APIs: the New Game Changer - for Commercial Auto Carriers
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Insurance Industry Overview The insurance industry has traditionally been very apprehensive of technological innovation. For centuries, insurance providers have been rooting their customer relationship stability and con- sistency in cultivating a sustained trust. The practice of curating long-term relationships has traditionally been the customer acquisition and retention model within the insurance industry. The time needed to grow a trusting customer base has been always treated as the safety factor that allowed carriers to keep innovation in status quo. In terms of market competitive-ness, the industry has always been known for its high barriers to enter and strict government regulations therefore limiting com-petition from the new entrants. Insurtech is a term applied to various disruptive technological innovations within the insurance industry that help improve op-erational efficiency and achieve additional operational savings within the current insurance model. With the rise of Insurtech, the wind of technological change has been inevitable with agility and acceptance of change being the main new rules of engage-ment. Big data, IoT (Internet of Things), mobile technology, artifi-cial intelligence (AI), wearable devices, and blockchain are trans-forming insurance into a more vibrant and dynamic playing field built on fast pace, recognition of consumer needs, and a keen awareness of the competition. In the face of these technological developments, insurers are rightfully concerned with their ability to effectively compete in the market place. 1
Market Dynamics Shift The Millennial generation, the main tech- The need to enhance digital experi- nology users who now outnumber the ence spreads to the business technolo- baby boomers, demands simpler products, gy consumers in the insurance industry. streamlined customer experiences, as well Instant data access, reduction of infor- as personalization and a holistic omni- mation asymmetry, accuracy, compre- channel experience. These users demand hensiveness and new reach-extending communication whenever, wherever, and capabilities paired with a friendly UX and however they want. They value speed and enhanced digital experience are now convenience over the cumbersome com- the key elements of success for any in- plexity and previous coding knowledge surance-focused third-party integrated requirements. Such trends present a chal- technology. While insurance is still about lenging environment for the insurance statistics and risk mitigation, the quali- carriers who face a declining customer ty of input data has a direct relationship satisfaction levels, as reported by IBM In- with the reliability of the output and mar- stitute for Business Value, low-interest gins of error. This is where the need for rates, stagnating premiums, and a high cost-collapsing technology — such as di- pressure to deliver measurable ROI for rect API integrations of 3rd party data is their policy administration systems (PAS). evident. Customer Communication Preference Website Insurer Varies by Psychographic Segment Demanding Support-seeker Support-seeking Skeptic Peers Aggregator Informed Optimizer Q: Please select the 3 channels most important to you when searching for INFO about your insurance coverage. Source: IBM Institue for Business Value survey data 2014, n-6,211. Tied Agent Telephone 2
APIs WHAT ARE THEY & WHY DO WE NEED THEM? We live and work in an era of increasing connectivity, where data is becoming a big- ger part of our everyday lives. Application program interfaces (APIs), the snippets of code that allow software applications to interact in a common language, are ever more present in the everyday consum- er and business environments alike. Web APIs are an especially useful variant that allow businesses to access data produced by other 3rd party companies and seam- lessly integrate it anywhere and anytime it’s required. APIs have transformed the way businesses interact with each other and the way they provide value to their customers. 3
The Benefits of Using APIs APIs grant access to a wide variety of or manipulation. resources and allow for cross-plat- form communication within a busi- Efficiency ness. For example, APIs power the Consuming an API created and connection between the insurance hosted by a 3rd party can also PAS and a database with vehicle substantially reduce the labor values and specs necessary to un- requirements for IT departments. derwrite a policy for a commercial By handling many background truck or a passenger auto. tasks and running continuous maintenance, the use of third- Alternatively, let’s consider the pro- party API providers can reduce the cess of signing policy documents. number of employees needed to While twenty years ago, all policy perform web-centric information documents were sent through the gathering and compu-tation tasks. mail with a longer turn-around Integrating APIs allows a company time; today signing a document to outsource parts of the only takes a few clicks thanks to the business process for a fraction of introduction of e-signature prod- the cost of building the same in- ucts powered by APIs. house capabilities. Simplicity Efficiency goes together with APIs allow for a single instance of the benefit of workflow data creation to be automatically optimization and system and distributed externally to customers process automation. Within the and internally to coworkers, rather property and casualty insurance than reproducing work when and segment, the need to access a as needed. Simplicity is the keyword large asset database can be here. Rather than struggling to for- streamlined through integrating mat a large file in a spreadsheet pro- asset data through APIs. In gram to extract a marginal many cases, coupling a well- amount of information, an API designed API with batch can provide the data needed processing analytical methods without requiring extra research can even open 4
