Page created by Renee Chapman
            ANNUAL REVIEW
Letter from Founder & Director Matthew Lazar                                                                                                                                                        The Mandell Rosen Fund
                                                                                                                                     “Zamir is a                                                    for New Music
Dear Members of the Zamir Family,                              two HaZamir alumni. Gerry’s strong connections with the                                                                              presented Miryam Ha N’via by Gerald Cohen, a
   Thank you for taking the time to read through our
fiscal year 20-21 Annual Review.
                                                               Jewish community as the long-standing Rabbi at Forest
                                                               Hills Jewish Center, his leadership as the past president             treasure of a                                                  new commission which had its Israel premiere in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    June of 2021. That piece will have its New York
                                                               of the Rabbinical Assembly, and his board membership
                                                                                                                                     resource here in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    premiere in 2022 at the HaZamir Gala Concert!
    It has been a year of challenge and great learning.        for the Masorti movement and the Zamir Choral
You will see how much we have accomplished—working             Foundation have placed him in a prime position to help
creatively to build Jewish community, promote Jewish
literacy, deepen love of Israel, encourage excellence, be
                                                               move Zamir’s strategic goals forward over the upcoming
                                                               year. Additionally, Gerry is a great lover of Jewish arts             the United States,                                                             HaZamir Gala Concert
                                                                                                                                     and beyond.”
inclusive and welcoming—all while ensuring the vibrant         and culture, and has received wide critical acclaim for his
future of Jewish choral music.                                 collaboration with the Western Wind Vocal Ensemble on                                                                                                Sun, March 27, 2022, 3pm
                                                               several of their recordings. He brings great perspective                                                                                             Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall
  It is with deep gratitude that we express our                and energy to the board leadership. In Gerry’s words:                                                                                                Broadway at 60th Street, New York City
appreciation to our outgoing board president, Dr. Steven                                                                             —Steve Radwell, HaZamir Brooklyn parent
Lorch. When Steve became board president, the Zamir               “Zamir is hard-wired into my Jewish and musical
Choral Foundation was at a critical moment - advancing            being. I’m so proud to be able, as President of The
the North American Jewish Choral Festival, the Zamir              Zamir Choral Foundation, to spread its message of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    North American Jewish Choral Festival
Chorale, and HaZamir in the United States while
developing our work in Israel. We were entering a new
                                                                  Jewish inclusiveness across all communities and
                                                                  denominations, the highest standards in musical                                  Leadership                                       July 10-14, 2022
era of engaging stakeholders and Steve brought his                performance, steadfast love of Israel, and commitment                                                                             Hilton Hotel, Stamford, CT
wisdom, vast experience, and dedication to the mission            to building relationships between American and Israeli     Matthew Lazar, Founder & Director
and vision of Zamir Choral Foundation. In Steven’s                Jews. Zamir is central to everything I stand for.”         Elie Wiesel z”l, Honorary Chairman       Henry Stein, Vice President
   “Zamir has been near and dear to my heart ever since
                                                                    So, while change is in the air, and the future is
                                                                  unfolding - we are now back to in-person rehearsals
                                                                                                                             Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik, President
                                                                                                                             Dr. Steven C. Lorch, Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                      Jonathan Chimene, Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                      Lara Traum, Secretary         Zamir Chorale
   I joined the Zamir Chorale at the age of 16. Over the          and performing for live audiences - we remain              Board of Directors                                                     The Zamir Chorale maintained a strong community
   years, my connection to Zamir has had a profound               very grounded in our tradition. This year the Zamir        Cantor Nancy Abramson                    Matthew J. Maryles            during the months when live singing was not
   formative influence on my Jewish and musical                   Chorale marks its 62nd season. The North American          Martin Aron                              Dr. Alan Mason                possible. The choir gathered on Zoom to sing, catch
   identities. Supporting Mati and his staff in their sacred      Jewish Choral Festival, its 32nd, HaZamir, its 29th, and   Adina Avery-Grossman                     Joshua Mohrer                 up, celebrate members’ milestones, and to relive
                                                                                                                             James Ball                               Dr. Mark Podwal
   work has been a small way of expressing my gratitude           Zamir Noded, its 9th –that’s more than a century                                                                                  previous performances. Members of Zamir also
                                                                                                                             Bobbie Sue Daitch                        Phyllis Rosen z”l
   and giving back to Zamir. In addition, my years as             and a quarter of Jewish music-making propelling                                                                                   participated in the virtual choir performance of
                                                                                                                             Hynda Feit                               Erika Pardes Schon
   president coincided with my three daughters’ years in          us forward!                                                Rabbi Daniel Freelander                  Dr. Noam Shudofsky z”l        Debbie Friedman’s Shalom Aleichem produced in
   HaZamir, and so my volunteer service was a labor of                                                                       Francine M. Gordon                       Dr. Elliot Steigman           February 2021 as a part of a memorial tribute to the
                                                                     We are so grateful that during the hardest days of
   love in more ways than one.”                                                                                              Temma Kingsley                           Leah Stolar
                                                                  this challenging time, our Zamir community has stood                                                                              late composer.
                                                                                                                             Carol Weinflash Kopelman                 Dr. Cheryl Troy
   Steve’s strong commitment to Zamir, his expertise              by us steadfastly as we have shared ourselves, our
                                                                                                                             Talia Lefkowitz                          Dennis Waldman
as Head of School on three continents, and his past               optimism, and our talents with you. Enjoy the review                                                                              Virtual choir video:
                                                                                                                             Honorary Directors
board experience at other nonprofits positioned him to
have an immediate impact on our work from the day he
                                                                  of this past year. We look forward to seeing you all
                                                                  during this current year!                                  Elizabeth Hove Aron                      Dr. Hugh Pollack              Shalom Aleichem
started. During his tenure he played an essential role in                                                                    Fredrica M. Brooks                       Sherry Epstein Stein
                                                                  B’Shalom,                                                                                                                         Click below to watch
helping to strengthen our board, recruiting new board                                                                        Elena Neuman Lefkowitz

