SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

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SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York


Animal Cognition
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York




                                 INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE
                                 Lucy Stafford interviews Professor Katie Slocombe to hear about her latest
     PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION        research.

                                                                      Kitty Butterworth compares the
12   UNLOCKED GRADUATES                                               communication of animals and


                                  12                                    06
                                 PSYCHOLOGY                            FEATURE
                                 IN ACTION                            Marysia Witczak discusses the
                                 Nicole Collingwood explains          hit Netflix documentary "My
                                 what psychology students can         Octopus Teacher".
                                 gain from joining an Unlocked
                                 Graduates programme.

                           JOIN US ON TWITTER @PSYCHOUTYORK
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York


Meet the

Lucy Stafford, Hattie Jones

Feature Writers

Kitty Butterworth, Marysia Witczak

Psychology in Action Writer

Nicole Collingwood

Interview Exclusive Writer

Lucy Stafford

Staff Supervisor

Alex Reid

Social Media Manager

Tara Boyd


No writing experience is required! Email Lucy
Stafford at


Please note, this magazine is written and edited
by students of the Department of Psychology at
the University of York. Views reflect the position
of our individual writers and are not the official
position of the University or Department.

PsychOut does not own any of the images in this
publication, All rights belong to the respective
owners and Canva.

                                              JOIN US ON TWITTER @PSYCHOUTYORK
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

This issue explores animal cognition, with articles focusing on

what we can learn from an octopus, the advancement of
animal communication, and the research of Professor Katie
Slocombe. This issue also includes an article about the
opportunities offered by Unlocked Graduates.



As you've probably guessed from the cover, this issue of PsychOut is all
about animal cognition.
The scope of this issue is wide; from what we can learn from octopuses,
to postgraduate plans with Unlocked Graduates! PsychOut also features
the advancements in animal communication and an interview with one
of York's very own lecturers who details her experience as a researcher in
comparative psychology. We would like to thank all the writers for their
outstanding contribution to this newest issue of PsychOut and can't wait
to publish more of their work. We would also like to give special thanks
to Katie Slocombe for agreeing to be interviewed for this issue.                  Find past issues of
                                                                                     PsychOut at:
We hope all our readers are well and staying positive!             
Editors                                                                               magazine/
                                                                              All references from this
                                                                               issue are also available

                                      JOIN US ON TWITTER @PSYCHOUTYORK
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York


                                                                 ISSUE 14

LEARNING FROM AN                                   HUMAN AND ANIMAL
    OCTOPUS                                         COMMUNICATION

A discussion of the Netflix   JOIN US ON TWITTER      A comparison of
documentary "My Octopus        @PSYCHOUTYORK          communication.
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

What can we learn
from an Octopus?

              In the Netflix documentary “My Octopus teacher”
              Craig Foster describes his incredible friendship with
              an octopus living in the ocean waters just north of
              Australia. Day by day, he gained her trust and was
              introduced to the incredible underwater world. He
              observed that during hunting the octopus was
              strategic and her actions seemed to be well
              thought out. On the other hand, when the water
              was calm, she would play with fish or show him
              around the area.

              Craig was mesmerized and shocked that an animal
              so seemingly simple could show emotions and
              personality. The unique experience turned out to
              be therapeutic for the diver. In the same way that
              Craig Foster was taught a lesson about himself,
              maybe these almost alien like animals can teach us
              something about us as a species and our evolution.

              Let’s start by taking a look at the octopuses’ nervous
              system. How much truth is there to the statement
              that octopuses have 9 brains? Although the
              sentence is not entirely false, the idea of nine brains
              is a generous exaggeration. Octopuses have one of
              the most complex nervous systems within the
              mollusc phylum, composed of the central brain
              and eight ganglia structures that process
              information and provide feedback to each arm
              (Fabris, 2018).

