ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu

ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu

                                    DALLY NEWS
                                                           April 2021

                              ANZAC Day 2021
ANZAC Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand.
          It is celebrated by both countries on 25 April every year.
                      It is to honour the members of the
              Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)
      who fought at Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
              It now celebrates all those who served and died
                    in military operation for their countries.
 Anzac Day is also observed in the Cook Islands, Niue, Pitcairn and Tonga.

         The Shire of Dalwallinu invites community members to the
          commemoration of ANZAC Day on Sunday 25 April 2021.

                  6.00am      ANZAC Day Dawn Service
                              Johnston Memorial Park

                                   followed by
                            GUNFIRE BREAKFAST

P 9661 0500   F 9661 1097   E     W
ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

                                         Two (2) lots remain available at the
     CEO Chit Chat
                                         Bell Street subdivision. Lots 2 & 3 are

                                         for sale. Building has commenced on

                                         one of the blocks and it won’t be long

                                         before the others commence.

                                         The Shire will again be hosting a

                                         breakfast at Memorial Park at 6:00am

                                         on Anzac Day (25 April 2021). Please

                                         come along and join us.

CEO Jean Knight
                                                                       Public Notice
Hope everyone had an enjoyable
                                                   Rates Notice email option available
Easter. The next few months
                                            The Shire is offering Ratepayers           Notice via email you will need to
continue to be busy at the Shire
                                            the   option    to   receive   their       provide some details in writing
finishing off the planned projects
                                            Rates Notices via email. This is           to the Shire. Please email your
in the 20-21 annual budget along
                                            a confidential option to ensure            assessment number and full name
with planning the projects for the
                                            that you never misplace your               to Your
new budget. It is pleasing to see that
                                            notice and is increasingly popular         assessment number is located at
we now have a full complement of
                                            with many organisations. If you            the top right hand of your notice.
staff which will enable us to get
                                            would like to receive your Rates
our projects completed on time.

The WA Local Government Grants

Commission held a public hearing

in Dalwallinu on Friday 26 March

2021. This was very informative

for the attendees as it showed how

the Federal Assistance Grants are

distributed throughout the state.

          P 9661 0500       F 9661 1097       E         W
ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

 Shire President featured in LG Focus
T    his month Shire President Cr Steve Carter was featured in the March 2021 edition of LG Focus. This is a

     monthly publication featuring stories from Local Governments throughout Australia. Extracts are below.

S   teve raised several points in

    his interview in relation to         R     oom to grow. "Dalwallinu

                                               is unique with its growing

                                          population and industry. Our main
                                                                                        I t's what we do. "Another

                                                                                          perhaps more life changing

                                                                                        project was the Goodlands phone
the Shire. When asked about his

involvement in Local Government           challenge is providing land for               tower. Many ratepayers in the

he stated he was Born to It               business and residential use. We              north­east of the shire had no

"There are several reasons why            have just completed a Shire-funded            mo­
                                                                                          bile phone service and most

I became interest­
                 ed in Council.           12-block       housing         subdivision,   landlines   were      unserviceable,

My father and grandfather were            eight of which have been sold                 so Council, Telstra and the State

both coun­cillors so I was kind of        already. This is the third residential        Government,       through   a   joint

born into it. Growing up I used all       subdivision in the last ten years with        agreement, provided a mobile

the facilities the Shire provided         only four blocks left.         I'd say our    tower. It was truly a great result

and drove to those facilities on          most innovative project has been              for the area. We have great staff

roads the Shire maintained and            the Regional Repopulation Project,            to give us all the information so we

I wanted the same opportunity             even though it was a few years                can make the best decision possible.

for my children. Another rea­
                            son           ago that we received the award."                    oing forward I'd like to see

for becoming a councillor was to                                                              the population keep growing,

make sure the rates were allocated                                                      more industry come to town, it

responsibly. I still use plenty of                                                      would be great for Dalwallinu to

those facilities play­ing bowls in the                                                  become self-sufficient for water and

summer and watching football,                                                           power and become carbon neutral."