members, establishing clear expectations of all current                                                                      Staff
and new board members, activating board committees                                                                           Dr. Ariel Burger, Assistant Director, Strategy and Innovation
(governance; finance; development), and strengthening                                                                        Vivian Lazar, Director, HaZamir
the financial oversight of the growing organization.                                                                         Dr. Marsha Bryan Edelman, Director of Education
                                                                  Matthew Lazar
                                                                                                                             Angie Lieber, Development Professional
  Steve is passing the baton to our new President, Rabbi          Founder & Director
                                                                                                                             Dr. Francene Reichel Sokol, Assistant Director, HaZamir
Gerald Skolnik, a great and long-time friend of, and              Zamir Choral Foundation
                                                                                                                             Hadas Sturman, HaZamir Israel Project Manager
advocate for, the Zamir Choral Foundation. We welcome                                                                        Dani Paticoff, Assistant to the Director, HaZamir
Gerry, a former member of Zamir Chorale and a parent of                                                                      Emma Miller, Teen Educator and Teen Leader Coordinator
                                                                                                                             Marilyn Gurtman-Oppenheimer, Office Manager
                                                                                                                             Dimitriy Virovets, Data and Database Manager

HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir

    In September 2020, HaZamir embarked on a full
    year of online programming including weekly
    rehearsing. Chapters from various cities were
                                                                                                                                      Teens Talking                              Parents Talking
    divided into “pods,” which meant that teens from                                                                                  About HaZamir                              About HaZamir
    many different chapters rehearsed together and were                                                                               Click to watch.                            Click to watch.
    able to meet each other, sing together, and gain the
    benefit of working with a variety of conductors on a
    regular basis. Zoom enabled singers from America
    to rehearse with singers from across the country.
    This gave a whole new perspective to the work of
                                                                                                                                                        Introduction to HaZamir: The
    HaZamir as communities intersected and singers
                                                                                                                                                        International Jewish Teen Choir
    interacted with each other on a regular basis in ways
    they had never been able to before.                                                                       “There wasn’t a                           Click below to watch.

