educational materi- als to help families adapt the BE SUPER plan to their daily lives. Fierce Foods Academy virtual events provide lessons in essential cooking skills, nutritional shopping literacy, and evidence-based nutritional principles. 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 11
Quality of Life Care Sponsorships: MaxLove Project supports families in financial need with expert quality-of-life care including Traditional Chinese Medicine, medicinal can- nabis, health coaching, and personalized nutrition support. Forever Mommas Bereavement Support Group: Led by the inimitable Gay Walker, a former palliative care nurse, the group focuses on honoring and processing grief and trauma related to the passing of a child. Camp Make & Believe: helps deliver important health education to children through the exploration of creative, therapeutic arts. MaxLove Mommas Virtual Gatherings are monthly night-outings just for childhood cancer mommas. Mommas have done paint-and-sip nights, cooking classes, ferment- ing classes, wine tastings, and more. The Super Max & Bryce project (Australia & New Zealand) spreads love, hope, happiness and comfort to children with cancer through gifts of Super Max the Turtle night lights. MLP is the fiscal sponsor of this organization. MaxLove Project Thrive Space (Southern California and coming soon to Savannah, GA) is a place to con- nect, heal, and thrive through MLP gatherings, programs, and events. 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 12
M A X L O V E P R OJ E C T FA C T S It costs MaxLove Project $330 to support one family for one year. MaxLove Project serves families from diagnosis through bereavement, for children of all ages and diagnoses. MaxLove Project serves families internationally with online programs, including a professionally facilitated support group of over 1,400 families, and monthly small-group educational programs. MaxLove Project is the only childhood cancer nonprofit that focuses exclusively on improving quality of life and reducing long-term health risks for all families affected by childhood cancer. No one else is doing what we’re doing. MaxLove Project offers seven unique programs focused on improving quality of life for families affected by childhood cancer. 13
OUR IM PAC T Since 2011, MaxLove Project has... Served 15,000 families with resources in children’s hospitals Shipped 1,200 welcome kits to childhood cancer families at home Provided 1,116 childhood cancer patients, siblings, and caregivers with MLP cooking classes Served 5,200 families with online support, education, and resources Given approximately 9,000 quarts of broth to local cancer families Launched 5 new online programs in the last year alone Served 315 Southern California childhood cancer families with cooking classes, acupuncture, health behavior education, and other in-person programs Provided 250 personalized dietitian consults 14
Fo u n d e r s Au dra DiPa d ova Wilford Ju st in Wilford Su perM a x Wilford Bo a rd of Di re ct ors Adria n n e Marshack — President Erica Ba lkh i Co u rt n ey Collins Em ily Frye S a ra S o n g Ja cqu e St u bblefield 15
Parent Testimonials “I’ve learned so much from the MaxLove community! I love meeting other childhood cancer parents who have been through similar experiences and helping newly diagnosed families with the most difficult time of their lives.” — Jodie, mother of a childhood leukemia survivor “Fierce Foods has completely changed how we eat. The focus on nutrient-dense whole foods has simplified everything and made us a lot healthier in the process.” — Michelle, mom of a childhood brain tumor survivor “I’ve learned so much from MaxLove Project about creating a healthy home. Little things make a difference, like just taking off our shoes or opening our windows.” — Letty, mom of a leukemia survivor “Our son would not be thriving unless you all taught us what you did. Today he went back to school. We are eternally grateful. BE SUPER to yourselves and each other.” — Dave, SuperDad “MaxLove is an amazing organization. I honestly can say that I would have been completely lost in this cancer world without them. Now we don’t feel alone.” — Mother of a child with Wilms tumor 16
APPENDIX: PA R T N E R S H I P INVENTORY DETAILS A closer look at your partnership opportunities, features, and benefits at every level.