              It is said that the compartmentalization of the
              brain evolved to avoid the overload of the central
              circuits (Schnell et al., 2020), Hence, there was
              some room left for the development of complex
              cognitive functions. Due to an early evolutionary
              split between vertebrates and invertebrates, human
              cognition is said to have developed independently.
              Interestingly just like us and other mammals,
              cephalopods exhibit signs of highly developed
              perception, learning, and memory abilities (Schnell
              et al., 2020). The question is, how can these
              seemingly simple animals perform complex
              cognition tasks?
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

Even on YouTube, one can find     Additionally, octopuses as a      foraging challenges, the lack of
multiple videos of octopuses      nocturnal animal are known to     a natural shield may be the
opening jars and escaping         dislike strong, bright light.     main drive for octopuses to
tanks. However, the extent to     Multiple labs have reported the   invest in the brain.
which this behaviour can be       animals learning how to turn
classified as complex is          the lights off using water        One of the examples can be
debatable. It might be            baubles (Fabris, 2018). Such      found in a 2009 paper which
impressive, but jars and tanks    behaviours are especially         showed octopuses creating
closely resemble rock             exciting because they are signs   portable homes out of empty
structures from the bottom of     of incredible adaptation skills   coconut shells found at the
the ocean (Fabris, 2018).         and perception in octopuses.      bottom of the ocean. In case of
                                                                    a sudden shark attack, octopus
More interestingly, in the book   Scientists have                   would hide between two
“Other Minds”, the author         hypothesised that the loss of a   nutshells to avoid being eaten
describes incidents where         hard, protective shell is the     (Finn et al., 2009).
octopuses seemed to like          reason for the development of
some keepers more than            more advanced cognitive skills    The shells would even be carried
others. Similarly, research has   in octopuses (Schnell et al.,     around when predators were
found that octopuses were         2020). The lack of a natural      not present. This suggests that
able to discriminate between      shield causes animals to be       octopuses can plan for the
two individuals wearing the       more vulnerable to predatory      future, and even have object
same uniforms.                    attacks. Thus, along with         permanence abilities.
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

                                                                                 ONCE AGAIN,
                                                                               STRIKE US WITH
                                                                              CURIOSITY, AND
                                                                                 FORCE US TO
                                                                              QUESTION IF WE
                                                                                  MIGHT HAVE
                                                                                      MORE IN
                                                                               COMMON THAN
                                                                                     WE THINK

Let’s go back to                       behaviours towards food and Lego       What can these incredible
Daniel's description of the            blocks.                                animals teach us about
octopuses’ playful side. Theories                                             ourselves? Even though it
about play behaviour usually           Moreover, the effect of age on the     remains unknown whether the
describe play as a way of              play behaviour was not observed,       behaviour is driven by complex
learning amongst social animals        showing that octopuses, regardless     cognition or simpler neurological
(Pearce, 2008). Thus, it is less       of age, interact with objects (Kuba    mechanisms, the studies on
commonly observed in                   et al., 2006).                         octopuses can help us
invertebrates, especially because                                             understand the evolution of
of the lack of social relationships.   Findings of another study also         cognition as well as intelligence.
                                       suggest that octopuses vary in their
However, once again, our distant       aggression, avoidance, arousal, and     The current understanding of
alien-like relatives surprise us.      engagement (Sinn et al., 2001).        conscious experience may also
Studies have shown that                Once again, octopuses strike us        be challenged. It is exciting to
octopuses can discriminate             with their remarkable curiosity, and   look at how the fields of
between food and non-food              force us to question if we might       evolutionary and comparative
objects as they display different      have more in common than we            psychology can expand thanks
                                       think.                                 to these mysterious animals.
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York

ADVANCEMENT                                 THE
AND                                         COMMUNICATION OF
SURVIVAL:                                   ANIMALS AND


The scientific comparison between
humans and primates feels to most an
age-old one. Ever since the publication
of Darwin’s theory of evolution,
scientists have studied the biological
and ethological similarities between
animals and humans. However, two key
areas of comparison remain
unexplored: the similarities and
differences between the forms of
communication learnt by animals and
babies in the early stages of
development, and the possibility for
primates to learn more advanced forms
of communication such as language.