    “Though we all missed singing in-person, the            HaZamir chapters rehearsing outside.              beat that was
    youth movement aspect of HaZamir really shined
    through during the year,” said Rachel Zuckerman,
    HaZamir DC Teen Leader. “Every week I was seeing
                                                                                                              missed during the
    singers from Houston and Pittsburgh and planning
    activities for many more singers than my chapter.
                                                                                                              whole year.”
    It made me think about HaZamir being a really big,
                                                                                                              —Judi Rosen, HaZamir Parent
    connected community. It felt good being around so
    many hundreds of HaZamirniks all year round, not
    just during Festival.”

    Our HaZamirniks were thrilled to be able to present
    six virtual choir performances during the year with                                                  HaZamir Seniors 2020/21:                       HaZamir Chamber Choir:
    their conductors and fellow singers from all over the   HaZamir Teen Leaders training.
    U.S. and Israel.
                                                                                                         Yachad Na’amod                                 HaFlei VaFele
                                                                                                         Click below to watch.                          Click below to watch.
    Protocols in Israel were different, and the vaccine
    rollout gave Israeli singers the opportunity to
    rehearse together and perform in outdoor concert
    venues. This made for an exciting first gathering
    for all of HaZamir Israel in Sde Boker, the home of
    David Ben Gurion.

                                                            HaZamir Pittsburgh singing at Tree of Life
                                                            Synagogue memorial service.

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    A Global Curriculum for All of our HaZamir Chapters                                                                                               HaZamir Israel
    HaZamir is more than a choir, it’s an educational      • Connect to the Text: lesson plans, formatted     HaZamir Israel had a rich season despite the
    program that empowers our teens with Jewish              as a page of Talmud with multiple layers         necessary safety measures required for rehearsals
    literacy and the joy of learning. We believe that        that include the content, context, goals and     and performances.
    when we set Jewish texts to music, the texts come        objectives, and questions for teens to use in
    alive; and when we explore the texts behind the          their chevruta (paired) study.                   The Israeli singers and conductors received an
    songs we sing, we learn more about our history,                                                           exclusive online master class with renowned
    traditions and culture, and the experience of         Teens engage in Jewish learning at weekly           American composer Nick Page. They also
    singing becomes deeper. We created InChoir three      rehearsals and take a deeper dive during special    participated in online international activities
    years ago as a global curriculum across all HaZamir   InChoir Sundays throughout the year. Because        including conversations with composers, social
    chapters.                                             of their love of music, teens experience this       activities, and online rehearsals with American
                                                          learning differently than they might in a formal    HaZamir chapters. The Israeli singers participated
    InChoir uses the HaZamir musical repertoire as an     educational setting. It’s fun, vibrant, and open,   in the online Festival, all virtual choir recordings,
    entry point to Jewish learning. It consists of two    with an emphasis on the music they’re learning      and social gatherings. This experience was carefully    In the Spring of 2021 fully vaccinated Israeli singers could
                                                                                                                                                                      sing together outside and standing apart.
    parts:                                                as a commentary on the text. For example, teens     planned to manage time differences and language
                                                          discuss the musical choices of the composer and     barriers. Zoom helped to foster a durable cross-
     • The Story of the Song: videos that give            how those decisions serve to illuminate aspects     cultural exchange—one that we never imagined
       HaZamir singers a behind-the-scenes look at        of the text. They learn about key historical        possible before the pandemic.
       the theme, texts, and process the composer used    moments, figures, and concepts from Jewish
       to create the music and tells the story of how     history, building their Jewish literacy and         Individual chapters met for rehearsals in open
       the text was chosen and what it means to the       developing a map of Jewish life and values as       spaces or inside, masked, and socially distanced.
       composer.                                          they go.                                            But on March 21, 2021, after the country was widely
                                                                                                              vaccinated, HaZamir Israel met in person and it was
                                                                                                              a cause for celebration. The singers and conductors
                                                                                                              gathered in Sde Boker, the home of David Ben
                                                                                                              Gurion, and participated in a full day of rehearsals,
                                                                                                              tours and learning activities. At the end of the day,
                                                                                                              HaZamir Israel performed to an admiring crowd of        HaZamir Israel singers rehearsing.
                                                                                                              parents and friends.