hockey and netball in winter."                                                          Cr Steve Carter

                                              SHIRE PRESIDENT Cr Steve Carter

         P 9661 0500        F 9661 1097       E              W
ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

  Are you looking for vacant land in Dalwallinu?
                   The Shire has the following lots available:
              Lot 2 Bell St (809m2)           Lot 3 Bell St (765m2)

                         Please forward your offer for any of the above lots to:
            Jean Knight, Chief Executive Officer via email to

                                    Shire Staff Snapshot
Over the last few months we have welcomed 10 new staff members. To help you get to know them we are

reintroducing our Shire Staff Snapshots. We asked all our new team members the same 10 questions.

Name: Deb Whitehead           Positon: Executive Assistant

How long have you been working in the Local Government Industry: 13 years

What brought you to Dalwallinu? My job opportunity

What is the one thing you couldn’t live without: My licence

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far? Losing family Members

Which team do you support? (AFL/Rugby/Soccer etc.) West Coast Eagles

Where is the best place you have travelled to and why? New Zealand – It’s Awesome

What is your greatest fear? Mice and Rats

Where is your favourite place to be? WA

If you could do another job just for one day, what would it be? Tour Bus Driver

What is your favourite movie? Sweet Home Alabama

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ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

                               Shire of Dalwallinu
                        2020 -2021 Capital Projects Update
                                         2020-2021 Capital Projects

                                       Commenced         Completed         Not Commenced

• Purchase of Plant & Equipment (except Excavator)       • Dalwallinu Recreation Centre – Installation of Seating
• Dalwallinu Ablution Facility Upgrade                   • Dalwallinu Oval – Installation of new goal posts
• Fencing – Dalwallinu Cemetery & Wubin Playground • Sanderson Road

• Dalwallinu Discovery Centre - Solar Panels             • West Road
• Kalannie Sports Pavilion - Installation of Lean To     • Purchase of Land – Sawyer Avenue
• Kalannie Sports Club – Completion of Lighting Towers • Shire Admin Centre – Air conditioning upgrade

• Dalwallinu Recreation Centre - Electronic Scoreboard • Bell Street 12 Lot residential subdivision

• Dalwallinu Recreation Centre - Car Park Shelter        • Fencing – Kalannie Oval

• Dalwallinu Aquatic Centre – upgrade to Chlorine System

           Dalwallinu Recreation Centre Playground
   The new playground at the Recreation Centre is nearly complete. Unfortunately where
   the Community (via the survey) and Council, had proposed to install the new playground
   (to the northern end of the precinct near the pool), the safety zone area was too large for
   it to be placed there, plus we encountered an electrical cable right in the pathway. The
   position was then relocated to the second most popular location (as per the survey).
   The playground will be completely fenced with one access gate and shade sails will be
   installed. This playground will then finish off nicely the upgrades to the Recreation Precinct.

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ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Discovery Centre Discussion
A Focus Group of representatives        financial year and will provide

from   the     Dalwallinu   Tourism     a framework to plan a scope of

Association,    Townscape     Focus     works for the establishment of

Group and Shire met with Xyst           new trails and improvements to

Consultants at the DDC in March         existing trails. The Masterplan will

to progress the Regional Trails         also be a tool to assist with future

Masterplan. The Masterplan will         grant applications.

be completed by the end of the

                                          Library News
The long awaited cubbyhouse            for our digital lounge with SLWA        has any complete puzzles that

is now installed in the library        grant funding and encourage             they would like to rehome, they

and looks fabulous. It is already      anyone who would like to access         would be most welcome and

proving popular with our young         the new technology to listen to         can be dropped into the library

library patrons and we hope that       podcasts and access e-resources         or collected. And once more we

the enjoyment and learning that        to come into the library.               thank the many donors who have

is gained will form the basis of a     Better Beginnings will recommence       brought in books to be added to

life-long love of libraries for our    on April 19th following the Easter      our local stock and/or given away.