MaxLove Connect Partnership Opportunities We are thrilled to introduce MaxLove Connect, our newest and most comprehensive resource ever for childhood cancer families! It’s a fully online resource — for mobile and desktop, Android and iOS — that brings nearly every aspect of Max- Love Project into one, dedicated, virtual space for all childhood cancer families, everywhere. Its main components are: • Rich and engaging courses: Visually engaging, expert-designed classes on topics ranging from “The First 100 Days” to Fierce Foods to stress management for parents. • Live events/program sessions: Zoom-integrated live events that include our famous “Fierce Foods Academies,” “Mom- mas’ Paint and Sip Nights,” and a wide variety of other live programs (see descriptions below). • Tailored peer support: Our large support community is supplemented with small, tailored groups that fit each family’s diagnosis, child’s age, and stage in treatment; each parent also has her/his own personalized feed, notifications, and private messaging. • Comprehensive library: MaxLove Connect houses all of MaxLove Project’s resources, recipes, and guidebooks in one place for parents to download, save, print, and share. Presenting Partner · $50,000 For the calendar year 2021, the MaxLove Connect Presenting Partner will receive the following benefits: • MaxLove Connect app branded as “Presented by” the Partner • Logo recognition and link within the MaxLove Connect app • Logo recognition and link on all MaxLove Project websites • Logo recognition and link in all MaxLove Project e-newsletters • Logo recognition at 2021 Farm to Fork Dinner and event program • Partnership announcement in an email blast to the MaxLove Project general audience • Partnership announcement in an email blast to the MaxLove Project SuperFamilies audience • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages • Possible product review by a MaxLove Project subject-matter expert • Option to provide product samples to MaxLove Project families/app users • Option to provide discount code to theMaxLove Project community • Option for brand representative to attend selected program sessions and speak to attendees 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 18
The #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign Partnership Opportunities Heavily promoted from July through September, MaxLove Project’s #forkchildhoodcancer peer-to-peer fundraising campaign connects your brand with an engaged network of childhood cancer parents, Max- Love supporters, and generous donors throughout the U.S. The 10-week campaign features contests and incentives for participants and ends September 25, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, with a cele- bration at MaxLove Project’s Farm to Fork Dinner. Presenting Partner · $50,000 For the calendar year 2021, the #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign Presenting Partner will receive the following benefits: • The #forkchildhoodcancer Campaign branded as “Presented by” the Partner • Dinner course of your choice to be named for Partner. Available courses are Appetizer, Salad, Entrée, Dessert, in addition to Wine, Beer, and Cocktail. • MLP’s Executive Chef to work with partner to develop a recipe for that course (featuring Partner’s product if applicable) • Branded recipe card and cook-along video to be produced by MLP, highlighting partner and presented on forkchildhoodcancer.org, IGTV, YouTube, and more • Logo recognition in the following campaign materials distributed to participants: · Celebration Box packaging · printed event program · partner-branded coasters · Commemorative keepsake cloth napkin 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 19
• Logo recognition and link on all MaxLove Project websites • Logo recognition and link in all MaxLove Project e-newsletters • Logo recognition at 2021 Farm to Fork Dinner • Partnership announcement in an email blast to the MaxLove Project general audience • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages Platinum · $15,000 • MLP’s Executive Chef to work with partner to develop a recipe for a dinner course (featuring Partner’s product if applicable) • Branded recipe card and cook-along video to be produced by MLP, highlighting partner and presented on forkchildhoodcancer.org, IGTV, YouTube, and more • Logo recognition in the following campaign materials distributed to participants: · printed event program · partner-branded coasters • A full-page ad in the Farm to Fork program • Logo recognition and link on forkchildhoodcancer.org website • Logo recognition in campaign e-mail blasts • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages Gold · $10,000 • MLP’s Executive Chef to work with partner to develop a recipe for a dinner course (featuring Partner’s product if applicable) • Branded recipe card and cook-along video to be produced by MLP, highlighting partner and presented on forkchildhoodcancer.org, IGTV, YouTube, and more 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 20
• Logo recognition in the following campaign materials distributed to participants: · printed event program · partner-branded coasters • Logo recognition and link on forkchildhoodcancer.org website • Logo recognition in campaign e-mail blasts • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages Silver · $5,000 • MLP’s Executive Chef to work with partner to develop a recipe for a dinner course (incorporating Partner’s product if applicable) • Branded recipe card and cook-along video to be produced by MLP, highlighting partner and presented on forkchildhoodcancer.org, IGTV, YouTube, and more • Logo recognition in the following campaign materials distributed to participants: · printed event program · Shared representation on partner-branded coasters • Logo recognition and link on forkchildhoodcancer.org website • Logo recognition in campaign e-mail blasts • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages Hope Hero · $1,500 • Text-only inclusion in the event program, campaign email blasts, and forkchildhoodcancer.org 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 21