                                                                                                              On May 31, 2021, HaZamir Israel held a final
                                                                                                              concert in Givat Hatachmoshet, Ammunition Hill,
                                                                                                              in Jerusalem (pictured on the cover of this annual
                                                                                                              review). The day started with rehearsals, heritage
                                                                                                              tours and social activities, and ended with a gala
                                                                                                              concert in the presence of Minister of Culture Yehiel
                                                                                                              Moshe “Hili” Tropper, and Yaakov Hagoel, the
                                                                                                              head of the World Zionist Organization and acting
                                                                                                              Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency.

                                                                                                                                                                      HaZamir singer receiving coaching.

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HaZaPrep                                                                                                              HaZa Alumni                                                 Zamir Noded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In December 2020, Zamir Noded, the Zamir
                                                                                                                                                                                                              “HaZa Prep exposed                                                                         Choral Foundation young adult choir, celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                              me to virtual choir video                                                                  Hanukkah together in song, including a proud
                                                                                                                                                                                                              making. I never knew                                                                       and emotional sendoff to Leora Lupkin (HaZamir
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bergen County, ‘16) as she departed to serve in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              that existed and it’s really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IDF. In Fall 2020 Noded rehearsed regularly and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cool. We got to sing                                                                       created a virtual choir video.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              together even though we
                                                                                                                                                                                                              are miles apart.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              —Lila, HaZaPrep Brooklyn
                                                                                                                         HaZaPrep Sukkah Party 2020                                                                                                                                                       Click below to watch this virtual choir from

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Zamir Noded
                         sedi B . ra e y su o j a d h sreg ni p rPaZ H                                                                                                  e ht o d u b irtno c , ediv                   Shalom Aleichemoediv
                te m sr g ni pe rPaZ H e ht , y lke w nil o g sra e h                                                                               htiw de arob l c o s a d n rim Z y b de cu o rp
    y tra p h k u S a g nidu lc s g nire hta g l ico s a ep s ro f                                                                                                                   e ht no rimaZ H    When oY u Believe riohclautriv
     l a e r—h k u s e v itc p se r i ht n a s reg ni hc a e r h w(                                                                                                                 . e c na mro f ep
                      h a k un H a ,)mo Z e ht r f po d kc a b s —l autriv o
       . l e i p s d n a l v i n r a c m u P d n a , y t r a p g n i h l- e d n a c                                                      pe rPaZ H y m ot u y k na ht egu v ig ot na w suj I“
                                                                                                                                           pe rPaZ H mo rf z a B di s ” , ra e y s iht ro cud n
                     rio hc l autriv nw o e ht d a e rc s g ni pe rPaZ H                                                                            ” .nuf o t l a d h na tol de nra l I“ .nots B

                                                                                                      Check out these HaZamir and HaZaPrep Virtual Choirs:

                                                                                      HaZamir and HaZaPrep Conductors,    When You Believe                                                                      Man Come Into Egypt          HaZamir Israel alumni came to see the end-of-year concert
                                                                                      Parents and Grandparents singing

                                                                                      Y’varech’cha                                                                                                                                           HaZamir alumni maintained their social activities                “It was so meaningful staying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             on Zoom throughout this past year including a
                                                                                      Click below to watch                Click below to watch                                                                  Click below to watch                                                                          connected online during the peak of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HAPN (HaZamir Alumni Professional Network)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             trivia night and a game night called Jewish                      the pandemic. Zoom rehearsals were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Geography Zoom Racing. Alumni organized eight                    a challenge but we, and our maestro,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             nights of livestreamed Hanukkah Candle Lighting                  adapted smoothly to the new normal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with invited guests and musical treats each night,               Outside of the music being made on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and an alumni quartet recorded a virtual rendition               Zoom, it was also great to connect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Ma’Oz Tzur which received 1800 views. In the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with others in Noded socially on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             summer of 2021, a HaZamir Alumni Ensemble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             honored Zalmen Mlotek in song at “A Yiddish                      regular basis.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Renaissance,’’ the online Folksbiene Gala.                       —Benjamin Sokol, Zamir Noded

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Mentoring the Next Generation
    NAJCF: North American Jewish Choral Festival                                                    of Choral Conductors

                                 During the summer months,
                                 after the vaccine push was well
                                 advanced, The North American
                                 Jewish Choral Festival had an
                                 opportunity to gather in-person
                                 for a one-day Festival in July.
                                 Vaccinated singers gathered in
                                 the large and tented outdoor
                                 space of the Kaplen JCC on the
                                 Palisades in Tenafly, NJ, and
                                 sang their hearts out. And while it
                                 was not the five-day Festival that
                                 many had come to know and love,
                                 it was nevertheless a cathartic
                                 experience for everyone to spend a
                                 full day singing together.