To discover the potential for
advancement in animal development, it
is essential to understand the process
by which animals learn communicative      Extensive research into human cognitive
and cognitive skills compared to          development has unearthed several complex
humans. Extensive research into human
                                          theories, such as Piaget’s five universal stages of
cognitive development has unearthed
several complex theories, such as         development, in which children learn skills such as
Piaget’s five universal stages of         object permanence and conservation, and
development, in which children learn      Vygotsky’s explanation of the importance of
skills such as object permanence and
                                          sociocultural context
conservation, and Vygotsky’s
explanation of the importance of
sociocultural context. The theory that
can be applied to animal
development is the social learning
theory. The three stages of the theory-
observation, vicarious reinforcement,
and imitation, the process by which
some theorise children develop skills
such as non-verbal communication-
can be mirrored against the way
primates acquire communication skills
necessary for survival. Chimps are a
prime example of this concept.
Studying their behaviour, both in their
natural habitat and a laboratory
environment , has revealed the
SYCHOUT - FEATURE THEME - University of York
significance of observation in         infants. Other primates, such as         demonstrated in Gibson and
their learning of communication        Washoe, who learned 350 signs of         Walk’s (1960) study as chicks,
and cognitive skills. Chimps           ASL, and even non-primate                goats and lambs, as little as one
create a large number of unique,       animals, such as dolphins, have          day old, refused to step onto the
non-verbal gestures to                 generated the same results. This         “deep side” of the visual cliff, and
communicate and they have              suggests that it is possible for         adopted a defence position when
been shown to adapt these              animals to learn forms of human          placed directly on it. This
gestures for their benefit. For        communication.                           demonstrates that animals can
example, a study conducted at          However, their ability is limited.       develop critical cognitive skills,
the Primate Research Institute         Attempts to teach Kanzi, Washoe          sometimes earlier than humans,
found that chimps were able to         and other primates spoken                as human infants do not develop
abandon an inefficient method of       language, the upmost form of             this ability until they are mobile.
drinking from a carton in favour       human communication, have all            Animals can also make effective
of a more efficient one after          been unsuccessful. Even                  tools to access food
observing members of their             immersive experiments, in which          earlier in development than
group using it. Hence, the process     a chimp was raised in a                  humans.
by which they learn can be             human family and had extensive
directly compared to social            speech therapy, have yielded no
learning; chimps observed an           significant results. This inability is
unfamiliar method, and the             attributed to anatomical
reward that was obtained (a            incompatibilities; while humans               Kanzi, a bonobo
higher amount of juice)                can control the movement of the
encouraged them to imitate that        larynx in order to produce speech,         chimp who was able
behaviour in order to get the          animals lack this ability. This
same reward. Directly discovering      means that without physical
                                                                                  to communicate with
the cognitive process behind this      interference, it is unlikely animals           humans using a
change is impossible due to            producing fluent speech will ever
communication barriers, but if         be a possibility.                                lexigram and
this process is the one by which
humans cognitively develop, it         To most, this may be clear                      American Sign
hints at a greater similarity          evidence that animals have
between humans and primates            inferior cognitive abilities                       Language,
than previously assumed.               compared to humans. However, a
                                       better conclusion is that both
This preliminary finding suggests      species have evolved to favour               understanding the
that there are inherent similarities   skills that benefit their chances of
between how humans and                 survival, and are most frequently             meaning of up to
animals learn, and evidence to         needed. For humans,
some that animals could develop        spoken language is vital- it allows              3,000 words
to a humanlike level of                us to form relationships, access
communication. Attempts to             resources, and function in society-
teach primates sign language           but for animals it is not. While
have proven largely successful.        human babies have the                    It would be unjust to
One of the most famous                 instinctive urge to cooperate with       say animals are cognitively inferior
examples remains Kanzi, a              others, animals do not. Humans           to humans, or under-developed.
bonobo chimp who was able to           also have innate cognitive               Whilst they may not have access
communicate with humans using          capacity of joint attention and          to the same levels of
a lexigram and American Sign           understanding of others                  communication, their cognitive
Language, apparently                   communicative intentions, while          abilities are in many ways equal
understanding the meaning of up        animals also do not. Instead, their      to and even exceed us. The skills
to 3,000 words. Kanzi’s                survival depends on cognitive            that we see in animals have
knowledge extended to not only         skills that allow them to adapt to       evolved to improve their chances
the comprehension of singular          dangerous habitats.                      of survival. Thus, animal
words, but also sentences and          Depth perception is one of these         communication is as equally valid
word order. Thus, she could            skills and thus it is evidence in        and essential as human
communicate better than human          young animals. This was                  communication.