Farm to Fork Dinner Partnership Opportunities Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 5pm Tanaka Farms, Irvine, CA MaxLove Project’s Farm to Fork Dinner is Orange County’s premier farm-to-table event, featuring a breathtaking outdoor venue at the top of Irvine’s Tanaka Farms and extraordinary food prepared by the region’s hottest chefs. Put your mark on this unforgettable evening of family style farm-fresh cuisine, unique wines, handcrafted signa- ture cocktails, and live music. Presenting Partner · $50,000 Sold to Lily’s Sweets! Our presenting partner will be highlighted beautifully throughout the event, on our website, auction software, in all communications and press materials. Recognition will also be featured prominently in the following areas: • Exclusive logo placement in the Farm to Fork event logo, on all Farm to Fork wagons, and commemorative aprons worn by event staff and volunteers • Logo placement on our commemorative souvenir dinner napkins and the back of the event program • Logo featured most prominently on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • Double-page ad in the center of the Farm to Fork program • Includes two VIP tables for 10 at the event 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 22
Diamond · $30,000 Your generous partnership will be highlighted throughout the event and in press materials. Recognition will also be featured prominently in the following areas: • Logo placement on our commemorative souvenir dinner napkins and the back of the event program • Logo prominently featured on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A full-page ad in the Farm to Fork program • Includes one VIP table of ten at the event Platinum · $20,000 • Logo placement on cocktail napkins • Logo featured on our commemorative Farm to Fork tote bag gift for each guest and on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A full-page ad in the Farm to Fork program • Includes 6 event tickets Gold · $10,000 • Logo distinctively featured on our commemorative Farm to Fork tote bag gift for each guest and on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A half-page ad in the Farm to Fork program • Includes 4 event tickets 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 23
Silver · $5,000 • Logo featured on our commemorative Farm to Fork tote bag gift for each guest and on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A 1/3-page ad in the Farm to Fork program • Includes 2 event tickets Hope Hero · $2,500 • Logo featured on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A 1/4-page ad in the Farm to Fork program Fierce Friend · $1,000 • Logo included on our creative recognition wall that will feature all of our event partners • A 1/6-page ad in the Farm to Fork program 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 24
Fierce Foods Kitchen at the Farm + Food Lab Partnership Opportunities Located in The Great Park in Irvine, CA, the Farm + Food Lab is a shin- ing example of urban agriculture and the perfect showcase for Max- Love Project’s Fierce Foods Kitchen. This outdoor educational space is the heart of our Fierce Foods Academies, where childhood cancer families learn to embrace and enjoy the quality nutrition that will help them thrive, together. Presenting Partner · $25,000 For the calendar year 2021, the Fierce Foods Kitchen Presenting Partner will receive the following benefits: • Fierce Foods Kitchen teaching space branded as “Presented by” the Partner • Logo recognition and link on all MaxLove Project websites • Logo recognition and link in all MaxLove Project e-newsletters • Logo recognition at 2021 Farm to Fork Dinner and event program • Partnership announcement in an email blast to the MaxLove Project general audience • Partnership announcement in an email blast to the MaxLove Project SuperFamilies audience • Partnership announcement on MaxLove Project Facebook and Instagram pages • Option to provide product samples to MaxLove Project families at the Kitchen • Option for brand representative to attend selected Fierce Foods program sessions and speak to attendees 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 25
Social Media Partnership Opportunities Join MaxLove Project on social media to shape attitudes and reinforce your brand values among new and existing followers. These partner- ships include Facebook and/or Instagram giveaways to drive engage- ment and do not require a monetary donation. Contest winner and MLP families receive Partner-provided product. Gold · $1,000 product donation • Listed on website as MLP Brand Partner • Partnership announced on MLP Facebook and Instagram pages with (1) post and (1) story • Partnership announced in e-mail blast • Option to provide discount code to MLP community Silver · $500 in-kind product donation • Listed on website as MLP Brand Partner • Partnership announced in (1) MLP Facebook story and (1) Instagram story • Partnership announced in e-mail blast • Option to provide discount code to MLP community Key Da t es January 5 - National Keto Day February - National Cancer Prevention Month February 15 - International Childhood Cancer Day March 14-20 - Sleep Awareness Week April 7 - World Health Day May - Brain Tumor Awareness Month June 6 - National Cancer Survivors Day September - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month November - National Family Caregiver Month 2021 MaxLove Project Partnership Opportunities | maxloveproject.org 26
READY TO JOIN US? CONTACT info@maxloveproject.org
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