                                 This year’s NAJCF featured
                                 workshops with Cantor
                                 Natasha Hirschorn, Hazzan
                                 Jacob Mendelson, and Cantor
                                 Benjie Ellen Schiller. There was
                                 enthusiastic community singing
                                 with a variety of conductors,
                                 including Nick Page and members
                                                                         The Next Generation of Conductors at the masterclass.
                                 of the Foundation’s young adult
                                 choir, Zamir Noded, and of
                                 course a resounding chorus of
                                                                         As part of the North American Jewish Choral             “Working with Maestro Lazar at
                                                                         Festival, Matthew Lazar led an intensive masterclass,   NAJCF was a pleasure and a
                                 Lewandowski’s Hallelujah.
                                                                         mentoring the next generation of choral conductors.     privilege. He really helped us delve
                                 Zamir was thrilled to be able to
                                                                         The importance of mentoring the next generation
                                                                                                                                 deeper into what the music was
                                 gather people together for this                                                                 trying to say and how we could be
                                                                         cannot be over-emphasized; the work that Zamir
                                 one-day Festival and looks forward                                                              conduits for communication with
                                                                         is doing ensures that there is a next generation of
                                 to the return of the full Festival in
                                 Summer 2022.
                                                                         conductors who are well prepared to contribute          the singers. Everyone who has the
                                                                         excellence to the world of Jewish music.                opportunity to work with him learns
                                 North American Jewish                                                                           by example about what it means to
                                 Choral Festival                                                                                 be a conductor and a musician.
                                 July 10-14, 2022                                                                                —Diana Charlop, Conductor, HaZaPrep Brooklyn
                                 Hilton Hotel, Stamford, CT

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Financial Profile                                                                                         Thank You to our Donors
                                                                                                                                          A Crescendo of Support

                                           2020-21                         2020-21
                                                                                                                   Angel                                  The David S. Stone Foundation
                                                                                                                                                          Dr. Cheryl and Dan Troy
                                                                                                                   Anonymous (2)
                                     Revenue                           Expenses
                                                                                                                                                          Cantor William Wolff
                                                                                                                   The Gottesman Fund                     Cindy and Jacob Worenklein
     $1,600,000                                                                                                    Sherry Epstein Stein and Henry Stein

                                                                                                                   Visionary                              Sustainer
                                                                                                                                                          Fredrica M. Brooks
     $1,200,000                                                                                                    The Augustine Foundation               Laurie and Stephen Girsky
                                                                                                                   Anonymous                              Lara Traum
                                                                                                                   Hynda Feit                             Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer
                  $1,026,076                                                                                       Elena Neuman Lefkowitz and
                                                                                                                    Jay Lefkowitz
                                                                                                                   Francine M. Gordon and William Zukof   Partner
                                                                                                                                                          Beth and Martin Aron
                                                                                     Save the Date for                                                    Jewish Federation of Cleveland

                                                                                     HaZamir Gala Concert          Maestro                                Donald Gerber
                                                                                     Sun, Mar. 27, 2022 • 3pm      Anonymous                              Cheryl and Bill Gross
                                                          $309,212                                                 Vivian and C. Daniel Chill             Phyllis Hammer
                                                                                                                   Dr. Steven C. Lorch                    Bobbie Sue Daitch and David I. Landau
                                $80,850       $62,008                                Jazz at Lincoln Center’s
                                                                                                                   Dr. Alan Mason                         Alan Mibab
            $0                                                                       Frederick P. Rose Hall                                               Martha and Dr. Hugh Pollack
                                                                                                                   Herb Neuman
                  Fundraising   Program        Other    Gov’t Relief                 Broadway at 60th Street,      Heidi and Ira Rosen                    Jill and Larry Sandberg
                   Revenue      Revenue       Revenue    Funding                                                   Arline Duker and Bill Werther          Erika Pardes Schon and Dr. Lew Schon
                                                                                     New York City
                                                                                                                                                          Minna and Mark Seitelman

