Antarctica in Depth 2022/23 - 13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from $17,705pp# Buenos Aires Buenos Aires - St George Travel

Page created by Henry Rose
Antarctica in Depth 2022/23 - 13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from ,705pp# Buenos Aires Buenos Aires - St George Travel
Antarctica in Depth 2022/23
               13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from $17,705pp#
                                Buenos Aires > Buenos Aires

       r A b o ve                                                                                                  D ive B elow
S oa
                                      Enrich your world by travelling in ultra-luxury
                                       on a truly all-inclusive voyage to Antarctica
                                      on Scenic Eclipse, The World’s First Discovery
                                         Yachts™. Discover the pristine beauty of
                                        Antarctica, explore beyond the horizon by
                                        helicopter« and let your expert Discovery
                                      Team introduce you to the unique and diverse
                                         environments by submarine« or Zodiac.

                    2022 Super Earlybird                                      Cruise with Confidence
                    Strictly Limited Offer
                                                                 Enhanced safety protocols for your Health and Wellbeing
         Save up to 20%                                         Complimentary Deposit Protection Plan included valued at $250pp^
          on selected voyages# (see page 4 for details)          Add NEW Risk-Free Platinum Protection Plan†
Antarctica in Depth 2022/23 - 13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from ,705pp# Buenos Aires Buenos Aires - St George Travel
                         Experience the extraordinary in every way

       Inspired by the sleek contours of a sailing yacht, Scenic Eclipse, The World’s First
   Discovery Yachts , have set the benchmark in ultra-luxury cruising. Equipped with an on

    board submarine – Scenic Neptune«, two helicopters«, a fleet of Zodiacs, kayaks, stand-
   up paddleboards and up to 20-member expert Discovery Team, Scenic Eclipse offers the
                      opportunity for unrivalled worldwide exploration.

A Discovery Yacht Experience                      Immersive Dining
With an impressive array of indoor and            Enjoy up to 10 truly all-inclusive dining
outdoor spaces, Scenic Eclipse caters for up      experiences ranging from relaxed café
to only 200 in Polar regions. There are nine      style dining, to ‘by invitation only’ private
lounges and bars, a dedicated Observation         dégustation. With new menus every day that
Lounge & Terrace so you’ll never miss a           draw from over 2,500 recipes they will take
moment.                                           you on a culinary journey.

Luxurious Suites & Butler Service                 Premium Beverages, at any time
Watch the world go by from your private           Enjoy premium beverages any time of the
verandah or terrace, in your spacious and         day. Choose from over 100 whiskeys,
elegantly appointed suites. Dedicated Butler      top-shelf spirits and world-class fine wines+.
service is available to every guest, with an      Savour cocktails, mocktails, specialty teas
almost 1:1 staff to guest ratio.                  and your mini-bar restocked daily.
Antarctica in Depth 2022/23 - 13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from ,705pp# Buenos Aires Buenos Aires - St George Travel
Indulgent Spaces
With a 550m2 Senses Spa++, gym, yoga and
Pilates studio, state-of-the-art theatre,
library, outdoor terraces and pool areas
there is space on board to meet every need
for the ultimate Discovery Yacht experience.
                                                                                                                                                          Humpback whale, Antarctica

Your Expert Discovery Team                                                                              Soar Above the Horizon
The Discovery Team is the core of our                                                                   The Scenic Eclipse fleet is equipped with
Expedition and Discovery Voyages. As the                                                                two state-of-the-art Airbus H130-T2
top experts in their field, they’ll safely guide                                                        helicopters«. Seating up to six guests, plus
you, educate you and share their passion,                                                               your expert pilot, soar above destinations
ensuring you get the most out of the places                                                             inaccessible by any other means, and take
you visit.                                                                                              in the glorious views.

Exploratory Discovery                                                                                   Dive Below the Surface
Scenic Discovery excursions offer rich insights                                                         Scenic Neptune«, our on board submarine,
and exploration of your chosen destination.                                                             is able to dive to a depth of up to 300m and
Our fleet of Zodiacs, kayaks and stand-up-                                                              offers seating for up to six guests plus your
paddleboards will take you on a range of                                                                expert pilot. An excursion into the wide blue
active, guided excursions.                                                                              sea will be truly unforgettable.