new channels for business devel- Amongst other API integration opment and financial growth, such benefits are the options for mo- as creating a data-driven business bile development, partnering and product or producing market intel- partner onboarding opportuni- ligence or consulting work. Such ties, decrease in time to market methods are especially favorable for new products, addressing for older and well-established com- competitive pressures to keep panies with a significant amount of up with the market trends, com- historical data that provides valu- pliance with regulatory require- able intelligence. ments, and business positioning for the future through a focus on Customization innovation. Enterprise applications have also greatly benefited from the in- creased capacity for APIs. While their software was once produced individually and formatted to fit each customer’s needs, web APIs have allowed enterprise develop- ers to deploy their central platform alongside APIs for customers’ use. Additionally, while consumer prod- ucts may need to have offline capa- bilities, enterprise software is rarely disconnected from a network. This eliminates the risk of losing data transfer during periods of low con- nectivity. These advances have re- sulted in more efficient enterprise software and reduced costs for customers. 5
Key Business Drivers for API Initiatives Speed is usually the first API driver to foster an efficiency improvement with- in an organization. It allows business to react quickly to new opportunities and competitive threats while preserving the core enterprise systems from out- ages or security exposures. Instead, APIs prepackage core system assets for business consumption while simultane- ously creating new systems of engage- ment. Extended Reach is another benefit of API adoption. It can offer new, pre- viously unavailable, opportunities for a carrier who is looking to venture into new markets or go after new custom- er groups. For example, a commercial fleet insurer may partner with a fleet financing entity that might offer vehicle loans to the current insurance custom- ers through referrals. 3rd party integrations determine how easy, or complication API implementa- tion can be. Price Digests offers multi- ple 3rd party integrations with the ma- jor leading insurtech platforms. 6
API Provider Selection Criteria for Policy Administration System (PAS) Workflow Optimization Since the insurance eco-system is vibrant with multiple suppliers and service providers, applying a set of success criteria to their selection helps standardize the best business practices of API provider selection. Product Maturity Vendor Stability Mature product with Established industry a steady or growing presence, sound market share and financials and long- client base. term support for carriers. Tech Innovation, External Data Quality Security, Compliance & Comprehensiveness rkflow Wo Vendor’s track record of Clean taxonomy, API docs are avail- innovation, market leader- able, data offered is comprehensive, ship, and resources for a complete and covers all asset types long-term strategy. for IMMEDIATE value creation. Key Business Drivers User Interface for Superior Functionality Op • Extended Reach (new markets, t i m i za t ion Intuitive, convenient and easy to use. new customers) User Interface with flexible options. • Risk Mitigation (data accuracy, Complete turnkey solution timely valuation) • 3rd Party Integrations • High Speed Support Workflow Superior support API solution in- during and after creases efficiency implmenetation, and grows produc- minimized down tivity, streamlines time, continuous underwriting and maintenance. rating process. 7
1. Vendor Stability Suppliers with an established indus- for monetization purposes, such try presence, sound financials and as a mobile market place or, for a a forward-thinking API economy commercial fleet insurer, the op- strategy can offer the best partner- portunity reach could be extended ship opportunities. It includes their to underwriting new, not previously ability to consolidate and standard- covered, commercial vehicle cate- ize common APIs within an organi- gories. zation, increase carrier’s efficiency and lower the cost of operations Price Digests has been providing through providing accurate and quality vehicle data and specs since reliable data and thus mitigating 1911. Our long-term trust-driven re- uncertainty risk. Well-established lationships within the commercial third-party API and vehicle data auto and inland marine insurance providers can also help the carri- make us the preferred vehicle data er to define a new business model API provider. 2. External Data Quality API solutions providers that can prehensively the vehicle specs get offer a clean taxonomy and a full populated into the carrier’s busi- set of developer documentation ness system during quoting and un- should be valued over other less derwriting process — is an example transparent competitors. Exten- of a time-saving and cost collaps- siveness of the asset database and ing external data quality variable. high match rates, as well as com- prehensive all-vehicle type cov- Price Digests supplies VIN data for erage, can offer immediate value 99.5% of all commercial trucks creation. In commercial auto insur- including those with custom truck ance, the comprehensiveness and bodies. It is especially valuable in accuracy of the VIN prefill data— cases when a VIN lookup returns namely how accurately and com- the value of an incomplete truck 8
comprised of the cab and the chassis only. *Data Quality as a Factor in Building Trust However, once the custom truck body is and Fairness Perception added to the valuation, it may increase the incomplete vehicle “Cost New”, or its mar- The reliability and continuous updating ket value, by over 60%. With a large custom of the third-party vehicle data supplied bodies database available, Price Digests of- through direct API integrations is also im- fers carriers the ability to operate with this portant. It has a direct bearing on cultivat- high-degree of data granularity that keeps ing customer trust. Since online quotes insurance providers from underinsuring are the preferred quote delivery vehicle, commercial fleets — a dangerous practice the accuracy of such quotes from the first that may leave risk on the table. customer touch point with the insurance A price that is too low is just as bad for loyalty as a too-high price. Do you think the premium of your insurance is... 4.3 4.2 Loyalty Index 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 Too High Fair Too Low Source: IBM Institue for Business Value survey data 2014, n-12,210. 9