                                                                                     Proof of Vaccination          Nightingale                            Robin and Rabbi Gerald Skolnik
                                                                                                                                                          The South Wind Foundation
                                                                                     Required; Masks must          Anonymous                              Abby and Dennis Waldman
                                                                                                                   Rabbis Elyse Frishman and              Freda Rosenfeld and
                                                                                     be worn.
                                           2019-20                         2019-20                                  Daniel Freelander                      Hillel (Howard) Wallick

                                     Revenue                           Expenses
                                                                                                                   In memory of Gladys Gruenwald z”l
                                                                                     In January go to              Arie & Eva Halpern Family Foundation
                                                                                Petra and Joshua Mohrer                Patron
                                                                                                                   Lynn and Elisha Wiesel                 The Beker Foundation
                                                                                     for ticket information                                               Karen Acker and Glenn Kassel

                                                                       $1,291,858                                  Benefactor                             Kehilath Jeshurun Benevolent Fund
                                                                                                                                                          Robin and Brad Klatt
                                                                                                                   Edie and Ira Beer                      Elliot Z. Levine
                                                                                                                   Sandra and Dr. Abba Borowich           Holly and David Mendel
                                                                                                                   Talia Lefkowitz and Byron Edwards      Greater Miami Jewish Federation
      $800,000                                                                                                     Joshua Eisen                           Frona Brown and Beryl Rosenstein
                                                                                                                   Edward Grossman                        Rena and Dr. Elliot Steigman
                                                                                                                   Adina Avery-Grossman and               Debbi Bohnen and Adam Wall
                                                                                                                    Harman Grossman                       Ellen and Rabbi Peter Weintraub
      $400,000                                                                                                     Cantor Ronit Wolff Hanan
                                                                                                                   David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn
                                                                                                                    Foundation                            Supporters
                                                                                                                   Leah Stolar and Bruce Kessler          Margaret Berman
                                                                                                                   Temma and Al Kingsley                  Andrea Burke
                                Program        Other                                                               Carol Weinflash Kopelman and           Ariela Cotler
                   Revenue      Revenue       Revenue                                                               Michael Kopelman                      Susan Davis
                                                                                                                   Jake Kriger                            Dr. Marsha Bryan Edelman and
                                                                                                                   Debra Klein and Avi Nader               Herb Edelman
10                                                                                                                                                                                                11
Beth and Scott Fink                       Anna and Jonathan Rosen                  Myra and Samuel Aksler                  Raymond James                                Michele and Alvin Morrison                    Amy Marx and Robert Schonberger
     Roz and Ira Friedman                      Irving Rotter                            Judith Argon                            Jathan Janove                                Ricki Moskow                                  Alan Shotkin
     Cantor Nancy Abramson and                 Beverly and Richard Rudman               Bernice and Gilbert August              Emily Kalver                                 Barbara Moss                                  Arlene and Dr. Ron Silikovitz
      Mitch Glenn                              Randi Eisner and William Schwartz        Helene Avraham                          Hon. Barbara Kapnick                         Betsy and Lou Narrow                          Lisa Hellerstein and Ira Singer
     Sue Och and Hazzan Brian Kalver           Mark Shatz                               Rabbi Cantor Vicki L. Axe               Marion and Howard Katz                       Suzanne Neusner                               Marsha Singer
     Margie and Brett Kerbel                   Gale and Steven Spira                    Diane G. Baden                          Gila and Richie Katz                         Michael Newborn                               Erica and Cantor Alan Sokoloff