«Helicopter and submarine experiences at additional cost, subject to regulatory approval, availability, weight restrictions, medical approval and weather and ice conditions. +All drinks on
board are included except for a very small number of rate, fine and vintage wines, Champagnes and spirits. ++Spa treatments at additional cost.
Antarctica in Depth 2022/23 - 13 days, Cat DD: Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite from ,705pp# Buenos Aires Buenos Aires - St George Travel
Antarctica in Depth
                                                                                            Scenic Eclipse and Gentoo penguins, Antarctica

Great white wonder                                                     Day 01                             resort as you cruise towards
                                                                                                          the Antarctic Peninsula. An
Quite simply, Antarctica defies the imagination. Pristine and
                                                                       Buenos Aires,
                                                                                                          entertaining presentation
strikingly beautiful, this awe-inspiring region of untouched           Argentina                          by the Discovery Team in the
icescapes, mountains rising from the sea, and incredible,              Latin passion and European         state-of-the-art theatre, will
diverse wildlife will literally take your breath away. Spend           romance define the beautiful       build up the excitement for
your days marvelling at the many wonders along the Antarctic           city of Buenos Aires, a            what’s to come or relax in
Peninsula, with our expert Discovery Team on hand.                     dynamic city known for its         your suite and watch the live
                                                                       wide-ranging architectural         streaming on your TV.
Go kayaking in Antarctica under the guidance of our
                                                                       styles, contemporary and           Meals: B.L.D
experienced Discovery Team, dive deep into the pristine
                                                                       historic arts, and culinary
waters in our submarine – Scenic Neptune«, or take to the                                                 Day 04
                                                                       gifts. Arrive at your hotel for
skies in our custom designed helicopters«. Throughout the                                                 At sea
                                                                       your one-night stay.
voyage, our Discovery Team is on hand to provide insights
into the geology, wildlife and history of this spectacular area                                           Your palate will be delighted
                                                                       Day 02                             as you explore the extensive
in the form of on board lecture presentations and guided
shore excursions.
                                                                       Buenos Aires >                     range of dining options on
                                                                       Ushuaia                            board, or a butler serves you
   13 Day Cruise      Buenos Aires > Buenos Aires                                                         your meal in-suite. The first
                                                                       Your journey into wonder
                                                                                                          sightings of icebergs and
                                                                       begins as you fly from
                                                                                                          snow-capped mountains
                                                                       Buenos Aires to Ushuaia,
                                                                                                          signal that you have reached
                                                                       known as the southernmost
                                                                                                          the Antarctic Peninsula.
                                                                       city in the world, where
                                                                                                          Meals: B.L.D
                                                                       the crew will warmly greet
                                                                       you as you board Scenic            Day 05-10
                                                                       Eclipse. Settle into your          Antarctic Peninsula
                                                                       handsomely appointed suite
                                                                                                          Welcome to Antarctica!
                                                                       and acquaint yourself with
                                                                                                          Seeing the 7th continent
                                                                       the luxurious facilities of your
                                                                                                          for the first time is unlike
                                                                       Discovery Yacht. Toast the
                                                                                                          anything you would have
                                                                       start of your voyage at the
                                                                                                          experienced before. Feel the
                                                                       welcome cocktail reception
                                                                                                          fresh, crisp air on your face
                                                                       hosted by the Captain, who
                                                                                                          and hear the snow crunch
                                                                       will introduce your expert
                                                                                                          under your boot when you
                                                                       Discovery Leaders and
                                                                                                          first step foot on land. Each
                                                                       their team. Set sail and
                                                                                                          new encounter will fill you
                                                                       cruise through the Beagle
                                                                                                          with awe. Witness wildlife in
                                                                       Channel and admire the
                                                                                                          their natural habitat, with no
                                                                       dramatic views of the Andean
                                                                                                          fear of humans. Antarctica is
                                                                       mountains of Tierra del Fuego
                                                                                                          truly a land of peace.
                                                                       from the comfort of your
                                                                       private verandah.                  Your expert Captain and crew
                                                                       Meals: B.D
                                                                                                          will navigate some of the
                                                                                                          most beautiful waterways
                                                                       Day 03                             which may include traversing
                                                                       At sea                             the stunning 11-kilometre-
                                                                                                          long Lemaire Channel,
                                                                       Relax and enjoy the amazing
                                                                                                          where steep cliffs hem in
                               Zodiac excursion, Antarctic Peninsula   facilities of your floating
13 Day Itinerary Buenos Aires > Buenos Aires                                                                               Cruise          Cruise start/finish             Included flight       1 Overnight stay