                                                     ISSUE 14
in Action


   TWO-YEAR                               COMPLETE A FULLY-
  LEADERSHIP                               FUNDED, BESPOKE
                                           MASTER’S DEGREE.

     GRADUATES                                                                          Written by
                                                                                        Unlocked student
                                                                                        ambassador, Nicole

Forty-eight percent of prison
inmates go on to reoffend within
a year of their release (Newton,
May, Eames, & Ahmad, 2019). This
reoffending is estimated to cost
UK taxpayers £18.1 billion a year
(Newton et al., 2019). But
offending impacts more than just
the economy; there is also a
human cost. Thirty-eight percent
of the average monthly prison
population reported having
difficulties with their mental
health or wellbeing when
surveyed (National Audit Office,
2017) and in 2016, suicide rates in
English and Welsh prisons were
the highest they’d been since
1999 (Fazel, Ramesh, & Hawton,
                                       inmates. Unlocked helps               She described her experience in a
                                       participants make their ideas a       blog post and explained the
Unlocked Graduates aim to make
                                       reality by offering their prison      project she ran based around this
a difference to the prison system.
                                       officers the opportunity to write a   year’s World Mental Health Week
By offering graduates the chance
                                       policy paper, and run projects in     theme: kindness. The project
to earn a fully funded Masters
                                       the prison they work in via           included a 'Random Acts of
degree whilst working in a prison,
                                       funding from the Innovation           Kindness' campaign which
Unlocked brings fresh thinking
                                       Acceleration Programme.               involved treats being left all
and new ideas into the prison
                                                                             around the prison for staff
service. Since they have more
                                       Emily is an Unlocked Graduate at      members and inmates to find.
contact with prisoners than any
                                       HMYOI Aylesbury who used              Each treat came with a note
other professionals, prison officers
                                       funding from Unlocked and             encouraging whoever found it to
have a unique insight into what
                                       Covid-19 support to run a Mental      pay the act of kindness forward.
can be done to help support
                                       Health Awareness Week project         Emily also gave the inmates
                                       (Unlocked Graduates, 2020b).          wellbeing packs which included

Thanks to Zeba’s hard work, inmates
and staff alike were able to celebrate
     Eid despite the challenging

an Action for Happiness          units were decorated for Eid
Coping Calendar. The             for the first time, including
calendar included 3o days        the segregation department.
worth of acts of kindness,       When residents requested
advice from previous             something other than the
inmates on how to look after     usual prison food for the
their mental health, and a       occasion, Zeba helped
lollipop with a positive         arrange a hot breakfast on
quote attached. Staff were       Eid morning and a special
encouraged to sit with each      menu of Middle Eastern
other to check in about how      cuisine for lunch. Each
they were feeling and each       resident received a package
department was given tea,        of baklava (a Middle Eastern
coffee, and biscuits. Emily      sweet pastry treat) with an
also sent out daily emails       Eid message, and Muslim
informing staff members          residents were also given Eid
about mental health and          goody bags containing
the support available to         dates, an Islamic prayer
them. With inmate visits         book, prayer beads, a
being cancelled and staff        religious hat, and a miswak.
members working longer           The items were donated by
hours due to Covid-19, it was    a local charity. Staff were
especially important to mark     also given the opportunity to
World Mental Health Week         celebrate later in the week
this year. Emily was able to     at a socially distanced Eid
give people at HMYOI             meal where they were
Aylesbury a much needed          served the same menu the
morale boost during a            residents had previously
difficult time.                  enjoyed. Thanks to Zeba’s
                                 hard work prisoners and
Visitation restrictions due to   staff alike were able to
Covid-19 meant that              celebrate Eid despite the
prisoners were unable to see     challenging circumstances.
friends or family members
for Eid and religious services   If you have an interest in
were postponed. Unlocked         forensic psychology, are
participant Zeba wanted to       eager for a new challenge, or
ensure the prisoners at          want to make a difference
HMYOI Aylesbury were still       after graduating, Unlocked
able to celebrate Eid so she     could be for you.
took charge of organising        Applications for the 2021
Eid festivities (Unlocked        cohort are now closed, but
Graduates, 2020a). With the      the 2022 cohort applications
help of Unlocked, the            will reopen from September
Aylesbury Chaplaincy             to December of 2021. If
department and Zeba              you’d like to learn more,
arranged with the Senior         follow this link.
Management Team to make
Eid special. All of the