     Jody and Steven Konstadt                  Deanna and Rabbi Howard Stecker          Barbara and Shlomo Bar-Nissim           Susan Kirshner                               Phyllis and Marc Newman                       Vera and Peter Sokolow
     Cantor Riki Lippitz                       Angie Lieber and Matthew Sussman         Laura Bardash                           Rachelle and Joshua Klainberg                Barbara and Barry Novick                      Marcia Spellman
     Betsy and Benjamin Lopata                 Judith and Dr. Mark Tykocinski           Jacqueline Robins and Elie Basch        Barbara Braffman and Ben Klapper             Cantor Anna West Ott                          Randi and Murray Spiegel
     Lisa and Benjamin Lusskin                 Dr. Ruth and Leonard Wisse               Melissa and Michael Berenbaum           Rena and Yehuda Klein                        Lana Oyer                                     Debra Stein
     Aliza and Benjamin Mann                                                            Lois and Michael Berlowitz              Judith S. and Martin Konikoff                Nick Page                                     Peter Stern
     Debra Jaffe and Alan Mibab
     Debra Cohen Mlotek and Zalmen Mlotek      Enthusiast                               Halle and Jason Bravo
                                                                                        Donna and Cantor Joshua Breitzer
                                                                                                                                Gary Korol
                                                                                                                                Aya Betensky and Robert Kraut
                                                                                                                                                                             Dvora and Joshua Pemstein
                                                                                                                                                                             Susan Pendleton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Diana Stevens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cheryl and Marc Stober
     Joyce and Roger Nussbaum                  Lisa and Alan Avery-Peck                 Myrna and Benjamin Cardin               Cantor Marcia Lane                           Debra and Edward Perkes                       Dr. Roxanne and Rabbi Eddie Sukol
     Ahrona and Milton Ohring                  Dr. Elinor and Rabbi Gil Bashe           Linda Moed Cohen and Hillel Cohen       Larchmont Temple, Larchmont NY               Ruth and Rabbi Daniel Pernick                 Donna and Ira Tabas
     Shelley and Josef Paradis                 Temple Beth-El, South Bend, IN           Margo and Mark Cohen                    Beverly and Rabbi William Lebeau             Dr. Linda Greenbaum and                       Teamworks International LLC
     Judi Holtzman and Steve Rosen             Deborah and Joel Berger                  Steven Cohen                            Tina and Uri Lemberger                        Michael Plotnick                             Rabbi Albert Thaler
     Carol and Richard Rosenthal               Joyce and Michael Bohnen                 Rena and Luciano Daitzchman             Janice and Norman Levin                      Sheryl and Robert Podgorowiez                 Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha Congregation,
     Glenna and Leonard Ross                   Rabbis Amy and Scott Bolton              Cantor Mira Davis                       Nita Polay Levin and                         Howard Reichel                                 Pittsburgh PA
     Meralee and Sidney Schlusselberg          Diane Swergold Botnick and               Linda Doernberg                          Cantor Sheldon Levin                        Beth Robin                                    Shalom Wall
     Leticia and Evan Scooler                   Leslie Botnick                          Hannah Druckman                         Susanna Levin                                Heather Rogers                                Louise and Jeffrey Weisbord
     Robyn Winkler Shoulson and                Sasha Spielvogel and David Burger        Rabbi Martin Edelman                    Robert Lieberman                             Andrea and Edward Rosenbaum                   Edith and Stephen Winegrad
      Bruce Shoulson                           Caroline Stern and Cantor Gerald Cohen   Mindy and Myron Edelman                 Cantor David Lipp                            Rabbi Susan Ticker and                        Cory Winter
     Joy and Scott Silver                      Lauren Marcus and David Eisenberg        Jonathan Eidelman                       Michal and Cantor Leon Lissek                 Cantor Henry Rosenblum                       Cathy and Norman Yohay
     Karen and Roy D. Simon                    Lynne and Joshua Fishman                 Phyllis G. Eisenman                     Caryn and Clark Loffman                      Joy and Jonathan Rosner                       Mary and Bruce York
     Dr. Francene and Rav-Hazzan Scott Sokol   Ellen and Cantor Arthur Giglio           Francine Smilen and Thomas Ensign       Gabriella Major                              Cantor Janet Roth                             Bat Sheva and Amir Zilberstein
     Drs. Ellen and Jay Steinberg              Karen and Michael Gooen                  Marcia Solkoff Eskin and Barnet Eskin   Cantors Fredda Rakusin Mendelson and         Jean and Aaron Rothstein                      Michael Zimmer
     Susan Jacoby Stern and Joel Stern         Pamela and Melvin Hanzel                 William Erenberg                         Jacob Mendelson                             Sarita Shamah and Charles Safdie              Darlene Fairman and Jack Zinn
     Nan Kurzman and Moshe Sukenik             Bernice Heilbrunn                        Karen Splansky Farbman and              Steven Miller                                Barbara Sayres                                Marcia and Michael Zlotnick
     Elahna and Jeff Weinflash                 Helene and Dr. Robert Knee                David Farbman                          Nancy Rabin and Corey Mitnick                Susan and Robert Scherr
     Roseanna Malka Werb-Zwanziger and         Maris and Jesse Krasnow                  Karen Misler and Barry Feigenbaum       Deborah W. and Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi        Rachel Schonberger
      Jack Zwanziger                           Rose and Morton Landowne                 Allen Fein