little people. Grateful thanks go      school holidays. Anyone who is

to the State Library of WA for the     interested in bringing their little

grant funding which enabled the        ones aged between 2 and 5 along

purchase. The remainder of the         on Mondays at 11am for a story

funding will be used to install a      and activity during school terms

blackboard, lighting, educational      are most welcome.

materials and beanbags to create a     We are seeking donations of adult

niche for creative play and reading.   jigsaws to build a library of stock

We have also purchased the items       for patrons to borrow. If anyone

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ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu

T    he Shire of Dalwallinu is a

     vibrant, growing community,

bucking the trend of Wheatbelt
                                        local   businesses   who    provide

                                        employment, keeping people in

                                        work, teachers, health professionals
                                                                                local people to shop local by

                                                                                facilitating a Shop Local Campaign

                                                                                promoting the goods and services

Shires in that our population is        and other service providers in the      available    in     our     wonderful

stable. Evidence indicates that         community. The Shire is working         Shire.   This     month’s    spotlight

the liveability of a community          with local businesses to encourage      on a local is Dally Ag Supplies.

including availability of goods

and services along with oppor-
tunities   for     recreation   and

sport are key to maintaining a

stable happy population and

encouraging      new      residents.

It is important that locals support
Tell us about your business?- what do you sell, how long have you operated?

I opened Dally Ag Supplies in 2000 selling boomspray parts, and all types of points and seeding requisites. I

sell anything to do with farm supplies aside from chemical and fertiliser. I am an agent for Coerco plastic tanks

and I also sell two ways, satellite and TV products. My business has customers from Ballidu to Perenjori and

I do a lot of business by phone. My customers are my friends and people just drop in to chat when they’re

coming into town. You wouldn’t get that in a big town or city and it’s one of the reasons I like living here so


What are your connections to Dalwallinu?- born here, volunteering, family, schools, why you chose to open

a business here.

I was born in the old hospital and did all my schooling in Dally. I did a mechanical apprenticeship in Wongan Hills

before I had my accident, and subsequently I worked for Wesfarmers here as the merchandise manager. I still

have family who farm in the Shire, and most of my family are still living here. Over the years I have done some

volunteering, I was a member of the Lions Club, and was involved in many of the sporting clubs. I am a member

of the Dalwallinu Philippino Group One Pinoyj as my wife is from the Philippines and so are many of our friends.

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ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
I believe it is important that people give their time as well as money to support community and sporting groups

and I donate as well as volunteer. I have never wanted to live anywhere else and I chose to open a business

here because I wanted to branch out on my own and I believe Dalwallinu is a go ahead prosperous community.

How many employees do you have?

I am the sole worker in the business although my wife helps out when I need her.
What might we not know about you?

Nothing’s a secret. My customers all know what I sell, and they know that if they need something and I don’t

have in stock I can get it in for them. Most people don’t even ask what my prices are, they just know I will do

the right thing by them, and I do.

How do you see the economic situation in Dalwallinu? - growing, stagnant, barriers, opportunities, long

term future?

The Shire is going ahead - it’s growing immensely due to the businesses here and the regional repopulation

project that brought so many people to town. Farming is always the same but the manufacturing factories

and the bypass have made the town much more successful. Having people employed here and spending

their money in town means that we have teachers and a hospital and other services. We are very lucky. I try
to encourage new residents that they need to give back to the community since it has given them so much.

How do you market and promote your business?

Word of mouth is my best form of advertising. I do advertise specials in the TL but I am well known

to all of the farmers in the District and surrounding Shires and they support me well, as I do them.

What would help your business grow and stay viable?

For me, more consistent good years for farmers is the thing that helps me the most. The more reliable seasons

are the ones that make the difference between an okay year and a profitable one for me.

What message do you want to send to the community?

You live in the best place in the world- make sure you value it.