                                                                    ISSUE 14

   ACADEMIC AND                                         ANIMAL
      CAREER                                          PARTICIPANTS
                              JOIN US ON TWITTER   The challenges and rewards
How Katie landed her career    @PSYCHOUTYORK       of comparative psychology
      in academia.



Lucy Stafford interviews Professor
Katie Slocombe.

Student motivation                 funding and secured it with St
can be low this time of year,      Andrews University. I had
so it would be great if we         always loved and been
could hear a little                successful in my academic
about your academic                work, so a PhD allowed me to
background to boost it.            pursue my passion for
I achieved three A-Levels in
English, History and French        I completed my PhD on vocal
and then went on to study          communication in
psychology at the University of    Chimpanzees working with both
Nottingham. After graduating       wild and captive chimps. The
with first class honours in my     wild chimps were based in
BSc, I then completed my PhD       Uganda and the captive chimps
at the University of St Andrews.   were based in Edinburgh Zoo. I
My final year research project     am still heavily involved
at Nottingham was about            with the chimps in Edinburgh
spatial learning in Marmosets,     Zoo and was able to establish a
and it was around this time that   funding stream between the
my supervisor asked if I had       wild and captive chimps.
considered doing a PhD. I had
no idea what a PhD was as          After finishing my
Nottingham had given very          PhD, I wrote a grant with my
limited career advice. After       supervisor to secure funding for
finding out that I could           postdoctoral research and this
essentially receive 3 years of     was successful. This meant I
funding for a massive research     was able to conduct postdoc
project, I applied for funding     research with chimpanzees

to answer some of the questions        I teach second years in the spring        I am also the department’s
that had arose during my PhD.          term about animal learning and            employability coordinator. I am
During this time, my husband Nick      cognition as part of the perception       part of the university wide
was offered a lectureship in Hull,     and cognition strand. I also teach        employability operations team, but
and so I started searching for a       an advanced module on animal              in the department I organise and
lectureship commutable from Hull.      communication and cognition for           run sessions to help students with
A position came up in York, and I      BSc third years and MSci fourth           matters such as CVs, personal
got an interview but not the job.      years. I supervise BSc and MSci           employability plans and the careers
However, I did get a temporary         third year literature surveys, and        available to them with a
lectureship position. After a couple   BSc third year and MSci fourth            psychology degree.
of years at York I was then            year research projects. The
successful in obtaining a              students I am supervising as part         Did you consider any
permanent lectureship.                 of their third year BSc research          other careers before you
                                       projects would usually go to              discovered a career in
So, my career in academia was not      Edinburgh Zoo and work with the           academia?
particularly well-planned. But I       chimpanzees, but due to Covid-19,
think I ended up in academia           this has not been possible this           Although I love animals, I realised
because I had picked to study a        year. Their research projects are         quite early on that I didn’t want to
subject I enjoyed, and this meant I    still primate based and are shaping       be a Vet. This was because I didn’t
worked hard and was successful in      up very nicely. The fourth year           enjoy chemistry and physics
it. Choosing to do things you are      MSci projects tend to be                  enough to take them as A-levels to
not only good at but also              based around the developmental            get onto a veterinary degree, and I
passionate about is the kind of        research I’m currently conducting.        don’t think I would have been able
philosophy that underlies the York     With the current circumstances, my        to face euthanizing pets.
Strengths Programme and so I           MSci students have had to test
really try and promote the             three-year-old children over Zoom         I also investigated being an animal
programme to York’s psychology         rather than in person. It has been        behaviourist to help people with
students, as playing to my             challenging, for the children and         problem pets. At that time, it was
strengths has successfully guided      students, but both are doing an           more of part-time job than
my career path and landed me in a      incredible job.                           something that could be done on a
job I love.                                                                      full-time basis. It also depended on
                                       Alongside my teaching, I also lead        your connections, so who you
You mentioned your teaching            a large research group made               know, and your reputation. It would
role in your previous answer. It       up of three PhD students, one             take a long time to build up a good
would be great if we could learn       postdoc researcher, and many              reputation and become associated
a little more about that and any       research assistants.                      with veterinary clinics, so it
other roles you have in the            We are funded by an ERC grant to          wasn’t something that wasn’t very
psychology department.                 look at the origins of joint attention.   feasible for a psychology graduate.