the iceberg-filled passage                              and stand-up paddleboard
just 700 metres wide at                                 around icebergs and hear                                                                  Buenos
its narrowest point. There                              the ice cracking and whales                                                                Aires
may be the chance to visit                              feeding below.
a working scientific base                               Meals: B.L.D                                                                                   1
and discuss life in these
harsh conditions with the                               Day 11-12
staff. Enjoy the chance to                              At sea                                                                            Ushuaia             Beagle Channel
visit areas alive with wildlife                         Farewell your adventure                                                                                          Drake
such as penguins, seals, and                            in the icy lands and set                                                                                        Passage
whales. You can also explore                            sail heading north, to the                                                                                                       South Orkney
the remnants of a derelict                              continent of South America.                                                                                                        Islands
whaling station and a vacant                                                                                                                                          11
                                                        Share memories of your
British base or climb to the                            experiences with new-found                                                                                            South Shetland Islands
rim of a volcanic crater. If                            friends.
conditions are favourable,                              Meals: B.L.D
there may be the opportunity
                                                        Day 13                                                                                                    Antarctic Peninsula
to cross the Antarctic Circle
at latitude 66°33’ South.                               Ushuaia >                                                                 Port Lockroy
                                                                                                                                                                                 Weddell Sea
Due to the extraordinary                                                                                               Lemaire Channel
nature of the region, a host
                                                        Buenos Aires                                                                                                                  Antarctic Circle
of choices are open and                                 Your cruise ends this morning
dependent on the ice and                                as you farewell the crew.
weather conditions. Your                                Disembark after breakfast
                                                        to fly to Buenos Aires, taking
                                                                                                                     Truly all-inclusive luxury:
experienced Discovery
                                                        away memories of a truly                                        Only 200 guests on board for a truly exclusive experience
Team Leaders, who have
                                                        unforgettable experience.                                       Spacious all-verandah luxury suite accommodation
made countless journeys
to Antarctica, will use their                           Meals: B                                                        Butler service for every guest and 1:1 staff-to-guest ratio
expertise to design your                                                                                                Up to ten on board dining experiences, from casual to
voyage from day to day,                                 The itinerary on this spread                                     fine dining
making the most of 18–20                                are a guide only and may
                                                                                                                        The finest selection of included premium branded
                                                        be amended for operational
hours of daylight.                                                                                                       beverages, with a choice of more than 100 Whiskeys
                                                        reasons. As such Scenic cannot
Discovery: Partake in daily                             guarantee the cruises will                                      Up to 20-member expert Polar Discovery Team
Scenic Discovery excursions.                            operate unaltered from the                                      Immersive and inspiring Scenic Discovery excursions
Cruise on the Zodiacs around                            itineraries stated above. For full                              Engaging lecture and education program with our
ice formations, step onto                               terms and conditions refer to
                                                                                                                         on board experts
islands to view vast penguin                            pages
rookeries and seals. Kayak                                                                                              Complimentary expedition parka for Polar voyages, water
                                                                                                                         bottle and use of special polar boots
                                                                                                                        Indulgent 550m2 Senses Spa, gym, yoga and Pilates studio
           EARLYBIRDS                                      SUPER EARLYBIRDS                                             Included night in Buenos Aires
                                                                                                                        Internal flights and taxes
                                        #                                                       #                       All tipping and gratuities
          SAVE UP TO 10%                                          SAVE UP TO 20%

 Departure Dates & Prices                                                                                                                                                                              Voyage 101S