                                               Ronnie Lesh                              Rosalind and Howard Feinstein
     Contributor                               Barbara and Dr. Charles Mann
                                               Rachel and Adam Mimeles
                                                                                        Elise and Perry Fellman
                                                                                        Cantor Perry Fine
     Shachar Avraham                           Gedalia Pasternak                        Mindell Seidlin and David Fishman
     Anita Diamant and James Ball              Cantor Shayna Smith Postman and          Beth Naditch and Barry Freedman
     Cantor Moshe Bear                          Michael Postman                         Deborah Freedman
     Karen Berenthal

                                               Charna Reichel                           Miriam and Richard Ashley Frieden
     Donna and Dr. Barry W. Brian              Fred Resnick                             Irina Vaynshteyn and Leonid Gekhman
     Karen Hochman Brown and Neil Brown        Lisa A. Stern and Robert Rombro          Marcia and Lionel Geltman
     Sophie Lee Landau and Dr. Rob Brumer      Sharon and Jonathan Sadinoff

                                                                                        Stuart Gibson
     Andrea Harris Cohen and Steve Cohen       Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller             Rabbi Shoshi Levin Goldberg and
     Marsha and Cantor Richard Cohn            Renee and Avram Schreiber                 Cantor Ethan Goldberg
     Susan Edwards                             Kate and Noah Scooler                    Gloria Goldberg
     Amy Rappaport and Dr. Allan Freedman      Cantor Rena Shapiro                      Ruthe Golden
     Mollyann Pollak and Phillip Gassel        Vera and Robert Silver                   Erica Goldman
     Melinda and David Joffe                   Deborah and Dr. Jay Tartell              Sandra and Jeffrey Goldmeer
     Cantor Marcy and Paul Kadin               Libby Tulin                              Susan Goldstein
     Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family      Carol Kozak Ward and Dr. Seth Ward

                                                                                        Sandra and Joseph Gonzalez
      Foundation                               Steven Wildstein                         Rabbi Daniel Gordon
     Fern and Jackie Lowenfels                 Robert Winograd                          Naomi Mitchell and Edward Gornish
     Elaine and Chuck Mason                    Judith Zawatsky                          Dr. Leora Fishman and Roy Gould
     Ellen and Scott Paticoff                  Patricia Levy-Zuckerman and              Sheri and Eli Gurock
     Cantors Faith Steinsnyder and              Stuart Zuckerman                        Vicki Hatch
      David Perper
                                                                                        Gita Pillai and David Hausner
     The Pinkerton Foundation
     Judith and Marvin Platt                   Friend                                   Sherri Greenstein Himle and
                                                                                         Wayne Himle
     Jane Pyenson                              Bruce Abrams                                                                     Every dollar makes an impact. We are so grateful to all our donors. Our offices made every effort to ensure that donors’ names were
                                               Lisa Lazerson and Michael Abrams         Joshua Isaacson
     Amy Rappaport and Dr. Allan Freedman                                                                                        spelled correctly and listed properly. If an error was made please accept our sincere apologies and feel free to call 917-385-2792 to
                                                                                                                                                                                 bring it to our attention. Many thanks.
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            (212) 870-3335 •
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