       P 9661 0500       F 9661 1097      E      W
ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

                                   Gymnasium News
Council at it's recent meeting in March approved new/amended membership rates for the gymnasium.
This is to provide more flexibility for the memberships. Fees are below.
12 Month Annual Membership Paid Upfront (includes 10% discount)            $702.00

6 Month Membership Paid Upfront 						                                     $380.00

3 Month Membership Paid Upfront 						                                     $195.00

12, 6 or 3 Month Membership Paid Monthly					                              $65.00

12, 6 or 3 Month Membership Paid Fortnightly				                           $30.00

Casual Weekly Membership Paid Upfront (Non Resident)			                    $25.00

Access Fob						                                    One off fee		          $10.00

Replacement Access Fob				                          Non – refundable       $10.00

Visa/MasterCard					                                2.35%			               $0.44

Bank Dishonour Fee								                                                 $21.90

Re Debit Fee									                                                      $2.75

      Kalannie Town Hall has turned 50 - Happy Half Century !!!
    According to the State Heritage Council website this hall is of significance as the brick and iron hall is a

    meeting place and recreation centre for the town’s community.
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ANZAC Day 2021 April 2021 - DALLY NEWS - Shire of Dalwallinu
Place of wheat and wattle....

                                          COUNCIL MEETINGS

          Shire of Dalwallinu Ordinary Council Meetings will be held on
            the following dates and times unless otherwise advised;

          DATE                          DAY                   TIME                 PLACE
   23 February 2021                 Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

    23 March 2021                   Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

     27 April 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

      25 May 2021                   Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

      22 June 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

      27 July 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

    24 August 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

 28 September 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

   26 October 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

  23 November 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

  21 December 2021                  Tuesday                  3.30pm           Council Chambers

Chief Executive Officer
Jean Knight
1 December 2020

    P 9661 0500           F 9661 1097    E   W
Place of wheat and wattle....

       Community Grants Applications Now Open

                            The Shire of Dalwallinu
          2020/21 Community Grant Round 2 is now open.
   If your community group needs assistance in purchasing new
  equipment, capital improvement to facilities or assistance with
          event funding you may be eligible to apply.
Application forms and guidelines are available to download on the
          Shire website or from the Shire office or DDC.
                  All applications must be submitted
                     by 4pm on the 14th April 2021,
  for consideration at the April 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting.
               Please contact Jo Jones on 9661 1805 or for assistance or information.

P 9661 0500   F 9661 1097    E   W
Place of wheat and wattle....

If you See it                                                                   Public Notices
   Report It !
To report Damage to the                                                                         Safe WA
Shire please call 9661 0500

or to report vandalism please                     From Saturday 5 December 2020, the State Government has made

contact the Police 131 444.                       it mandatory to trace visitors to any community facilities and any

                                                  public places that you attend. Please download the free SafeWA

                                                  app from the App store. The Shire of Dalwallinu QR code will be

                                                  at the entrance to all of our community facilities. The app is not

                                                  mandatory. We will have paper based registers at our facilities as well.

We are updating our SMS Alert Register. If you wish to be on our
SMS     alert    register    please     send     an     email     to    shire@dalwallinu.       with     your      name,       mobile      number        and      township.

                                                           Next Ordinary Meeting of Council 3:30pm Tuesday 27 April 2021
                                                                 Council Chambers, 58 Johnston Street, Dalwallinu

                                                             Check out our website:

                         Your Elected Members
  Shire President                               Councillor                                    Councillor
  Steven Carter                                 Melissa Harms                                 Anita Dickins
  0428 663 017                                  0437 663 035                                  0429 621 112             

  Deputy Shire President                        Councillor                                    Councillor
  Keith Carter                                  Noel Mills                                    Karen Christian
  0428 643 051                                  0428 611 304                                  0427 183 363             

  Councillor                                    Councillor
  Brett Boys                                    Karen McNeill JP
  0413 740 320                                  0429 020 285        

                                                        EMAILS WANTED!!
      The Shire of Dalwallinu would like to share this and other relevant information with the community via an email database. If you
             are interested in receiving this information by email please send your contact details to

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