                                                                Nov 10                                                  Dec 09 2022                                               Jan 14,25 2023
                                                                 2022                                                   Jan 03 2023                                                Feb 05 2023
                                                                                   Super                                                      Super                                                       Super
                                                               Earlybird                                                  Earlybird                                                  Earlybird
                                        Full Fare from                            Earlybird         Full Fare from                           Earlybird        Full Fare from                             Earlybird
                                                                 from                                                       from                                                       from
Cat. Suite                     Deck                                                 from                                                       from                                                        from
D    Verandah                     5         SOLD OUT               -                   -               $20,085                -                   -               $20,755                -                   -
DA   Deluxe Verandah              5         SOLD OUT               -                   -               $21,485                -                   -               $22,155                -                   -
DB   Deluxe Verandah              5          $20,605            $18,865             $17,125            $22,155             $20,265             $18,375            $22,825             $20,865             $18,905
DD   Grand Deluxe                 5          $21,345            $19,525             $17,705            $22,895             $20,925             $18,955            $23,565             $21,525             $19,485
C    Verandah                     6          $20,975            $19,195             $17,415            $22,525             $20,595             $18,665            $23,195             $21,195             $19,195
CA   Deluxe Verandah              6          $21,645            $19,800             $17,955            $23,195             $21,200             $19,205            $23,865             $21,800             $19,735
CD   Grand Deluxe                 6          $22,565            $20,625             $18,685            $24,115             $22,025             $19,935            $24,785             $22,625             $20,465
GP   Grand Panorama               6          $46,645            $42,295             $37,945            $48,195             $43,695             $39,195            $48,865             $44,295             $39,725
B    Verandah                     7          $21,835            $19,965             $18,095            $23,385             $21,365             $19,345            $24,055             $21,965             $19,875
BA   Deluxe Verandah              7          $22,315            $20,405             $18,495            $23,865             $21,805             $19,745            $24,535             $22,405             $20,275
BD   Grand Deluxe                 7          $23,665            $21,615             $19,565            $25,215             $23,015             $20,815            $25,885             $23,615             $21,345
A    Verandah                     8          $22,505            $20,570             $18,635            $24,055             $21,970             $19,885            $24,725             $22,570             $20,415
AA   Deluxe Verandah              8          $23,605            $21,560             $19,515            $25,155             $22,960             $20,765            $25,825             $23,560             $21,295
AD   Grand Deluxe                 8          $24,395            $22,275             $20,155            $25,945             $23,675             $21,405            $26,615             $24,275             $21,935
S    Spa                          8          $28,305            $25,795             $23,285            $29,855             $27,195             $24,535            $30,525             $27,795             $25,065
P    Panorama                     8          $42,975            $38,995             $35,015            $44,525             $40,395             $36,265            $45,195             $40,995             $36,795
SA   Spa                          9          $28,495            $25,960             $23,425            $30,045             $27,360             $24,675            $30,715             $27,960             $25,205
SB   Spa                          9          $29,405            $26,785             $24,165            $30,955             $28,185             $25,415            $31,625             $28,785             $25,945
OP   Owner’s Penthouse            9          $51,535               -                   -               $53,085                -                   -               $53,755                -                   -
OT   2-bed Penthouse              9          $80,940               -                   -               $84,040                -                   -               $85,380                -                   -
Deposit per person (required within 7 days of booking): 10% of cruise fare. Additional 10% of cruise fare payment required 12 months prior to sailing. All prices listed are per person, twin share and include
taxes and charges, international flights are not included. Single supplement prices on application. *Earlybird and Super Earlybird fares strictly limited and subject to availability. «Helicopter and submarine
experiences at additional cost, subject to regulatory approval, availability, weight restrictions, medical approval and weather and ice conditions. Price correct as of 10/03/2021. For full terms and conditions refer
Super Earlybirds - Save up to 20% - Strictly Limited Offer#
                This offer is limited and available on selected suites and 2022/2023 voyages. Valid for new bookings,
                                          with full payment due 12 months prior to departure.

                                                                Cruise with Confidence
                                                                   Flexible Booking Policy‡
With our Flexible Booking Policy, for new 2022/2023 Scenic Eclipse bookings, you can defer your travel plans by transferring
       to an alternate departure date or itinerary up to 60 days prior to your cruise commencing with no Scenic fees
                            (third party fees may apply). Excludes South America land touring.
                                                   Complimentary Deposit Protection Plan^
    Complimentary Deposit Protection Plan (DPP) valued at $250pp has been included for new 2022/2023 Scenic Eclipse
                      bookings made before 31 May 2021. Excludes South America land touring.
                                                           Add – Platinum Protection Plan†
   Take advantage of our Platinum Protection Plan (“PPP”) for $595pp. By adding this plan, you are covered if you unable
to travel due to health reasons, or your travel plans are impacted by COVID-19, up to 31 days prior to departure with a 100%
       refund (less airline cancellation fees and PPP cost), or a 70% refund between 15 and 30 days prior to departure
                               (less PPP cost). For full terms please refer to

    For information about our Cruise with Confidence health and safety policies, visit