provider’s brand forms the percep- That brings us to the question of a tion of the provider’s solution fair- sustainable business environment ness. The concept of “what is fair” in the insurance industry and ways is the most important insurance to boost its stability while account- brand perception element that af- ing for growth. fects insurance customer loyalty, according to the IBM’s survey. A APIs offer modern insurance com- too-low valuation that does not ac- panies a mechanism to become a count for the custom elements of transformational power in the in- a vehicle has the same negative dustry able to rapidly respond to impact on a prospective customer any market segment disruptions. that the too-high of a price may They also offer significant value to have. any insurance business. 3. Workflow Optimization The main ROI driver of any API in- cial fleet insurers, the answer to tegration is the answer to the ques- this question lies in the speed of in- tion of “How much can an API formation transmission, the accu- solution improve my operational racy of the returned vehicle values, efficiency and productivity?”. For high VIN match rate (up to 99.5%), Price Digests, a premier workflow and the proven ability to complete- optimization solution for commer- ly automate the prefill process. 4. Support The key factor to look for here man technical support to minimize is API provider’s ability to closely system downtime while continu- work with the carriers’ IT during ously maintaining it. API creation, the development, test, QA, imple- runtime, management, and secu- mentation and deployment stages, rity should be the focus areas for as well as provide a superior hu- both — the service provider and the 10
carrier implementing the solution. of customer support during the entire API solution implementa- The Price Digests API integration tion process as well as continuous team ensures the highest degree post-integration assistance. 5. Product Maturity Going with an API provider that of- Price Digests is amongst the most fers a mature product while main- mature vehicle data API providers. taining a steady or growing market The company was first to introduce share is a good practice to align the first VIN-driven database deliv- business values between the pro- ered via flat files in 1988. Our first vider and the carrier. Since the in- API solution rolled out in 2005. surance industry has been known Since then, our continuous product for its high regard to stability and improvement rooted in agility and consistency, forming a partnership technological innovation has been rooted in these two principles could the organization’s core focus. guarantee long-term success. 6. Tech Innovation, Security and Compliance The maturity of the providers’ viders opt to implement the latest product does not mean disregard API technologies into their prod- for innovation. On the opposite, a ucts. Representational State Trans- stable product that increases its fer (REST) and Simple Object Ac- robustness through technological cess Protocol (SOAP) are the most agility, continuous improvement common ones with the latter be- while embracing the latest techno- coming more outdated. Provider’s logical trends is a sure way for the use of JavaScript Object Notation carrier’s competitive operational (JSON) language indicates techno- advantage over other industry in- logical agility and forward-thinking. cumbents. Innovation-minded pro- Both JSON and REST are the most 11
modern API practices that are sim- forward-thinking and future-ori- pler to understand and consume ented insurers should align them- than their more outdated counter- selves with the API providers that parts. Furthermore, the provider’s offer the latest technology. use of HTTPS, the secure proto- col, is also preferable to HTTP, the The API provider’s track record non-secure version that lacks the of innovation, market leadership communications encryption. While and a long-term strategic orienta- both protocols are presently used tion present an insurance policy in by various VIN API providers, the themselves. 7. Technical governance Since operational ROI is deter- consideration multiple current mined by a holistic implementation business processes and methodol- of the API best practices while con- ogies that enable carriers to align sidering a wide range of stakehold- business strategy and goals with IT ers — from the solution business services and its infrastructure. We consumers to the IT and business provide all API documentation and leaders, it is worth mentioning the work with the carrier’s develop- technical considerations as well. ment team to ensure a streamlined Price Digests holistic approach to integration process. its API implementation takes into 12
Conclusion API solutions have contributed to a major insurance industry transformation by offering insurance indus- try a way into the digital revolution that has spread across consumers’ lives while maximizing operational efficiency and productivity. On the policy side, the right VIN API solution provider could help foster a guaran- teed reduction in the underwriting times through an accurate and fast VIN prefill. On the other side, im- plementing an API solution allows boosting the en- tire organization’s partnership eco-system for related service providers that can help generate new revenue streams and elevated partner engagement. Industry Overview and Analysis by: Nadia Davis, MBA Brand Marketing Manager Sam Giffin, MSE Director of Data & Analytics
At Price Digests we believe in the power of information and data-driven decisions. We believe in business solutions that are efficient, comprehensive in scope, intuitive and easy to use. Since our inception in 1911, we have learnt from experi- ence that one size does not fit all. So, we tailor our products to our customer needs with flexible delivery formats from web application, API, flat files to custom reports, data cleansing, and consulting. Our VIN-driven API solutions for the Com- mercial Auto insurance carriers allow users to standardize their book of business, improve policy and claims process ef- ficiency with a VIN return rate up to 99.5% for model years 1981 to current. Our APIs integrate with multiple third party In- surtech platforms while offering coverage for all vehicle types. On the technological side, the Price Digests APIs are RESTful JSON-based with continuous updates and improvements to deliver technological agility. Focused on data security, the Price Digests APIs provide secure communications protocols on the AWS platform. With a dedicated integration team and a continuous live support, Price Digests has been known as the VIN API market leader for insurance, finance, government, and dealer industries. 6190 Power Ferry Rd NW, Suite 312 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (888)-488-2062 Website: www.pricedigests.com User Web App: www.app.pricedigests.com
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