In between the second and third          Following an academic path to          calls, were intentional at times.
year of my undergraduate degree, I       ultimately get a lectureship           This undermined the idea
seriously started considering an         also allowed me to fulfil the          that human language evolved from
office-based job. This is because        teaching career I had previously       the gestural communication of
none of the professional                 considered. I had enjoyed tutoring     primates.
psychology routes, while incredibly      my school friends in French, but I
worthwhile, appealed to me.              had been put off a career teaching     We studied the vocalisations of
Personally, I wasn’t cut out to deal     in schools by the disciplinary side    chimpanzees in the wild when they
with clinical patients or prisoners.     of it. For me teaching at University   were alone or with a group. To
This led me to consider a career in      level is perfect, because I am         elicit a vocalisation, we planted
occupational psychology for a            teaching students who choose to        a python model infront of a
little while until I found out about     be there and who want to learn.        travelling chimp or group of
trademark agents. I thought this                                                chimps. We had to guess where to
would allow me to make use of my         Can you tell us about                  plant the python model by
A-level in French because it would       your favourite piece of research       predicting their travel paths, but the
involve having to write in at least      that has been published?               chimps don’t always follow their
two other languages to get a                                                    predicted travel paths, and this
product through the European             My favourite piece of research I       meant it took 2 years to collect
trademark process. The tough             worked on was published in 2013        enough data! We found three
exams didn’t particularly phase me       and was about intentionality in the    different kinds of vocalisations: soft
as I’d always enjoyed studying, but      alarm calls of chimps. Studying the    huus, alarm huus, and waa barks.
I wasn’t super enthusiastic about        intentionality of primate              Critically, the alarm huus and waa
the prospect of an office job.           communication is important in          barks exhibited characteristics of
                                         understanding how human                intentionality. This is because
Once I found out about a PhD,            language evolved. Human                these vocalisations were socially
there was no doubt in my mind            language is believed to have a         directed and given on the arrival of
that this was the right path for me. I   vocal or gestural origin, and this     friends, associated with visual
did take a huge risk initially with my   can be resolved by searching for       monitoring of the audience and
PhD by agreeing to work with a           similarities and differences           gaze alternations, and goal
supervisor I hadn’t met before to        between human language, and the        directed, as calling only stopped
secure funding, but luckily, we got      vocal and gestural communication       when recipients were safe from the
on brilliantly. His previous research    of different primates- chimpanzees     predator.
concerned vocal communication in         in this case. Support for a gestural
monkeys, and so I was able to            origin comes from gestures being       These results were meaningful to
adapt the paradigms he had used,         used intentionally by primates.        me because they emphasised the
to investigate vocal communication       Contrastingly, vocalisations were      importance of testing over
in chimpanzees. I was lucky to get       not believed to be intentional and     assuming. It was assumed that
some exciting results and be             instead just regarded as an output     chimpanzee vocalisations were not
published in some well-respected         of emotion. Our research               intentional, and so the belief that
journals. I worked hard, but I’m         challenged this by showing             human language evolved from
very grateful for the luck I’ve had      that vocalisations, specifically       gestural communication in
on my side!                              alarm                                  primates prevailed. But when we