General Information & Conditions.                                                       deposit, less any third party cancellation and/or administrative fees incurred by
Please read carefully before booking.                                                   Us, for Our tour products only, (i.e. not products provided by third parties such as
These terms and conditions are additional to the full terms and conditions              air travel), then We will credit the remainder of the deposit towards an alternative
contained in Scenic Eclipse Worldwide Discovery Voyages 2022/2023 brochure              tour product, if You book within 24 months of cancellation. The DPP is not
and on All bookings are subject to Scenic’s full terms and         combinable with any other exceptional discounts or offers, that may be promoted
conditions. This offer is supplementary to the brochure. Prices are in Australian       at the time You pay Your deposit. If You do not rebook within 24 months, or utilise
Dollars. Earlybird and Super Earlybird Offers: All Earlybird cruise and land offers     all of Your Deposit, it will be forfeited. If You have booked a tour with an applicable
are based on departures from Australia. Offers available until sold out. Strictly       Fly Deal or other Earlybird Offer, any airline cancellation fees will be deducted from
limited suites available on set departures and subject to availability. Offers and      the deposit amount if flights have been ticketed. The Deposit Protection Plan does
discounts are non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.         not, nor is it intended to, replace travel insurance.
Offers cannot be combined with any other offer and may be withdrawn at any time.        †
                                                                                         Platinum Protection Plan
Offers are valid for new bookings only. Earlybird Cruise Fares are strictly limited     The Platinum Protection Plan (“PPP”) is available for new river and ocean cruising
and subject to availability.                                                            bookings for travel after 1 January 2022 for Scenic and Emerald Cruises (“Eligible
  Super Earlybird offer of up to 20% saving is based on a combination of the 10%        Booking”). The PPP must be purchased together with the Eligible Booking at time
Earlybird Cruise Fare offer and 10% Pay In Full offer and is valid for new bookings     such booking is made and may not be added at a later date. The PPP is not available
until 31 May 2021. Super Earlybird offers are based on per person, twin share in        on Russian cruises, Russian cruise tours, Amazon and Galapagos cruises or land
AUD. All offers are valid for travel from January 2022 to November 2023, strictly       tours and the PPP is also not available to new bookings using a Future Travel Credit.
limited, available on set departure dates, not combinable with other offers and         If you have purchased the PPP with an Eligible Booking, and your Eligible Booking
subject to availability until sold out. A non-refundable deposit of 10% is due within   is cancelled due to a one or more Prescribed Reasons, any time on or before 31
7 days of booking. Super Earlybird offers are available on all cabins, excluding        days prior to your prior to the date your journey commences with Us, including
categories D, DA and OP. Super Earlybird offers are for new bookings only and not       flight arrangements, we will refund all money paid on your Eligible Booking, less
available for bookings using a Future Travel Credit (FTC) Voucher. Full payment is      the PPP Fee, airline cancellation fees, if any and travel agent administration fees;
due 12 months prior to departure for Super Earlybird Offers to apply. Once sold out     or if cancellation occurs at any time on or after 30 days but no later than 15 days
or if full payment is not received the standard Earlybird Fare will apply.              prior to your prior to the date your journey commences with Us, including flight
                                                                                        arrangements due to one or more Prescribed Reasons, we will refund 70% of
 Flexible Booking Policy: To ensure guests can book with confidence, for all new        the money paid on your Eligible Booking, after deducting the PPP Fee and travel
2022/2023 bookings Scenic Group are including a flexible booking policy which           agent administration fees. If you have booked a cruise with an applicable Fly Deal
allows guests to defer travel and transfer to an alternate departure or itinerary       or other Earlybird Offer, any airline cancellation fees will be deducted from the
up to 60 days prior to travel, with no Scenic Eclipse fee’s (3rd party fees may         refund amount if flights have been ticketed. The PPP is not an insurance policy
apply). Please note, final payment due date will remain as per booking conditions;      and does not, nor is it intended to, replace any travel insurance or cancellation and
however, this flexible policy allows changes to be made up to 60 days prior to          interruption insurance. For full terms please see
                                                                                        For full terms and conditions visit
^Deposit Protection Plan: Complimentary Deposit Protection Plan (DPP) has been
included for 2022/2023 Scenic Eclipse bookings before 31 May 2021. This offer
applies to new bookings only as is not applicable for re-bookings made with a
Future Travel Credit voucher. Where you cancel a tour or cruise prior to the invoiced
final Payment Date, and the Deposit Protection Plan applies, We will hold Your

                                                                                                        Travel & Cruise Professionals

                                                                                                        70 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside,
                                                                                                        SA | (08) 8274 1222
                                  For more information contact                                
                                  your professional travel agent
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