searched for intentionality in             I definitely had my favourite wild    was confident around humans. You
chimpanzee vocalisations, two out of       and captive chimps. Maani was my      could be watching another
the three vocalisations met the criteria   favourite wild chimp during my PhD    chimp, and turn round to find he’d
for intentionality. This highlights how    research. He was the beta male in     come and sat about 2 metres from you
crucial it is to challenge assumptions     the group and had basically got to    on the same log. He never flinched
with scientific testing.                   where he had in the hierarchy         around humans and was just super
                                           through being nice                    calm. My favourite captive chimp was
Do you have a favourite animal to          to other chimps. So, through          a young male, Patrick, in Leipzig Zoo.
research?                                  activities such as grooming, he       I also got to learn that captive chimps
                                           was able to make powerful             have their favourite humans, I
My favourite animal to research has        alliances with other chimps and       remember a female chimp, Riet, took
definitely got to be chimps. I’ve spent    this solidified his position in the   a particular dislike to me. She would
the most time with them, from my PhD       hierarchy. He was also my             spit at me whenever chance she
to now. I’ve worked with other species,    favourite because he was              got!
but I‘ve just not spent the same length
of time with them as I have with
chimps. Because chimps are the
closest living relative to us, they show
some super clever and surprising
behaviour. Anecdotal observations of
                                              "I could sadly be one of the
seemingly interesting behaviour in wild
chimps have led me to some really             last generation of
interesting findings, once I’ve figured
out how to collect systematic data on
these behaviours! Spending time with
                                              researchers to work with
                                              wild chimps, so I feel
chimps in their natural environment
helps us understand the function of
certain behaviours and how these
behaviours evolved in the first place.
The rate of deforestation across Africa       amazingly grateful to
makes me think I could sadly be one of
the last generation of researchers to
work with wild chimps, so I feel
                                              have had the opportunity"
amazingly grateful to have had the

Studying captive chimps, such as the
ones in Edinburgh and Leipzig zoo I’ve
worked with, has also led me to some
really interesting findings. This is
because experiments are easier to
conduct with captive chimps, and it’s
quicker to conduct lots of trials. We
also get to use some really
sophisticated technology with captive
chimps that would just not be
possible to implement with wild
chimps. For example, eye tracking
studies have just started to be carried
out with the chimps in Edinburgh Zoo.

Have you ever formed
an attachment to an animal you’ve
worked with?

                                                                                      As scientists we need
                                                                                      to ask interesting
                                                                                      questions and
                                                                                      design rigorous ways
                                                                                      of testing them and
                                                                                      then interpret the
                                                                                      data objectively

Although I did form personal               Parrots and corvids are the most            could break in the fear they would
attachments to the animals I worked        difficult animals I’ve worked with. It’s    ingest the broken pieces.
with, I never let this interfere with my   very difficult to get them to perform       Parrots on the other hand just never
research. It was very important            cognitive tasks. Chimps are easier in       attempted to eat non-edible items –
to me that I kept science separate from    that respect because they’re so food        much more sensible than the chimps!
these attachments. This meant that I       motivated but the birds were not nearly
didn’t try and prove, through my           as greedy! The parrots and corvids
research, that chimps are particularly     were also ridiculously neophobic about
clever or human-like. They’re              certain things - for example, we put a
fascinating in their own right,            new shelf in the Raven’s aviary and
regardless of whether they produce         they refused to go anywhere near it for
statistically significant results! Using   several weeks. This meant the
comparative psychology to try and          testing strategies we’d used for chimps
prove that your study species is           had to be adapted to the neophobic
amazing or the most human-like is not      nature of these birds. Because they
good science to me – as scientists we      were unpredictably neophobic, it made
need to ask interesting questions and      it quite difficult to plan how long
design rigorous ways of testing them       experiments would take.
and then interpret the data objectively
– having ‘an agenda’ tends to cloud        An unexpected upside of studying
objective judgements.                      parrots was that they were
                                           sensible with regards to what they
What are the most                          would eat. When studying chimps, we
difficult animals you’ve worked            couldn’t give them anything that they
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